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03x10 - Sleepover and Over/Mother Nature

Posted: 12/02/22 04:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ Doom and gloom up in his room is broken instantly ♪

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.



Chips, dip, and soda.


And lots of sugary sweets

To ensure there's no sleeping at my sleepover!

Oh, yeah, and huge beanbag chairs.

That's everything I need for tonight's big sleepover.


Well, we want everything perfect

When chester and a.j. Come over to watch

Crash nebula meets the crimson chin.

You bet. And I'm totally focused.

I'm totally here for you, man.

Neat! An ant!

I'm going to call you "carl."

Carl! Carl, wait up!

Chester and a.j.: Timmy, we're here.


It's chester and a.j.







Oh, come on.

Awesome! Awesome!

A.j.: I'm totally pumped

For the greatest sleepover ever!

Check out my new high-tech crash nebula slumber suit.

Mine has a space gum ball sh**t...


Space horn...

And a space canteen.

Chester: second in coolness

To my new chin-powered crimson chin slumber suit.

Mine has this chin-shaped funfetti blaster,

Inflatable bouncy-butt...

And a handy dimple for snack storage.

The crimson chin rules!

Crash rules! The chin stinks!

Take that back, you eggheaded creep.

Why don't you make me?



Guys, guys. Break it up.

Can't you do something?

Can't you see I'm grieving?

If only carl were here, he'd have the answer.

Timmy: guys, they both rule.

Look out!

Both: whoa!


That's it.

I'm having a sleepover at my house,

And you're not invited.

Well, I'm having a sleepover at my mobile home,

And you're not invited.

Both: and if you're not there, you're not my friend anymore.

Aw, man.

Now my two best friends

Are both having sleepovers.

I remember when carl and I thought--


We never made up. Time moves so fast.

Carl, I loved you.

What are you going to do, timmy?

You can't be in two places at once.

Or can i?

Cosmo: carl can't.

You guys just poof me back and forth

Between each sleepover.

That way, everybody's happy.

Got it? Got it.

And, because I've accepted the fact that carl's gone,

I am totally focused on helping you to have--

Hey, a bee.

Ooh, I'm going to call you "cindy."

Cindy, wait up.




It's too soon.

I wish we were at a.j.'S.

Ready, guys?

Ah, my good friend, not-chester.

Come on in.

I knew you'd come tomysleepover.

Well, sure, a.j. You're my best friend ever.

Lobster quiche?

Don't mind if I do.

Can I use the bathroom?

Mayi use the bathroom.

Hey, I asked first.

What's his problem?

Even though I only knew her for seconds,

I'll miss cindy forever.

Watch this.

How's cindy? Who's cindy?

Ah, if I can interrupt...

I wish I was at chester's!

My good buddy, timmy.

I just knew you'd come tomysleepover.

Sure, chester. You're my best friend ever.


Timmy: where's the tv?

This is the tv!

Announcer: don't miss

Crash nebula meets the crimson chin tonight at--

Darn it!

This thing stinks.

Which reminds me: can I use the bathroom?

I'd be insulted if you didn't.

What is taking him so long?

Aah, much better.


Oh, that's it on the seafood hors d'oeuvres.

A.j.: Welcome to sleepover paradise.


And guess what.

I just blocked every channel

Except the highly educational major geek channel.


Antelopes. Huh huh!

But how are we supposed to watch

Crash nebula meets the crimson chin?

At least we'll be able to see

Some animal v*olence.

Which reminds me,

I forgot to block the animal v*olence.


Man: block. Block. Block. Block. Block...

Uh, bladder's suddenly full.

Be right back.

Aw, man. The show's going to start soon.

I wish we were at chester's.

Hey, timmy. Hurry up.

I'm making my special dip.

Tuna smelt surprise.

Man: the surprise is, it tastes like cat food!

A.j.'S, please.

Man: block. Block. Block...

Well, it's official.

Both their sleepovers stink.

If only there were some way I could figure out

How to get chester and a.j. To be friends again,

I could go back to my place for the sleepover.

Narrator on tv: note how the smart antelope and the poor antelope

Forget their petty differences and band together

To defend their pink-antlered best friend.

Hey, educational television

Has given me a weirdly specific idea.

Which is odd, because usually it just makes me sleepy.

To the dimmsdale dump!

Man on tv: block. Block...



A.j., Help me!

Timmy, where are you?

The old junkyard.

I went back home to get my "chester stinks" t-shirt,

And now I've been trapped here by vicious junkyard dogs.

Save me!




Chester, help.

I've been trapped in the old junkyard

By vicious dogs, and I need help.

Save me! Save me!

Timmy, I'll be right there.

Once they're here,

They'll forget their differences

And protect me from the two vicious junkyard dogs.

That would be you two.

Oh, right.

Stay focused and wait till I call you.

No longer grieving, I am an unbreakable girder of attention.


Oh, a kitty!

