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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2022)

Posted: 12/02/22 05:33
by bunniefuu
Oh, oh, oh, oh.

What's great about

having an older brother

is that they can teach you stuff,

because they've gone through

all of it before you.

At least that's the way

it's supposed to be.

But my brother Rodrick's too busy

to teach his little brother anything.

I guess

I'm just not a big priority for him

because all his free time

just goes to his band.

The thing is, if Rodrick

would just take me under his wing,

I could totally surprise him.

And that would really change things

for us.

But I guess that's just not gonna happen.

And before long, Rodrick will move out,

and I'll have to figure things out

for myself.

But as long as the two of us are

living under the same roof,

I'm gonna soak up every bit

of big brother knowledge I can get.

Player has received

Hammer of Ultimate Smashing!

Smash, smash

Ooh. Ready, aim, fire!



Boys, the stuff in the dishwasher

is clean.

You just need to put the dishes away

before we get back.

Okay, yeah.

I got your hair dryer and my belt.

Um, was that... Was...

Am I forgetting something?

Your pants?

Right. My pants.

Wait. Where are you guys going again?

Your father and I are going

into the city for our anniversary.

You're going away? Like, overnight?

Two nights, Greg.

Come on, Greg.

We've been over this a hundred times.

But... But how are we gonna

take care of ourselves?

What about Manny?

- Manny's staying with Gramma.

- Hey!

And you boys will be just fine.

I stocked up on groceries.


Did you get snacks?

I refuse to buy junk food for you guys.

I've told you before, if you want snacks,

you can buy them for yourselves.

Mommy, gimme!

Ugh, fine.

I'm cashing these in.

250 Mom Bucks for 25 real ones.

"Mom Bucks"?

Oh. Yes, Frank.

The boys earn them by doing chores

and getting good grades.

Wait. Then how did Rodrick get so many?

Mind your own business.

- Yuck.

- Rodrick should be earning real money,

not play money with, you know,

like, a real job.

When Lded Diper makes it big,

money won't be an issue.

Okay. And what if, just saying,

just putting it out there,

what if your band doesn't make it big?

What's your plan then?

I'll sell my hair for wigs

and fake mustaches and stuff.

Well, that sounds foolproof.

Okay, time to go!

We've got dinner reservations.

- See you boys Sunday!

- Whoo!


Now, we are trusting you

to be responsible this weekend.

I don't want you doing anything

I wouldn't do. Got it?

Frank, we talked about this.

I-I just wanted to make sure

we're all on the same page.

We good here?

Okay? Okay, we're good.

You can't leave me and Rodrick alone

together for a whole weekend.

Mom, we literally don't even know

how to take care of ourselves!

Oh, come on, Greg. You two will have fun.

Play some video games together.

Throw a ball in the backyard.

Do you even know Rodrick?

Listen, I know that you and your brother

don't always get along,

but a weekend like this

can help change that.

- Yeah!

- Ow!

Who knows?

You two might surprise yourselves.

Don't forget to unload the dishwasher!

- Whoa!

- All right, Greg.

We've got one hour

to get this place ready.

Ready for what?

The party.

What? No way! Mom and Dad

would never let you have a party!

They'll never even know,

and it's not my party anyway.

It's our party.

Whoa. What do you mean "our party"?

The Heffley brothers

are throwing this party together.

The Heffley brothers?

That's right. You and me, together.

People will be talking about this night

for years.

It's gonna be epic.


So, what do you say? Are you in?

Okay, I'm in.

But who's coming to this thing?

I invite my friends. You invite yours.

W-Wait. Y-You do have friends, right?

Yeah, I have lots of friends!

There's Rowley, and there's Rowley.

Well, then,

why don't you call this "Rowley"

and have him come over to help set up?

I don't know. I'm not sure Rowley

could really handle a high school party.

Plus, his parents

would never let him come.

So, you have him

tell them it's a sleepover.

Come on, we need all the help we can get.

Oh. That's pretty good.

And when he gets here, you guys can start

by bringing up one of those plastic tables

from the basement.

Wait. Why can't you do that?


I can't do this without your help.

And besides, I'm going to get snacks.

Whoa! How do you have so many friends?

It's called popularity. You should try it.

All right. The clock starts now.


The mutant offspring

Of council house schemes

The dreaded nightmare

Of town planners' dreams

Whoa! Party at Rodrick's, dude!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

totally got their nose rings locked.

Whoa! Rager at Rodrick's!

- Yes!

- It's gonna be awesome!



The mutant offspring

Of council house schemes

Hey, Greg! It's party time!

