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02x07 - Brothers and Sisters

Posted: 11/28/22 04:35
by bunniefuu
Bess/meg/amy/laurie: ♪ many were the blithe birds ♪

♪ That warbled the morn

♪ O-o-oh, I dream of jeannie ♪

♪ With the light brown hair ♪

♪ Floating like a vapor

♪ On the soft summer

♪ Air

[ Laughing ][ clapping ]


Jo: that was wonderful!

Thank you.

How about another?

I'’m afraid I'’m all sung out.

Yes, four is my limit.

Oh, meg! We were hoping you'’d do a solo.

Meg: well, thank you.

But I really haven'’t prepared anything.

Oh! But I have.

So, um, if you'’d like to hear it

I'’d love to sing it for you.

Well, that'’d be lovely.

[ Whispering ] "beautiful dreamer".

In falsetto voice: ♪ beautiful dreamer

♪ Wake unto me

♪ Star light and dew drops ♪

♪ Are waiting for thee

♪ Sounds of the river'’ll fade in the day ♪

♪ Lulled by the moonlight have all passed away ♪

Bess, you were wonderful. I'’m telling you.

But you have to say that, you'’re my mother.

Then ask aunt meg.

All right.

Aunt meg, you took voice lessons.

What do you think of my singing?

I'’ve never heard a voice quite like it.

[ Giggle ] thank you!

[ Humming ]

Except for a goose.


A sick goose.

Amy/meg: nan!

You have to admit,

Her voice is rather painful.

Bess'’ voice is not painful.

She'’s simply... Unpolished.

I agree. As long as she enjoys it,

Why spoil it for her?

That'’s right. So her voice isn'’t perfect.

What'’s the harm in a little white lie?

[ ♪ ]

That'’ll be it for you?


Uh, except mrs. Bhaer asked if you got that fabric she ordered.

You know, for the slip covers?

Slip covers?

You gonna sew for the lady too?

Maybe do a little needlepoint while you'’re at it?

You got a problem, mister?

Man: no. But it seems you do.

It'’s kind of funny, a fella askin'’ about fabric.

Mr. Gerson: hold on now!

Y-you take it outside.

You know what I hate about people like you?

Man: what'’s that?

Been more than a year,

You don'’t write one lousy letter.

Well, what'’s the point in writin'’? You can'’t read.

Nick: that'’s where you'’re wrong, mister.

Don'’t tell me.

Yep.well how about that.

You must be the tallest kid in your class.

[ Chuckle ]

What are you doing here?

My ship'’s docked in boston for a few days.

Some fellas at the tavern heard

You might be workin'’ at a school in concord.

I thought I'’d pay you a visit.


Nat, this here'’s ben.

My kid brother.

Your brother?

Hi, it'’s nice to meet you.

Ben: hi.hey, ben.

Howdy, boys. You keepin'’ nick here out of trouble?

Ah well, it'’s more like the other way around.

[ Chuckle ]ben: really?

Nick, you finally get rid of me

And now you got more kids to worry about.

Yes, except these kids don'’t give me any trouble.

[ Laughing ]

Why don'’t you show me around that school of yours?

Let'’s go!

Okay, just let me settle up here.

Ben: how much?

That'’ll be $ . .

[ Chuckle ] seem to be a little short.

[ ♪ ]

[ Sigh ] here.

Ah. Thanks, nick.

You haven'’t changed a bit.

[ Chuckle ] neither have you.

Except for the readin'’.

[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

Ben: ho-ho!

Wow! This is somethin'’!

You look after this whole place?

Ah, everybody pitches in.

Yeah, but nick'’s in charge.

No, jo'’s in charge.

Of the school, yeah.

But you keep the grounds in order and do all the repairs.

How'’s this jo to work for?

She'’s a real fine lady.


Jo bhaer. Short for josephine.

She owns this place.

Yeah, mrs. Jo'’s the greatest.

She kept plumfield going after her husband d*ed.

[ Chuckle ]

Nick riley, world traveler,

Workin'’ for some sweet little ol'’ widow.

Jo: hello.

[ Chirping of birds ]

Who'’s that?

The sweet little ol'’ widow.

