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01x17 - Bad Energy

Posted: 12/06/22 12:00
by bunniefuu
AMY: Previously on The

Villains of Valley View

- Milo!

- You stole my accelerator belt.

- Aha!

- We will give you the helmet

if you promise

- to not tell anybody about us.

- Deal.

This is Oculon for Onyx.

I've identified Havoc and her family.

NEXT STEP: To get inside their home.

See you soon Maddens.


I'm sure you're all wondering

why I've gathered you here.

Nah. We just assume you wanna show off

another one of your

half-baked creations.

So we're just gonna smile and nod a lot

to speed things up.

Glad you know your

place in this household.

Colby, I know your last

Flashform helmet didn't work out.

"Didn't work out"?

I have a permanent ring around my neck

from where it cut off

the oxygen to my brain.

Let's be honest, how much oxygen

was really getting up there, huh?

Anyway, I made you a new one!

Why do I even need a helmet?

Because you're a newbie,

and you need the added protection.

Which is why this

helmet has X-ray vision,

Force field Activation,

and this right here


is your back-up cam!

Got one of those for Mom's car?

[SCOFFS] You back into

three hot dog stands,

and suddenly, you're a bad driver!

I just need to transfer

the Teleportation Module

from the old helmet to this new one.

See, if you're ever in trouble,

just push the button,

it'll teleport you back to the lair.

Hold up. Uh, so, anyone

wearing that helmet

can just push that button

and end up in the lair?

Yep. And why are you asking questions?

Shouldn't you be smiling and nodding?

Colby, go grab the old helmet.

I'll get the tools

ready for the transfer.

What are we gonna do? We

gave Colby's old helmet

to that kid Milo so he wouldn't

tell anyone about the lair.

Wait. So you gave the Flashform helmet

to the quirky kid at

school? And at any moment,

he could teleport into our lair?

Oh, that's delightful! [LAUGHS]

I never told your

father, because he'd freak

if he knew Milo had been in the lair.

OK, well, he's gonna be back any minute.

What are we gonna tell him?

I will stall your father.

You two go find Milo

and get that helmet back!

Well, aren't you gonna help?



Go for Oculon.

You've kept me waiting long enough.

Did you find Havoc

and her family or not?

I'm telling you, Onyx, I'm pretty sure

this family I'm tracking is them.

I don't have time for "pretty sure"!

Find proof now, or

you'll be brought back

to Centropolis to face the consequences!

Do I make myself clear? [EXCLAIMS]

Crystal clear. I'll get in that house

and find all the proof you need.

I won't let you down.


We gotta get my helmet back.

How do we find that Milo kid?

Oh, just follow the

world's most annoying voice.

MILO: Gather round, my peeps!

[GROANS] What did I tell ya?

Behold, the newest addition

to Milo's magnificent superhero

memorabilia collection:

Blue Boulder's underpants!

Come on! They're special,

'cause they're used!

Hey, Milo, is this a bad time?

If it is, I don't care.

We're talking anyway.

You! The cause of all my suffering!

Yeah. It's kinda my thing.

We need Flashform's helmet back.

That cursed helmet is

what I'm talking about!

You said Flashform was

gonna be a huge supervillain,

and I showed it to everyone!

But he never emerged,

and now they all think I'm a joke!

Oh. Milo, don't be so hard on yourself.

You know, I'm pretty sure

they were thinking that before.

No one will hook me up

with the good stuff anymore.

And I'm back to being a social outcast.

All because Flashform is

too lame to show himself.

Well, if he even exists.

Oh, he definitely exists!

And he's the most dangerous

supervillain around!

Uh, no, Milo, i it's

true. Flashform is lame.

You know, I heard he

quit being a supervillain

because he got an

"ouchie" from a mall cop.

So you should have no problem

giving us that helmet back.

- It's yours.

- Sweet!

For $1800.

- Not sweet.

- But

[SIGHS] You just said Flashform's a dud.

No one would even want it.

True. But you want it.

- And I am a businessman.


So let me know when you're

ready to talk turkey.

Oh, we're ready. Unless

turkey means money,

we don't have any of that.

Well then, I think we're done here.

And don't even try to steal the helmet.

My new Doberman, Shotzee,

doesn't play around.

Except when I rub her belly. [LAUGHS]

Then she's real silly!

But not with intruders!