No, no, no!

Whoa! Rowley, what are you wearing?

You said this was a party.

Not that kind of party.

A cool party with, like, high schoolers,

and loud music and stuff.

You mean a boy-girl party?

Rowley, don't call it a boy-girl party.

Why? Is it gonna be guys only?

'Cause that could be fun too.

No, just call it a party, okay?

And seriously, don't embarrass me tonight.

It's just that

me and Rodrick never team up like this,

and I really don't want anything

to mess it up.

- Okay?

- Okay.

All right.

You boys got your work cut out for ya.

Get to it.

You blame the teachers

The troubles at home

You blame the parents

Where did we go wrong?

The dreaded nightmare

Of town planners' dreams

Neighborhood brats

Neighborhood brats


The mutant offspring

Of council house schemes

The dreaded nightmare

Of town planners' dreams

Neighborhood brats

Go! Go, go, go, go!

Folks step aside

When they pass


Hmm. Good job, guys.

Huh. You know what, though?

We could use one more of those tables.

We're on it.

Do we have to do this?

The first table was heavy.

Everything's gotta be perfect!

Rodrick's, like, an expert at this stuff.

But it seems like he's just getting us

to do all the hard stuff.

You don't get it, Rowley.

Rodrick's depending on me.

Our party's gonna be epic.



I don't think

we should be in Rodrick's bedroom.

Relax, we're just in here for the table.

Do you think

there will be party games,

like charades

or pin the tail on the donkey?

It's not that kind of thing, Rowley.

High-school parties are totally different

than little-kid parties.

How do you know?

I just know stuff.

Listen, we're gonna be

the only middle schoolers at this thing.

We've gotta blend in.

Just try and be cool, okay?

But pin the tail on the donkey is cool.

Wait, what?

"See you after the party."

Oh, no.

What's going on? Is it stuck?

It's not stuck!

I think Rodrick locked the door.

But why would he do that?

What about the party?

What about the Heffley brothers?

It was, uh, probably just a joke.

Rodrick? Rodrick!





Is he coming?

Just wait here, okay?

But I have tap-dancing lessons

in the morning.

I was sick last week,

and if I miss two in a row,

Miss Tilly's gonna be mad.

Relax, Rowley.

I've got everything under control.


I'm scared. What if we starve down here?

My celery sticks are in my overnight bag.

Can you please stop talking

for five seconds? I need to concentrate.

What's going on out there?

Are they partying?

I think I can reach the lock.


Can you reach it?


But I've got an idea. Wait here.

Let's get this party started!

- Whoo!

- Nice brain bucket.

And I was like,

"Underwear goes under your pants, bro."





What's that for?



Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!

He actually did it!



Huh? What...





I think I'd better go home.

Yeah, that might be a good idea.

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna run around

And desert you


Not cool, dude.

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie

Not cool.

And hurt you

My head.

- This sucks.

- Not cool.

What's your problem, man?

It's not even, like, afternoon yet.

You locked me in the basement!

Yeah, like, as a joke.

Well, the joke's on you, because

when Mom and Dad get home tomorrow,

I'm gonna tell them

all about your little party.

You wouldn't have the guts.

Hey, Mom. How is the trip going?

Well... Well, it was going great

until Manny got a stomach bug.

We're headed to Gramma's to pick him up.

Wait. You're coming home today?

- Yes, Rodrick.

- Got it.

We should be home in an hour.

Did you boys empty the dishwasher

like I asked?

You gotta be kidding me.

Not yet.

Well, it had better be done

by the time we're back.

No problem. See you soon.

Okay, you heard her. We've got one hour

to clean up this whole mess.

Not my problem. I'll be in my room.


Mom and Dad are gonna go ballistic

if they find out I had a party!

Please, you've gotta help me.

And why would I do that?

Because we're brothers.

Yeah, well, brothers don't lock each other

in the basement.

Okay, okay. I slipped up.

Won't happen again, I swear.


If I help you clean up this mess,

things are gonna be different between us.

Different? Like how?

For starters, you're gonna start

treating me better, like an equal.

Okay, okay. Done. Equals. Got it.

And you're gonna owe me.

Owe you what?

I'm... I'm... I'm thinking.

Dude, we've got no time!

Okay. Yeah, I owe you.

Can we just work out the details later?


All right, my man! Let's do this.

And go!

- What?

- Hmm.


Gonna blow chunks!

Don't worry, Manny.

We'll be home in a jiffy.

Honey, better step on it.


I am taking the shortcut!



Huh? What?



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Mission accomplished, little bro.

