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03x15 - Horror Show

Posted: 05/06/08 20:48
by bunniefuu
How many times have I told you, your store is growing too quickly.

You've never told me that.

Your books are a mess.

When have you ever seen my books?

I haven't seen your books, but I know you.

Let's focus, please.

Look, my friend Kylie's a financial whiz.

She could really help you.

Her father was the dean of the business school here before he d*ed.

Before that, he was my economics department advisor.

You were an economics major?

Yes, I was an economics major.

I was this close to getting my undergrad, ok?

In economics?

Yes, I can add, Melinda. I'm a big boy, ok?

Look, Kylie lost her merit scholarship.

That's her loss, but it's your gain.

Does she have the job or not?

Well, she might have, but she's a half an hour late, and it's my night to cook.

Well, I think I told her 7:30.

You cook? What do you cook?

Tell me about it.

Well, I make a great lasagna, you told her 7:00, and I can't hire someone who's flaky.

She's not flaky.

She's not. She's just...

She's troubled.

Why wouldn't you tell me that she's haunted?

'Cause I don't know if she's really haunted.

It could be anything.

She's skittish, she's nervous, she has a hard time focusing.

It could be any one of your college pitfalls.

It could be sex, dr*gs, guitar hero.

So you want me to give her a job just in case she has a ghost?

And if she doesn't, what do you want me to do then?

Clean her dorm room, do her laundry?

Melinda, this girl's father was my mentor.

Please. I'm begging you.

Hi! I'm sorry I'm late.

You're not late.

Late was 10 minutes ago.

You're in a different time zone, Kylie!

I know, I know, I'm just not sure what happened.

I said informal job interview.

I didn't mean that informal.

Oh, well, moving right along.

Kylie, Melinda, Melinda, Kylie.


It's just, it was really dark, and I really thought that someone was...


I'm sorry.

You went out on a limb for me, and I completely blew it.

I guess the, uh, the job is history.

No. No, not at all.

When do you want to start?

I knew you two kids would hit it off.

Can you see us? Oh, please don't tell me those are all this month's receipts.

No, actually, there's a bunch from April and March, January...

Hey, look, it's that dry cleaning receipt I've been looking for.

Do you think they're still going to have my coat after 6 months?

Well, it's worth giving it a try.

Hey, this student that you hired, what's her deal?

Uh, her name's Kylie, her grades slipped, and she's trying to get her scholarship reinstated.

I'm talking about her other deal.

What's the reason we hired her?

Well, I thought we weren't gonna talk about it.

You were just gonna do your thing, I was gonna do my thing, yada yada.

Yeah, except your thing kinda becomes my thing when you bring it into the store.

Well, is it really going to bother you that much even if you don't believe it's real?

No, I was just, you know, trying to know how I should act around her.

I don't want to step on any ghost toes.

Well, I really appreciate that.

Um, she has a ghost.

That's pretty much all I know so far.

Ok. Hey, I just want to remind you that I've got that appointment with Ned on Thursday, so I won't be here all day.

I've got it.

It's on the calendar.

Hi. Am I too early?

No, not at all.

I was just getting things organized for you.


Um, you know, about that...

You can't start today?

You don't want the job?

No! No! I just...

I just want to make sure Professor Payne didn't pressure you into this.

He has a way of pushing people.

Yeah, you noticed that, too?


So unless you, um, actually need my help, I...

Trust me, when you see the books. We need it.

Um, I'm just gonna grab my laptop, and then you can get to work.


So, how do you and Professor Payne actually know each other?

Oh, we have some of the same... interests.

Oh, my god!

Oh! Oh, my god!

They're all over me!

What is this?! What is this?! What is this?!

Get them off of me!

Oh, my god!

Are you ok?

Oh, my god, Melinda!

Go get Jim.


You're ok.

Finish it!

Finish it!

He was already on his way over.

Yeah, you could hear that crash all the way across the square.

Hey there, hi. My name's Jim.

All right, that's going to be sore for a little while.

You were very lucky that that's safety glass.

That could have been a lot worse.

Assuming how the definition of luck changes depending on how bad yours is.

Yeah, right, being att*cked by a swarm of flies, not lucky.

