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02x01 - Wish You Were Here

Posted: 12/05/22 05:47
by bunniefuu
["Love Will Keep Us Together"

by Captain & Tennille playing]

Love ♪

Love will keep us together ♪

[young Kate] Dear Tully,

I wish you could have seen me today.

I actually managed to put in

my new contacts finally,

and I wore sky blue eye shadow

and your old blue dress,

which I swear is lucky

because I aced my French quiz, bien sur.

And then, suddenly, Chrissy G

started talking to me after school,

and then Chrissy W said

we should hang out sometime,

and then foxy Franklin

was totally flirting with me,

or he was talking to me anyway,

which is a step toward flirting.

Everybody misses you.

Another letter from Tully?

Shut up, Sean.

[young Tully] Dear Kate, I can't believe

I haven't seen you in five whole months.

Things are pretty quiet here.

Gran made macaroni surprise

for the millionth time this week,

but I don't mind.

It's nice that she cooks.

She started teaching me embroidery,

and not to brag, but I think

I might have a natural gift for it.

Don't laugh. I'm serious.

You know I'm good at art.

And I got invited to a party this weekend,

but I decided not to go.

Everyone at my school thinks

I'm trying to be mysterious,

but really I just want

to focus on my journalism career.

[Kate] Dear Tully, I've been practicing

my kissing on the mirror, like you said.

I feel a little ridiculous.

I swear,

if I don't get kissed by summer, I'll die.

Or maybe I'll get kissed

and I'll be so bad I die of embarrassment.

Either way, please play

"Dark Side of the Moon" at my funeral.

[Tully] Dear Kate,

I found something the other day.

I don't know for sure,

but I think it's a picture of my dad.

He even looks like me.

I'm gonna show it to Cloud

and make her tell me.

I miss you so much.

- I'll need you then, just stop ♪

- Stop ♪

- 'Cause I really love you, stop ♪

- Stop ♪

I'll be thinking of you ♪

Look in my heart

And let love keep us together ♪

Still hiding out in here, huh?

I'm not hiding. I'm hostessing.

Come on, it's Dad's wake.

People want to offer their condolences.

They can't condole without you.

This was supposed to come

without the tails. [sighs]

- We could talk about what happened.

- What happened?

You were fighting with Tully

outside the church.

It seemed pretty intense.

If ever there was a moment

- It's not now.

- where we could talk about what happened

- I do not want to talk about Tully Hart.

- between you and Tully.

- [Kate sighs]

- Okay.

Some weird old guy I've never met

keeps pinching my cheeks.

- Uncle Vic.

- Uncle Vic.

Can I have a sip?

- [woman] Kate, there you are.

- [Kate exhales]

- [Kate] Aunt Honey, hi.

- Oh.

I'm so sorry about your dad.

Oh, such a wonderful man.

Thank you. Thank you so much for coming.

- And, Sean, I heard you're gay now.

- [Kate] Mmm.

Actually, I've been gay forever.

I just forgot to tell my wife.

[Honey chuckles, inhales sharply]

I saw Tully Hart

outside the church earlier.

- So pretty in person.

- [Kate] Mm-hmm.

Someone mentioned

you two had a falling out.

What happened?

Aunt Honey, I would love to show you

the view of the pool.

- It was Dad's favorite spot.

- [Honey] Oh.

How does she afford this place?

I'm sorry people keep asking about Tully.

Yeah, I'm just surprised Aunt Honey

doesn't know all the gory details.

- Guess she doesn't read the tabloids.

- It's been a while since the accident.

- [glass shatters]

- [tires screech]

And yet, even though she's not here,

still somehow it's all about Tully.

She's like the gift that keeps on taking.

I don't know.

Remember when we found out

the news about Dad in Iraq?

She was good that day.


Okay. Thank God.

Just get

Actually, maybe just one more. Okay.

- Excuse me.

- Oh f*ck!

I'm so sorry. I just

[Tully exhales]

You are Tully Hart, aren't you?

Yes. And I love my fans, truly.

My best friend's going through a thing,

she needed ice cream. Long story.

I'm just having a bit of a day.

[woman] Oh, sure.

We all have those, right?

- Thank you.

- Of course.

- Okay.

- Listen.

I know this probably isn't a great time,

but I have to tell you,

you've been served. [chuckles]

[jazz music playing faintly]

Is there any way

I could take a picture with you?

