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05x19 & 05x20 - Fairy Idol

Posted: 12/03/22 08:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Timmy is an average kid ♪

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality they are his odd parents ♪

♪ Fairly odd parents

Wands and wings.

Floaty crowny things.

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, love my hotrod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you're the kid ♪

♪ With fairly odd parents

Yeah, right.

Let me guess. First time in a genie's lamp?



Sit back, kick your shoes off,

And learn a little bit about this wonderful world of genies.

Ah, genies. You got to love us, huh?

I mean, one--you get a really cool hat.

And , we can do anything

As long as we're doing it for some idiot human

What rubbed our lamp.


And it always goes the same way--

Wish one, something stupid...

Like a giant sandwich or something.

See, it's that sandwich wish

That made us make this video.

The second wish, a big reality changer...

Something that involves money and power...

Until it goes horribly awry,

Which leads us to the third wish.

I wish I never met you!

And then we get sucked back into the lamp.

So, before you make your second wish,

Think long and hard.

I wish I was mayor of the world!

Of course you do.

You're going to need a different sash.

Well, this should take about minutes.

What do I have

On my "stuff to read

During the big dumb second wish" shelf?

"Leprechauning for idiots."

" Snappy nicknames." Ah!

"Da rules."

Where did i, uh...

Here. You can have this.

There's no pictures in it.

Uh. "How to clean your wings.

What to do when your wand makes that fart noise."

Oh, hello!

Hey, all I need to do is get an idiot fairy to quit,

And I can use that to get out of this lamp forever! Ha!

I know just the idiot fairies to use.

Ah, but first...

Mayor of the world not working out

The way you hoped, huh?

Here. I wrote your third wish out for you.

"I wish everything was back to the way it was

"Before I met you and that the lamp appeared

Next to timmy turner's best friend"?

Ah! Ha ha ha!

This is going to be sweet!

♪ I'm off to see a.j. So we can go play ♪

♪ Today is the day to play ♪

♪ With a.j.

Hi, chester. Bye, chester.

Bye. Where are you going?

I got accepted to the best college on earth.

I'm going to get my degree in every study known to man.


Relax. It's just college. I'll be done in weeks.

Why don't you see what timmy's up to?

I've been trying all weekend.

I'm sorry, chester,

But timmy can't fly kites with you

Until after he cleans the attic.



I'm sorry, chester, but timmy and I

Are spending the day together!

A little to the left, son.

There we go.

These are the days we'll remember in our golden years.

Oh, man. A.j.'S going to college,

And my best friend's never around when I need him.

I wish there was something I could do!

Ouch! What the...

A lamp from the seventies?

Not just any lamp from the seventies.

A magical lamp from the seventies!

I am...norm!

And you, my metal-mouthed friend,

Get wishes.

k*ller! I wish--

Bup bup bup bup!

Oh, my gosh! You're a mind reader!

No need to waste that first wish

On something stupid, huh?

So, uh... Tracks for teeth,

What do you say we get some real wishing done, huh?

How about--

I wish I could hang with my friend timmy,

But he's been so busy lately.

Could you fix that?

Man, that is vague enough for me to totally use

For my own evil needs.

You stay right here.


[Ringing stops]



How about a "good morning"?

Hair. Clothes.

Oh, yeah! How great is this?

It's not.

Timmy, don't you think you should be using

Our powers for something other

Than things you're too lazy to do yourself?




You heard the man!

We're here to grant wishes,

Not to be your slaves!

We don't have to take this, you know.

Hey there.

Naggie mcnaggienag and colonel brainless.

So, what's shaking?

Flush. I said--

Aah! It's norm the genie! He's returned from mars

To exact his magical revenge on me!

Aah! Protect me.

Wow. Words. Now we're really communicating.

Timmy defensive maneuver k- .

Uh-oh. Sorry.

I thought the "k" stood for carrot.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey. Easy.

I come in peace, and I brought

A little something for each of you.

Ooh! A hunky chocolate candy bar.

How is it that our enemies are nicer to us

Than you are lately?


Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

I like to eat the brains

Because models never use them.

Ooh! What did you bring me?


My current favorite!

Ah! The fun just never stops!

What about me, norm?

You got anything for me?

