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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 12/21/22 10:00
by bunniefuu
[airplane roars overhead]

[public address dings]

[female announcer] Attention please!

This is the final call for Flight Nine

[poignant piano music playing]


[hesitating] Hi. So we're here

on er, Tues Wednesday.

Wednesday, the something of March.

Um, we've just finished, um, two weeks

[camera shutters click]

[Harry] Our final push,

our last stint of royal engagements.

It's really hard to look back on it now

and go, "What on earth happened?"

Like, "How did we end up here?"

[male TV presenter1] fair to say

Britain is in shock this morning

[female TV presenter1] dramatic

and shocking announcement

from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

[male TV presenter2] I'm seeing them

taking a step back from royal duties.

[female TV presenter] Prince Harry appears

to be on a trajectory of self destruction.

H is in London and I'm here


I don't even know where to begin.

- Thank you.

- Thanks.

[Harry] My job is to keep my family safe.

But the nature of being born

into this position,

amid everything else

that comes with it and the level of

hate being stirred up in the last

three years, especially against my wife

and my son.

[Meghan] Haz, is my mom

outside with Archie?

[Harry] I'm generally concerned

for the safety of my family.


[exhales loudly]

I just really want to

get to the other side of all of this.


[in a lowered voice]

I don't know what to say anymore.


[Harry] This is about duty

and service, and I feel

as though being part of this family,

it is my duty to uncover this exploitation

and bribery that happens within our media.

Unfortunately, in not standing

for something, they are destroying us.

[Harry] This isn't just about our story.

This has always been

so much bigger than us.

[woman] This does not represent

what London stands for

[man] take back control of this country

[Harry] No one knows the full truth.

We know the full truth.

The institution knows the full truth,

and the media knows the full truth

'cause they've been in on it.

[camera shutters clicking sporadically]

And I think anybody else in my situation

would have done exactly the same thing.

[somber music ends]

[emotive theme music playing]

[emotive theme music finishes]

[Harry] Nervous. Why am I nervous?

[female interviewer] I just want to start

with this little moment.

I don't think you guys

have done this before.

And I just thought

I would share it with you.

[woman1] Thank you so much for tuning in.

Thank you, Meghan, so much.

Are you looking forward to watching

The South to see more right now?

[Meghan] Yes.

- Do you remember?

- No.

Number one song to pick you up.

[Meghan] Oh my gosh,

I was just listening to it before I left!

It's a Nina Simone song

and it's called,

"How it feels to be free."

- Oh? No, I don't know it.

- Oh, it's so good.

- I like this song.

- Okay, I'll look that up for sure.

[female TV presenter]

Fiercest female character on TV?

Who do I say? Olivia Pope?

[Meghan] Olivia Pope.


Prince William or Prince Harry?

- I don't know.[laughing]

- [laughing]


Harry? Sure.


- Sure.

- Sure. I don't

What year was that?

[female interviewer] It's October 2015.

- [Meghan] October 2015?

- Less than a year.

[Meghan] Before we met?

- Honey, I'm sorry.

- Less than

- I of course choose you. [laughing]

- [sarcastically] Oh okay, great!

It just again shows how little you knew.

And look at how far we've come.

[birds chirping]

[Meghan] Look at that.

How would you describe it, Archie?

[Archie] Well, it's all done beautiful.

[Meghan] It's so beautiful.

- [birds chirping]

- [instrumental music resumes]

[Meghan laughing]

Archie, you're having fun.

[Harry] This is a great love story.

The craziest thing is that I think this

love story is only just getting started.

You know, she sacrificed everything that

she ever knew, the freedom that she had,

to join me in my world.

And then pretty soon after that,

I ended up sacrificing everything I know

to join her in her world.

[Meghan] Is Noah there?

- Good morning.

- [birds chirping]

[chicken clucking]

[female interviewer]

Why did you want to make this documentary?


I'm not gonna say that it's comfortable,

but when you feel like people haven't got

any sense of who you are for so long,

it's really nice to just be able

to have the opportunity to

let people have a bit more of a glimpse

into what's happened and also who we are.

[hopeful piano music playing]

[Harry] A friend of ours

actually suggested

that we document ourselves

through this period of time.

With all of the misinformation that was

going on out there, especially about us

and the departure,

it seemed like a really sensible idea.

Is this the first

video diary? I don't know.

We've talked about it. We keep talking

about it because we know that [inhales]

right now, it might not make sense

but one day, it will make sense.

So we're here, Friday the,

whatever, 17th April or something

[Meghan] Look at the snow.

We've been really conscious

of protecting our kids as best as we can

and also understanding

the role that they play

in this really historical family.


As a dad, and as parents, I think

consent is a really key piece to this.

