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02x63 - The Games

Posted: 11/22/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man!

And the Masters of the Universe!

I am Adam, prince of Eternia

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said,

"By the power of Grayskull!"

♪ He-Man!

"I have the power!"


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe!

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress, Man-At-Arms, and Orko.

Together we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.

♪ He-Man!

-Oh. So there you are, Adam. -Come and join us, Duncan.

A race, huh?

It looks like you'’re gettingthe whole tour, Fisto.

Yes. He-Man promised

if I ever came to the palace I would be well treated,

but I had no idea.

[chuckles] I never thought I'’d see the day

when Cringer wouldwillingly run anywhere.

And you still haven'’t.

Ready, set...

Three, two, one, go!

[Man-At-Arms]But they aren'’t moving.

When does the race start?

It already has.

The race is to seewho can do nothingthe longest.

You see, they can'’tmove, blink, or makeany visible motion.

The first onewho does, loses.

[Orko]And I always win!

You do not.

[Adam] Ah, you lose again, Cringe.

I-I l-lost? But how?

When you talked,your lips moved.

And if you move, you lose.

But-But Orko talked first,

so his lips moved too.

[Adam] Yeah, but with Orko, how can you tell?

I hate to say it, Adam,

but you'’ve got a point.

[chuckles] Excellent race, Prince Adam.

Would you not agree, Man-At-Arms?

-Yes, Fisto. -Man-At-Arms, what'’s that?

[Man-At-Arms] It'’s a ship!

[Cringer] Ooh, it'’s big!

And it'’s coming in fast.

[Adam] I wonder what it wants.

Well, whatever it wants,I think we'’re about to find out.

[male voice] People of Eternia, hear us.

We are the Bendari, seekers of truth.

We come to you with a problem.

Where we come from, there is no evil, only good.

But here, the powers you call good and evil

are eternally in conflict.

Boy, he can saythat again!

We wish to understand the difference

between good and evil.

Therefore, we have arranged for a test,

a game that will help us understand.

We shall search among you for the most powerful

representatives of good and evil,

and they shall be asked to compete in a game

to see which is greater.

We shall make our choices

tomorrow at midday.

Until then, farewell.

It should be quite a match.

I only regret that it shall not be I

who will represent the side of good.

How can you be so sure?I mean, you'’re really powerful.

[chuckles] Well, perhaps, little friend.

But no. The Bendari

will only have one choice when the time comes

to choose someone to represent

all that is good on Eternia,

and that choice will certainly be...

[Skeletor] He-Man! Of course!

And if they select He-Man,

then they would have to select the most powerful

force for evil on Eternia.

Normally, that would be me.

But I believe I have a way to change that.

Behold, the evil-gizer!

It'’s a little invention I'’ve been toying with.

It can increase the evil power

of anyone inside it ten times over,

making that personthe most evil beingon Eternia.

Sounds likemy kind of invention.

[Skeletor]There'’s just one catch.

[gasps] Uh-oh!

I made the evil-gizer for myself,

but then I found that it may have

certain unforeseen dangers.

On second thought,

that'’s not my kindof invention after all.

[grunts] Mine either.

[Skeletor]Ah, a volunteer!


And good luck. [evil laughter]

-You'’re going to need it. -♪ He-Man!

[Teela] Now, thrust. Parry.

That'’s it. A little higher.

Sword practice--

what a wasteof a wonderful day.

Teela, I'’ve really got to be going.

Oh, don'’t be silly, Adam. You'’re always rushing to go off somewhere.

But nothing'’s more importantthan your training.

-Oh, yeah? -Yes.

That was too easy. Something on your mind?

Well, I guess I'’m justthinking about the Bendari.

They'’ll make their choicesfor the games anytime now,

and, well, speaking of time, it'’s getting late.

Wait a minute. Practice isn'’t over yet.

Yes, but I, uh, uh...

Ah, there you are,my friends.

I wanted to say goodbyebefore I left for my forest.

And we'’d better say goodbye if I'’m to turn into He-Man

in time for the Bendari to make their choice.

