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06x15 & 06x16 - Wishology! Part 1: The Big Beginning

Posted: 12/03/22 11:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings.

Float-y crown-y things.

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

I'm the one.

[Rock music]

He's the one.


There's no escaping, mr. Turner.

There's no escaping, mr. Turner.

I already said that.

No, I said.

Are we gorgeous or what?

[Together] there's no escaping

The world's most gorgeous army, mr. Turner.

[Car horn honks]

Uh, we're still spinning.

[Car alarm wailing]


Nobody defeats teo, master of the martial arts.

Ha ha!

Hoo hoo!


All right, timmy!

You may always be chosen last at school for kickball

Or as lab partner.

But in your trilogy wishes, you're always the chosen one.

Hey, you guys look hungry.

You want sweet-and-sour pork or...


No, thanks. We're allergic to msg.

[Alarm wailing]

Timmy, get the ring. Get the ring!

[Telephone ringing]

Get me a new trilogy wish.

This one's not fun anymore.

What? We're totally fun.

'Cause fun starts with "f."


I'm in middle-earth.

Here you go, chosen one.

One ring to rule them all.

This is a teething ring.

Oh, sorry. Poof's teething.

Yeah, I know.

Here you go, one ring to rule--

This is an onion ring!

Oh, that's mine.


And delicious.

Oh, I know I've got that freaky ring somewhere.

Oh, here it is.

Only the chosen one can take this ring

And drop it into the fires of dark mount gloom.

What? Are you telling me this mountain is chocolate?

Dark chocolate.

What? Can't [span]i[/span]have some fun on these wishes?

Timmy, throw the ring in the lava!

[Dramatic music]

[Music stops and slide whistle ascends]

Wow, that was anticlimactic.

Seriously, how about we have a little bit more action

In my next chosen one mega action trilogy wish?

You got it.

[Dramatic fanfare]


[Chomping noises]

Whoo hoo!

I'm chosen one magic wizard boy timmy totter,

And I'm playing pooferscoop.

Timmy totter? I prefer tater totters.



Oh, you've got to try this pretzel broomstick.

That does it.

I'm not making any more wishes before breakfast.

[Evil laughter]

Oh, no!

It's the ultimate bad, nasty wizard, moldywart.

It's not moldy, but it is indeed a wart.


Timmy, before you get destroyed,

Can you wish me up some ketchup for the tots?

Ha ha! Here's moldy.

[Both scream]



Cool, jorgen got rid of moldywart,

And now I can scoop the poof.



Hey, what gives?

I'm playing a game here!

The fun times are over.

This is not a game.

Remain in the shadows.

Do not speak your name!

Uh, you're freaking me out here, dude.


Huh, a trilogy wish with a twist ending.

I'll wish up another sequel after school:

[Span]the chosen one : [span] jorgen's a jerk.[/Span][/span]

Cosmo? Wanda? Poof?


Okay, guess I'll meet up with them later.

Hey, dad, mom. Can I get some cereal?

Something crunchy that's bad for me?

Preferably with a toy in the box?

Honey, why is a buck-toothed street urchin

Wearing a pink hat calling us "mom" and "dad"

And asking for food?

Um, 'cause I'm your son?

But we don't have a son.

We decided against having children

So we could have more money, less responsibility,

And weekends free.

Yeah, having kids would only tie us down

And prevent us from doing fun things,

Like going to this weekend's big m.a.r.f. Festival.

The middle-aged rock festival?

[Together] 'cause you're never too old

To rock and roll!

[Rock guitar riff]

Ow! Our backs!

Maybe we are too old.

To the heating pads!

Grab a muffin, and let yourself out, street urchin.

Street urchin? M.a.r.f. Festival?

Eh, I've had weirder mornings.

No, not that one.

[School bell rings]

Cosmo? Wanda?

Where the heck are they?

Well, if I have to face the educational system

Without magic, I better be prepared.

Hey, guys. Where's my seat?

Wow, a new kid who doesn't know we're not cool!

What are you talking about?

I know you're not cool, and it's me. Hello!

I'm a.j., The class genius, new kid.

