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Disenchanted ( 2022)

Posted: 11/29/22 07:47
by Maskath3
Pip: Once upon a time in a magical kingdom called Andalasia a baby was found
With no mother or father to speak of the animals raised her as one of their own, that baby was Giselle, Giselle grew into a beautiful young lady with a loving heart and a secret desire

- I’ve been dreaming of true love’s kiss and a prince that comes with this
She won the love of the bravest prince until one day she was pushed by an evil queen and landed in a large and extremely confusing place called
New York City, New York City
There she met Robert who was a lawyer with dreamy eyes and a daughter named Robert who saw magic everywhere she went , they fell in love and they lived -

Both: Forever Ever After
Read it again Dad
Pip: What if I told you ever after wasn’t the end of their story?
We’ve heard this story a million times ,That’s how it always ends
Pip: You’ve only heard part of the story, I’m not too proud of my part but if you two get into bed, I’ll read it to ya
This story begins where the old one left off , after ever after
After? There is no after after ever after
You get married then nothing ever happens to you again
Pip: Not in this world, for Giselle a few years grew apart, Morgan sprouted up, Robert and Giselle had a big, beautiful girl named Sofia
And for one moment Giselle truly had it all, with all the baby stuff
Their castle in the sky shrunk too sizes and life got so busy
it felt like a sleeping curse fell over the kingdom every night , the hardest part was Morgan , she became what that lot call a teenager
Felt like she set off to a faraway place she could never go , felt like life wasn’t so magical after all then she saw a sign and decided their ever after might be somewhere else so Giselle and Robert began their quest for a new Ever after
Mover: Next stop, Monroeville
Where the hell is Monroeville
Don’t know, has to be better than here

Giselle: I know change can be scary but it can also be exciting, think of all the wonderful new people you’re going to meet who will love you just as much as I do and remember whenever you need a friend, what do we do?

Robert: Morgan can you at least try to help a little?
Morgan; I am helping, I’m literally telling the entire Internet about my kidnapping, they all agree it’s a tragedy
Robert: You know, a lot of people move to the suburbs from the city and they’re wildly happy
Morgan: Well I was wildly happy here , can you back me up on this Sofia?
You’re no help
Giselle: Are you ready for our new adventure?
Morgan: Very
Giselle: That’s
Both: sarcasm
Giselle: I promise Monroeville is the perfect place
Morgan: No speeches, if we’re going to do this, let’s just go
Robert: Teenagers are like this, She’ll be fine
Giselle: We really did have magic memories here
Robert: We’ll make more, if I learnt anything from meeting a princess on a billboard sometimes you just have to take a leap
Pip: So they packed up and moved
ain’t nothing too perturbia , disturbia , magic kingdom of surburbia
Giselle: Isn’t it wonderful? It’s the closest thing I’ve ever seen to
Both: Andalasia
Morgan: House is like a castle, I’ll have my own room, you’ve told me a million times
Robert: Hey look
Giselle: You never know Morgan, you might have a little magic like I did growing up
Robert: There it is
Giselle: Oh good The walls are back up
Morgan: The walls were down?
Interesting castle
Robert: We’re running a little behind schedule, you just have to have vision

New baby in town
We even brought gifts
We’re great with naps if you ever need help with that
Thank you, I might take you up on that, should we go check out our new home?
It’s all part of the adventure
Morgan: That’s not an adventure, that’s a landfill
Giselle: A land filled with adventure
Robert: Let me take my little princess and show you the rest of the house
Morgan: I’m going to go see if one of those movers will move me back to New York

Giselle; I know it’s hard starting over someplace new, I did it once, not really on purpose , I find you just have to look at things the right way
Morgan: Oh no
Giselle: Here I’ll show you
Morgan: We don’t really need to
Here we are
Morgan: Sing
- A family starting over where life will be nicer and newer now
With a sparkling sun and the fresh clean sky our dreams will come even truer now
In a yard that’s full of four leaf clover where We’ve been transplanted we’ll be brimming with even more joy in store than before , life will be more enchanted
We’re so blessed to have our little castle, we’ll sing as we gaily unpack our trunks
We’ll be friends with all the local deer , fluffiest raccoons and cuddly skunks

Far away from all the noise and hassle , our wishes will all be granted and even the nastiest birds will tweet extra sweet , I repeat, we’ve left behind all those city lights for riding bikes and flying kites
Now we will be surbabanites and even more enchanted

Giselle: Keep them closed
Robert: Don’t open your eyes
Giselle: Keep them closed
Morgan: Feels so scary now
Robert: Don’t be scared, ready?
Both: Open them
Morgan: Oh wow this is wow, wow
Giselle: I know I got carried away, you can change anything you like
Robert: She made them promise it will be done
Morgan: It’s beautiful mom
Giselle: Really? Pretty soon this whole place will feel like home you’ll see
Morgan: Ah!
That’s all my stuff!
Robert; Put it out
Morgan: Careful
Robert; Grab a blanket
Morgan: Those were all my clothes!
Robert: Do we know somebody?
Giselle: No but we can

