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04x11 - We're a Team!

Posted: 11/25/22 19:41
by bunniefuu
Are you ready to explore?

Come on!

i¡Vamos arriba!

KIDS: ♪ D-D-D-D-D-Dora...♪

All right!

♪ Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer♪

ALL: Dora!

♪ Boots and supercool exploradora. ♪

DORA: We need your help.

Grab your backpack!

♪ Let's go, jump in...♪


♪ You can lead the way...♪

♪ Hey, hey!

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ D-D-Dora, D-D-D-Dora♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping, Swiper, no swiping.♪

Oh, man!

♪ Dora the Explorer!♪

We're at the Super Adventure Race.

We've got to go all the way to that yellow flag

that's way back there, over that big wall.

That's the finish line, and we've got to be fast.

BENNY: No one has ever finished before.

I can never make it past the troll bridge.

Swiper stops me at the volcano.

And I can't climb over that big wall.

It's too tall.

But this time we're going to work together as a team.

If we work together as a team, there's nothing we can't do.

ALL: Yeah!

And we're going to need your help.

Will you be on our team?

ALL: Yay!

Great, we can do it.

ALL: That's us!

Go, team, go, team!

When we work together as a team, there's nothing we can't do,

because being on a team means you help me and I help you.

Come on, everybody, put your hand out in front of you.

Put your hand out.

Now, say it with me:

ALL: We're a team!

We're a team!

Say it with us.

ALL: We're a team!

We're a team!

We're a team!

We're a team!


Val the octopus is going to start the clock

for the Super Adventure Race.

On your mark...

get set...


We have to figure out where to go first.

Who on our team do we ask for help

when we don't know where to go?

ALL: Map!

Map-- right.

Let's all cheer for Map.

Say "map."

ALL: Map! Map! Map!

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map... ♪

♪ He's the map, he's the map... ♪

♪ I'm the map!

Go, team!

I'm going to try my best

to help the team finish the Super Adventure Race.

To finish the race, first we have to cross the troll bridge.

Then we have to get past the volcano.


Then we all have to make it over the big wall.

Ooh, that's a really big wall.

And that's how we'll get to the finish line

and win the Super Adventure Race.

So remember: Bridge...


big wall.

Say it with me.



big wall.

Bridge... volcano... big wall.

Bridge, volcano, big wall!

So you tell Dora, first we have to go to the troll bridge.

Where do we go first?

The troll bridge-- right.

We have to find the troll bridge.

But where's the bridge?

BOOTS: I can't see the bridge.

TICO: ¿Dónde está el puente?

Hmm, I don't see the bridge either.


[ giggles]

Someone lifted me up.

Do you see who lifted me up?


Benny is so strong.

Go, Benny.

Now do you see the bridge?

Yeah, there it is.

i¡Allí está!

Come on, we've got to be fast

so we can finish the race in time.

Let's go-- i¡vámonos!

I know a cheer that can help the team.

DORA: ♪ Boots can swing from tree to tree ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Boots"

ALL: ♪ Go, Boots!♪

♪ Roar, roar!

DORA: ♪ Tico's brave as he can be

♪ Say, "Ande, Tico." ♪

ALL: ♪ i¡Ande, Tico!♪

DORA: ♪ Isa's smart and climbs along

♪ Say, "Go, Isa."

ALL: ♪ Go, Isa!

DORA: ♪ Benny's really, really strong ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Benny."

ALL: ♪ Go, Benny!

DORA: ♪ Backpack's got great things, you know ♪

♪ Say, "Ande, Backpack."

ALL: ♪ i¡Ande, Backpack!♪

DORA: ♪ Map knows the best way to go

♪ Say, "Go, Map."

ALL: ♪ Go, Map!

♪ Dora's help will get us through ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Dora."

ALL: ♪ Go, Dora!

♪ We're a team with help from you ♪

♪ Say, "We're a team." ♪

ALL: ♪ We're a team! We're a team! ♪

♪ We're a team! We're a team... ♪

The troll bridge.

Come on.


♪ I'm the grumpy old troll

♪ Who lives under the bridge


not so fast.

I'm going to make my bridge

extra hard for you to get across today.

And you don't have much time.

[ troll chuckling]

[ team members exclaiming]

If you know your numbers, the bridge can be fixed.

First find vine number two and then four and then six.

Someone's got to swing out and grab vine number two,

number four and number six.