You can have my seat. I'll stand.

Guys, I'm not a-- new kid!

Don't you know these kids aren't cool?

A.j., "F" for standing!

Man, I love megaphones.

Okay, class, today's assignment is to think of clever ways

To destroy the new kid's self-esteem.

But I'm not a new kid.

Look, I've even done the homework you assigned

On the big dipper.

Hmm, an overachieving suck-up. I like it.

But "f"!

That's how we roll in the fifth grade.

And everyone knows there's no such thing

As the "big dipper."

The big dipper doesn't exist?

Where'd you move here from, dumbsville?


I've lived here my whole life!

What's wrong with you guys?

I'm your best friend.

You b*at me up every day.

And I've been in love with you since kindergarten!


First my parents, now you guys.

What's wrong with everyone?

Look at me.

I'm timmy, timmy turner!

Timmy turner.

Eliminate timmy turner.

Okay, what the heck is that?

Wow, another new kid!

Who sh**t deadly lasers!

Okay, class, new assignment.

Run for your-- darn this chalk--life!


[All screaming]

Eliminate timmy turner.

It's official.

This is the weirdest morning ever!

I got to get out of here fast.



[Triumphant music]

Thank you, a.j.

[Bike warbling]

Timmy turner. Eliminate timmy turner.


I got to find cosmo and wanda and wish this robo-dork away.

That was close.



Don't eliminate me!

I'm not-- timmy turner!

Jorgen! Man, am I glad to see you...

And to see somebody who knows me.

Now I'm not so glad.



What is that thing?

I told you not to say your name,

Like I sort of just did.

They have really good hearing.

And a really big mouth.

Ah! Help!

Hang on!

You're listening to k.r.e.p.,

Creepy music for those creepy alley cliff-hangers.

I hate this station.



Timmy, hang on!

To what?

Good point!


Now we shut that pie hole with a manhole.

Destroy timmy turner.

Although I sympathize with your sentiments,

I cannot allow that to happen at this time.

Hop on my hog and hold me tight.

[Tires squealing]

There goes that street urchin.

Ooh, he's living on the edge.

Hee! Not as edgy as we're gonna be

Cruising in the m.a.r.f. Machine

On our way to the m.a.r.f. Festival.

Now to make sure we have enough goodies

To keep this road trip rockin'.

Stuff for my stomach, stuff for my back,

Stuff for my throat,

And the nasal spray for my deviated septum.


Let's party!

[Rock music]

[Both cry out]

Our backs!

Hey, fellow m.a.r.f.ers.

I'm going to the middle-aged rock festival too,

And I could use a ride.

Look, pal. Gas, glasses, or aspirin.

Nobody rides for free.

Let's m.a.r.f.!

[All cheering]

Middle-aged bladder.

Potty break!

[Together] right behind you!

He's gaining on us.

Oh, and by the way, who is he?

There will be time for explanations

When you are safe.

[Warbling noise]

Now eliminate timmy turner.

Well, that was a close one.

Now hang on to me again.

We have a long road ahead of us.

But know one thing: all the fairies are safe

And hidden where the enemy cannot find them.

[Upbeat banjo music]

Ah! Where are we?

Last thing I remember

Is jorgen pulling us out of timmy's trilogy wish.

And the last thing I remember

Is you saying the last thing you remember

Is jorgen pulling us out of timmy's trilogy wish.


Oh! We're in a gumball machine.

I hope we're sugarless.

Every fairy in fairyworld must be in here.

I'm more of a fireball than a gumball.

At least we're not at the bottom, like binky.

Hi, guys.

Well, I don't know why jorgen put us in here,

But we're getting out.

Oh, no, our wands are gone.

And our hands are gone!

But at least we're safe.

[Ominous music]

Not safe!


[Together] oh, no! He's got binky!

I don't want to be a gumballlllllll!


[Together] ah, the horror!

Ah, the quarters!

Don't let go.


[Bird shrieking]

You could have let go that time.


We're back here again?

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

What are we looking for, anyway?

The cave of destiny.

It is where all your questions will be answered.

You mean like that cave up there?

