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03x08 - He's a Ghost, She's a Rainbow, Part 1

Posted: 11/29/22 12:57
by bunniefuu
Where did they go?

My mom's leaving.

There, in the red car.

I can't believe it.

We're too late.

But... where is Thompson?

I'll check inside.

It's like he just vanished.

He's not in there either.

I can't believe we lost him.

He was right here.

Don't worry. We'll get him, Nia.

I have an awkward question, though.

Why was he meeting with your mom?

I have no idea.

Let's go.

You're pacing. A lot.

I'm thinking.

Nia, is it possible that maybe...

Never mind.

I'll just say it.

Is it possible your mom's involved in all this?

No. It's not.

My mom wanted to return the Eloquent Peasant to Egypt.

Why would she help steal it?

Right. It makes no sense.

But why was she meeting
with Alex Thompson then?

And who is Alex Thompson?

We still can't find anything about the guy.

Let's write down what we know.

- Perfect. You got it?
- Yep.

Okay. Here we go.

We know Thompson switched the EP for the fake.

But he didn't take it out of the library
through the tunnel.

It was his accomplice. A woman.

The tunnel led to the schoolhouse,
where she escaped with the EP.

But someone thought
she was the ghost of Old Chauncy.

It's looking good.
But we still have a lot to figure out.

Let's check out Oliver's hieroglyphs.

Good idea. Maybe we missed something.


we know more than Oliver ever did.

So, the question is, what do we do now?

I'm home!

- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.

Long day?

Very. I can't wait to put my feet up.

Uh, did you do anything fun?

Oh! Just boring university business,

Any cool meetings, by chance?

Well, I met with a donor.
Not sure that qualifies as cool.

A donor? Did he have a name, or...

Where's this coming from?

I'm just trying to learn more
about your job, Mom.

Okay then.
His name was Alex Thompson. Satisfied?

Any unique things about him?
Moles, birthmarks, a stutter maybe?

He was Australian?

Australian? Interesting.

What did you talk about?

Honey, it's great that you're finally
taking an interest in my work,

but aren't your friends waiting?



Guess that narrows it down...
to one continent.

- Can we call it a night? I need a break.
- Sure.

I gotta meet Syd at the bookstore.
She's giving me a ride home.

Wanna walk there together?
You have to go watch Idris, right?

Actually, I don't.

A friend from the community center
is helping take care of him,

so I have more free time.

Nice. What are you gonna do?

If you're looking for a new hobby,
I highly recommend magic.

Or maybe video games.


Have fun, you two.
Text me if Oliver shows up.

See ya.

What's that? It looks like fun.

You've never played Sector 371?

Where have you been?

Well, Syria. And Turkey.

Oh, sorry.

It's not that we didn't have them.
I just... I never really got into them.

I could teach you if you want.

Sure. That'd be great.

- I'll help you. I promise.
- You will?

- Promise?
- I do.

- Thank you.
- Hi, Syd. Ready to go?


- Oh, you remember my friend...
- Audrey, right?

Amber Williams.

- It's nice to see you again.
- Oh.

We still have a lot to do.
Can you hang out a bit?

Sorry. I'll make it up to you.

How about I pick you up
after school tomorrow,

and we go to that magic store
that you like and then for fro-yo?

You know,
my sister is a professional magician.

No way.

Uh, in training.

And yes, I'll take you up on that.

Thank you.

She comes in colors everywhere ♪

She combs her hair ♪

She's like a rainbow ♪

Coming, colors in the air ♪

Oh, everywhere ♪

She comes in colors ♪

She comes in colors everywhere ♪

So weird.
It's like the lyrics just went away.

Right on my favorite track,
"She's a Rainbow."

She's a rainbow?

Um... what's the song about?

Huh. I don't know
what the Rolling Stones were thinking.

They wrote the original.
This is a cover by t*nk and the Bangas.

But for me, I always think about
the first day of summer vacation.

I headed to the park after my last final,

and there was a street performer
performing this song.

Everyone was watching
and clapping along.

Crazy how music can just transport you
to another time, huh?

Yeah, crazy.

Um, how do the words go again?


"She comes in colors everywhere."

She combs her hair.

"She's like a rainbow."

Excuse me.

Hi there. I'm Rainbow. What's your name?


Nice to meet you.

What is this place?

I've never been here before,
but I love it.

