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03x05 - Druz'ya I Vragi

Posted: 12/23/22 18:55
by bunniefuu
You know, Levan, you could
say that I did you a favor.

I mean, sooner or later...

f*ck you. f*ck you!

You son of a bitch. You
know what loyalty is, huh?

You know what
loyalty is? f*ck you!

Can't believe you actually
showed up in person.

I can't believe you'd actually
tell me where you were.

Well, you were right about
him being f*cking crazy.

So, Matoksa.

A nuclear fallout site
in the middle of Russia.

I assume you have a plan.

- My guy can get...
- I didn't say I wanted to hear it.

Just that you've got one.

I do.

Let me know when you go
in. I'll provide overwatch.

The Agency?

Or just you?

Good luck.

Where the f*ck is
Ryan? I need an update.

You stuck your neck out for him,
and if you don't bring him in,

- this is on you.
- I'm still waiting to hear from him.

I'll let you know when
we have something.

Where are we going?

You haven't decided
yet, have you?

There's a quality
you have, Radek.

When you started with me,
I thought it made you weak.

Now I envy it.



You don't have to do this.


It's Greer. Do you have
eyes on Radek right now?


He left the party
with the president.


We suspect Radek played a
part in the assassination.

Working under orders from Petr.

You don't think he'd
be stupid enough

to try anything
with her, do you?

If Radek thinks we're on to
him, we can't bet on anything.

I'm on my way.


what will it be, Radek?

- Yes?
- You were with him.

The American.

He was just fishing.

It's nothing to worry about.

Then why are you
inside my apartment?

I taught you well, Radek.

I know what you do
with loose ends.

I've taken care of a
few of them for you.

You sent your wife
and child away.

But there is no
one I cannot find.

Which is why I propose a trade.

My family for yours.

She's fine for now.

We're headed to the
country house. Come alone.

All right, Jack.

Search the facility,
find the uranium

and get out.

Keep an eye

on your radiation levels.

What do you got?

1,000 millirems.

Is that, you know, uh...

It's fine. Normal
background radiation

is about 350.

Gets dangerous when you
absorb more than 5,000.

The president still hasn't
checked in with her staff?

Not yet.

What about Radek Breza?
Anything from his phone records?

He received a call at
21:40 while at Cáslav.

It was from his wife Jana.

- You check the wife's records?
- Her next call was to book

a flight out of the country.

They landed in
Warsaw an hour ago.

Do we bring IS in?

Radek was head of security.

How do we know who to trust?

The last DDI report's
a bit short on details.

The nuclear accident in Matoksa

was no Chernobyl, but
it doesn't sound pretty.

Hey, I'm a can-do
kind of guy and all,

but this is starting
to feel not great.

Then why hasn't
the meter changed?

I mean, if we were really
heading into radiation,

the meter would definitely...

Do that?

What's the reading?

- 2,100.
- Jesus.

Wait a minute.

Could the reading
really jump that high

in only a couple steps?

I mean, it's rare,
but it's possible.


Jack, what are you doing?

What if it's a cover?

You think they
planted radioactive sh*t

to scare people off?

Actually, it doesn't
have to be radioactive.

Targeted UVC
frequencies could do it.



This is insane.




Are you really willing
to bet your life on this?



Yeah, he does that.

We tracked Radek
and the president

to the exit, and this is
where the cameras lose them.

The satellite footage catches
them heading north onto 38.

- Not back to Prague but out into the country.
- Mm-hmm.

Does Radek own any
property out that way?

Only thing registered to him
was the apartment in the city.

Another call
placed from Radek's phone.

- Number?
- Coming up on a list

of unregistered
we've been chasing.

Well, belongs to Petr Kovac.

Run a property check on him.

Looks like a place

- just outside Doksy.
- Send it to my phone.

That's probably
where they're headed,

but I need to be certain.

What does Petr Kovac drive?

The only car in his name is
a 1975 Land Rover series III.

All right, you keep
digging in on Petr.

- I want everything.
- Greer.

We can't keep this from
Czech intelligence.

We've got to at least warn
them of our suspicions.


You can read 'em in, but
give me a head start.

think you'd answer.

Neither did I.

You know, I was thinking,

most of this makes sense.

Radek resents Russian influence,
so he takes out Dmitry Popov.

Simple assassination.

Inside job from President
Kovac's head of security.

It's kind of standard, really.

But what doesn't make sense,

what never has
made sense, is you.

But I'm starting to get it.

For a while there, I
thought that Radek took her

because we were on to him, but
he took her because of you.

You are the one who
has him running scared.


So entitled.

Always thinking you
are five moves ahead

when the game hasn't even begun.

You know, I spent
some time in Russia.

I'd go on walks in Old Arbat.

There was a bakery with a window

that looked right
into the kitchen.

And every morning,

the same guy rolling dough.

