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02x08 - Endings and Beginnings

Posted: 12/05/22 06:15
by bunniefuu
The beginning is the end.

And the end is the beginning.

Everything is connected.

The future,

the past

and the present.

I couldn't tell her who her mother was.

Just as I can't tell you
what your provision is.

And what I have to do today.

I have thought about this moment
for many years.

My older self
wanted to tell me something.

But he couldn't.

If you knew what I know now,

you wouldn't do what you must,
which enables me to get to this moment.

I can't exist in the here and now

if you don't go
exactly the same way that I did.

We're never free

in what we do,

because our will isn't free either.

Everything is prepared.

You must go now.

♪ Fold out your hands ♪

♪ Give me a sign ♪

♪ Put down your lies ♪

♪ Lay down next to me ♪

♪ Don't listen when I scream ♪

♪ Bury your doubts and fall asleep ♪

♪ For neither ever ♪

♪ Nor never ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Neither ever ♪

♪ Nor never ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Neither ever ♪

♪ Nor never ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

JUNE 27, 2020



My future self
tried to shut the hole.

To reverse it all.

The passage was closed,
but the cycle wasn't broken.

But you said that we could change
one factor of the equation so that he...

So I'd be successful the next time.

Then none of this sick sh*t
will ever happen.

Mikkel won't vanish.

Michael won't hang himself.

Your father won't die.

The big things and the little things
don't follow the same rules.

We won't be able to change
the grand scheme of things...

but the details.

We change a grain of sand,

and with that, the whole world.

What was Grandma like?

I mean, as a mother.

Why would that suddenly be so interesting?

She isn't dead, you know?

Meaning what?

She was here.

Last fall.

After Mikkel disappeared.


She left this for you.


She said that she was sorry.

And that if she could turn back time...

she'd change the way things happened.

I'll come back.

I promise.

Where are you going now?

Do you know what this is?

It's a search warrant
for the nuclear plant.

The plant has special conditions.

The judge issued
the warrant immediately.

I believe,

given the situation, he may be interested
in what there is to find there.

Because of the investigation against you.


I might not be able to prove
that my brother was m*rder*d,

but I will get you
for what's happening here.

You must get me out.

There's no way.

This is happening.

You cannot let him onto the site!

Maybe it's better this way.

Maybe it's good
if everything's out in the open.

Martha, I didn't want any of this.
Please believe me.

- But listen to me now.
- What are you doing here?

Come in.

Why are you here?

What do you want?

You have to come with me, please.

- It's my fault everyone here is doomed.
- What?

Everything here
will explode in a few hours.

Everything will start over again.
The future will start, a new cycle.

What are you saying?

Believe me, please.

You just have to trust me.

This isn't right.

We aren't right.

Please leave.


- I can't let you go this time.
- You're hurting me.

I saw you die once.
I won't let that happen again.

- Let me go.
- I can't do that.

I promised you I'd make it right.

And I will.


Where's the machine?

Where is the damn machine?

My mother has it.

That's not right.

That's not how it should happen.

This is all my fault.

Why didn't he tell me what to do?

Why did he tell me all this?

He tells me how it works,
then he doesn't tell me what to do?

It could be you did exactly
what he wanted you to.

To show us how it works.
That could've been your only job.



- Where are you going?
- To find the f*cking machine!





What is this?

The passage.

- We are reopening it.
- But you said you wanted to shut it.

In the future.

Or the past, your future.

It took me a long time to accept

that I had to help start
the disaster I wanted to avert.

- How do you know all this?
- The past 12 months.

You taught me everything,
about the future and the past.

Everything that has happened.
Everything that will happen.

There are two parties.

Adam and Sic Mundus want a new world.
You and I want to save this one.

Who is Adam?

- What is this?
- This is the only area that's safe.

Please don't, Martha.


Why are you doing this?

Because I know what will happen today.

About Mikkel...

Did you mean it?

That means...

I didn't want any of this, Martha.

You kept me alive.

I'm still here 'cause of you.

Jonas will come back.
Everything will happen as it always has.

But I can't stop hoping
that I can still change things.

I have to try.

Jonas comes back.

Promise me
you won't leave this bunker for anything.

No matter what.

I'm so sorry.



Charlotte. I thought you were still sick.

- Is Clausen here?
- No.

