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05x03 - Tall Drink of Water

Posted: 11/23/22 15:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yellowstone...


I'd like to bury him at the ranch.

That way we can always visit him.

I'm looking for the end
of the airport on my land.

Cancel the lease!

Cancelling the lease is how
they end up with your ranch.

Never contradict him again.

I'm trying to protect him and the ranch.

Today I'm signing an executive order

that ceases all state funding
for the Paradise Valley

Development Project.

That's Jamie Dutton,
the Attorney General.

The son doesn't look up to this fight.

Think I'm gonna start with him.

Wolves got into pairs in pasture nine.

We got Ryan and Colby hunting them out.

What'd we do?

Why'd you sh**t the ones
with the collars?

We gotta get these
collars off and keep moving.

You don't tell a soul.

That's my ranch down there.

Whatever you're spraying it with
is k*lling my cattle.

I'm licensed to spray it.

Hello? Hey!

Fan out wide from here.



Tracks lead west.

Got a cow and calf down over there.

Picked the calf clean.
Just ate the stomach out the mama.

Can't find the rest
of the herd anywhere.

You see any cattle?

Not a one.

Maybe it's dogs
if they're not eating 'em.

Those wild dogs pack up,
they can be fierce.

It ain't dogs...

Don't know how they got here so quick.

Just released them in the spring.

A hundred miles from here.
I don't think it's a wolf.

You ever see dogs this big?

I haven't.

Thought they weren't
supposed to leave the park.

Well, guess they didn't
bother telling the wolf that.

If they did...

he ain't listening.

The wolves you released
ain't even the ones

that used to be here.

You brought them in from f*cking Canada.

Genetically speaking
they are the same species.

And we sought out wolves from regions

with no livestock depredation.

You know why?

Because there ain't no livestock
in the forests of Alberta.

But, by God, there's depredation now.

We do not have a single confirmed

livestock k*ll by wolves.

So... What did I miss?

It's... It's not even
possible for the wolves

to have been dispersed
to regions with livestock

within this time frame.

Oh, it's possible.

This is just irrational panic
over the big bad wolf

when there is no such thing.

The big bad wolf is a fairy tale.

Well, Keith...

It looks like the fairy tale
is coming true.

Well, that was fun.

Help yourselves.

Their fear is not fact based.

It's based on rumors
and media-fueled hysteria.

We investigated dozens of claims

and do not have a
single verified wolf k*ll.

I can show you five right now.


- Mm-hmm.
- Where?

My ranch.

Do you have any proof?

My word is my proof.

John, I mean no disrespect,

but you are not a wildlife biologist.

Name another predator
in this region that has paw prints

the size of my hands,
that brings down its prey

by biting the hocks
and consumes the organs first.

You can't because there isn't one.

But remember this: ranchers'
support is the reason why

you were allowed to reintroduce
them in the first place.

But if you can't protect us
like you promised,

then they will be forced to take
matters in their own hands.

They'll have no choice.

k*lling an endangered
species is a felony, John.

I'd remind the ranchers of that.

You don't know me
well enough to call me John.

It's Commissioner Dutton.

But if Fish and Wildlife officers

aren't on my front porch by
Friday with a checkbook, well...

you're gonna get to know me real well.


You're up early.

Yeah, I gotta go to Salt Lake.

Mm. What's in Salt Lake?

Loose ends, baby.

Loose ends.

I'll be back late.

You're up early.

Shrewd observers, the men in my family.

Yes. I am up early.

Why are you up so early, honey?

Keeping my promise to you.

Why are you up so early?


I can't...

I can't reflect at the end of the day.

Evenings are for forgetting.

But in the morning I can remember...

Remember what?

There's some memories fathers
shouldn't share with their children.

I think we're way past
that, don't you, Dad?

I've think I've told you
about everything.

Hell, I told you about
my first threesome.

Your what?

Didn't I? I thought I... Never mind.

Do you want some more coffee?

God damn, Beth.

Well, I'm not the one sitting on a porch

thinking about things
that I can't tell my kids.

I was thinking about your mother.

What about her?

She was a magnificent woman.

I wish she could have lived long enough

for you to recognize that. To know it.

To know how much she loved you.

That's not what you were thinking.

It's what I'm thinking about now.

I'm late.

You know, Dad, you can love
a memory all you want.

But it can't love you back.

Find someone that you can love

while you're still
young enough to do it.

You know, her memory's
not going anywhere.

God damn it.

Teeter, please.