These things happen to you a lot?

Daily, yeah.

What kind of things, for example?


Thanks, Delia.

Melinda will be back any minute with some more ice for your arm.

Um, you know what, actually, I'm fine.

I'll just ice it back at the dorm.

I think you should come to the station with me and let me take a better look at that.

You know what, it's ok.

But thank you for everything.

At least let me drive you home.

No, I have a car.

It's ok.

Thank you.

So did you get a chance to debrief her?

No, she was gone before I got back.

Jim said she couldn't have gotten out of here fast enough.

Now, you're thinking this has something do with her father, right?

That's the first thing I thought of, and the second, frankly.

I mean, her father d*ed 4 years ago.

That's right around the time Kylie started going to Rockland University.

So why would he suddenly appear now?

Maybe he's disappointed in her studies.

I mean, she comes from a long line of academics.

Her grandfather founded the economics department.

Her father was a consultant for the World Bank before he retired to teach at Rockland U.

Her brother just graduated summa cum laude from here.

The ghost said "finish it."

I mean, I guess that could mean college.

Yeah, spoken just like Ben, except for the plastic head part.

It makes me wonder, if it is her father, why he wouldn't just talk to me directly.

And what's with all the weird hauntings?

I mean, the heavy breathing, the doll, the flies, it's all gotta be a symbol of some kind.

Does it have anything to do with what he used to teach?

No, he was an economist, not an entomologist.

They're the ones that study bugs.

I'm aware of that.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm always teaching, I can't help it. You know?

The fact of the matter is, economists, they never speak in metaphor.

That's probably why I never cut it as one.

You know, nobody ever knew what the heck I was talking about.

And that's different now in what way?

That's very funny.

Look, maybe we should just find out from Kylie if she knows anyone who d*ed more recently.

Great. That would be thanatology, the study of the dead.

Look, I know that this is hard to talk about, but when I met you, I heard a really strange... breathing noise.

I really want to help you.

You heard it, too, didn't you?

What if I did, what does that mean?

I don't know, have you heard it before?

On occasion.

Since when?

Uh, a few months ago, when my scholarship got revoked.

I'm assuming it has something to do with stress.


Because I can see ghosts, and I think there's one haunting you.



I don't want to sound rude, but, um, you're saying you've seen a ghost around me?

I couldn't see his face, but he was wearing a hat and a dark overcoat.

Does that sound familiar?

You saw a ghost in a hat and dark overcoat?

Do you know what you sound like?


Yes, I do, but if you could just go with me on it...


The doll, um, weird breathing noise.

Does that mean anything to you?

I mean. The doll talked to you.

I know you saw it.

It was a talking doll.

No, it was a ghost.

Talking to you, and it said, "finish it."

What does that mean?

Finish what?

I think this conversation.

I have to go.

Kylie, I really want to help you.

Has anyone around you d*ed recently?

No, not really, actually.

Could this have anything to do with your dad?

Could scaring you be his way of getting you to finish?

Stop it. Don't talk about my dad.

It's bad enough that I've lost him.

Don't make him into some freak ghost.

And by the way, about that job, I quit.

She's scared.

And she's hiding something, but I'm never going to know what it is, because I'm never going to see her again.

You're too hard on yourself.

I should have known just to back off, you know?

Even the word "ghost" was wigging her out.

This is not your fault, all right?

She was probably terrified by one of Payne's lectures, right?

Nice try. Thanks.

Mel, what's wrong?

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute, it's just like that scene from that Japanese horror film!

What was?

The vision I just had!

The flies!

Amityville Horror, or The Fly!

The... the doll.

Puppet Master, or Chucky!

The overcoat.

Oh, my god, the overcoat.

Just pick one.

I can't believe I-never- I can't believe I didn't see it!

See what?

The hauntings.

They're all scenes from horror movies.

Let's narrow this down.

We need to find someone who's close to you that d*ed recently that was a horror film buff.


Well, what do you expect?

I expect you to tell me the truth if you want help.

Look, if Melinda says you have a ghost, hey, you have a ghost.

Ok, so what if I have one?

What... what's the deal?

What does that mean?

Well, ghosts, if they're here, it's usually because they have unfinished business.