Jo, this is my brother ben.

Your brother?

Guilty as charged.

Pleasure to meet you, mrs. Bhaer.

Please, call me jo.

It'’s wonderful to meet you and...

Such a surprise!

Ben'’s ship docked in boston for a few days.

Well I hope that you can spend that time here with nick.

Wouldn'’t wanna impose.

Not at all. We'’d love to have you.

Ah, thank you.

It'’s been a long while

Since I stayed in a place as fine as this.

In fact, I don'’t think

I ever stayed in a place as fine as this.

Well, we'’d be glad to have you.

Dan: hey, come on.

We'’ll show you inside.

Thanks, jo.

Of course.

Though, nick, I have to say,

I'’m a little surprised.

I thought that your family was dead.

My folks and my sister.

Ben'’s my only surviving kin.

But you never even spoke of him.

Never came up.

[ ♪ ]

[ Sigh ]

[ ♪ ]

What happened to you?

I broke my parasol.

Well, it looks like an elephant trampled on it.

No, I stepped on it.

While I chasing something.

What were you chasin'’?


You were chasin'’ a bucket?

No. Look inside.

A praying mantis!

I was practicing my singing in the meadow.

Then I saw it sitting on a branch.

I'’ve been lookin'’ for one of these things for months!

I know. I remembered from that awful picture you showed me.

Wait. You caught this?yes.

I was going to come back and get you.

But I figured by the time we got back, it wouldn'’t be there.

I can'’t believe you'’ve touched it.

Me? No. I took my parasol and turned it into sort of a bowl.

And I pushed the thing in.

Anyways, when I was walking home

It started climbing up on my dress.

What'’d you do?

What do you think I did? I screamed.

And then I tripped and broke my parasol.

Anyways, tommy heard me screaming and came over

And put that disgusting thing in a bucket.

[ Sigh ]


I-i just can'’t believe you did this for me, bess.

Well, don'’t ask me to do it again.

I'’m going to have nightmares for a week.

[ Chuckle ] thanks, bess!

No problem.

This is the best meal I had in months, nick.

I could get used to plumfield.

Well, you just be sure to behave yourself while you'’re here.

'’Course I will!

Jo is kind enough to let you stay.

I don'’t want you messin'’ anythin'’ up.

I'’m only here for a nice little visit with my big brother.

And I'’m happy to have you.

Just remember: I got lots of chores.

I can'’t be loafin'’ around with you all day.

Don'’t worry. I loaf around just fine on my own.

You said you'’re short on cash?

I'’m not retirin'’ tomorrow.

What happened? That ship stopped payin'’ you?

You know how it goes.

Yeah, I know.

Out the window before it ever hits your pocket.

We'’ll go into town tomorrow.

I'’ll help you find somethin'’ temporary.

I wasn'’t plannin'’ on workin'’.

But that'’s a good idea.

I'’d appreciate that.

We'’ll see mr. Gerson at the store.

He can always use a hand.

[ Piano ♪ ]

Bess: in falsetto voice ♪ beautiful dreamer

♪ Wake unto me

♪ Star light and dew drops ♪

♪ Are waiting for thee

♪ Sounds of the r... ♪

Bess... ♪ Sound...

Oh! Sorry, I didn'’t see you.

What are you doin'’?

Mmm, just practicing.

Can'’t you do that upstairs?

Sorry, I need the piano.

And besides, the acoustics are much better

In this room.

The whats?acoustics.

It'’s the way the room makes my voice sound.

[ Mumbling ] oh, so it'’s the room'’s fault.



I thought I heard someone playing the piano.

[ Giggle ] oh, yes. I'’m just practicing my singing.

Well, you'’ve been practicing a lot lately.

I know, aunt jo.

I can'’t stop! I just love it.

In fact, I'’ve been thinking:

I want to become a professional.


Yes! You know,

I could make it my career!

[ Chuckle ] you gotta be kid...

Very serious...

About a goal like that.

Jo: i-i think it'’s wonderful that...

That you love singing so much, bess.

It'’s a lovely pastime.

But you can'’t simply make an announcement

And instantly become a professional.

It takes years of training, and...

And dedication, and commitment.