Oh, for f*ck's sake.

Baby likes 'em smooth.

Well, then go shave over with baby.

It ain't your f*cking sink.

Hey, it's your big day.

How old are you now, Lloyd?

Is this the big seven-oh?

Big seven-oh?!

Does this look like the face
of a year-old man?

To me, yes.

Well, here is a mirror.

Don't listen to a word
the assholes are saying.

You just keep doing
them pushups every day

and yous is gonna live to be a hundred.

I agree with Teeter,
he does look about a hundred.

That ain't what I f*cking said!

How long does it take y'all
to brush your f*cking teeth?

Do you need a towel?

I need some f*cking privacy.

Don't be ashamed of what God gave you.

Yeah, there's no little people
in the world, just little penises.

I'm going to give you two because

we're out of the big ones.

Will you sumbitches just give
me some time in here by myself?

Well, well, well.
Look who's back in town.

Lia, congrats on the win in Redding.

Thanks, Amigo.

Happy birthday, Lloyd.

Hope you have a good one.

If my day ends like yours began
it'll be good enough for me.

Thank you.

Having barrel racer
for breakfast, I see.

Happy birthday, brother.

Thanks, Pard.

- Is he ?
- , come on.

- ?
- You have cancer or something.

- Must be terminal.
- Accelerated aging.

I saw something about that on TV.

Gator'll make whatever
you want for supper.

- Steaks.
- Steaks it is.

We're prowling pairs, let's go.

I think he likes me.

Of course he likes you.
You're feeding him.

He thinks you're his mama.

What about when he gets older?

Gonna ship him out with the rest?

No, we'll use him to practice roping.

Or babysit next year's bottle calves.


Orphans don't get shipped
off around here, Carter,

in case you haven't noticed.

Now, when you're done playing mama,

saddle something you
think you can ride, all right?

I'm going out today?

If I'm gonna make a cowboy out of you,
you're going out every day.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Can I help you?

Fished a radio collar out
of the Yellowstone River.

GPS shows the animal was on
a portion of your ranch

for roughly three days
before returning to the park and then

ending up in the river somehow.

That a fact? What kind of
animal was the collar on?

A wolf.

Seen any wolves around lately?

I mean, they're around but
we don't see them very often.

You calving?

Yeah, we, uh... we finished last month.

No wolves around though.

No, we keep the pairs pretty
close this time of year.

You don't mind if we head out from here,
follow these wolves' path?

Where'd it go into the river?

- Good question.
- We haven't found the wolves.

- Just the collar.
- Strapped to a log.

Sounds like poachers.

Sure does. Care to ride with us?

Nah, I got work to do.

But just leave the gates
the way you found em.

That sounded like a question,
but it isn't.

We have an extra horse.

Nah, I got my own horse.

Just give me a minute.

So you want to rest him here?

This is a rental.

So, the ranch.

He will need a four-legged
to take him on the journey.

A horse.

The journey?

Your son's spirit needs a horse spirit

to carry him to the other side.

You want me to k*ll a horse?

Won't have to.

God will have his horse ready
when your son's ready.

You know, death is a private thing.

It's perhaps the one thing we do alone.

No matter how many are
around us, we do it alone.

This ceremony is a private thing, too.

It's not for your father
or your brother and sister.

It's not even for you.

And it's not for grieving.

It's for sending
that boy off the right way.

There's plenty of time
for grieving later.

Tomorrow is the fourth day.

Ceremony should be tomorrow.

I'm gonna get some breakfast.

I need to ask a favor.


It's not really a favor, it's um...

Look, I don't do this for me.

I do it for my father,
and every time I do this job,

something bad happens...
To her. To me, to my son.

My vision told me I'd have
to choose, so I'm choosing.

And I don't choose this.

You did a lot of good with that badge.

It's not my path.

I choose them.

They are my path.

It's a good choice.

What's the favor?

I need a job.

I don't know how to apply your
skill set on the rez, Kayce.

I mean, tribal police
are native for a reason.

If I call BIA on your behalf,

then you're not policing for my people,

you're policing my people.

I'd rather you keep the job you've got.

Your brother could appoint
you an investigator

for the Montana Department
of Justice in this region.

We haven't had a State
Investigator here in decades.

If your vision told you
to choose a different path,

then the right opportunity
is on the new one.

You gotta let her do it.

Gotta let her do it.

It's our way.

Let her grieve.


You got served.

Of course I did.

The attorneys are in your office.