It's permanent ink!

This is never coming off!


We need another door!

Another door?

Where are we gonna get another door?

The basement!

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

Oh, let's hurry up and get you inside.

Quit pushing!

Quit pulling! Push!

I said pull!


Come on, Frank.


We're home!

Oh. Hey, Mom!

So, did you guys do some brotherly bonding

while we were gone?

Uh, kinda, I guess.

Rodrick, y-you're sweating!

Oh, I hope you don't have what Manny has.

I knew it, Susan!

I knew they couldn't be trusted!

They didn't empty the dishwasher.

- Oh, that's gross.

- Manny all better!


Oh, man!


There's gotta be evidence.

They're not that smart.


You think he knows? I... I think he knows!

Shh! Keep your voice down, dummy.

If he doesn't know,

he's gonna figure it out.

I mean, he's been sniffing around

the house ever since he got back.

He's gonna find something.

You need to calm down. We covered

our tracks. We cleaned up the place.

Yeah, and you owe me for that.

And you can start paying me back

by finishing with these leaves!

Wait, wait, wait.

What... What is this about owing you?

I don't remember saying

anything like that.

Are you kidding me? I cleaned up

your stupid party, and that wasn't easy!

Don't you mean our party?

We were partners in this thing.

That mess was our mess,

and if Mom and Dad ever find out about it,

we're both in hot water.

No way! This was your party!

You're the one who's getting in trouble,

not me!

I'm gonna tell Mom and Dad

what really happened.

Fine, fine. I'll pay up.

Yeah? And how are you gonna do that?

By giving you my most valuable possession.

What? Mom Bucks?

No, thanks. I've seen where you keep them.

Something even better than that.


I've seen your report card.

Not school knowledge. Real knowledge.

Stuff you can actually use.

I'm listening.

I'll give you a little taste.

Let's start with the way

you bag your leaves.

When you do it, you fill your bag

to the top and then tie it shut.

But that's not smart.

Mom's paying three Mom Bucks a bag.

So, if you wanna maximize your income,

you've gotta do it like this.

But isn't that cheating?

It's not cheating.

It's just gaming the system.

So, what? You're just gonna give me

a bunch of yard work tips?

I can teach you lots of things,

little brother.

Stuff that'll make your whole life easier.

Your problem is that you work too hard.

I want that underwear off the table

by the time I get back

from the grocery store.

What you do is set the bar low,

so Mom and Dad don't expect

too much out of you.

Because then


they're happy

when you do practically nothing at all.

Here's another tip.

Pretend you don't know how to do stuff,

because that'll get you out of

a lot of unnecessary work.


H Hmm.

I'll just do it, okay?

And if you really

don't feel like doing something,

a well-timed trip to the bathroom

is always your ticket out.

I'm ready to start!

I just finished.

My body is on a schedule.

Okay, I'll admit it. That's...

That's pretty good.

What else can you teach me?

Oh, I've got loads of stuff like that.

I call it my Rodrick Rules.

Don't you mean "Rodrick's Rules"?

No, Rodrick Rules.

There's only one Rodrick, me.


I meant, like, apostrophe S.

Rodrick Rule number one.

No apostrophes or any other nerd stuff.

That kinda stuff will get you beat up

at school.

So, what's rule number two?

Uh, I've already given away too much.

If you want more, we're gonna have to

make this deal official.

You keep your mouth shut about the party,

and I'll tell you everything I know.


Greg, Rowley's here! Time to go!

Hello, Rowley. Don't you look handsome?

Um, this weekend I had tap-dancing lessons

with Miss Tilly.

Uh, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Whoa. Hey, Rowley!

It's been a while.

Friday afternoon, right?

Yeah, we...

- Whoa! So clean.

- Uh

Yeah, yeah. Time to go, Rowley!

Time... Time to go. Get out.

Come on, Rowley.

Two more seconds in there,

and you were gonna spill your guts

about the whole party.

Sorry, I'm not good at this stuff.

You don't think my dad heard you

back there, right?

'Cause he's been acting really suspicious.

How did you get the house so clean,


Um, me and Rodrick

actually did it together.

I told you, me and him are a team.

You and Rodrick?

But he locked us in the basement!

Uh, yeah.

Brothers just joke like that.

It's actually pretty hilarious

if you really think about it.

Don't look at me like that.

Anyway, yeah, Rodrick's been, uh...

He's been taking me under his wing.

He's been teaching me a bunch of stuff.

Really? What kind of stuff?

Uh, like, how you need to set the bar low,

so your parents don't expect

too much from you.