That if you have children,

it should be your consent

as to what you share.

[sighs deeply]

Both the babies are down.

Nice, calm night.

Just picking some roses.

[Meghan] The past six years of my

life, books are written about our story

from people who I don't know.

Doesn't it make more sense

to hear our story from us?

[Blues guitar music playing]

Pretty words come so easy ♪

Then all good ♪

[Harry] Meghan and I met in July of 2016.

[Meghan] Right before we met,

we'd gotten another season

of the show, Suits.

Then, I was single for a couple of months.

I was like,

"This is it. We're gonna travel.

Come on, girls. Let's go."

Oh, stop,

Don't worry about it. Ooh stop ♪

[Lindsay] In the summer of 2016,

she had a few different trips planned

and she was just going to be free.

I was really, like,

intent on being single,

and just have fun girl-time.

[Lucy] She had planned

her single-girl summer

and she had a lot

of plans of going around Europe.

[Meghan] I had a career, I had my life

I had my path.

[sighing deeply] And then came H.

I mean, he literally

talk about a plot twist.

Stop stop stop. Don't worry about it.

Oh, stop stop stop Don't ♪

[Harry] Meghan and I met over Instagram.

I was scrolling through my feed

and someone who was a friend

had this video of the two of them,

like a Snapchat and um, it's

Oh gosh. Isn't that whole thing,

it's got like doggy ears

- [Harry]with doggy ears and

- [Meghan] That's what he saw of me.

That was the first thing.

I was like, "Who is that?"

[laughing] That's ridiculous.

[soft instrumental music playing]

[Meghan] And then she

sent me an email saying,

"I know you said you're single and,

a friend of mine asked about you and,

maybe you'd like to meet him."

And I said, "Who is it?" And she said,

"It's Prince Haz." I said, "Who's that?"

[keyboard clicking]

[Meghan] I asked if I could see his feed.

So that's the thing. When

people say, "Did you Google him?" "No."

But I that's

your homework. You're like, "Hmm,

let me see what

they're about in their feed

not what someone else says about them

but what they

are putting out about themselves."

That to me was the best barometer.

I went through it and it was just like

beautiful photography

and all these environmental sh*ts

and this time he was spending in Africa


[Harry] Then we got each others'

numbers. We were just constantly in touch,

and I went, "Let's meet."

[Meghan] I was in London,

I was going to Wimbledon.

[instrumental music playing]

[Jill] We were sitting in the Player Box

and it's diagonal

to the Royal Box at Wimbledon.

We were talking about different dates and

different people that were possibilities

And I remember seeing an adorable actor

sitting next to someone I knew.

So I'm like, "Hey, how about him?"

And then I think the next day,

I found out that

she was going on a date with H.

[Silver] Meghan texted me from London

and said, "Silver,

you're not gonna believe this."

And basically, told me that

she was going out on a date with him

and we thought it was really funny.

We were like, "In what world

does this happen?" [laughing]

[instrumental music continues]

[instrumental music playing]

[Meghan] We met at 76 Dean Street.

- You were late.

- Mm-hmm.

[Meghan] And I couldn't understand

why he would be late.

But he kept texting. He was like,

"I'm in traffic. I'm so sorry."

I was panicking. I was freaking out.

I was, like, sweating.

[Meghan] Then I didn't know him.

So I was like, "Oh,

is this what he does? Got it.

Like, this I'm not doing.

- I'm not gonna sit"

- What? What's that supposed to mean?

Like, you're one of those guys

who have so much of an ego

that you're not gonna that any girl

would sit waiting for a half hour for you.

I was just not interested in that.

And then when I walked in, I

- a hot, sweaty, red ball of mess

- You were just so sweet.

She's like, "Oh, that's not

that's not what you are"

That's not what you are.

- [Harry] I'm so sorry.

- You genuinely were,

- like, so embarrassed and late and

- [Harry snorts]

Though I'm not a great romancer ♪

He was just so fun.

Just so refreshingly fun.

And that was the thing,

we were like childlike together.

Anything goes ♪

[Harry] We had a great chat

for about an hour.

I left after an hour,

and um, I told him that I had other plans.

Then I called him that evening

and was like,

"I'm leaving the day after tomorrow.

Do you wanna grab dinner tomorrow night?"

And I'm sure he thought

it was so forward and American.

I'm sure he told me

it was so forward and American.

[soft music playing]

Then, yeah. We went and had dinner

the next night at the same place.

[whispering] She was late.

I what?

Actually, you were late.

- I was late?

- Yeah.

Remember? You came

rushing in from having a shower.

- From Wimbledon.

- Yeah. There you go.

- Yeah.

- Not half an hour.

- No. Like five, like

- A mere few minutes.

- But you were quite flustered.