Down to the minute.

Then, one morning,
I asked him...

"Why the precision?"

He told me he was Red Army.

And during his years,
every second mattered.

Not for himself,
not for his comrades

but for his country.

It's how he lived.

The past leading the present.


It's how you live, too.

He has my daughter, Mr. Greer.

But it's me he really wants.

He will k*ll her
unless I stop him.

How do I know you
won't k*ll her?

You seeing this?

I am.

Pull up a high-side search
on Sokol Project, 1969.

This is where
it all started.

Let's hope ours has
a happier ending.

- Everything okay here?
- Yeah, no problem.

Why'd you bring me here?

- Get your hands off of me.
- Alena, you're my president.

My friend.

I'm doing this for
the both of us.

The shed.

Why'd you k*ll Dmitry Popov?

We're both just means to an end.

I see that now. You will, too.

You don't have to
do this. Please.

If you knew your father,
you'd know I have no choice.



We need to go.

The Americans are coming.

Let's get all of
this cleared up.

Let's go, come on.


We are entering the building.

You seeing that?

Can you boost the signal?

I'm trying.


- Split up.
- Let's move.

Jack... Jack, if
you can hear me,

we'll wait for
your confirmation.


You all right?

I think so.

- Can you walk?
- I will slow you down.

Come on.

Jack, Rami's down.


Sending Seiko back to you.

Couldn't have just
sh*t him, huh?

This is gonna hurt.


how the world shifts.

I am old enough to remember
when taking you off the board

would have been a
matter of pride.

What are you doing here?

I can only work from the inside.

Alexei Petrov trusts me.

So you've known about
this plan the whole time?

And thank God for that.

So why don't you tell me
how we're gonna stop it?

We don't.

You okay?

We'll grab you on our
way to exfil, okay?

I'll be here.



sh*t. Let's move.

I can't let you take the device.

Device? So it's a warhead now.

You don't understand.

Sokol is just a tool.

We need to find the
hand that wields it.

Following the device is the
only way I will find him.


I don't know.

But it all comes from here.

Sokol did not come
back from the dead.

It never d*ed.

You were here.

And I failed to stop it.

I will not fail again.

You must trust me.

Mike, meet me on the south
side of the building.


Little bites at first.

I was robbed.

They took me to
the woods. sh*t me.

They were vory v
zakone, the bandits.

Vory v zakone.

This country has become
a nation of thieves.

Soon that is all
that will be left.

Each hour alive is but
a keeper of our deaths.

Na zdorovie.

- They made a warhead.
- How do you know?

- Luka's here.
- f*ck's sake.

Come on, move!

You, hurry up!

Let's go!

Got one at 12 o'clock.

Two to the right.

I got one, too.


Hotel 60, I need a
hot extract. Over.

Roger. Ten mikes out.

Let's go.

Where's your father?

Why do you want him dead?

You know why.

You just don't
want to believe it.

Did he hurt you?


They will be here soon.

Give me the keys.

- It was you.
- Alena.

There is no time.

The Russian Defence
Minister was you.

Radek, he worked for you.

What have you done?

Everything I could.

Anytime, you guys.

We got you. Come on.

Let's get him ready to move.

Get him down.

We have to go.


Remember the day

when you swore an
oath to your country?

A promise that you would die
for what you believed in.

Many years ago, I
swore the same oath.

I have not betrayed it.

My oath

was to the people
who elected me.

Oh. They didn't elect you.

What are you talking about?

They needed convincing.

A thumb on the scale.

Some help

to show them that you were
the answer to their problems.


I needed access.

And you provided it, LeLe.

Neither of us did
this on our own.


Hotel 60,
we are pinned down.

Copy, danger close.




Danger close. We are on
station. Have visual.

Tally multiple hostiles
in south hallway.

- Establish prone position.
- Get down!


Two. One.

This is Hotel 60.
All targets neutralized.


Let's go! Move!

- Clear!
- Go!

Let's go.

Wright, you there?

We're here.

The w*apon's on the
move from Matoksa

- with Luka Gocharov.
- Gocharov?

He's been working

from the inside to find
out who's behind Sokol.

Get out of there, Jack.

Yes, ma'am.


We have a location.
I'm sending you a pin now.


Where is he?



He's not only a part of this.

He orchestrated
the assassination.

He admitted as much.

Popov wasn't the endgame.

We need your help.

You know him better than anyone.


Nobody knows anyone.

Not really.

See you on the
other side, brother.

Let's move.

We got nothing, Jack.

Let S&T assess all
this. We got to go.

The hell are you doing here?

This is Carl.

That's Devon. They're
going to escort you home.

I live just a
couple blocks down.

I think I can find my way.

Not that home.

You've been recalled.


They're building a m*ssile

- to mirror an American nuke.
- sh*t.

So when it goes off...

It'll look like we did it.