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05x09 - Fortunate Son

Posted: 12/20/22 12:19
by bunniefuu
Come on.
Come on, let's go.

- What's going on?
- Just get in the car.

Get down!


Come on. Stay with me, Dad!

Hey, hey, hey, man!

- Dad.
- No, no, no. Go.

- Get out of here.
- No, Dad, please.

Go somewhere safe, all right?

And make sure that the bag in
the truck stays with you, okay?

- What bag?
- Go! Now!

It's okay, it's okay.
I'm here to help.

Just stay with me.

Hey. Hey!

Stay with me.

Just stay with me.
Can you hear me?

Can you hear me? Sir?


Stay with me.

Oh. Thank you.



I tried calling you earlier.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

I was, uh, stuck in a meeting.

I'm... working this case in LA,

and there's a lot
of moving parts.

Ah, nothing easy about that
place, but weather's good.


- Since when do you hate LA?
- Since forever. Come on.

It's got no flavor.

- People are all...
- Superficial?

Yeah, they all want to be
actors or surfers.

They eat sushi all day.
They hate art?

Just telling me how I feel.

I have a meeting uptown, but,

I'd like to talk to you
about some stuff later?

- Stuff?
- Yeah.

- Stuff.
- Wait.

- Can I get a hint?
- No.

But it's good stuff.

So I'll chase you down later.

Okay. Chase me.

Hey! What's up?


Did you just give me
a head nod?

I'm sorry. I just...

You okay?

Drop the bag! Now!

Drop the bag!


You heard him.
Drop the bag.

Come on, pal.

Put the bag on the ground. Now.

What's in it? expl*sive?



Whoa, whoa, wait.

Okay, that's fentanyl.

Okay, if that bag rips,
we're all dead.

Okay, so...

Your name is Trevor Logan,

and you found a duffel bag
full of fentanyl

- in your father's car.
- Right.

And I thought I'd bring it
to the FBI

to make sure no one got hurt.

Or died.

We appreciate that, Trevor.

But, uh, we need to go back
a little further.

How did your father
get all this fentanyl?

And why did he end up leaving
it so that you discovered it?

Because he got shot.


This morning.
About an hour ago.


Let's start at the beginning.

Tell us about the sh**ting,
start to finish.

My father woke me up
real early.

He said we needed
to get out of town.

He grabbed the duffel bag
and ran outside.

I followed him.

I didn't even have
time to change.

Okay, that's good.
And then what happened?

We started to drive off.

And these men pulled up in
a black car, started sh**ting.

They hit my father a few times,
but he managed to drive away.

Where is he now?

At the hospital.

There's one about
five blocks from our house.

He told me to drive away
and get the hell out of there.

So I did.

This is a pretty crazy story.

Well, it means
it's probably true.

I still don't understand why
he brought the dr*gs to us.

And why did you come down
to 26 Fed today, Trevor?

I don't want to die.

And I don't want
my father to die.

So I thought if I came to you
and gave you the dr*gs,

you'd help us.

I need a gurney! Stat!

Looks like
he's telling the truth.

What about the actual sh**ting?

- Finding anything?
- Well, we've been looking,

but so far, nothing.

Okay, so this kid
walks into 26 Fed

with five kilos
of uncut fentanyl.

- Sounds was like a riddle.
- It is.

But what is the answer,
and what do we do with him?

I mean, we could charge him
with possession

but that feels callous.

Yeah, he seems
like a decent kid.

Can we pull up
the father's résumé, please?

Multiple priors,
drug distribution,

larceny, armed robbery.

So Trevor's father is
in the game in some capacity.

He gets shot by God knows who
for God knows what.

Rival dealer.
Rival g*ng.

Pissed-off customer.

And his son tries
to make it right.

So let's give him
a chance to do that.

Maybe we can turn
this serendipity

into something
positive and take down

a major fentanyl supplier.

So if you help us take down
this fentanyl supplier,

we'll do everything that we can
to help you and your father.