So many colors.

Ooh, what's your favorite?

Um, orange?

I love orange too.



So, you can just change
into any color that you want?

Actually, I can do
a whole lot more than that.

Wanna see?

Wow. Uh, okay.

Be right back.


Uh, does that song by any chance
mention shape-shifting?

Ah. Well, I never thought of it like that.

But music can sometimes be ambiguous.

It's up to the listener
to fill in the blanks.

And, like poems,
they're open to interpretation.

Right. Interpretation.

Now that you know the basics,
it's time to make your own character.

I recommend the mechanic.

He has bigger base health,
high agility and great stamina.

Oh, and he can fix other robots.

- Wow. Video games really are your thing.
- Yep.

I wish I had a thing.

You have games. Charli has magic.

Oh, come on. Everyone has a thing.

You just have to find it.

What's happening?

I swear, I'm not doing anything.

Wait. That character looks a lot like...


Oliver's giving us a clue
through the game.

What does it mean?

Does he want us
to play the game as Thompson?


I think I get it.

Oliver created a character
that looks just like Thompson.

Maybe what he's trying to say is
that Thompson's not a real person.

He's a character.

Of course.

He was wearing a disguise.

Why did he have to involve
my mom in all of this?


I told you to take the trash out.
There are flies everywhere.

I'm pretty sure I did it this morning.

Maybe I...


Just kidding.

Nia, Samir, meet Rainbow.


Have you seen her dressed in blue? ♪

See the sky in front of you ♪

And her face is like a sail ♪

Speck of white so fair and pale ♪

Have you seen a lady fairer? ♪

They really are singing about me.

I didn't believe you at first,
but you were right.

This is my song.

Clearly, Oliver likes it,
but it doesn't mention shape-shifting.

Malcolm said
song lyrics are open to interpretation.

Maybe Oliver imagined Rainbow
as a shape-shifter when he heard it.

Well, if Oliver released Rainbow,
it must be to help us with the mystery.


Maybe she can shape-shift
into different people.

Not sure how that would help.

She's invisible, remember?

I wish we could shape-shift.

I'd totally be Nia for a day.

Get to play all these cool games.

What just happened?

Amazing. Why didn't you tell me
you could do that, Charli?

I didn't know I could.

I just thought of doing it,
and it happened.

Nia, you try.

Uh, you're still you, Nia.

And change into me!

what's that bracelet you're wearing?

Rainbow gave it to me.

That must be the key.

In Sector 371, when a character gives you
their armor, you absorb their powers.

That must be why you shape-shifted.

In that case, pick a color.

I'll take blue.

Can I turn into anybody I want?

Rainbow, how did you shape-shift
into my mom earlier?

Charli showed me a photo of her.

I concentrated on it
and told my mind to shape-shift.

If it's someone standing in front of me,
I just look at them and do the same.

So, it needs to be someone we can see,
either through a photo or in person.

I'll try you, then, and you try Charli.

Whoa. This is so strange.

That's an understatement.

This is so cool!

I've never shared my powers
with anyone before.

Well, there's never been anyone
to share them with.

I guess that makes sense.
You're the only character in the song.

- Sounds lonely though.
- I'm not lonely. I'm happy.

I've seen so many cool new things
since I arrived.

Like this.

By the way, what is this thing?

Let's go back to ourselves first.

This is getting too weird.

So let me get this straight.

A ghost named Oliver released me
to help you catch this guy?

Alex Thompson?

Yes. The only problem is,
we think he was in disguise,

so we don't know
what his real face looks like.

What if we talk to Greg Nguyen?

The music student who thought
he saw Old Chauncy that night.

I just looked him up.

He's holding auditions for his rock band
tomorrow on campus.

That sounds like a great idea.

But first, I think we should talk
to someone we know spoke to Thompson.

The librarian. She's the one who has to
check him in and out of the archive room.

But it's closed.

We can't use my dad to get in again.

We'll go as McCormack.

He's friends with the librarian.
I saw them at the bookstore today.

You should do it, Nia.
You know what he sounds like.

I guess I can give it a try.

What do I do
if I don't know what to say, though?

Just clear your throat.
Old men are always doing that.

Let's do this.

You'll be great, Nia!


What a nice surprise.

Uh, hi there.

Nice bracelet.

Oh! Um, my niece gave me that.

