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01x12 - Showdown at the Round Up

Posted: 12/06/22 11:56
by bunniefuu
Hartley, you've been singing
the same song

in the study hall
for three days straight.

What is this?
Some form of slow t*rture?


The band at the Round-Up Cantina

is holding auditions
for new lead singer.

So I'm gonna try out.

I just wanna make sure

I have all the lyrics right.

Well, maybe I can help you out.

I know all the words by heart

because you've been
singing them

for three days straight.

I've always wanted to sing
in front of an audience.

Until now, I've only been able
to perform for my grandma,

which she usually ends
with her shouting,

"Move! I'm trying to watch TV."

Anyways, I think your singing
in front of everyone

at our school's favorite hangout
is the best place to start.

Oh, and after every show,
the band gets free tacos.

The roundup only
has two stars online,

so that might not be a perk.

Can I run my audition by you?
See what you think?

Sure. What else am I gonna do
in study hall?


Wow, Hartley, you're amazing.

Really? Thanks.

You know, trying out
for a band sounds fun.

I never told you,
but back in Centropolis,

I was the lead singer
of my own villain band.

We didn't last too long, though.
Our drummer broke up.

Don't you mean
the band broke up?

No, our drummer.

Onyx turned him into stone

and he shattered
into tiny pieces.

Hey, Hartley.

New girl.

Gem. My name is Amy

and I've been here for months.

Funny how time flies
when you don't really care.

Anyway, Hartley,
I heard you're trying out
for the Roundup band.

Me too.

Good luck.
Hope you don't choke.

It's like she's nice and mean.

Pick a lane already!

I didn't know Gem
was auditioning.

There goes my dream
of being lead singer.

there's something I want,

Gem always goes up against me

and snatches it away.

So? Just because
she's auditioning,
it doesn't mean you can't.

I know I shouldn't let it
bother me,

but ever since we competed

in the Little Miss Valley View

Gem's always had a way
of getting into my head.

She pointed and laughed at me
the entire time.

I felt so self-conscious

I tapped dance
right off the stage.

Well, it could've been worse.

You could've been
Little Miss Valley View.

Look, you want that lead singer
spot more than anything

and you're talented
enough to get it.

I'm not letting you back down
because of Gem.

-I don't know.

You need to start acting
like a villain.

We don't back down
from anyone ever.

You are trying out for that band
and I'm gonna be there
to support you.

Or catch if you
fall off the stage,

which apparently
is a real concern.

Hartley, you're gonna be fine.

You have an amazing voice.

That's half the battle
to being a great singer.

What's the other half?

Looks but you're not supposed
to say that.

Hey, Hartley.

And Hartley's friend.

Again, it's Amy,
but I know

that's a big word
for you to remember.


There's so much tension
in the air.

It kinda reminds me the time
we competed against each other

for a part in the school play.

You know, the one
where I played the lead

and you... didn't.

Good luck.

You know, she says good luck

but I'm starting to think
she might not mean it.

All right. Please welcome
our first audition, Hartley.

Oh, Amy,
I don't think I can do this.

Yes, you can.
You got this.

You're right.
I got this.

Can we try that again?

Come on, Hartley.

Yeah, give it everything
you've got.

Even though it isn't enough.

I can't do this.


So much for my competition.

I have got this on lock.

Not if I have anything
to do with it.

-Oh, nothing.

You are going down.

-Are you talking to me?
-No, mind your own business.

Open up.
I know you're in there.



Be a love, shape-shift into me

so I don't have to deal
with her.

I don't have all day.

Well, I do.

But I don't wanna waste it
on y'all.

I just came to let you know

I installed security cameras
around the property.

Oh, well...

If this is about

the missing tomatoes
from your garden,

I'm betting a deer stole them.

Or ate them.

I don't know what deer do.

Well, they don't like you
to ride them.

That much I know is true.

So what's with
the security camera, Celia?

Trying to stay safe
from criminals?

Or helping criminals
stay safe from you?

By the way,
thanks for stopping by.

I suppose to tell you,
you might be recorded

since one of my cameras
is facing your house.

That's the law, according
to the chief of police,

AKA my boo.

Wait, what part of the house?

-The back door.
-That back door?

Why's y'all talking to me?

Sorry, he was cuter
when he was little.

Now, why is this child
talking to me?

Anyway, I can use this app
to watch all the footage.

I just need to read
the instructions

and figure out how it works,

which is gonna be
way more exciting

than sitting around
listening to you, people.

This is bad.

So I stole a few tomatoes.

Hey, it might be the least
evil thing I've ever done.

No, I think Celia's camera
caught me using my power.

That's on me.
I had him shape-shift

into a key
when we got locked out.

I wasn't shape-shifting.

I didn't wanna tell you guys,

but there's something
else I can do.

The camera might've
caught me doing this.

You have super speed?

Either that or those are really
cool shoes with wheels.

You mean these?

They only go this fast.

Yeah, I was disappointed, too.