Like what?


It could be anything with a loved one.

It could be unresolved issues of guilt, anger, forgiveness.

Can... this ghost hurt me?

Actually, if they get angry, they can get pretty nasty.

What aren't you telling me, Kylie?

There's something you're not telling me.

Did somebody close to you die?

I need to know.

No, I've known people to die, yeah, but no one close or anything.

Hey, Kylie.

Cram session.

Let's get a move on.

I have to go.

I don't want to be the first Sloan to not graduate.

Are you at the film school yet?

Did you get any answers?

Yes, nothing happened, no one d*ed.

I'm telling you, no faculty members, no janitors, no students, nothing.

If something like that happened, it would have been all over the campus.

It's not, uh, it's not like we drop like flies around here, no pun intended.

Well, aren't there any students that are into the genre?

I mean, there is a class or a club or anything?

I'm looking.

I'm at the bulletin board now.

There's a flyer up here for musical theater club.

That's spooky.

Keep looking.

What else do I have? I have a missing kitty.

All right, this is different.

"Scared sane..." we're holding auditions for a new kind of horror film.

"Ever wonder why some movies terrify you?"

"Are you brave enough to enter your own personal horror to see what lies within?"

"Enlightenment awaits."

Sounds like a real horror buff.

Is there a name, phone number, anything?

Let's see, auditions are at some downtown production facility.

There's a name, Toby Bates, but as far as a number goes, you're out of luck.

It's a couple months old.

Well, fax it over and I'll check it out.





I'm looking for Toby Bates.


Is anyone there?

Why do I always get the scary stuff?

Who are you?

Oh, you want to play?

Is that it?


So which one is this?

The maze from the shining, children of the corn, or the spaceship from alien?


Who are you?

So what is this?

The maze from the shining, children of the corn or the spaceship from alien? What?

Oh, you want to play?

Oh, you want to play?

Ok, here it is, Toby Bates' obit.

"Guerilla filmmaker falls to his death."

This happened 3 months ago.

Oh, that's right, when Kylie said the hauntings started.

She said no one close to her d*ed.

We should ask her if she knew this kid Toby.

It says he wasn't a student, so that's not their connection.

He was just a kid sh**ting a film.

Yeah, lots and lots of film apparently.

There's massive amounts of files on this computer.

Thank goodness you had the mental fortitude to steal it.

Hey, I did not steal it.

This ghost wanted my help, led me to that editing bay, and in fact, probably wanted me to take it.

What I still want to know is what are we going to do about Skippy here.

I mean, what is he good for except for a free ride in the carpool lane?

And what's he doing in my good chair?

More importantly, why is he wearing Toby's clothes?

I mean, it's gotta be a prop from one of his movies, right?

I hope so.

Oh, listen to his profile.

"I want to push classic horror past the scare to enlightenment, use the genre to dive into the darkness of souls and set them free."

To think I was just watching scary movies for fun.

Do you think Kylie was in one of Toby's movies and that's how they met?

There's an audition file in there.

I think we could look to see if she's in it.

What horror movie really scares you?

That movie where the arm comes up out of the grave and it like--ugh-- like, super creepy, yeah.

What-- wait a minute. I know this kid.

He's one of Kylie's friends.

Well, that's great. So there's a connection at least.

I mean, you can talk to this Bruce guy tomorrow and find out what he'll tell us.

I mean, maybe he's being haunted, too.

No, I'm not-- I'm not talking to him.

You do the talky talk.

That's your job. It always has been.

Except that I have to be at my other job tomorrow.

Delia's got the day off. Look, you're gonna be great.

What are we gonna do about her?

Yeah, I remember this.

Actually worked on this film.

Guy called it a "shockumentary, " making you face your fears.

I call it sick.

Well, after you worked in it, did you notice anything strange or supernatural that happened to you in the last 3 months?

I aced my bio quiz.

Wow, that is spooky, my man.

I don't know how you sleep at night.

Anything, for real? Did you notice anything?

No, man, it was just a movie.

All right.

Well, what is a shockumentary? What is that?

He would ask you what classic horror movies scared you the most, and then, you know, he'd put you in the scariest scenes, making you experience the horror over and over again.