Well, I can't imagine why people

don't want to spend time with him.

- Where's Colby?

- Mm?

School ended an hour ago,

I told him I needed his

old Flashform helmet.

Oh, honey, that's on you.

You know none of us

listen when you talk.

Mom. Dad. Celia wants to talk

to you. It sounds important.

Well, quick! Close the door!

Tell her we're not home!

Too late, I've breached the entrance.

I tried to stop her, but

she hurdled a rosebush.

Do you know what this is?

A letter from your

prison pen pal in Uruguay?

It's the electricity bill.

Your electricity bill.

Which I pay for.

And you want me to thank you?

No, I want you to

explain why it's so high.

I haven't seen this many

zeroes in one place since

right now.

It can't be that high. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, it is that high!


obviously your villain lair.


Uh Grandma,

I'm sure the power

company made a mistake.

I mean, that bill is astronomical.

Right, Jake?

Yeah. Yeah. There's

no way a normal family

could use that much

power. And we're normal.

So they must be wrong.

Back to you, Hartley.

OK, Celia, I'll call the power company.

I'll get to the bottom of this.

You better. Or else

I'm gonna call them to investigate

what's sucking up all

that energy. And trust me,

you don't want a meter-reader

reading more than your meters.

- What do we do?

- According to this,

the power company has a

"Green Energy" rebate program!

They'll refund half the bill if

we show we're conserving energy.

Great. We just have

to come up with a plan

to save energy and keep the bill low,

and then Celia never

finds out about the lair.


[GASPS] I better go help her.

Looks like the rosebush won this round.

MILO: That's right. From in here,

I know exactly what it's

like to be Flashform.

Milo, why are you wearing that helmet?

That's cute. Acting like

you don't know Flashform

revealed himself for the

first time last night.

- What?

- Yeah!

He sent out a video, and

it instantly went viral!

Check it out!

I am Flashform!

Watch as I go from nothing

to something!

Flashform can rock any form.

From flex

to T-rex!


A bubbling barrel of

flesh-eating slime?

Psh! That's nothing for Flashform!

Oh, no

Oh, yeah!

Which power was your

favorite? Mine was all of 'em.

You were right! Flashform is amazing.

And because you gave me this helmet,

I got all my cred back!

I'm never giving this thing up!

I know you're mad,

but did you see the part

where I was the dinosaur?

What were you thinking

making that video?

Look, you don't get it. You're

all established villains,

and I'm not. So when

Milo said I was lame,

I had to do something,

or I'd look like a loser.

OK, I understand,

but now that everyone

thinks Flashform's amazing,

Milo's never gonna give

us that helmet back!


See you here after next period

when you can all marvel again

at Flashform's amazing

And you're gone.

Uh, wow. Milo, this

whole Flashform thing's

really working out for ya.

Now I know why you

wanted the helmet so bad.

So people would follow you

like they're following me.

Well, too late. They love me.

And I love them loving me!

Uh, actually, it wasn't us

who wanted the helmet back.

It was Flashform himself.

Yeah, right. Like you know

an actual supervillain.

[CHUCKLES] Well, how else do

you think we got the helmet?

It didn't just fall from the sky.

- Flashform doesn't fly.

- At least, not yet.

He's gonna fly into that wall

if he doesn't stop talking.

Well, you clearly have

an inside connection.

Tell you what, I'll give

Flashform the helmet back.


- If he comes here to pick it up himself.

What? Wh He's not just

gonna come to our school,

like some toy

for show-and-tell.

Yeah, the dude's a beast.

At least he looked

like it in that video.

Can we watch it again?

But I'm sure we can get him

to meet you somewhere more private.

What does that do for me?

Only thing better than

having Flashform's helmet,

is having him beg me for it

in front of everyone.

Then there'd be no doubt

that I'm the coolest guy in school.

Yeah, I don't know if that's the best

- Deal.

- What?

Flashform will be here after school.

Then so shall I be!

You wanted to be a villain.

Don't get shy on me now.

Any luck with the electric bill?

My grandma's pretty upset.

I've been transferring my

power into these battery packs

all afternoon. We still

haven't stored enough power

to knock any money off the bill.

I'm all zapped out! [GROANS]

Wow. All those battles with superheroes,

and it's a utility bill

that took my mom down.

[ALL] Whoa!


That. Just that.

What is with the get-up?