Oh, and how you can trick them

into helping you with your homework.

That kind of thing.

That seems like bad stuff.

This information is like gold, Rowley!

It's what makes having an older brother

worth it.

But why is Rodrick being so nice to you

all of a sudden?

I don't know. Maybe 'cause he just likes

having me around.

You know what? You wouldn't understand.

You're an only child.

No offense.

Well, I'm glad I'm an only child.

'Cause this brother stuff is complicated.





You need to teach me something new.

You never got past rule number one.

You only get one rule a week.

That's Rodrick Rule number two.

What? That's not fair.

Life's not fair.

Rule number three.

And now you made me break rule number two.


Ow! What the...

I've been looking for that.

What is this?

It's an echo pedal. We need it

for the talent show.

Oh, yeah, the talent show.

I'm trying out too.

You? You don't have any talent.

Yeah, I'm in Rowley's magic act.

I'm his


Man, they're...

They're gonna laugh you off the stage.

Yeah, I know. Mom's making me.

Hey, do you think

you can get me out of this?

Sorry, you c...

You can't leave your friends hanging.

Rodrick Rule number four.

All right, enough with the rules.

How about you teach me something for real?

Like what?

I don't know.

Maybe you could teach me

how to play the drums or something.

Are you sure

you could handle that, little brother?

- Yeah!

- All right.

It's simple.

You just gotta grip the sticks,

feel the flow, and let it rip.

Okay, now loosen up that wrist a bit.

Keep it flowing. Feel the rhythm.

That... Th-That's it!

You've got potential, little bro.

Are you ready to rock?

Bill Walter

is the lead singer of Lded Diper,

even though

he's something like 35 years old.

I'm pretty sure Rodrick asked him to join

because he got named

"Most Likely to Be a Rock Star"

when he was in high school.

Beat it, kid. Grown-ups are talking here.

Nah, that... That's all right.

He can stay. He's cool.

Whatever you say, dude.

You ready to burn this place down?

We are Lded Diper!

One, two, three, four!

All right

- So, he sent us underground

- Huh?

Oh, yeah

You never listened

Isn't setting the table Greg's job?

He's hanging out with his brother

in the basement.

I didn't want to interrupt

their "together time."

Listen, I...

Do you think it's a good idea that those

guys are spending so much time together?

Why wouldn't it be a good idea?

It's just that... Well, I mean...

Look, who knows what kind of stuff

Rodrick is teaching Greg?

Somebody farted!

Ew, gross.

Somebody farted!

I rest my case.

The boys are bonding, Frank.

Isn't that what we want to happen?

Look, sometimes my older brother, Joe,

would string me along,

and then I'd get burned.

Greg needs to protect himself.

Because if Rodrick pulls the rug out

from under him, he's gonna get hurt.

We can't police every interaction

between these boys, Frank.

They need to work things out on their own.

Maybe you're right.

But I just... I...

Now why don't you just take off that tie,

and try and relax a little?

I'll, uh, go get washed up for dinner.

Hey! Didn't this door used to lock?

So, you guys are telling us

that you have no idea why

the bathroom door suddenly doesn't lock?

Wait. We have a bathroom on this floor?

I feel like there's something

the boys aren't telling us.

Greg, would you like to say something?


Actually, something did happen

on Friday night.

Something I should've told you about.

I went in the bathroom,

and I tried to lock the door.

But I couldn't.

I think I must have broken it

by shutting it too hard or something.


Okay. Mystery solved. Let's move on.

Nice save.

Boys, your father and I are taking another

shot at celebrating our anniversary

since our first attempt got cut short.

You're going away this weekend?

Yes, but don't worry.

You see, we're not gonna leave you two

on your own again.

Why? Who's coming over?

You two boys are gonna visit your grandpa.

Wait. At Leisure Towers?

But there's nothing to do there.

Oh, there's plenty to do

at Grandpa's complex.

Shuffleboard, bingo, the pool.

And you know how much

my dad loves board games!

Board games?

Come on, guys.

You know Grandpa appreciates it

when you spend time with him.

- But...

- Mom's right, Greg.

It's been way too long

since we paid Grandpa a visit.

This... This is gonna be great.

Okay, guys. Better get packed.

Greg, I'll help you.

- Rodrick?

- Yeah?

Good role modeling.

Well, I try.

Ready, set, go!

Whoo-hoo! Whee!


Ooh. Hey!


Okay, boys! This is Gutbusters!

One player reads a card,

and the other players try not to laugh.

Them's the rules!

That sounds so fun!

Roll the dice, Grandpa!

