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02x08 - Grace Note

Posted: 12/20/22 10:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on CSI: Vegas...

- Something brought you back.
- Grace Huang.

Rock star in my program.

She left work one night,

and no one's seen her since.

When Catherine asked around

at the casino, they fired her.

Where'd she go?
Is there really not a camera

covering the area
between those angles?

I don't know what you think
happened to this girl,

but I want to help.

It has to be Grace's grave.

They moved her body.

Is that tortoiseshell?

Last I checked, there weren't
many tortoises roaming around

that far north
in the desert.

Someone gave that to Grace,

day before she went missing.

Mikel Koslov.

- You know him?
- He hoped on his private jet yesterday.

He's hiding in Belarus.

She knew something
he was trying to keep quiet.

Something that got her k*lled.

Hello, Mikel.

- Bye, ladies.
- What is this?

- Who are you?
- My name is Catherine Willows.

I work for CSI in Las Vegas.

I'm here about Grace Huang.

I was not even in your country
when it happened.

When she was m*rder*d.

I don't know anything about it.

That, I don't believe.

I don't care what you believe.

Your laws do not apply here.

Yeah, you're right.

But that works
in my favor, too.

The FBI might not appreciate
that I'm using

their file to blackmail you.

Ooh, there is
a lot in there, Mikel.

You've been embezzling from
half the criminals in Belarus.

I don't know what...

If some of
those folks find out,

you'll be lucky
if you get to keep...

...all your fingers.

What do you want?

Get dressed.

We're going to Vegas.

You have a date
with the district attorney.

So, this missing friend
of yours, Grace Huang,

you have no proof of foul play?

Nothing concrete,

but that could change today,
or so I'm told.

Mr. Koslov here

has an alibi for the day
of Grace's disappearance.

He couldn't have k*lled her, but...

I know who did, where they put
the body, I know all of it.

Ms. Huang was m*rder*d?

My client is prepared
to offer testimony

once certain guaranties
are made.

That he will not be prosecuted
as an accessory, or...

I want immunity,
for everything.

What does that mean?

Grace was a server
at a private poker room,

where she met Mikel

and some other...

I suspect that she learned
something there

that got her k*lled.

I don't know what.

My client does,
and I can assure you,

it will be of great interest
to your office.

I don't have the authority
to grant blanket immunity

based on your assessment

of whatever this testimony
might be.

These people I deal with...
very dangerous.

I cannot talk before immunity,
before protection.

Well, then, I'm afraid
we're at an impasse,

because I can't grant you

the protection you need

if you don't play ball, sir.


Who brought this water?

This is Catherine Willows, C114,
send an ambulance.

- Clark County D.A.'s office.
- Breathe.

- Try to breathe.
- Immediately.

Ma'am, please back up.

- Mikel.
- I need to get him to the hospital.

Mikel, look at me.
Who k*lled Grace?

My client cannot. Please.

Please, we can work out
a deal if he makes it.

- Ms. Ms.... Ms. Willows.
- There's no reason why he cannot tell me

- why my friend...
- Ms.-Ms. Willows, please.

My client can't talk.

Someone poisoned the man.

He's talking. Today.

I'll meet you in the lobby!

Where's Mikel?

He-he punched me.
He got off on two.

He made a run for it.

He's just gone?

He knows who
k*lled my daughter.

Why wouldn't
he just tell you?

Mikel didn't trust the D.A.

He didn't think
that we could protect him

from his associates
if he talks.

Ms. Huang, we have an APB
out on him.

My team here at CSI
is up to speed.

And if he is dumb enough
to pop up at the Eclipse,

your friend there is
gonna let us know, right?

Yes. Jodi's keeping an eye out.

I-I brought some photos.

Some of Grace's things.

I thought
it might help somehow.

I just...

I need to do something.

Thank you.

When Grace didn't call
after my bypass surgery...

I was so hurt.

But I should've known
something was wrong.

I should've reported it.

It's not your fault.

When Grace disappeared,

I asked everyone where she went,
and nobody knew.

Your daughter is
the reason I'm here,

and I'm not gonna stop
until this is over.