- What attorneys?
- The ones suing the state.

You do realize we have a
waiting area, right over there?

I didn't think you'd want
every State Assemblyman

walking by them on
their way to the Assembly.

No, no. Don't get up.

I think we're past the point
of pleasantries, Jamie.

If you had a shred of
confidence in your suit

you wouldn't be sitting in my
office the day you filed it.

Would you bring me some coffee?

No, just one cup.


Yeah. I love what you've done here.

Strong wording.

Demanding the judge uphold
the lease with prejudice?

So now we're just making up
judicial authorities?

Here's the reality of your situation:

the State granted
conditional approval based on

a satisfactory environmental report

approved by the EPA, which it wasn't.

The EPA can't approve
a study that isn't complete.

We haven't finished building
the thing they need to study.

Park Service approval, which was denied.

No, the only thing the park
rejected was aircraft

below feet over land
under their jurisdiction.

None of this matters, Ellis.
Your zoning request was denied.

The county will not
alter its regulations

with regards to multi-family
homes outside city limits.

The plan was to incorporate.

Well, it looks like you put the cart
in front of the horse, counselor.

You promised.

You f*cking promised, and you
took millions in lease payments.

You have no case, and you know it.

I believe the legal term for
that is battery, by the way.

It was an accident.

Are you alright?

- I'm fine.
- I'm terribly sorry.

We won't be pressing charges.

I'll go get you another cup
and we can go try this again.

Thank you, I'll just get
one in a minute.

I think the meeting is over.

You're better than I expected.

I suppose I made the same
mistake coming out here,

the middle of nowhere,

expecting to find attorneys
without sophistication.

But you're pretty good.

The suit... It is what it is.

We have no choice but to fight.

Careers will end over this

if we don't present
a measure of outrage.

And we are outraged.

We've invested hundreds
of millions of dollars,

with another billion committed
in money that we don't get back

all based on promises
made by the Governor.

There's a new Governor now
and he didn't make those promises.

You think it's a mistake.

Of course you do, though,

because you're smart,
you know what's going to happen:

Every development, every Costco,
every department store,

every business under construction

or planning construction
will have to cease operations

until every single permit is approved,
every I is dotted.

Business doesn't work like that.

Business moves faster than government,
and when it has to wait,

it's just too expensive.

Not to mention the billions
a year in tax revenue

you just hurled out the window.

I understand that Washington
is issuing a moratorium

on harvesting timber on public lands.

They've issued the same
on oil and gas leases.

Hm. Montana doesn't charge a sales tax.

How the f*ck is
this state gonna make any money?

I'm not here for the lawsuit.

He filed the lawsuit, it's his fight.

I'm here to find a soft landing.

For the both of us.

But you don't find those in a courtroom.

But you do find those over dinner.

How busy are you tomorrow night?

Have you heard of the Deerfield Club?

It's good.


- Went well?
- I think so.

Good job, by the way.

You play outraged very well.

Thank you.

What'cha doin'?

Oh, trying to convince myself to be...

good at a job I don't want.

Telling myself to stop
being so god damn selfish

and trust that what's good for
Montana is good for our family.

I guess that depends on which
Montana you're talking about.

And which family.

You've gotten wise, son.

Paid a hell of a price for it.

I'm sorry.

How's Monica?

Ask me something else.

Okay. How's Tate?

Well, Dad...
He's getting pretty wise too.

Monica wants to have a funeral.

Wasn't alive long but he was alive.

Doesn't want to bury him
with a bunch of strangers.

She wants him here.

Where she can visit.

If you'll allow it.

Of course I'll allow it.

She wants a traditional service.

Not sure you can be there.

Not sure I can be there either.

Whatever she wants, you give it, son.

You mean that?

Of course I mean it.

Well then...

That's what I'm gonna do.

I can't serve both.

I choose her and I choose my son.

The state needs you, Kayce.

She needs me more.

They both do.

Okay. Let's go pick a spot.

Wonder who John Dutton
will appoint to replace him?

Was pretty handy having
a Livestock Commissioner

who was on our side.

He hasn't reached out.

Not called to schedule a visit.


I think he achieved his four-year agenda

when he k*lled the airport project.

Well, then he should resign.

The state needs a leader.


His is the old way,

the "hang around the fort and
see what they give us" way.

He promised land you don't have,
jobs you can't get

and a future that hasn't come true.

Rather than bringing jobs
to the Reservation,

he sought jobs off the reservation.