Who on our team is really good at swinging on vines?

ALL: Boots!

Boots the monkey-- right.

Let's cheer for Boots.

Say "Boots."

ALL: Boots! Boots! Boots!

Boots, can I help?

Sure, Isa.

You're really good at numbers.

Let's cheer for Isa.

Say "Isa."

ALL: Isa! Isa! Isa!

We've got to help Boots

find the right vines.

First, we've got to find

vine number two.

Which vine is vine number two?

Yeah, there it is.


All right, now we've got to find

vine number four.

Which vine is number four?

Yeah, there it is.

Now we've got to find vine number six.

I've got it.


Quick, which vine is number six?

You found it-- good job.

Whew, that was close.


We fixed the bridge!

We fixed the bridge!

[ all cheering]

DORA: You guys did it!

Great swinging.

i¡Muy bien!

[ blows whistle]

Wow, you made it over my extra-hard bridge.

What a team!

Good luck getting all the way to the end

of the Super Adventure Race.

DORA: Thanks, Mr. Troll.

[ begin playing fanfare]

[ fanfare ends abruptly]

[ fanfare concludes]

Now we have to figure out

what's next, and fast.

Say "Map."

Ooh, we're doing great.

We made it past the troll bridge-- check.

Where do we go next?


Tell Dora, next we go to the volcano.

Where do we go next?

The volcano!

So we need to find the volcano.

I don't see the volcano.

¿Dónde está el volcán?

BENNY: I don't see it.

ALL: Whoa!

DORA: Look, Benny's holding up Isa, Boots and Tico.

Wow, Benny's really, really strong.

DORA: Now do you see the volcano?

ALL: Yeah, there it is.

i¡Allí está!

I see it.

Come on, team.

Let's all do our team cheer.

♪ Boots can swing from tree to tree ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Boots"

ALL: ♪ Go, Boots!♪

♪ Roar, roar!

DORA: ♪ Tico's brave as he can be

♪ Say, "Ande, Tico." ♪

ALL: ♪ i¡Ande, Tico!♪

DORA: ♪ Isa's smart and climbs along

♪ Say, "Go, Isa."

ALL: ♪ Go, Isa!

DORA: ♪ Benny's really, really strong ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Benny."

ALL: ♪ Go, Benny!

DORA: ♪ Backpack's got great things, you know ♪

♪ Say, "Ande,Backpack."

ALL: ♪ i¡Ande, Backpack!♪

DORA: ♪ Map knows the best way to go

♪ Say, "Go, Map."

ALL: ♪ Go, Map!

♪ Dora's help will get us through ♪

♪ Say, "Go, Dora."

ALL: ♪ Go, Dora!

♪ We're a team with help from you ♪

♪ Say, "We're a team." ♪

ALL: ♪ We're a team! We're a team! ♪

♪ We're a team! We're a team... ♪

DORA: There's our friend the big red chicken.

ALL: Hi, Mr. Chicken.

TICO: Hola, pollo rojo grande.

[ clucks]

But where's the volcano?


ALL: There's the volcano.

Allí está el volcán.

[ blows whistle]

You're doing great.

To get past the volcano, open this gate.

To open the gate, you're going to have to catch

all the green balls that will fly out of the volcano.

Whoa-- how are we going to do that?

[ rumbling]

What are we going to do?

How are we going to catch all the green balls?

Team, team, team, we can do this.

Sí, se puede.

We can catch all the green balls.

But we need something

that can hold lots of stuff.

Who on our team can hold lots of stuff?

ALL: Backpack!


Right-- Backpack can hold lots of stuff.

Let's all cheer for Backpack.

Say "Backpack."

Backpack! Backpack! Backpack!

Oh, I'm so excited to help the team.

I'm ready to catch las pelotas verdes,

the green balls.

When you see a ball that's green, say "verde."

Is this ball verde?


It's a good thing we didn't catch it,

because it's filled with goo.

Is this ball verde?


Is this ball verde?


Say "verde."

ALL: i¡Verde!

If you see another ball that's verde,say "verde."

ALL: i¡Verde!


When you see another ball that's verde,say "verde."

ALL: i¡Verde!



When you see another ball that's verde,say "verde."

ALL: i¡Verde!




Yay, we caught all the balls that are verde.

You're good at speaking Spanish.

Now we can fill up the bucket with green balls

and open the gate.