I'm going to call you "jimmy"

And make sure nothing bad ever happens to you.

Ruff, ruff. Ruff, ruff.

Jimmy, wait up. Jimmy?

Why is he running from me?

Don't run, jimmy.

Bad things happen to my friends when they run.

Cosmo, come back.

Grr. Grr.

Both: what are you doing here?

Saving my best friend.

Where are they?

[Grr] [grr]

Not yet, you guys.

Although, I've got to say,

You totally look vicious and dangerous...

[Grr] [grr]

[Meow] cosmo: ha ha ha!

[Grr] [grr]

Because youare vicious and dangerous!

Ok, easy.

Don't provoke them.

At least if I'm on top of this big pile,

They can't reach me.


Oh, no. A cat suit!

Oh, no. A vat of gravy.

Oh, no. A box of air fresheners.

[Sniff sniff]

Scent of mailman?

[Grr] [grr]


Cosmo! Wanda! Somebody help!

Nice shot, old chum.

Get 'em, pal.

[Grr] [grr]

Chester, a.j., Watch out!

[Barking and growling]

May i?

I'd be insulted if you didn't.

[Air horn blasts]


You did it.

You saved me-- together.

We couldn't let you get eaten by dogs

Because of some stupid fight.

Yeah, it's just too bad we missed the big show.

Who cares?

Did you guys see the way

You two teamed up in the junkyard?

That was the show.

Crash and the chin fighting side by side.

All: yeah!

Chester: dip, anyone?


Hey, whatever. More for me. Heh-hoo!

Timmy: yeah, your suits were cool.

I wonder what amazing powers

My kitty slumber suit has.

Let's find out.

[Grr] [grr]

Kids: aah!!

Aw, timmy, chester, and a.j. Are friends again,

And they're finally having their sleepover.


Jimmy, come back.

I promise I won't bark any--

Bark! Bark! I'm sorry, it just slipped out.

[Cat yowls]


Well, he's got lives left.


Uh, .



Aw, the heck with it. Who wants dip?

May I have a bandage?

I'd be insulted if you didn't.

I'd be bleeding if I didn't. Like carl.


I want my records back!


Man on tv: good morning, dimmsdale. I'm chet ubetcha.

Next up, a look at our neighboring rival city, brightburg,

Which has once again been voted the best place to live.

But that's not everything, you know.

Y-i-i-i-i! Y-i-i-i-i!

But first, here's the morning weather with a man

Not nearly as handsome as me, stormy raynes.

You think it'll be finally nice enough to go fishing today, dad?

Ooh, it better be,

Or we'll take our anger and frustration out on the weatherman.

Cool, because--

Bup-bup-bup. The weather is on.

Wow! People in this town

Sure are nuts about the weather.

Uh-ba-ba. The weather is on!

Today's weather: sunny.

A perfect day for outdoor activities,

Like fishing.

Yay! Yay!

Honey, timmy, you'll never guess what happened

To me this morning.

I won the mrs. Dimmsdale pageant.

Timmy: that's nice.

Dad: great. Super. That's nice. Bye.

[Stars and stripes forever playing]

Aah! Aah!

Did I say sunny? I--i--i meant rainy.

Can't a guy make one mistake?

[Crowd yelling]

Cheer up, dad.

The forecast might have been wrong yesterday,

But I'm sure they'll get it right today.

Chet ubetcha on tv: and now, here's our new weatherman,

The also-much-less-prettier than me

Johnny downpour.

Thanks, chet.

Guess whose pie won first prize.

A-bup-bup. Weather.

Uh, today will be, uh, sunny?


[Jingle bellsplaying]

Aah! Did I say sunny? I--i meant freezing.

[Crowd yelling]

Must beat weatherman, once I thaw.

Chet ubetcha: johnny downpour

Was run out of town yesterday by an angry mob.

Ha ha ha! Yes!

I mean, ahem,

It's always a shame to lose a valued member of the news family.

I'm tired of you two paying more attention

To the weatherman than you do to me.


So I entered the "be the new weatherperson contest."

And the winner of the "be the new weatherperson contest" is...

Timmy turner's mom!

I won! Heh heh!

What? What?

Why didn't you tell us

You entered that contest?

I'm sorry, but if you want to listen to me now,

You'll have to do it at a.m.,

Noon, : , : , : , and : .

Well, son, now that your mom

Has a high-profile career,

I'm going to have to assume more responsibility

And be both your mom and dad.

Good thing I made this mom puppet.

[Imitates mom] hello, timmy. I'm mom.


Stop ignoring me.

Guys, I don't know about this.

Every time the weatherperson makes a wrong prediction,

They get run out of town by an angry mob.

I don't want my mom

To get run out of town by an angry mob.

Oh, I'll bet she'll do great.

But just in case...

Eh, eh, eh.


And now here's ournewnew weatherperson,

Timmy's mom.

Uh, right now, it's very cloudy,

But it will clear up...

And then a big, gaping hole will appear downtown...