- I hate being late.

[Harry laughs]

Well, I had come back from Wimbledon and,

you know, when you get all dolled up

I wanted to go home and take a shower

and then run over

looking more like myself.

I don't You could be as late

as you want, I ain't moving.

I wanna see you again.

[Meghan] There was one photo.

We just wanted to capture the feeling

of just sitting in that

little restaurant and going, "Oh my gosh.

I think we're gonna give it a go."

Honey, but when you're near me ♪

[Harry] That was when

it just hit me. I was like,

"Okay, this girl this woman is amazing,

is everything that I've been looking for.

And she's so comfortable

and so relaxed in my company."

He had a list, apparently,

of what he was looking for.

Let's not go there.

An extensive list.

[interviewer] What were

a few things on that list?

- Not sharing the list.

- [interviewer] Okay.

- Good, nice try. [laughing]

- [Meghan laughing]

This is the list.

Good answer.

[instrumental music playing]

[Silver] She texted me after

and she was just like,

"Silver, I'm crazy about him."

[Ignacio] Right after they'd met, my

wife, me and him, we had dinner together

and he sat like that, he looked at us

and he said, "Guys, I met a girl.

We've just met but

I think this may be the one."

You could tell right away that those were

the eyes of someone who'd fallen in love.

[Lucy] It was apparent

to both of them very quickly that

they wanted it to be something

and they needed to figure that out.

[Lindsay] And she was giddy.

But I also know that

she was trying to live in the moment.

She wanted to just get

to know him for him.

Not for who the public thought he was.

I think, for so many people in the

family, especially obviously the men,

there can be a temptation

or an urge to marry someone

who would fit in the mold

as opposed to somebody

who you perhaps are destined to be with.

The difference between making decisions

with your head, or your heart.

And my mom made most of her decisions,

if not all of them, from her heart.

And I am my mother's son.

[camera shutters clicking]

[bell ringing]

[royal bellman] This afternoon,

The World's Press, the World's Peoples

have waited

to congratulate the Princess Diana

who has issued forth with a second child.

It is a boy.

[crowd cheering]

[female TV presenter] Princess Diana

with Prince Charles at her side

gave birth on Saturday

to their second son,

a blue-eyed, six-pound, 14-oz boy who

becomes 3rd in line to the British throne.

[male TV presenter] More than 200 people,

some of whom

had waited outside the hospital all day

gave to Prince Charles the cheers they

couldn't give in person to Princess Diana.

[journalist] Everybody seems

to be so happy today.

Well, thank you very much.

I couldn't be more delighted.

We think it's smashing.

Everyone's so over the moon about it.

I'm very happy for Lady Diana.

[male TV presenter] Forty-two hours old

and already driving the ladies wild,

Prince Harry made his first public outing

wearing a conservative white blanket.

Do I remember a moment when I suddenly

realized that my family was different?

[laughs] Um

No, I think it's just

I just think it's gradual.

[lively instrumental music playing]

[Harry] I mean, there's no point that

we're all sat down in the classroom

and my grandmother stands there with a

long stick, glasses on her nose and goes,

"Right. So this is what

it means to be in the royal family."

That doesn't happen.

[male TV presenter] Before the Service,

immediate family were alone in the castle

with just time enough

for the Prince of Wales

to explain the history

of the celebrated robe

Prince Harry behaving impeccably.

- [piano keyboard sounds]

- [giggling]

- Harry!

- You be quiet.

Harry, don't stand on my toes.

[Diana] William, he's a typical

three-year-old very enthusiastic,

whereas, um, perhaps Harry

is more quiet and just watches.

- [Diana] What, louder?

- [Charles] Louder.

He's certainly

a different character altogether.

- [Diana] Perhaps somewhere

- [Charles] Okay, here we go.

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [Charles laughing]

[Charles] You want it with him over there.

[indistinct mutter]

[male TV presenter] But you can't

control all of the people all of the time.


[male TV presenter] From father, a young

pianist needs a cue on where to look.

- [camera shutters click]

- [piano keys sounding]

- Tsk.

- [photographer] Harry.

[Harry] My childhood, I remember,

was filled with laughter, filled

with happiness and filled with adventure.

[male TV presenter] In their imaginations,

the children were already off to a fire.

[little Harry] A fire!

[instrumental music playing]

[Harry] I don't have many

early memories of my mom.

[camera shutters clicking]

It was almost like, internally,

I sort of blocked them out.


[Harry] But I always remember

her laugh, her cheeky laugh.

I always say, "You can

get in trouble, but don't get caught."

And I'll always be

that cheeky person inside.

[female TV presenter] The young prince

made a pair of cardboard binoculars,

determined to beat

the press at their own game.