What I have for you is a proposition.

Look. Here's the thing.

You can't tell anybody, but...

I got a new master, right?


What are the odds, huh?

Now, he was telling me

He wanted to use his first wish

To do cool stuff with you.


Like cheating on competitions together.


Getting girls to fall in love with you guys,

Girls like trixie tang.

Yeah? Yeah?

And printing your own money.


That's totally against the rules.

I don't know. I don't trust you.

And I like that about you.

But you trust chester, right?

You bet. He's my best friend.

There you go.

So I whipped this little baby up

To cover for you with them.

Wanda: the ankles are filled with marshmallow!

Aah! Oh! Oh, no! It broke!

And get you out of school.


A clone? Been there, done that.

Not like this. Watch.

What are the answers

To today's pop quiz?

D--all of the above.

Lincolnwood, illinois.

The south pole.

That's awesome!

Now get out of here, you crazy scamp.

You have a day of adventuring ahead of you.

And you, you know what to do?

Yes, master.

Ha ha! "Master."

I love that!

Ah, the time between wishes,

That magical time when a genie can kick back,

Relax, and watch his evil plan unfold.

Heh heh heh!




Must retain joy of being a godparent.



Um, timmy, could you use a regular ball?

With regular pins?

No. Regular balls and pins

Don't scream when you get a strike.


Ooh... Ooh...

Ahh... Ahh...

Oh... Oh...

Whoa! Whoa!

, , , , , ,

, , , , , ,

, , .

Oh, man. All your screaming

Made me lose track!

Now I have to start over.

, , , , , , , , , ...

Ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Man, what a great day.

You bet, pal of mine.

Same deal tomorrow?

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

I wonder what cosmo and wanda have been doing.

I bet without me,

They had a nice, relaxing day at home.

This is getting boring.

Ah... Ah...

I wish cosmo was the paddle

And wanda was the ball.


That's it!

We put up with a lot of your selfishness

Because we love you and we're friends.

But if you're going to just treat us like dirt,

All bets are off!

Yeah! What she said.

Whatever it is she said.

I said timmy needs to stop being so thoughtless and cruel.


[Gulp gulp gulp]

Don't you have anything to say?


This tea tastes like stupid green fish and fat pink fish!

What?! What?!

Nobody calls wanda fat except my mother!

And me that one time,

And I'll never make that mistake again!

Nobody calls cosmo stupid except me, jorgen, and...

Well, everybody.

But it's still not nice.

Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

We quit!

Oh, no. What did my clone do?

Good-bye, forever, you ungrateful twerp.

Aah! Aah!

What have you done?

Heh heh heh!

Anybody else here have an evil plan

Go super-great today? No? Just me? Ah! Ha!

You made my godparents quit!

Why did you do that?

Isn't it obvious?


With those two out of the way,

That job is now open to anyone...

Including me!

All the power of a genie.

All the freedom of a fairy.

How great will that be...

For me?

You'll never get away with this.

Sure, I will, because according to "da rules,"

In about seconds, jorgen's going to wipe your memory.

Jorgen: timmy turner,

You have lost your fairy godparents!



Get him out of there, will you?

I got to meet railroad mcbrace-face

Back at his single-wide.

Your godparents have quit!

Which means you lose everything!

Binky, I need more ominous music.

Play track .

["Pop goes the weasel" playing]

I said track !

Sorry. Sorry.

[Ominous music playing]

According to "da rules"

And the very ominous music...

You must forget you ever had fairy godparents.

And now it is time you lose

Every single magical item

You have ever come in contact with!

Sweet! I still have my memory.

But cosmo and wanda are gone!


It's big, bad news.

Hang on to your crowns, folks.

In a stunning development that has never happened before,

A pair of fairies have quit their jobs as fairy godparents.

When asked what their plans were

Now that they've quit being fairy godparents,

They had this to say.

Are we on tv? Hi, mama!

We didn't want to quit being fairy godparents.

We just wanted to quit being timmy's godparents.

Tough toenails! Quit one, you quit both.

And now we must pick a new fairy godparent.

[All talking at once]

Mr. Von strangle, mr. Von strangle,

How will you fill this vacancy?

With a super-fantabulous singing contest

That is now open to any magical wish-granting creature

In the known universes!

