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03x06 - The Abyss

Posted: 12/21/22 08:50
by bunniefuu
In the beginning,

man was given the gift

of Dust.

It ignited his mind, and freed his will.

But that free will has corrupted mankind.

Dust shall be drawn into

eternal darkness once more.

That which was given

shall be taken away.

Mrs. Coulter.

What happened? I th

Tell me if my daughter survived.



in darkness.

What does it say?





Dust readings are fluctuating.

No, no, no, no, no.

Stelmaria, this is it.

Alarbus has delivered our message.

It's her.

You're back.

That's good.

Come and have a look at this.

You'll recall the

intercision field chamber

and the effect that

it had on our friend,

the incarcerated angel, yes?

Its ability to draw and

trap Dust forever.

This abyss is much the same, only

on a magnitude I never thought possible.

We are going to be able to use that.

She's dead, Asriel.


is dead.


Would you like me to tell you

how your daughter died? Or

would you prefer to keep

tinkering with your toys?

If what you're saying

is true, I am very sorry.

But what I am doing here

is of the utmost importance.

It is going to change everything.

How, Asriel? How? How

will this change anything?

- I can't hear it, not now.

- You will hear this.

The Magisterium created

a b*mb to target our child

using her DNA. Last night,

we attempted to disable it,

Lord Roke died trying.

You mustn't blame

yourself, you clearly

Oh, believe me I'm not blaming myself.

I know that technology,

I designed it.

I stopped it from detonating.

But a bolt of light

struck the intercision chamber

and triggered the release.

Sending the b*mb straight to Lyra.

Angelic light.

Metatron's answer

to your w*r crime.

If you hadn't baited him,

Lyra would still be alive.

Do you understand?

You've taken my daughter from me.

And I will never forgive you.


wake up.

Wake up!

Please, wake up.

You okay?

I think so.

What was that?

You shouldn't go down there.

There's nothing to worry about.

Asriel, this is reckless.



We have to find a way to stop this.

To draw the Sraf back.

Before, the flow was steady and slow.

And now, it's like a flood.

Pouring out of this world

into some kind of


It was like the trees

were straining against it.

Like they were trying

to hold the tide back.

Without Sraf, none of us will survive.

I don't know how to help.

We need more time.

Any news from Sergi?

He's scouting the area.

I've called for Serafina.

Okay, we're stabilizing the area now.


It's Sergi, he's in pain.

He he can't hear me

- Stay with him.

- I can't stop him.

The darkness is drawing him in.

Oh, no.

You can fight this.

I can't.

I can't.





- Lee!

- Lyra!

You okay? That was a heck of a blast.

Do you think it's those

creatures that did it?

No, this is way more powerful.

Like nothing I've ever seen.

Is it because we're here?

Do you think it was our fault?

We can't stay here.

We need to keep moving.

We've got to get these

people out of here.

This way!

Lyra, it goes up.

Onwards and upwards, people!

- You okay?

- Yeah, you?


That blast tore this place apart.

Lyra! Hey, Lyra!

It's not that far. We can jump it.

Do you think they can make it?

They can if they have to.

What do you think

would happen if we fell?

No, stop.

These people are following us 'cause

they think we know where we're going.

They think I can get us out

of here, but what if I can't?

- Look at me.

- What if we're trapped here

- because I can't use the knife?

- Look at me, look at me,

look at me, look at

me, look at me, look.

Hey, hey.

It's fine. We're gonna get out of here.

It's just this chasm. I

can feel it too. Look at me.


- I'll go next.

- No, I'll go.

- I can do it.

- So can I.

You coming?



Ogunwe, this is it.

This abyss, it is an act of w*r.

Ruta's daemon, Sergi was

pulled into this thing

because he was made of

Dust. Well, so are angels.


you have asked us to

have blind faith in you,

while rejecting all our beliefs.

And now Queen Ruta is dead as a result.

I can see past the loss, open your eyes.

This is not a setback,

it is a bloody gift.

Hold, stay back! Stay back!

Get back!

Who are you?

I am Serafina Pekkala,

Queen of the Lake Enara Clan,

and I demand to know what

happened to my sister.

Hold fire.

Queen Serafina Pekkala,

welcome to the Republic.

Please let it be known

that Ruta Skadi was an ally

and a valuable asset in our rebellion.

I heard her call for her death.

She felt a presence of a great darkness.

And then, she was gone. I'm sorry.

But I

But I sense her here still.

It pains me to tell you both,

that what happened to Ruta

was not death. But worse again.

That abyss out there is a

rupture in the multiverse,

sucking all Dust deep

down inside the void

between the worlds.

I bore witness to her

daemon Sergi, falling inside.

And it is my belief that

no being, flesh or Dust,

will ever emerge from its darkness.

So there will be no peace for her?

Part of her soul, forever falling.

Forever in limbo.

I saw the chasm as I

was flying over here.

It tore through every world I crossed.

You did this.

- No. No, no, no, no, no.

- Your arrogance,

playing with forces

you have no concept of!

Weapons down!

I am at your mercy,

do with me as you will.

But let it be known,

that the loss of Queen Ruta Skadi

is as keenly felt by

myself as it is by you.