That's cute. Which one?

The, uh, younger one?

Well, I'm glad you came.

It's been so quiet
since we closed to the public.

Any news about when you might reopen?

It all depends on the investigation,
I suppose.

Actually, now that you mention it,

- I have a couple of questions.
- Oh, wait.

Guess what I'm reading?

The book you recommended yesterday.

About ancient Egyptian poetry.

I just read this poem,
and I wanted to pick your brain.

Is it a fictional reconstruction
or an actual philological examination?

Maybe it's a matter of interpretation.

Charli says she's almost here.

That's beautiful. Where is it?

It's in Syria, the country I'm from.

How come you left?

There was a w*r.

It was too dangerous to stay there,
so my family and I came here.

Well, look at the bright side.

Now you get to live in a new place
and make new friends.

Hey! Uh, sorry I'm late.
I got hung up with my sister.

It was fun, actually.
We had the best fro-yo ever.

Hey, Rainbow, is something wrong?

Me? No. I'm happy as a rainbow.

Just incredible.
What imaginations the Egyptians had.

What grasp of poetic expression.

Am I boring you?

Oh, no, not at all.

But since I'm here, I heard a rumor

that a man checked out the Eloquent
Peasant the day it was stolen.

- What do you know about him?
- You know I can't discuss the case.

Investigator's orders.

Right. I knew that.

It's just so baffling.

I just can't believe the Peasant was taken
right from under my nose.

I expect President Barnes will fire me
any day now.

President Barnes wouldn't do that.
She knows it wasn't your fault.

So, now you like President Barnes?

You're always going on about how
she should've never been president,

that she's in over her head.

What's gotten into you today?

Uh, I... Uh, I...

I'm sorry, I just remembered
I have, uh, papers to grade.

Excuse me.

- Oh! Professor McCormack.
- Ah!

I take it you got my note
about the four o'clock meeting?

Course. The meeting.

Where is it again?

Conference room B.

As faculty advisor to the board,
it's very important you're there.


Could you, um, elaborate?

The situation with President Barnes.


I'll see you there.

McCormack's a liar.

W-Wait, w-what?

He always pretended
to like my mom in public,

but the librarian said
he actually doesn't. At all.

And now my mom's bosses,
the board of directors,

are meeting about her.

Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

Good try, Rainbow,
but I-I think this is serious.

Are you gonna tell your mom?

I can't.
How would I explain how I know about it?

- I need to get into that meeting.
- But you can't shape-shift into McCormack.

He'll be there.

I'll find another way.

Rainbow, will you come with me?

- You're invisible. I might need your help.
- Of course.

But I'm sure it won't be that bad.

Charli and I can talk to the guy
who saw Old Chauncy.

Sounds like a plan.

What's all this?

It's Founder's Week.

It's a big event
to celebrate Wickford's bicentennial.

So, Greg's band auditions are going on
right now in the music building.

How about we shape-shift
into college students

and pretend we're trying out?

I-I don't have to play, do I?

Don't worry, we'll just fake it.

It's a rock band,
which is like 80% attitude anyway.

Come on.

Thank you all for being here.

It's already started.
We need a plan to get in.

I have an idea. How about her?

Not a bad thought.

I'm sorry for the short notice,
but it is something of an urgent matter.

Some new evidence has come to light.

Hi. Uh...

University catering.

I haven't called anyone.

- Right. Well, we're always on it.
- We're okay. Thanks.

Donovan, please. Continue.

Uh, speak for yourself, Todd.

I'd like a decaf, please.

A black coffee, please.

Tea with, uh, lemon and honey.

Is that pastry gluten-free?


I'll just have a water.

Here goes nothing.

Which one is decaf?

What is decaf?

Okay. I vote for those two.

Come on. Now's our chance.

We've narrowed down our list of suspects
to this man,

who goes by an alias, Alex Thompson.

Here he is
checking out the Eloquent Peasant

the day it was stolen.

What do we know about him?

Nothing yet.

I'm guessing
his name's not really Thompson.

Probably works in the black market
selling rare antiquities.

Anyway, we had no leads

until this envelope was dropped off
at my office anonymously today.

Anonymous? Isn't that suspicious?

Yes and no.

It seems like one of Layla's accomplices,

- assuming she's guilty, of course...
- Mmm. trying to double-cross her.

How is that possible?