Don't we have enough

to be embarrassed about?

Eva, you're off the hook.

I found a faster way

for us to store energy!

Just tell me when it's

safe to turn around.

What's all this?

It's our very own spin class!

Aw, honey, you're getting older.

An extra pound here

or there is expected.

People can pedal the bikes.

The energy they create

will be stored in battery packs!

The more classes we have,

the more power we'll save!

Dad, that's genius!

Don't you think I know that?

Jake, we've been over this.

Saying it out loud only makes him worse.

The best part is we can charge

people to take the classes!

Not only will they be saving us money,

they'll be giving us their money!


Hartley! Hey!

What are you doing here?

Normally, I'd be creeped

out by someone in the bushes,

but you pull it off.

I was looking for you.

And here you are. Good timing!

- What's with all the bikes?

- Oh!

The Maddens are holding spin

classes for the neighbors.

[GASPS] Maybe you can

be their first rider!

And I'm definitely not saying that

because I want to see

your amazing athleticism

in action. Heh. Heh. Heh.

Uh, sure. I'd love to help out.

[GASPS] Yay! We got our first spinner!

Splendid! That'll be $49.99.

It autobills monthly. And daily.

Glad to have you aboard,

Dec. Every spin class

needs a couple of buff dudes

to keep everyone motivated.

Great! Who else is coming?

COLBY: I don't know about this, Amy.

Usually, I'm all for

wearing my villain suit,

you know, since I never

got to be a villain

Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think

I RSVP'd to this pity party.

What's your point?

I just don't think it's a good idea

to be Flashform at school.

Why? No one knows it's

you. Plus, school's over.

There's probably not even

that many people here.


Well, it's a good

thing I said "probably,"

or this would be very embarrassing.

Well, well, well, you finally showed up.

Yes. I've traveled a

great distance to be here.

Like, way more than a

couple of miles, for sure.

So now you can just give me the helmet.

Not so fast. You got game, Flashform,

But like tee ball coach used to tell me:

You're playing for the wrong team, kid!

Team? What are you talking about?

You're Team Supervillain,

and I've always been

on Team Superhero,

which makes you my enemy!

Wait, what?


Then what was that whole thing

about you wanting him to come to school

so you could be popular?

[LAUGHS] Oh, I'm gonna be popular

when I destroy Flashform

in the name of superheroes everywhere!


This is not how I

pictured my villain debut.

Oh, yeah. No, I should have warned you.

People kind of hate us.

This is for the superheroes!

For the people of Texas!

And for all those who came before me!


OK! Tone it down, drama club.

Now would be a good time to use

that invisibility power of yours.

No way! The whole

reason I made that video

was to prove that Flashform isn't weak.

If I just turn invisible and run away,

that's exactly what they're gonna think.

Putting ego over common sense.

You are Dad's son.

Besides, he can't hurt

me. I can regenerate.

Good thing I brought my

anti-regeneration phaser.

On second thought, if

I've got invisibility,

I might as well use it!

Cool! He's using his invisibility!

Uh, I mean, whatever. It's OK.

C'mon, I'll track him down!

I'm gonna destroy this punk!



C'mon, let's get out of here!

No way. We've come too far.

We're getting that helmet back.

I've got a plan.

Welcome to Spinners and Losers!

I'm Vic, creator of the Vic-Cycle.

This meter measures the

class's collective energy.

So pedal hard and get

it above the red line!

What if we don't?

Then we'll lock you in your spin shoes,

and we won't let you leave until you do.

Let's kick it up!

How much more up could

we possibly kick it?


at least have any fun music?

No, that would take energy!

Just ride to the beat

- of Jake's nose whistle!


You can hear that?

I thought my wheel needed to be oiled.

Can you show me where the bathroom is?


Sure, any excuse to

get off of this thing.

The battery level is barely rising!

Why is the Tour de

France in my front yard?

We just invited some neighbors

by to get fit with us!

I didn't get an invite.

Did you want to get an invite?

I wanted to reject an invite.

Now, get these sweat sacks off my lawn!

I'm having a bad day!

Let's be honest, Ceals,

have you ever had a good day?

Have you ever regretted

saying something?

Dad! For once, Celia's bad day

might actually work in our favor.

I bet these riders would pedal

much harder if their "spin instructor"

directed all her rage at them!

I like it. Why ruin our day,

when we can ruin our neighbors' day?

