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02x22 - The Gathering

Posted: 05/23/07 22:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer:

There were 5 signs this past year: the dead dove, the bee, the dead will walk, the return of the forgotten.

The only thing that hasn't happened is death of a loved one.

She's gonna be all right.

Are you trying to tell me something about my friend?

All eyes will be on you.

There's a better place for you.

Gabriel... what are you saying?

We're blocking the light... and soon, no one's gonna get through.

You have something I want.

Do you know what it's like to be obsessed, miss Gordon?

So that you can't think, you can't eat?

I do.

And these children do. And I think soon, you will, too.

Why am I here?

Sorry about the drama, my assistant called you.

But I had to know that you'd be willing to come to me.


Meaning that since the very mention of the words May the 11th on the telephone brought you here, I know we're both interested in the same thing.

I'm not gonna play word games with you, mr...


Ethan Clark. Happy to meet you.

Yeah. You obviously already know my name.

A byproduct of the aforementioned obsession.

I don't want to play games with you, either.


I just want to find out what you know and tell you what I know.

May the 11th, 2005.

A ferry capsized in the Irish Sea.

Young mr. Liam Fletcher was on that ferry.

He survived.

The reason I'm so aware of this accident is because my wife Dana was also on that ferry.

She did not survive.

In fact, no one else did.

A year later, May the 11th, 2006, I came down to my morning paper and read about a plane crash just outside a little town of Grandview.

Sent me thinking about May the 11th.

And I started looking at other May the 11ths.

Maybe you have, too.

May 11, 2004...

Subway tunnel caved in in Moscow.

Miraculously survived by Elena Petrova.

May the 11th, 2003.

Bridge collapsed in Italy.

Sole survivor, Stefano Donato.

How'd you know about these accidents?

It's complicated.

Yes, it is.

What does all of this have to do with me?

I don't know.

But what I do know is that everything leads back to you, Melinda.

May I call you Melinda?

Not yet.


I've spent the last year traveling the world researching the accidents and finding these children.

Each one of them, working on a little part of this puzzle.

Each one of them obsessed with you.


Well, that's where it gets interesting.

Karen, would you bring in Stefano?


One day...

I died.

And I saw you.

I need to know what the hell is going on here.

They don't seem like accidents, do they?

4 events, same date, a year apart.

What's the pattern? What are they a part of?

I've been trying to figure that out, too.

If there's something bigger going on, I want to know what.

I mean, I've been led to you for a reason, don't you think?

We should work together.


There's one child survivor I haven't been able to locate.

The little girl who was in the plane crash.

Kristen Filbert.

She was pulled from a car that got crushed under the plane.

Her mom died trying to protect her.

Well, I think somewhere she's making something or drawing something.

I mean, maybe the picture isn't complete.

Maybe she has the answer.

Do you think you could find her?

"The Gathering"

This guy is filthy rich.

He actually owns the ferry company from the accident, but that's just a part of it. He owns an airline, a shipping company and 3 quarters of a soccer team.

What, he couldn't afford the other quarter?

You should have seen those kids' faces.

They looked at me like they already knew me.

I don't get this guy.

I mean, I don't know what his endgame is.

Does he know what you can do?

I didn't tell him, and I don't know if I will.

He lost his wife on that ferry, and I think researching the stuff just makes him feel connected to her somehow.

Yeah, but can you trust him?

I don't know that, either.

But, look, he brought these kids here. I mean, I owe it to them to find out what it is they're going through and why.

This doesn't make sense to me, and I don't think it makes sense to you, either, and it's starting to give me the creeps, so, will you please let me take you away from here?

At least till after the 11th?

I would love that.

But if this is about me, then it's gonna follow me wherever I go.

And I need to see it through here.

How can I help you?

Be careful.

Be aware of everything around you.

And we'll get through it.

And, call me... like a million times.

I will.

What is this?

We used to be strong and many.

Now we're few.

There are more dark spirits now.

They get stronger, we get weaker.

You have to protect the ones who are left.

You fail, we fail.

So do you think is means that Gabriel is back?

I don't know who else she could be talking about.