I am so sorry.

That's okay.

- Could we get some napkins, please?
- Right. Yes.

- That's your mom in those photos, right?
- Yeah.

And that's not all.

This recording came with the photos.

So, Layla,

how much do you think we could get
for the Eloquent Peasant?

Five million. Maybe a little more.

What's up? I'm Greg. Welcome.

Stage is all yours.

Actually, we wanted to ask you
a question first.

Um, we read in the school paper

that you saw the ghost of Old Chauncy
on October 3rd?

Oh, that.

Listen, man, I have a lot of auditions
to get through today,

so how about you guys play
and then we'll talk after?

Whenever you're ready.

And a one. A two.

A one. Two. Three. Four.

This is a misunderstanding.

President Barnes is not a criminal.

Then why was she meeting
with the main suspect?

I don't buy it. What's her motive?

Still trying to find one.

- We need to search the President's office.
- Yes.

This is university property, after all.

If we need to remove her,
we should do so immediately.

The reputation of this institution
is at stake.


That was amazing.
I didn't know you could play like that.

It's been a few years.

So, about Old Chauncy...

Oh, yeah.
Uh, the editors totally didn't believe me.

They wouldn't even give me a real article,
but I swear I saw him.

I even have proof.

I took this before he disappeared
into the woods.

And I-I tried to run after him,
but he was gone.

I only found this.

A ghost footprint.

I mean, people have them. Why not ghosts?

Um, right. Maybe.

Thanks. That was very helpful.

Hey, so about this band...

I don't know if I really need
a triangle player, but...

Then I'll stop you right there.
We only play together.


It's true. Sorry.

Hey. Ghost footprints aren't
really a thing. Should we tell him?

Nah. Let him believe it.

Of course you wanna get rid of Layla,

You're still upset you didn't get the job.

She can clearly be heard on the recording
negotiating to sell the Eloquent Peasant.

I know her well. She's not a thief.

So she randomly had coffee with the thief.
Come on.

I can't believe the way they're talking
about your mom.

Behind her back too.
It's... It's so unfair.

With all due respect,
calling into question my integrity...

Everybody, calm down.

I agree we need to search
the president's office.

But I also think
she deserves a chance to defend herself.

How about you go pay her a friendly visit
at her home tomorrow?

See what she has to say.

- I can do that.
- Don't be too friendly.

This is a serious crime
we're talking about.

- Yeah, agreed.
- Absolutely. Absolutely.

It really doesn't mean anything.

What happened in there?

Oh, nothing.

You glitched or something.
And so did your powers.

I was just a little tired.

But I had a sip of that coffee stuff,
and I'm feeling great now.

I wish I had one of those doughnut holes.
They looked amazing.

Rainbow, you don't have to pretend...



- Oh, no.
- What?

The hole in my basement.
We forgot to close it.

That doesn't sound like a big deal.

It is. The investigator's coming
to my house, and she might see it.

We gotta go.

Uh, can you clean up your mess, please?

That was awesome.

I can't believe you play guitar.
I mean, why didn't you mention it before?

That's your thing.

Hey, what's up?

My cousin taught me the guitar.

I used to play all the time, but I...

I haven't really wanted to
ever since he, um...

Since he passed away.

I thought maybe
I could just find a new thing.

Samir, I'm so sorry.

You know, uh, Malcolm told me
music can transport you to another time.

I guess sometimes it can take you
to places you don't wanna go.


Well, if it helps, you're so good.

I'd love to hear you play again sometime.
But only when you're ready.

Thank you.

It's Nia.

She says to meet at her place right away,
and she wants me to bring a bucket of...

Wait. What?

You two are pretty good for first-timers.

Let's hope it works.

I still can't believe
they have a recording of your mom

talking to Alex Thompson.

Me neither.

It was seriously scary.

When I heard it, my heart stopped.

And then everybody started saying
all these lies about my mom.

I was freaking out
and had no idea what to do.

I'm so sorry, Nia.

Don't worry. We'll figure this out.

Well, good job, everyone.
I think we're done.

Wow. This paint and spackling
can really hide everything.

Well, at least no one will ever know there
was a tunnel leading into your basement.

So that's one thing
you won't have to worry about.

Let's figure out who stole
the Eloquent Peasant

so I can clear my mom's name.

Then I'll stop worrying.

Okay. Bye!