[camera shutters clicking]

[Harry] The majority of my memories are

of being swarmed by paparazzi.

[lively music playing]

[male TV presenter]

Like many British families,

the Wales's like to head

for Spanish sun every August.

Their holiday nightmare

is the World's Press.

An army of royal watchers

are drawn each year.

- [indistinct clamoring of the Press]

- [camera shutters clicking]

[Harry] Rarely do we have a holiday

without someone with a camera

jumping out of the bush or something.

Within the Family, within the system,

the advice that's

always given is, "Don't react.

Don't feed into it."

There was always public pressure,

with its fair share of drama,

stress, and also tears.

And witnessing those tears.

I always see it on my mom's face.

And I guess those are the moments when

I thought, "Hang on a little. What am I?

Who am I? What am I part of?"

[royal band playing]

[tense music playing]

[James Holt] The Royal Family are

the most senior figures in the country.

They are there to represent

everything that is Great Britain.

If you're British,

it's very difficult to not see them

almost as part of your extended family.

[indistinct cheering]

Certainly, as I was growing up, if you'd

asked me what it means to be British,

the institution of the monarchy,

the palaces, the individual royals,

the history of the Royal Family

is absolutely intimately linked with

what the symbols of this nation are.

[Robert] It's hard to overstate,

I think, the cultural significance

of the British monarchy,

partly because it's an ancient monarchy.

It's existed for over a thousand years.

And that longevity is multiplied

by the sheer longevity

of the Queen herself.

[male presenter] Now follows

the supreme climax of the ancient ritual.

With the Crown of England,

the archbishop performs the simple

yet the most significant

ceremony of the queen's coronation.

[somber music playing]

[crowd chants] Long live the Queen!

[Queen Elizabeth]

I declare before you all,

that my whole life

shall be devoted to your service

and to the service

of our great Imperial Family,

to which we all belong.

[Robert] She has been Queen

for more than 70 years,

and that's the longest reign

we've ever known in our history.

[crowd cheering]

[John Holt] We're in a very

different generation now.

As new generations come through,

people may start to question it.

And I say this

with absolute pure adoration

for the family,

for the people that I work with.

But when you actually

put it up to pressure,

and you say that there is

a family anointed by God, by blood,

to rule over this country

and other countries around the world,

it is a difficult conversation to have.

And so in order

for the institution to survive,

it has to modernize

but it also needs mass popular support.

[crowd cheering]

They typically have popularity

ratings between 60 and 80 percent.

These are rankings

that politicians would die for.

But in order to survive in the future,

they need to maintain that popularity.

Each year, they make between

two thousand and three thousand visits.

[indistinct conversation]

[Robert] And all the royal

households have press offices

to ensure that there is pretty constant

publicity about the royal family.

And that it is

pretty constantly good publicity.

[lively music playing]

[Afua] The Family is dependent

upon the British media

to communicate its message

to continue guaranteeing its relevance

and presence in

the British imagination, and the world.

[bell tolling]

[man] thought he was going

straight in the river.

[clears throat]

[male reporter] Prince William

led the royal children

to a photo call

arranged by palace officials.

Prince Harry, Princess Beatrice

march behind the future king

although Prince Andrew's

other daughter, Princess Eugenie

makes somewhat slower progress.

[man1] The photographers and cameramen

took pictures

of all the four children together.

Prince William was then asked

how he was enjoying the skiing.

Um, yes. I went fine.

Very good. I enjoy it.

[Harry] Paparazzi used to

harass us to the point

where we had to be forced into smiling

and answering questions

to the travelling press pack.

[photographer1] Would you look

at this camera please?

Just keep this one

on hold for a little bit.

[photographer2] William, will you help us?

[Harry] And that made me feel

really uncomfortable from the get-go.

- [photographer3] Can you look this way?

- [camera shutters clicking]

[man3] Hello. Just look at this.

[woman] You alright, Eugenie?

- Beatrice, you alright?

- [Beatrice] Mm-hmm.

[photographer2] Hello.

Can we do something different?

[Harry] And then the deal was, we put our

skis on, and then they'd leave us alone.

Well, yeah, some of them would.

But then the other ones would

just follow us around,

either taking photographs or

just waiting for an accident to happen

and then pull out their cameras.

So it was never fair and it never worked.

[Robert] Stories about

the British Royal Family

make for very good copy,

not just in Britain but around the world.

So there's a very

strong incentive for photographers

to try to get unauthorized sh*ts

of members of the Royal Family

because they can sell it

for tens of thousands of dollars.

[camera shutters clicking]

My mom did such

a good job in trying to protect us.

She took it upon herself

to basically confront these people.

Please leave.

As a parent, could I ask you

to respect my children's space?