Well, it doesn't necessarily mean Grandview, right?

I mean, this ghost could have been in Zimbabwe yesterday, for all we know.

No, I'm pretty sure that this ghost has been making the same rounds since she died.

Where is your desk and stuff?

Oh, well, it seems that I failed to inform the supply manager that I postponed my sabbatical.

So they took all your furniture?

An oversight. Heads will roll.

What I'd really like to know is where have you been?

Why haven't you called me sooner?

I mean, we have children with near-death experiences, psychic visions, you have a prophet ghost with the candle brigade.

Is your dialing finger broken?

Sorry. Things have been happening very fast.

Well, you'll be very happy to know that the lack of a desk or a chair with wheels hasn't stopped me from trying to figure out what is going to happen on May 11th.

See, it all has to do with a world out of balance, a world where chaos rules, which is what prophet ghost keeps telling us, and what we know Gabriel wants.

From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Civil w*r, it all starts with a single, individual trigger.

Well, I don't think that the prophet ghost is talking about an apocalypse.

I think she's talking about these kids. They've been touched by the light, their changed.

Well, that's my point exactly. All these giant events start with a single, individual trigger.

I mean, the assassination of Julius Caesar caused 15 years of Civil w*r and the eventual fall of Rome.

The election of Abraham Lincoln split this country in two.

That's something we're still not over.

All these giant disasters can be traced back to the smallest fuse.

So the fifth accident that you and I think is gonna happen on May 11th may actually be disguised as something small?

But it will have a huge effect on the world.

It might be a misfortune suffered by a few very special children, children that are a threat to the dark side.

Well, there's still one out there.

The little girl that Jim pulled from the plane crash.

Well, we have to find her if she has a piece of this puzzle.

We have to figure out what's going to happen on May 11th.

We have less than one week to find her.

If I had a desk, I'd pound it for emphasis.

Something I can help you with?

Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking for someone.

Don't like to see people messing around with the mailboxes.

Neither do I.

I was just looking for a man, Charlie Filbert.

This... it was the last address I had for him, so...

Long gone.

Excuse me?

About 6 months ago.

Her and her dad just moved out.

Well, did they leave a forwarding address?

I wouldn't know about that.

I hope I'll see you again.

You're a lot nicer than the other one.

What other one?

Gotta finish my rounds.

No, wait, was his name Gabriel?

Now you know everything.

You've been given 5 signs, and they're all pointing to something happening on May 11th?

There's this sign that I keep getting warned about.

It's the only thing that hasn't happened yet, death of a loved one.

But the warning keeps getting stronger.

And you still think this has something to do with me?

I don't know. It may be you, it may be Jim, but it's definitely something I have to pay attention to, and now you really think I'm insane.

I think you're my friend.

And people come into each other's lives for a reason.

Maybe I'm supposed to learn something.

Maybe you are.

But whatever it is, I...

I am here for you.

I can't tell you how much that means to me.

And, uh... you are a little insane.

But that is what I love about you.

Thanks. I think.

So, how can I help?

I'm looking for Kristen Filbert, the little girl who survived the plane crash.

She and her father moved away a few months ago, and I don't know where.

Did you check her middle school?


Just because somebody moves doesn't mean they change schools.

And even if they did, maybe they'll be willing to tell you where they sent the records.

I miss Kristen.

She was a smart kid, always did her work, got along with everyone.

Can you tell me where you sent her records?

Oh, well, we didn't. We just gave them to her dad.

He said he wanted to home school her, that he had just found a little house up in Sunset Park.

Do you know why? I mean, why he took her away?

She just never really came back all the way after she lost her mother.

She was withdrawn, she barely spoke.

Did she draw a lot?


She was always working on something, but she wouldn't show anyone.

Did she leave anything behind, like a drawing or anything?

You know, there was one thing.

There was an english assignment I gave, I asked them to write down the first thing they thought of when they woke up in the morning, and the last thought they had before they went to sleep.

I haven't been able to get Kristen's answer out of my mind.




Hi, grandma!

It is so good to see you!

Am I dreaming?


