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01x12 - Roamin' Holiday/The Proof is in the Pudding

Posted: 12/22/22 08:02
by bunniefuu
(theme music)

♪ Down the rabbit hole to wonderland ♪

♪ I found this place ♪

♪ Spices sing and butterflies ♪

♪ A new world to embrace ♪

♪ Nothing here's impossible ♪

♪ So stir and twirl away ♪

♪ Up is down and left is right ♪

♪ Here is where I'm gonna stay ♪

♪ Everything so curious ♪

♪ Like a dream come true ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ Don't be late, it's ready now ♪

♪ Bring friends, both old and new ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪

♪ At Alice's Wonderland bakery ♪

♪ I'll make something for you ♪


ALICE: Roamin' Holiday.


Alice, I'm so glad you're here.

Oh, we'd never miss a chance
to hang out with you.


When you call, we roll.

I brought a copy of my family portrait
like you asked.

(Rosa gasps)


Now I can add all you rabbits to my mural.

I can't wait to see your painting.

It's my biggest art project yet.

I really want to capture
all of Wonderland.

I see the palace.

Your mom playing croquet,
the flowers singing.


And over years,
a whole lot of blank space.

That's the problem.

I want to paint everyone in Wonderland,

but I don't know
if that's in the cards for me.

Why not?

There are a few places and people
in Wonderland I've never seen.

FERGIE: Oh, a royal map of Wonderland.


Smell's official.

That's the secret cove at Dodo beach.

ROSA: The bread and butter fly hatchery.

And the most mysterious character
in all of Tulgey Wood...

-Kiki the caterpillar.

I heard she's ten feet tall
and breathes fire.

I heard she's ten inches small
and sh**t ice from her nose.

No one's met Kiki or seen her.

Not even mama.

Maybe you could paint another thing
in the palace instead.

There's enough here to fill two murals.

But there's more to Wonderland
than the palace.

There's so much out there I want to see.

♪ When something grabs my eye
touches my heart ♪

♪ It makes me reach out, brave and tall ♪

♪ I wanna see it all ♪

♪ I want a new adventure to start ♪

♪ Like a rose on a vine ♪

♪ Learning to climb ♪

♪ A bird spreading its wings
for the first time ♪

♪ I long to go to heed the call ♪

♪ Beyond the garden wall ♪

♪ So many people to meet,
wonders to find ♪

♪ From break of day till our star light ♪

♪ I wish I may, I wish I might ♪

♪ Leave no stone unturned
as the roads run wide ♪

♪ Like a rose on a vine ♪

♪ Learning to climb ♪

♪ A bird spreading its wings
for the first time ♪

♪ I long to go to heed the call ♪

♪ Beyond the garden wall ♪

♪ Just who will I be
and just how will I grow? ♪

♪ If I never see
what the world has to show ♪

♪ I long to go ♪

♪ Beyond the garden wall ♪

(music fades)

I'd love to fill in my mural's
blank spaces.

If I only knew how.

Maybe we can find those missing pieces.

But where do we go
if we don't know where to go?

By talking to someone
who knows Wonderland,

the Cheshire Cat.

Do you really think we can find them?

If it means finishing your mural,
we've got to.

Let's go.

H-how do you turn this thing on?

Wait for me!

-(Alice chuckles)
-(Rosa yelping)

(Alice chuckles)

ALL: Whoa!

-ALICE: Next stop, Tulgey Wood!

(tire screeches)

Hmm, I don't see him anywhere.

-(Cheshire chuckles)

Watch the whiskers.

Just the cat we're looking for.

I'm painting a mural of Wonderland
and have a few things left to draw.

Can you help me find them?

Why? Have you lost them?

Hmm, I'd lose my tail
if it weren't attached to me.


Sometimes I lose it anyway.

We're looking for a secret cove
at Dodo Beach,

the bread and butterfly hatchery
and Kiki the caterpillar.

My, you've got fabulous taste.

I was just at the secret cove,
and I love picnicking in the hatchery.

-What about Kiki?

Why, she's only the bubbliest person
in Tulgey Wood.

Would you mind taking us around?

My pleasure. Just tail my tail.