We're gonna need you to wear
a wire, talk to your dad,

find out where
these dr*gs came from.

Wait, you want me
to set up my own father?

No. No way.

No, I can't do that.

We're not asking you
to set him up, Trevor, okay?

We're asking you to get
information from him.

It's information that he would
never give us on his own

so you can help him
get out of this mess.

You two can start over.

Start over where?

Wherever you want.

I want to go someplace warm.

Like Arizona.


We can help you with that.

But first, you gotta do
what we asked.



I'll do it.

Wise decision.

You mean the only decision.

My father needs help.

So I'll do whatever it takes.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Is now a good time?

Yeah. Sure.

I'm guessing you figured out
what you want to do.


I'm gonna have the baby.

Oh, my God.


That's amazing.

Yeah, I feel really good
about it.

- Yeah, me too.
- Hm-mm.

This is... this is great news.


Look, the thing is, um...

I want to do it by myself.

What do you mean?

I just think that it's best
if I raise the baby on my own.

You can be involved, of course,
if that's what you want.

Of course I want
to be involved, but why...

I just need...

I just... I need to be able
to have control

of my life and the baby's.

No, I get that, but...

Well, there's...

There's this possible opening

in the Intelligence Unit
in Los Angeles.

So I was maybe
gonna move there.

I spoke to a lawyer,
and he said that he could

draw up some paperwork
for us.

That way, we could
make it official.

You want me to sign away
my parental rights?


No, uh, not at all.

This would just be,
like, a contract that

lays out our understanding.

Our understanding.

This is really hard.


And from the beginning,
you said whatever I want

and whatever's best
for the baby, so...

Look, just let me send you
the paperwork and you read it.

And then we can talk about it.



And like I said,
just be natural.

Don't force the conversation.

You know, try to keep an eye
out for your father's phone.

Guessing there's a lot
of useful information on there.


What are you doing here?

It's okay.

No one knows I'm here.

How are you feeling?

I'm okay.

You know, I got lucky.

There's no major damage.

And they just gotta
run some tests,

make sure there's
no infections.

That's good news.

We just gotta make sure
those guys don't come back.

What guys?

The guys that shot you.

I don't want them near you.

What are their names?

Okay, this kid is not shy.

Don't worry
about any of that.

Don't worry?

What if they're still
looking for you?

No, no.

They probably think I'm dead.

Or close to it.

What if they come here,
to the hospital?

They won't.
There's too many cameras.

Hey, you got the bag, right?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Just like you said.

Should I deliver
the bag to someone?

Or return it
to the owner maybe?

Just keep it safe.


That's all you gotta do.
Just keep it safe.

When I get out of here, I'll
take care of everything else.

Trevor, see if you can
locate his phone.


What are you doing?


Just, um, I've never
been in a hospital room.

Well, it ain't much to see.

So you're dealing
dr*gs these days?


We ain't talking
about this, okay?

Not here.

Not now.

Enough, man.
No more questions.

When you're feeling better,
I think we should move.

Go somewhere with warm weather
where people aren't sh**ting

at each other all the time.

I'm serious.

We need to start a new life,
a better life.

I agree.

Excuse me.

I need to run some tests.

The kid did a good job.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Just dealing with
some personal stuff.



She, uh... she wants
to have the baby.


That's amazing.

Yeah, but it's complicated.

Hey, good work in there.

I did okay?

Oh, yeah.

You did great.

You asked a lot
of good questions,

and when it got suspicious,
you kept it nice and cool.

I tried to get
what you wanted,

but my father,
he's really paranoid.

But he's a good man, despite
some of the things he does.

That's good to know.

We still got work to do.

So what about the phone?

It wasn't there.

We left in such a hurry
this morning,

he probably forgot to bring it
with him.

You happen to know your
father's password in case

we actually find the phone?



It's not like that.

I set it up for him.

He's not so good
with technology.