You're the first celebrity I've served.

It's really exciting. [chuckles]

Not appropriate.

Got it.


Jesus Christ.

[Tully] Sid, you're my lawyer.

That's why I called you.

This is a nightmare.

That fucker can't sue me.

Yeah, I know I broke my contract.

Because he's a f*cking misogynistic prick.

I don't have

that kind of money lying around.

I'm rich, but I'm not Oprah rich.

I found out last night

that my best friend's husband

was in an IED expl*si*n in Iraq.

She's freaking out. I'm freaking out.

You know what?

I can't with this right now.

I gotta go.

- [line disconnects]

- [sighs]

- [sighs] I can't find my passport.

- What's going on?

They're airlifting him to Germany.

He needs surgery.

There's swelling on his brain,

broken bones. I don't know which ones.

Something about a medically induced coma.

I'm going to the airport.

I'm on standby for five different flights.


- I found it, I found it.

- Oh my God. Thank you, Marah.

This is nuts!

No, it's fine.

Sean's gonna stay with Marah.

- My parents are on their way.

- Let us know when you get on a flight.

No, it's nuts to wait on a flight.

[breathes deeply] I'll charter a plane.

[laughs] It's like 100,000 dollars.

Have you forgotten who you're talking to?

It's like pocket change for me.

Come on, I'm taking you to Johnny.

[upbeat music playing]

- You were amazing last night.

- You were amazing this morning.

Think we have time for one more?

No, but I think we should anyway.

[knocking on door]

[Tully] Oh my God.

You two are like rabbits.

We have a story to report.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I'm coming.

No, this time you won't.

[Kate chuckles]

[protestors chanting]

Save our trees! Save old growth!

Save our trees! Save our trees!

[indistinct chatter]

There's more protestors

than I thought there'd be.

Yeah, and we're late.

Now we're not gonna get a good spot.

We're fine. We'll get a good spot.

Well, I had a good spot, but KDUG stole it

'cause they were all here on time.

[Tully scoffs]

Also, your coffee's cold.

Hey, guys, I have the rations.

- Uh, Kate, cream and sugar.

- Thank you.

- [woman] Tully, black.

- Thanks.

Johnny, I actually made you

a thermos full of cappuccino,

still piping hot,

thought you might like it.

Oh, thank you, Lottie.

Okay, come on. Let's find us a spot.

[Mutt] All right.

What is it about Australians, huh?

Continent of walking sex gods.

So you guys wanna go see

that Madonna movie tonight?

- Maybe.

- I don't know.

Okay, cool.

All right, well, just let me know.

[chanting continues]

- We are not doing that, are we?

- Hell no.

We're going to see

that movie together, alone.

But you should tell our intern

that Johnny is your boyfriend

so she'll stop undressing him

with her eyes.

Oh please. Lottie's harmless.

[Tully] Mmm.

Reminds me of me, sort of dorky and sweet.

That girl is not sweet.

Besides, he is not my boyfriend.

I mean, we haven't even talked

about what we are yet,

which is why we're keeping quiet.

Yeah, unless I'm in the other room

trying to sleep.


When we're done with this,

wanna sneak out for a lunch,

just you and me?

- We can go to that place with the oysters.

- [Kate] Oh, I can't today.

I promised Johnny I'd buy lunch.

We've got this bet going,

who'd be the first to make the other one


Okay, tonight.

Let's have some roommate time.

Go to the other place

where the wine came out of your nose.

- Or we could just watch Golden Girls.

- Oh, um

- I

- Let me guess.

You have plans with a non-boyfriend,

Australian sex god.

You should totally come!

[Johnny] Can't even see the damn protest.

- A bunch of crews blocking the shot.

- [Tully] Ugh.

Never send a man to do a woman's job.

I will find us a spot.

Too late for a good shot, huh?

What are you doing here, Danny?

It's this thing called news.

Maybe you've heard of it?

Why did KDUG send a sports guy

to do a real reporter's job?

Last night, I made a wish on a Blue Fairy,

and I woke up a real boy.

Also, they promoted me.

Oh, that's too bad.

I so enjoy your scintillating commentary

on which team threw the ball better.

Still mad at me

about what happened that night in Tacoma.

- Nothing happened that night.