They found him.

Converted warehouse
in Henderson.

You need a
minute, or...?

Tell me what we have, Detective.

Well, given the timing,

I got to think the same people

who were worried
about Grace talking

wanted to keep him
quiet, too.

They made a hell of
a mess doing it.


Turned some fake Van Goghs

into real Jackson Pollocks.

Wound is big.

From a large caliber.

Neighbor heard sh*ts,
called it in.

The k*ller fled

when first
responders arrived.

Where's the second vic?

By the back door,

next to
the antique printing press.

An antique what?

This guy's our homeowner.
Anton Koslov.

Mikel's nephew.
His sheet is full

of fun stuff.

Counterfeit, forgery,
kiting checks,

you know, fraud city.

And, as you can see,

he worked from home.

Crazy, right?

Everything in here is fake.

I don't know about that.

The smell of death
is pretty real.

I'm sorry, Catherine.

I know you were counting
on him to tell you

who k*lled your friend.

Yeah. Well...

now this crime scene's
just gonna have to tell us.



Hey, you all right?

Uh, yeah.

who k*lled Grace

didn't want
Mikel Koslov to talk?

Either that, or it's just
one hell of a coincidence.

Who's this fellow?

Collateral damage?

Mikel's nephew, Anton.

He had a little counterfeiting
operation here,

as you can see.

- Nice place to lay low.
- Is there any chance

that he sold the wrong fake
to the wrong buyer?

More likely he got caught up
hiding the wrong fugitive.

Anton's widow
just got here.

Go on, talk to her.

We'll process all this.

Looks like a Sotheby's
exploded in here.

Never buy
me jewelry, babe.

None of this is real.

I'm not seeing any real brass, either.

Yeah, haven't found
any casings.

I'm pretty sure
the perp was cleaning up

when he got interrupted
by the cops.


Question is, what did he miss?

- GSR is negative.
- I told you. I would never.

Who would have?

Did your husband have
any enemies?

No. My Anton was
the sweetest man.

An artist.

He could do anything.

Paint, sculpt, sew.

Apparently, even put you
in a Vermeer.

So, what were
the two of you doing

in a house full of
counterfeit merchandise?

Uncle Mikel brought knockoffs,
jewelry, anything.

Anton could make it
look so real.

He just did as he was told.

Neither of you had any idea
what he was involved in?

Come on, Katya.

This woman, Grace Huang,
do you recognize her?


Not that I can recall.

Something Mikel was involved in
got her k*lled, too.

She was my friend.

If you know anything--I'm sorry,

but she isn't the only one
whose future was taken.

All I know is,

whoever did this
was here for Mikel,

and they didn't care
who else got hurt.

I hope you find them.

Whoa. Uh-oh.

This stuff will k*ll you.

Anton and Katya are stocked up
on health food.

I'm thinking Mikel brought
this crap to go off the grid.

He didn't even last
till dinner.

So, k*ller didn't
leave much.

I got cigarette ash
and a .41 mag slug.

Hmm. That's not the most
common caliber.

No, and there's something else.

Mikel got hit in the neck,

and it really sprayed
these three,

you know,
old-looking ones.

That one's a reproduction of
Lilies in a Jug.

Van Gogh.

Anton really was
a talented forger.

I mean, it's incredible
use of light.

Oh, Penny got me
a coffee table book

last Christmas.

- That's lovely.
- Mm.

Take a look at the corner.

Looks like someone

wiped at the blood.

k*ller was trying
to clean up.


that napkin.

There's some sort
of dust on it.

He might have handled it
with his bare hand.

There could be DNA there,
and on the painting.

Well, the blood on the painting
is all Mikel's.

And some epithelial DNA
from Anton.

Ugh, just that and some
common microbial DNA.

Micrococcus, staphylococcus
and pseudomonas stutzeri.

I mean, I don't see
much of that.

I don't think
I've even heard of it.

It's a bacteria that was
first isolated

from human spinal fluid.

Our boy Mikel was sh*t
through the brainstem,

and his spinal fluid
probably splashed the canvas.