(Hattie chuckling)
Hello, Dodo beach!

What I don't see is a secret cove.

That's because
you can only see it at night.

Now, this is like nothing I've ever seen.

Hold onto your crown because there's more.


Now, which one is it?

Oh, my. Apologies. Lovely claws.

Gracious me! Sweet dreams.

It's always the third one.

ALICE: Whoa!


-That's amazing.

Welcome to the Dodo beach secret cove.

CHESHIRE: And its welcoming committee.

It's so curious and beautiful.

This is definitely going in the mural.

FERGIE: Oh, make sure to get me
and my new friends in your drawing.

(engine revving)

The bread and butterfly hatchery!

Look! Are those loaves of bread?

No. They're loaves of bread
and butterflies.

And they're hatching.

-Oh, so cute!
-Oh, nice!

Oh, my heartness.

I've never seen baby bread
and butterflies before.

There's so many to draw!

Well, I'd better be
fluttering away myself.

-See ya!

You haven't taken us
to Kiki the caterpillar yet.

Oh, yes! Kiki!

Never met her.

But you said she was the bubbliest person
in Tulgey Wood!

Oh, she is.

She's also the tallest,
but only when you're the smallest.

That's all I know. Ta-ta!

Kiki is the missing piece to my mural.

Without her, my painting
will still have a big blank spot.


She's the tallest,
but only when we're the smallest.

I knew she was ten feet tall!

Wait a maple-coated minute!

It's not that Kiki's tall,

we have to go to a place
where we're small,

like Mushroom Forest.


That's the deepest part of Tulgey Wood.

And might be home to Kiki.

Come on.

Oh, Alice, did we get smaller
or did everything else get bigger?

Not sure, but we are definitely
the smallest things here.

Are those bubbles?

(Kiki vocalizing)

Cheshire did say Kiki was bubbly.

-(Kiki laughing)
-(all gasps)

ALL: Is it?

ROSA: Please be Kiki.


Who are you?


Alice. And these are my friends.

Oh, well, a big bubbly hello
to Alice and her friends.

Indeed, I am Kiki.

-FERGIE: Ooh...
- Oh!

-(Fergie exclaims)
-(Kiki chuckles)

Oh, dear.
I haven't had visitors in wonder years.

It's hard for folks to find me
within all these mushrooms.


Now tell me, what bubbled you
this deep into Tulgey Wood?

I'm taking sketches for a mural
I am painting of Wonderland.

I'd love to include
a picture of you in it.


Oh, so you're an artist?

So am I!

A bubble artist, that is.

But I've never had my portrait
painted before.


That's why I had to find you.

Then let me get on my fancy mushroom.

Find my best angle.



(grunts, laughs)

There, there. Draw away.

Let's have a little music.
Shall we make this a party?

These bubbles make me want to bop!

-FERGIE: And hop!
-Another bubble here...

and there, and...

ROSA: Done!

I have every piece for my mural.

(marching footsteps approaching)


Who are you and all your friends?

We are the Card Guards!

Here to escort the princess to the palace!

Princess? You're the princess?

Oh, I've never had royalty
in my mushrooms.

Oh, welcome, Your Heartness.

Zones. She's been bubbled!

Fan away, cards! Fan away!

My sketches!

Oh, no!

We have to find them!

I'm afraid your royal duties call.
We must hurry to the palace posthaste!

CARD GUARD: Come along, princess.

(music fades)

I can't believe my sketches are gone.

I'll never finish my mural.

At least you got to see
those mystery places and meet Kiki.

That must warm your heart a bit.

Cheshire, what brings you here?

My feet, of course.

Uh, Princess,
I believe this belongs to you.

I must say, your art
really took Tulgey Wood by storm.

My sketches! You found them!

Oh, it wasn't me.

Am I at the right palace?



I couldn't sit on my mushroom
knowing your sketches were out there.

You wanted to include everyone,
even a caterpillar,

deep in Tulgey Wood like me.

From one artist to another,
I can't wait to see your painting.

-(fanfare trumpet plays)
-(indistinct chattering)

ROSA: Thank you for coming to see
my mural of Wonderland.

And thanks to all my friends, old and new,

who helped make my dream come true.