I suppose you'’re right.

Just keep in mind:

Only the finest, most disciplined singers

Can actually hope to make singing their career.

[ Sigh ]

[ ♪ ]


Good evening.

Are you enjoying the night?

I took a walk around the grounds. Beautiful country.

Are you comfortable?

You know, you don'’t have to stay here in the barn.

There is a guest room in the house.

It'’s fine with me. I got my whiskey and my smokes.

I'’m happy.

Ben, I don'’t allow drinking on the premises.

I'’m sorry. I didn'’t know.

It'’s all right.

Evenin'’, jo.nick.

Ben, it'’s gettin'’ late.

Our day starts at sun up.

Aye-aye, sir!

[ Chuckle ]

I'’ve been to china and back on my own.

He still needs to tell me when to go to bed.

[ Chuckle ]

Big brothers.big brothers.

[ Grunt of effort ]


Hey, there.

Hello, nick.

Listen. I was just in town

And I thought I'’d stop by the store

And see how ben was doing.

Mr. Gerson told me that he sent him on a delivery today

And he never came back.


He said that he still has customers expecting deliveries.

[ Sigh ] he'’s very upset.

He said that ben is fired.

[ Sigh ]nick, I'’m a little worried.

Do you think that something happened to him?


[ Distant mixed voices ]

Jo: he'’s been here?

Nick: most of the day.

Said gerson sent him home early.

Didn'’t need him.

Dan: can you pass me that one, nat?

[ Sigh ]

I got lost!

I don'’t know my way around here, nick.

And by the time I finished my delivery,

It didn'’t make sense to go all the way back to the store.

But gerson was expectin'’ you.

Yeah, I figured I'’d get there early tomorrow morning

And-and make up the lost time.

There'’s no tomorrow. You been fired.


For one little mistake?


He hired you based on my word.

I know.

I'’m sorry, nick.

Listen, I'’ll go talk to the fella.

I'’ll try to explain it.

[ Sigh ]

I'’ll go.

I'’ll take care of it.

All right.

What'’s that?

Oh, I'’m just making up a list

Of possible songs for my audition.

Your what?

My audition. Aunt jo'’s right.

If I want to become a professional singer,

I'’m going to need the proper training.


So, there is an excellent program

At the conservatory in boston.

All I have to do is convince my parents

To let me audition for the admissions committee.


I mean...

Y-you can'’t do that, bess.

Why not?

Well... That committee,

It'’s full of singing teachers, isn'’t it?


Don'’t you think that'’s gonna be kind of awkward?

You, sittin'’ there and them judgin'’ your voice like that?

Nonsense, nan.

They'’re going to love my voice. Who doesn'’t?

[ Sigh ]

They are just going to be climbing all over themselves to admit me.

[ ♪ ]

Or to get out of the room.

[ Sigh ]

Is that a fresh pot?

Ah, yep.

Would you like some?

Oh, yeah! I love asia'’s coffee.


Have you seen nick anywhere?

I'’ve been looking all over for him.

Yeah, huh. He went into town

To have a little talk with mr. Gerson.

Mr. Gerson?

Yes. Straightening things out for me.

Like he usually does.

Is that so?

Yeah. Nick'’s got a way of followin'’ me around.


Speak of the devil.

How did it go?

Take your hat off in the house.

I talked to gerson.

Everythin'’s fine, you can go back to work tomorrow.

See? Nick can fix anythin'’.

So, does this sort of thing happen frequently?


Been lookin'’ after him since we were kids.

Keep waitin'’ for him to grow up and take some responsibility.

But he'’ll never change.

No, I suppose he won'’t.

Not as long as someone'’s always taking care of him.

[ ♪ ]

[ Chuckle ]

Read '’em and weep, boys.

I'’m out.

Me too.

You boys should take up a different game.

Like checkers.

All them little pieces would probably just confuse you, huh?


Now, y-you boys gotta forgive my brother.

Sometimes his tongue ain'’t attached to his brain.

No offense, fellas.

We'’ll see you.

What did I say?

I can'’t believe you'’re my kin.

[ Snicker ]

Not so fast.

You been playin'’ with my money all night.

