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03x11 - The Ghost's Web, Part 2

Posted: 11/29/22 13:41
by bunniefuu
Let me get this straight.

You wrote "terrific"
to save Wilbur from becoming dinner?

Yes. You see,
Wilbur is a very special little pig.

I wrote webs of all sorts,
"some pig," "radiant," "terrific,"

to make Farmer Zuckerman
see how special he is.

And it worked.
People came from miles around.

And if we can get him to the fair today,
he'll win a prize.

And prized pigs don't get eaten.

There he is! Wilbur!

What do you want?

You need to get to the fair
to save yourself.

Not until you tell me the truth!

that truck belongs to the butcher.

Mom! Mom, look!

Aw, this is amazing.

Oliver would have loved it.

- Thanks, Samir.
- Of course. It was fun.

Okay, let's figure out
where to put it in the display.

McCormack isn't who we thought he was.

- What's wrong?
- Don't ask.

Aren't you gonna ask me what's wrong?

- You said that...
- My sister hates me.

Oh, come on. I don't believe that.

She doesn't wanna talk to me.

We never do that in my family.
We talk constantly.

I do believe that.

What happened?

I just told her everything
we knew about the Hawthorne Club.

And I may have
said some things I shouldn't have.

That sounds bad. I'm sorry.

And it's even worse with Amber.

I told her we know she's behind the theft,
along with Liam and McCormack.

Actually, I don't think
Professor McCormack

had anything to do with forging
or stealing the Eloquent Peasant.

What? It... Tell me everything.

Poor Wilbur. He has no idea
he's in the butcher's truck.

What are we supposed to do now, Oliver?

Who's Oliver? Are you all right?

No, I'm not.

I thought I was here
to help you and Wilbur get to the fair,

but that's clearly not working out
very well.

I can't seem to help anyone.

You can help now. Do you ride?

Ride what?

Are you kidding? Ride that?

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Horse?

What can I do for ya?

We need your help.

Oh, I don't know.

Oh, please? Our friend is in trouble.

I'm telling you,

McCormack said the papyrus was
just as old as the Eloquent Peasant,

and when he found out it was missing,

he freaked out and said
he needed to go talk to the board.

About what?

He probably thinks that missing piece
of papyrus was used for the forgery.

And from the look on his face,

I'm pretty sure
he didn't have anything to do with it.

...if McCormack didn't do it,

then that just leaves Amber and Liam.

- Could they do this by themselves?
- I don't know.

McCormack did say whoever forged the EP
would need to be a very talented artist.

An artist, huh?

So, this is my room.

If you get into the club, you'll be able
to live here when you're a senior.

No more living with Charli. Sign me up.

Is that you and Liam?

Wow. How long
have you two known each other?

Forever. He's like my brother.
We actually grew up together.

Our parents are best friends.

Hey, Amber, can we talk?

Speaking of which,
like my real brother, he never knocks.

Hey, Syd, how are ya?

Ah, you know what, I'll come back.

No, it's okay.

You two talk.

I have to go to the restroom.

Bye, Syd.

Wilbur, you're in the butcher's truck!

The butcher?

I don't wanna become food.
Help me. Please!

We're coming, Wilbur.
Mr. Horse, a little more speed, please.

This is as fast as I can go.

Closer. Closer.

Grab that gate, Nia.

Come on, Wilbur! You need to jump!

I can't jump!

And I can't keep this speed up
for much longer.

Wilbur, trust me! Jump!

- I'm too scared!
- Wilbur, no!

I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, Nia.
That's all I've got.

He's gone.


There he is.

You really think
this Griffin guy is the forger?

He's an art student trying to get into
the Hawthorne Club, and he knows Amber.

Okay, you distract him.

- You're better at...
- Making a scene?

On it.

I'll look for clues at his workstation.

Sydney's sister, right?

Here, let me help.

- Thanks. Uh, sorry...
- It's okay.

...I'm not usually this clumsy.

Oh! You haven't seen Syd around, have you?

Uh, nope, sorry.


F-For what?

Uh... you have something behind your ear.

Wow, really, really great trick,
but I really gotta get going, so...

- Uh...
- Oh, geez!

You have something
behind your other ear too.

Um, this is getting weird.

It's all a part of the show.

That was the same trick.

Practice makes perfect.

Well, uh... thanks.

You've been an amazing audience.

Uh... bye.

This papyrus scrap I found
on his desk looks like the fake EP.

So this proves Griffin is the forger?


We should make sure this matches
the forgery before we do anything else.

But how are we gonna do that?
The... The archive room is closed.

Not anymore. I heard my dad say
this morning that they opened it back up.

Then let's go.

Nia! I did it! I jumped!
Thanks for helping me.

That was really scary.

You should thank Charlotte too.
It was her plan.

Thank you for saving me, Charlotte.

You're welcome, Wilbur.

And I do have something to tell you,
but we should get to the fair first.

We? Does that mean you're coming?

Charlotte, are you okay?