Okay, how can I have both
shape-shifting and super speed?

Villains are only supposed
to get one type of power.

Yeah. I mean,
Jake's a strength-based,

Amy's a sonic-based,
mine are electrical,

and your father lives here, too.

Hold up,

are we really not
gonna talk about dad's shoes?

Look, while having two powers
is certainly unique,

it's not completely unheard of.

Why didn't you tell us?

Yeah. I could've sent you

to get my breakfast
and my lunch.

And then maybe
a little afternoon treat

at the macaron shop.

No, it's macaroon.

I am not getting into this
with you again.

It doesn't matter
what it's called.

I wouldn't wanna go.
That's why I didn't tell you.

Because I knew you'd all take
advantage of my new power.



Okay, whenever I leave
the house now,

I kick it into super speed

as soon as I'm out
the back door.

So I guarantee it's gonna
show up on Celia's cameras.

Once she figures out that app,

she's gonna learn
the truth about us.

Unless we delete the footage

on her phone
before she sees it.

We need to get Celia
back here quick.

Did someone say "quick?"

Our next audition is Gem.

Time for a little
vocal manipulation.

That is not my voice.

One, two, three.

Well, thank you for...

whatever that was.

Let's take a break.

What did you do?

I used my powers
to sabotage her audition.

Why would you do that?

Come on, Hartley,
after all the time

she's messed with your head?

I think the real question is,
why wouldn't I?

Look, we shouldn't stoop
to her level.

Even though she's horrible
and has ruined a lot

of good things for me totally,
has it coming,

we're not stooping to her level.

Hartley, I'm a villain.

Stooping is all I know.

Amy, all you did
was make me feel like

I can't beat her on my own.

But if we're being honest,
probably can't.

Hartley, please don't give up.
Maybe I went a little too far.

But in the villain world,
we do whatever it takes to win.

We're not in the villain world.

I know. It's like you have
to pay for everything here.

Like I said, I was just
trying to protect you.

And I appreciate it.

But I wanted to beat Gem
the right away.

With my own voice.

Look, we can fix this.

I'll go back and convince them

to give you another chance.

You'd do that for me?

Of course.

And for Gem, too?

What? No. Ew.

Why? No. Ew.

I need to prove to myself
that I can get this gig.

How can I do that
if Gem's out of the competition?


But if I do this for you,

will you do something for me
at your next audition?

Let me guess,
not let Gem into my head?

I was gonna ask you
to pick me up a Taco Party Pack,

but yeah, that works, too.

Celia's on her way back over.

We have to get our hands
on that phone

so we can delete the footage

of Colby using his power.

I have an idea.

Oh, you've done enough, speedy.

Just follow my lead.

I'm a master of improv.

I'm back.
Why'd you call me over?

I got nothing.
You're captain now.

Hello. Celia, we were thinking

that you
might like a nice portrait.

And I could take it for you
using your phone.

Why do you think
I invented selfies?

You invented selfies?

All I know is,
I was doing this back in 1975.

I guess it just caught on.

Well, then, why don't you
give me your phone

and then I can take a nice wide
shot of you with everyone else?

After all,
we're one big family now.

-That's quite an assumption.
-That we're family?

No, that I'd want
your weird faces on my phone.

Wait, Celia.

You play that Word-O puzzle
every day, don't you?

Sure do. I'm a Word-O wiz.

Well, I'm bit
of a Word-O nerd-O myself.

-Wanna compare high scores?

Touch my phone and it'll take
more than six guesses

to find your body.

This is why I don't look you
in the eyes when we talk.

What are you all up to?

Nobody touches my phone but me.

At least I can figure out how to
make certain pictures private.

Oh, but you know
what I did figure out?

How to use my security app.

Time to check my footage.

Our cover's blown.

She obviously saw Colby
use his power.

Well, at least we avoided seeing
those pictures

she was talking about.

Sorry, audition's over
for the day.

Oh, I'm not here to audition.

I came to talk to you
about my friend, Hartley.


Oh, yeah, run off the stage

into the bathroom girl.

So she was memorable. Great.

She's actually
a really good singer.

She was just nervous.

Is there any you could give her
a second chance?

Well, right now,
our frontrunners

are the drummer's mom

and a girl who yodel-raps,

so I think we're open to it.


Also, and I can't believe

I'm about to ask this.

Would you give Gem
another shot too?

Feel free to say no.

Sure. Why not?

Her deep voice
is oddly soothing.


Hey, are those custom


You know your guitars?

Yeah. Can I try it out?

Sick shred.

Thanks. I used to sing and play
in my own band.


Hey, me and the band
were just working out

a new version of our song.

Is there any chance

you'd wanna take vocals
so we can hear it?

Oh, yeah, sure. Why not?

Hartley sings lyrics nonstop,
so I know all the words.

Great. Let's jam.

One, two, three, four.

Wow, that was awesome.

Thanks and thanks again for
giving Hartley a second chance.

I'm gonna go give her
the good news.

