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03x05 - Five Days

Posted: 12/21/22 18:50
by bunniefuu
[Refined music]

[♪ ♪]

- Mmm.
- Oh, that is good.

There is no coffee
like Gjelgjish coffee.

That's very true, Reid.

Randall, slow down.

You haven't had coffee
in a while, man.



Ahh. Daddy's home.

The prime minister
is looking forward

to tonight's welcome dinner.

It's going to be
quite the event

with some of Gjelgjiughm's
brightest luminaries

in attendance.

Wow. It sounds amazing.

Ah, luminaries, huh?

You know, I didn't pack
for an event like that.

Uh, can I wear this?

Don't worry.
We'll put you in a corner seat.

Nobody will notice.


[Phone buzzes]

Prime Minister Honig
humbly requests your presence

in her office.

Oh, OK. No problem.

Uh, just Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Park, you can rest
in your suite until dinner.


Thank you, Reid.

Randall, listen.

This could be a good thing.

Maybe there's an opportunity

where I could float
the coffee trade deal by her.

The prime minister hates me.
I knew it.

What are you talking about?
She doesn't hate you.

No, it's because
I celebrated too hard

when I beat you at WrestleFest.

Now she hates me
like she hates Taft.

OK, no more coffee for you
for the rest of the day.

OK? Please.

[Belches] I'm sorry.

- You OK?
- Totally. Totally.

OK, try to work
into the conversation

that I'm a serious journalist
writing an in-depth article

for, like, a "Vanity Fair"
type of publication,

like a Tom Wolfe
or Hunter S. Thompson.

Here's what you should do.

Have some cookies.

Have a lot of cookies.

- You need to soak up the caffeine.
- Okay.

Look what's happening
right now.


You're all over the place.

- I'm fine.
- Just have some cookies.

- Yeah, OK.
- I'll see you at dinner.

I'm having the best time.

[font color=#FF FF]*YOUNG ROCK[/font]
[font color=# FF ]Season Episode [/font]

Thank you.
Prime Minister.

[Sighs] Dwayne, apologies.

I know that you've just arrived

and you probably want to rest
and freshen up before dinner.

No, not at all.
How can I help?

I would really appreciate
your opinion on something.


What do you think
of this portrait?

[Soft music]

I think it's great.
You look like a true leader.

Open to any possibility

that might make
your country better,

say, a potential trade deal
with another country...

- I don't like it.
- Mm.

What don't you like about it?

I don't know.

I mean, honestly, I don't think
I like the whole idea of it.

I was born and raised
right here in Gjelgjiughm.

Last year at this time,
I was just a regular citizen,

and now I...


- I get it.
- Mm.

The pressure of sudden fame
can be tough.

- Eyes on you all the time.
- Ugh, all the time.

- Constantly.
- [sighs] My goodness.

I mean, how did you deal
with it in the beginning?

Honestly, it was, uh...
It was tricky.

I had just delivered
my first promo as a heel.

I became the youngest
intercontinental champion

in WWF history.

And what did it get me?
[crowd booing]

In arenas across the country,

I heard chants
of "Rocky sucks."

Crowd: [chanting]
Rocky sucks! Rocky sucks!

Well, Rocky Maivia
is a lot of things,

but "sucks" isn't one of them.

I couldn't tell
if my heel turn

the Nation of Domination

got over with the crowd.

And backstage,
I couldn't tell

if it got over
with the brass either.

What'd you think?

What matters now is
what the folks at home think

about the new Rocky Maivia.

Eh, we'll find out soon enough.

The next live show
is in five days.

When you step out
into that crowd in Chicago,

we'll know all we need to know
about whether you got over.

And that's how Pat left it.

In five days, the fans
who saw my promo on TV

are gonna come into that arena

and let me know
how they feel about me.

And how do you
want them to feel?

As a heel,
I want them to hate me

and love to hate me.

I'm gonna take
your word for it.


Excuse me, could we get
some more water, please?

I'm sure she heard me.

I'm glad I did what I did,

but I've got no control
over how the fans will react.

I put everything on the line
with that promo.

Not just my career.
Our future, my family's future.