- That's why you're mad at me.

- [Tully] You're a piece of work.

- I can't help it.

So we were at the same bar.

We flirted all night.

- You were flirting with me.

- Look, I f*cked up. Okay?

I had a shot with Tully Hart,

and I I went home

with the girl in the red dress, instead.

I I just

I wasn't ready for for us.

There is no us, Danny.

You never had a shot with me.

Well, we made out for an hour.

That was

It was one tiny kiss. Get over it.

You look really pretty by the way.

- I like the pantsuit.

- [scoffs]

Hey, can you hurry up

and pick a spot, please?

We gotta do this.

You, go away.

Drinks later?

[chanting continues]

Ah! Kate? Come here.

[Kate] What's up?

We can get a shot set up behind that tape.

You mean the police tape?

Yeah, we'll just sneak under it

or over it.


You do the thing.

- You're crazy.

- What thing?

I'm not doing the thing

with a bunch of cops right there.

- Come on, it'll be a great shot.

- [Kate sighs]

Wh What's the thing?

[chanting continues]

[Kate] Oh no. Oh my God!

My contact lens!

Officer, I I'm so blind without them.

I can't see. Can you help?

I'll help you, Miss.

[Kate] Oh! What am I gonna do?

Do you have contacts?

- [officer] I do not.

- [Kate] This is literally the worst.

- [officer] Did it jump out of your eye?

- [Kate] It did. It leapt out of there.

And I I

If you could keep this,

I'm gonna see if maybe it was before

when I was over here.

[officer] Don't worry, Miss. I got this.

["Sternenhimmel" by Hubert Kah playing]

[elevator chimes]

[Tully] Yeah.

[in German]

Hi. We're here for Johnny Ryan?

[in English]

Since when do you speak German?

Oma Flugel, my mom's mom,

she only spoke German.

- I'm basically fluent.

- How did I never know this?

[in German] Can you locate for us the room

of my cheese danish, Johnny Ryan?

[in English] I'm US Army, ma'am.

Oh, uh, sorry,

were looking for Johnny Ryan.

I'm his wife ex-wife. We're divorced.

Only just, we're still very close.

It's complicated.

Family only, ma'am.

- We have a daughter, so

- [soldier] It doesn't count.

Well, I'm his cousin.

Does, uh, that count?

Immediate family only.

Shit, I knew I should have said sister.

Can you at least tell us how he's doing?

He was supposed to go into surgery.

[sighs] Look, come on.

I can't believe

we just flew 13 hours for nothing.

It's not for nothing.

We're gonna figure this out.

This is so f*cked. I mean,

I don't even want to be the ex-wife.

This divorce thing's a stupid mistake,

and it's all my fault.

And now, what if what if it's too late

and he doesn't

and I don't get to see him.

I at least need to see him if this is it.

Stop, hey.

[inhales] Hey.

This is not it.

- Okay? He is gonna be fine.

- [Kate] Mm-hmm.

And I am gonna get you back there.

So, just follow my lead.

[Tully sighs]

Officer, we are

Oh shit!

My earring, it it just fell out.

I I felt it.

- [Kate] Oh my God.

- I felt it fall out. It rolled over here.

Oh my God! It's my grandmother's diamond!

Can you please help me find it?

It's so important to me.

Please stand up, ma'am.

Other ma'am, what are you doing?

I was just looking for the bathroom.

I'm gonna have to ask you both

to evacuate the premises.

[in German]

Why is Tully Hart on the floor?

What's going on?

I love your show, the Girlfriend Hour!

I've seen every episode!

[Tully chuckles]

[in English] Thank you.

I I I'm sorry, I don't speak

[in German] Can you help us?

My love man exploded,

and we took a large bird

from America to see him.

He's a very important

potato of the Girlfriend Hour?

Johnny Ryan?

I will bring you to him.

Anything for Tully Hart. [chuckles]


Did you leave your brain in America?

How could you treat her like that?

[speaks German]

[Tully chuckles]

[nurse scoffs]

[speaking indistinctly]

[uplifting music playing]

[phone ringing]

[indistinct chatter]

[monitor beeping]

[whispering] Danke.

[in English] Oh my God! [sobs]

No, no, look at him.

It it it's not so bad.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

She's right. He's lucky to be alive.

- I'm Dr. Archer.