Malvina: What are you colour blind? That’s not green, that’s aqua
Hope you don’t mind, the door was unlocked
Giselle and Robert right? And Morgan and little Sofia
Giselle: Yes, how did you know?
Malvina: Malvina Monroe , I would have sold you this house but I deal in slightly more upscale homes, Rosaleen and Ruby!
: Oh they smell so good
made everything
Even the baskets
Malvina: I weave
That’s so sweet
Morgan: And a little weird
I have one that age too , so pouty, still the apple of my eye
Everyone’s eye
More like the apple of your entire face

I know this town better than anyone else
She made this town what it is
She’s like the Queen of the town
I think every town should have a queen

That wasn’t exactly the first day we hoped for , maybe we should have waited a month
No we pushed her three times
That is so much better than fifth avenue
No that’s just weirdly louder
Giselle: Those crickets can pose that song just for us , build them a resort, I don’t think they have one of those

Morgan: Can we talk about the fact we moved here to get more space and we’re sleeping in the same room
Robert:,Morgan We talked about this, It’s just until the Smoke clears the room

Morgan: Why is your alarm going off? It’s still yesterday outside
It’s okay baby, it’s okay sweetheart
Fire! Yes it is a lovely morning isn’t it?
I can’t figure out this commuting thing , I’ll grab some cream, what is that smell?

Morning I made you some toast
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Morgan: No but this is my only outfit
Giselle: The king and Queen of Andalasia , Nancy , Edward what are you doing here?
We built a portal to your new home

Edward: Congratulations on The increasing size of your progeny
Thank you
Your dwelling, Are you poor now?
Nancy: Edward
Robert: We’re not poor
Giselle: it’s what they call a fixer upper
Edward: A fixer upper, Once your peasants have dug out the moat and added a turret and a balcony from which you can sing bathed in the light of a forgiving moon , I see it now
Robert: On that note I’m off

Robert it appears you have lost your sword
I don’t have a sword
Now that you’re a country squire you’d be more in need of a sword
Still a lawyer
Tragic , how desperate you must be to do something
I do plenty
A brave front is required to face a life as barren as this , take this
I couldn’t
You must
This sword and I have slayed many a beasts and adventures testing both body and spirit , may it do the same for you
Thank you peasant
Nancy: We missed her birthday last month but we had to make sure the goddaughter of the king and queen of Andalasia got one of these
Giselle; A Andalasian wishing wand
A what wand?
Giselle: I’ve heard of it but never seen one before
Edward: When your godparents are the king and queen they have to do something extra special

- Presenting a wand that wishes the most magical of tools , use it for joy and happiness , just make sure you know the rules

Morgan: Does anyone in Andaasia just say stuff?
Giselle: Not if we can help it

- Here’s the magic of Andalasia
Contained within this wonderous wishing wand
We bring some magic from Andalasia to this Dab and most unmagic world beyond
This wishing wand, She will be so enthused by what fun she can have with this gift we brought her
But just remember it can only be used by a true Andalasian son
Or daughter
She’s a true Andalasian goddaughter
With this magic
With this magic
of Andalasia
If she has questions, just consult the scroll
Giselle: Scroll?
Nancy: Just ask the scroll any questions and the answers will appear
Edward: In this world I guess you just read it, how do you live in this place?
Giselle: How bout that? You’re a true daughter of Andalasia

Morgan: If you have no wands for a fake daughter of Andalasia, I’ll go change, I’ll be sure to look in your closet, sure to be some fun options, we’re making a real splash at my new school

Giselle: She sometimes says one thing and means the opposite , I can never tell
Nancy: Are you okay?
Giselle: Is it sometimes easier to live in Andalasia
Nancy: I wouldn’t say easier, we have dragons, ogre rebellions
Giselle: In Andalasia the hardest part is finding your happily ever after, this world feels different
Nancy: It’s true, Happily ever after is more a concept here
Edward: If you don’t like this world, you should change it
Nancy: Honey it’s not that easy
Hogwashery , if anyone can make something out of this, it’s Giselle

Is that a sword?
Robert: Yeah

Little tip next time tell them no bag, double wrapped
Maybe leave the sword at home
Don’t listen to him, you gotta do you, after all you’re riding this train over and over and over and over and over and over and then you die
Just reality man

Morgan: I feel like a human get well bouquet
Don’t be silly, you look beautiful, the flowers on your skirt bring out the rest of flowers on your skirt
Oh my she really is involved
Ruby: Congrats you made it