(crowd clamoring)

Oh, look at it. It's beautiful!


Fabulosa, my dear Rosa.

I'm seeing Wonderland as never before.

Me, too.

Your mural really does show
all of Wonderland.

Thanks to the best friends
in the whole Wonderland world.

(music stops)

ALICE: The proof is in the pudding.

Hear ye, hear ye!

The royal Jabberwock's
breakfast is served.


How curious.

Does Jabbie
always get jelly for breakfast?

Oh, that just helps him try
his new Jabberwock food.

He can be a little afraid
to try new things,

but jelly makes it taste like his treats.

(King of Hearts sighs)

Hi, Abuelito. What's wrong?

Oh, my sweet Rosita.

Today, I awoke with the strangest
sensation in my heart.

A craving for jumbleberry crumble.

A jumble what's-it-called?

Jumbleberry crumble.

The most delicious dessert in Wonderland.


Do you have the recipe?

Yes, but the problem is, we can't make it.

It's simply impossible.

Nothing's impossible.

I like to say we can do as many as six
impossible things before breakfast.


Why is making
a jumbleberry crumble so impossible?

You really want to know?

Follow me. Vamoose!

KING OF HEARTS: Okay, let's see.
It's in here somewhere.

Ooh, hello there.

Ah, yes, here it is.

Wonderland's jumbleberry eating contest.

Your mother was a contestant.

What happened?

Your mother ate too many jumble berries.

She got a royal tummy ache.

Oh, poor mama.

And even though she loved jumbleberries,

from that day on,
she vowed to never eat them again.

The Queen banned jumbleberries
from Wonderland forever!

So just because the Queen doesn't want
to try jumbleberries again,

no one else can either?

That doesn't seem fair,

but mama can be very particular
about her royal rules.


But there's so many
jumbleberry recipes to enjoy.

Jumbleberry tarts, jumbleberry pudding...

That's it.

...jumbleberry crepes,
crumbles, ripples, rumbles!

I'm sorry, did you say something, Alice?

What if we had a bake-off?

If we remind her of all
the jumbleberry recipes there are,

maybe one will change her mind.

-I heart this idea!
-Si! Yes.

There's just one little thing.

Mama's going to need some convincing.

Please, Mama.
We haven't had a bake-off in forever.

And since it's a contest,

you get to be the judge.


You had me at being a judge.

(fanfare trumpet plays)

Welcome, bakers,
to our jungle berry bake-off!

Rule one.

You have until I clap my hands
to bake your dish.

Rule one and three quarters,

I have requested a pudding palate cleanser

to refresh my taste buds between tastings.

-Here, Your Majesty.

And may I say, you look extra royal today.

Not that you don't usually look royal.

Oh, crumbs. Let me start over.

Alice will have extra time
to create my palate cleanser.

However, that time
will travel twice as fast.

On it!

A pudding fit for a queen!

Batter must only be stirred

All rabbits must be Fergie's.

And absolutely no goats
in the kitchen after sunset.

Any questions?


On your marks, get set, bake!

(upbeat music)


♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

-(both chuckling)

CHORUS: ♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum
Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

♪ Oh, roll up your sleeves
it's time to bake ♪

♪ Stir that, we've got a dish to make ♪

♪ And let's work together
with a sift and a scoop ♪

♪ And a sprinkle and shake ♪

-♪ C'mon, let's bake! ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ Let's bake ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ Whisk like me, then have a taste ♪

♪ Mix it like a Hatter
there's no time to waste ♪

FERGIE: ♪ Set it like a rabbit ♪

♪ We can't be late ♪

CHORUS: ♪ The perfect recipe
served on your plate ♪

Yeah! Let's bake!

-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪
-♪ Let's bake! ♪

-♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

-♪ With a sprinkle and a shake ♪
-CHORUS: ♪ Bum Ba Dum Ba Dum ♪

CHORUS: Let's bake

(Alice chuckles)

Time's up. Drop your berries.




Take the deserts
to the courtroom for judging.

Hold the Scone. Court?

-As in you're putting our dishes on trial?
-(Fergie groans)

I didn't know the palace had a courtroom.