♪ Me, me, me, me, me

That's who is gonna win

And then be free of this lamp forever.

Ha ha ha! Now all I need is a distraction

For my "master. Huh?

This gives me a diabolical idea.

And I like that!


Aw, man!

This was the greatest day ever.

Yeah, it was, wasn't it?

For you and timmy.

Too bad you can't do anything for...

Your dad.

But I can. What if, instead of him being

The worst baseball player ever,

I wished he was the best?

And that I was free to go to fairy world for a week

While you lived your new life?

Whatever that means, sure.

Ok, but just remember, it was your idea.


All: yay for bucky mcbadbat!

Man, this is great!

And it's about to get greater.

See you in a week.

Hey, son.


Somebody left this bag outside our house.


Man, I got to get to fairy world.

And there's only one way to do that.

[Hysterical laughter]

Finally, my super-secret portal to fairy world is complete.

I can finally get back to fairy world

And exact my revenge on those fairies!


Wait! A can!

I wonder what kind of soup it is.


It's sleepy soup.


Always good to have an extra can

Of crazy teacher sleeping gas lying around.

I can probably use this.


Man, this stuff's heavy.

No wonder he has a hunched back.


Please be the one thing he made that works right.

I made it!

Now to find cosmo and wanda.

Jorgen: let the super-fantabulous contest

To see who will replace cosmo and wanda begin!

Oh, no way!

From all over magical lands they have come,

Some by poofing, some by flying,

All with some sort of goofy hat or crown

And a dream,

With only our judges-- simon, blonda, and binky abdul--

Standing between them and fame.

♪ Odd parent, very odd parent ♪

♪ Wand and wings, floaty crowny things ♪

♪ Say, odd parents, very odd parents ♪

♪ Watching very odd parents! ♪

Oh, and talent. That also will stand in the way.

And now I'd like to sing a little song

Called "somewhere over the--" oh!

Wow! You really brought the house down.

♪ My shiny teeth and me ♪

Those notes were so high

Only dolphins could hear them.

Ha ha ha!


Are you a singer or a slide whistle?

Ha ha ha!


You have pretty shoes.

What? I don't do mean.

[Music playing]

♪ We're not pixies, not pixies ♪

♪ Check out our mad mama's mixies ♪

♪ Not pixies

♪ Not pixies, we're lawn gnomes ♪

♪ Not pixies

Let's hear it for the pixies.

We're lawn gnomes!

Uh...and we'll be back after this commercial break.

You have got to be kidding me.

I am not to be kidding you!

[Bat hitting baseball]

Announcer: and it's out of here!

And bucky mcbadbat has won it again.

Man! That was a great game!

There's pop.

And look how happy he is.

I'm not happy to say this, son, but I got to go.


Dinner with agent, dancing with tv stars,

Movies with publicist-- it's no place for a kid.

You wouldn't go without me, would you?

Go without you? Well, if you insist.

But here's bucks. Go buy yourself a banjo.


I don't even like the banjo!

Nobody likes the banjo!

Jorgen: after an exhaustive search

Of some of the worst singers in the known universes,

We decided to pick someone we knew would not reek,

But since we could not find any,

We got stuck with these guys,

Like juandissimo magnifico...

I want to be a fairy godparent

To show there is more to me

Than this fantastic chest.

The april fool...

You'll be a fool if you don't pick me.

What's up with that, huh?

[Drum playing]

The diaper dynamo of desire, cupid!

Hi, mommy.

Straight out of pixie world, shout out your mad props

To sanderson!

I'm currently an expl*si*n of joy

And must share it with others, boy.


Hey, I'm norm, and this is not part

Of an elaborate scheme to enable me

To escape my lamp forever.

Hey, what's the deal with your fez?

Hey, what's the deal with that pie in your face?

What pie in my face? Oh!

See? Now that's hilarious.

The only thing that could make this better

Is string!

Jorgen: and, having already quit,

But feeling they can make a difference

In some other child's life, cosmo and wanda!


One of these creatures will be your next fairy idol!

Could it be...

♪ Emotions

Thank you.

[Bells jingling]


Hold it.

You're not getting through this door.

Aw, man. I'm never going to get in there.