That's the only way I can come to you now.

I always liked watching you hang the laundry.

I know.

Made you feel safe.

What is it like where you are, grandma?

Well, that doesn't matter right now.

There are things that you have to do here, honey, important things.

You have to be ready for what's coming, and you can't doubt yourself.

I want to be ready, but... I don't know how.

They're gonna come for you, honey.

You may not even recognize them.

Well, they may come as something as normal as the weather.

Just don't be afraid.

If you are, you'll lose everything.

You must protect the balance.


I'm really sorry to barge in on you like this. I know it's been a while.

It isn't that I'm not happy to see you, I am.

It's just, you know, I'm trying to get Grandview out of my head.

And Kristen's...

She's had a rough time, hasn't she?

Well, she was ok until she got back from the hospital, started having dreams.

Didn't want to talk about it. She started crying at night, crying for her mother.

You know, I try and comfort her, and sometimes I lose it, too, you know?

Well, yeah, we both just... we just miss her a lot.

Did moving help?

Oh, no. Not really.

Not yet, anyhow.

Now, you said there were other kids who were going through the same thing?

Kids who have survived disasters and near-death experiences.

I want her to come to Grandview.

I really feel like it would help everyone if she could just meet these kids.

No way. I'm sorry.

I know how you feel.

Ok? I really do, but I wouldn't ask unless I thought it was really important.

Why is it important?

I think this could be a part of something much bigger.

And I feel like she and these kids should be together right now.

I'm sorry.

It's just not a good time.

Well, thanks for thinking about it anyway. call me, you know, if you change your mind or if you just want to talk.

Her teacher said that she was drawing a lot and didn't to show anyone.

Is that true?


She started doing these right after she came home from the hospital.

Could I keep this one?

There are a couple hundred just like it upstairs.

I guess I can spare one.

I think I've seen this before.

Ok, this is what Kristen drew.

And this... is the composite that Liam, Stefano and Elena did.

Ok? Now, watch this.

Ok. Follow me.

It was right under our noses the whole time.

Dedication and midnight lantern walk on may 11th to honor the 230 victims of the crash of flight 395.

I don't exactly understand. What does this tell us?

Kristen's painting is almost an exact match to the new memorial at the plane crash site.

It also matches the drawings that the other kids have been doing.

Means whatever's going to happen, it's probably going to happen at the crash site.

That's what the kids have been trying to tell us without them realizing it.

But when you say "whatever's going to happen", what do you mean?

We've been tracking this for quite some time, and Melinda and both feel that the number five plays heavily into this.

We believe that the fifth accident is going to happen this May 11th.

In 4 days?


Here in Grandview?

Well, so it seems.

But it's not as important where as to whom, and right now it's about Melinda.

Ok, there is something that you need to know about me.

Melinda... can see ghosts.

She talks to ghosts, she hangs out with ghosts.

All right.

So all this is real?

Pretty much.

How do you do it?

I've been shown visions from a spirit, and told certain things.

What's really important is that we focus on this dedication.

But how are the kids involved?

Let's not find out.

I'm gonna talk to somebody about cancelling the ceremony, or at least postponing it until we can find out more.

This ability you have, do you see spirits clearly?

Can you tell one from the other?


Are there any around me?

You mean your wife?

No. No, there's no one around you.

But that probably means she crossed over.

So that's a really good thing.

There's something that you're not telling me about her... about how she died.

I laughed at her.

She believed she was psychic ever since she was a little girl.

And did you believe that she was?

No. I didn't believe any of that.

I enjoy teasing her, perhaps little too much.

We planned to go to Dublin on the ferry.

A night before she said she had a bad feeling.

She said she had a vision, and she ask me to cancel the trip.

Again I laughed at her.

Our plan was to meet on the ferry. I was delayed on the conference call.

I didn't notice.

She got on the ferry, I didn't, and as it turns out, she was right to have had a bad feeling.

She was right to have asked me to cancel.

And I lost her.

It's not a good time.

Are you the one that can help me?

Yes. But it is really not a good time, ok?

I'm scared.

I don't know what to do.