Giselle: You really do have a Talent for baked goods
Malvina: It’s just a little fundraiser
Giselle: For Monroe fest? What’s that?
It’s the biggest event of the year, Malvina organises the whole thing, it’s spectacular, there’s also games and a fun little vote for king and queen
Her son’s won eight years in a row
Ruby: Even when he broke both his legs he won
Malvina: It’s not rigged, I promise
Giselle: I love festivals, have them all the time where I come from , they’re usually interrupted by evil forces of some kind, when they’re not , bring everyone together
I would love to help if you need it
Morgan: You should take her up on that, one time she made an entire forest from m and m’s and had it delivered to my class by pigeon

Morgan you’re going to be great
Just believe in yourself
Malvina: I would love to buy you coffee and hear more about this m and m masterpiece , whatever else there is to know about our newest Monroenite
Giselle: That would be so nice, thank you

Excuse you
Morgan: Living The full cliche here

Tyson: They must have had an urgent selfie to post, you’re the new girl from New York
Morgan: Morgan and you’re Tyson from cupcakes
Tyson: You met my mother, I try to ignore whatever it is she’s doing, kind of intense
Morgan: Well imagine if she was made of magic and sang at the drive thru

Tyson come on!

Edgar; Extra large cappuccino with five sh*ts
Malvina: Figurative
Edgar: Now let me see, Herbal tea, cappu- no!
Giselle: You’re right, he’s right
Malvina: Oh Edgar knows everything, he’s my eyes and ears

You guys move really quickly
We go wherever she needs us to be
Our town is really one big family, like every family everyone has their role,
Once we figure out where you fit in, you can have anything you wish
Giselle: You know I think you’re right

I’m so glad you like it, do you think I should add music?
Hi Morgan how did everything go?
Morgan: Just fine
Giselle: Does this mean it didn’t go well?
Morgan: Well no one talked to me all day
Yes that was sarcasm, my day sucked

Giselle: I know you didn’t want to come here , it will get better
Morgan: What if it doesn’t ?
I should go back to school in New York, I can take the train with Dad, it’s fine
Giselle: It’s only been a day , we’ll just figure out where you fit in
Morgan: We won’t do anything, if I have to do this, I’ll do it on my own

Meet me at the school, I have a magical idea
This cannot be good

Giselle: She is new here and she makes a great friend

Giselle: We have festivals in Andalasia all the time , everyone knows the prince and princess now everyone will know you
Morgan: I told you I could figure this out on my own , why can’t you let me do that?

Malvina: Giselle You cannot have a table on the school unless you’re an official member of a committee
Giselle: I’m sorry I didn’t know
Malvina: Well you do now, ladies
Rosaleen: Gladly

Robert: She’s never been this late without calling, I think she’s turned off her phone, she’s grounded
Giselle: Remember when we made this, she used to beg me for stories from Andalasia every night, her favourite ones were always about the memory tree, I don’t know what happened
Robert: Teenagers do this all the time , it’s all it is
Giselle: It’s more than that
I don’t sing the right song anymore,
I used to be good at things
Robert: Things will get better,just give it a second
Giselle: Robert do you like it here?
Robert; We just got here
Giselle: When was the last time you were Truly happy
Well it’s not that I’m unhappy
I’ll be riding on a train over and over

Where were you?
Morgan; In New York
Giselle: By yourself?
Morgan: I’ve been riding the subway alone since I was thirteen, let’s calm down

What were you thinking?
I was thinking you should have left me where I belong
You belong here
Morgan: No I don’t, you live in a magical world, the rest of us don’t

Robert: You wanna be mad, be mad at me, you do not talk to your mother like that
Morgan: My mother, she’s not my mother , she’s my stepmother , that’s all she’ll ever be
Robert: She didn’t mean that
Giselle: I think she did , I can’t change that

- Once upon a time back there in Andalasia , rules were clear and colours didn’t fade
Once you found your happily ever after , your happily ever after always stayed then I journeyed here where true love’s kiss was waiting , I became his princess

I miss that fairytale life where you wake each day and nothing’s changed , and your daughter doesn’t feel estranged
I thought I found a place where I could make things better
All I did was change where I would fail
What do I do where life can never be a fairytale -

Oh pip my old friend

I know, I just wish

The wand of wishes, that’s the answer

- So I make this wish where life so confusing and pain can cut you sharper than a knife
I wish we could all have a life
Where suns spring in the air and dragons and ogres are the only things that are scary , give us a fairytale life -

Giselle: I guess it didn’t work, oh well , tomorrow is another day
Why don’t you sleep over? We have some very comfortable twigs , I’m glad you’re here

Good morning
Good morning Giselle
Giselle:, It’s not a very good morning at all I’m afraid
Well then you’ll have to make it a good morning
Giselle: You’re absolutely right friends

- Get the table set
Your coffee’s percolating
Got some eggs to fry
Oh my
I’ve got your smoothie waiting
Would you like your toast on wheat or rye

Giselle: Morgan?