Look out! You're about to be crushed

By a bad comedian!

Yeah, like I'm going to believe--aah!

He's unconscious! Come on! Let's go!

Ha ha! I'm in.

Not bad for a totally human -year-old.

Made it to fairy world, fooled a dumb guard.

Now all I've got to do is find cosmo and wanda.

Excuse me.

Do you have a hall pass?


Do you have a stupid crown?

I have this pink hat.

Oh, it's stupid,

But it's not "fairy stupid."

You're coming with us.

[Theme music playing]

Well, we are down to the final round,

And you've already seen performances

From juandissimo...

♪ I'm too sexy for my sexy ♪

♪ Too sexy for my sexy, too sexy for my sexy ♪

Yay! Whoo-hoo! Yay!

Yes. Well, there's definitely

Such a thing as too sexy.

And, of course, cupid!

♪ And I can't live without love ♪

Thank you.

Actually, I don't care

How many magic arrows he sh**t me with,

I will not fall in love with that performance.

And we will be back with our last hopefuls--

The puny pixie sanderson...


The filthy genie norm...

And either cosmo or wanda...

After this commercial message!

[Theme music playing]

Guys, I'm telling you, I need to get out of here

And talk to cosmo and wanda.

You just pipe down and enjoy the show.

As soon as this show's over,

You're going to go have a violent chat with jorgen.

Oh, man! If jorgen finds me here,

He'll know that he didn't wipe my memory,

And I'll never get the chance to let cosmo and wanda know

This wasn't my fault.


Those g*ons forgot to take my backpack.

Please let there be something in here I can use.

Anti-magic shirt, magic slicing tie.


Jorgen: and now, put your puny hands together

For sanderson!

Check me as I whip out some serious beats, yo.

[Music playing]

♪ I'm sanderson, you heard me, son ♪

♪ When I win here, I'm number one ♪

♪ When you choose, don't be confused ♪

♪ Give me the crown and the wand to use ♪

♪ So let this pixie be affix-ed ♪

♪ With a crown, a wand, and wings for trixie ♪

Hmm...that last sentence was seriously lacking in flow.

Wow! He sure is funky fresh.

Aah! Aah!

A butterfly net! A butterfly net!

Aah! Aah!

It's crocker! It's crocker!

No, guys, it's not crocker.

I'm wearing his anti-magic clothes,

And his butterfly net is so heavy, it...

Gave me a hunch.

And this flat hair lets me move faster.

It's me-- timmy turner!

Aah! Aah!

Even worse! Even worse!

[Cat meowing]

I bought it. I paid for lessons.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

It still doesn't make me happy.

But at least I'm finally home,

Where I can spend some time with my dad.

[Loud music playing]

And about a million people.


[Baa baa]



No! Dagnab it! Let me go!

I'm trying to spend some quality time with my boy!



Hi, bucky. Hi, bucky.

Have a good time, son.

This isn't what I wished for.

♪ ♪

And I still hate the banjo!

When it's time to choose, don't be confused.


I'm quite scared.

Would you hold me?


I will! Hugs make everything better.

Aah! He's back! Timmy's back!

And he's come to wreak his unholy revenge!

Cosmo, shh! I'm only trying to--

Wait a minute.

How do you even know who we are?

Jorgen wiped your mind.

No, he didn't. He wiped the mind of a clone,

An evil clone that norm tricked chester into wishing up.

An evil clone created by norm?

And you expect us to believe that?

And of course we do!

That explains the jerk who was

Running us around like slaves all morning.

Actually, no.

That was me.

And...i'm sorry.

Uh, guys.

This is the part where you say, "apology accepted."

Maybe we don't want to, huh?

Maybe we're still miffed!

Apology accepted!


Well, not from me. Not yet.

Timmy, I don't know if I believe

You deserve fairies anymore.

Maybe I don't.

But that doesn't mean we can let norm win, right?

Ah, he's got a point.

And this is one sweet apology cookie.


Norm: excuse me while I show you floating nitwits

How it's done.

Oh! He's going down.

But I'm still mad at you.

My cookie!


Man, that was some party last night.

I can't believe chompy ate all that ice cream.

[Baa baa...]