P. stutzeri's also found
in soil, canal water,

cordgrass rhizome.

Beau, how long
have you been here?

Um, a while.

Been testing the napkin.
All I found is

Mikel's DNA, unfortunately.

But now I'm gonna test
the dust on it.

You a cigar man?

Uh, I've had two puffs
my whole life.

When my daughter
was born, and then

when my other
daughter was born.

How sweet and old-timey of you.

Our, uh, k*ller's a cigar man.

You ran the ash that Folsom
found on top of the blood?

Tobacco takes up trace metal
from the soil where it grows.

I ran the concentration results
against a brand database,

and, bing, bong, bing,
I got a hit.

Villa Clara Cigarillos.

I think our k*ller is
partial to tiny Cuban cigars.

Pretty popular brand, right?

I think my only two puffs
were on a Villa Clara.

Let me take a turn
with this baby, huh?

We struck gold.

Tell me.
No, literally.

The-the dust on the napkin
is flecked with gold.

Okay, but Anton was
a counterfeiter.

He probably used gold leaf

- in his nicer fakes, yeah?
- Possibly.

But this dust contains traces
of quartz silica and alunite.

This-this is ore.

So the k*ller
and/or his napkin

was hanging out
near a gold mine?

That's a lot of gold
in them thar hills.

This is all they sent up
from the morgue?

Mikel didn't have
- a phone on him?
- Yeah, he did.

I gave it to Chris.
Uh, he's gonna get into it

along with
the 50 burner phones

his nephew had.

Man even had fake phones.

Looks like they had some
funky locks in Belarus, huh?

It's like I can feel
Grace's k*ller

getting farther away
every second.

We're gonna solve this, okay?

I just keep thinking
about time.

All the time that Jen Huang

won't get back with
her daughter.

All the time that
I've lost with mine.

She's been texting you back, right?

Yeah, sometimes.

I don't know, Max.
When this is over,

one way or another,
and my work at CSI is done,

I just have to make
the most of my time

and make things right
with Lindsey.

- Rick Aziz.
- Who's that?

Rick is the COO
of the Eclipse.

One of the board members
who got me kicked out

when I started looking
for Grace.

And his card's in the
wallet of a dead man. Huh.

Did you know Nevada
is responsible for 76%

of U.S. gold production?

Over 30 active mines.

Uh, uh, the k*ller used
a Chet's Gas Goods napkin

to wipe blood off of
one of the forgeries.

It had gold on it.

Turns out that's not
that rare, but Chet's Gas,

that's the real rare element.

Okay, so I'm not following you.

Chet's Gas used to be
a pretty good-sized chain.

But now they're failing.

And there's only one location

that shares an exit
with a gold mine.

So you think
the k*ller went there

before he paid
Mikel a visit.

- Yep.
- It's the best lead we have.

If the k*ller was there,
I'm going, too.

Whoa. Beau was wrong.
Chet's Gas ain't just

doing poorly, it's abandoned.

So much for
surveillance footage.


the napkin must have come
from the mini mart.

I'll start dusting
the door.

I'll check for tracks.

Hey, Folsom.

I think Mikel's
been here.

How do you know?

The lock.
It's the same brand

as the key we found
in Mikel's pocket.

So Mikel's k*ller
used the napkin

to wipe the blood
off the painting.

But the k*ller didn't bring
the napkin into Anton's house.

Mikel did.

We've been tracking Mikel,
not his k*ller.

Right after Mikel
ghosted me,

he came here.


Hey. What you got?

This little guy
kept her company, I think.

Oh, it's a cochineal.

All over the desert.

They keep my prickly pears
company, too.

Almost ruined
my landscaping last year.

I still can't explain
this shard of tortoiseshell

we found in the desert.

I thought maybe Grace had

a hair clip or glasses or...

You know, if Grace didn't
bring that to her grave,

then maybe her k*ller did.

Whoever that is.

You know, I've been thinking.

So Mikel said that
he knew where Grace was.

He did not say that he had
a key to her crypt.

Mikel didn't k*ll her.

I think her K*llers were
spooked by my investigation,

and asked Mikel to help move
her body from the desert.