Yeah, and I just tripled it.

And if you want me to start figurin'’ out

How much you already owe me...

Fine, nick. Take it.

Don'’t wanna dredge up ancient history.

Split it.

Fair enough.

So you must really like it here, huh?

You never stayed in one place so long.

[ Sigh ] well, I mean, it took some gettin'’ used to.

But it'’s a good job.

I got nobody barkin'’ orders at me.

Those kids are always up to somethin'’.

Keep things interesting.

[ Chuckle ]

Kids, huh?

How about jo?

She'’s a beautiful woman.

Yeah. She is.

And you two practically livin'’ together.

My room'’s in the barn, ben.

There'’s nothin'’ goin'’ on?

You are sweet on her, ain'’t you?

It ain'’t like that.

I respect jo.

And i-i admire her more than any woman I ever met.


I just wanna do things right.

Things are goin'’ good right now

And I don'’t wanna do anythin'’ to spoil it.


Oh, um...

"Work hard and luck will find you."

Ain'’t that what you always said?


And here you are.

Bess: [ singing ]

[ Whispering ] she'’s gonna ask her parents

If she can audition for the conservatory.

Mrs. Jo, you gotta stop her!

You have to tell her the truth.

I don'’t want to hurt her feelings.

Do you think I do?

If you don'’t tell her she sings terribly,

Those teachers will.

[ Sigh ]

Come on, you'’ll know what to say.

She listens if it comes from you.


Oh, aunt jo.

Do you have a moment?


I heard about your audition for the conservatory.

Isn'’t it wonderful?

I'’ve never been so excited for anything in my life.

Well that'’s great, bess.

I was, uh... Wondering, um...

Perhaps maybe it'’s too soon.

Oh, no! The sooner I get started the better.

I know you love singing, but...oh, I do!

When I sing, it'’s like something magical happens inside of me.

I can'’t paint as well as mother. I'’ve never been able to.

And I don'’t quite have the same skill for numbers

That father does.

But now that I started singing,

I feel like I'’ve finally found what I'’m meant to do.

[ Sigh ]

Well, amy and laurie are going to have to tell her.

They'’re her parents.

Bess: [ singing ]

[ Sighing ]

Ben: hmm!

Ahh! We should get goin'’.

Ah! It'’s early.


How often do we get to sit around and talk?

Us two brothers?

All right.

Great. You want another round?

Do I want another round?

Yeah. I'’ll get '’em. [ Snicker ]

[ Clearing of throat ] nick?

Y-you know what? You'’re right. We should go.


Well, you-you gotta get up early and do chores.

And I gotta get up and go work at the store, so...

What'’s wrong?

Nothin'’, no. I'’m just, uh...

Just tryin'’ to follow your good example.

Let'’s go.

All right.all right.

Afternoon, boys.

Hey, ben.

So how'’d it go at the store today?

Oh, better than yesterday, that'’s for sure.

Mr. Gerson, though, not much of a sense of humor.


Nick'’s got you workin'’ real hard, I see.

Can I give you a hand with that?

Dan: sure.

Nat: thanks, ben.

Ben: is nick real tough on you fellas?

Nat: no, no. He just expects us to get things done.

Ben: yeah.

Sounds like nick. He was always after me.

What was he like?

I mean, when you were kids.


Nick was never really a kid.

I mean, he was more like a father to me than a brother.

Had to be after our folks d*ed, I guess.

We stayed with relatives for a while.

My uncle drank a lot, and then he started hittin'’ us.

Um, till nick got fed up and we left.

He just packed our bags one day and walked out the door.

Two boys headin'’ out into the world on our own.

Yeah, well, we know what that'’s like.

Yeah. You must have been scared.

[ Noisy sigh ] no.

Not so long as I knew I had nick lookin'’ out for me.

[ ♪ ]

[ Whinnying of horse ]

[ Ominous ♪ ]

[ Laughing ]

Who are they?

Afternoon, ma'’am.

Listen. I left this mornin'’.

Jo: good afternoon.


If they ask, I ain'’t here.

Man: sorry to disturb you.

We'’re lookin'’ for a fellow by the name of ben riley.