Bucky: broke? What do you mean we're flat broke?

Mr. Mcbadbat, we're from the really big and scary

Government accounting office,

And we're here to say

You owe us a lot of money.

Take everything, boys.


[Engine revving]

Wow. When our house had wheels,

It never moved.

Oh, man, this stinks, like...


Like that. It stinks like that goat's breath.

Man, days like this make me think

I'd be happier if I lived in a mobile home.

Cosmo, wanda, you are up after norm, and--hey!

Do I know you?

Um, he's our pet... Beaver?

Hmm...all right.

Just be sure you clean up after him.

I don't want beaver doodie on my stage.

Thanks for protecting me, guys.

I love you! And when you win the contest,

I'll be back and able to prove it.

But, timmy, we quit.

Even if we win, we'll be assigned

To the most miserable kid on earth.

But I'm miserable without you.

And we were miserable with you. Right, cosmo?

Don't look at me. I ate the apology cookie.

Coming back in , , .

So, norm, I have to say,

Even though you are a filthy genie,

You have been doing a very good job in this competition.

Well, jimmy mcjarhead,

I'm hoping I can go from filthy genie

Trapped in a lamp to idiot fairy

Not trapped in a lamp!

And why do you want to be a fairy godparent?

I'll tell you... In song!


[Music playing]

You are up after norm.

Which one of you is singing?

Which one? Which one?

Stupid, puny fairies,

There are no duets in "fairy idol."

Oh, no. Cosmo and I

Are only good in a duet.

She's right. My shrill, girlie voice

Is only complemented by her craggily man voice.

We're doomed! Doomed!


Well, this is working out fabulously.

I'm still barely talking to you.

♪ I'm a swinging g-e-n-i-e ♪

Huh? Hey!

♪ Let me tell you what that spells to me ♪

♪ And I'm shut in a lamp ♪

♪ It's cold and damp, man

♪ My wishing power stops at ♪

♪ And that's pretty dang annoying to me ♪

♪ I want that crazy power that you fairies got ♪

♪ To grant those wishes that you grant a lot ♪


♪ Give each and every child a great big smile ♪

♪ To me, this means a lot

♪ It ain't no evil plot

♪ Give me the wand

♪ Then you'll all see

♪ Give me the wand

♪ What a fairy I'd be

♪ Give me the wand

♪ Da do da dee

I'll make you a natural blond,

If you give me the wand.

Wow. He's good.

Tricky and untrustworthy, but good.

Well, I'll have to be better.

Allow me.

During the first part of the song,

I poofed home and got this.

"How to sing like diana degarmo"?

You picked a female voice?

Hey, she's number one on the charts,

And she's my little boo.

I'll take it from here, baby.

♪ I'm a-- hang on.

♪ F-a-i-r-y

♪ We did our very best for this buck-toothed guy ♪

♪ That fez-wearing slob

He may want our job.

Well, duh.

♪ Give us one more try

♪ You really can't deny

♪ Give us a wand, we'll have a ball ♪

♪ Give me the wand

He'll enslave you all!

♪ Give us the wand

♪ We really hope you all respond ♪

♪ Come on, give us the wand ♪

And set me free.

♪ Give us the wand

♪ And hear our pleas

♪ Give us the wand

♪ Doo doo da dee

♪ Don't let yourself be conned ♪

♪ Now give us the wand


I just sang that.

Why do they show it again?


Contestants, you have all come a long way,

But never forget-- if you don't win today,

You will still always be losers.

How great is that?

Sanderson, fairy world has voted,

And you are not going to be assigned a fairy godchild.

Aw... Aw... Aw...

Yo, j-dog, this is some serious

Pu whacko whipple.

I'm out, dawg.

He's either really mad

Or totally thrilled. We'll never know.

Juandissimo, cupid...

I am sorry.

You are also not going to be assigned

To a fairy godchild.

What? You people have no taste.

No! No! I am too sexy for this hook.

Aw... Aw... Aw...

Cosmo and wanda, norm, fairy world has voted,

And...remember, in the event

That the fairy cannot fulfill their duty--

The first runner-up will be appointed

As fairy godparents.

We know! Just read the card!

Read it! Read it! Read it!

Cosmo and wanda...