(indistinct chattering)

I just hope the queen loves
the jumbleberry cobbler recipe.

Cheshire, uh, what are you doing here?

Why, hello, Alice. Happy to see you.

Or should I say draw you?

-He's good.


Order! In the court!

The honourable judge, me,

the Queen of Hearts presiding.

I'm here to decide if jumbleberries
will return to Wonderland.

-Let's begin.
-(gavel strikes)

First up, it's Hattie.

-(gavel strikes)
-State your case.

I present jumbleberry Hatter crisps.


And they taste really good.

I'll be the judge of that.


Oh, I've made my decision.
This dish is too sweet.

I need my pudding palate cleanser at once.


Oh, crumbs.

Something tells me
this might take a while.

So, what do you think?


I think it's a fabulous effort.

Really? Whiskers! I did it!

Ah-ah. Not fabulous enough.

Oh, carrot sticks.

Cards, palate cleanser, please.


Well, Mama, do you heart it?

Mmm, mmm!

Everything my Rosa makes is superb.


Which simply means,
I must disqualify this dish.

It wouldn't be fair
to play favorites, mija.



The Queen calls Alice to the stand.


It's good. It's good. I like it.

Just not the jumbleberry part.

Are you sure, Your Majesty?


Ah, look at the time.

I told you we did not like jumbleberries.

The matter remains case closed!




Take the empty dishes
to the kitchen, please.

Go, go, go, go.

Alice, what do we do?

Your Majesty, before we finish,

perhaps Your Highness would like
one final pudding palate cleanser.

Oh, excellent idea.

I must get the taste of, ugh,

jumbleberries out of my mouth.

Request granted. Case unclosed!

(gavel strikes)

Oh, sorry, pumpkin.

I really thought this was gonna work.

I don't get it.
Each dish was so different.

What did we miss?


Looks like the jumbleberry ban
is here to stay.

Oh, we work so hard on our desserts.

Oh, it's like I can still smell them.

Wait a maple-coated minute!

Hoppin' haberdashers!

The Queen didn't even try these.

So it was all an act.

But why would Mama do that?

Hear ye, hear ye!
The royal Jabberwocks dinner is served!

-(both exclaim)
-Whoa! Watch the fur?


Because the queen
doesn't hate jumbleberries.

She's just afraid to try them again.


Maybe she just needs a half
of spoonful of jelly.

Like Jabbie.

And maybe the queen can go
for some more pudding.

Time to cook up a plan.

Ah, I say we wrap this up.

Don't you wanna see my courtroom drawings?

Well, I do love drawings of myself.


This is me at Dodo beach.

CHESHIRE: And, oh,
this is me riding a bicycle.

Oh, this is me if I were a Cheshire dog.

ALICE: Hear ye, hear ye!

I present the final
pudding palate cleanser.


(clears throat)
Oh, thank you.

What is in this pudding?

It's simply delicious.



I'm glad you asked, Your Majesty,

because I have one final person
to call to the stand.


-(crowd clamoring)

What is the meaning of this?

Birds and lobsters of the jury,

the Queen forgot to mention
one very important thing.

She actually loves jumbleberries!

Who doesn't?

Wait, is that what this trial is for?

What is your proof?

You can't handle the proof.

Your Majesty.

The pudding you are holding
is made of jumbleberries.

The proof is in the pudding
because you loved it.


(crowd clamoring)

Ay, señor!


Exhibits A, B, C and D.

She didn't even try our very berry dishes.

That is... I... Well, you see, I...


It's true.

After what happened at the jumbleberry
contest all those years ago,

I've been too scared to try them again.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay to be scared.

But if you give something a second chance,
it might just be worth it.

Mm-hmm. Yes. Maybe you're right.

I forgot how good jumbleberries are.

Does that mean you'll undo the ban?

(hopeful music)

(clears throat)

Jumbleberry is for everyone! Case closed!

-(gavel strikes)
-(crowd cheering)


-(crowd cheering)
-I love jumbleberries.

Finally! A jumbleberry crumble.

Alice, I can't thank you enough.

You've done the impossible.

It just goes to show,

nothing's too impossible in Wonderland.


(cheerful music)