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01x13 - Friend or Foe

Posted: 12/06/22 11:56
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Previously on
The Villains of Valley View.

I didn't want to tell you guys

but there's something else
I can do.

You have super speed?

- I'm Hartley.
- Declan. Nice to meet you.

This is Oculon for Onyx.

It's clear
Havoc and her family

are here in Valley View.

I'll find them soon.

And they'll never see it coming.

[upbeat music playing]

Guess what.

I got an "A" today.


This is Tina Stevenson's test.

I didn't say it was my "A."

- Hey, Hartley.
- Hi, Declan.

I like your shirt.

The color
really makes your abs pop...

I mean, your eyes pop!

Thanks. You're so cute
you make any color pop.


Sup, J?

'Sup, Dec.

Okay, who was that
and what was that?

Declan. He's a new student
from Chicago.

I'm kinda crushing on him.

Yeah, kind of got that

from the way your jaw
hit the table

and your tongue
rolled out like a rug.

Did you know about this?

- The Hartley/Declan thing?
- Yeah.

We went
mini-golfing last week.

Well, they golfed, I caddied.

Why didn't anybody tell me?
I tell you everything!

You didn't tell me
when you "borrowed" 20 bucks

from my wallet yesterday.

That's 'cause
you caught me in the act.

If you want a confession,

you gotta let me
commit the crime!

Okay. Look, the reason
I've been keeping Declan

a secret from you is...

I didn't want you
to ruin things.

I'm sorry.

What did you just say?

Oh, boy. What's that, Dec?

I hope you're right there, Dec.
See ya.

Why would I ruin things?

Because you don't trust anyone!

You assume
everyone's got a hidden agenda!

That is not true.

Five minutes ago
you threatened to sue

the lunch lady
for short-changing me.

- She's a crook!
- She's 80!

She's an experienced crook!

Look, Hartley, I know
you're kindhearted and trusting,

but sometimes people
can take advantage of that.

I know that because I'm usually
one of those people.

But I can also
help protect you from it.

Being trusting
doesn't make me naive.

It's only been
a couple of weeks

but Declan
seems like a good guy.

I think you should
give him a chance.

That's kinda hard to do
when I haven't even met him yet.

Okay, okay. Fair enough.
I'll introduce you.

And, if things go well,

maybe we could all go

Yeah, probably not.

The Putt Putt Palace
banned me for swinging

my club at things
other than a ball.

Oh, so that's why the windmill
was down to one blade.

Oh, there's that lunch lady!

Time to get your money back!

Come here, Gladys!

Oh, don't you scoot away
from me!

Hit the turbo, Gladys.
Hit the turbo!


This is Oculon for Onyx.

Havoc and her family
are blending

into Valley View
better than we expected.

But I've located
the perfect person

to help identify them.

She's naive, trusting,

and she's gonna lead us
straight to our targets!

[foreboding music playing]

Theme music playing...

Season 01 Episode 13

Episode Title: " Friend Or Foe"
Aired on: October 14, 2022.


Have you ever noticed
our history teacher

dresses like he's still
in high school?

Yeah. Our history books
and his fashion sense

both stop in 1985.


- Good one, Dec!
- Give me some.

Uh, yeah, we're not there yet.

Wow! Who knew you two
would be hitting it off so well.

Yeah, we actually
have a lot in common.

We both like
making fun of people.

You crack me up, Amy.

You're way funnier
than the kids back in Detroit.

Wait, Detroit?

Hartley told me
you were from Chicago.

Detroit's pretty far from there.

I think.
Got a "D" in geography.

That's true.
You did say you're from Chicago.

Oh, well
I moved around a lot as a kid.

And I didn't have many friends.

Unless you count the movers.

Did I mention
I don't have friends?

Come on, I'll introduce you
to some people.

Oh, by the way, when you meet
a guy named Ralph,

don't look him in the eye.

It's a whole thing.

[locker closes]

Jake! Declan just told me
he's from Detroit!

So, what, now you hate Motown?

No, Hartley told me
he said he was from Chicago.

Well, did he have
an explanation?

Yeah, but something
about it just felt wrong.

Look, Amy, when we were
in the villain world,

we always worry
people are out to get us

probably because we're numbers
two through six

on the most wanted list.

But here things are different,

you can't just condemn
someone on a gut feeling.

I'm just worried about Hartley.

I mean, if her new crush
is a liar, she should know.

Look, I've gotten to know Declan
and he's a good guy.

He didn't even cheat
at mini-golf. And believe me,

he really should've cheated
at mini-golf.