- [Kate] Hi, I'm, um

The wife.

She's his wife and I'm his sister.

Immediate family. Tully Hart.

What's the prognosis, doctor?

Is he gonna be okay?

We don't know yet.

He arrived in pretty bad shape.

We relieved the swelling in his brain,

but we won't know until he wakes up

what kind of damage there was, if any.

We just have to wait.

Excuse me.

[Kate sighs]

[inhales shakily]

We always dreamed

of going to Europe together.

And now we have,

so you can just wake up,

and come home.

- Because we really miss you.

- [gentle music playing]

Plus, uh,

Marah set the curve on her math final,

which I know is a f*cking miracle,

um, and she really wants

to tell you about it. [sniffles]

And, you know, I've just been, uh

at home

thinking about you and me, and


and I think maybe I was an idiot.

Because I still love you.

I guess maybe sometimes it takes

something like this to make you realize

that you let the love of your life

get away, so, um, maybe

you know, when you wake up,

we could just start over?

You and me.

[sniffles, sighs]

[Tully] Emotions are running high,

while protestors for the logging efforts

are handcuffed under the shadow

of this old growth forest

Hey! You can't film here.

Uh, is there a problem, Officer?

Take your crew

and move behind the yellow line.

[Johnny] Take my crew?

- Now! Put the camera down.

- Uh

You have a very thick American accent.

- I can't understand

- I'll place you under arrest.

- While Benedict Binswanger

- [cop] Right now!

CEO of Bincorp has answered our calls

with a simple "No comment."

For KPOC, this is Tully Hart.

Thank you, Officer.

- [Johnny] Okay, you win this one. See ya.

- [Tully] Wait.

- [Mutt] Come on, come on. Go, go, go.

- Mutt! Mutt! Don't leave me.

Thanks, guys.

Thanks a lot for waiting for me.

[scoffs] Unbelievable.

[gentle music playing]

[bus door shuts]

[door opens]

[door shuts]


How are you?

I'm fabulous, Tallulah.

How are you?

I'm okay.

I guess Her Royal Highness

couldn't make it today.

She wanted to,

but she had a thing at church,

so I took the bus.

[Cloud scoffs]

[Tully exhales]

You look good.

Yeah, the lighting in here

really works with my complexion.

Um, I made you something.

A present.

Uh, these are clouds. [chuckles]

I've been working on it for a month.

I had to start over a couple of times

'cause I wanted it to be perfect.

I bet she's got you praying with her too.

Doesn't she?



[Tully exhales]

Um, I wanted to ask you something

about some photos I found in a box.

Um, they're of you and a guy.

- You're looking through my shit?

- I'm guessing he's my dad?

[Cloud] So that's why you're here.

You don't care about me.

You just wanna make me dredge up the past.

No. That's not why I'm here.

You need to leave it alone, Tallulah.

I'm half him.

I deserve to know who he is.

Yeah, well,

I deserved a lot of shit that I never got.

So, what? That's it?

You're just not gonna tell me?

Your life sucks, so mine has to suck too?

You have no idea

what you're talking about.

Then tell me.

Who is he? What happened?

Why did he leave?

[cop] All right, Dorothy Hart, time's up.

See you next time, kiddo.

[door lock buzzes]

[dramatic music playing]

- What are you doing here?

- Bailed you out.

How did you know I was in?

I covered the protest for the news.

Still doing that, huh?

Yep. Still enjoying

the prison system, huh?

Jail's not prison.

[Tully] Hmm.

How'd you get the shiner?

I had a a disagreement

with my gentleman friend.

He hit you?

[Cloud] Oh, I got a few in too.

But then he then he

[chuckles] Then he kicked me out

of the trailer, and yeah

I was actually looking forward

to sleeping in jail tonight.

It's better than a park bench.

If you need a place to stay

I can help.

- [indistinct chatter]

- [phone ringing]

- Have you seen Tully?

- Said she had an errand to run.

We need to get this piece out.

It feeds at 5:00

I could help with the edit.

All right.

Cool beans, Mularkey.

See you in the edit bay in ten?

It's a date.

[Cloud sniffles] Are you kidding?

[Tully] What?

I can afford it.




This is really fancy.

[faucet running]

[turns off faucet]

[chuckles] Oh, wow.

Hey, Cloud,

there's a telephone by the toilet.