That'’s my brother.

Who are you?

Just a couple old friends.

Is he here?

No.well, that'’s funny.

We were askin'’ around down at the tavern.

Heard he was stayin'’ at this school.

He left this mornin'’.

Man: is that so?


Thing is, your brother treated us kind of rude.

I mean, there we were, enjoyin'’ a nice, friendly game of cards

When he left through a back door.

Never even said goodbye.

How much did he owe you?

$ .

Man: I don'’t suppose he left

That kind of sum behind, did he?

In case we happen to turn up?

No, he didn'’t.

And you say he ain'’t here.

His ship'’s probably already left boston.


Still, you wouldn'’t mind if we had a quick look around, would you, ma'’am?

As a matter of fact, I would.

Well, I suppose we'’re out some money then, huh?

'’Course, if your brother does happen to turn up,

I sure hope he'’s ready to pay.

Or else we'’ll be forced to teach him some proper manners.

Sorry to trouble you.

Good day, now.

[ ♪ ]

A nice, brotherly visit.

I'’m sorry, nick.

You come here bringin'’ that kind of trouble?

Look, I didn'’t know what else to do.

You shouldn'’t have been gamblin'’ like that in the first place.

You'’re right. I know you'’re right.

You lost all your pay, didn'’t you?

Ah! All those months you worked. Wasted!

Look. I made a mistake.

I know that now.

If I could just stay here until my ship leaves...

Stay? You can'’t hide here anymore. You gotta go.

Nick, th-they won'’t be back.

How do you know?

This is a school, ben!

There'’re children here.

I know, nick. And I'’m sorry.

But I don'’t have that kind of money.

And those men ain'’t kiddin'’ around.

They will k*ll me.

You gotta help me.

[ Sigh ]

[ Chirping of birds ]

But we think that bess auditioning for the conservatory

Is a good idea.

It is.

She may not be the most talented performer,

But she can improve.

If she passes the audition,

Which I don'’t think she will.

Was her singing really that bad?

Jo: you have to tell her the truth.

But she has such high hopes.


And if she auditions,

Think of the reaction she'’ll receive.

It could shatter her.

This is nonsense.

Both laurie and I can sing.

Therefore, she must be able to as well.

All she needs is a little bit of training.

We could coach her.

Well, yes, we could rehearse her.

We could work with her every minute right up to the audition.

That'’s a wonderful idea, meg.

What a kind offer.

Wait a minute. I said, "we".

But you'’re the only one who'’s had singing lessons.

And you do have the prettiest voice.

[ Singing an octave ] ♪ la-la-la-la- la-la-la-la ♪

Yes, that'’s pretty good.

All right. You try.

All right.

[ In falsetto voice ] ♪ la-la-la-la- la-la-la-lah ♪

♪ La-a-a

[ Missing the note ] ♪ la-ah-ah

♪ La-a-a ♪ la-ah-ah

All right, bess.

I just want you to take a deep breath and relax.

Let the notes flow through you.

All right.

But aunt meg, don'’t you think the teachers

Have their own way of doing things?

Well, yes. I suppose they do.

So maybe I shouldn'’t change the way I sing until they hear me.

You know, keep my voice pure.

I just don'’t want to pick up any bad habits.

Bad habits?


[ Sigh ]

Well, how'’d she do?

The goose lives.


I'’m sorry. Forgive me.

But she is completely tone deaf.

It'’s hopeless.

So we'’re gonna tell her now, right?

Then I will.

Nan!nan: I have to.

Amy: no.

She'’ll be devastated.

Yes. Think of her feelings, nan.

That'’s exactly what I'’m thinkin'’ about.

[ Sigh ]

[ Low rumble of thunder ]

Jo: so the emperor paraded around

In the most elegant rooms.

Until one small child had the courage to shout out

What everyone else knew to be the truth:

The emperor wasn'’t wearing any clothes.

Now we all know this story.

Let'’s discuss that child for a moment. How did...

Sorry. I...nick.

What are you doin'’?

[ Embarrassed chuckle ]

Franz always made the lessons look so easy.

I still feel the need to rehearse.

Sounded all right to me.