It's 311,
last door on the left.

Hold on.

- Hey. Hey!
- Stay right there.

He's gone.

All right.

I'll call it in
to set up a containment.

Let's go back.

Is that you and your mom?


She died when I was three.

I'm sorry to hear that.

These people are never
gonna leave us alone.


And that's why we're
gonna take them down, okay?

Do you have any idea where
your dad might keep his phone?

Tiff. Got it.

Anything good?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, no, this is real good.

"Yo Vince. Where you at?

Suspect said they never
received the product."

And then there's
another one that afternoon.

"You ignoring me."

Last one that night...

"Answer me, or you a dead man."

This is all starting
to make sense.


Vince was running dr*gs,
and he decided

to keep the product
rather than delivering it,

so his boss tried to k*ll him.

Tale as old as time.


We should get that phone
to the JOC.

Anything else of interest
on that burner phone?

Lots of texts about
product and deliveries,

but no leads on who the
actual supplier might be.

- Did you run the other number?
- Uh, also a burner.

I tried to ping it, but that
phone's been deactivated.

Elise, where are we
on video near the apartment?

Just found this
right near Trevor's place.

Okay. Yeah.

Matches the description
Scola sent over.

Did you run it
through facial rec?

No hits.

All right.
Well, keep working.

So... so what?

We're basically nowhere.

Someone broke
into the apartment?

How do you know?

Because I went back.

I needed a change of clothes.

I told you to stay away.

Just tell me what's going on.

- Who are these people?
- Hey, hey, hey. No.

We're not talking about this.

Come on, Trevor.
Stay with it.

These people
are scaring me, Dad.

They shot you.

They broke into our apartment.

They're not gonna stop until
they get what they want.

Well, Nico can
chase all he wants,

but he ain't gonna find me.

Or my dope.

Okay, we got a name.

Try and get a last name.

The dude's name is Nico?

- That's who you're working with?
- Yeah.

Yeah, he screwed me
out of a few deals,

so I'm just taking what's mine,
that's all.

What's his last name?

It doesn't matter.

- I'm just trying to...
- I said it doesn't matter.

Okay, back off.

No more questions.

We got enough.


I'm sorry.

It's just all this v*olence
is making me nervous.

I know.

Don't worry, T, all right?

We're gonna be fine.

You just keep your eyes
on that duffel bag, okay?

That's our golden ticket, kid.

All we know is,
the supplier's name is Nico.

I'm guessing that's
his first name,

so we need to run that
through every database

we have access to.

We are looking for a connection
between him and Vince Logan.

Same neighborhood,
same high school...

- Same cell block.
- What do you got?

Found someone
named Nico Chao.

Spent some time in Rikers with
Vince Logan, same cell block.

It could be a long shot, but...

Jordan, talk to me.

Nico Chao, what do you know?

Yeah, he's popping up
all over the place.

Looks like he's in the heroin
business as well as fentanyl.

Yeah? Eyes up, people.

Believed to be one
of the largest supplies

of fentanyl in the Northeastern
corridor of the United States.

I can hook you up
with a current case agent.

- He'll have more answers.
- Great.

Please do that.
Thank you.

All right, folks.
We now have a name.

We now have a target...
Nico Chao.

Let's get to work.

Figure out who this man is
and how we nail his ass.

I've been a DEA agent here

in New York
for the past ten years.

Nico's been on our radar
that whole time.

Hard guy to take down.

Yeah, the problem is,
he never touches product,

so every time we'd try
to bring a case against him,

- it got kicked.
- Don't worry.

I'm gonna change that.

Your lips to God's ears.

He currently supplies
most of lower New York,

so if he's taken off the board,
the city's a better place.


So how do we find him?

He lives
atop a little club he owns

over in Soho called Luna's,
but spends most of his time

in the Plaza uptown.

The Plaza? Why?

Field of view.

He and his people control it.

One of them sees a strange
face, the deal-making halts.