You have been chosen to return to earth

And be fairy godparents!


Yay! Yay!

We did it! We did it!

We won! We won!

Ha! In your face.

We're going back to work.

Unless you can't fulfill your duties.

Now to distract jorgen.

Rope! It is like string, only manlier!

Ha ha ha!

Aah! Aah!

A butterfly net! A butterfly net!

And now that you can't use your magic to protect yourself...

Aah! A wrecking ball that's going to hit us,

But we can't magically protect ourselves.

Oh, no. Cosmo, wanda.

Well, looks like you're going to need

A first runner-up.

Ladies and gentlemen, your new fairy godparent is...

[Teeth chattering]




Now, who is the most miserable child on earth?


Ah... Ah...

Hey, what's going on?


Sorry, son. We're taking your dad

To an extra-cushy federal jail

For dethroned celebrities,

Which is being made uncushy just for him.

But if it's any consolation,

We found your foster parents.

They own a banjo store in kentucky.


I'm losing my father,

And my best friend is nowhere to be found.

And now I know how to play the banjo.

I'm the most miserable child on earth!

Banjo? That clinches it!

We have a winner--

Chester mcbadbat!




Ah, who cares what you think?

Cosmo, wanda, wait!

Congratulations, norm.

You are now a fairy godparent.

[Fanfare plays]


But as long as my godkid's busy,

I can do whatever I want, right?

Well, you have to grant a wish sometime.


Or you might get magical build-up,

Which will cause you to explode!


Exploding gets no applause.

Aw... Aw... Aw...

Build-up, shmild-up. Let's go!


Not without your manly set

Of fairy wings.

So, how do you put these things on?



Ha ha ha! That is my favorite part.

Oh, no! The government took away everything,

Except my dignity.


What do I do?

Ah...i'll tell you what to do.

You wish it all back to normal,

With me, norm, your fairy godparent.

Awesome! I wish my life was back to normal.

Brilliant and highly original.

You reek, bucky mcbadbat!

Come back and say that to my bag-covered face!

Yay! My dad's despised again!

Way to go, norm.

Ow! Still sore.

So, what do we do next?

Don't know, don't care. All I know is...

I'm out of here.

Page me if you need me.

But take all the time you need, huh?

Little cars, fezzes, and eartha kitt.

Dreams really do come true.

Cosmo, wanda, this is all my fault.

If I hadn't been such a jerk,

If I hadn't been so selfish...

[Sobbing loudly]

Huh? Uh!

No! They turned to fairy dust!

No! No!


And now I accept your apology.


Cosmo! Wanda! You're ok!

My tears of love brought you back to life!

Actually, fairies are notoriously

Fast healers. Watch. Aah!

All better. Aah! All better.

Cosmo, wanda, it is me, jorgen,

With candy, flowers, and string.

I know how you love the string.

Aha! Ha ha! Aha!

Uh! No!

They've turned to fairy dust,

And I am not responsible!

I will pound your bandages.

It doesn't fill the void!

Chester: so many wishes.

I have to do something important,

Something big!



Nah. The world isn't ready

For possums 'r' us.

Wait. The world.

That's it!

I'll save the world!


Come on, ump! What are you, blind?

What? It's the bottom of the ninth.

What do you want? Cake? A puppy?

A better world.

Ha! Are you kidding?

Don't you see the spinning rainbow?

Oh, fine.

Here's your ride-- % rayon shag.

Page me when you need me,

But do me a favor-- don't need me.

Look out, world! Here comes hope!

Don't mind if I do.


Uh! Ah!


Oh, fez.


I wish to bring life-giving rain

To this barren landscape.



If you need me, I'll be...

Anywhere else.

Oh, you poor freezing penguins.


[Cha-cha music playing]

Que pasa, d'amigo?

The poor penguins are freezing!

Freezing, I tell you!

You cold?

Nah. I'm good.

I wish it was warm in the north pole.

Hey! A little space, please!

You're welcome, arctic friends.

[Penguins chattering]


Dinner is served, my dear.


What now?

Aw. Look at these poor bald geniuses.

I wish every bald guy had great hair.


How great is this?

That's better.

Now come on. Let's just poof down and...


Timmy, we're not your fairies anymore.