I didn't ask for any of this.

[Tully sighs]

Why don't you get cleaned up?

I brought some clothes

that I keep in my car. They're clean.

You want me to wear your clothes?

What's wrong with my clothes?

Nothing, if I want to dress

as Nancy Reagan for Halloween.

[Tully sighs]

[phone ringing]

KPOC, this is Kate.

- Hey.

- Tully, where are you? Johnny's pissed.

It's a long story.

I did something kinda crazy.

I hope it was the right thing.

I don't know.

[Kate] You're so bad. [chuckles]

- Are you even listening to me?

- [Kate] Sorry.

Um, Johnny was just saying

something very inappropriate.

Not as inappropriate

as what I'm gonna say.


Can I get, like, five minutes of your time

without Johnny all over you?

[continues chuckling]

I'm sorry. Yes, no.

Of course. When are you back?

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Tul, I'm so I'm so sorry.

Hang on one second, please.

- Just one letter.

- Get your ass off.

- [Johnny] Okay!

- [Kate] This is a place of business.

You know what?

I gotta go. I'll call you later, Mularkey.

- No, I

- [line disconnects]


[Cloud humming]

[toilet flushes]

- [Kate] Hey, Lottie.

- Oh, hey, Kate.

- [Kate] It's a fun day, right?

- Yeah, totally almost got arrested.


- Local news, it's always an adventure.

- [Lottie chuckles]

So [clears throat]

this is awkward,

but I I just wanted to apologize

for earlier.

What What are you talking about?

If I'd have known you and Johnny were

I never would've been

drooling all over him. I

No. Carol told me

you guys are together. [chuckles]

I never would've guessed.

'Cause, you know, girls like us

don't usually get guys like Johnny Ryan.

[gasps] You are officially my hero.

- Thanks. I guess.

- Yeah.

Carol said that he was obsessed

with Tully for years,

which, duh, makes total sense

'cause she is such a f*ckin' goddess, but

[clears throat]

they actually dated, right?

- No, no, they they never dated.

- [Kate] Oh.

I thought Carol said they had sex. I

Oh, um


I'm so sorry, that's rough.

Carol told me you were,

you know, gaga over him for years.

He never really knew you existed.

Which, believe me,

I can relate. [chuckles]

He knew I existed.

We We had, uh, you know,

a friendship for a long time,

and then it just blossomed.

Yeah, yeah. 'Cause you were smart.

Mmm. And patient.

You waited until Tully was done,

and then you just stepped in for the win.


It's just, it gives me hope, you know?

Maybe someday I could

wear down a guy like Johnny, too.


Seriously, Kate,

you're like the patron saint

of mousy wallflowers.

[Lottie chuckles]

- [door closes]

- [scoffs]

And you're like a total bitch.

[rock music playing]

- Ow.

- [door opens]

[Sean] Hey.

Sean! Jesus, do you ever knock?

Screw you, I'm not your secretary.

You got a stupid phone call.


Kate, thank God you're there.

I had the worst day.

What? Sorry. Uh, Sean, turn it down.

I can't hear.

Sorry, what'd you say?

I couldn't hear you.

I saw Cloud today

and gave her the handkerchief.

She didn't care.

- [Kate scoffs]

- I don't know why I thought she would.

Oh, Tul, I'm sorry.

God, stupid eyeballs.

I suck at these contacts.

I gotta get them in

before everyone gets here.

Who's everyone?

[Kate] Bud and Marjorie

are out of town, remember?

I'm having a party?

With any luck, by the end of tonight,

I will no longer be a mouth virgin.

- What?

- [Kate] I'm hoping to get a kiss.

My first kiss.

With somebody who isn't me in a mirror?

Oh shit, I just dropped a contact.

Tul, I gotta call you back.


- Oh, wait, no.

- [line disconnects]



[rock music continues]


Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Jesus! Sean, knock!

Your stupid friends are downstairs.

Hey, can I use the phone now?


[breathing shakily]


Be cool.



[Kate] Oh.

I have chips.

Uh, wow, your parents' record collection

is even lamer

than my parents' record collection.

Oh, yeah, I know, right?

They're so lame. [chuckles]

- [exhales] This is boring.

- Shut up, I'm winning.

We're playing board games, so I'm bored.

Can we do something fun?

