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02x65 - The Cold Zone

Posted: 11/22/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
♪ He-Man

[Adam] And the Masters of the Universe.

I am Adam, Prince of Eternia,

and defender of the secrets of Castle Grayskull.

This is Cringer, my fearless friend.

Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me

the day I held aloft my magic sword and said:

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


Cringer became the mighty Battle Cat,

and I became He-Man,

the most powerful man in the universe.

Only three others share this secret:

our friends the Sorceress,

Man-At-Arms and Orko.

Together, we defend Castle Grayskull

from the evil forces of Skeletor.


♪ He-Man

[Orko] Okay, now, is everybody ready?

[Man-At-Arms] Orko, I don't think I've ever been ready

for one of your tricks.

[Adam laughs]

Which means he's just about as ready as he'll ever be, Orko,

so let her rip.

Okay, thanks, I think.

One, two, three colored balls.

And now for some juggling.

No hands this time.

I can't look!

Three I see and three I say. Round and round and round away.


Now what?


[Man-At-Arms] Those pieces of equipment are irreplaceable.

If anything happens to them, I'll... why, I'll...

Don't worry, Man-At-Arms. I'll get them.

Get back here.

See? Even they won't listen to me.

Made it.

Now for a little catch.

Got him.

All nice and safe too.


Land shark!

Land shark! Land shark!


Kobra Khan.

What are you doing here?

I seek He-Man.

Why? What do you want with him?

I speak only to He-Man.

Where is he?

He is unavailable.

So if you want He-Man, you'll have to tell us why.

-Yeah. -Very well.

My people, the Reptons,

are in great danger.

Getting cold.

Eternal Flame that warms them is out,

If it's not fixed soon,

they will hibernate.

Will sleep forever.

I never thought I'd see the day when Kobra Khan

would come to He-Man for help.

I still haven't seen it,

and from the sound of it I don't want to.

Well, I can't speak for He-Man,

but the Reptons have never done anything to us.

They're a peaceful people.

Except for him.

But we can't let one bad sheep, or snake,

spoil it for the rest.

Take us to your people, Kobra Khan,

and we'll see what we can do.

Meanwhile, we have a truce. Agreed?


Truce. Agreed.

Are you sure you want to do this?

[Adam] Of course.

That's good, because I'm not sure I want to do this.

We have to, Cringe.

We can't ignore a plea for help

just because it comes from someone we don't like.

So let's go.

By the power of Grayskull...

♪ He-Man

♪ He-Man

...I have the power!


♪ He-Man

[Man-At-Arms] You've been awfully quiet, Trak.

Yeah, is something bothering you?

[Attak Trak] I do not like that...

that machine.

-You mean the Land Shark? -Yes.

It has a big mouth.

[Man-At-Arms laughs]

[Kobra Khan on radio] He-Man, do you hear me?

Speaking of big mouths.

[He-Man] Now, now.

Yes, Kobra Khan, we hear you.

[Kobra Khan] This is dangerous place.

Traps to slow down humans.

Be careful.

Now that is a switch.

Kobra Khan telling us to be careful.

Looks like he had a good reason to. Look.

[Man-At-Arms] It's a Korlock.

And it's blocking the path.

[loud crash]

And that's not all it's doing. You all right, Trak?

[Attak Trak] Never felt better.

Good. Now let's see if we can't clear that road.

[Orko] Look at those arms.

We'll never get past it.

[Battle Cat] Want to bet?

[Man-At-Arms] Uh-oh, I think he just took that bet.

Sorry, but we can't stay around here all day playing catch.

Hmm, maybe a quick game of tag might be a good idea.

Let's see how good you really are.


Missed me.


Missed again.

Not very good at this, are you?

Maybe if we tried all at once.

The Korlock, it's got him.

No, Orko, looks like it got itself.


There, that ought to hold it for awhile.

By the time it untangles itself,

we should be long gone.

[Kobra Khan] Impressive.



You. You saved me.


Thank you. I...

No time for thanks.

Must go.

What a strange day this is turning into.

Well, Orko, let's get back to the Attak Trak.

Like he said, we'd better go.


[Kobra Khan] You will understand soon enough, Man-at-Arms.

And then I will not save you.