- This day is new now, there’s work to do now, scrubbing and sweeping, all the pleasures of housekeeping
I’m just estatic doing my daily chores, let’s sweep those floors

Robert: Giselle You’re even more beautiful than you were yesterday
- It’s another day, another quest , one more chance to put my mettle to the test

What a sunny day, what a yummy breakfast , you’ll stay empty mister garbage fill
Oh well
Then it’s all hands on deck
That’s rooms to dust
And searching for a quest
Our life is almost like a fairytale

Robert; Well I’m off, another adventure, a chance to prove my worth and heroic fortitude only to return to you my fair lady glowing with a days worth of fully realised purpose

Morgan: I am off too but Not without my little helper, chores are an adventure all on their own, that’s what I always say

Pip: Those twigs were m*rder on my sciatica
I’m talking, how am I talking?
Giselle: The wish I made last night it came true
Pip: What are you talking about?
Giselle; We have a fairytale life
Pip: Jumping jelly sticks we got magic

Look all around us, life will be so full of song and laughter and you can bet we’ll get our happily ever after

Morgan: It’s the queen
Giselle: Modernlasia has a queen and she’s a magic queen, those are always fun

Pip; Yeah ain’t sure how fun she looks
Malvina: Doing some last minute shopping for tonight
Giselle: What’s tonight?
Giselle: Your majesty
For the festival m’ lady
Giselle: Oh the festival, is that still happening?
Malvina: Why wouldn’t it? no power on Earth could stop it , it’s my gift to the people
Giselle: Of course your majesty
Malvina: That’s an interesting trinket
Giselle: Why don’t you focus on your little festival?
Baked goods are what you do best your majesty
You know I was just realising this is her very first festival in Modernlasia, have to get you a new dress , get right on that

Malvina: Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most powerful of them all?
Did you not hear the question?
I did your majesty, just don’t want to end up shattered on the floor if I can help it

He mustn’t have understood the question, We said most powerful not prettiest , this guy

I don’t know what’s happening
Malvina: I do, It’s that wand she’s being so coy about, it’s dripping with magic , even a fool could see that , you two get it for me
Ruby: You mean steal it?
Rosaleen: Yes your majesty

Malvina: Oh Giselle what have you done?

Giselle: Dresses certainly are different
Morgan: How do I look?
Giselle: Oh Morgan you look wonderful, what do you think?
Morgan: It’s beautiful
Giselle: We’ll take it
Morgan: You really don’t have to do that, I’m sure it’s very expensive

Giselle: That’s really a very aggressive twinkle
You know I was thinking, I really do have a figure for fashion
The finest hourglass would shatter with envy
Let’s try them all

Pip: What’s that smell? oh Hey it’s me, I fell into a gutter , you buy the whole town?
Giselle: It’s not all for me, picture our Morgan the belle of the ball in this

Oh , well

Morgan: It looks different in this light

Giselle: Hardly fit for a maid
Pip: Not exactly how I would have put it , what?
It was a little judgy

Morgan: Well I’m off to market then I’ll return for the ball
Oh thank you for everything stepmother

Giselle: Stepmother? My hair is so high and my dress so low , of course I want that dress made from rags, people like me always do
Pip; Like who? What are you talking about?
Giselle: Oh no I’m afraid my wish is turning me into
Pip: Into what?
Turning me into?
Pip: Into what?
A wicked stepmother
Pip: What? Oh I can totally see that

Whose rathole is this?
Giselle: Morgan’s , stepdaughters always live in attics or dungeons, you know what this means?
I am the villain of Modernlasia
Pip: Well you’re not the only one
That’s silly , there’s only one villain except for minions and things you didn’t know were villains

Modernlasia’s different because there’s you and that evil queen you made
Giselle: She’s not evil
Pip: Have you seen that outfit? With the big gestures and the crazy eyes
You better unwish that
I don’t feel so
Giselle: What’s wrong?