Backpack's up in the tree.

Yo lo bajaré.

Gracias, amigo.

De nada.

[ rustling]


That sounds like Swiper.

He'll try to swipe

all the green balls.

BOOTS: Tico's got to stop Swiper

from swiping the green balls.

Will you help Tico stop Swiper?


If you see Swiper, say "Swiper."

¿Pueden ver a Swiper?

DORA: Say, "Swiper, no swiping."

Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping.

Swiper, no swiping!

Zorro antipático.

Oh, man.

Brave squirrel.

Swiper says Tico's brave.

Let's all cheer for Tico.

Say "Tico!"

ALL: Tico!




Whoa, the ground's starting to shake.

We'restarting to shake!

The volcano's going to go ka-boom.

The gooey balls, they're going to hit us.

We've got to get all ten of the green balls

into the bucket fast.

Count with us.

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Come on, team.


ALL: Phew, that was close.

[ playing fanfare]

We made it past the volcano.

We have to figure out where we go next.

ALL: Say "map."

What a team!

We're doing great.

We made it over the troll bridge.


We made it past the volcano.


Where do we go next?

The big wall-- right.

Ooh, that's a really big wall.

Tell Dora next we go to the big wall.

Where do we go next?

The big wall-- right.

We've got to find the big wall.

¿Dónde está?

Where is the big wall?

ALL: The big wall!


That's where I had trouble last time.

Come on.


We've got to get over the big wall fast.

ALL: Oh, no!

We need someone really strong

to move this heavy rock out of the way.

Who on our team is really strong?

OTHERS: Benny!


Let's cheer for Benny.

Say "Benny."

OTHERS: Benny!



[ groaning]

This rock is really, really heavy.

I need someone really strong.

Are you really strong?

Really, really strong?


Help me lift up this heavy rock.

Put your hands out in front of you and lift the rock.

Lift, lift, lift, lift.

Yay, we lifted the heavy rock together.

We are really strong.

We've got to climb up these ropes.

[ groaning]

Benny, what's wrong?

You guys should go ahead without me.

I don't want you to lose the race

because I can't climb over the wall.

Benny, we're a team.

We'll climb with you,

and together, we'll all get over the wall.

You'll all climb with me?


Then I'll do it.

OTHERS: Yay for Benny!

Let's cheer for Benny again.

Say "Benny."

OTHERS: Benny! Benny! Benny!

Okay, Benny, we need to climb fast

because we don't have much time.

We need you to climb up the wall with us.

Will you climb up the wall with us?


Put your hands up and grab the rope.


ALL: Climb, climb, climb, climb, climb!

Oh, look, we only have five seconds left.

ALL: Five, four, three, two, one, blast off!

You finished the Super Adventure Race in time.

ALL: Yay!

Look-- Val the Octopus has something for each of us.

Everyone on the team

is going to get a special gold medal.

Bow your heads to get your medals.






And you get a medal, too.

Bow your head to get your medal.

Bow your head, bow your head.


[ all cheer]

Tenemos medallas.

Hey, look, there's something written on the medal.

Read it to us, Dora.

It says, "When we work together as a team,

there's nothing we can't do."

Because being on a team means

you help me and I help you.

Cheer with us.

We're a team!

We're a team!

We're a team!

We're a team!

We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ We did it!

We did it. We did it.


♪ Lo hicimos.♪

♪ We did it!

♪ ♪

♪ We went over the bridge ♪

♪ And past the volcano

♪ We did it

♪ We did it!

♪ We did it, hooray!

♪ We made it over the wall

♪ We were fast, you know ♪

♪ We did it! ♪ We did it!

♪ Lo hicimos.♪

♪ We're the best team ever

♪ You know that's true

♪ 'Cause being on our team ♪

♪ Means you help me and I help you. ♪


Whoo! Hooray!

ALL: We did it!

i¡Lo hicimos!


We had such a great trip today.

What was your favorite part of the trip?

I liked that, too.

My favorite part was swinging on the vines.

Mi parte favorito fuera rugir como un dragón.


My favorite part was finding the numbers on the troll bridge.

My favorite part was finally making it over the big wall.

You know what, Benny?

That was my favorite part, too.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Thanks for helping.

ALL: i¡Gracias!

DORA: This is my friend, Baby Blue Bird.

Find Baby Blue Bird.



Peep, peep.

Peep, peep, peep.

[ child giggles]