[Teela] Oh, no, you don'’t.

You'’re not going anywhere until you say goodbye to Fisto,

and we finish our practice.

-Look! -The Bendari.

Now they go to find He-Man.

Somehow I don'’t think they'’re going to find him.

What? Uh, I'’m glowing.

You have been chosen by the Bendari

to represent good on Eternia.

[Fisto] But He-Man is the logical choice.

Our equipment cannot locate this He-Man.

You are our choice. Do you accept?


I am honored.

And now to choose your opponent.

[Skeletor] It'’s time. The Bendari are about to make their decision.

Now to activate the evil-gizer.

There it is! It'’s working!

It worked!

You have been selected to represent evil on Eternia.

The games will begin soon.

[evil laughter] We did it!

Now, get him out! We must get him ready.

We have a game to win!

Yes, we'’ll win this game the old fashioned way,

the tried and true way.

We'’ll cheat. [evil laughter]

♪ He-Man!

[Bendarian] The contestants are in place.

Both sides will be permitted to view the proceedings.

Spikor! What'’s he doing there?

Fisto? What'’s he doing there?

I had expected He-Man, but no matter.

Defeating the side of goodin any form is all that counts.

The game is simple.

You must seek out these game pieces

and push the button on top.

For each you find,

you will receive one hundred points.

And this one red game piece

is worth , points.

You will find them with the seekers you wear on your wrists.

Follow the arrow, and you will find the game pieces.

The one who collects the most points, wins.

For some reason, if you are forced to withdraw,

another must take your place.

To fulfill the test,

good will obey its own rules,

but evil will be bound by no rules.

Then we can do whatever we want.

And we will!

And now, let the games begin.

Seeker says game piece is...

There! There it is.

Now to climb mountain and...

[Skeletor] No, you fool!

We'’ll take care of that. Beast Man,

call in one of your feathered friends

for a quick delivery of the game piece.

Yes, Skeletor.

[Beast Man] Game piece.

Get the game piece.

-Got it! -Excellent!

Evil, points; good, zero.

[chuckles] Now it'’s up to Mer-Man.

Well, this should be easy enough.

Just balance on the logs and get the device.

This should make a real splash with Fisto.


[Fisto] They took it!

[Bendarian] Spikor, ; Fisto, zero.

That little accidentlooked awfully fishy to me.

It isn'’t fair! They'’re cheating!

So why don'’t we cheat too?

Because the point we haveto prove to the Bendari

is that good can winby following the rules.

Still, it might be a good idea for He-Man to keep an eye on things.

Cheating is one thing,

but Fisto could be hurt accidentally.

True enough.

By the power of Grayskull!

♪ He-Man!

♪ He-Man!

I have the power!

-♪ He-Man! -Excellent! An hour into the game,

and Spikor is nearly , points ahead!

[chuckles] Thanks to our help.

Now to see what that goody-goody Fisto is up to.

According to the tracker,the next orb should beunder that stone.

Now to see what happens.

Let'’s see how Fisto likes a taste of my new weight magnifier.

The harder Fisto lifts,

the heavier the stone will become.

[groans] What? This stone'’s heavier.

Can'’t hold it... much longer!

Fisto, he'’s in trouble. I'’ve got to help him.

You may not help him,

but you may take his place.


[grunts] Got it.

But for how long?

The stone'’s getting heavier.



Only one way out of this,

and that'’s to turn one big stone

into a lot of small ones.

-There. -Good work, He-Man.

-Thanks. -[Bendarian] He-Man,

you have agreed to continue in Fisto's place.

Therefore, take the seeker, and good luck.

But-- But what about Spikor?

It'’s pretty obvious that he'’s getting some help.

Doesn'’t cheating disqualify him?

This is more than a test of strength.

It is a contest between good and evil,

each side free to use whatever tactics

its conscience will allow.

The games will continue.

♪ He-Man!

The only way I can make up the , points we'’re behind

is to find the red game piece.

But where?

Well, I have to startsomewhere.