[man] Yes, certainly.

Yes. No problem at all.

[Diana] Because I brought

the children out here for a holiday.

[man] Right.

[Diana] And we'd

really appreciate the space.

[man] I understand, ma'am.

[Diana] And I'm sure as a

[man] Is it possible

to just get a picture of

- [Diana] No.

- [man] this afternoon,

and then we could totally leave you alone.

If you just move over there, you're skiing

- and I'll leave you alone.

- [Diana] No.

We've had 15 cameras following us today.

- [man] I haven't been one of those.

- [Diana] No but,

as a parent, I want

to protect the children. Thank you.

[man] Thanks. Cheers.

[Harry] I think she had to live experience

of how she was struggling,

living that life.

She felt compelled to talk about it

[male reporter] Tonight on Panorama,

the Princess of Wales.

[Harry] especially in that

Panorama interview.

I think we all now know

she was deceived into giving the interview

but at the same time,

she spoke the truth of her experience.

How do you feel about the way

the press behaves towards you now?

I still to this day find the interest

daunting and phenomenal

because I actually don't like

being the center of attention.

When I have my public duties,

I understand when I get out

of the car, I'm being photographed.

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [somber music playing]

But actually, it's now when I go

out of my door, my front door,

I'm being photographed. I never know

where a lens is going to be.

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [crowd clamoring]

- [voice1 in crowd] Yeah, I know her.

- [voice2 in crowd] Alright.

[Harry] My mom was harassed

throughout her life with my dad.

But after they separated,

the harassment went to new levels.

[John Major] It is announced from

Buckingham Palace that, with regret,

the Prince and Princess of Wales

have decided to separate.

This decision has been reached amicably

and they will both continue to participate

fully in the upbringing of their children.

Everything changed after we separated.

And life became

very difficult then for me.

[somber music playing]

[Harry] The moment that she divorced,

the moment she left the Institution,

then she was by herself.

Yeah, she may have been one of the most

influential, powerful women in the world,

but she was completely exposed to this.

I saw things,

I experienced things, I learned things.

The pain and suffering

of women marrying into this institution.

I remember thinking,

"How can I ever find someone

who is willing and capable

to be able to withstand all the baggage

that comes with being with me?"

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [somber music playing]

Every relationship that I had,

within a matter of weeks or months,

were splattered all over the newspapers

and that person's family harassed

and their lives turned upside-down.

So, you know, I mean,

after one or two girlfriends,

the third or fourth girlfriend

will be like, "Hang on a second.

I don't know if I want this."

So when I got to meet M, I was terrified

of her being driven away by the media.

The same media that had driven

so many other people away from me.

[soft music playing]

I knew the only way

that this could possibly work

is by keeping it quiet

for as long as possible.

[Meghan] At the beginning,

our relationship was this guarded little

guarded treasure.

[mobile phone ringing]

[Meghan] It was long-distance

from the beginning.

Everything was just texts and Facetimes

and we just talked for hours

and it just felt exciting,

which is so weird

because it wasn't exciting

in the way that I think

people would assume that it would be.

It was just relaxed and easy.

[soft music continues]

[Meghan] We just got to know each other.

Truly, like any other couple,

we were figuring out, like,

"What do you like to eat? What do you like

to cook? What kind of movies do you like?"

[Harry] When I got to know

Meghan more and more. I was like,

"Now, I'm really, like,

falling in love with this girl."

- [Meghan laughing] Oh no!

- [Harry] So despite my own fear,

[Meghan laughing]

[Harry] I just opened my heart

to see what's going to happen.

[Meghan] We've gone rogue.

We've gone rogue.

[both laughing]

[in a lowered voice] Like, I feel like

we're doing something so naughty.

[soft music playing]

Oh my goodness. My love.

[Harry] So much

of what Meghan is, and how she is

is so similar to my mom.

She has the same compassion,

she has the same empathy,

she has the same confidence.

- She has this warmth about her.

- [poignant music playing]

[baby babbling]

[Meghan] Who's that?

[baby continues babbling]

[Harry] I accept that there'll

be people around the world

who fundamentally disagree

with what I've done and how I've done it,

but I knew that I had

to do everything I could

- to protect my family.

- [Meghan] Hey, Grandma.

[baby babbles]

[Meghan] Yeah.

[Harry] Especially after

what happened to my mom.

[Meghan] Yeah.

That's your Grandma Diana. Yeah.

[Harry] You know, I didn't want

history to repeat itself.

[siren blaring]

[somber music playing]

[male reporter] Diana, Princess of Wales,

has died in a car crash in Paris.

[female reporter]

According to some reports, paparazzi

photographers were chasing

the car in which the princess was riding

apparently in an effort

to get her photograph.

