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03x05 - Playpen

Posted: 12/02/22 13:51
by bunniefuu

Okay, check this out. [CHUCKLES]

I just added this really fun new feature

where before you can
access any of the controls,

you have to solve, like, a crazy
difficult word puzzle. [CHUCKLES]

So you can't play until you do homework?

Oh, well, no... [STAMMERS] It's...

It's not homework, it's...
It's ki... It's like work,

uh, that you would do
a-at home. But it's fun.

Yeah, that is super fun.
Everybody loves homework.

Hey, this MQ movie thing is,
like, really bothering me.

How could I not even be consulted on it?

Because you don't work there anymore.

Well, yeah, but my DNA is
literally all over that game.

Ew. I'm not sure if you mean
the word "literally" literally,

but given all the weird sh*t
you're into at the moment,

I don't wanna know.

Yeah, that is kinda gross, isn't it?

Thank you for bringing
that to my attention.

That's not what I meant.
I meant "metaphorically."

Uh-huh, cool. Let's just
pretend that you didn't say it.

I recognize that MQ is in the past,

but what if the story
isn't told correctly?

It'll chip away at my legacy.

- Ian.
- Our legacy.

- Sorry.
- No. No, no, no.

Movies. People love movies.

Because they're fun, and they're sexy,

and people love sex, and... [GASPS]

Okay, what if... [CHUCKLES]

What if, in order to
access the controls,

you have to undress a character?

Why do all of your ideas involve
limiting access to controls?

I don't think you know what fun is.

I don't know. I think I'm
really going off the rails here.

[SIGHS] You know what?

I need to go back to basics and, uh,

you know, trust my
instincts, and... and if I...

Oh, that's weird.

- What?
- I'm going through the engine code,

and someone just took
assets off the server

and moved them to an off-site address.

sh*t. It just happened again.

- Someone's stealing from us?
- Yeah, yeah.

Um... Let me... Let me check
the digital fingerprint,

and maybe I can...

- Is it Brendan?
- Who, Pootie Shoe?

- Yeah.
- I don't know. It's, um...

Oh, my God.

It's Dana.


So, let me get this straight.


The three of you put a new
monetization tool into the game

without telling me, the
executive producer, first.

- Judases.
- Jo.

- David, I can explain. I...
- No, no. It's too late to explain.

You see, 'cause Montreal
called me up this morning,

and they had questions
about our new NFT project.

And I had no idea what
they were talking about.

- [JO] He had to vamp.
- Yes, I did.

- He sucks at vamping.
- Yes I... Well, no, I'm great at vamping.

- Really? You seemed flustered. M...
- I wasn't flustered. I...

- You were stuttering.
- I was stuttering be...

They have a thing where... Sometimes...

- You're supposed to ask.
- [ALL] Sorry, David.

Oh, they're sorry, Jo.

- They're sorry.
- Yeah.

- Well, guess what? Sorry don't cut it.
- Mm-mmm.

Because Montreal wants a name
of who came up with this project,

and frankly, I do too.

Now, one of you was the mastermind
to this nefarious little plot.

And I think I know exactly who...

it was.

It was me, David.

- What?
- It's all my fault.

- No.
- Okay, I was sick of being a figurehead

- and just thought that if I could...
- No, no. N... no.

- Yes.
- No!

- Yes.
- No, Carol. No. It is him.

This is all part of Brad's
devious, little plan.

He has a plan, you know. He told me.

You told me I wouldn't know
anything about it, Brad.

You-You-You said I-I wouldn't
feel it. But I do feel it.

I feel it everywhere. It's all up
in me. It's on me. It's through me.

- It's so painful.
- David, look. This isn't their fault.

It's not Brad or Carol's fault. Okay?
It is my fault. I-It was my idea.

I'm confused. Is she taking
the blame or the credit?

Both, interesting.

[STAMMERS] Neither. I was just
trying to give David an out.