Fine, fine. We should get going.

Wilbur can carry me.

Okay. Of course.

Lead the way, Mr. Horse.

Sure. It's right down the road.

Why would they put
the forgery back on display?

Donovan did say
they wanted to keep it hush-hush.

They probably don't want
anyone asking questions.


It's a perfect match.

Now we finally have evidence
for Donovan to investigate.

Nia is going to be very happy.

I bet she wouldn't be happy
about any of this.

- Who?
- Dorothy Montgomery.

- The person who donated the EP?
- Yeah.

She obviously wanted the university
to have it, not some criminals.

I wonder who she was
and how she got the EP.

Did she get it in Egypt?
Was she an archaeologist?

Dorothy Montgomery?

Do you two not know the story?

What story?

How Dorothy got the Eloquent Peasant

is actually one of the university's
unsolved mysteries.


We like mysteries.

Um, excuse me, Mr. Zuckerman?


Wilbur! Oh, there you are.

I am so glad to see you.
I thought you were lost forever.

Where'd you find him, young lady?

On a...

- ...dirt road.
- Well, how'd you know to bring him here?

Who doesn't know all about Zuckerman's
famous pig and his special webs?

Well, that is true.

How can I thank you?

Do you have any apples
or carrots for my horse?

That's the least I can do.

- Come on.
- Thank you, Nia. So long.

Good luck, Wilbur.

Well, we did it.
We got Wilbur to the fair.

Is this what I was supposed to do, Oliver?

Who's Oliver again?

It's kinda complicated.

All friendships are.


Yeah, I guess he sort of is.

The, uh, County Fair judging
will commence shortly.

Please wait by your animal's pen.

It's almost time.
I just have two things left to do.

One for you, Wilbur, and one for me.

Where is Charlotte going?

Ah, here we are.

You two watch. I'll be right back.

...CSP3 special report.

Dorothy Montgomery.
Cafeteria cook, antiques collector, thief?

The Eloquent Peasant was left
to Wickford University

when Ms. Montgomery died.

But how did she come to have it?

Dot was quiet. Kept to herself.

If I'd known she had an ancient treasure,
I would've been nicer.

This is the fifth version
of the Eloquent Peasant.

It's the Egyptological find of the decade.

Look how young McCormack looks.

But antiquities like this
are kept in museums

or the private collections
of the extremely rich.

For Ms. Montgomery to have it,
well, it's very odd.

Odd indeed. But as a young woman,

Ms. Montgomery worked as a live-in cook
for a number of wealthy families.

It's possible that one of these lavish
homes is where she got the artifact.

Did she steal it?

Was it given to her? No one's talking.

Not the Fisher family, the Summers family
or the Williams family.

Williams is Amber's last name.

We have to tell Nia. Come on.

There you are.

- Well, you're...
- You're in.

I was going to tell her.

In what?

The club. It's not official
until the swearing-in ceremony,

but you, Sydney Allen, are now a member
of the Hawthorne Club. Congratulations.

Ladies and gentlemen,
on behalf of the governors of the fair,

I have the honor of awarding
a special prize of $25 to Mr. Zuckerman,

together with a handsome
bronze medallion, suitably engraved,

in token of our appreciation for
the part played by this pig.

this "terrific," this "humble" pig,

in attracting so many visitors
to our great county fair.

What's wrong, Charlotte?

Just getting tired.

Now tell me more
about your friend, Oliver.

He's still not talking to me.

Sometimes you can say more by not talking.

What is that?

That is my magnum opus, my egg sac.

Are there babies in there?

514 of them.

I just a need a rest.

I'd rest too if I just laid 514 eggs.

This will be a long rest.


How long?

Forever long.

That's why you didn't think
you can come to the fair?

Charlotte, look at my medal!

Farmer Zuckerman's so pleased.

You did it, Charlotte. I'm a prized pig.
They'll never turn me into food now.

I'm so happy for you, Wilbur.

But it's time for me to tell you
what you wanted to know.

Don't worry about that, Charlotte.

You can tell me
when we get back to the farm.

I won't be going back.

What? So this is why
you've been so quiet and tired?

You're... You're...

Don't be sad, Wilbur.

Death is as much a part of life as living,
and I've had a good life.

But I don't want you to leave me.
You're my best friend.

And you're mine.
I'll never really leave you.

Friends are one of the greatest gifts
in life. Together, you can do anything.

I think this might be
what Oliver wanted me to see.

Thank you, Oliver.

And thank you, Charlotte.

Remember, Nia, you're never alone when
you have friends who are there for you.


She's not picking up.

I'm getting worried.

What's happening?


I missed you both so much.

I'm sorry I got mad before.

Did Oliver send you into a book?

Hold that thought.

Thank you so much for your help.

Danielle, hey.

I-I don't wanna impose,

but would it be okay
if I came to Oliver's memorial?

It really would mean a lot to me.

And me.

Me too.

Absolutely. Oliver would have loved that.

I'll see you tonight.

So... what did I miss?