Sought land off the Reservation,

Who's gonna make a living from a casino

a hundred miles from your homes?

Not you.

The only one who will make
money with Rainwater

is white people...

And Rainwater himself.

I'll drive around back.

We want jobs, we want jobs...

Quiet today.

Business tends to be slow

when there's a protest
at the front door.

You know he campaigns about jobs
and income while he blocks

the doors that lead to
the jobs and income.

I can think of no better description
of a politician than that.

He doesn't have a permit to
speak in front of the casino.

We can remove him.

You mean we can martyr him?

Club soda.

But you go on and make sure.

Make sure I'm breaking the law
by drinking the poison

you're free to sell to
anyone who isn't Indian.

Like all the other freedoms

they have that we don't:

free to open a business on their land,

free to choose their doctors,
their banks.

Free to live as free men.

But you keep enforcing
the sl*ve rules, Thomas.

I'm going to teach you the master rules.

And that lesson will not be pleasant.

Is that what you're doing, Angela?

You're teaching me?

No, Tom. I'm removing you.

Why would you plow this?

To plant hay.

You don't need to plant hay out here.

The best hay grass in the world
grows wild in these valleys.

Well, we use an alfalfa mix
with our horses,

so we gotta replant it every five years.

They held up here during the day.

Then gathered here at night...
behavior consistent with feeding.

I don't see much to eat around here.

Right here.

Right here.

If you say so.

The computer says so.

Well, then it must be true.

They went off that way.

Over the mountain to the river.

We're going to follow their path.

Well, be my guest.
This is as far as I go.

I hope you two are pretty handy
before you get to that mountain.

It's k*lled some damn good cowboys

and you ain't good cowboys.
Best of luck.

Which side of the mountain
is the river on?

That'd be the wrong side for you.

We could fly it in a chopper.

Now you're thinking.

Yeah, I don't want to mess with that.
Let's take the chopper.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Mountain air suits you, Beth.

This isn't mountain air, Rob.

This is city air. The mountain
air's about seven hours north.

There's coffee and pastries,

though you guys have
a Keto look about you.

We ate on the plane, thank you.

Typically when things
seem too good to be true,

I reject the proposition altogether.

Well, thank you for the latitude.

You have the controlling
interest in Schwartz and Meyer.

- Yes.
- You are offering it for sale.


And all you want is to
carve out the real estate funds?

Just the real estate.

You will continue managing
the real estate funds.

It's a little over , acres.

That's what I mean, Beth.
It's too good to be true.

Schwartz and Meyer manages . billion

with an average return of percent.

That's a net of million.

Per year, and you're giving it away.

Well, I'm keeping three
hundred million dollars'

worth of real estate.
I'd hardly call that giving it away.

That land will nose dive
now that M.E.'s airport

has been shut down.

Well, that's my problem.

There is a rattlesnake
somewhere in this deal, Beth.

Care to point it out?

Can we have some privacy?

Give us a minute?

- Care for one?
- Mm-mm.

Rob, I have seen you snort cocaine

off a stripper's stomach.

Why not?

M.E. is going to sue me.

They're going to claim
they fired me for cause,

and that my severance
should be nullified

by me violating their company's NDA,

then they're going to sue me
for my piece in this place,

saying that I negotiated in bad faith,

and therefore the ownership agreement

for Schwartz and Meyer
should also be nullified.

Then they're going to sue the
state for breach of contract,

and seek to initiate eminent
domain in Federal court.

All those things seem likely.

No shit.

Market Equities is your
largest competitor, right?


Don't want to f*ck them
over just a little bit?

I want to f*ck them over a lot.

I just don't want to get
f*cked in the process.

Well, I will place the land
in a conservation easement.

Okay, since this is
the land they intended

to build Terminal Two,
their development is done.

No matter what a f*cking
Federal judge says.

They will write down a billion in losses

and twenty times that in lost revenue
over the next ten years.

I still control this place,
so I can still sell it

and when I do, there is not
a court in this country

that can give it back.

That's another two billion
off their balance sheet.

And that is how CEOs get fired.

There is zero risk to you.

You will inherit twelve pipe
hitting investment bankers

generating half a billion in profits

and forty million in your
pocket every f*cking year,

and it didn't cost you a dime.

Where's the rattlesnake in the deal?

I am the rattlesnake.

But you're not who I'm going to bite.

All right, Beth.
I'll take it to the board.

You don't need the board's approval.
You're not spending any money.

This is a one day only offer.

Okay? I am on a clock.