Oh, well, um, we could we could

move the furniture and d dance.

[chuckles, coughs]

Oh, you weren't kidding.

Uh, oh no,

I was I was totally kidding. [inhales]

I was thinking something a little more


Who's up for spin-the-bottle?

Oh, I am! Um

I mean

That could be fun. I guess.



["After the Shine's Gone"

by Zuider Zee playing]

Oh, ho, ho. The mysterious Tully Hart

comes to grace us with her presence.

You never come to parties.

I wanted to get drunk and high.

- Hey, that could be arranged.

- [laughs]


- Hey, man.

- I like your boots.

- You got style.

- [Tully coughs] Thanks.

I dressed up today.

I went to visit my mom in prison.

Whoa. Trippy.

[Tully] I made her a handkerchief.

She didn't care.

[boy] What's she in for?

Being a f*cking assh*le. [coughs]


No, dr*gs.

She's in for dr*gs.

[gentle music playing]


[shower running]

[Cloud singing]

[door opens]

[Cloud sighs]

That was the best shower of my life.

- You look good.

- [Cloud chuckles]

Why, yes, boss.

I'll get right on that, boss,

because I am a businesswoman.


That is exactly how we all sound.

I'm starving.

- I'll order room service.

- No, I want some Ho Ho's.

I'll just pop down the block.

I, uh I saw a store.

No, I'll I'll go. Stay, relax. [inhales]

I'll get us some snacks. I don't mind.

If you insist.

And could you get me some soda

and something salty like Doritos?

- Got it.

- [Cloud] Thanks, babe.

[TV powers on]

[Cloud humming]

- [cashier] That'll be $3.59.

- [Tully sighs]

I swear my wallet was in here.

[doorbell chimes]

Tully Hart. I thought that was you.

It's you.

[Danny] What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

I live down the block.

I was parking my car,

and I saw you come in here.

What a small world.

- Too small.

- [Danny] Mmm.

Can you just, um, give me a second?

- Can't find your wallet?

- I I must've dropped it somewhere.

[Danny] Mmm.

- What's the damage?

- No, you don't have to

No, my mother raised me to be a gentleman.

- [Tully sighs]

- That'll be $3.59.

There you go.

She likes to eat healthy, I see.

Seriously, you don't have to.

I keep trying to tell you,

I'm a good guy once you get to know me.

Well, I'll have to take your word for it.

I don't plan to get to know you.

Okay, then let's go back to my place.

We'll bring the Ho Ho's.

We don't have to talk.

You're welcome.

[crowd cheering on TV]


[game show theme music playing]

"You can afford it."

Wow. [sighs]

[Tully chuckling]

- Oh no. [chuckles]

- [boy] Oh, hey. You are wasted. [chuckles]

You are. [chuckles]

- [boy] Uh, yeah, I am.

- [both chuckle]

[boy] Here, let me

let me help you up here.

[muffled music playing]


Hey, relax, man.

I'm just trying to help. Okay?

- Get your f*cking hands off of me!

- What the hell's the matter with you?

["Baby, Give Me Some Love Back"

by Terry Webster playing faintly]

[Kate exhales]

Guess it's you and me, Mularkey.

Guess so.

And as I watch your footprints

Slowly fade away ♪

[both grunt]

- Oh my God!

- [girl] Oh my God.

- [boy 1] You okay?

- I'm so sorry.

- You're bleedin'.

- That's a lot of blood.

What the hell's wrong with you? Holy sh

- [boy 1] You need to hold it.

- [scoffs] You're such a freak.

[Kate breathes shakily]

[telephone ringing]


[gasps] Kate!

[Gran] Tully?


Oh my God. Foxy Franklin's nose?

- [chuckles] Oh my God.

- [Gran] Tully?

Oh, we have to be quiet.

The walls have ears. [chuckles]

- Tully!

- It's just the TV.

- Did you actually make his nose bleed?

- Hang up the phone.

Kate, that's a

What are you doing?

[Gran] Nothing.

You're drunk.

Doubt it. I only had five beers.

You need to go upstairs.

Sure thing, Sarge. [chuckles]

We'll talk about your punishment

in the morning.

[chuckles] Oh. Oh, my punishment?

Are you kidding?

Living here is my punishment.

My punishment's already happening, baby.

We're in it.