[Skeletor] It'’s hopeless, He-Man.

You'’ll never find enough of the devices to make up the difference.

At last, I will witness the defeat of He-Man!

As long as that fool Spikor

doesn'’t mess things up.

[Spikor] You called, Skeletor?

Not exactly. Where is the next orb?

Straight ahead.

There on that hill.

I will get it.

There. Should beright here.

An egg? But this is not part of the game.

-[pterodactyl screeching] -Uh-oh!

Beast Man!

Get me down!

Eh. Whatever you say, Spikor.

Release Spikor.



I found another one!

Another hundred points.

-I did it! I did it! -♪ He-Man!

That'’s strange.According to the tracker,

one of the game piecesshould be here.

But there'’s nothing here but the rock. Perhaps it'’s underneath.

You may not approach.

You may not walk forward. You may not approach.


You may not walk forward.

You may not approach.

A force field.

The Bendari said thatthis was not a test of strength,

so perhaps I should think this out.

Since I can'’t walk toward the game piece...

You may not walk forward.

Maybe walking backward would do the trick.

You may not approach. You may not...

Got it!

[Orko] He did it!

He-Man found the ,-point game piece!


Yes.Now he'’s tied with Spikor.Wonderful news.

This is terrible news!

Spikor, there'’s one more game piece remaining.

You have to get it! Now!

Yes, Skeletor.

♪ He-Man!

[He-Man] There it is, the final game piece.

It'’s going to be quite a climb. Better start now.

[Spikor]Don'’t bother, He-Man.

Game piece is mine.

Spikor will be winner. Spikor is strongest.

Spikor talks too much.

You will see who is best.

You will all see.

Just one...

step at a time.

Not fair.

Spikor'’s spikes get tangled in vine.

Don'’t struggle too much.

if you do, you'’ll... fall.


[Spikor] Help!

Just a little farther.

[Spikor] Help!

Spikor'’s going to fall.

I may regret this, but I can'’t just leave him.

Hang on, Spikor. I'’m coming.

Hang on.

Hang on.

Hang on!

All right. Now, Spikor,grab my hand.

Can'’t. I will fall.

Come on, try.

I got you. Now, hold on. Here we go.

Okay, Spikor.You'’re all right.

Yes. Spikor is all right.

And now Spikor

will return the favor.


I knew I was going to regret this.

Now Spikor will go on to win.

Looks like I'’ve justrun out of time.

There'’s onlyone thing to do.

If I can'’tget to the game piece,I'’ll bring the game piece to me.

Better hold on tight, Spikor.

I have got it!

[gasping, exclaiming]


Got it.

Sorry, Spikor. Looks likethis just wasn'’t your game.

Good has triumphed over evil.

The winner of the games of Eternia

is He-Man.

We wish to thank you, He-Man,

for taking part in our games.

We see now that good is the greater power.

You could have won the game sooner.

Instead, you went back and helped your opponent,

which nearly cost you the game. Why?

Because winning at Spikor'’s expense

wouldn'’t be winning at all.

That'’s the difference between good and evil.

Those who are evil

will do whatever they have to to win.

But as long as there are good people

who are willing to do what their conscience tells them,

evil will never win.

We understand. Thank you, all of you.

We shall remember what we have learned here today

and carry it with us to the stars.


Gee, the Bendari learneda lesson from all of this.

I wonder what Skeletor learned.


Yes, Skeletor-or?

You know, Spikor, I'’ve been thinking,

and I think I'’ve learned something very important.

What'’s that, Skeletor?

[Skeletor] I hate losing!

Today we learned about the value of trying,

even when the odds are against you.

Sometimes when people around usaren'’t playing by the rules

or the job seems too big,it'’s easy to become discouraged.

But that'’s when you really have to stick with it and keep trying,

because that'’s how winners are born.

So whether you'’re playing a gameor doing your schoolwork,

no matter how far behind you think you are, don'’t give up.

Remember, you can'’t win if you don'’t try.

See you next time.

[theme music plays]