Guy was a psycho.

Now, I didn't know a movie that's scared me, so he put me in somebody else's fear.

I play the priest in the exorcist.

This guy just liked scaring people, or was there a point to all of it?

I don't know. I didn't stick around to find out.

Hey, brother, I don't blame you.

I wasn't scared, I was pissed.

I ran into a friend that night who had just wrapped her segment, looked like she got in a car accident.

She said her scariest movies were Blair Witch and Evil Dead, so Toby left her alone in the woods for a whole night.

Nearly lost her mind.

Was Kylie in a movie?

No, she had no interest in acting.

I didn't think so.

But she sure grilled Toby about what he was doing.

I didn't know she was such a major horror buff.

Wait a minute, Kylie and Toby, they met?

Yeah. I dragged her along with me.

Toby even wanted her to audition for it.

She said no, and it got kinda nasty.

What else happened?

Oh, we left.

But you should have seen the look on Toby's face.

He was pissed.

So Kylie was at the audition, she did meet Toby.

Yeah, turns out she's a giant horror film buff.

She even insulted his work.

So why has she been covering it with us?

Have I not been trying to figure that out the entire ride over here?

I don't know, I wasn't with you.

You're right, that was, uh, Skippy. I forget.

You guys look so much alike.

Well, we were trying to figure out, and we came up with nothing, we were stymied.

So we called Kylie's cell phone and it went right to voicemail.

It's ok, she'll call back when she gets scared enough and it'll probably be soon. Look at this.

I spent the last 3 hours looking at more of Toby's footage.

Ooh, I feel your pain.

You know, the big crime is that before this kid d*ed, he didn't set some time aside to edit.

Well, actually, he did.

I found something that looked like a movie he was starting to assemble. Brace yourself.

Oh, my gosh!

That person was actually buried alive!

How is that therapy?

How could Toby get away with something like that?

Actors will pretty much do anything to get themselves on film.

So this is a shockumentary.

Yeah, all the segments are about 5 minutes long, and he's put 6 together so far.

Let's see, you have Cindy's fear: Friday the 13th, Janet's fear: I know what you did last summer.

Billy's fear...

Yeah, he cast on fear, not type.

I mean, it's pretty terrifying, I had to turn it off.

Well, that's weird, Melinda.

I mean, some of the date stamps on these edits are within the last month.

One of these is from yesterday!

But one of us had the computer the whole time.

I mean, he couldn't have cut it, could he?

Why couldn't he?

I mean, we've seen him manipulate footage, surveillance camera stuff.

I mean, it's not that far of a leap.

He's making his movie from the grave.
Honey, I'm home.

Thank god you're home.

This movie's really starting to freak me out.

What is it?

It's the movie that the ghost was making, or is making.

And your favorite genre.

No, except this one's different.

These are real people, and they're really scared.

It's like Freddy Krueger meets Punk'd.

Apparently Kylie ticked this guy off in an audition.

Well, I know he's a ghost, so that's not good.

Yeah, I'm just trying to see if there's any more to it.

Well, if you're actually sort of scared, why don't you turn the lights on?

Are you kidding me? And ruin the fun?

I don't understand you people.

I'm gonna hit the shower.

Get me the hell out of here!

What are you afraid of?

I want out!

I know you're...

What are you afraid of?

Jim, stop it, seriously.

What are you afraid of?

All right, that's it!

Toby, stop it! Do you hear me?!

It was bad enough when you were alive.

I thought you wanted to play.

I thought you loved those slasher movies.

You have to stop doing this.

Just let me try and help you move on.

Not until she finishes it.

Who, Kylie?

What is it that you want her to finish?

Ask her. She knows.

Did you talk to Kylie?

No, I called, went by her dorm.

I think she's avoiding us, and there's something you should see.


Was that a person?!

No. That was Skippy over there.

But I know why you're queasy. Does any of that look familiar?

That's the place where Toby d*ed.

I recognize the for rent sign from his obituary.

He was doing a stunt. That's how he d*ed.

Wait a minute.

Shouldn't you buy him a drink first?


The movie that he was making before he d*ed, it was The Exorcist.