They were probably hoping that
he'd disappear her permanently.

But he kept her as leverage.

Must have gone back to
check she was still there.


Maybe Grace can tell us

who did this to her.

Steady, Sonya.


Looks like a .41 magnum.

We pulled the same caliber
out of Anton Koslov.

And out of one
of his paintings.

Same sh**t?

Let's hope
ballistics can tell us.

This is in rough shape.

She was sh*t twice.

I wish I had
a cleaner b*llet for you,

but the second one exited...

Wait, there's something
in her esophagus.

What is this?

Is that
a piece of paper?

Grace swallowed this
before she d*ed.

- It's notebook paper.
- She left us a clue.

She was a brave girl.

Adipocere's a beast to clean.


Drying it out is
our best sh*t

at separating
the congealed layers

without destroying the paper.

Then there's the matter
of reviving the faded ink.

There's this technique
that I read about

used to read water-damaged
documents from shipwrecks.

I mean, I-I don't know
if it's gonna work.

It has to.

This poor girl knew
she was gonna die,

and she was smart enough
to leave us a clue.

We can't let it go to waste.

These must be the burners

from Anton's stash house.

I haven't seen
this many flip phones

since Year 8.

Well, I finally got a match.

Mikel's prints are
all over this one.

And I bet he wasn't
just playing Snake.

I've got a match, too.

Grace's b*llet was almost
too corroded to compare,

but the striations are identical

to the ones on
the stash house b*llet.

So Grace and the Koslovs
were sh*t with the same g*n?

Mm. Question is,
who was the sh**t?

No hits in NIBIN yet.

I might have someone
we can ask.

Ten calls with this number

in the days leading up
to Mikel's death.

An Eclipse extension.
Rick Aziz.

Yes, I talked to
Mikel Koslov plenty.

You know how important
those Eastern European whales

are to this casino, Catherine.

I have to make
myself available.

Well, a 3:00 a.m. call
the day Mikel d*ed,

I'd say that's more
than available, Mr. Aziz.

It's a tad suspicious, no?

Is that how you knew
where to find him?

Oh, come on. Seriously?

I see that you're still
a cigar smoker.

- Do you mind if I take a look...
- I'd rather you not.

You own a registered handgun.

- Do you have it on you?
- Do you have a warrant?

Or a point, for that matter?

Yes, the point is
we think you're involved

with Grace Huang's m*rder.

I had nothing to do with that.

I have no idea what happened.

Frank said you wanted
to see me.

Is this a bad time?

This is the perfect time, Jodi.


You want to know why Mikel
was calling me so much?

He was angry.

Someone from the
Eclipse told you

his whereabouts
in Belarus.

An egregious violation
of client privacy.

And when I find out
who divulged that information,

they will be fired.

You know what,
we're not here

to talk about privacy
protocols, we're here

- to talk about...
- No. No, no, no, no.

We are done talking about
anything at all, actually.

Frank, would you be so kind
as to show these ladies out?

And if you have any more
questions for me,

you can speak to
our attorneys.

Thank you so much
for coming by.

It hasn't been
a great day.

Mr. Finado might have
cost a friend her job,

so tell me
you've got something good.

Uh, well, infrared luminescence
didn't revive much

from the note itself.

But ESDA did uncover
indentations from

Grace's writing on the page
above our piece of paper.

Drumroll, please.

I think I found most
of the phone number.

This is my phone number,
my landline.

I gave it to Grace the day
before she went missing. I...

Are you sure infrared
luminescence didn't pan out?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look. It's just a bunch
of squiggles.

I'll be...

It's a drawing.

Call Folsom and Allie.

What's going on?

We already processed
every inch.

Grace drew this painting
in her notebook.

Then, right
before she d*ed,

she ripped it out
and she swallowed it.

The original Lilies in a Jug

is hanging at the Eclipse.

What did Grace know?

Okay, well, it was the first
painting at the scene

- that the k*ller started to clean.
- Yeah.

What's it all
supposed to mean?

I mean, what is she
trying to tell us?

Maybe the real one's
about to be stolen

and this replica's supposed
to hang in its place.