Don't put so much pressure
on yourself.

Just take a moment to be proud

about finally being
your true self out there.

Yeah, it did feel good.

Hi, can we get
a couple of those waters?

It's like
she sped up that time.

Yeah, like she didn't want
the water to melt.

[Both laugh]

So five days until Chicago.

What's five days?
We do that every week.

Exactly. I mean,
a full week is seven days.

- So it's not even a week.
- Yeah, it's like

if you met a friend for drinks
and they said,

"Hey, let's do this again
in five days,"

you'd say, "Whoa, slow down."

"We just saw each other."
[both laugh]

Sorry for the wait.

Here's your side
of ranch dressing.

I left that restaurant
feeling good

and planned to get
a full night's sleep,

but that didn't happen.

I simply couldn't
stop thinking

about how the fans
would react to me

when I finally got to Chicago.

How do you want your eggs?


- Your eggs.
- Oh, yeah.

Yeah, my legs are great.

I imagined
every possible outcome

over and over and over again.

- [Knock at door]
- What's taking so long?

It's not what you think.

Full disclosure...
It was at first,

but not anymore.

I have to get ready for work.

Do I have to use the bathroom
at the Chevron?

With my future on the line,

these five days felt
like an eternity.

- Hey.
- Dewey.

I'm so glad you called.

We came as fast as we could.

Oh, a little too fast.

I had the right of way.

Pigeon wasn't fit for the city.

How you doing, son?

Waiting to see if you got over
with the fans can be tough.

Believe me.
I've been there.

- Yeah. Thanks, Dad.
- This apartment is spotless.

Yeah, I've been doing
some, uh, cleaning.

you only clean like this

when there's something
really bothering you.


Are you getting enough sleep?

Does Dany snore?

Is her snoring
during this stressful time

forcing you
from your marital bed?

Mom, no.
Nobody's snoring.

And please don't say
"marital bed."

Hey, son.

What's this mess over here?

I started doing puzzles
to help pass the time.

Not enough yarn in the world
to make me adopt a cat.

Anyway, how's things?

- How's Tampa?
- Good.

Uh, we're excited about

Rocky and Mom's wrestling gym
opening up.

Oh, yeah. The gym.
How's that going?

- Couldn't be better.
- The gym is a mess.

- Do you need me to clean it?
- No, son.

Ooh, but I would love it

if you came back
and signed some autographs

for the grand opening
in a few weeks.

- Absolutely, Dad.
- [laughs] Oh.

- Whatever I can do to help.
- [chuckles] Great.

The only thing more exciting
to potential gym members

than talking to me
is talking to me

and someone that's half me.

You don't even have
a wrestling ring.

Again, I'm not buying used.

That's how you catch something.

I appreciated
my family visiting,

but their energy wasn't
helping me pass the time.

And so, I decided
to take a drive

to visit an old friend.
[Indistinct arguing]

Oh, man, sure is nice
to have you here, Dewey.

- Hey.
- Hey, you need a fresh beer

or a rubber nipple for that one
you've been nursing?

[Both laugh]

I'm OK, Bruno.

I've got hours
until my next match in Chicago,

so I'm just happy
to be here by your... pool.

Oh, don't worry,
someone's on their way

to collect that dead finch,
and then we'll go swimming.

Hey, but come on, brother.

No one brings up
the exact amount of hours

before an event unless they're
worried about something.

I just thought
these five days

leading up to my next match
would be easy.

- Mm-hmm.
- You know?

But I can't stop worrying
about what might happen there.

Yeah, I understand.

how the fans might react

to something you say
or might do in the ring,

seen it affect a lot of guys.

Look, I know uncertainty
is part of the deal, right?

But getting on the mic
like that,

saying exactly
what I wanted to say...

- Mm-hmm.
- It felt great.

- So if I don't get over...
- Yeah, you'll be crushed.

because it wouldn't just mean

I would probably
lose my job in the WWF.

But... I'll be losing a feeling

that I can't replicate
anywhere else,

doing anything else.

I get it, brother.

Nothing else like it
in the world.

Hey. Have no fear, all right?

It's gonna happen for you.