So like I said, he's not
an easy guy to approach.

Maybe, but we got a bag
of fentanyl to play with.

Stolen bag of fentanyl?

It's a risky play.

We got what we got.

Drinks on me if you get him.

You know, I think
this DEA guy's right.

This is a risky play.

Nico's a businessman.

He cares more about money
than v*olence,

so I'm guessing
he'd be open to a deal.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

How are you?
How's white collar?

Oh, it's good.

I lied.
It's very boring.

Hey, do you have a sec?


Good to see you.

I don't want to bother you,

I just wanted to see
if you had a moment

- to check out the document.
- No, I haven't.

This has been an intense day.

Yeah, I heard about
the lobby this morning.

Yeah, kid's trying
to fix things

with his deadbeat father.

Heart's in the right place,
head's another matter.

Okay, well, I...

I just want to clarify that
this isn't about me and you.

Oh, no?

No, I just...

I'm just trying
to do what's best for me

and the baby, and not have
to worry about logistics.

Yeah, I just, uh,
I need some more time.

Okay, well, I appreciate
the way you're handling it,

and it's just a document, okay?

Nothing set in stone.

I'm gonna go set up
an undercover buy,

so I gotta get going.


All right, suspect
and another male Asian

are on the east end
of the Plaza.

Scola is landing now, Tiff.

Copy that.

Hey, Scola,
that guy that's with Nico?

Pretty sure that's the same guy
that ran from us

earlier at the apartment.

We're good.

Yeah, but he saw us.

We're good.

My name's Stuart.

I know you?


Then we don't got
anything to talk about.

I get that.

- But...
- But what?

I got a bag of fentanyl.
Five kilos.

Used to belong
to some dude named Vince.

Now it belongs to me.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

His kid sold it
to me this morning.

Told me his dad got k*lled.

He found all this dope
in his car.

I bought it from him
at a discount.

You know what
I'm talking about now?

Look, I had no idea
what went down

or how this kid came
into possession of it.

Till he came clean, that is.

So why not just sell
what he gave you?

Why come here?

Because I don't want
bad blood with you.

I'd like to make things right.

Want to make things right?
All right.

Return whatever was taken.

I will.

But I'm gonna need some
sort of compensation.

Call it a finder's fee.

You asking to
get paid to return

someone else's property?


You got more players
entering the Plaza.

I say you cut your losses
and start walking.


All right, look, look.

I think this could be
a good thing for both of us.

How's that?

I've been looking
for a supplier.

You and me can work this out.

I'm thinking maybe
we could do some business.

I got a lot of clients
out west.

These people are thirsty
for fentanyl.

I run a club.

You and your West Coast friends
want a drink?

Come in any time.

About this stuff
you're talking about?

I ain't involved
in any of that.

- Time to go, homey.
- All right. Okay.

That's not a problem.

But you've gotta work
with me here a little bit.

That's it, all right?
That's all I'm asking.

I ain't never
seen you before, bro.

- So I need assurances.
- Yeah? Like what?

Like the kid, Vince's son.

I want to talk to him and you
together this afternoon.

5:00 p.m. at Luna's,
before they open.

If this story makes sense,

we'll work it out
and make this right.


See you at 5:00.

I don't like it, Scola.

But he's a businessman.

He can't afford to just
write off that much product.

He's also a serious
drug dealer

who's not afraid
to use v*olence.

You're taking on a lot
of risk here, Stuart.

So is Trevor.

We're not gonna
bring the dr*gs inside.

Trevor can tell his story,

Vouch for me, apologize to Nico
for what his father did.

And then if the guy
wants to do business,

we'll tell him we'll meet up
later on with the product,

in the Plaza, out in the open,
so it's more safe.

Okay. Let's do it.

But there better
be plenty of backup.

Are you sure about this?

Of course not,
but I think we can pull it off.

Why are you pushing so hard
to make this happen?

Building a case against
a guy selling poison.