Man, why can I never find that place?

[Rat squeaking and bat chirping]

The cave of destiny is creepy.

Oh, these are just from

Last year's halloween party... I think.

We also rent out the cave for weddings and bar mitzvahs.

Okay, where was i?

Oh, yeah. What's going on?

Maybe these pretty pictures will help.

Or, as we call them in fairyworld...

[In booming voice] the cave prophesy!

The cave prophesy?

No, you're not saying it right.

Go with the echo.

[In booming voice] the cave prophesy!

In ancient fairy times,

A fairy's main job was to fight, not frolic.

They constantly battled a mysterious enemy

Called the darkness...

And its agents of destruction, eliminators.

[Together] huh!

And the fairy warriors were victorious

Only when they combined all of their wand powers

And neutralized the darkness with its natural enemy, light.


But our ancient ancestors feared

That this mysterious foe would come back.

So they sent millions of our strongest soldiers

Into the void of space to illuminate it...

So that should the darkness ever return,

We will have a shield of protection

Not unlike today's underarm deodorants.


Do you have any popcorn?

Small, medium, or large?

Surprise me.

So the stars in space are really fairy warriors

Watching out for the darkness?

Exactly. They are our first warning system.

And last night,

Our deepest outpost, the big dipper brigade,

Just disappeared.

The big dipper.

That's why crocker said it didn't exist!

Yes, I had to wipe away all memory of its existence

So people wouldn't freak out.

I also wiped away any memory of you

So that no one would say your name

And give away your location.

So this is great, but how does it affect me?

I'm not finished.

Our ancestors then hid an all-powerful magic wand

That could destroy the darkness, should it ever return.

And to protect this white wand

From falling into the wrong hands,

They decided that only a chosen one

Could possess it and unlock its true powers.

Cool. Where is it?

No one knows, but it's said

That this cryptic message reveals its location.

So far, no one has been able to solve this ancient riddle.

What does that mean?

You tell me,

Because the chosen one is you, timmy turner!


Yes, check it out.

Pink hat, big teeth, initials t.t.

And I am not the only one who knows it.

The eliminators were here?

They know I'm the chosen one?

And you just said my name out loud?

And it echoed a bit too, didn't it?

Eliminate timmy turner.

Man, that thing looks terrifying!

Get us out of here!


[Timmy yells]

We're heading for the wall!

Don't worry.

We will vanish before we--

[High-pitched, rapid beeping]

Listen, as the chosen one, I choose to be

Not the chosen one!

I've never been chosen for anything:

Not kickball, not lab partner.

Why? Because I'm a bad choice!

The cave prophesy does not lie.

Don't worry; I have a plan.

Ah, thank goodness.

If it's you they want, it's you they'll get.

I hate that plan!

Plan's getting better.

Good luck, timmy turner.

You were a pain in my butt, but...

Well, that's all I got.

Good luck.

Where are you going?

For you to go on,

The darkness must believe you have been eliminated.

Remember, the wand is hidden in a rock

Sealed with a kiss.

Hello! I am timmy turner.

Look how stupid I am.


[Jorgen yelling]

Finally, we have the chosen one.

Can we stay?

We saw some cool shops on main street.

Yeah, no one said you were the boss of us, and--

Hello? Jorgen?

Hello? Jorgen? Anybody?

I can't stop the darkness by myself.

How do I find the wand?

How do I get back to earth?

What am I supposed to do?

Wait a minute.

All those stars are fairy warriors

Ready to stop the darkness.

Yes! I'm not alone!


[Telephone rings]

m*llitary extraterrestrial research facility.

Uh-huh. Yeah. I see.


What's with the m.e.r.f. Alarms?

Look, it's probably nothing,

But it seems that every star in the sky

Has completely vanished.

Eh, you're right; it's probably nothing.

Every star in the sky has vanished?

Should we put out an emergency broadcast

Letting the population of earth know

That an alien att*ck is imminent?

Yes, the people have a right to know what's going on.


In other news, the government has announced

That they turned off the stars to conserve energy.

Ooh, I totally believe that.

We have such a great government.