There are places far less pleasant

that I could send you.

[Tully] Okay.

Send me then.

[scoffs] Like I give a f*ck.

[Gran gasps, exhales]

[tender music playing]

[Gran sighs]

You are exactly like your mother.

[sighs] f*ck you too, Gran.

[door slams]

[Tully sighs]

[phone ringing]

- Hello?

- [Justine] Hey, Tully, it's your agent,

Justine Jordan.

My agent's name is Steve.

[Justine] It was,

but you're about to kick him to the curb

and sign with me.

I'm gonna help you get out of this mess.

I'm not in a mess.

[Justine] You are in more than a mess.

You're totally f*cked, but I can help.

I've got a three-point plan to get you

out of this lawsuit and back on top.

How do you know about the lawsuit?

[Justine] Everyone knows

about the lawsuit.

Your representatives

aren't exactly discreet.

But once you sign with me,

total information lockdown.

I control the narrative,

which means you control the narrative.

Step one of my plan,

getting them to drop the suit.

- How?

- The production company that's suing you

is developing a reality dating show

called I'd Hit That.

They need a host, they're out to Stamos,

but he has a conflict.

I can get you into that job

and out of this lawsuit.

I'm not hosting

a show called I'd Hit That.

Well, you should've thought of that

before you pissed off Wilson King.

This is gonna get them off your back.

And you don't have to worry

about the non-compete clause.

If you take a serious pay cut,

of course, but that is just step one.

Step two, we parlay the reality show

into a prime-time docu-special,

hard-hitting but heartwarming,

huge ratings success.

We parlay that into step three,

your new talk show,

a better talk show,

exactly the way that you want to do it.

See, Emmys follow, world domination,

thank me in your acceptance speech.

- Who are you?

- [whimsical music playing]

I'm Justine Jordan, your new agent.

[Tully] Listen, Justine.

That all sounds like a lot,

but I'm not looking for a new agent,

and I'm not interested

in hosting reality television.

It's not really my brand, you know?

Not a problem.

We'll hammer out the details later.

- I'll call you.

- [receiver clatters]

While Benedict Binswanger, CEO of Bincorp,

answered our calls

with a simple "No comment."

[Johnny inhales] That's quite a name.

Benedict Binswanger.

Sounds vaguely erotic.


[Johnny] Maybe later on,

I'll take you back to my place,

show you my Benedict Binswanger.

You all right there, Mularkey?

[smacks lips]

Are you just with me right now

because I wore you down

after Tully didn't want you?


That was harsh on both of us.


Are you?

Why would you think that?

Well, you wanted Tully first,

which makes sense.

I mean, everybody knows

you're out of my league.

What Who's everybody?

People with eyes.

No, you're wrong.

I may have had certain feelings for Tully,

but I knew the day that you and I met

that we'd be together someday.

- [chuckles] Bullshit.

- It's true.

I felt that.

And it frankly

[inhales] scared me.


I knew that if you and I got together

that it'd be


I wasn't ready for that

when I first met you.

You didn't wear me down, Mularkey.

You waited for me to catch up.

[gentle music playing]


Also, you're the one

who's out of my league.

I keep waiting for you to figure that out.

That is not true.

It is, actually.

But it doesn't matter.

You can worry all you like.

You're not getting rid of me that easy.

[gentle music continues]

[electronic beeping]

[indistinct chatter]

[phone ringing in distance]

[keys clatter]

[indistinct chatter]

- [Johnny] You're older than she is.

- [Kate chuckles]

Hey, Tul. Where've you been all day?

- We did the edit for you. You're welcome.

- Why are you dressed like Madonna?

Because we're going to see

Desperately Seeking Susan. 7:30 show.

You should totally come.

I'm gonna bring the car around.

See you downstairs in five.

- We don't wanna miss the previews.

- [Kate chuckles]

[door opens, shuts]

I just had sex in an edit bay.

I am officially

the office slut. [chuckles]

You said we were gonna

see that movie together.

I can't believe

you were gonna go without me.

- I just invited you.

- As an afterthought.

You disappeared today.

We edited your piece for you,

even though you were supposed to help.

Did it ever occur to you that I saw Cloud

getting arrested at the protest?

So, I bailed her out of jail,

got her a hotel room,

and gave her my clothes.

And she stole all my cash

from my f*cking wallet and fled.