And then it'll rain. Back to you, chet.

This just in:

An angry mob has formed outside this studio.

Angry mob already?

If that weather doesn't happen,

They'll totally k*ll her.

I wish all my mother's weather predictions

Would come true.

Crowd: get timmy's mom!

Would you like me to autograph

Your ropes and torches?

It's the new incorrect weatherperson.

Gentlemen, start your pitchforks.

All: ohh!

The clouds--they're gone.

Just like she said.

Well, there's still no giant hole.

But now there is.

Wow, I must be really good at this.

Everything she predicted has come true.

All: hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

She's the greatest weatherperson ever!

Wanda: aw, look how happy she is.

And how not-run-out-of-town she is,

Which means I won't be needing these.

Come on, let's get home

Before dad figures out we're gone.

You've only been gone seconds.

You think your dad will be worried?

Dad: hey! Where were you?

There was a -second period

I had no idea where you were.

Jeez, dad. Relax.

Would mom get this upset?

I don't know.

Let's ask her while I'm drinking a glass of water.

[Imitates mom] I think you're

Getting too hard on timmy.

Oh, sure. Take his side.

No amount of therapy

Will ever make this moment ok.

[Tv news theme plays]

Hey, the news is on.

Announcer: it's time for...

With chet ubetcha on today's news,

But who cares about that?

Because with the weather, it's dimmsdale's own

Mother nature.

She's % accurate % of the time.

She's dimmsdale's hottest tv personality.




Both: hey!

Morning, mom.


Ha ha!

Dad did the funniest thing yesterday,

And by funny, I mean creepy

And with a puppet.

Uh, you're still mad at me and dad

For not listening, aren't you?

Not very fond of getting

The cold shoulder, are you?


Good news!

We're having gelatin-brand gelatin for breakfast.

[Imitates mom] and I filled it with broccoli,

So it's healthy.

And look, no matter how much it jiggles,

The broccoli stays safely in place.

I miss mom.

And I miss the angry mobs,

But we're both going to have to move on.

Announcer: it's time for dimmsdale's number one half-hour newscast,

With chet ubetcha

And--with her expanded, -minute, -second weathercast--

Timmy's mom.

What? What about me? I'm hot, too.


I don't mean to rain on mr. Ubetcha's parade.

And now, here's my forecast.

Ooh, wow, she's good.

She predicted weather that defied the laws of science.

[Imitating mom] I know what you mean by that.

You think she's prettier than me.

Come back.

Ah, I sure wish there was a way to get mom back here.

Well, you could always try doing what cosmo does

When he does something wrong.

Blame wanda.

It's all your fault.

[Imitates wanda] stop yelling at me.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Maybe I'll just apologize.

Timmy: mom, I know dad and I

Weren't paying enough attention to you,

And I'm sorry.

Awww. Awww.

Apology accepted.

I miss you, too.

So you'll come home

And make dad get rid of that creepy puppet?

Well, I can't just quit.

I have a contract.

Hmm, if I predicted weather that destroyed the town,

They'd have to run me out of the destroyed town.

Mom, no!


[Tv news theme playing]

Tonight I'm predicting hail the size of minivans.

Then, uh, the world's largest lightning storm.

And, um--

Oh, oh, and then we'll have a massive earthquake.

But the good news is, tomorrow, if we're still alive,

It'll be nice enough to fish.

Oh, no--my wish.

Because my mom predicted that,

It's all going to happen.

Cosmo! Wanda!

I wish my mom was wrong about the weather.

Too late. She's already predicted it.

It's got to happen anyway.

I told you it was a stupid wish.

Why don't you listen?

We'll have to get creative.

Come on. We've got weather to stop.

It's time to fool mother nature.

What's first?


The size of minivans.

Fully loaded minivans.

I wish there was a giant trampoline over dimmsdale.


[People screaming]

Cosmo: the lightning storm.

How are we going to protect the town from that?


Hey! That's working out fabulously.

And all that leaves is the--

Dad: earthquake!

Run! Run for your life!

[Imitates mom] and while you're running,

Enjoy this nutritious last meal.

No matter how much it jiggles,

The broccoli stays in place.

That's it!

I wish the town was protected by gelatin-brand gelatin.

All: yay!

All: aah!

It's working.

And it's delicious.


And we're safe.

But what are we going to do with all this goop?

Chet ubetcha: yes, it's been chaos

In worst-place-to-live brightburg...

But who cares?

Mama ubetcha's son is number one again.

Timmy: more lemonade as you tell me about your day?

Yes, and thank you.

Aw, that's sweet.

They're finally listening to her.

Yeah, but as far as everybody knows,

She got the weather wrong.

Where's the angry mob? I want my angry mob!

[Dad imitates mom] leave me alone.

I'm just a puppet-- a puppet, I tell you.

[Mob yells]

Yay! An angry mob!

I blame you.

[Machine g*n]

Voice: frederator!