Stepmothers don’t have cute chipmunks as friends , they have
Pip: Cats, evil ones , I can’t be a cat, they eat chipmunks, I’m gonna be sick

Robert; Adventure out here, a fellow in distress, finally
Are you a dragon slayer?
Robert: I shall slay the beast
I wouldn’t , it is very large
And cranky
Robert; A very large and cranky dragon is just what I’ve been looking for

Have you done this before?
Robert; Of course, I have slayed many a dragon
I shall persevere , I shall conquer the pregnant beast
No offense but you should find another profession

Pip: What are you doing?
Giselle: Nancy said if we had any problems , all we had to do was ask
Scroll; magical wand wishing experience, any questions you shall have, just ask and I shall appear

Pip: Hey we’ve got no time for this
Good kitty
Giselle: I’m sorry, My friends a little anxious because we need to undo a wish as soon as possible
Scroll: Didn’t like what you got?
Giselle: I wished for fairytale life and it turned the town into a place like Andalasia and I’m slowly turning into an evil stepmother
Pip: And I’m a soon to be evil cat
Scroll: You changed the world , you changed the world?
You know how much magic it takes to make that happen? You know where all that magic comes from? Andalasia
This is world ending stuff
This is definitely a wish to be unwished
Giselle: We need to know how to unwish the wish
Scroll: Welcome to magical world, it’s you , we always build in a certain amount of time in case you change your mind
Thank goodness you are not all villain yet
Careful with the tassels
How far along are we? Wicked
Giselle: Wicked good
Scroll: The other three are vain
Giselle: I’m not vain , just look good in everything
Scroll: There it is Cruel and ambitious
Your clock has not yet run out
Pip: What kind of clock do you mean?
Scroll: Could be anything, Have you seen the flower petals dripping ? How about clock counting down to midnight with an omnibus sound ? Pretty on the nose, that’s classic stuff
You know that’s not a litter box, that’s where I live

Pip; What happens at midnight?
Scroll: Everything is set and nothing is what it was before, your wish is permanent for all time, I did that for effect
All you have to do is use the wand labelled wand
Where is it?
Giselle; It’s gone
Scroll: Good luck with everything

That means it’s cruelty, can’t let this happen, have to fight it
Have to find a way to stop this
Pip; I have to lick this for some reason

Giselle; It’s going to be okay

As we say in Andalasia magic fixes everything or breaks it then we need even more magic to undo the magic then everything’s fine
At least I look fine
That’s not important
Speak for yourself, Robert will appreciate it it If he isn’t slain by something, oh my god she’s right, I’m right, he thinks he’s a prince with a sword
Morgan, Although nothing ever happens to young girls in Andalasia they just sing and pick flowers or sometimes get trapped in a tower or kidnapped by trolls or witches
Oh my

Good morning Morgan, ready for the festival?
Morgan; Of course , my stepmother even bought me a new dress, she’s never done that before

-everyone’s giddy with anticipation

I’ll be hanging flowers unscented flowers to enhance the festive nation
They’ll be merry men in the courtyard even waltzing in the halls
Won’t it just be perfect
Won’t it just be perfect
Won’t it just be perfect

Don’t you think it’ll be just perfect
Of course, isn’t it always?

It’s another perfect Modernlasian morning
Shiny children playing beneath shiny sky , every bird singing extra prettily, t’s perfect
So why aren’t I?

Everyday I play it, Who I really am, I’ll never let them see

It’s another perfect Modernlasian morning
I’m feeling deep inside where the weird parts of me hide, maybe perfect isn’t perfect for me
Admit there’s adventure
Admit longing for romance
Everyday I crave I could do it if ever given the chance

There’s a joy of possibility , I have a feeling by the corner or out by the bay some kind of change could be coming my way
Wildly imperfect but Perfectly right for me
I never wanted to be perfect , just a chance to do and be what’s right for me

Tyson: This fruit is very squishy today
Morgan: Well then I would be careful, the squishy dragon fruit can be a little bit grumpy

Merchant: Can I help you love?
Giselle: Do you have anything that can reverse magic you didn’t intend to use?
Perhaps a poultice or an unguent or a those can be very powerful
Merchant: No unguents no, this one makes your eyelashes curly
Giselle: Curly eyelashes , why not?

Tyson: So I assume you’ll be attending the ball this evening?
Morgan: I am

Giselle: Evil stepmothers never take this well

Since this is your first ball maybe I can show you around , make sure you have the perfect partners

I’ll give it to her
Ruby: I got it for her
Rosaleen: I’m the one who carried you out of there

Malvina: Can’t be that powerful, I suppose I should see what I can do with it, I wish Ruby was a toad
Mirror, what kind of magic is this?
Scroll: Ask any question and i shall appear
That’s an easy one, it’s Andalasian magic , who are you?
Grab it
Scroll: Please I’m ticklish over there, my tassels , careful with the fine print
Malvina: Did you say any question?
Scroll: Away, poof
Malvina: No you’re not going anywhere
I have questions, lots and lots of questions , start from the beginning or I might do a little editing

Morgan: Oh the most wonderful thing happened, Tyson asked me to the festival
Giselle: But I’m afraid you won’t be attending the festival this evening after all
You have far too many chores
Morgan: But I’ve done all my chores
Giselle: What about the carpets in the hall? Awfully dusty , windows, I can’t see a thing
Then there’s the garden, chimneys filthy business
Yes perhaps there were a few that I missed , surely they can wait
Giselle: Are you speaking back to me!
Morgan: No of course not , I would never
Giselle: Perhaps you need to remember your place , can’t leave your room only for chores
Morgan: But I promised Tyson
Giselle: Oh come now Morgan a boy like Tyson has plenty of options , far better ones