Now, if you don't mind,
I'm gonna get you a fresh one.

Any time you drink a warm beer,
an angel loses its wings.

Not on my watch.
[both laugh]

And then finally,
those five days were over,

and I was in Chicago,

not knowing
what was gonna happen.

This is it, Dewey.

Let's find out
if anybody's talking about you.


Any thoughts
before we get started, Vince?

First match can make
the night or break the night.

Let's see it.

You heard the man!

[Distant cheering]

- You ready?
- [sighs] Yeah.

- It's all or nothing now.
- Damn right.

Come on.
Come on.

It's party time!

All: ♪ We are
the Nation of Domination! ♪

Being booed
as a heel faction was normal

and to be expected,

but nobody expected
what happened next.

Crowd: [chanting]
Rocky sucks! Rocky sucks!

[Crowd booing, jeering]

You could feel they were
actually enjoying hating me.

Congrats, son.
They can't stand your ass.

Which is exactly
what I wanted.

I had gotten over as a heel.

They remembered my speech
five days ago,

and they loved
hating me for it.

And I couldn't
have been happier.

Minding those fists again.

After the fans' response

that night in Chicago,
there was no looking back.

I was a house of fire,

and the fan reaction
was instant and intense.

It was at a whole other level.

You suck, Rocky!

Also, I love you!

You know, ever since
I got to Minnesota,

people keep telling me this is
the Land of , Lakes.

But when I look around,
all I see are , jabronis.

Welp, just saying,
what's not to like?

- [Crowd booing]
- Listen to this crowd.

But you've gotta commend
the athletic ability.

[Rock music]

Getting back
on the offensive.

- Look at this!
- Great offense!

Good night, nurse!

Tremendous DDT.


- Oh, attaboy, son!
- That's it, Dewey!

Snap his neck
like a Thanksgiving turkey!

So I hear
you're the number one wrestler

in all of Milwaukee.

[Cheers and applause]

Your daddy's here.

Your grand mama's here.

Hell, even the girl

that you finally got the guts
to ask out is here.

What's up, girl?
[crowd booing]

But what you, them,
and everybody here needs to do

is two things...

Know your role

and shut your mouth!

[Crowd booing, jeering]

- Watch out now.
- Ready to do a Rock Bottom.

- He's setting him up.
- Rock Bottom.

Made it!
Who's your daddy?

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

Let's switch up
next week's main event

and get Dwayne in there.

You got it, Vince.

Oh, what a shot to the face.

Ken Shamrock
with a thunderous clothesline.

Ken Shamrock.

Show these people
you don't suck!

Vince knew I was
one of the hottest tickets

in the WWF.

He never told me that

but he didn't have to.

I knew
'cause he started booking me

at the top of the card
facing stars

like Ken Shamrock.

[Crowd booing]

♪ Rock now,
rock the night ♪

[♪ ♪]

[crowd booing, jeering]

Hold on.
I want to try something.

- Hey, look at this!
- Wait a minute.

Setting him up.

Oh, he may have
to get some steam here.

[Dramatic music]

[♪ ♪]

- And here it comes.
- Yes!

The elbow to the left
of the heart of Shamrock.

Come on now.
With a hook to the leg.

Shamrock felt that.

Dropping it on Shamrock.

[Crowd cheering, booing]

The People's Elbow?

I don't get it, man.

You hit the ropes twice.

You jump over me for no reason
and drop an elbow.

- It got a pop, didn't it?
- [scoffs]

The most ridiculous thing
I ever seen.

[Rock music]

Oh, I'm just getting started.

Uh-oh. Here it comes!

- And drives the elbow.
- Oh!

Now he wants that
referred to

as The People's Elbow.

Yeah! The People's Elbow
into the sternum.

Watch this.
This is pretty cool.

Do it, Rocky!
Come on!

Put the brakes on. Bang!

I was now operating

from a place
of extreme confidence,

and it was paying off
in spades.

[Crowd booing, jeering]

♪ East, west ♪

After that amazing run
on the road,

I couldn't wait
to see my family in Tampa

and help my dad
open his new gym,

just like I said I would.

But excited as I was
to sign some autographs,

I wasn't prepared
for what I was about to see.