And they've never lied to us,

Because deceiving people is wrong.

Fan belt's fixed.

Let's m.a.r.f. And roll, baby!

[Together] potty break!

Okay, don't panic, turner.

You're the chosen one.

All you have to do is get back to earth,

Get the dumb wand, and defeat the darkness,

Whatever that is.

Okay, that must be it.


How do I get back to earth?

Wait; jorgen's fairy cycle.

[Triumphant fanfare]


I'll just blast through this portal,

And then turner--


Think, turner.

What fairy goes back and forth to earth more than anybody?

Bingo! Tooth fairy enterprises,

Home of the legendary quarter transporter.

Every time an earth kid puts a tooth under their pillow,

It comes here, and it's replaced by cold, hard cash.

But today I'm making it the turner returner.

I hope this works.

[Dramatic music]

I wonder what the tooth fairy left.


Dude, I'm the chosen one.

No, you're a crazy kid under my pillow

Who stole my quarter!

Mom, quarter thief!

My dad's a cop!

[Siren wailing]


That was quick.

And there's no way I can locate this wand on my own.

Cosmo, wanda, where are you?


He's still chewing binky.

Ugh, this one lost its flavor.

It's horrible in there.

And he recently had nachos.

[All scream]

Ooh, a tasty pink gumball.

Wanda! Wanda!


Cosmo, no!

Wanda, I feel terrible for your loss.

Would you like to make out?

Who's up for a balloon ride to freedom?

Quick, everyone.

Into the gross kid's mouth!

[All cheering]


Cosmo, you saved us.

Hang on to my bubble butt, baby!


The chosen one was alone in the city.

But he knew if he could find his fairies,

He could solve the ancient riddle and locate the--


Okay, follow me to see [span] the kiss,[/span]

Schmodin's most famous sculpture,

Here at the dimmsdale art museum.

[Span]the kiss.[/Span]

Wait a second.

The white wand is hidden in the rock

And sealed with a kiss.

I don't need cosmo and wanda.

The wand is in that statue.

Considered priceless, the statue is years old.

More than a work of art, it's a work of magic.

Excuse me. Coming through.

Hey, hey, what's going on?

How's tricks? Like the shoes.

Suffering statues!

Don't panic. I'm the chosen one.

I'm saving your lives.


There's no wand. Where's the wand?

Freeze, statue smasher!

Hey, he's also the quarter thief.

And that's when the chosen one decided to...



[Sirens wailing]

And tell us, mystery lady,

Have you seen this evil perpetrator?

Uh, nope.

I'm just standing here, being a lady.

I use lipstick.

Thanks, trustworthy citizen with a renaissance smile.

Move out, boys!

No wonder I'm the chosen one.

I'm good.

The chosen one is here.

We were fooled.

Find him.

And we will...

Right after we hit this sweet pink shirt shop.


Oh, you're the only one

Who gets to wear cool earth clothes?

Ugh. Hurry up.

[Woman screams]


I know jorgen erased everyone's memory of me,

But let's just hope he didn't erase...

The timmy cave.

I knew the fairy snacking tracking device

Would pay off someday.

Las vegas?

Okay, not a problem,

'Cause I have the turner cycle.

Time to rock and roll.

[Rock music]


[Man chuckles]

Well, well.

Just the man m.e.r.f.'S looking for.

You're in a lot of trouble, mister,

Because according to our records,

You have no records.

You don't exist!

And that's why you're at

The m*llitary extraterrestrial research facility.

M.e.r.f. For short.

I'm not an alien!

Well, these pictures of you on a hovercraft

Being chased through dimmsdale by a shape-shifting manbot

Suggest otherwise.

And these photos were taken an hour ago.


The eliminators are back?

If I were you, I'd surrender now

And let us start dissecting you.

Snip, snip!


You think this is a joke, huh?

You think we're idiots?

Well, I've got news for you.

They don't give out high-tech neural stun rays to idiots.

Or laser blasters

Able to cut concrete walls five feet thick.

And you sure don't get a super spy car

With a trunk full of spy stuff

Unless you know what you're doing.

[Both laughing]

Yeah, we rock!