Can enjoy your evening From up here on your little perch , that’s sarcasm isn’t it? Not so hard to understand

Morgan: Stepmother please you can’t be this cruel
Giselle: I can’t help it dear , it’s just who I am


What are you doing?
Robert: I’m going to take this rope and tie it

Help me, I’m stuck!
Robert: You’re okay, the big bad giants gone

I turn around for one second
We are in your debt
You are truly a hero
Robert; I wouldn’t say that
Thanks to you, our family is safe, I’m forever grateful

Going somewhere?
Morgan; It’s not , it’s not what you think, I just had to tell Tyson why I wouldn’t be there, I’ll be back in no time at all
Giselle: You will be because you’re not going
Morgan: Stepmother
Are you okay?
Giselle: Never better, back up to your tower
It can’t be , not yet

Morgan I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault , I wished for a fairytale life and it’s all gone horribly wrong
Or horribly right
She doesn’t know what she wants but I do

Morgan you have to listen to me
Perfect Morgan, Not so perfect after all
Don’t you dare
I’ll dare all I like
Morgan; Stop it, you’re scaring me

You’re not going anywhere like this, you have to go
You have to do it before midnight
Morgan: Have to do what?
Giselle: Save us

Wretched girl, you three, you look like you’re good with children , my darling needs tending to

Pip: I feel Superior to all living things , why were we fighting this?
Giselle: Indeed , who knew being a villain could feel so liberating
Now we just need to find that wand, what have we here?

Villains are many things, one thing we aren’t is powerful , that’s why we have to go through all these ridiculous manipulations, we don’t have any power of our own
With Morgan gone, I’m not a stepmother anymore, it’s time for me to take on a new role in this town , I want to be Queen
Pip: There’s already a Queen, I feel she’s really attached to the role
Giselle: A villain like Malvina can’t resist showing how bad she is to the world
What are we doing?
I say we give it to her then I have a job for you my pet
Pip: Do I get to be evil now?
Giselle: Oh yes

Giselle: Mirror mirror in her hand who is the most insecure woman whose constant need to ask her own reflection for validation suggests what she really needs to do is to love herself in all the land?
Malvina: Giselle a pleasure as always
Giselle: I imagine it is,
I was hoping I would run into you and look at this it seems I have
Malvina: What can I do for you?
Giselle: I thought it only fair to give you a chance to hand Modernlasia over to me peacefully before any unpleasantness begins
Malvina: And why would I do that?
Giselle: This town is mine , I think we both know that
Malvina : Sadly I’m going to have you decline your generous offer, had a little chat with your scroll friend
It’s clear Modernlasia is everything it was meant to be
Giselle: I tried but if you won’t accept the offer you know there’s only one thing that has to happen
Ruby: Dance off
Rosaleen: See what I gotta put up with
Giselle: One of us has to die
Malvina: Say midnight
Giselle: I’m so sorry to ruin your little party with all this destroying business
Malvina: Oh Giselle you are hilarious,
Delusional but hilarious

- Don’t feel You are upsetting me , I barely even know you’re there
Sorry were you speaking, you’re hard to see like a smell in the air
Trying to be clever, that makes no sense
You don’t see your only insignificance
well it’s time you learnt
You may think you’re bad but darling I am

Half bit
A wanna be villain
You’re a garden snake and I’m a big buff otter
Face it I’m so much better than you

Surely you can see it’s ridiculous
Two villains in one fairytale
this town is too small for the both of us
So off into the sunset you should sail

I cand send my minions to help you pack
I’ll try not to crow
I will miss you
Alas but you have got to go

You may claim to be bad but I’m the better badder
The mistress of evil
I’m the heart and brains , you’re just the bladder
How Can you believe you’re badder than I?
No one would bother to tell a story with Maleficent and Cruella

My cheekbones are sharper
My hair is much more high
Jump down a rabbit well
Go climb a beanstalk

Someone put a stop to her
Maybe there’s a house I can drop on her
Is a poisoned apple too cliche?
Take her to a Roof and toss her off
Maybe there’s a spell to make her disappear and when she’s gone, I will the own the town and everyone will cheer
You are sorta bad you are so much badder
That’s why I have to see she lives happily never after
Once I sit atop the villain ladder, everyone in Mondernlasia will totally be in my thrall -
Everyone will say Queen we praise ya
Because I will not just be badder
Baddest of them all

Morgan: What happened? The well
Oh no no no , why am I so squinty? And my eyebrows are so pointy , what the heck am I wearing? Is this Andalasia? Not what I imagined?
Nancy; Morgan what are you doing here?
Edward: Did it by chance include A giant hole in the sky

Last night that mysterious hole appeared started pulling all of our magic into some other place
Nancy: Tell me what happened
Then what?