I may be one step ahead of
them but I am not two.

Can I have my attorney look that over?

Sure, why not?

Nothing fucks up a great deal
like a good attorney.

You're a big boy, Rob.

You can trust me on this.

And you know it.

You'd better watch out, Beth.

They might send a hit man
after you for this.

After this, the hit men
will be after them.

I assume you'll be
issuing a press release.

You bet your f*cking ass I am.

Will you fax over the ex*cuted

conservation easement to
the Montana Land Trust, please?

Sure thing.

You don't waste time, do you?



It's been a f*cking blast
doing business with you.

What a f*cking day.

Hey. Where's my dad?

Went back to Helena.

You hungry?

Too excited to eat.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

We need to celebrate.

Yeah? What are we celebrating?

I really f*cked somebody over
today and it felt great.

They're celebrating Lloyd's
birthday in the bunkhouse.

You're not going
anywhere near the bunkhouse.

A party? That sounds perfect.

You know, I have
the right dress for that.

- Yeah?
- Yep.

Pretty wound up.

Yep. Seems like it.

I feel sorry for the other guy.

That guy's having a rough day,
I promise you.

Female News Anchor:
In a landmark acquisition,

Burson International has purchased

investment firm Schwartz and Meyer,

one of the larger private fund
managers in the United States.

BI stock is up eight percent
in after hours trading...

Go away.

Go away!

You need to see this.

We received it by courier.

She placed all Schwartz and Meyer land

in a conservation easement.

Can she do that?

Ellis, can she do that?

She can, and she did.

The board is asking that
you return to New York.

Of course they are.

And this changes things,
with respect to litigation.

New York would like to drop the suit.

They don't want to throw
good money after bad.

Find a way to ruin this family, Ellis.

Ruin them. Starting with her.

I think this is checkmate, Caroline.

There is no such thing.

Well, what about Sarah,
should she stand down?

There are no rules for Sarah.

Turn her loose.

Come on, birthday boy. Yes!
Get in there.

♪ And I don't know where my mind ♪
♪ Has taken me ♪

- This isn't a doubles act.
- River!

- Deal the f*cking cards.
- Okay, f*ck!

Ace, six, eight. Off suits.

I'm in.

Jake, to go.

I fold.

Fold. Your parents
should have named you "Fold",

'cause that's all you do, son.

Walker's out. Birthday boy?

Birthday boy's calling for .

All right, show me yours.

Hey, this isn't
a f*cking team sport. No!

I wasn't talking about
his f*cking cards.

Fourth street. Six.

That doesn't help anybody.

Can I please play against the clowns?

I can clear this table in minutes.

Carter, they thought it was
real cute watching you cheat

before you hit puberty,

but they ain't going to think
it's cute anymore.

You sit here and you watch.

Is this is how you celebrate a birthday?


Don't you do this shit every night?

- Yep.
- Pretty much.

How old are you, Lloyd?

He's .

, assh*le.

All right, here's the river.

- It's a pretty big birthday.
- I'm all in.

Nope, you don't get it. Call.

- Here. Read 'em and weep.
- Whoo!

Birthday boy.

That would be called
the Dead Man's Hand.

Which is appropriate
considering his age.

Hey, why don't we
go to a bar in Bozeman?

That's a terrible idea.

I think it's an excellent idea.

The bars in Bozeman, Beth, are
full of tourists and fake cowboys.

We can go to a real cowboy bar.

Those don't exist anymore, honey.

Listen to me, you take fake cowboys

and you put 'em with
real cowboys in a f*cking bar,

and there's gonna be fighting
and we don't need fighting.

It's a bad idea. Every time.

Hm. Well, we'll be home before midnight.

Nothing bad happens before midnight.

That's what mama used to say.

- That's true.
- Beth, I said no.

- Oh, you said no, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

I guess that settles it.
I'm buying, boys.


Happy birthday, Lloyd.

I could've smoked
this whole f*cking table.

Why don't you go back up to the house?

See you later, baby.

You said "no", huh?

Might have been a
poor choice of words, honey.

I think so.

I'm going to force
your ass to have fun tonight.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

♪ If I look a little drunk ♪
♪ It's cause I drank some ♪

♪ If my neck's a little red ♪
♪ It's cause I am one ♪

♪ Heaven's where I'm gonna go... ♪

Hey. Start a tab.

All these cowboys are gonna be on it.

Start with a dozen
whiskey sh*ts and a dozen beers.