Fine. If you and Hartley
both like the guy,

I'll leave it alone.

It's time to focus
on the real menace,

our history teacher
and his fashion crimes.

Give it up, Mr. Morris.

We all know it's a tie,
not a piano.


Mom should be home any minute

and it's her first day of work
since we got to Texas,

so we should make her
feel really proud

unless she thinks
the banner says it all

then we can just leave.

Wait. The last time we tried

to congratulate Mom
on a job thing,

we were blown out of our lair
by a giant fireball.

So are we sure
we want to do this again?

Uh, yes.

Plus now, she's working
at Little Duke's Pizza

so if we're nice maybe she can
nab us some garlic knots.

Oh, sh**t,
I forgot the balloons.

- I gotcha.
- [balloons popping]

Fun fact, balloons
and super-speed do not mix.

ALL: Congratulations!

- How's your first day, Mom?
- [groans]


This is how
the last one started.

Here comes the fireball!

That Little Duke
is a big grouch.

Really? He seems
so happy on the pizza box.

Plus he's got
that fun handlebar mustache

that's just beggin'
to be twirled.

I'm trying to grow one.

I know. We all laugh

when your one little hair
blows in the wind.

The worst part
is Little Duke's super slow

at making pizzas.

And since
I mostly get paid in tips,

I'm hardly making any money!

Oh, I'm sorry
you had a bad day, honey.

Is that pizza for us?

No, I'm supposed to deliver it
to the Greenblatts.

I just stopped home to complain.

Could be another reason
why you're not getting any tips.

I also ate a slice.

And there's another reason.

Eva, I have a thought.

Who needs Little Duke's
when I can build a super-powered

pizza oven that makes pizzas
ten times as fast as he can?

And since super-speed is one
of my multiple new powers,

I can use it
to deliver the pizzas

door-to-door in seconds!

We'll get huge tips!

Colby, that's a great idea.

You know,
I think it's time

you all start calling me
by my new name:

The Chosen One.

[all groan]

I wish we could choose
another one.

If you all saying
that my new job

is you all doing the work

while I sit around
and count the money?

Well, then I accept.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Little Duke's
has been around for years

and they're the most popular
place in town for a reason.

You can't beat quality
with quantity.

We wouldn't be competing
with Little Duke,

we would be replacing him.

I'll re-direct
his orders to our phone line

and we'll take all his business!

What?! No way. Count me out.

- Jake, do you love your mom?
- Yes.

Do you want her
to be successful at her job?

- Yes.
- Do you want to be the face

of "Little Jake's Pizza"?

Do I get a mustache?

Oh, yeah.

Let's go sell some pies!

[rock music playing]

Monica. Shy book worm,
gets straight A's.

Definitely not our target.

Snarky rule-breaker.

Might be a possibility.

Might just need a hug.

Declan, what are you doing?

Oh, hey, Amy.

Uh, I was just setting myself
a reminder.

Gotta hit the gym class.
See ya.

A reminder to what?

To say weird stuff
about people into your watch?

Something's up with this dude.

DECLAN: Valley View,
day one of my search for...


What are you doing in my locker?

I'm waiting. What are you up to?

- What are you up to?
- What are you up to?

- What are you up to?
- Hey.

What are you two up to?

I came back
to get my sneakers

and I caught Amy
going through my locker.

What? Amy, is that true?

Only because he was recording
weird notes on his watch.

That's right. Detroit Declan's
a little dodgy.

- I can show you.
- Be my guest.

Reminder to buy Hartley

Aww. That's the weird note?

FYI, I'm a daisy girl.

No, when I played
this memo before,

it was something
completely different.

Let me try another one.

I may be late to the game,

but I think I'm starting
to get this whole K-Pop thing.

Am I right or am I right?

You're a K-popper?
I'm a K-popper.

Okay. K-pop later.
Something is up here!

Yeah! You're violating
someone's privacy!

Hartley, you gotta believe me.
I know what I heard.

He's definitely taking notes
on other students.

So what?

He's new here and wants
to learn who everyone is.

That's why we're going
to the Round Up

so I can go
through the yearbook with him

and give him
the scoop on everybody.

And you don't think
that's weird?

I mean, why would he
invite you out,

just to talk
about other people?

Because he's trying
to make friends.

You know what it was like
when you first moved here.

You didn't know anyone
and now you're friends with...

a few people.

You're being generous.

This is why
I didn't want to tell you

- about him in the first place.
- [sighs]

I like Declan.
He wants to buy me flowers.

No one's ever bought me flowers
but my grandma.