Ok, look, just hang in there, all right? And I'll...
Oh, Alex!

Please, don't call me Alex in public.

Sorry, mayor Milio, can I have a minute?

Bad day.

My town council meeting ran late.

I have a school vote and a clean up committee rally.

Look, I really need you to cancel the dedication ceremony.


Well, it's a little hard to explain.

But I just get this feeling that something bad may happen there.

Look, can you just postpone it until I can get all this figured out?

Get what figured out?

Well, I don't exactly know yet, but I do know there could be some danger.

Look, we're going to have plenty of security.

Everything will be fine.



Delia, are you here?

Hey. I was just gonna call you.

Are you all right?

It's been a day. A week.

These streets are dangerous.

There was someone who just...

You have a visitor.

Kristen, what are you...

How did you get here?

I took a bus.

Please don't tell my dad.

Sweetie, I have to tell your dad, ok?

He must be crazy looking for you.

Why did you come here?

I heard you say that there are other kids. Just like me.

I want to meet them.

I feel like I have to.


I don't know.

I don't want to see the things that I see.

What do you see?

I don't want to say it.

It's too awful.

Ok, well...

I'll take you to see the others, but only if your dad says that it's ok.

It's a crazy thing that you did by coming here, Kristen.

But I'm really glad you did.

Thank you, Charlie.

She's ok.

Just let her spend the day, ok?

I think it could really help her.

Yes, I will bring her back myself.


I'll call you later.

Melinda Gordon...


That's the only thing I know in Italian besides bene.

Just going to the kitchen.

Come on.

Why does it feel like we all know each other?

Well, maybe because you've all been through the same things.

Look, I know that this is hard for all of you.

You're in a strange place and you're scared.

I see things.

Things that haven't happened.

We all do.

People who have been through what you've been through, people who die, even for a short time and see the light, they always come back changed.

They know things that they didn't know before.

And they can see things.

I don't want to.

I just want to be the way I was before.

Me, too.

I just want things to be like it used to be.

I know.

You and I have both lost someone we loved to that plane crash.

And I wish all the time that things could be as exactly as they were before.

Look, I know what it's like to be different... and to have people make you feel like you're not quite right.

But you just have to know that all the things that make you different, all the things you've seen, all the things you feel, those are all things that make you special.

No matter what anybody else thinks.

You may have been given a gift.

A gift to be able to help others, maybe even help you.

Even if it doesn't always feel like it's a gift.

I showed them the drawing of the memorial.

They all feel as if they've been there before, and they all feel as if they'll be there again.

Oh, I can't let this happen. I mean, they're sensitives now, you know?

They have some psychic ability, and that could make them a target, too. We just can't take any chances.

Well, it's good they're all together.

Was this your wife?

Yes. That's Dana.

I don't know why I haven't seen you around your husband.

Why are you ignoring him?

I want to see Ethan.

But I can't yet.


I'm only here to help you.

So then help me.

Tell me what I'm supposed to do.

Is Ethan all right?

He feels a lot of guilt about not believing that you were psychic, letting you get on that ferry and not canceling it.

I think that's a big part of why he's here.

He has nothing to feel guilty about.

Everything happened as it should.

I know that now.

Watch out for him.

Don't let him lose himself.

Tell him...

I'll find my way to him.

I will.

Hey, Ethan, it's Melinda. Please call me, it's really important.

I've left 2 messages at his house, and I don't even know how many messages on his cell phone.

Are you sure you should tell him that his wife's... ghost is here?

How can I not tell him?

Because he can't talk to her, right?

I mean, what's worse? Thinking someone you love is not there, or knowing that they are, and you can't interact with them?

I don't even know if that's my call to make.

But I can at least tell him that she's ok and that she's thinking about him.

Ok, I get that.

But what if it makes him...


Are you sure it was him? It was Gabriel?

Believe me, it was him. What the hell was he doing with Ethan?

How do they even know each other?

You know, I never trusted that Ethan.

You only met him once.

I know, but he's got that accent, and he's handsome.

Yeah, and?

Well, that pretty much that covers it.