What is the out? What, I
call Jacques and Jean-Luc,

and I'm like, "Oh,
hey, yeah, this, uh...

this vagabond ex-employee
takes full responsibility.

- Yes, it's all cool, bros."

"Yeah, this, uh, you know,
rando, unemployable woman

who just walked right into our office,

she's... she's making
major financial decisions."

"Yes, don't sweat it, bros. It's
all cool. It's all good, bro.

We're all a bunch of cool dudes, bro."

- I wouldn't put it that way.
- Yeah, you shouldn't vamp.

- I'm gonna write something up for you.
- I can vamp. I just... They...

Because they... And...


I just got an e-mail from Montreal.

They would like to speak
with me later this afternoon.

- [SIGHS] Dead Carol walking.
- [DAVID] How do they already know about...

I sent them a message the
second she said, "It was me."

Jo, you're supposed to ask.

Great meeting.

Oh, it's o... it's over? Okay.




Uh-uh-uh. Uh-uh-uh.

- What the...
- Uh-uh-uh.

You're busted, you shitbag!

[SIGHS] Way too hot, Pop. Way too hot.

Fine then, just you're
busted, but you're busted good.

Okay, before this whole
thing gets rolling,

I just wanna go on record as
saying I was against the theatrics.

- What is going on?
- You're a thief.

And now that I'm warmed
up, you're also a shitbag.

And before you try to
turn this around on me,

that's a licensed Getty
image of Wayne Knight.

So there's no IP theft on my end.

What about the sound clip?

Uh, sounds like it was ripped
straight from Jurassic Park.

Ah, sh*t.

Okay, you're confused, which
is totally understandable

based on the theatrics
that you just saw.

Um, so, I'm gonna take
over this whole thing.

We noticed that, uh,
there was some evidence

to suggest you were
stripping some code out,

and then Poppy started
shaking violently.

- Well, that's how I process adrenaline.
- Sure.

Uh, either way, we realized
we had to confront you.

And unfortunately there were some,

uh, ridiculous antics that got us here,

but here we are.

You stole Hera.

Why would I steal Hera?

Because it's fun.

Oh, that look was devastating.

It's... Why is she still...

Respect me.

Poppy, I just downloaded the
Playpen tool kit you made for me.

The... The tool set that
I shat out to keep you busy?

Yeah, you kept saying you shat it out,

so I didn't think it was a big
deal if I shared it with my friends.

It's actually pretty
fun to mess around with.

You shared that piece of sh*t...

That, um, valuable, pro-proprietary
program with your friends?

Why? It's sh*t. [CHUCKLES]

I'm sorry, do you think
it's sh*t? I... I can't tell.

I gotta be honest, I
appreciate the initiative.

It's like you disrupted
not having something to do.

It's better to ask for
forgiveness than permission.

I'm not asking for forgiveness.

Yes. Yes, I like that.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Absolutely. And the more you
say it, the more you believe it.

I do believe it.

- She is learning. She is g...

- Hold on a second, sorry.
- Learning what? I don't...

I get an alert every time there's
a new move on the MQ movie.

Wait a second, they've attached
a star. Joe Manganiello?

What? This guy?

- [IAN] No.

- This guy.
- Oh.

No. I won't have it. No.

I'm so sorry, Dana.

Thanks, Ian.


Thank you. I understand. Goodbye.

- That was the call, huh?

[SIGHS] I'm sorry, Carol. I
didn't mean to get you fired.

Okay, look, I mean, I'm sure
this is pretty traumatic,

- but there's always a chance to rebound...
- They promoted me. Again.

- Wait, what?
- They love the NFTs.

[CHUCKLES] They actually praised
me for taking the ideas of a janitor

and a college dropout and called it

"sourcing ideas from under-utilized
talent pools" or some sh*t.

[CHUCKLES] They bumped
me up to a new position

with stock options and an actual budget.