And I'm not even sure
those were meant for me.

The card read:
"Sorry for your loss."

do not mess this up for me.


I don't know
what you're up to

but I know what I heard.


I have no idea
what you're talking about.


Restore deleted messages.

You just got Dec'd.

find a new catchphrase.

[phone ringing]

Thanks for calling
Little Jake's.

Yeah, it's Jake now,
Little Duke died.

Well, I'm glad you liked
your pizza, Mrs. Musero!

No, we can't tell you
our secret recipe!

By the way,
what is our secret recipe?

Oh, it's the same
as Little Duke's.

I scanned their pizza and copied
the ingredients to a tee!

Well, almost.

The dough's made
of the same synthetic polymer

I used to make
your clone's skin!

Yeah, I'll just stick
with "we can't tell her."

Sorry it took so long.

I had to make a pit stop

and that's not
something you want

to super-speed through.

But check out
this huge tips I got.

[gasps] Don't just stand there,
show mama the money.

[shouts, laughs]

I love my new job!

[phone ringing]

Little Jake's,
can you please hold?

Little Jake's,
can you please hold?

Please hold.
Please hold. Please hold.

Word is out
about our delivery time!

Orders are flying in faster
than we can make 'em.

You know what that means?

That we're a success?

No, that we need to go faster!


I tweaked the machine
so the pizzas box themselves.

Now let's speed this baby up!

Please hold.
Pleas hold, Please hold.

Little Jake's pizza.

No, we do not
have garlic sticks!

Or cinnamon sticks!

Or mozzarella sticks!

We're Little Jake's Pizza,

not Little Jake Sticks.

COLBY: I can't see
where I'm going.

That's okay. Just don't
super speed in any walls.

We won't be able
to tell you from the pizza.

Why am I here?
Your family moving out?

Brought the paperwork
just in case.

You know, Ceals,
I've been thinking.

- Don't call me Ceals.
- Got it.

We don't hang out much,
you and me.

There's a reason for that.


Anyway, I was wondering
if you could do me a favor.

Do you remember the last time
I did someone a favor?

- No.
- Me neither.

- Wait! It's about Hartley.
- What about Hartley?

I can't put my finger on it
but there's something up

with this guy Declan that
she's been hanging out with.

And she doesn't want me
getting involved.

- Can't say I blame her.
- That's why I'm turning to you.

Can't say I blame you.

Hartley won't listen to me
but there is one person

she always listens to...

Say it...

- Her grandmother.
- Good girl.

Maybe you could
check him out tonight

and see if you notice
anything unusual.


So you want me to go down

to the Round Up

and spy
on my granddaughter's date?

- Well, I mean only if...
- I'm in!

Oh! I'll go get
my suction cup spy shoes.

Spy shoes?
Why do you have those?

I'd tell you but then
I'd have to k*ll you.

[snickers] Good one.

Do you see me laughing?

-== [ ] ==-

Wow, so you sing, too?

Seems like you're good
at everything.

Well, I wouldn't say that.
But you can.

Hey, would it be cool
if we look at your yearbook?

Oh. Right. Sure.

I want to hear about everyone.
And don't leave anything out.

The more I know about someone,

the more it helps me
remember them.

And if I say yes,
no, or maybe after it,

- just ignore it.
- Okay.

Well, that's Stella Reed.
Definite troublemaker.

Tim Futternutter,
good guy, bad last name.

- And that's...
- Wait,

tell me more about Stella Reed.

What kind of troublemaker?

And is she from Valley View
or new like me?

There! You see what I mean?

You expect me to hear that?

I told you
we should have burned the table.

I'm gonna tip-toe
a little closer.

[suction cups popping]


What do you have plungers
on the bottom of those things?

I thought we were gonna
drop down from the ceiling.

Then I remember
this is an amateur operation.

So that's the rest
of the freshmen.

How about some chips and salsa?

I'm guessing you're a hot guy.

I mean, you like it hot.

I mean, the salsa.

You know what?
Let's just go with the guac.

Sounds good.

- Seems like a polite boy to me.
- Don't let him fool you.

Now that she's leaving,
he's gonna do something weird.


Oh, he's pouring water.

What a waste of my time.

I charged my night-vision
goggles for nothing.

Night vision goggles?

What exactly did you think
was gonna happen here?

You never know
when you're gonna have

to chase someone
through the woods.

Just trust me, something's
gonna happen. Keep watching.

Oh, look, I bet he's gonna
steal that guy's wallet.

Excuse me, sir?

You dropped this.