Jo, I had no idea when ben came

That he was runnin'’ from a gambling debt.

I know you didn'’t.

Anyway, i-i want you to know that he'’s leavin'’ now.

I think that'’s best.

He'’s gonna go. Except...

He doesn'’t have $ , so...

I'’m gonna loan him what I got saved up to pay off those men.

Nick... I got to.

Jo, he'’s got a good heart.

He means well.

It'’s been hard on him.

Losin'’ our folks and sister so young.

I tried to look after him, but...


I probably let him get away with things when i...

Should have taught him better.

I know that you want to help him.

But don'’t you think that by solving his problems for him

You'’re only hurting him more?

Hurtin'’ him?

As long as you keep bailing him out of trouble,

He'’ll never learn how to avoid it.

He'’s my brother, jo.

I can'’t turn my back on him.

You'’d do the same if your sisters were in trouble.

[ Sigh ]

Thing is,

I only got $ saved.

And I know things are tight for you...

I'’ll loan you the money.

I'’ll pay you back every penny.

I know you will.

[ ♪ ]

Thank you.

[ ♪ ]

So long, ben.

All right. Boys, you be good now.

Yeah. You too.


I'’m real sorry my troubles had to follow me here.

Well, I hope they'’re over soon.

I think they will be.

Thanks to you and nick.

I wish you well.

Same to you.

Sure you don'’t want a ride into town?

No. I don'’t wanna put you out anymore than I already have.

I'’ll pay you back, nick. All of it.

You take care of yourself.

[ Sigh ]

Let me know where you are once in a while.

I will.

I'’ll write you a letter.

[ ♪ ]

Oh, nan! Good. I want to run something by you.

I was thinking for my audition

I'’d start with a beautiful aria from "la traviata".

What do you think?


I don'’t think you should do it.

Oh, you don'’t think I should sing the aria?


I don'’t think you should sing at all.

W-what do you mean?


Bess, I don'’t know how I'’m supposed to tell you this.

So I'’m just gonna say it.

[ Sigh ]

You can'’t sing!

Excuse me?

I'’m sorry, bess.

But it'’s your voice. It'’s...

It'’s really...


And the notes...

They'’re not always the right ones when you sing them.

How can you say that?

Bess, I don'’t want to.

But you'’re expecting those teachers to love your singing.

They'’re just gonna laugh at you.

Laugh at me?

Bess, I don'’t wanna see you get hurt.

No, of course you don'’t, nan!

Get out!

You know what? You'’re just jealous

Because you know I have talent

And you don'’t!

Bess, please!

I never want to speak to you again! All right?

[ ♪ ]

[ Cackling of chickens ]

[ ♪ ]


Nick, come quick!

Ben?[ Moaning ]

[ Cackling of chickens ]

[ Grunt ][ groan ]


Wake up!

Mornin'’, nick.

What are you doin'’ here?


I didn'’t wanna wake you, nick.

So'’re drunk.

[ Chuckle ] yeah.

But, uh, jo?

Don'’t worry about it.

I did all my drinkin'’ off the premises.

Ben, why'’d you come back?

Did you pay '’em the money?

I was gonna, nick.

But I think I'’m gonna need your help just one last time...

You found a poker game, didn'’t you?

It was amazing.

Round after round,

Every card I needed was right there.


I just wanted to double the money.

So that I could win enough

To pay back you and those men...

How much did you lose?

Full house.

Two jacks and three aces...

How much did you lose, ben?

All of it!

Thanks, nick. Just a few more boxes.

Bess, I'’m not sure how your things are gonna fit in the guest room.

Well, I'’d rather be cramped in the guest room

Than be up there with nan.

I wish she wasn'’t doing this.

She'’s taking it so badly.

Probably best if you just give them some time apart.


Where'’s ben?

In the barn.

Sleepin'’ it off.

[ Sighing ] jo, I want you to know;

Ben losin'’ that money'’s got nothin'’ to do

With me payin'’ you back.

I don'’t want you to worry.

I'’m not.

[ Sigh ]

I don'’t know what I was thinkin'’,

Trustin'’ ben to do the right thing.

You were right.

Me helpin'’ him is just makin'’ things worse.