There he is!
There he is!

[Crowd cheering]

♪ Lyrical acrobatics
needs something ♪

♪ To rock the mic
and get the crowd jumping ♪

- [all cheering]
- Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I can't believe
how many people are here.

They're all just
finally seeing in you

what we've known for years.

She's right, Dewey.

We always knew.

Isn't that right, High Chief?

High Chief said that's right.

Welcome to life on top, son.

It's so surreal.

I've been there,
and let me tell you:

When that spotlight is
shining down, you gotta...

I know, I know.
Keep your feet on the ground.

Hell no!

Moonwalk on a , son.

You're the king!

Oh, OK. Hey.

Thank you all so much
for coming out.

And don't forget,
as you get your autograph,

we have founding memberships
available for bucks a month.

a month
if you want towel service.

That's a great value.

Plus, the towels got
the gym logo on 'em.

I mean, the towels are
a beautiful classic white.

- We love you, Rocky.
- Oh.

- Thank you, man.
- Thanks, friend.

We gotta figure out a way
to sort out this name confusion

while we're together in public.

Well, he was
clearly talking to me.

Eh, that's up for debate.

I was talking to him.

Hey, long line.

Let's keep it moving, huh?

I signed autographs
for about eight hours.

I think I strained my forearm.

Well, as your true friend
and pretend doctor,

I'm prescribing you
a dozen beers for the pain.


Dewey, for real, though,
I'm proud of you.

I always knew
you had it in you.

Bruno, I wouldn't be here
without you.


So glad we could
finally catch a game.

Me too. Can you answer me
this question, though?

Why aren't they
throwing it more?

Man, you can't throw
against Deion Sanders.

Maivia, arm wrestle you
for a beer.

Right now?

[Exhales sharply]

Don't worry
about the beer, buddy.

OK. What down is it?


- Rocky?
- Yeah.

Remember when you
body-slammed the Undertaker,

and he tried to get up,

and you were like,
"No way, buster!"

And then you punched him, and
you gave him the Rock Bottom.

And then the ref was like,
"One, two, three"?

Yeah, I do.

It was a great match.

- I'm glad you enjoyed it.
- [chuckles]

OK. Who's got the ball?

Game's over, brother.

- Over?
- Yeah.

- Oh, you're kidding me.
- Nope.

Deion picked six
to win the game.

Oh, look.
Talking about it right now.

Listen, you're gonna throw
against Deion in prime time,

you're gonna pay,
'cause Deion is prime time.

Tell you what,
you gotta have major swagger

to talk like that
in third person.

Hell yeah, you do.

I like it.

Hey, bro, when the hell

are you gonna
wrestle Steve Austin?

Um, I don't know,

but I'll tell Vince
the fans want to see it.

Hell yeah, bro. Hey.

Shotgun a beer
with me real quick.

I'm sorry.

I'm just taking it easy
watching some games.


Who wants to bet
that I can shotgun a beer

faster than Rocky Maivia?

[All cheering]
Come on!

I wasn't prepared
for living in the spotlight

or the fact that spotlight
never turns off.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.

Someone's hungry.

Cod might be
the perfect fish.


Let me top you off,
Mr. Maivia.

Whoa, you're like
a water ninja today.

I did win

two nonconsecutive
Halloween costume contests

when I dressed up as a ninja
in college.

- Congrats on that.
- Nonconsecutive?

Sophomore year, I had mono.

- Enjoy your meal.
- Thank you.

She sure is more attentive

than the last time
we were here.

Yeah. No kidding.

Think of all that's happened
since then.

It's been insane.

But you know what?

It feels like we've only
been talking about me lately.

How are you doing?
How's work been?

Oh, great.
Actually, I just got this...

Excuse us.
Rocky Maivia?

I don't mean to bother you,
but can we get your autograph?



Oh, my God. Sorry.

- I told you we shouldn't have.
- No, no, no. It's OK.

Thanks so much.

Enjoy your dinner.

- What was that about?
- I know.

I'm sorry they interrupted you.

It's been happening
all the time now

- when I'm in public.
- Dwayne.