We believe it is Metatron's doing.

His answer to our provocation.

We have his attention now.

He will be coming for me.

If revenge is what you

truly want for your sister,

Queen, then by my side

is the only place you will find it.

Mangy vermin.

We've seen worse.

Do you remember when we

freed the kids from Bolvanga?

And then, the three of

us and Iorek squashed

into Lee's balloon and just, flew away.

- Iorek's this armored bear.

- I know who he is, I've met him.

Can't imagine him in a balloon though.

It wasn't just any balloon.

It was a real beauty.

She was.

Roger, you were permanently

terrified of flying.

I was not.

Only when those cliff ghasts att*cked.

It was the middle of the night,

Roger and I were fast asleep.

No, I was keeping watch actually.

And then, suddenly out of nowhere,

these creatures were just all over us.

Lee's sh**ting them, Iorek's roaring.

Then you fell out.

Hey, did I ever tell

you about the crazy shaman

who made me a bacon sandwich?

Commander Ogunwe, where is the, um

Intention Craft?

I'm ready to leave.

I'm afraid I can't let you leave again

without Council approval.

Oh, come on. Let's not pretend.

The only vote that counts

around here is Asriel's.

And he acts purely in his own interest.

You should do the same.

Well, I'm not like the two of you.

I'm here for something

other than my own interests.

What's happened?

Lyra's dead.

I'm so sorry.

Asriel didn't tell me.

So, are you going to give

me that vehicle or not?

Asriel took it and

flew North. I'm sorry.



Where are you

You looking for your father?

What chance do we have?

We found them.

And we thought it was impossible.

I just want to be sure

he'll find his way out.

Before we go to Asriel.

We could send a message

back maybe, spread the word.

- What's his name?

- John Parry.

John Parry?

John Parry.


The man of many names.

He told me about you.

You're the shaman's son.

You know him?

Yeah, I know him.

He's a hard man to find.

I got leeches on my ass trying.

But it was worth it, though.

Lucky for you, we might

have a way to summon him.

No promises, but it's worth a try.

You go ahead, I'll catch up.

Are you sure about this?

He'll listen to reason.

King Iorek

I am unarmed.

k*lling me will provide poor sport.

I'm greatly saddened to

see the damage my work

has done to your lands.

My bears starve, because you blew a hole

- in the sky.

- King Iorek, there is worse

to come, if my w*r is not won.

Give me one reason why

I shouldn't k*ll you!

Lyra Silvertongue!

Why do you speak to me of her?

You renamed her.

You loved her.

Tell me of her.

She is everything you are not.

Perhaps I should have known her better.

But she is gone.

And if you k*ll me now,

she will never be avenged.

You do not understand,

Lyra went to the Land of the Dead.

- The land of the

- Yes.

But she walked in alive.

How did she enter that place?

The knife.

The knife is broken.

I fixed it.

She went after her friend, Roger.

The kitchen boy.

Another reason why I should k*ll you!

Wait, wait, wait.

If when we die, we are

judged by the Authority

and sent to either heaven or

hell, then in which is Lyra?


It is a soulless place.

Where the dead go

but can never escape.

Everlasting prison.

Why then

my daughter is staging a prison break.



Ogunwe told me about Lyra.

I'm so sorry.

I tortured one of your witches once.

I know who you are.

I mutilated her.

Pulled out her cloud-pine.

You know, she suffered terribly.

She screamed out.

She begged for her death.

I see what you're trying to make me do.

Come on.

Do it.

You know you want to.

Do it for her.

- Do it for your sister.

- Do not speak of my sister.

What's wrong?

What are you scared of? Hm?

The other witch would have done it.

- She wouldn't have hesitated.

- I am not Ruta.

And I will not do this.

Then if you won't do it out of anger

Then please just do it out of mercy.

My heart is heavy too.

I don't understand it.

It makes no sense.


makes us fragile in

ways we cannot fathom.

I didn't love Lyra.

I wasn't able to.

Incapable of it. You know, too warped.

Even my own daemon

rejects me.

The way you feel

right now is proof

you did love her.

I understand more than you know.

I lost my boy.

A long time ago.

Lyra gave me hope again.

She would change the world.

Defeat death.

Become Eve.

And now it won't happen.

You know, when I first heard

that prophecy, it terrified me.


Because I was always taught

to believe that Eve

was guilty of something shameful.

The Magesterium teach the

Fall as the birth of sin

because they fear the unknown.

All Eve did was dare to experience.

It's an act of bravery.

Of great beauty.

You were a monster.

But look what experience did to you.

What love did.

It changed you.

- Lyra, you okay?

- Yeah.

I thought you were gone.

Me too.

It saved you.

Excuse me.

I'd like to give you

something to thank you.


A name.

Names can't just be given.

Mine was.

By a friend.

Gracious Wings.

If you like it.

You can't take it back now.

Could you tell us, please

Gracious Wings

are we going the right way?

We need to reach the highest point.

That way.

Thank you.

You cannot tell the story of my name

if you do not get out.

You like stories, don't you?

True ones.

True stories are nourishing.