But, I'’m done with it.

As soon as he gets up, I'’m tellin'’ him to leave.


Nick, I know how much you care about ben

And how much he cares about you.

I just wish that there was a way that you could help him

Without allowing him to take advantage of you.

I was thinking we could go to boston a day early

So that I could examine the audition hall.

Just to make sure it'’ll have the proper acoustics.

Well, I'’m sure the acoustics will be just fine.

Oh, i-i'’m sorry. I didn'’t know any- body was in here.

Can you believe her?

Do you know she actually told me

She thought my voice was annoying?

I just don'’t know how anyone could be so cruel.

Bess, I don'’t think she meant to hurt you.

Well then, why else would she say a thing like that?


Laurie: sweetheart,

The truth of it is,

You have a very...

Interesting voice.


Yes. It'’s...




In its own way.

Maybe I should explain.

Please do.


Sometimes when you sing,

Your voice, um...

Well, your voice is here.

When it should be...


So you think nan was right?

Yes, we do.

So you all lied to me.


You said that you loved my singing!

We love that you enjoy it so much.

How could you do that to me?

We were just trying to protect you.

Bess, wait...

Leave me alone!

[ ♪ ]


How long have you been sittin'’ there?

A while.


Listen, nick.

I am sorry.

But you gotta believe me.

I was just tryin'’ to pay you back.

I-i hate owin'’ you all that money

And I was holdin'’ the hand of a lifetime.

I'’ll pay you back, I promise.

Yeah, you will.

And those men too.

This is what we'’re gonna do:

We'’re both gonna ride into boston together.

I'’m gonna make sure you'’re safe till you'’re back on your ship.


I'’m not done.

We'’re gonna make some arrangements.

All your pay will be sent to these men till you pay them off.

What?after that,

Whatever you earn will be sent here

To pay off me and jo.

But that'’ll take months.

Yep.that'’s sl*ve labor.

I'’ll be workin'’ for free.

You'’ll be payin'’ for your mistakes, like a decent person.

Understand?i said I was sorry, nick.

You been sayin'’ that

All your life, ben. I'’m tired of hearin'’ it.

Oh. You'’re tired of hearin'’ it.

Well then, you don'’t need to hear it no more.

Sit down.


You walk out that door,

I won'’t let you back in.fine with me.

Next time you get into trouble...

Next time I get into trouble,

I won'’t come see you!

You'’re always so high and mighty.

You always got the right answers.

Well, not everyone'’s perfect like you, nick.

Don'’t give me that...

All I ever hear from you

Is how I disappoint you. I'’m sick of it!

I'’m just tryin'’ to help you, ben.

Well, don'’t!

You just sit here with your nice, easy life,

'’Cause I don'’t need your help no more.


[ ♪ ]

[ ♪ ]

I figured, since you broke your parasol

Gettin'’ me that praying mantis,

It'’s only fair that I should fix it.

Well, I just want you to have it.


I wanted to say that I'’m really sorry.

I hated what you said to me.

I know.

My parents told me the same thing.

They were going to let me sing in front of all those teachers.

But you were the only one

Who cared enough to be honest with me, nan.

Even though you knew I'’d be furious.

And you are.

No, I was.

Singing was the one thing I thought I was truly good at.

What am I going to do with my life now?


My mother used to tell me that

Everyone has their own special talent.

We don'’t always know what it is.

But if you keep lookin'’, one day you'’ll find it.

[ ♪ ]


Oh, hey.

How did it go with ben?

Not good.

He left.

I'’m sorry.

Yeah, well...

Maybe I shouldn'’t have been so hard on him.

Nick, you were just giving him the chance

To deal with his problems honorably.

Never seen him so angry.

Well, he'’s angry right now.

But I hope that one day he'’ll come to understand

That you acted out of love and concern.

You got a good heart, jo.

But things don'’t always turn out the way you want '’em to.

Bess: nick?

You were right.

The guest room is much too small for me.

So, um,

I was wondering if you could move me back upstairs.

I'’ll be there in a minute.

Thank you.

You'’re right.

Sometimes things don'’t work out the way that you want them to.

But sometimes they do.

[ ♪ ]