So, still haven't found your furniture?

That's a sore subject with me. Let's not bring it up.

I know a place that has a sale on lawn chairs.

Look, we know that Ethan is interested in these accidents, and what follows, right?


Ok, we know that Gabriel wants to take souls to the dark side to make the dark side stronger, right?


Ok. So how does what Gabriel want intersect with what Ethan wants?

First, we have to assume that these accidents, like the plane crash, are being caused by the dark spirits, 'cause we know that they're getting stronger and want to cause pain and grief whenever they can.

Well, what would the light spirit's answer to that be?



Every accident had one survivor.


Purity, innocence.

Yeah. Yeah, these kids had near-death experiences.

They're special. They're light spirits in their own right.

And they're powerful ones. And maybe they're more powerful in groups of four.

My grandmother told me that I have to protect the balance.

I thought your grandmother died.

Right, sorry, I forget that doesn't matter in your world.

Look, no one was meant to survive these accidents, yet these 4 kids did.

And they were touched by the light, so they're a threat to Gabriel and whoever controls him.

That's why Gabriel's here.

Where are the kids?


I need to see Ethan.

He's not here.

Where are the kids?

Ethan and his friend left with them an hour ago.

Where did he take those kids?


Stop! There he is.

No, just wait here.

He promised you that you'd be able to talk to your wife again, didn't he?

You never told me she was still here. Gabriel did.

Look, I was trying, ok? I left you a message.

Did you let him take those kids?

They're fine.

Where are the kids?

I'm not telling you.

Why not?

Because he told me not to help you.

How the hell did Gabriel find you, or did you find him?

He came to me. I don't know how he knew about me or the kids.

He told me he could see the dead, and that my wife was here.

He told me that she could come here, but that you'd make her go away.

I can't make her do anything.

He told me she could come back forever, that I could talk to her, that she'd come right here, but if I helped you, you wouldn't let her come.

Ethan, I've seen Dana.

Ok? I didn't know who she was at first, but she kept coming to me.

She showed me the accident, she helped me understand what's going on.

Those kids are in danger.

He told me I shouldn't believe you.

Tell him he has to help you.

She's here.


She wants you to help me.

How do I know you're telling me the truth?

Ask him if he remembers what he said to me the day he asked me to marry him.

Do you remember what you said to her the day that you proposed?

Of course I do.

He said if I married him, I'd never spend another lonely minute.

You told her she'd never spend another lonely minute.

I miss you so much.

You made me try so hard.

All I wanted was to be the man you thought I was.

Now it's too late.

Nothing matters anymore.

It's not too late.

Tell him... this is all meant to happen.

Everything happened for a reason.

She said it's never too late, and that everything has happened for a reason.

She wants you to help me, Ethan.

Ok, that's what means something right now.

Now please tell me where Gabriel took those kids.

The dedication.

He wanted them to be part of the lantern walk.

He said it would be good for them if they were part of something.

I mean, you didn't tell me she was here!

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry.

I love you.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I can have your attention, please... you all know me, I'm mayor Milio, and I'd like to say to you, today marks the anniversary of a very tragic event.

Mel, hey.

Jim, it's me.

I need you to find Kristen and the other kids.

Mel, there's no signal up here. I can't here you.

No, hello?


Oh, Jim?!

Can you go any faster?

We are people from different parts of the county, different parts of the state, and we're all here this evening in order to honor these poor souls.

The children of Grandview have joined together for a lantern procession.

Ladies and gentlemen, our children.

It's ok, sweetie.

You're safe.

I'm sorry.

This is what I saw.


What did you see?


Give me a B.V.F. And an airway! Now!

The fifth sign.

Death of loved one.


No, I'm not ready.

You are ready.

But not for the light.

For what's inside you.

The darkness that's always been there, waiting.

It's time for you to know who you are.

And to know who your brother is.


Hey, can you hear me?

It wasn't about me protecting them.

It was about them protecting me.

What happened?

I think I have a brother.


I think I have a brother.

All right, Mel, what are you talking about?

He said I have a brother.

Who said this? Who told you you have a brother?

My father.