They feed us.

We had no idea there

was anything but lies

and wickedness.

If those who follow behind

tell you everything they saw,

in the world, everything true,

could you guide them here?

So they could be set free.

Do not lie to me.

I won't.

Do we have a deal?

The prisoners' safe passage,

in exchange for their stories.

Liars cannot pass!

It's all right, they're

going to help us.

Just tell them your stories.

Stories from your lives.

And they'll guide you up.

Tell them stories.

Tell them stories

This way!

That was genius.


Lyra's alive.

She entered the land of the

dead of her own free will,

- to rescue the kitchen boy.

- Don't do this.

This is your guilt talking.

It's some kind of prison, purgatory.

They cut their way in using the knife.

But I saw the knife break.

It was mended by Iorek Byrnison.

He told me so himself. It makes sense.

The Authority cows us with

the threat of heaven or hell,

but even that was a lie.

It's all purgatory.

I'm not interested in your theories.

What proof do you have?

You know as well as I do that

the panserbjørne cannot lie.

Marisa, she's alive.

Don't lie to me.

- Don't.

- She's alive.

And she's coming here when

she frees her friend Roger.

Please my heart won't take it.

You said yourself, she's extraordinary.

To free a soul from

the Land of the Dead.

The witch's prophecy.

They believe two things about Lyra.

That she is Eve and

that she will defeat death.

That's what she's doing.

The prophecy is right.

We must help her, Asriel.

William, we've been waiting for you.

Someone who wants to see you.


I haven't done what you said.

I haven't taken the knife to Asriel.

You know, you said I was a warrior.

That I can't fight my nature.

I think you were wrong.

I hate fighting.

I'm not who you want me to be.


No, you're so much more.

He'll be okay.

He's lucky to have

you worrying about him.

I don't know about that.

Look at how you tamed

that thing back there.

You've always been so


Reckless, more like.

It was the stories that tamed her.

Our stories.

We have a lot of memories.

We do.

All this time

I thought that

when we eventually found each other,

we could go back to Oxford together.

I did too.

What do you think's going to happen

if we make it out?

I don't know.

But we'll get out of this awful place.

We won't be going the same way.

I always thought you were brave.

Much braver than me.

Do you have any idea

what a remarkable thing you did

coming here?

It wasn't just me.

It was Lyra's idea.

Yes, the girl.


I know about her.

The two of you will set us free.

I don't even know if I can do anything.

You know, I'm just I'm

so tired and my chest is

Because you're away from your daemon.

Separation across worlds

weakens your bond, Will.

She's pining for you.

How do you know?

I guided her to Asriel's republic.

As soon as you release these ghosts,

you must cut through and find her, Will.

She's vulnerable.

- Promise me.

- I will.

I will, I swear.


Will, I want you to listen to me.

Don't try to live in

a world that's not your own.

No matter how tempting it may seem.

You and your daemon

you won't survive it.

But you did.

No. I felt it, like an ache, every day.

Don't make the same mistake that I did.

You deserve a full life.

With your mother.

What'll happen to you?

The same as will happen to

every soul trapped down here.

I'll be free.

I'll be connected again

to every living thing.

Thanks to you.

I can't say goodbye to you again.

Well then, don't say goodbye.

I'm so proud of you, William.


You all right?


I'm okay.

We need to keep going.

No daemon can enter

the Land of the Dead.

If Lyra is there,

then Pantalaimon will

be in the upper worlds.

Lyra and Pan are separated?

But that means they're vulnerable.

They must be reunited.

I'll send a regiment to

look for them right away.

No, it'll draw too much attention.

Let me send Kaisa.

Will you tell me the

moment you have news?

If it is true,

and Lyra is going to free the dead,

she and Will would have

achieved something remarkable.

Far beyond your rebellion.

Lyra is your focus now.

Do not fail her.

We can't go any further.

This is it.

Come on.

Well, I'll be damned.

It's paradise.

What's gonna happen if

we step through there?

My dad said you'll be free.

You'll drift apart, but

you'll be out in the open.

Connected with everything that's alive.

I'll go first.

I'm gonna miss you so much.

You'll be okay.

I know you will.

You saved your best friend.

When you go back to Jordan

go to the roof for me.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

I'm ready.

Every part of me is aching

to be part of the universe again.


No need for that.

It's okay.

Thank you.


You two take good care of each other.

I'm going to be with my Hester.

- Tell them stories

- If you tell them stories

If you tell them stories

If you tell them stories

Lyra is alive.

May I sit?

It hurts when we're apart.

I pretend that it doesn't.

That first time I sent you away

it was awful.

I don't know why I do it.

At first, I think it was curiosity.

But now it's become something else.

A way to not feel what I can't bear.

I used to think that

I was the strong one.

But I was wrong.

It was you

all along.

I am so very sorry.


come back to me.

It is time.

The first prophecy has been fulfilled.

The girl and the boy

have succeeded in their quest.


do you hear that?

It's Xaphania.

Will and Lyra have released the dead

from their prison.

All of them?

Metatron's purgatory is broken.

His control is weakened.

So he will come at you

with everything he has.

The final rebellion

has begun.