The last thing I remember Giselle was acting really really cruel and that I had to fix it
Nancy: The wishing wand, she must have used it
Edward: What could she wish for that did this?
Morgan: Turned The town into some kind of Fairytale place like this
Edward: Morgan a wish so big it changed a world wouldn’t need a little bit of magic, it’ll need all of it, every last bit
Morgan: Wait but everything here is made of magic, if that’s a lot, what happens to Andalasia?
Edward: If we can’t reverse it everything in Andalasia will be gone forever
Ogre: I don’t want Andalasia to disappear forever
Morgan: No there must be something we can do, Giselle just needs to remember who she is and she can fix all of this
I know she can
Edward, of course
The magic of memories
Morgan: Wait you mean Giselle’s memory tree? It’s real?
Nancy: It is and it’s the strongest magic there is

Robert: Who are you?
We’re garden fairies, I’d turn around if i were you unless you want to get thrown off the roof

Robert: Seems like the babysitters have had quite the day
Giselle: So have I dear

Giselle: We’re going to need something much more regal than this and minions , we’re definitely going to need minions if we want anything done right
Robert: Where did you say Morgan was again ?
Giselle: Oh who knows, Probably singing to a mouse or something
Tonight’s about me
Robert: Stop the carriage
Morgan wouldn’t just disappear like this
unless something happened, something’s wrong, I’m going to find her
Giselle: Another fruitless quest, good luck with that

Morgan: Okay I knew it was a tree house But that’s a tree house , that’s it, that’s the tree
Oh no it’s dead
Edward: Never fear we will come up with something very smart very last minute that solves all our problems
Nancy: Edward
Edward: What? That’s how it works here
Nancy: There’s got to be something we can do

Morgan: You know for a little girl with no mon, seeing a princess hanging from a billboard was pretty magical, I didn’t know it was real, I didn’t even think about it , what was that?
Nancy: You brought the flower back to life
Morgan: How? I’m not magic
Edward; But these memories are, they live inside you as well , Morgan you’re the key
That’s what giselle meant when she said you had to save us
So maybe if I take back this tree, it’ll remember who she is, is good
Edward: I think we’re running out of time

Morgan: What if it doesn’t work?
Nancy: It will, you just have to remember the good in those moments because you’re part of them , feel them and they’ll do the rest

- Memories are magic Morgan, doesn’t matter how unmemorable they seem, ordinary moments like a look or laugh you shared can bring a gleam of light
tin your bleakest darkest hour , memories can save us Morgan, when you add them all together, they paint a picture of all the love you’ve shared and all the love you’ve received
We can choose to use it if we dare
Power, we find it in the memories we share and we feel it like the sun
When we need real magic Morgan, this is where we go
Find the song inside you that your memories seem to know
Let it grow
Let it glow

Nancy: Pick one
Edward: You go, somewhere needs to stay behind to protect our world

- Out of rock grows a flower, a ray of sunshine melts a cave of ice , what makes us strong, love power
Love power
It’s like soaring on a magic broomstick to the sky above
We fly on love
Love power
Love power
Just remember the memories can show us the power of love

Morgan: I I think I know what to do
Nancy: What is that?
Morgan: It’s my memory tree, I can bring her back

I think I’m gonna go get some air
Malvina: Whatever dear back by midnight

Rosaleen: I should be at that party but instead I’m here babysitting you, babysitting this wand all because she doesn’t trust you
Ruby; Maybe she doesn’t trust you
Rosaleen: I’m not the one she tried to turn into a toad
Ruby: Maybe she likes toads
Rosaleen: No matter what reptile she turns you I am her right hand woman which means you do the dumb stuff and i look fabulous at the festival
Ruby: I’ll tell Malvina you abandoned the wand and then we’ll see who’s the warty toad
Rosaleen: I’m not a warty anything
Ruby: Look in the mirror lately , an honest one

It’s gonna be like that then I guess

Pip: Get a life, she hates you both
Scroll: Incoming
There are no more questions

Pip: You ladies have been great but I got a ball to catch

Giselle: Do I look ready?
There you are my pet, any problems?
Pip: No, turns out I’m good at evil
Giselle: I’m ready
Pip: I hope I’m not undressed , what is this?
I’m with her, This is my stop
Hello mr wig , hey, hey, hey, you forgot about me

Giselle: I wish to be queen of Modernlasia

Tyson: Morgan where have you been? Are you okay?
Morgan: I’m really not, can I get a lift?
Tyson; Of course

Giselle: I believe you are in my seat
Malvina: You again, I believe it’s time we end this
Giselle: Oh yes please

Malvina: Why does this keep happening?