So, you processed this.
What did you find?

Mikel's DNA, Anton's DNA.

A bunch of common
household bacteria.

And you removed the frame?

Yeah, we...

We checked everywhere.

Hand me that magnifier.

Doesn't it look like
the painting is faded

everywhere except where
the frame had been?

I mean,
how would Anton's replica

fade so quickly?

I think I know.

Not all the bacteria
we found was common.

That bacterial DNA on the
canvas, pseudomonas stutzeri.

Yeah, from Mikel's spinal...

Yeah, but what if
it's not that?

P. stutzeri is found
in other places, too.

Soil, canal water...

And fine art.

"P. stutzeri is also used
to bio-clean

very expensive,
very old pieces of art."

Okay, this isn't a replica.

Lilies in a Jug isn't about
to be stolen from the Eclipse.

It already was.

We've been swabbing all over
a real Van Gogh.

You think Lilies in a Jug
is a forgery? That's impossible.

This is the most secure
gallery in Vegas.

I make sure of that.

I think the FBI's gonna be
the judge of that.

They're sending a pro
to run some tests on Lilies.

This one and the one covered
in Mikel Koslov's blood.

In fact, all this art is
gonna have to be shipped

- to Quantico for analysis.
- The Feds?

Catherine, I know you're not
on the Eclipse board anymore...

Thanks to you.

But you are still
a shareholder.

Can we-- Can we just stop and
think about the optics here?

The federal government
investigating our casino?

Our bottom line will...

Well, maybe you should have
thought about that before

you helped Mikel
and his pals to run

whatever scheme you got

- going on here...
- Hold, hold on-- Hold on a second.

You think that I'm involved
in some forgery conspiracy,

or whatever you think this is?

Three people are dead,
including your whale Mikel,

and your employee
Grace Huang.

She got sh*t right after
swallowing a sketch

of that same forged painting.

So... you tell me, Rick.

Your boss isn't giving me
any answers, Frank.

Maybe your cameras can.

Okay, we need to see
every entrance

that Mikel could have used
to swap the paintings.

- Wait, wait. What's that?
- Utility room

I checked against
casino blueprints.

No camera, no footage. No...

Hey, look at this.

When Catherine got
the video files

- from the day that Grace disappeared...
- Mm-hmm.

...we didn't get this angle.

We need to see all the footage
from September 12.

Let's look at that
parking lot angle.

I thought it was strange
that there was

no camera covering
that area.

Hey, Chris, camera 104

in full screen, please.

It was deleted.

Someone didn't want us
to see Grace

getting into the SUV,
or who was driving it.

Wait, look at this.

This was eight minutes
before Grace was taken.

That's Frank.

He's head of security
at the Eclipse.

What is he smoking?

My money says
it's a Villa Clara.

Mm. And my money says
that g*n is loaded

with .41 mag.

I can't believe
I am working with

the Dr. Phyllis Dupont.

I love my job.

Can't say I've ever met
anyone so excited

to work with a Van Gogh scholar.

Ma'am, you're like
the queen of Quantico.

I mean, there are books
about the work

you've done with the FBI.

I read about a museum heist
in Cleveland.

The way that you used
m*llitary-grade infrared

to detect the original
sketches under paint...

It's genius.

Brought a little shortwave
infrared for this, too.

So let's see what we have here.

There's no question
it's real.

It makes me sick.
A masterpiece desecrated

by blood and viscera.

Cleanup will be...
a challenge.

But what you're saying is
the Lilies in a Jug

from the Eclipse...

A forgery...
in the original frame.

Did you find any tortoiseshell
in the frame?

Many turn-of-the-century frames
were inlaid with tortoise shell,

but I didn't find any here.

I did, however, find this

polyethylene terephthalate fiber.

Polyester. Van Gogh d*ed
80 years before disco.

So Anton made a mistake.

Yes. But in every other respect,

Anton Koslov was
simply masterful.

He even made paint
authentic to Van Gogh's time.

Like this cobalt blue.

Mr. Koslov sintered
cobalt oxide

with aluminum oxide
at 1,200 Celsius.