Ha! Snake eyes!

It's your turn to read, Greg.

"A man who would pun,

would just as easily pick a pocket."

Huh? I don't get it.

Come on, Rodrick!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry,

I... I... I-I-I couldn't help it.

That one gets me every time.

All right, boys.

Now, why don't you clean up this mess

while I take a potty break?

Okay, Grandpa.

But don't take too long in there.

I can't believe you agreed to coming here.

Why didn't you at least try

to get us out of it?

Can't talk. Concentrating.

Rodrick, what are you doing?

Isn't one game enough?

You think I'm here to play games?

Are those Mom Bucks?

Millions of dollars worth.

That's amazing. Wow!

So, this is why you wanted to come

to Leisure Towers.

Bingo. Now you're starting to get it.

Come on. Let's split it up.

Ah! Da, da, da, da! Not so fast.

Go find your own supply.

Come on, Rodrick. You owe me.

Fine, here's a hundred.

Don't spend it all in one place.

Now, why don't you go change?

You look like you wet yourself.

I can't. Grandpa's in the bathroom.

Then use the one in the lobby.

I've gotta hand it

to Rodrick on this Mom Bucks thing.

Every time

I think I've figured him all out,

he surprises me with something new.

It's pea soup again tonight, I hear.

That sounds pretty good to me.


Oh, my.

Hi, Merle! Going to bingo tonight?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Well, you can kiss

your winning streak goodbye.

I'm bringing a good luck charm with me.

Oh! Isn't he cute?

Merle, Irene, bingo tonight?

Ha! We'll see.

Can you believe my luck last week?

Two games in a row.

It was all thanks to my lucky charm.


"Boys size small?"

A Peeping Tom!

We see you in there, Boy Size Small!

We're gonna hand you over

to the authorities!

They'll put you in the slammer!

- Where did he go?

- I don't see him.

Did he give us the slip?

There he is!

He's on the move, ladies!

After him!

Huh? Huh?

- We're coming through!

- Hey! Watch it!

Don't let him get away!

You get out of here!

k*lling my bingo buzz!

There he is!

There's Boy Size Small.

- Come back here! We're gonna get you!

- Yeah! Yeah!

There he is! Come on!

Hey, kid!

- Come back here!

- Come on. Wait!

- Out of my way!

- Hey! Get off!

Where do you think you're going?

Hmm, what do we have here?

- Oh!

- Uh

That's nasty.

All right!

- Hey!

- There he goes! This way!


Come here!

I could've sworn he went this way.

Where is he?

He gave us the slip.

Somehow, I managed

to get back to Grandpa's room.

But Rodrick can never find out about this.

'Cause if he does, I'm a dead man.

You're in big trouble, young man.

Rodrick just rolled a 12!

That means you've gotta fork over

half your cards.

Come on, snake eyes!

Put some pants on, for the love of Pete.

Is there something you want to tell me,

little brother?

Open up!

Grandpa, can we...

Can we please change the channel?

There's nothing but a bunch of garbage

on TV.

I like to watch people come and go.

Ooh! Hot in there.

Barry Grossman!

You've got time to sit in the sauna

for two hours,

but you can't bother yourself

to return my vacuum cleaner!

Bah, fine! You can have the clicker.

And in some disturbing news,

earlier this evening,

a Peeping Tom was spotted

in the women's bathroom at Leisure...

You're jumpy tonight.

Mind you don't wake up your brother.

Oh, yeah. You're right, Grandpa. There's...

There's nothing good on TV.

Ha! Told you so.

You know, Greg, I might be old,

but I'm no fool.

I know what's really going on.

You do?

You and your brother aren't here

because you want to be here.

Your parents made you come.

That's not true.

Grandpa, we wanted to come here.

No boys your age would choose to spend

the weekend with an old codger like me.

Ha! Yeah, well, I'll tell you this.

I've enjoyed every second of it.

You're good boys.

I guess.

I know you boys love each other,

because you spend time together.

It wasn't always that way with my boys.

And now they've grown apart.

They don't even spend

the holidays together.

I just wish they'd worked things out

when they were young.

Like you and Rodrick have.

Maybe things would be different now.


Hey, Greg.

Rowley, I told you not to wear stripes.

But I thought we could be twins.

Eh, eh? See? Twins.

Great. Now I gotta change.

What did you do

your Life Sciences project on?

- My what?

- Your Life Sciences project.

It's due today.

That's due today?

Yeah. And it's, like, 25% of our grade.

Oh, man! I forgot all about that project.

What are you gonna do?