Part of the job,
last I checked.

You sure us the only reason?

What are you
getting at, Tiff?

It just seems
like you're really invested

in this kid, Trevor.

Yeah, I suppose so.

Seems like a good kid.
He's trying to save his father.

But you can't save somebody
who doesn't want to be saved.

That's fair enough.

It's not our problem.

Not right now, anyway.

All right, let's
go talk to Trevor.

See if this kid
wants to play ball.

I'll do whatever
it takes to get me

and my father out of this mess.

You sure?

I mean, there's a lot
of risks involved

and we can't make
any guarantees.

I know.

But just in case
things don't go well,

I want to see my father
one more time.

No, that's not a good idea.

He's all I got, man.

If something happens,
I at least want to know that I...

It's been years since I told
my father I love him.

- So I need to...
- Okay.

I get it.

We don't have a lot of time,

so we're gonna make this quick.

Five more days?

Yeah, the doctor says
they want the wounds

to heal the right way,
you know?

He says I could die
if the sutures open up.

This kid Trevor
is unbelievable, man.

Okay, well,
then just do what he says.

Yeah, I don't
really have a choice.

Hey, where's that bag
of mine, by the way?

It's in a closet
at my friend's apartment.

What friend?


You seem nervous.


I... I'm good.

Yeah? Are you sure?

Because it feels like you
got something on your mind...

Something you want to say.

That I just wanted to...

You wanted to what?

To tell you...

I know we don't talk about
our feelings, you know?

But I just want you
to know that...

Hey, hey.

When'd you get this chain?

What are you doing?

Where'd you get the money
to pay for this chain?

Okay, time to get out
of there.

It's... it's fake.

I've had it for months.

So go sit on
that bag and don't

come back here anymore, okay?
You understand?

Just nod and walk out.

I'm doing this for us.

Doing what?

What are you...
What are you doing?

What is that supposed to mean?

Trevor, get out now.

I... I...

- I just wanted to say that...
- No, no, no more talking.

All right,
let's go over the script.

You remember what
you're supposed to say?

My father's dead.

I found the product,
sold it to you.

And you know him how?

I used to sell weed from him
when I was in high school,

and now I work
at his bar in Tribeca.

What else?

I need to apologize to Nico
for what my father did.

And say I want
to make things right.

And I'll take it from there.

Let's do this.

Come on.

Scola and the kid
are on 11th Street.

Are you two set?

Ready to move in
on your signal, Scola.

Copy that.
Any sign of Nico or his people?


Place has been pretty quiet
since we got here.

No one in or out.

Remember, use the fear,
all right?

He's gonna want to hear it
in your voice.

I don't think that's
gonna to be a problem.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

Deep breath.

That's it.

You good?


Anybody here?

Scola, I don't like this.

This feels like a setup.


Where you at?

What's going on?

- What's happening?
- Shh.

Stay right there.

Guys, move in. I got two down.

g*nsh*t wound
to the upper extremities.


Where's Scola?

He's back there.

Go stand with Tiff, now.

- Get out of here.
- You okay?

You just stay relaxed.

Come on. Let's go.

All right,
can you talk to me?

Can you me who did this?

Kitchen's clear.

FBI. Show me your hands.

Don't sh**t, please.

- Do you work here?
- Yes.

I hid when
the sh**ting started.

- Did you see who did it?
- No.

Not his face.
He had a mask on.

- There was just one man?
- I think so.

I hid behind here as soon
as he started sh**ting.

I kept hiding because I thought
you guys were with him.


Wounds went through
and through.

No vital organs were damaged.

Which means
we won't have answers

until they're out of surgery.

Any luck
with the witness canvas?

Looks like the sh**t
snuck in

through the service entrance,
left the same way.

The waitress showed me
multiple security cameras.

I think you're gonna
want to see this.

These two cameras cover the
back hallway and the DJ booth.

Okay. Think they got
a look at our sh**t?