I hope he doesn't take the car.

Now to find cosmo and wanda

By linking this computer to the timmy cave supercomputer.


Word to the wise: don't wipe with cactus.

What'll it be, fellas?

Do you have any uranium?

Uh, no.


We'll have the chicken fingers.

That's fine.

You guys look totally stupid.

That's because you're stupid.

Next time, use a straw, will ya?

This is chet ubetcha on the convenient news network.

The quarter thief/statue smasher is on the loose

And last seen heading towards las vegas.

But just like all the stars being gone from the sky,

The government assures us we have nothing to worry about.

Let's go to vegas.

Do you have any ranch dressing?


According to this,

Cosmo and wanda are right in front of me,

But I don't see--


[All yelling]

Cosmo, wanda, poof!

I missed you guys so much.

Wait, you're gumballs?

And poof's still teething?


Jorgen said he had to protect you,

But this is what he came up with: gum?

Protect us? From what?

I'm not sure if this is going to make any sense,

But the darkness is back.

[Together] the darkness is back?

And you've got to help me find an ancient white wand,

'Cause I'm the chosen one.


Okay, the darkness, I can buy.

But you as the chosen one?

Hey! So far, I've been an awesome chosen one!

And I suppose you want us to believe

That the eliminators are chasing you too.

Yes, but they can't find me

As long as you don't say my name.

You mean timmy turner?

Should have seen that coming.


I can't believe it's all going to end

While I hide behind a spy car

Full of cool weapons and gadgets.

Wait a minute.

Beep, beep!

Yup, that'll work.

Eliminate the chosen one.


And now to help you guys get back to fairy form.

There. Back to normal...sorta.

I hate being gum.

What happens if we break wind?


I like being gum.

Do not pop that bubble.

Beep, beep!

Okay, let's go find that wand.

You stink at riding motorcycles.

Freeze, quarter-stealing, statue-smashing spy car thief!

And now you've got bigger problems.

And even bigger problems!

Don't pop that either.

[Dramatic music]

Timmy turner, we're placing you under arrest

By order of m.e.r.f.

Not to be confused with m.a.r.f.,

Which we have tickets to tonight!

By the way, cool balloon animal thingies.

Do you guys not see

That giant swirling portal of death?

Don't you want to do something to stop it?

Call the general. Call the president.

Can't. They're all going to m.a.r.f.

It's gonna be awesome!

We're gonna rock out to crosby, stills, and ashes;

Neil not young; bachman-turner over-the-hill;

And the m.a.r.f.iest band in the world,


Find the white wand.

It is hidden in the rock and...

Sealed with a kiss!

The white wand is a guitar

At the m.a.r.f. Festival, starring kiss!

Nice work, timmy.

We got to get that guitar so you can stop the darkness.

You're not going anywhere.

Any last words before you're freeze-blasted and dissected?


Wanda, get ready to pop the bubbles.

Like I said before, don't mess with the chosen one.

Or captain bubblepants!

Now to hit autopilot

And get this hunk of m.e.r.f. To m.a.r.f.

[Lively music]


What happens in vegas-- well, you know the rest.

Come on!

[Together] we're coming, timmy!

Look, pal, I have to get into this festival.

It's a long story, but I'm the chosen one.


No one gets in without a ticket or backstage pass.

Oh, really? Okay.

Here's my backstage pass.

Uh, oh, enjoy the show.

[Crowd cheering]

Give it up for kiss!

[Cheers and applause]

[Rock music playing]

[Together] are you too old to rock and roll?

All: no!


Ah, our backs!

♪ You show us everything you've got ♪

♪ You keep on dancin'...

There's the white wand.

But how are you going to get onto the stage

To get it?

♪ Crazy

♪ You say you wanna go for a spin ♪

♪ The party's just begun...


♪ You drive us wild

Just grab the other end of the line, and lower me down.

I'll snag the wand, and you pull me back up.

♪ You keep on shouting. You keep on shouting ♪

I thought you were holding the line.

What line?

All right!

Let's hear a guitar solo, yeah.

Who the heck is that?


Would you believe I'm the chosen one?