'Cause this project is 25% of our grade.

I know, Rowley! Let me think.



Rodrick! I need your help!

Calm down, Gregory.

What's got your underwear in a bunch?

I've got a Life Science project due today!

Yeah? And what's that got to do with me?

Well, I figured you might know some trick.

Some way out of this.

Well, you could pretend you're sick.

Skip school.

Mom would know I'm faking.

She always knows.

You could tell your teacher Manny ate it.

Really, Rodrick?

That's the best you can come up with?

You know I still have dirt on you, right?

I can come clean to Mom right now.

Hmm. Did you say Life Sciences?

That does ring a bell.

Let's see.

No. No.

- Ah!

- What are you doing?

My life Sciences project.

And in mint condition too.

Let me see that.


This is some of my best work.

It's why I saved it.

Awesome. Here, give it.

No, sir. This is gonna cost you.

Come on, Rodrick.

Me and you have a partnership. A deal.

Yeah. Well, our deal doesn't cover

this kind of thing. This is extra.

Okay, what do you want for it?

I want cash.

I don't have any cash.

I'm talking Mom Bucks. Large bills only.

Come on, Rodrick. Don't you have enough?

No, you can never have enough Mom Bucks.

That's Rodrick Rule number five.

Fine. I'll give you 20. That's fair.

Mmm, actually,

you seem a little too eager.

Make it a hundred.

Fine. But you can't tell anyone

about this.

I may be a lot of things,

but one thing I am not is a snitch.

Great doing business with you, brother.

You got one of Rodrick's old projects?

But isn't that cheating?

It's not cheating. It's gaming the system.

I told you not to look at me like that.

But what if he got a bad grade?

My parents always help Rodrick

with his homework. So, I'm all set.

Can I see?

Um, Greg? I don't think

your parents helped with this one.

Give me that!

Do plants sneeze?

Hypothesis. Plants probably sneeze.

Experiment. Hmm.

Conclusion. Plants don't sneeze.



All right

Oh, yeah!


You lied to me!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not true, bro.

You said this was your best work!

It was. You should've seen

my other school projects.


Well, I want my money back.

No refunds. A deal's a deal.

Yeah, about that.

Let's see if these change your mind.

Yo! That's me.

Wha... Oh. My bad.

Please, uh... Please continue, bros.

You wouldn't show these to Mom or Dad.

You're no snitch.

You have no idea what I'm willing to do.

All... All right.

Here, I'll give you your $100 back.

Hmm. You seem a little eager.

It's gonna cost you

approximately 200 Mom Bucks.

Uh, "Mom Bucks"?

Nice doing business with you,


So, do plants sneeze?

I'm not gonna say

I'm proud of myself for what I did.

But I learned how to negotiate

from the master.

Uh-huh, that's right

That's where you're shaking

Greg, you need to watch

where you're going.

Just look at this mess.

I don't believe this.

I... A party? Guys? Seriously?

Counterfeit money?

Where did you boys get all this?

I knew that bathroom locked!

Aha! I am not going crazy.

You boys had a party in our home.

Somebody could've gotten hurt or worse.

See? See?

Didn't I tell you it wasn't a good idea

for these two to be hanging out?

Greg, it might not have been your party,

but you helped cover it up.

You lied to us.

And because of that, you are grounded.

No video games or electronics

for three weeks.

And Rodrick, you're the older brother.

What kind of example are you setting

for Greg?

A bad example?

You're grounded for a month.

Hand over your van keys.

Plus, you boys are doing the dishes

every night.

And don't give me any of this

"my body's on a schedule" nonsense.


What, Rodrick?

So, I get that I can't use my van.

Totally fair.

But I can still go to the talent show

if I get a ride, right?

No, Rodrick. Grounded means grounded.

No extracurricular stuff.

But... But... But... But we...

But we've been practicing for months.

If I can't play, the other guys

won't be able to be in the show...

Actions have consequences.

What kind of parents would we be

if we let you go to the talent show?

Good parents?

- Mom?

- Yes, Greg?

Since Rodrick can't be in the talent show,

I can't either, right?

Because that wouldn't be fair.

You are not using this as an excuse

to get out of that talent show, Greg!

You can't let Rowley down.

He's done so much for you.

Now go.

Go help your brother with the dishes.

So, that was pretty crazy back there, huh?

I mean, three weeks of no electronics,

I expected.

But your punishment was a little harsh

if you ask me.

It wouldn't have happened

if you didn't snitch.

Hey, whoa! I didn't say anything!

You marched right upstairs

and went straight to Mommy and Daddy.