Short story, my gold
handcuffs just went platinum.

Okay, wait, what's the new position?

Director of Unexplored
Development Initiatives.


And coupled with your
previous responsibilities,

that makes you...





[CHUCKLES] Failing up.

It feels so right. Or,
should I say, white?


And this new DUDI can hire
whoever she damn well pleases

because she's got an actual budget.




I don't have time for
whatever amateur home brews

you and your mates have built.

I'm trying to run an eight-figure
company. [GRUNTS] g*dd*mn it, Dana!

- Is that...
- What?

Is this a Jolly Rancher in your hair?

[STAMMERS] It's a barrette.

[DANA] Okay.

I made this in Playpen.

[POPPY] Okay, well, I mean...
[SCOFFS] ... the graphics are sh*t.

These are the max specs
you programmed into Playpen.

How do you keep forgetting
that you made this game?

[POPPY] Well, they're
sh*t in an elegant way.

You know, i-impressive for
such a bare-bones program.

Throw out your hands.


[POPPY] Whoa, what is this?

- It's a fishing game.
- Right. That's what I thought.

- What did you think?
- No, I didn't think it was anything weird.

I thought... I... I thought
maybe it was a spoont simulator.

- Spoont?
- Yeah. You know, like...

- I don't know what that is.
- You know, like spoont. Like sprog.

- Just say what it is.
- I am saying what it is.

- Oh! Oh, oh. What do I...
- [DANA] Reel it in!

this was made in Playpen?

[DANA] Mm-hmm. It was. Everyone
can make games with this.

- [POPPY] Hey. Come here, you little bitch.
- [DANA] Oh, there you go. There you go.

[DANA] Here, I wanna show
you another game we made.

- [POPPY] Okay.
- [DANA] Over here.

So, this one is amazing. You have
to wrap the candies really fast,

- but if you miss more than six, you lose.
- [POPPY] Okay.

[DANA] And there's a cheat that
I found where you can eat them.

It's weirdly satisfying.

Aw, we're like Lucy and Ethel.

I can't keep up with all
your gay, throuple friends.

- [DANA] I mean I Love Lucy.
- [POPPY] I'm not hip.

- I don't know q*eer culture.
- [DANA] What?

It's like an insanely
old, classic TV show.

- Are you actually eating something?
- [POPPY] Mm-mmm.

Where did you get chocolates from?

I have pockets, Dana.



So what?

- It's fun.
- It's really basic.

- But fun.
- Rudimentary.

- But fun?
- Maybe for children,

or adults with baby brains.

- But it's...
- Yes! It's fun.

Okay? You happy?

It's fun. But... But anyone
can make something that's fun.

- You wanna play again?
- Yeah, I wanna play again.

[DAVID] Okay, how about these, huh?

How do I look? Big-time
Hollywood producer?

[SIGHS] More like big-time
Hollywood pedophile.

Okay, well, they're
prescription. Can't return them.

- [IAN] David?
- sh**t!

David, get down!

- What?
- Oh. David, I have Ian for you.

Thank you, Jo.

- I don't know.
- Uh, I came up to talk about the movie?

Oh, yeah. You saw the,
uh, mention in the trades?

Yeah, we're, uh, pretty
happy with the buzz.

- Right, Jo?
- Pretty happy.

All right. Why was I not
at least not consulted?

Why would you be?

Because I'm the visionary who
came up with the entire story?

You were. Then you left.


[SIGHS] Okay, but I've been talking
about doing an MQ movie for years.

- But I made it happen.
- Oh.

All right, fine. But Joe
Manganiello? I mean, come on.

No one's gonna believe that he
could play me. He's not big enough.

- He's like ' ".
- ' ".

- ' ". ' ".
- I meant my metaphysical size.

He doesn't have the
presence to carry my stature.

- I get that.
- Thank you, Jo.

Whose side are you on?
Look, I'm-I'm sorry.

W... Who do you think
this movie is about? You?