I'm with you, I think.

The falling through the glass, the heavy breathing, the things that he was haunting Kylie with, it's all things from the movie, so it has to mean something to her.

Wait a minute, what was that?

I didn't see that before.

It's one of the soundtracks attached to the raw footage.

They must have mixed it down into logged clips.

Let's go again.


Well, that's Toby, but you can hear someone else. Listen.

You gotta be kidding me. It's not gonna get a better take than that.

It's Kylie.


She was working with him.

Just not in front of the camera.

Hey, Kylie, it's Melinda.

If you're there, please pick up.

I need to talk to you.

I know you were working with Toby.

What I don't understand is why you didn't tell us.

I know you're scared, but you need to let us help you before this gets even worse. Just--

Testing, testing.

Final death scene, take one.

Final death scene, take one.

Final death scene, take one.

Testing. Final death scene, take one.

Final death scene, take one.

Death scene, death scene, death scene, death scene, death scene--

Death scene, death scene, death scene...

All right, I need you to tell me the truth. What happened?

Death scene, death scene, death scene, death scene--

I k*lled him.

Death scene, death scene, death scene, death scene.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

I just didn't want to believe you.

The thought of Toby haunting me is...

It's too awful.

Why don't you tell me exactly what happened that night.

I was supposed to be there.

He had the sh*t all set up.

It was actually pretty cool.

This interior angle sh*t of the priest falling.

Bruce quit, so Toby had to stand in.

It was a 2-person job.

And I guess he tripped, and fell.

It's horrible.

That's what happened to Toby.

But you weren't there.

It was an accident, so...

Why do you think it's your fault?


That's the day I lost my scholarship.

I've just been so invested in making this movie that I've let my course work slip.

I'm skipping deadlines, I'm flunking tests.

You... you can't quit.

This is our baby.

No, this is your baby.

And it's been fun, and we've had our kicks, but it's over.

No, you don't understand. I'm doing this for you.

You need to face your fears.

Please don't.

I don't want to do this.

Yes, you do, and that's what scares you.

I haven't even told my friends about working with you.

What embarrasses you more, me or making movies?

It's just. It's not me.

Yes, it is.

What is holding you back? You can do this.

Why are you turning your back on it?

You love making movies.

Why is what I do so important to you?

Do you have something to say?

'Cause if you do, say it.

I want to hear it.

I do.

This isn't about me.

It's never about you.

You think hiding behind a camera gives you a pass.

From our friendship and from all human interaction.

No, that's the only way that it works.

Ok, that's the only way that I can get people to be themselves on camera.

I have to be invisible.

I hope you and your camera have a very happy life together.

I'm done.

I shouldn't have walked away like that.

I don't think Toby's haunting you because he thinks you k*lled him.

Of course he does, why else would he be doing this?

I think he wants you to face your worst fear, whatever it is about that movie.


I'm so tired of hearing that.

What do you mean?

I know why The Exorcist scares me.

The day my dad d*ed, a priest was reading his last rites.

It was horrible.

That's why I can't—I can't watch that movie.

I get it.

Now what?

I don't know.

I don't understand what he wants, then.

I want her to finish it.

If she's faced her fears, I want her to finish it.

Finish what?

Is he here?

He was.

What did he say?

He said if you faced your fears, he wants you to finish it.

Do you know what that means?

It means...

He's not gonna stop.

And this isn't gonna end, and you can't...

Help me.

Yes, I can.

I promise.

You need to leave Kylie alone.

That's funny.

I was going to say the same thing to you.

You're making it worse.

She needs to figure it out on her own.

Why is that important to you, that she finishes the movie?

Why do you this to people?

Everyone has something that they're afraid of, something that holds them back.

There's always a reason.

Like you, and those slasher films.

Let's look at that.

Give me a break.

Don't you ever wonder why those films leave you feeling sick and exposed?

What deep, dark memory do they stir?

I don't need your help.

Those films are usually about abandonment.

Who abandoned you, Melinda?

Who left you alone in the dark?

Your mother?

Your father?

That's it, isn't it?

Was he a...

Stop it.

I am all for self reflection, but you're the earth-bound spirit.

You're the one who has issues.