Tyson: Is this my mother’s doing?
Morgan: No it’s Andalasia, it’s breaking through

Malvina: Guards destroy her
I wish
They’re just butterflies , idiots

Rosaleen: Your majesty, your majesty, Ruby wants to tell you something about the wand
Malvina: Oh does she?
Giselle: Hi
Rosaleen: She’s the one who left the wand, she deserves to be the toad
You’re the one who left the canyon

Robert: Nancy
Nancy: Robert
Robert: Where’s Giselle?
Nancy: She’s fine
Robert; People are going crazy
Nancy: I know, I know, it’s Giselle she’s under a curse

Robert: Morgan
Morgan: Dad
Robert: I have searched both hinder and yond
When did my daughter get some brave?
Time to be heroes

Tyson: Mother stop this

Giselle: Useless garbage
Morgan: No
Nancy: Giselle no

Giselle: This is a very nice place, this is a date

Young Morgan: Giselle
Giselle: I’m right here Morgan

I’m not going anywhere

Pip; Oh Oh what the heck is going on around here, Giselle?

Giselle: Robert
Robert: My sweet Giselle you’ve come back to me
Giselle: I don’t want minions

Giselle: Where’s Robert?
Nancy: He stayed behind to protect Andalasia, all the magic is disappearing, everything Andalasian will die
Robert; That means you
Giselle: I can fix this

Malvina: Stop, I wouldn’t if I were you
Tyson: Mother what are you doing?
Malvina: Relax darling just a little sleeping potion, was meant for Giselle but this will do
Helpful scroll explained at the last stroke of midnight your wish is permanent, I quite like this world, drop that wand and let the clock strike
Giselle: If I do that, Andalasia will die
Malvina: If you don’t, she will

Giselle: This isn’t you
Malvina: It is now just ask you

Robert: It can’t end like this
Tyson: I’m coming with you
Malvina: Some heroes

Tyson: What do I do?
Robert: It can’t strike midnight

Giselle: You have to wish a new wish , my magic is almost gone
Malvina: That droll little scroll explained no one but a true Andalasian can use that broken kindling
Morgan; She’s right, I’m not a true daughter of Andalasia
Giselle: You are a true daughter of Andalasia because you’re my daughter
And I’ll tell you how I absolutely know
- It’s how I would make a world for you that never breaks your heart where you can grow and thrive , you can flower , I will always love you Morgan , I’m so proud of how I know you’ll carry on
I’ve known a lot of magic in my life but never anything as strong as power
My love for you has power and you’ll have it inside you when I’m gone

Morgan: Please don’t go, please don’t leave me, what do I wish for?

Malvina: Tick tock, wait where are the chimes? Why isn’t it midnight?

Morgan: I wish I was home with my Mom

Giselle: Sweet thing
Morgan: Mom
Giselle: Morgan
Morgan: I was so scared
Giselle: I know but you saved me , you saved us

Robert: I had the craziest dreams last night

Morgan: He really doesn’t remember anything?
Giselle: Only the person with the magic remembers it clearly , to everyone else it’s like a dream
Morgan: I can’t wait for you to explain he was singing with a garbage pall, good luck with that

Rosaleen: I had a horrible dream about toads
Ruby: Me too

Giselle: Morning Edgar
Edgar: Giselle, the usual?

Giselle: I’m sorry to interrupt , I wanted to apologise for a lot of things
I really wanted Morgan to be happy here and I guess I got carried away
Malvina: I have a tendency to get carried away , there is a spot on the committee
Giselle: I’d like that
Malvina: Oh we’re hugging

Pip: So a new life began for Giselle and her family Without the magic this time , Robert opened a small practice in town and never rode the train again
Sofia sprouted up and Morgan
Tyson: Morgan
Pip: Well she was still a teenager
Morgan; Stop looking at me it’s creepy
Giselle: Not looking

Giselle: Where is Edward? Did he stay behind?
Nancy: He’s here, engaged in battle

Edward: I’m not dead
You merely grazed me , look I’m barely a limp
You’re tiny ones are quite fierce as are you Robert who saved the day with my sword

Robert: I hung up the sword , turns out I don’t really need it here
Edward: Tragedy, can I have it back?

Shall we feast?
Nancy: But first a gift
Edward: Whatever dish you wish shall appear on this plate
That is all that it does, we’re fairly certain
Giselle: Maybe you should make the wish
Edward: I must defend my honour

Giselle: What was that for?
Edward: I love you, I can’t wish for anything more

- And some days are good and not so but none that we take for granted
Cause it’s all the joys and adversities making these memories and although here in this reality my happy ever after might not be , every moment it seems even more
Even more
Even more