Not exactly what I meant

Celia, how'd you like to

be our new spin instructor?

I don't even know how to spin!

But you do know how to yell at people.

Mic me.

OK, everyone, close your eyes.

Now, imagine an open road.

Now, imagine me

barreling up behind you

with two gas pedals and

the wrong pair of glasses!

Faster! Faster! Out of those seats!

Honk honk, roadkill!

You wanna be street meat?

I don't see any sweat!

Pedal! Medal! Pedal!

Bathroom's right through there.


Hey, would you mind

grabbing me some water?

Oh, no problem.


Well, I guess I scared Flashform away,

so victory is mine!


And now, I'll treat you all

to a celebratory cup of vegan fro-yo!

OK, I know what you're

thinking, but trust me.

If you pinch your nose,

the eggplant tastes just like chocolate.

Yeah. I got news for you, Milo.

Just because you can't see Flashform

doesn't mean he ran away.

He just strikes when

you least expect it.

Oh. You mean like this?

Oh. Hello.

Seriously? What do you have,

a superhero device for everything?

Pretty much.

This is how Blue Boulder

beat the Invisible Giant.

I recommend watching my

deep-dive analysis video

when you have five hours to spare.

You canbreak it up,

but it's better to just binge it.

- What do I do?

- Beats me.

Every part of my plan

involved you being invisible.

Any time you want to bring

something to the table,

be my guest.

Aah! It's a stun ray! I can't move!


Well, see, told you.

The time has come!

Before I destroy this

wretched supervillain,

I'm going to do the obvious.

What, tinkle in your superhero undies?

Unmask him!

That's right!

Not only am I not giving

his old helmet back,

- I'm taking his new one, too!

- Uh-oh.

Prepare to be unmasked, villain!

Guess that leaves me no choice.



What's going on?



Give me the helmet!

Uh Uh Never! [WHIMPERS]



You have kinetic manipulation?

Another new power? Oh, come on!

Helmet, now!

OK, OK, take it! It's yours!

Hide your hero!

Nice job. I know I don't

say this a lot, but

I'm happy you didn't die.

Check this out.


Thank you, thank you.

Be sure to follow my socials.


Can I at least have my backpack back?

Well, I was gonna rub

the loss in your face,

but you're kind of making me feel bad.

How dare you rob me

of that joy! [SCOFFS]

I only did this to look cool.

I figured if I took down a supervillain,

everyone would like me.

Milo [SIGHS]

People should like you

because of who you are.

Not because of what you have

or because you took down a supervillain.

I mean, if that's the only reason

they want to hang out with you,

they're not really your friends.

Yeah. I'm not good at the friend thing.

Dad says I'm an "acquired taste."

Well, he's not wrong.

But I'm also an acquired taste.

You know, when I first moved here,

I didn't have any friends, either.

I could see that.

When I let my guard down and

then gave people a chance,

it worked.

You just need to be yourself.

No memorabilia, no weapons.

Although, that thing is impressive,

and I will be borrowing it!

No problem.

I'd be happy to lend it to a friend?

And this friend would

be happy to take it.

But I can't promise I'll give it back.

Wow, Colby! That was impressive.

Not only did you get

the old helmet back,

but you showed everyone that Flashform

is not someone to be messed with.

Yeah, it was so cool to

actually be a villain.

Even if it was just for a day.

Plus, now I know I can do this!

Yeah, that's gonna get old real quick.

Come on, let's go tell

Dad we got the helmet.

You should consider keeping those bikes

on the front lawn all the time.

Something about belittling people

just makes me feel alive!

Glad we could help.

Oh, and by the way, good news,

I called the power company,

they're gonna cut 50

percent off the bill.

Yep, that's a savings of

Wait a second. Celia,

the high electricity usage

didn't come from our house.

It came from yours.

Huh, you're right.

Y'all take care!

[LAUGHS] Wait!

What exactly is going on at your place?

Do you pay my power bill?

- No.

- Then you don't need to know.


- So we went through all that work

to hold spin classes for nothing?

I wouldn't say nothing.

We got all the neighbors'

credit card numbers!

Hey, have you seen Declan?

I can't find him anywhere.

I thought he was with you.

Come on, there has to be some

kind of proof around here.

What is this thing?




This is Oculon for Onyx.

I have all the proof you need.

We got 'em.