Are you sure?

By the way, Kylie's going to finish what we started.

She has no choice.

Ok, Toby, I'm here.

This is where we were going to sh**t the last scene.

It's where you d*ed.

Did you want to see me scared?

Did you want to see me...


Well, it worked.

I'm terrified.

Now what do you want from me?

Is this it?

I don't get it.

I am trying, damn it!

I've done everything that you wanted!

I watched the movie a million times!

I don't know what I'm supposed to face!

I'm done living it!

Do I have to die, too?

Do I have to die, too?

Wow, you really know what you're doing.

Tell that to this machine.

What is wrong with this thing?!

What do you want from me?!

I sh*t your movie, I cut it!

It's finished. Just let me be done with it!

Kylie, everything's going to be ok.

No, it's not.

He won't let me lock the cut.

He won't let me finish.

Kylie, no one's here.

He's been here all night.

He's haunted me every step.

I believe you.

Why do you think he's doing that?

I don't know, I told you.

Tell me about the breathing.

What about it?

Toby seems to think it's the key, and you're the only one who knows why.

The breathing.

Is it about your father, the way he d*ed?

The summer before I left for Rockland, I had, uh, I had an internship at this investment firm in the city.

And every day I ate lunch at the Washington Square Park.

It's right by and lot of film students hung out there, and I would just... do wardrobe, grip, camera, whatever they needed.

It was...

It was the best summer of my life.

But what I didn't know was that entire time...

My dad was dying.

Your family didn't tell you?

They didn't want to distract me, I guess, from my work.

I would have taken any excuse to quit.

I didn't want to go into finance, I wanted to make films.

And I was gonna tell him.

After the summer was over.

But then one morning, my mom called and she said I'd better get home, and...

I couldn't believe.

How frail he looked. How weak he was.

He kept slipping in and out of consciousness, and then finally, he smiled at me.

He told me to come close.

That's--that's probably why the breathing was so hard for me, that night.

And the last words he said to me...

He could barely speak...

And when I looked up, and I saw the priest, I knew he was dying.

What things did he say to you?

He said I would always be his angel, and that I was just so much like him.

What else?


I would do great things.

I would never let him down.

But I did let him down.

I lost my scholarship.

I've given up completely on everything that he would have wanted for me, everything he cared about.


He cared about you.

He wouldn't be proud of me making horror films!

Do you like making horror films?

More than anything.

Well, I'm pretty darn sure he'd be impressed with you making horror films.

No, not dad. You knew him. He's...

Yeah, I knew him.

Who do you think it was that convinced me to write books about voodoo?

Not my father.

Yes, your father, my friend Ben, told me, and I'm only mildly paraphrasing here, he said, "Rick, if I had half the passion for numbers that you have for shrunken heads, "

"I would run, I wouldn't walk, to the nearest convention of the dead."

And that's what I did, Kylie.

That's what he meant that day.

That's what he was trying to say to you, that if you find your passion, you'll do great things.

Don't you see that?

It worked.

She did it.

She figured out what was holding her back.


Now how about you?

This was about Kylie, about her following her dream.

I'm-- I'm done.

Is this...

Is Toby here?


I think there's something he'd like to say to you.

Oh, no, there isn't.

Is he hiding?

He doesn't like it when the camera's on him.

This could be your last chance to ever talk to her.

Go for it.

Face your fears.

It's funny, because my whole life, I tried to be invisible.

Now I'd give anything for her to be able to see me.

He wishes that you could see him right now.

Tell him I can.


It's that angle 2 sh*t.

We did.

At the beach.

With the guy and the girl.

It's sunset, and they were so afraid to tell each other how they felt.

And the world was coming to an end.

Tell her I remember.

Oh, man.

Look at that.

He sees the light.

Tell her I'll save her a good seat.

Who are you?

What do you want?


Hey, what's up?

What's going on?

I just had the worst dream.

Are you ok? That's crazy.

No, it was so real.

It's like it actually happened.

There was this strange man coming towards me, and he had on a mask.

The guy in the horror flick.

No, this was real.

Honey, it's just a dream.


This happened.

This was a memory.

When I was younger.

This happened to me.

Hey, come here.