♪ He-Man

[Man-at-Arms] Well, this must be the place.

The entrance to the home of the Reptons.

Yes. My people.

Come, we must hurry.

Well, Trak, it looks like we'll have to leave you out here

until we get back.

Do you have to, He-Man?

I'd rather not stay out here with... with...


This won't take long, Trak. You'll be fine.

Easy for you to say.

You're going in there.

I'm stuck out here with smiley.

[Land Shark's jaws snap]

Nice day.

Now cut that out.

[He-Man] Looks like Kobra Khan wasn't kidding.

The lower we go, the colder it gets.

[Man-at-Arms] I just hope that when he takes us to the Eternal Flame,

we'll be able to relight it.

[Orko] Speaking of Kobra Khan, where is he? Every time

Every time I turn around, he disappears.

[Kobra Khan] Here.

This way.

All right, follow the leader it is.

Oh, that's funny. No sign of Kobra Khan.

[Orko] He did it to us again.


Kobra Khan?


Khan, are you there?

Say, what's this?

Maybe Kobra Khan's inside.

Come on, let's check it out.

[Man-at-Arms] This must be the room of the Eternal Flame.

From here, the Reptons heated their entire underground world.

Or used to.

That flame is definitely out cold.

[Man-at-Arms] And reptiles can't function when they get too cold.

Hmm, this opening must lead down.

[Chancellor] Stop!

Oh, at last, we have you.

The villains responsible for destroying the Eternal Flame.

[Chancellor] Seize them.

[He-Man] Wait, you don't understand.

We've come to help.

I understand.

I understand that you have put out the Eternal Flame

that keeps our people warm.

You will have your chance to explain to our king.

Then he can devise a suitable punishment.

Punishment, huh?

Let's get him, He-Man.

No, Cat, wait.

We came here to help, not to fight.

Perhaps when we see the king, we can explain to him.

So for now, we'll go quietly.

This way.

♪ He-Man


It is getting so very cold in here.

Cold? You call this cold?

Why where I grew up,

it was so cold we had to put sweaters on the icicles.

Ah, friend Scales,

even your jokes begin to suffer the effects of the cold.

Soon we will all be forced into the sleep of hibernation.

And I shall not hear your jokes again for a long time.


Which, come to think of it,

may not be such a bad thing after all.

Right. I... what?

[Chancellor] Oh, Your Highness.


Yes, Chancellor, what is it?

We have captured those

who turned off the Eternal Flame.

That's not true, King Pythos.

I can prove our innocence.

I've tried to explain that we were brought here

by one of your own people.

He can tell you that we came here to help.

Oh, do not believe them, Your Highness

We have a witness to their crime.

-What? -That's impossible.

[Chancellor] Thought no one saw you, huh?

[Chancellor chuckles]

Bring forth the witness.

-[Orko] Kobra Khan? -[He-Man] Kobra Khan?

You... you snake.

Flattery will get you nowhere.

[King Pythos] Silence.

Is this true, Kobra Khan?

Did you see them put out the Eternal Flame?

Yes, it was them.

Hey, wait a minute.

Are you going to believe him or us?

I know Kobra Khan.

He is one of our people.

I do not know you.

Take them away.

Sorry, but we're not going anywhere.

[roars] Right.

[Chancellor] Oh, yes you are.

Fire coils.

Snake coils shall keep you busy.

Don't count on it.

Looks like your time's up, Kobra Khan.

No, He-Man.

Time to sleep.


Venom mist.



I can't stay awake.

You've done well, Kobra Khan. Take them away.

We will decide their fate later, after they awake.

I will attend to it, Your Highness.

[King Pythos] Kobra Khan, we had heard that you'd turned to evil.

By helping us capture these villains,

you have redeemed yourself.

Too late to do any good.

Soon, it will be too cold,

and we will all enter the time of sleep.

Perhaps not, Highness.

What if I could restore the Eternal Flame?

For that, Kobra Khan,

you... you could have anything you wish.

Be anything you wish.

Even be king?




What good am I as king if my people are all asleep?

Yes, agreed.

Whoever succeeds in restoring the Eternal Flame

shall be King of the Reptons.

So let it be.

Good. Excellent.

Just as I planned.