You ratted me out!

No snitching.

That's Rodrick Rule number one!

I thought rule number one was

no apostrophes.

And besides, that's not what happened!

I took you under my wing! I trusted you!

Yeah, it's been great.

You've taught me a lot.

Yeah, and the only reason that I did

was because you had dirt on me.

And now you don't. So, watch your back.


I thought you were cool.

Guess I was wrong.

Introducing the Amazing Rowley Jefferson!

Whoo, yeah!

And with a wave of my magic wand,

the egg has disappeared!

Greg, you were supposed to turn the cup

upside down before you gave it back to me.

Huh? Oh, yeah. Next time.

If we don't get this right

by Friday night, we're never gonna win!

We're not gonna win, Rowley.

We're competing against high schoolers.

Well, at least we don't have to go

against your brother's band.

Yes, we do.

They got a replacement drummer.


Hey, I've got an idea.

I was thinking

maybe I could be the magician

and you could be the assistant.

It's way more believable that way.

But it's my magic set!

I got it for my birthday!

Okay, okay.

Gee whiz.

Hey, guys!

Hi, Rodrick. Wanna see some magic?

Nah, wouldn't want you to spoil it for me.

Save it for the big night.

Oh. Okay!

Wait. What are you doing up here?

I found something on the kitchen table.

Thought it might belong to you.

Hey! Give it back!

Easy there, little brother.

I was just returning your property.

Wait. You didn't read it, did you?

Read it?

Way too many words for me.

I did look at the pictures though.

And boy, I learned a lot.

Like what really happened

at Leisure Towers.

That's private.

Well, it's about to be public.

See, I know people.

And those people have little brothers

and sisters that go to your school.

And I'll bet they're gonna love

reading about your little adventure

in the women's bathroom.

You wouldn't!

You ratted me out.

These are the consequences.

Give me that!





Nice catch.



My bad.

Believe me, I did not

want to go to school the next day.

After Rodrick's little text was sent out,

my reputation was gonna be ruined.

But I knew I couldn't hide forever.

So, I just decided to bite the b*llet

and get it over with.

All right, Rowley. Let's do this.


You got this, Greg!

- This week's flying by, like, so fast.

- I know!

- Wait. Wait. Is that Greg Heffley?

- Look!



Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg!

Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg!

It took me a few minutes

to figure out what was going on.

Rodrick's message went out

to all of his friends.

His friends told their brothers

and sisters what happened to me,

and they told their friends.

Just like Rodrick planned it.

But I guess people mixed up the facts

because by the time I got to school,

the story was totally scrambled.

Somehow the story went

from me being caught

in the ladies' room at Leisure Towers,

to me sneaking into a bingo game

and walking off with the grand prize.


And the only thing people got right was

me getting chased by the security guards.

But even that stuff got exaggerated.


- Whoa!

- Whoa!

Even the thing

with the vending machines

made it into the story,

but the facts got mixed up there too.

I wasn't exactly in a hurry

to set the record straight, though.

Because the new version of the story

made me look pretty sick.

So Rodrick's plan backfired,

and I got a taste of what it's like

to be popular for once.

Wow! This is so cool! I got his autograph!

But I knew it wouldn't last.

Because the second I took the stage

as Rowley's assistant at the talent show,

my reputation was gonna take a nosedive.

I don't get

why I have to go to this thing.

You're here to cheer on your brother,

Rodrick, and your bandmates.


D-Does the rec center have

a bathroom?

Okay. Everyone, hop out.

I'll go look for a spot.

Yo! What's shaking, little man?

Uh, nothing much.

So, we heard about your little dustup

over at Leisure Towers.

The what?

Oh, yeah. That.

Dude, you're a legend!

An absolute lege, dude!

Yeah, I guess.

So, we were thinking,

if we join forces tonight,

we could win this thing.

Huh? I-I don't get it.

You've got the middle school vote.

And we've got the high school vote.

And I've got the Mom vote. Not to brag.

What do you mean "join forces"?

How'd you like to be

Lded Diper's new drummer?

What? I don't know how to play the drums.

We know your brother's been teaching you.

Time for the student to become the master.

Sorry, guys. I'm in my friend's magic act.

I can't get out of it.

That's where Larry comes in.

We'll do a clean swap. You for him.

Magic is my real passion.


I just can't do that to Rodrick.

He's my brother.

Why don't you just think it over?

Maybe this is your turn to shine, my dude.

I'll think about it.

That's all we're asking, little man.

- Yo! It's Greg!

- That's Greg Heffley!

- You're a legend, dude.