Clausen had Aleksander arrested
and got a search warrant for the plant.

He's on his way there.


I... have something to tell you.

At the... nuclear facility...

Aleksander buried something
in the concrete.

Radioactive waste.

And I helped him.

I'm sorry.

That's the cause.

- What?
- It's all connected.

He said it has to do with something
in that facility.

- Jonas knew that.
- Jonas was found?

No, he traveled here from the future.

We have to go!


Come on!


Damn it, Charlotte, where are you?
Is Franziska with you?

Call me when you get this.

We are leaving.

To go where?

I don't think I'm...

certain what to believe.

But he said

only those in the...

the bunker...

will survive.

What about Mom and Franziska?

It will all be okay.


I don't quite
understand what you're hoping for.

The site is huge

and tomorrow
there's the controlled shut down.

My mother always said

just because a task is daunting
doesn't mean you can't deal with it.

What's behind this door?

The, um...

the cooking bank of the old reactor.

It hasn't been used since the '90s.

I'm going to have a look.

You can't open the door to have a look.

And, honestly, I don't think
you'd find anything in there anyway.




How do you work this machine?

Where did you get it?

How can Mikkel come back home?

Even if I told you, it can't happen.

You don't want him to come back.
Then you wouldn't even have been born.

I wish it was that simple.

But things in the past
just can't be changed.

Mikkel can't come back
because I already exist.

Mikkel belongs here. You don't.

You shouldn't exist at all.


I'd give my life for his if I only could.

But I can't, damn it!
Because my future already exists.

Just like you won't be able
to bring Mikkel back.

So why did you decide to come?

Well, I thought
I could prevent the origin.

It's beyond our control.

Adam is the endpoint.

I might not be able to prevent myself
from becoming what he is.

But what's become of me, I can stop.

I know that I've been lied to.

You never saved anyone.

None of them.

We can't escape our fate, none of us.

Neither you nor I.

You're not waging w*r against God.

You're waging it against humankind.

Here are the last pages.

You used me.

Had me do what you wanted.

But now I know what I have to do.

Claudia was right.

You still don't understand
how this game is played.

What are you waiting for?

It's time who plays this game with us.

You think it's your destiny to k*ll me,

but that's not your fate,
just as it isn't mine to die here and now.

Only when we've freed ourselves of emotion
can we be truly free.

Only when you're willing to sacrifice
what you hold dearest.

Charlotte is your daughter.

She is Elisabeth's daughter

and her mother.

There is no man without guilt.

None of them have earned a place
in your paradise.


This knot

can only be undone

by destroying it completely.

We cannot

escape our fate.

- What's happening?
- This is time.

We connect past and future.

What is that?

It's Jonas.
He's reopened the passage.

It's that thing that Mikkel went through?



Is everything all right?

Who locked you in here?

Martha, wait, wait, wait!
You can't go out there! Martha!

- What was that?
- f*ck.

It was the same noise. Like the cave.

f*ck. You got the device?

It's not up there now.

And Mom's gone too. Martha as well.

Do you think she's with him?

With Jonas?

Noah was right.
He was right about everything.

I'm telling you guys,
Jonas is the reason for this sh*t.

Where are we going?

Bring the machine to the bunker,
near Helge's cabin.

You don't have much time.

And you?

I have my mother to find.

And Martha.



Hey, Martha, call me back.

They're both not answering.

My father.
He's with Elisabeth in the bunker.

- He wants me to go there.
- To the bunker?


Something's going on.

I'm going.

If they're not home in half an hour
we'll go join your dad.

Where are Mom and Franziska?

I have no idea.

So this Noah guy says
he's your father

and he's from the future...
or, no, the past.

And he says the apocalypse
starts in Winden today?

And you think this is all connected
to the containers in there?

- What is that?
- The cooling pool of the old reactor.

Apparently it's been sealed off
and become part of the greenfield.


That, um...

I don't exactly know,
but that's nothing unusual.

Sealing off the old reactor is a...
It's the start of the dismantling.

I want you to break it open.



You can't keep him another night.

He hasn't done anything.
This is all nonsense.

When can Aleksander be visited?

I understand.


Please don't be scared.

It really is me.

I am so sorry.

I didn't mean to just leave like that.

I'll explain.

But now you have to come with me.