And this red carmine, made from
ground cochineal beetles,

combined with alum
and potassium tartrate,

then boiled, filtered, decanted...

Cochineal beetles?

Grace had a cochineal
on the sole of her shoes.

It wasn't from the desert.

So you think that Grace
stumbled onto

a forgery in progress?

It's why she sketched
the painting.

It's what got her k*lled.

She caught
onto their scheme.

And what, exactly,
is their scheme?

Lilies in a Jug was purchased
by the Eclipse last year.

Before that, it was owned
by Orsha Limited.

A holding company controlled
by one of Mikel's

drug dealing associates.

So Mikel didn't actually steal

the original Van Gogh.

He already had it, and he sold
a forgery to the Eclipse?

Rick Aziz okayed the sale.

I think he knew
he was buying a forgery.

The subjective pricing of art

makes it perfect
for money laundering.

Casinos are used to getting
dirty money

into circulation all the time.

You add phony art
into the mix?

Money laundering on steroids.

Let's say a Belarusian
gangster makes cash

selling dr*gs.

That's dirty money that he can't
just deposit in the bank

without a paper trail;
he'll get caught.

He needs clean cash.

The Eclipse wants his business,
so they help him.

They buy a piece of fine art
from him at a huge markup.

They let him gamble the profits
at high-limit tables

and claim his dirty
drug money as winnings.

And our Belarusian gangster
ends his night

with clean money in the bank.

But to make the deal
that much sweeter...

The art sale
goes on the books,

but the art never actually
changes hands.

Rick commissions a forgery
for the Eclipse gallery,

the whale gets to keep
the original,

and Rick gets to keep
a cut of the money.

So Mikel needed a place
to launder his money,

and Rick was happy to help.

This scheme could be much bigger

than just one painting.

I'm going to need to check
every major artwork

the Eclipse has acquired.

It's possible that several
of these whales

have availed themselves
of this... service.

Rick Aziz caters to the whales.

He has influence
over the Eclipse board.

He's pulling all the strings.

But he got somebody else
to pull the trigger.

So I can have my smokes back?

No, Frank, you can't.

Trace metal in those
match the ash

found on top of
Mikel Koslov's blood.

And the b*llet that k*lled him
matches your g*n's rifling.

And the b*llet that k*lled
Grace Huang.

Three murders, Frank.

Bet you get the needle.

Unless you tell us who
you were taking orders from.

Who called you
on your smoke break, Frank?

Who told you to take Grace
out to the desert

and m*rder her?

Was it Rick Aziz?

I want a lawyer.

All our physical evidence
points to Frank,

but he's just a lackey.

But you found the man
that k*lled Grace.

Do you know what this is
going to mean to her mom?

It's just not enough.

I don't want to leave
CSI like this.

Not when Rick Aziz is
still out there.

Not when there are
still questions.

Rick's gonna answer them himself.

Ma'am, Mr. Aziz is in a meeting.

Not anymore.

- Jodi.
- Rick fired me, Catherine.

Because I told you
Mikel was in Belarus.

Security was waiting
for me when I came in.

- I can't believe this.
- Jodi, I'm so sorry.


Once this is over, I'll help you
get your job back.

I am not interested
in your help.

You've done so much
for me, for Grace.

I'm going to make this right.
I'm going--

I can't explain this shard
of tortoiseshell

we found in the desert.

You're going to what?

I'm going to finish this.

There's no doubt in my mind
this bit of tortoiseshell

that was in Grace's grave

was from Jodi's compact.

I never considered
the possibility

that she was spinning me.

She kept her enemies closer.

It was never Rick.

Jodi knew Mikel.

Jodi had access to the whales

at the Eclipse.

She was the one

who commissioned the forgeries.

Until Grace saw something.

But you know, a chipped compact
is not gonna be enough.

She'll spin that, too.

She knew they needed
to move the body

because I asked for
the security footage.

She knew that I was onto Mikel

because I told her I was gonna
follow him to Belarus.

You know what she doesn't know?

She doesn't know what
you're gonna do next.

And what's that?