We're having a special on tequila sh*ts.

Do I look like I'm on spring break?


♪ It's cause I am one... ♪

♪ Heaven's where I'm gonna go ♪

♪ The Bible says so... ♪

♪ If I smell like smoke... ♪

♪ If I look a little drunk ♪
♪ It's cause I drank some ♪

- This is a terrible idea.
- Awful.

Probably the worst idea this year.

I'd say so.

It's f*cking stupid coming in here.

Yeah, I just said that.

Yeah, well...

f*ck it. Lets dance.

♪ If I look a little drunk ♪
♪ It's cause I drank some ♪

♪ If my neck's a little red ♪
♪ It's cause I am one ♪

♪ Heaven's where I'm gonna go ♪

♪ The Bible says so on my shelf ♪

♪ And if I smell like smoke... ♪

Is that a smile?

You keep your crazy in check
while we're in here.

I save all my crazy for you, baby.

We're gonna take
a little bit of a break.

Isaac Hoskins is gonna keep
y'all company till we get back.

We should get our cowboys another round.

I'll get it.

My cowboy's back.

You want a drink or you want to dance?

I want both.

Come on.

♪ I'm-a jumpin' off ♪
♪ Of the wagon tonight ♪

♪ I been a-dreamin' all week ♪
♪ About toolin' ♪

♪ Around this town and a-gettin' tight ♪

Give us another round, will you?

Sure thing.

I got about a half hour
left in me of this shit.

You and me.

Hey, look who it is.

- Bar M, no?
- Yes, sir.

Miss, take that whiskey

and run it down to that cowboy, please?

Thank you.

- Good group of cowboys there.
- Yep.

Thank you.

What're y'all doing in here?

We're asking ourselves
the same g*dd*mn question.

What are you doing here?

Wife wanted to go dancing.

I told her we should
drive to Three Forks.

This place...

I remember when every ass on a bar stool
belonged to a cowboy.

That was a while ago.

Sure as hell was.

Thanks for the whiskey, pard.

- Good seeing you.
- Yeah. Take care.

- Hey.
- See you around.

Jake, Ethan, pass these out, will you?

- You got it.
- Hell yeah.

♪ Took a left on Grand ♪
♪ And I passed her headed south ♪

♪ Ridin' in another man's pickup truck ♪

♪ And he was kissin' her on the mouth ♪

♪ So I'm jumping off the wagon tonight ♪

♪ I been dreamin' all week about... ♪

Aren't you a tall drink of water?

What are you doing?


I'm married, darling.

Me, too.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Where's your husband out there?

He's in Sacramento.

Where's your wife?

My wife is standing right
over there staring at you.

- I'll handle this.
- Don't do that, now.

No, I'm gonna.

Oh, shit.


Hey, Lloyd!

We're done.

It ain't midnight yet.

It's midnight enough.

f*cking bitch!

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

f*cking hands off me!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Take it easy.

Back against that wall.

You know who that is, don't you?

I know exactly who that is.

You need to stop worrying about
her and start worrying about you.

f*cking bouncer put her in a choke hold.

Okay? All hundred and ten pounds of her.

What would you do
if that was your f*ckin' wife?

Look, I hear you.

But these ain't the old f*cking days.

The new Sheriff, he doesn't
put up with this shit.

All right, all right.

You decided to come to town
and toss the entire bar I see.

You put your hands on my wife
then you get the horn.

The f*ckin' bouncers had her
in a choke hold.

I could charge every
one of you with battery.

You could.

You could charge the whole
f*cking bar if you like.


You and the rest can go.

But she hit that girl
in the head with a bottle.

- Come on, now.
- That is aggravated as*ault.

Is she even going
to f*cking press charges?

You bet your f*cking ass
I'm pressing charges.

You know this going to be a
problem for you, right, sheriff?

A problem of her own making.

Hm. It's your problem now.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say may be used
against you in a court of law.

You've got to be f*cking kidding me.

You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney,

one will be provided for you.

Do you understand these rights?

You're pressing charges,
you f*cking p*ssy, huh?

I hope you die in there, you bitch.

Shit. All right, let's go. Come on.

Next time on Yellowstone...

I stepped on a few land mines.

Once you open that
Pandora's Box it does not close.

You just sit here and hope she
doesn't file formal charges.

And you are going to stop her.

We do need to talk.
A lot of very unhappy people.

You won't win.

We don't have to win.

We just have to assassinate
your father's reputation.

They will come after you with
both barrels, governor.