That's it?

The only thing
that boy did wrong

was not check him down
for finder's fee.

I'm gonna go introduce myself.

Feel free to leave.

- [suction cups popping]
- No, wait!

What are you doing here?

And why are you wearing
your spy shoes?

Your friend Amy wanted me
to spy on you and Declan

because she thinks he's weird.


Oh, was this not my house?

I'm still pretty new
to the area.

I don't know
how much more I can take.

We've delivered
two thousand pizzas,

how many slices of hot synthetic
skin can this town eat?


I can't do this anymore.
I'm exhausted.

The Chosen One
is choosing to quit.

I never thought I'd say this,

but there's
too much money to count!

I'm officially rich
and miserable.

I quit, too!

Well, we can't quit now!

My oven is making pizza
faster than ever.

She won't stop making pizzas.

That's right,
I made it too good!

How could you have
made it "too good"

when you made it worse?
This was your terrible idea!

Well, it's partly Colby's too!
Blame him.

He's old enough to shame!

You sure you want to do that?

I saw what you put
in the sausage.

No, that's actually
what they really put in sausage!

Jake, why did you
stop taking orders?

We don't close
for three more hours.

Three more hours! [Sobs]

I just got off the phone
with a very angry customer.

- Who?
- Little Duke!

Did he say
what it was regarding?

Little Duke, we're sorry.

After careful consideration,
we now realize

that poaching the business
you worked your entire life

to establish may have been
the wrong thing to do.

Here's your money.

And here's your mustache. Ow!

I just pulled my one hair out.

Don't worry. You'll grow
another one in a few years.

So what time
shall I come in tomorrow?


Aww, there's that
Little Duke smile!

And that's what we get for
trying to work for our money.

It's bad enough that you were
spying on me and Declan

but now you've roped in
my grandma, too?

The woman has an interrogation
kit in the trunk of her car.

I wouldn't say I roped her in.

Look, I know you think
I'm overreacting

but I swear I'm only trying
to protect you.

Well, guess what,
because of all your prying,

now Declan thinks you're the one
I shouldn't trust.

He's been asking all sorts
of questions about you.

What kind of questions?

How I know you.

What kind of person you are.

How long you've been here.


Someone can't mind
their own business.

Yeah. Next thing you know,

he'll be breaking
into my locker.


Look, don't worry,
I protected you.

I told him
we were life-long friends.

If anyone asks,

we met at the Williams
sisters' tennis camp.

Team Venus, Team Serena.

Thanks for having my back.

And I hope you know
all I was trying

to do was have yours.

And I appreciate it.

But can you at least try
to be a little more trusting?

Believe me.
I want to be

but I can't shake the feeling

that something's off
with Declan.

HARTLEY: I mean, I don't see it

but it's possible
I could be blinded

by his absolutely
charming personality.

Okay, that one I did on purpose.

But if it makes you
feel any better

maybe I could take things
a bit slower

until I really get to know him.

- That's all I ask.
- Good.

Because that's all
I'm willing to give.

Well, since you and Grandma
already crashed my date

we might as well
make it a group thing.

I'll order us some tacos.


And I'll watch you pay for them.

Gotta say,
that Amy is a whole thing.

You're telling me.

It's been one strange thing
after another

since her family showed up
in town a few months ago.

- A few months ago?
- Yeah.

That's when they moved here.

So Amy and Hartley
aren't life-long friends?

What? They've only been friends
for a few months

and I'm still trying
to talk her out of it.

So Amy's not from Texas?

Can you picture that girl
in a cowboy hat?

No, her family moved from...

Come to think of it,

they never really did give me
a straight answer

- on where they're from.
- Really?

That's odd.

Her whole family's odd.

Her dad's always bragging
about how smart he is.

If he was that smart, he'd buy
a comb for that porcupine head.

And don't get me started
on her mother and two brothers.

- Two brothers?
- Yeah. They're all shifty.

Always acting startled when I go
into their house uninvited.

You know, like,
they've got something to hide.

Hey, everything okay?

Everything's great.

Well, I hope you all like pizza

because we're gonna be eating it
for your next meal

and your last meal.

Why does my crust have a rash?

Don't ask.

Well, even though it turned out
to be a complete disaster,

thank you all for trying to
help me succeed at my new job.

And thank you all
for reminding me

that it's not worth
selling your soul

for a fake mustache.

[foreboding music playing]

This is Oculon for Onyx.

I've identified Havoc
and her family.

Next step,

to get inside their home

so I can strike
when they least expect it.

See you soon, "Maddens."