[female reporter2] Across the world,

millions are trying to come to terms

with the awful tragedy

of Diana's untimely death.

[Earl Spencer] Every proprietor and editor

of every publication

that has paid for intrusive

and exploitative photographs of her,

encouraging greedy and ruthless

individuals to risk everything,

in pursuit of Diana's image,

has blood on his hands today.

[Harry] When my mom died,

we had two hats to wear.

One was two grieving sons

wanting to cry, grieve,

and process that grief

because of losing our mom.

And two was the royal hat, no emotion,

get out there, meet people, shake hands.

Thank you so much, thank you.

- [woman1] Harry, I'm so sorry.

- [woman2] I'm so sorry.

[woman3] William.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

[woman4] Oh God, I'm going to cry.

[Harry] The UK literally swept me

and William up as their children.

[woman] Sorry.

[Harry] An expectation to see

myself and William out and about

was really hard for the two of us.

I remember being told

by my mother the news of her passing


And then, I think like us all,

we watched that funeral

and watched him walking behind the coffin

[wistful music playing]

[Nicky] That's when you first

really got to know him

or saw an insight

beyond a snap or a picture

and felt that you knew him

better than you did.

I met Harry at Eton at age 13.

We were actually in

the rooms next door to each other,

so we could lean out

the window and talk after lights out. But

I think as a young kid,

you don't have the language

to necessarily have that

complicated mental health chat

beyond, like, "How are you?" "Fine." or

And maybe as well, you probably

veer away from having that discussion

because it's such an emotional hot potato,

like, if you don't know

the right things to say,

are you gonna make it worse

rather than make it better?

If you say nothing,

you know,

you're not at least making it worse.

I believe that there was

an agreement in place with the media

that while they were at school,

Will and Harry would be left a bit alone.

But Day One we left the house

to a scrum, nothing I'd ever seen,

of flashing lights

and the media all there.

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [indistinct clamoring]

[photographer shouts] Harry!


That's when all of the stuff

that had happened to our mom

started happening to us.

[thoughtful music playing]

[photographer shouts] Harry!

[male reporter] Since Prince Harry

has been at Eton, his father has tried

to ensure he can have

as normal a life as possible.

But this latest story

about Prince Harry is the third time

the 14-year old has made headlines

in the mirror since he started at Eton.

[Harry] Not every story was false.

But there was a lot

of typical exaggeration and rehashing.

He's bouncing between the walls, he's

taking dr*gs, drinking, he's out late,

he's night-clubbing, he's got

a girlfriend here, got a girlfriend there

What's going on?

You know, there's a difference

between having to accept,

Okay, we have this position in this family

and therefore there'll be

a level of interest,

and being swarmed by paparazzi,

chasing you in cars through red lights.

And then chasing you down the road

on foot, which is what happened

probably about 30

or 40 times when I was younger.

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [paparazzi clamoring]

It was too much.

[female reporter] Prince Harry got

into a scuffle with photographers

after he left

a nightclub early this morning.

[female presenter] Within hours of the

scuffle it was headlining the tabloids.

Harry lashed out yelling,

"Why don't you just leave me alone?!"

- [camera shutters clicking]

- [music]

[Harry] Everything that was happening

in the UK was so intense.

I was trying to balance

the whole experience of being a young boy,

who was trying to deal

with the loss of his mom

without much support or help or guidance.

It didn't seem right. It didn't seem fair.

[people singing in Sosotho]

Harry came to Lesotho in 2004.

In the beginning,

he was a young man straight from Eton,

having had massive

negative headlines about him.

I didn't know the boy

but I thought, "Well, let's see

what we can do with this young man."

[string folk music playing]

- The herds graze on the common land.

- Common land, yeah.

[Seeiso] We were feeling each other out,

finding out where

we were comfortable with each other.

The first time I met

Prince Seeiso, he was amazing.

We jumped on horses

and rode off to his cattle post.

[string folk music continues]

[Seeiso] I think he came here

wanting to have time out

from that very aggressive treadmill.

I felt a warmth and acceptance that,

"Okay, I'm here in Lesotho.

I may not know about Lesotho,

and I'm here to learn.

I'm not here to tell."

[speaking Sesotho]

[crowd cheering]

[Seeiso] That kind of immediate reaction,

not only to me but to the community.

I could see that Harry

is very much his mother.

[female interviewer] How much of

an inspiration has your mother been

in what you're doing here?

Um, massively. Mine,

as well as Seeiso's mother.

Both our mothers

were hugely connected with AIDS,

especially the orphan

children from that itself.

[Harry] His mother died

shortly before I met him.

So, bearing in mind we both lost our moms

it didn't take very long

until we became like brothers.

Hey, everyone.