The only reason
why you came back

was to solve this.

Now, I don't know how,
but I'm not gonna bet

against Catherine Willows.

And you don't have
to do it alone.

Are you serious?

Yo, guys.
You have to see this.

Turns out the parking lot angle

wasn't the only one
Frank deleted.

That's the utility room
behind the Van Gogh exhibit.

It doesn't look very deleted.


Three, two, one.

- Huh.
- Whoa.

That's from the day
Grace disappeared?
Sure is.

Something happened in that room.

Something Jodi wanted Frank
to hide.

Whatever it was,
maybe it's still there.

This red carmine made from
ground cochineal beetles.

Oh, what did you see, Grace?


I don't understand why
you're doing this Catherine.

You got Frank.
This is already over.

Grace saw you.

I never met
the girl, Catherine.

Did Mikel tell you
where they met?

At poker.

She was serving drinks.

That's probably where
Grace heard him

bragging about
his Van Gogh.

The one she knew
from the Eclipse.

To Mikel, Grace was invisible.

He saw a cocktail waitress,

not my most promising student.

Grace went looking
for answers.

But she didn't expect
to find you.

And you didn't expect her, either.

You improvised.

You hid Anton's forgery.

A synthetic fiber from the drop
cloth snagged the paint.

The anachronism of polyester
on a 130-year-old painting

wasn't Anton's mistake,
it was yours.

You knew Grace had
seen too much... you called Frank.

And you watched
as he buried her.

You're delusional.

When you covered the forgery,

some of Anton's paint
stuck to the drop cloth.

Along with a few of your

epithelial cells; your DNA.

It doesn't matter
what you say anymore.

The evidence says it all.
You're done.

We can't all inherit casinos, Catherine.

So that gives you the right
to k*ll another woman

struggling to make it?

No matter
how good I was,

I got passed over
again and again.

I had to create
my own opportunities,

just like your father did.

My father got
a lot of things wrong.

But you came out ahead, so...

who cares who else gets
left behind, right?

Grace was trying
to climb the ladder herself.

You think I wanted this?

The Eclipse was making more than
enough money buying art.

The whales were happy
with their returns.

It was all a victimless crime

until she started asking questions.

I want you to remember that
in federal prison.

You're going
to die there

because Grace brought you down.

I just finished
what she started.

Let's go.

Stand for me, please.

Hands behind your back.

Thank you, Max.

Thank you for having me
back in your lab.

For everything.

Are you sure about this?

I think I just need time

to figure out what's next.

The trip with Lindsey, I hope.

And I could go back

to the Eclipse.

I know. Rick has asked me
to return to the board,

show the Feds that
they're cleaning up.

It just seems like
the right thing to do.

Okay, I-I'm not claiming to know
what's best for you.

I just hope you'll keep going
with your forensics program.



It is a big, bad world.

Hey, Max...

Oh, sorry.
Just got a call about

a scene south
of Spring Valley.

Will you be gone
when we get back?

I'll still be around.

Us Vegas kids can never
shake this town. You know that.

It's been an honor learning
from you, Ms. Willows.

Thank you.

Your daughter deserved
so much better.

I'm so sorry.

I got Grace her job
at the Eclipse.

I taught her to never
let a mystery lie,

and to always ask questions.

No, you didn't.

My girl was born that way.

Always questions.

About bedtime,
about new foods.

About something
a teacher said.

She'd always look at me and say,
"I have questions.

I have questions.
I have questions."

My daughter Lindsey,
she was always

a very curious little girl, too.

Then you know,

raising a child like that
can be challenging.

As Grace got older,
she started asking

harder questions, and--

Questions other people
were scared to ask.

I think that's why she loved
your forensic program so much.

Finally, answers.

She was a natural.

I wish she could have followed
in your footsteps,

gone further.

You're the only one who
cared enough to ask questions.

To fight for the truth.

Thank you, Catherine.

Yeah, yeah, you can tell 'em
how much I appreciate it, Rick,

but the Eclipse,
it's just not home.

We got a lot of blood,
signs of a struggle,

but no body yet.

So what do you say?

I have questions.