I'm so sorry.


You look different now.

You know, I mean, since last time.

He sent you, didn't he?


I've always wondered
when you turn into him.

I won't.

I will never do the things he did.

He said you'd say that kind of thing.

He also said we'd be friends.

Before I'm betrayed.

Why do you follow him?

What made you follow her?


We both want to believe.

We fasten ourselves
to the salvation that's promised.

If you k*ll him...

you k*ll all hope of salvation.

He is the savior.

You'll be the savior.

What is that?

Read it.

It's from Martha.

This can't be real.

You must save her.

Bartosz, Magnus

and Franziska.

And later, me and Agnes.

This circuit has to be finished
for the next cycle to begin.

Just as the prophecy foretells.

And so that Martha can live.

No, this isn't right.



That's you.

You are Claudia.


Your colleague's in the old reactor.



You're back.

You're really back.

I was looking for you.

- I'm here to tell you...
- I know it... all.

When we were standing in the rain,
I know why you said that.


I know everything.

At the lake, that was you.

You and I are perfect for each other.

Never believe anything else.

And so the circle is closed.

Jonas, who is that?

Tell her who I am.

I told you all the game's pieces
are in position already.

All that's needed is a little push.

You keep lying!

You wanted it all the exact same way.

You're the trigger!

The trigger is in us all.

Each and every one of us.

Why do you want this?

Why do you want the awful future repeated?

What is created today

will begin the end.

The dark matter must be created

so that I can lead it to its destiny
in the future.

The end of this world.

And I am the trigger,

just not for what you think.

I am the trigger for...

only what will make you

what I am today.

You'll be all right.
You'll be all right. You'll be all right.

Some pain you can't forget.


- You'll carry this pain all your life.
- Look at me! Look at me!

Until you are finally ready

to let go.

Of her.

You can stop me.

Or you can try to save her.

You'll know what you have to do.

Please don't leave.



Please don't go.

Don't open that! Stop.

Don't open that!

This is a hazard.

No, Mrs. Doppler. This is our elephant.

You have no idea what this all really is.

- What is all this, then?
- It's not about the missing people.

This is about the future,
how it's connected,

connected to all of our pasts.

- Open it.
- No!

- Open it!
- Please don't. No! It's a mistake.

♪ My body is a cage ♪

Magnus, open up!

Magnus! Open up!



What the hell?
Who are you? Hey!

That's him.

It's you.

You are Jonas.

- This is all your fault.
- Yeah, it's my fault. I know.

- But I'm here to save you all.
- From what?

- From the apocalypse.
- Apocalypse?

What about Martha?

I said what about Martha?

♪ That keeps me from dancing
With the one I love ♪

♪ My mind holds the key ♪

♪ My body is a cage ♪

♪ That keeps me from dancing
With the one I love ♪

♪ But my mind holds the key ♪

♪ I'm standing on a stage ♪

♪ Of fear and self-doubt ♪

♪ It's a hollow play ♪

♪ But they'll clap anyway ♪

♪ My body is a cage ♪

♪ That keeps me from dancing
With the one I love ♪


♪ My mind holds the key ♪

♪ My mind holds the key ♪

♪ My mind holds the key ♪

♪ I'm living in an age ♪

♪ That calls darkness light ♪

♪ Though my language is dead ♪

♪ Still the shapes fill my head ♪

♪ I'm living in an age ♪

♪ Whose name I don't know ♪

♪ Though the fear keeps me moving ♪

♪ Still my heart beats so slow ♪

♪ My body is a... ♪

♪ Is a... ♪

♪ Is a... ♪

♪ Is a... ♪

♪ Is a... ♪

♪ Is a... ♪


♪ My body is a cage ♪


♪ We take what we're given ♪

♪ Just because you've forgotten ♪

♪ Doesn't mean you're forgiven ♪

♪ You're standing next to me ♪

It's beginning.

♪ My mind holds the key ♪

Where are we going?

♪ Set my body free ♪

♪ My body is a cage ♪

♪ Your body is a cage ♪

♪ Cage! ♪

I promise.

I'll make it right.

I'm not who you think I am.

Wait. Martha, this isn't possible.

- I don't understand...
- We don't have time now.

Later I'll explain,
but you have to come with me.

What time did you come from?

The question isn't what time,

the question is what world.