[Seeiso] Harry visited almost

on a yearly basis after that.

[Harry] I was 18 years old

and wanted to carry my mom's torch

and try to keep her legacy alive

and try to make her proud.

[woman] officially opened

by Prince Seeiso and Prince Harry,

the founders of Sentebale.

[Seeiso] Being allowed to

come here and be himself,

for me, I've seen a boy

grow into a solid man.

We even gave him

a name, actually. A Sosotho name.

Mahale, which means "warrior."

Harry is a warrior in spirit,

and he's a warrior in character.

[Harry] Lesotho gave me

the space and the freedom

to breathe, to live and to grow.

[blowing raspberry]

[both laughing]

[Harry] I went to Africa,

sometimes three months at a time.

Botswana is a country

very close to my heart.

The fact that I spend more time

here than at home worries my father a lot.

[crowd laughing]

[Harry] I've got

a second family out there. A group

of friends that literally brought me up.

For me, it's always been quite special.

So it was absolutely

critical to share it with Meg.

- [car honking]

- [traffic noises]

[Meghan] That summer,

I was going to be on hiatus

from work but I had travel plans.

And a cast mate of mind had said,

"Make sure you leave room for magic."

And as we were talking about,

"When are we gonna see each other next?"

He said, "I have to go to Africa

to do some conservation work."

He said, "I have one week off." I said, "I

have one week off." It was the same week.

So he said, "Do you want

to come to Botswana?"

[laughing] I said, "Let me think

about it." And then I did.

- [lively upbeat music playing]

- [helicopter whirring]

[Harry] I was astonished

that she said yes.

This woman that

I've only met twice. She's coming

to Botswana and we're going

to be living in a tent for five days. Wow.

They were both gonna go

to Africa and spend real time together.

So he said, "This is

either going to work or not

because we're going

to be together twenty four seven.

[Meghan] I'm getting on the plane

and I'm going to the middle of the bush?

What? What am I doing?

Like, what if we don't like each other

and then we're stuck

in the middle of the bush in a tent?

[Lindsay] It was a leap.

But I think in her heart she just knew

that she had to do that with him.

[Meghan] So I get there. This is

the first time I've seen him in a month.

It was very awkward at first.

Like, "Oh God, do we kiss? Do we?"

And I just remembered

he handed me a chicken sandwich.

[both laughing]

[Meghan] Like, oh God. [laughing[

Then we jumped

into the Land Cruiser and off we went.

To start with,

we were seated next to each other.

And then we progressed to holding hands.

And then we squeeze in a kiss.

And amid the bumps,

and then, everything felt

totally normal and natural.

[lively upbeat music continues]

We had to know each other before the rest

of the world and the media joined in.

[Meghan] It was all so overwhelming

to be out there in our little tent

and in the middle of the night, and hear

this rustling

and look and see a shadow

and go like, "What's that?"

It's like an elephant munching leaves

above the tent in the shadows.

I'm like, "Are we safe?

Is it fine" He's like, "We're fine.

Promise I'll keep you safe."

And I believed him.

You put a lot of faith

and a lot of trust in me.

- I did.

- True.

[Harry] It just felt so right

and felt so normal.

[Meghan] We could both

just be completely ourselves.

There's no distraction.

There's no cellphone reception.

[lively music continues]

[Meghan] There's no mirror.

There's no bathroom.

There was no, "How do I look?"

Thankfully, we really liked each other.


[siren blaring]

[Abigail] It was 2016.

Meghan and I met up in New York.

[lively instrumental music playing]

We really enjoyed going to have tea

and champagne at Bergdorf Goodman.

That would be like,

"Let's meet at the tearoom at Bergdorf's."

She's like, "Um yeah, I er

I think I met someone and I'm in love."

It's Prince Harry. And I [laughing]

I mean, I could just feel

everything in her body vibrating.

We have a photo from that moment.

And I was screaming

because I could tell it was different.

It was very clear from the moment

that she told me about him

that they were in love

and that they were going to go

to the ends of the earth to be together.

We knew up until then

that we really connected

and really drawn to each other.

But what we were practicalities

of how this was actually going to work?

At that point in time, I thought,

"Is he allowed to fly?

Can he come visit her?"

How does this work logistically?

I think they just invented it.

They invented a way for it to work.

[soft music playing]

[Harry] She had a two-week rule,

which is very smart,

that said we had

to see each other in or around two weeks.

I said, "How is that even possible

with the stuff that I'm doing?

I'm not going to be able

to see you that much."

It's much easier for me

to go see him in the UK.

I could still just get on a commercial

flight and go and see him under the radar.

[Harry] Those first few months

when no one knew,

it made more sense for her to come to me.

So that she could come and stay

with me on Kensington Palace grounds.