- Yeah, thanks.


Is that Boy Size Small?

Where were you?

I just got held up.

Oh, this is so exciting.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

Welcome to the Talent Show!

Then the man in the orthopedic shoes said,

"I stand corrected!"


Amor fatal



I've got to get ready.

- Break a leg, Greg.

- Okay.

Do your best for Rowley.

Try and look like you're having fun.

Hey, Greg.

- Can't wait to see you do your magic.

- So uncool.

Are you ready for some magic, Manny?

- Yay!

- Yes, you are. Yes, you are.

Ladies and gentlemen,

boys and girls.

We have just one question for you.

Wake up!

Are you ready to rock?


Now, before we explode your eardrums

with a blast of pure rock and roll,

it's time to introduce

the newest member of Lded Diper.

Please join me in welcoming

Greg Heffley to the stage!


Come on, little dude. Give 'em a taste.

Oh. Oof.

Yeah, right on.

We love you, Greg!

Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg!

Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg!

Yo, you ready

to blow the roof off this place?

Hey. You're missing the show.

What are you doing out here?

Aren't you supposed to be on stage?

I don't know. It didn't feel right.

Well, maybe that's because it's not right.

You stole my spot just to get back at me

for the diary thing.

Pretty much.

But it wasn't just about payback.

Yeah, right.

I, uh, wanted you to be proud of me.

Proud of you? For what?

I-I know. I-It was dumb.

I've got something that I've got to

get off my chest too, I guess.

I... I shouldn't have taken your diary.

That wasn't cool.

I don't understand why we can't

just get along like normal brothers.

This is normal. Brothers fight.

We just took it too far.

But do you think we're gonna be all right,

like, in the long run?

What? What do you mean?

Well, Dad and his brothers don't even

see each other on holidays anymore.

Is that gonna happen to us?

Heck, yeah, we're gonna see each other

on the holidays. We're family.

But I am not hosting. Too much work.

Okay. Deal.

Listen, me and you

are gonna have our battles.

But I really hope you know

that when the chips are down,

and I mean really down,

I'm gonna have your back.

And you better have mine.

Because it's the Heffley brothers

against the world.

The Heffley brothers.

Greg! Greg! Greg!

So? Are you gonna keep sitting out here,

or are you gonna go make me proud?

Yeah, about that.

These don't belong to me.

Like you said, there's only one Rodrick.

And that's you.

Wait a second.

I'm still grounded.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.

Oh, well. Rodrick Rule number

ten. Always go out in a blaze of glory.

Come on, entertain us!

Stand by. Uh, we're just having some,

uh, technical difficulties.

All right!

Please welcome

Lded Diper's original drummer,

Rodrick Heffley!


- What?

- Rodrick?

Rodrick rules!

We love you, Rodrick!


Greg, you do understand

that you're both grounded?

Yeah, I know.

Rodrick isn't supposed to be up there.

So, we have no choice

but to extend your punishment.

It's worth it.

He's my brother. I've got his back.

You're raising some good boys there, Son.


All right!

- Oh, yeah!

- Yippee!

- Whoo!

- Whoo-hoo!


You never liked us

So you sent us underground

Come on!

You never listened

So we turned up our sound


And now you're quaking

As I'm standing on stage

- Yeah! Lded Diper!

- Uh-huh! Yeah!

That's why you're shaking

'Cause you're feeling your age

Whoo! That's my jam!

Your arms are waving

As you get on your feet

Your booty swaying

Like you ate some bad meat

So we say

Can you smell us now?

Filling up your nostrils

And you're mopping your brow

Come on

Can you smell us

What? Susan!



Can you smell us now?

Susan, your bunions!


- Oh, man!

- Look at her!

In stadiums, gymnasiums

So let's hear you shout!

Oh! See, I can't unsee that!

That's right.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Oh. Whoo!

Even after all that,

Lded Diper didn't win the talent show.

First place went to

the Amazing Rowley Jefferson

and his assistant Larry the Wonderful.

But it wasn't all bad news

for Rodrick and his band.

Thanks to Mom,

their music reached a whole new audience.

I'm really not too worried

about me and Rodrick growing apart.

Sure, we'll have our ups and downs,

but for now

we're cool.

All right!

Oh, yeah!


Can you smell us now?

Filling up your nostrils

And you're mopping your brow

Come on

Can you smell us now?

We're leaking through your speakers

Like a chocolate cow

Can you smell us now?

The pressure's building up

Now we're about to bust out

Can you smell us now?

In stadiums, gymnasiums

So let's hear you shout!

That's right