[Scales] Hmm, by my beard.

There's something strange going on here.

Even stranger than the fact that I don't have a beard.

Oh, perhaps I should keep an eye on Kobra Khan.

Where is it?

Ah, there it is.

Once this ice crystal is removed,

the Eternal Flames will return.

Then I shall be king.



It's not working.

The ice crystal must have put the flame out permanently.

The question is, what do I do now?

[Scales] I don't know about him,

but I know what I'm going to do.

[Orko] He-Man, you're awake.

Just barely.

That venom mist really packs a punch.

Well, let's get out of here.

[He-Man] Right.

Let's see what this door is made of.


You didn't have to do that. I was coming to get you.

Why? Has King Pythos decided on our punishment?

No, nom I'm on your side.

My name is Scales.

We need your help to light the Eternal Flame.

We've heard that before.

Now, Battle Cat, let's hear him out.

And it better be good.

Uh, w-w-well, you see,

Kobra Khan, well, he...

it's a long story.

Come on, I'll explain it along the way.

So it was Kobra Khan who put out the Eternal Flame?

That's right, He-Man.

He was going to blame you, then turn the flames back on.

Then he would be king.

Only now, he can't make the flames work again.

You've got to help us.

Well, that's what we came here for in the first place, Scales.

We'll do what we can.

And then we'll take care of that Kobra Khan.

Right, Battle Cat?

It's what I live for, Orko.

♪ He-Man

[Scales] Hmm. Well, can you fix it?

It's getting colder and colder down here.

I don't know Scales.

The hole leads down to an underground layer

of molten lava.

This is the source of your fire.

But when the fire was put out for too long,

the hole collapsed.

We'd need a drill hundreds of feet long,

a block and tackle.

And even then, there's no telling

how long it will take.

That's it, then.

It's hopeless.

[He-Man] Not quite, Scales.

There might be another way after all.

That stalactite should be just the right size.

[Scales] Good sh*t, He-Man.

[He-Man] Thanks.

Now, everybody stand back.

I'm going to need plenty of room.

What's he going to do?

Drill to the center of the planet?

If he has to.

Got to drill it deeper!

Hmm, according to my calculations,

He-Man should reach the layer of molten lava right about...


Wow, that looks neat.

Yeah, I feel better already.

[Kobra Khan] So do I.

[Man-At-Arms] Kobra Khan.

So, you were here the whole time.

That's right, He-Man.

Thanks for fixing the flames for me.


Now I shall take credit for your efforts.

And then, once I am king...

[King Pythos] What is the meaning of this?

[Kobra Khan] King Pythos?

I demand an explanation.

I turned the flames back on

and caught them trying to stop it.

Hey, wait a minute.

That's not true, Sire.

[King Pythos] Silence.

Kobra Khan, do you swear on your honor

that what you have told us is true?

I do.

Well, here we go again.

Guards, seize the guilty one.

Hey, what's going on?

We made the mistake of listening to you once before.

I do not intend to repeat the mistake.

Take him away.

I want to thank you, He-Man, for your help.

And now there's something else.

My agreement with Kobra Khan

was that whoever restores the Eternal Flame

will take over as king.

He-Man, the throne is yours.

Oh, thank you, Your Highness. I'm honored.

You are indeed a man of your word.

But you were tricked into that agreement.

And besides, you are just the sort of king these people need.

The honor is mine.

Hey, where's Scales?

I wanted to say goodbye to him before we left.

Scales is, well...

he's training his new apprentice.


Coming, Your Highness.

Scales and Khan, at your service.

For having brought difficulty to so many,

Kobra Khan's punishment for as long as he is here

is to make people happy.

Come on, let's show them that new trick I taught you.

See? Fun, isn't it?

Yes, and I hate fun.

[all laugh]

Today, we learned the importance of making the right decisions.

When Kobra Khan lied about He-Man,

King Pythos believed him at first,

because Kobra Khan was one of his people.

But later he learned that trusting Kobra Khan

was a big mistake.

So when you have to make a decision about something,

don't just jump at the first or the easiest answer.

Think it through.

Look at both sides, and then decide.

That way, whatever decisions you make

will have a better chance of being the correct ones.

See you next time.