No need. Our decision's made.

We want you to be
our lead singer.


You look awfully excited.

That's because I'm here to nail
my new audition

and my spirit is strong.

You are not getting back
in here, girlie.

This is a Gem-free zone.

And what makes you think
you have another audition?

Isn't that why you're here?

Amy got both of us
another chance

to try out for lead singer.


She got herself an audition

and now
she's the new lead singer.


Your so-called friend
pulled a fast one on you.

She wouldn't do that.

I'm not gonna stand here
and listen to you spread

nasty rumors
about my best friend.

Oh, that's cute
that you have her back.

Too bad she didn't have yours.

Hey, what's going on?

I was just showing her
this video

of the band's new lead singer.

How could you do this to me?

-Hartley, wait, I...

You didn't even have to play
any mind games

to crush her dreams.


That was really evil.

And if you ever hurt her again,

I promise, you will remember
my name.

At least no one brought up
that weird thing

that happened to my voice.

Still got it.

It's been hours
since Celia saw that footage.

I got all the essentials in case
we need to make a quick escape.

Like cash, toilet paper,
and a backpack full of cereal.


Oh, by the way,
I spent all your money,

used all your toilet paper,
poured milk in your backpack,

and ate your cereal.

Celia! Wonderful of you to stop
by without any feds,

which is what we call people
who've just eaten

because they've been fed.

Stop me anytime.

Celia, you left
so suddenly before.

By the way, why did you leave
so suddenly before?

Let's not make this weird.

We all know I saw something
on the footage

that made me so upset
I had to go hatchet tossing.

Well, that's one way to cope
with something shocking.

We're dead.

Celia, whatever you saw
in that footage,

we just want you to know
we're trying to keep

a low profile.

We don't wanna

expose ourselves too much.

Believe me, I saw plenty.

And you should be ashamed
of yourself.

-Yes, you.

Are we talking
about the same thing?

You tell me.


Oh, dude, no!

What is wrong with you?

I could never unsee that.

Oh, like you're all so perfect.

You act like you've never felt
the crisp morning on your--


So Celia, aside
from Vic's undergarments,

is there anything else
you saw on the footage?

Just a mama bird mouth
feeding her baby.

So wholesome.

Unlike your filthy little movie
I had to watch.

Celia, you have my word.

I will never again walk outside

of the house sans pants.

-It's sans.
-Seriously, Eva,

I can't with you.

I don't need your word.

I took down
all the security cameras.

I'd rather be robbed blind
than see that again.

Hartley, wait, turn around
so I can talk to you.


So you can s*ab me in the front
instead of the back?

Would you please
just hear me out?

I'm sorry.

I know what it looked like
back there,

but I promise you
it's not what you think.

Gem is still trying to get
in your head but this time

she's trying
to turn you against me.

You're really gonna blame her?

You're the one
who went behind my back

to get the lead singer spot.


I went to get you and Gem
another audition.

I started talking guitars
with the band

and the next thing I knew,
we were jamming it.

After we finished,
they offered me the spot.

What's the difference?

-You're still the lead singer.
-No, I'm not.

What Gem doesn't know
is I turned them down.

Wait, really?

Hartley, I would never hurt you.

You should know that.

You're right.

I do know that.

You've never done anything
to hurt me.

I shouldn't have doubted you.

I get it.

You wanted that spot really bad.

I did.

But none of this
wouldn't have happened

if I would've just believed
in myself

like you told me to.

For all the times I've come down

on you for being a villain,

this time,
your instinct was right.

I knew you'd come
to the dark side.

Oh, finally, I can tell you
about all the bad stuff

I've been doing in secret.

You know, Amy, with you,
I've come to realize

that the less I know,
the better.

But from now on,
I'm gonna stand up for myself

and not back down to anyone.

Well, anyone except my grandma.

Yeah, she scares me, too.

Well, I guess I'll have to tuck
away my singing dream
for another day.

Why? You could still go
on audition.

Don't let that amazing voice
go to waste.

You have an amazing voice, too.

Wait a second.

I have a better idea.

What if we just start
our own group?

So everyone saw Dad
in his underwear.

Get it out of my head.
Get it out of my head.

I don't understand.

You can build a device

that sends people
to other dimensions

and you can't tie a knot
in a bathrobe?

No, too tricky.

What am I, a sailor?

I still don't understand.

If Colby was clearly

using his super speed on camera,

how is it not on any
of Celia's footage?

Because I deleted it.


Yeah, when Celia put her phone
down, I just scrolled through

and deleted the footage.

-She had no idea.
-That's impossible.

Even with your super speed,
we would've seen you do it.

It wasn't my super speed.

I didn't know how to tell you,

but there's something else
I can do.

It's something
totally unexpected.

-Well, spit out.
-Yeah, hurry up.

I don't know,
I kinda like the intrigue.


I got another power.

You got another power?

How is that even possible?

Every generation has one villain
with multiple types of power.

What does that mean?


I think you're the chosen one.