I wasn't talking about them.

- I was talking about you.
- What did I do?

- You were so rude to them.
- Rude?

I gave him my autograph.

You really didn't see
what you did?

I truly have no idea
what you're talking about.

All right.
Let's do an exercise.


Not that kind of exercise.
It's one I learned

at a Merrill Lynch
team-building lunch.


We're gonna pretend
to be that couple

right before they came over
and interrupted our dinner.

- All right. Let's do it.
- All right.

Oh, my God.

Look, it's Rocky Maivia.

That's my favorite wrestler.

- [Chuckles]
- I gotta go over there.

No, no, no, no.
You can't bother him.

He's with his beautiful wife.

She's got great hair,
by the way.

Awesome hair,
but he's my guy.

- I may never see him again.
- You're right.

You're right.
You have to do it.

OK, but you gotta
come with me.

- It'll be awesome.
- Let's go.

[Clears throat]
Excuse me, Mr. Maivia?

Can we get your autograph?



- I did not do it like that.
- Yes, you did.

- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.

- Did I?
- Yes!

[Sighs] Man, I'm the worst.

You're certainly
not the worst,

but in that moment,
maybe you weren't your best.

It's just everything
that's happened since Chicago

has been amazing.

It's what I've always wanted.

And it's everything
I wanted for you.

- But things are different.
- I know.

You've lost your ability
to be anonymous in public,

and that's hard.

But you've gained something
way more important...

The ability
to make people happy,

and you love
to make people happy.

Just remember
that's why you're doing this.

Excuse me.
I'm sorry to interrupt.

Oh, my gosh.

Would you like to sit down?

Can we get you anything?

- What are we doing?
- Do you want my chair?

- This is not... yeah, get up.
- OK. I'll get up.

No, no, no. It's OK.

I just wanted to apologize
for being so rude earlier.

I really appreciate you both
stopping by and saying hello.

Don't worry about it.
It's totally cool.

It wasn't cool, which is why
I picked up your dinner tab

and have a round of Fernets
coming to your table.

I don't know what that is,
but thank you so much.

Yeah, I gotta say,
you are much nicer in person

than the guy you play
in the ring.

Even though we love him too.

Now you can tell your friends
you went one-on-one

with the jabroni-beating,



Tip your waitress.
Raise your glass.

If you approach me again,
I'll whup your candy ass!

[Both laugh]

- I got The People's Elbow!
- Come on!

[Indistinct chatter]


That seemed to go well.

- I'm glad I did that.
- [chuckles]

Thank you.

I hope you saved room
for dessert,

'cause the waitress came by
and said

she's sending a pie
on the house.

She said you love pie,
which I don't think is true.

My persona loves pie.


It's a metaphor.

Let's not worry about that now.

You know, after that moment
with those fans

at the restaurant,
I never looked at any aspect

of my fame as bad ever again.

- Mm.
- I mean, I was given

this amazing opportunity

to fulfill my dreams
and make a difference.

I'll always be
very grateful for that,

even when fame can sometimes be
a little uncomfortable.

- And I know you can relate.
- I can.

- [Chuckles]
- Yeah.

I still think
I should have smiled.

I really like it like that.
Keep 'em guessing.

No one will ever know
what's under there.

- Maybe knives.
- Yes, knives.

- [laughs]
- A mouthful of knives...

- [growls]
- For the critics.

- [Chuckles]
- So, uh, what do you think?

Brought it in case
we went kayaking.


We can seat you in a corner.
No one will notice.

Yeah, and I can't wait
to go hiking in Joshua Tree.

Randall, your socks,
you gotta pull them up.

Dwayne, I am just dying
to know more.

I mean, what happened
after that dinner with Dany?

Well, when I went
back out on the road,

Dany was right
about me being myself

inside and outside the ring.

But I realized if I really
wanted to be myself,

I'd have to address
the name issue

that my dad brought up to me
back at his gym.

[Rock music]

It was time
to retire Rocky Maivia.

Well, Fayetteville,

let's see whose ass
is about to get whupped,

courtesy of...

- The Rock.
- ♪ The Rock says ♪

♪ The Rock, The Rock ♪