We could jump in the car.

We could head up to Windsor

and go for walks around Frogmore

and do all these things together.

So that we could get to know each other

without someone taking your photograph

then it becoming like news.

[Meghan] Everything had to be so secretive

so it just accelerates

your level of getting to know each other

when you're not out in the world

in courtship, you're just together.

[soft music continues]

[Meghan laughing]

[Harry] Getting her through the

police barrier and onto Kensington Palace

was a risk in itself

because people talk, right?

It's not about who you trust.

It's about who they trust.

That's literally how it works.

[calm classical music playing]


For ordinary members of the public,

we like to think that the Royal Family

live extraordinarily privileged lives

with lots of servants

and they live in palaces

and they have it very easy.

I don't envy them for one moment.

They live, for me, in a gilded cage.

They lack most of the freedoms

that the rest of us take for granted.

They have very little autonomy

in choosing their own futures.

Formally, they lack freedom

to choose their own religion.

The first half dozen

in the line of succession

have to get the queen's permission

before they get married.

They don't really have

any free choice over their own career.

And the modern media are very intrusive.

Part of the currency

of talking about the Royal Family

is to share secrets.

Bigger headline.

A more exposing photograph.

A more shocking story.

That's going to get business.

That's going to get advertising.

Tabloid culture is

a real cut-throat business.

And it creates a real unsettled,

paranoid environment.

[female commentator] This idea that,

basically, we allow royals to exist,

albeit extravagantly,

on the condition that we're entitled to

constant information about their lives.

And I think that particularly

affects women in the Royal Family.

[James Holt]

I remember someone saying to Meghan,

"If you want to go to the Tate,

if you want to see a bit of London,

you better do it now

because your life's going to change."

[Harry] We'd been dating

secretly since July.

[Meghan] We'd been so petrified

of when it would break.

H tried to prepare me

for what that might be like

knowing what he'd experienced in the past.

And then, he and his brother's

Communications Secretary, Jason,

called him to let him know

that the story was scooped by a tabloid.

He said, "Well, if it's gonna come out

tomorrow, let's go and have fun tonight!"

[hip hop music playing]

[Harry] We went to

this Halloween party together,

where we could be completely

dressed up and no one would know.

- [Harry] I had a bandana and goggles.

- [Meghan] You borrowed a great costume.

[Harry] Borrowed a great costume.

[Meghan] And we were like, "Well, this

might be our last shot to just go out and

- have fun out in the world.

- Pull the pin on the fun grenade,

which we did.

[hip hop music continues]

[Meghan] His cousin, Eugenie, and

her boyfriend at the time, Jack,

and my friend, Marcus, were there too.

It was so great. Just silly fun.

And then

- [fingers snap]

- Don't let this be a final song ♪

[female reporter]

You hear that? That is the sound

of hearts breaking all around the world.

It is reported that Prince Harry

is dating actress, Meghan Markle.

- Harry's rumored to have a girlfriend

- the world's most eligible bachelor

- transatlantic alliance

- It is believed they met last summer

[Meghan] Next morning,

it was so overwhelming.

[female TV presenter]

the Prince and his American sweetheart

I said, "Okay. Well then,

I'll just treat it like we're in the bush.

Because, like, it's all foreign to me

but I trust that you'll keep me safe,

and you'll get me through it."

- She describes herself as mixed-race

- straight outta Compton

[male TV presenter]

from the wrong side of the tracks

[female voice] She's just a very different

type of person that I don't think

your average member of the public thinks

of when they think of "Royal Family."

Naively, I didn't know

what I was walking into.

[tense music playing]

[Harry] But in October of 2016,

when suddenly, everything changed.

[female voice1] Meghan is

very much a deviation

- [male voice1] lured Harry away from us

- [male voice2] Meghan seems to be

a version of the Antichrist

You're all I need to get by ♪

- You're all I need to get by ♪

- Like morning dew I took a look at you ♪

And it was plain to see

You were my destiny ♪

With arms open wide

I threw away my pride ♪

I sacrificed for you,

Dedicate my life to you ♪

I will go where you lead

Always there in time of need ♪

And when I lose my will

You'll be there to push me up the hill ♪

There's no, no looking back for us ♪

We got love sure 'nough, that's enough ♪

You're all you're all I need to get by ♪

- Oh baby oh baby ♪

- Ooh ooh ♪

- Honey, honey, honey, honey, yeah ♪

- Yeah ♪

- I need you darling. Oh, I need you ♪

- Ooh ooh, you're all, all I need ♪

- Oh, oh, oh I love you darling ♪

- Oh, baby ♪

- All I need I need your love ♪

- You're all I need ♪

- You're all I want. Ooh ♪

- Ooh ♪