- Well, who else would it be about?
- The game, obviously.

Well, I created the game.

So? Is Superman about the
man who created Superman? No.

The guy's just some nerd who
came up with a comic book.


No, the guy that created
Superman would be Superman's dad.

Who, I guess, would technically
be more powerful than Superman.

Jo, put it in the notes that
David called me Superman.

No, do not put in the notes
that this man is Superman.

You're not Superman, okay?

You are a ' " mortal
man with no superpowers,

no ability to fly, and... and
no ability to stop the movie.

We are making a movie without you.

Jo, can you put in the
notes that I am ' "?

It's very clearly stated
all over the Internet.

Jo, put in the notes that this
man wears lifts in his shoes.

Jo, could you put in the notes

that this man is taking off his
shoes and presenting them to David,

and to anybody who would like to see,

that there is not a lift in those shoes.

And would you like to
know the size? Thirteen.

- Let me see that.
- No, sorry. It's back on my foot.

- It's too late.
- That is so sad.

Put in the notes that David said
he wanted to see my feet. Creepy.

Get out of my office, okay?

[SIGHS] Whatever.

- Little bitch.
- Ian, come back.

- What's that?
- Mr. Brittlesbee wasn't done with you.

I-I don't think you heard
the last thing he said.

- Oh, what was it?
- Oh, no, no, no, I...

- No, he heard... he heard everything.
- I don't think he heard the last thing.

Oh, what was the last part?

[STAMMERS] I just... I
said, you know, just...

Yeah, thanks... thanks, bro.

[JO WHISPERS] No, you said...

- Uh, cool.
- Cool.

So, I... I can consult on the movie?

I-I mean, yeah. Uh, yeah. I mean...

- [STAMMERS] Of course. It's cool.

- All right, awesome. Thanks.
- Cool.

Just, uh... And also with, like,

all casting decisions, like,
you gotta run those by me.

[SIGHS] Yeah.

Thank you. That's all
I'm... That's all I need.

I mean, like, casting decisions,
things like that. I feel like, um...

What about Pitt, Brad Pitt?

Hire a ' " actor, you
get a ' " performance.

Manganiello's real touchy
on Brad Pitt. So, let's not.

I'm putting it out there, and
we'll let the universe sort it out.


Okay, all right. Okay, thank
you. Thanks, David. Thanks, Jo.

- See you, bro.
- [IAN] Thank you.


Oh, my God, Brad. Jesus.
[PANTS] Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything's
great. Why wouldn't it be?

Be-Because you... you texted me,

" , Rachel. Come fast.
. It's an emergency. ."

Yeah, never mind that.

- What?
- Rachel,

you think you could be a good person

and make enormous amounts of money?

I don't know, Brad. Why
are you asking me this?

Because Carol needs a new HOMIE,

but I'm not sure I'm the
right person for it anymore.

I'm too...




Oh, you're serious. Um, no.

Don't... Don't say
that. You're still evil.

Name one evil thing I've
done in the last two months.


I mean, you're more
sketchy than evil recently.

But that's, like, kind
of in the same vibe.

[INHALES DEEPLY] Okay, look,
Brad. It's good. It's a good thing.

It's-It... You're... You're...
You're turning a new leaf.

You know, that's great, Brad.

And you can absolutely be a good
person and be Head of Monetization.

Games have to be
profitable. Players get that.

It's just about finding creative ways

to add value for the
money they're spending.

And, you know, letting them know

that you really respect
them and the game.

You're not just trying to
take their money. [SIGHS]

I don't know, I think it
could be so great for MQ

to have a Head of Monetization that
really cares about stuff like that.

Great, so you'll take the job?

- What? Me?
- Yes, you.

Uh, no, no. [LAUGHS] I'm gonna...
I'm, uh, gonna be a writer, Brad.

Ugh, yuck. You have a
natural gift for monetization.

You're afraid it'll
make you a bad person.