Yeah. Take a look.

And then he goes here.

Can't see his face.

- What's he doing?
- He's looking for something.

Let me speed it up.

He's white.

Bet he left some prints.

I'll get ERT
to start dusting.

This guy knows exactly where
the hidden compartment is.

He must be an insider.

Oh, that's a bold move,
robbing the boss.

- Hey, Scola.
- Jubal, what's up?

I just got a call.

Vince Logan left the hospital
two hours ago.

What, he just up and left?

Well, apparently
he snuck out the back door.

Hey, Scola,
check Trevor's phone.

Maybe Vince reached out to him.

I doubt that.

What do you mean?
Why do you say that?

Vince Logan just shot Nico
and his lieutenant.

You really think
he's the one that did this?

We do.

Why would he...

It was that last visit,

The questions, the chain.

He sensed what was going on...

That you were working
with law enforcement.

So he grabbed,
or tried to grab,

all the money and dope that
he could and make a run for it.

Then why did he...

I was trying to fix things.


Hang in there, Trevor.

We still need your help.

You find any video
outside the bar?

Yeah, we got a shot
of the service entrance.

This is moments
after the sh**ting.

Okay, okay. Let's go tighter.

Come on.

Scola was right.
Vince Logan is the sh**t.

Elise, run that plate.

On it.

Okay, Kelly?
Roll it back.


Play it here.

Okay, freeze it.

There's blood on his shirt.
His wounds have opened up.

Shows it was stolen
an hour ago,

half a block from the hospital.

- Can we access its GPS?
- On it.

It is over
in Kew Gardens and...

The vehicle is not moving.

All right, get agents
over there now.

Stay in the car.


Put your w*apon down.

Come on, Vince.
You got nowhere to go.

Get back!

Look, you need
medical attention, Vince.

Put the g*n down.
We'll get you some help.

You look... I'm not going back
to jail, all right?

I mean it.

All right, let's
just wait him out.

- He's losing blood.
- Works for me.

I told you to stay in the car.

He's bleeding.
He's going to die.

- Trying to talk to him, but...
- Let me talk to him.

I can convince him
to surrender.

He's my father.
He'll listen to me.

All right.

We're gonna to do this,

you are at my side
the entire time.

You understand me?


Don't worry. I got this.



It's me!

Get out of here, Trevor!

just do what they say.

No, kid, get out of here.

You messed this
whole damn thing up!

What do you think I am, dumb?

Think I wouldn't figure out
what you were doing?

I tried to help.

Yeah, well,
you did the opposite.

No, no, no.

Listen to your kid, Vince.

Nico and his buddy
are gonna be all right.

You're looking at
an armed robbery charge

for two dope dealers.
The way things are going here,

you might not even
have to post bail.

He's right.

We can still fix this.

But you gotta surrender now.

sn*pers are in place, Vince.

Hey, your son, he's smart.

He cares about you.

Please just listen to him.

Be the father
that he thinks you are.


I screwed up.

I never should have brought
that bag to your office.

I thought it was
the right thing to do, but...

It was.

That fentanyl would've
destroyed a lot of lives.

This wasn't your fault, Trevor.

I never even got a chance
to say I love him.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I heard you had
a pretty rough day.


It, uh...

It wasn't the outcome
we'd hoped for.


I'm sorry.

I can't sign that, Nina.

I'm sorry.

But I'm this baby's father.

That little boy or little girl
is gonna need me.

They're gonna need to know
that their father loved them.

- I'm not saying that...
- I get what you're asking.

I can't do it.

I cannot waive my right.

- Okay, but then I...
- I'll work with you.

I will give you
the flexibility that you need.

But I need to be there.

It's non-negotiable for me.


We can see how it goes.

Thank you.


It's a boy.


- We're having a boy.
- Oh, my God.

That's amazing.


So maybe...

Maybe we should go to dinner
and talk about baby names.


- Yeah?
- I'd like that.