But I said I was sorry.

You accepted my apology.

You each ate a cookie!

Actually, I had . They were sorry-tastic!

But we quit. We can't grant you wishes anymore.

All we can do is bring you home.

Oh, we're sorry, honey.

Want us to walk you home, timmy,

Before we say good-bye forever?

Yeah. Can we take the long way?

Well, that was a great day of helping the world.

I can't wait to see just how great the world is now.

Man on tv: I'm chet u. Betcha, and the world is not great.

This is "world in crisis-- minute ."

The sahara desert is now a gigantic and dangerous mudpit.

The polar icecaps are melting.

Ho ho ho!

No! No! No!

Wait. Wait. I'm hearing a report

That the smartest scientists in the world

Have gotten together for some sort of announcement.

We're saved!

Now that we have great hair,

We can meet girls.

Girls! Yes! Girls!

We don't feel like thinking anymore.

Surf's up, dudes!

Ha ha ha!

This is chet u. Betcha saying... Whose fault is this?!

It's... It's my fault.


[Soft crying]

Timmy, are you ok?



Let me guess.

Things not working out fabulously?

No. I made everything worse.

If only I could be more like my selfless friend timmy.

You know what I wish?

I wish you were timmy's fairy godparent!

Timmy turner, I am norm,

And I have a deal for you.

Been there, done that.

Worked out cruddily for all involved.

But that was before chester wished me

To be your fairy.

Now, I might have tricked that moron chester

Into making you lose your fairies...


But now here's your deal.

Wish me free, and I'll poof

These idiots back to you.

Yay! Yay!

Hey! Hey!

No. I'm not doing that to chester.

In fact, I'm not making any wishes.

And do you know what happens to fairies

Who don't grant wishes?

So I said, "who cares?"

[All laughing]

Wow, norm. I can't believe

You haven't granted a wish in weeks.

Wish, shmish.

I'm saving up the magic. Big deal.

I mean, really, it's not like you explode, right?

Aah! Aah!

Uh...oh, fez!

Hey! Come on! Cut it out!

Uh! Uh!

Hey, ladies.

How would you like it to be

Christmas every day?

You got to love the magical backup.

No, I don't!

So here's your deal.

You undo all the damage to the world,

Wish cosmo and wanda back to me,

And then go back to serving chester.

Yes, yes, and yes.

Oh! But before I grant your wishes,

I quit! Ha!

I'm not a fairy anymore!

Double ha ha! So, uh...

What are you going to do about that?

Me? Not a thing.

Jorgen: timmy turner, once again you have lost your fairy!

[Loud footsteps]

Binky, track !


[Loud footsteps]

And this time when I wipe your memory...

It will stay wiped...

With this extra-strength memory wiper,

Now with forgeticin.



And are no longer a fairy.

You are a genie once more.


You think I care?

I still jerked turner out of his godparents

And these floating nitwits out of a job!

I still won!

Chester: not yet.

You lied to me, you tricked me,

And you used me to hurt my best friend.

Nobody makes a fool out of chester mcbadbat...

Except the school system, government,

And every girl I've ever met!

Now, chester, buddy, pal.

Easy. Easy.

And I have one genie wish left--

My third wish, the one where you get forcibly

Sucked back into the lamp.

I wish everything was back the way it was

Before I found this stupid lamp!

Ah, fez dispenser.


Hey, was it something I said?

[Beach music playing]

Girls: they're bald! Gross!


Back to the lab.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Huh? Oh. All right.




Huh? What?

This isn't over! Turner!

Ooh! A lamp from the seventies.

I must have it.

This will make the greatest urinal cake ever!

Everything's back to normal.

Not completely.

Hat, clothes, shoes, whatever.

Bed, covers.


Enjoy your day off, guys. I love you.

Together: we love you, too, timmy.

[Doorbell rings]i'll get it.

Ready to have a banjo-free wood-chipperific day?

You bet. Did you know

I've always hated the banjo?

Who doesn't?

Aw, we're going to have a day without magic.

Come on, honey.

Any day we're together is a magical one.


Aw...wait a minute.

"A day without magic"?

How long did he say he'd be gone?

I don't know. Why?

Oh... Oh...

Neat. I'm string!