It goes against all of your ideals.

That's why I knew the only person

that could talk you into it is yourself.

Oh, you are evil.

I'm also unable to
assume my former position

because of SEC issues.

But you can do it, and I can help you.

And together we'll be unstoppable.

Just think about it.

Oh, whoops. [CHUCKLES] I hit a button.

Wha... Uh, which one did
I hit? Is it... I think I...

Now none of them are working.
Why are none of them working?

- Okay, we'll get there.
- Did I... Wait, hold on, I can do it.

Yo, Poppy. I was thinking about
the spoont... the fishing game,

and I bet if we go to a
different part of the island,

- we can catch something.
- [POPPY] Leave me alone.

What's going on? You okay?

[POPPY] No, I'm... I'm not okay.

Aw, do you have the taffy shits again?

I am not loaning you
my sweats this time.

I'm a failure.

A failure? You?

I spent a year of my life building Hera.

It was my dream. It was
meant to be the thing.

It was meant to be the... the...

the thing that launched
me into the stratosphere,

like what Mythic Quest did
for Ian. And it's garbage.

But think about how great Playpen is.

- And you built that in, like, half a day.
- Right, exactly.

I... I built a bunch of tools

that now other people are
using to make fun games.

And I didn't even know that
it was fun. You had to tell me.

That's the problem. I

I don't see it.

I don't see it like Ian does.

I build systems.

I'm a glorified mechanic.

And, um...


... you know, people...

people don't celebrate mechanics.

Just once, I wanted
to feel what Ian feels.


Come with me.

Where are we going? I-I
don't know if I like this.

I don't want to play any
more games more fun than mine.

I just want to show you
something real quick.

[POPPY] Uh, what is it?

Is this some kind of brawly,
fist... fistfight-y game?

'Cause I will leave none of you alive!

[DANA] No! Sorry,
she's really passionate.

These are my classmates,
and they came to see you.

They've been building games in Playpen.

Everybody, this is Poppy Li.


- [POPPY] This is for me?
- [DANA] Yeah.


Oh, my God. [CHUCKLES]

Ian! Ian, I-I got it. I
saw it. I figured it out.

- Ian! [SQUEALS]
- Oh!

Ian! Ian!

- Hey, Pop.
- Why aren't you answering your phone?

Um, uh, I'm kind of busy
with something. What's up?


- Huh?
- Hear me out.

I know that it looks like sh*t,

and it's so simple a child could
have coded it. But it's fun!

I could work on Hera for a billion
years, and it will never be that.

But somehow, I don't know
how, I don't know why...

But it turns out that my
masterpiece is Playpen.

You want to pivot from Hera
and just focus on Playpen?

- Yeah.
- And you see it?

Mmm. I saw it.

- You're sure?
- Yes.

Great, awesome! Let's work on that!

- Okay! [LAUGHS] Oh, oh.
- All right. [STAMMERS]

Hold on one sec. Not right this second.

[SHANNON] Ian, get back
here and finish the job.

I'm so... Are you
with someone right now?

Yeah, Shannon came over.

Shannon. Sha... Sh...

Oh, Shannon your ex.

Oh, no. Are you guys
doing weird sh*t in here?

- Yeah.
- Ugh, I don't want to see this.

Then why did you come over?

Well, I didn't know that
you were having an orgy.

Orgy? We didn't talk about this.

I'm not saying I'm against
it, but we should discuss.

- I'd be open to that conversation.
- Yeah. Not with her though.

- Oh, Christ, no! Not with her.
- No, definitely not with me.

Although to be clear, if I was involved,

it'd be the best you'd ever had.

I am very good at sex.


Uh-huh. Okay, well,
um, this has been great.

But clearly we're super
busy, so I guess...

Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no. I-I-I get the win today.

I get to say, "See you tomorrow."

Okay, cool. sh**t.

See you tomorrow.

Great. Bye.