[Together] the chosen one?

So you don't believe?

We are the galactic guardians of the white wand.

I thought you were kiss.

That's our day job.

We've protected the white wand for centuries.


Wow, you guys are older than you look.

Why do you think we wear the makeup?

And we knew that someday

Either an agent of the darkness or a chosen savior

Would come to claim it.

If you're the chosen one, you must prove it.

And you might want to hurry.

[People screaming]

Okay, okay.

How do I prove it?

Bequeath to us the chosen harkness,

And this a* is yours to light the darkness.


What the heck does that mean?

We were hoping you knew.

Timmy, they can't give you the wand

Until you recite the chosen one creed

Or say some ancient code or something.

But I don't know any ancient code.

All I know is, I was erased from everyone's memories.

I barely escaped being destroyed by the eliminators,

Figured out an impossible kiss riddle,

Got chased by m.e.r.f. To get to m.a.r.f.

Only to have you tell me I need a secret code,

Which I don't have 'cause I'm plain old timmy turner!

[People gasping]

I said my name out loud, didn't i?

Yeah, and it kind of echoed a bit.

Beep beep beep beep beep!

Eliminate the chosen one.

[All scream]

Okay, we believe you. The white wand is yours.


What do I do with it?

You're kidding, right?

Show's over, chosen one.

The show is never over.

Time to rock and roll!

Okay, all our weapons are bye-bye.

Not every w*apon.

Poof, look! A teething ring!

Get off! Get off!

And now it's time for you to be eliminated.

That's what I call bad breath.

You're not very good guardians.

Well, you're not the greatest chosen one either, bub.

But we got to do something.

An army's not just going to fall from the sky and help us.

That's what you think, chosen one!

[Musical fanfare]

It's the other fairies...

With bubble butts!

Bubble butt brigade, att*ck!

Oh, gross!

[Fairies cheering and laughing]

You did it!


[Wind howling]

We don't have enough gum to stop that.

Light the darkness, timmy.

You're the chosen one.

This is what you were chosen for.

But I don't know how to play guitar.

Timmy, don't play it; feel it.

[Guitar solo]

I--i feel it!


Keep rocking, chosen one!

Okay, maybe that's too far.

No, it's not.

Dude, that's a long tongue.


[Triumphant music]

It's working.


He did it!

And, man, was it dark in there.

Awesome light show.

[All cheering]

Is it over?

Now it's over.

So you guys are actually fairy warriors?

We prefer the term...

Magical order of rocking fairies!


You mean m.o.r.f.?

Not to be confused with m.e.r.f.

Yes! We finally made it to m.a.r.f.

But we missed the show.

And it looks like

They really blew the lid off the place too, man.


Where are the bathrooms?

Me first!

[Together] we should, like, party.

♪ I want to rock and roll all night ♪

♪ And party every day

You did it, timmy.

You found the white wand and stopped the darkness.

And since they missed m.a.r.f.,

I got mom, dad, and crocker and m.e.r.f.

The best seats in the house.

[All cheering]

I love you, gene! Whoo-hoo!

How did you get jorgen to let you do that?

'Cause he's the chosen one and I owe him one.

But I'm erasing all their memory of fairy world

When the show is over.

I gotta say it's good to be the chosen one.

At last!

I, turbo thunder, the chosen one,

Have completed my training

And have arrived to obtain the white wand

And to light the darkness.

And there it is.

From titanium teeth and pits of wonder,

Sing, white wand, with turbo thunder!

Stand down, evil space hole of destruction!

Where's the big, scary space hole?

There's supposed to be a big, scary space hole.

Am I late?

Are you telling me he's the chosen one?

This whole time, it wasn't me?

What? You saw the cave drawing too.

Pink hat, buck teeth, t.t.

I'm not perfect, okay?

It doesn't matter, timmy.

You'll always be our chosen one.

[Rock music]

♪ You show us everything you've got ♪

♪ You keep on dancing...

This is the big dipper brigade.

We're clear in the night sky.

No signs of the darkness.

Wh--what is--

Oh, no!

Well, it's great to know

That everything is fine in the universe.