Anything going on with the mystery?

I don't even know where to start.


Oh, so now you're talking to me?

I got them. Look.

Photos of the disguises.

It was just like you said.

I'm sorry I didn't believe you
about Amber.

She's not my friend. You were right.

I am sorry for what I said back there.

But you don't need to get into some club
to prove that you're special.

You already are.

Thanks for getting the photos, Syd.

You're welcome.

Now we can get Donovan to investigate.

Wait, are you sure?

It's a big step,
and she may not believe us.

Don't worry. Whatever happens,
we'll figure it out together.

So, you think the Eloquent Peasant

was stolen by three Wickford students?

Theater student Liam Enfield,
art student Griffin Yang

and archaeology student Amber Williams?

It's not just a theory. We have proof.

These are photos
of Liam's Alex Thompson disguise,

which is hidden in a closet
at the Hawthorne Club,

along with the other disguises
they used to pull this whole thing off.

And this is the papyrus scrap
we found on Griffin's desk

at the design workshop
that matches the fake EP

and the scroll that Professor McCormack
recently discovered is missing.

And Amber?

This is a photo of when she followed us.

And she's McCormack's TA,
with access to stolen papyrus

and other materials
Griffin could have used to do the forgery.

Plus, we figure Dorothy Montgomery
somehow got the EP

from the Williams family
before she donated it.

We checked,
and this is Amber's family's house.

Amber must have stolen
the Eloquent Peasant

because she didn't want my mom to send it
back to Cairo, where it actually belongs.


This is very impressive work,
you three.

If any of you ever want a job as
a private investigator, come talk to me.

But first... obviously,
I'm gonna have to verify all of this.

I'll reach out to your parents
when I'm done.

And in the meantime,
if we could keep this to oursel...


Don't need to say a thing.

...our mystery's officially over?

We just need to say goodbye to someone.

I'd like to thank you all for coming.

Uh, we waited a little while
to hold this celebration of life

because Oliver wanted us
to focus on his life, not his death.

Um, everyone who would like
to speak should feel free to come up here,

but I'd like to go first because...

...he was the best little brother
anyone could ever wish for.

I was five when he was born, and he was
the cutest little baby.

To the ancient Egyptians,
the scarab beetle represented protection.

And I think that Oliver wanted me
to bring this here today

to remind us that...

he's still here watching over us.

This is me and Uncle Oliver
in Egypt seeing the Sphinx,

which we always talked about
doing one day.


Uh, we're
in Oliver's Young Archaeologists Club.

And I don't like public speaking.

Oliver taught us a lot about archaeology...

And responsibility.

And friendship.

Oliver taught us that...'re never alone when you have friends
who are there for you.

Thank you, everyone.

There is just one last person
who wants to speak.

Hey, everyone.

I wish I was there with you

but then there are a lot of things
I wish I got the chance to do,

like solve all of life's mysteries.

And go to Egypt with my main man, Ethan.

Hey, but guess what, buddy?

I talked to Todd,
and he's gonna take you and your mom.

Yeah, man.
When you're at the Sphinx, think of me.

Now, most of you know this,
but I've been sick since I was a kid.

Bad heart.

I'm grateful for the time that I got,
but sometimes I go to dark places.

When I do, I visit my friends,
Wilbur and Charlotte,

from my favorite book, Charlotte's Web.

I'd like to read you
one of my favorite Charlotte lines.

"What's a life anyway? We're born,
we live a little while, we die."

A spider's life can't help
being something of a mess,

with all this trapping and eating flies.

By helping you, perhaps I was trying
to lift up my life a trifle.

"Heaven knows anyone's life
can stand a little of that."

Thank you for lifting up my life.

I hope you continue
to lift up each other's.

That was beautiful.

Yeah. Thanks for letting us say goodbye.

Are you excited about Egypt?

So excited.

Do you think maybe I can borrow
Oliver's copy of Charlotte's Web?

Of course.

Thanks again for coming.

I need to see what happens
to Wilbur back at the farm.

I wish we'd gotten to know Oliver better
when he was alive.

Uh, hold up.

That's the Williams family home.

So, what is Avery Boyd
doing there with Oliver?

Professor McCormack.

- Yes?
- Sorry to interrupt.

That's all right.

What's this photo from?

Oh, that's Oliver getting a research grant
from the Williams family.

So, what's the Avery Boyd connection?

Well, he runs his family's company.

His family?

Avery's mother is a Williams.

As a matter of fact,
he's a cousin of my TA, Amber.

- Something wrong?
- No. We're good.

Just, uh, full from all the food.
Uh, thanks for your help.


Avery and Amber are family?

Does this mean Avery Boyd's been
behind this the entire time?

Of course. Three students
couldn't have pulled this off themselves.

But if we didn't know Avery was involved,
then... what else don't we know?

"Be careful."

Yeah, Oliver. I think we got that.

What's so urgent we had to speak tonight?

Our little problem has grown, Mr. Boyd.

I'll take care of it.