Why would that occur to me?

Because I called you.

I needed your help,

and you were too busy giggling

with Johnny.

So, whatever. It doesn't matter.

Have fun with Madonna.

Tully, you should totally come,

it'll help take your mind off things.

I don't want to take my mind off things.

I just want to eat ice cream and be alone.

You ate all my ice cream?

We were really hungry when we got home.

This is just f*cking perfect.

I take a nibble, and you take the rest.


[Tully sighs]


[Tully sighs] You know what?

Yell at me all you want, Mularkey.

I don't care.

I know, I am a bitch.

Just like my mother, but I didn't mean it.

Okay? I'm mad at Cloud.

And And I am mad at you too.

I needed you today, and you weren't there.

You are never there anymore.

Now that you have Johnny,

you don't have any time for me.

And I hate it.


I know. That's why I just told Johnny

I can't go to the movies

because I have a date with my best friend.

["True Colors" by Cyndi Lauper playing]

[Tully sighs, sucks teeth]

[Kate sighs]

You don't have to go through this alone.

You with the sad eyes ♪

Don't be discouraged ♪

Oh, I realize

It's hard to take courage ♪

In a world full of people ♪

You can lose sight of it all

And the darkness ♪


I see your true colors ♪


Am I dead?


Is this a dream?

[Kate exhales]


[Johnny breathing shakily]

How did you get to Iraq?

We're in Germany.

You were injured.

I thought I might not ever see you again.

You're not gonna get rid of me

that easy, Mularkey.


[Dr. Archer] He's conscious.

- [Kate chuckles] Yeah.

- [Dr. Archer] It's great.

I think I'll need to run some tests.

Oh, of course.

I'll just be right outside.


And I see your true colors ♪

[Tully] There has to be another way. No.

It will ruin me.

I don't have

that kind of money lying around.

I can't.


[sighs] Please. I have to go.

Johnny's awake.

Is he okay?

I think so.

I knew he would be.


No, I was really scared.

[both sigh]


I got you something from the gift shop.

It's a keychain.

Oh my God.

One for you and one for me.

- [Tully sighs]

- I love it.

I don't know, maybe it's stupid.

I just wanted to get you something.

Tul, you brought me here on a private jet.

Even though it sounds like

you're having money problems?

What's going on?

Oh, it's just this little thing

where they're [inhales]

suing me for ten million dollars.


Why Why didn't you tell me?

- You had your hands full.

- No

You do not have to go through this alone.

Come here.

Your true colors ♪

True colors ♪

True colors are shinin' through ♪

I see your true colors

And that's why I love you ♪

So don't be afraid ♪

Tully, what're you doing here?

I had a fight with Gran,

so I snuck out and came here.

- How? It's, like, three hours away.

- [Tully] I took a bus.

I'm running away,

and I want you to come with me.

I'm gonna find my father.

Beautiful like a rainbow ♪

We were on our way

to meet a group of insurgents.

We were supposed to interview the leader.

Me and Charlie,

we were writing a story together.

We'd been walking for three days,

three nights, I don't know.

Camping out with a squad of soldiers.

And we were on our way to the meeting,

and I remember turning around

and seeing Charlie from afar,


and everything


I'm just so glad you're okay.

How do you feel?

Like there are pins in my hip,

and I just had brain surgery,

and I'm on a bunch of painkillers.

Otherwise, not bad.

- [both chuckle]

- [Charlie] I heard you were awake.


- Hi.

- [Johnny] You're here.

I was with you in the helicopter.

Never left your side,

slept on the floor of the medical tent.

But then, of course,

the minute I decided

to go back to the hotel and grab a nap,

- you decide to wake up.

- [Johnny chuckles]


Been a long time

since anyone called me that.

It's Charlotte actually,

but people just call me Charlie now.

[Tully] Hmm.

[Johnny] Charlie works for The Chronicle.

I ran into her my third day in Iraq.

And we just got to talking and

And it was like no time had passed.

- [Kate scoffs]

- [Tully] Hmm.

[Charlie] We just clicked.

And then we started collaborating

and traveling together, and, well

the rest is history.

[Tully] Hmm.

[chuckles softly]

[somber music playing]

- [sirens wailing]

- [horns honking]

[indistinct chatter]

[somber music continues]

[music fades]