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01x03 - Y.D.E.K.W.Y.D.

Posted: 12/24/22 16:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Recruit:

Why can't I find an official record

of my graymailer?

- Someone cleaned up their mess.

- Her handler?

A guy like that finds out

you're poking around his old ops,

and you end up in a dark room

with plastic on the floor.

There's a case officer in Vienna

who might be the key

to understanding how dangerous

my squeaky wheel is.

Go. But be careful.

I am in Vienna, and I know

what you're threatening to expose too.

You talked to somebody.

Tell me their name.

Nope. One thing you don't have,

real names.

I need you to give me everything

you have on Max Meladze.

- She's making threats, isn't she?

- Does that idea make you nervous?

The secrets I know

are worth k*lling to keep quiet.

This person definitely

has secrets to hide.

- This isn't her cab.

- She's an assassin. You'll be k*lled.

- What is going on?

- I'm out of the car.

- I'm stuck on a bridge. What do I do?

- Can you swim?


Are you okay?

Yeah, I got mugged,

had to jump off the bridge

Wait, I recognize you.

And you. And you.

- You guys have been following me.

- Here. Take this. You need to warm up.

- Thank you.

- There's a tracker.

- And a bug.

- Bié, don't put it on.

We agreed we all talk to him,

or none of us do. And no tricks.

- Sorry. Old habits.

- Wait, you guys are spies.

No. No, we're legal attachés.

It's very funny except for the fact

that I am actually just a lawyer.

Then, why did someone

try to k*ll you?

I never said that.

I said that I got mugged

and jumped in the river.

And what did this mugger look like?

There were two of them.

It was a hangry blond girl,

and then the dude was a zaddy.

- You know, fashionista, sexy guy.

- Yeah, Myka and what's-his-name.

I don't understand. I'm nobody.

I'm a lawyer for the State Department.

I am. If I worked in Intelligence,

you think I'd be so bad at it?


If you tell us why you're in Vienna,

maybe we figure out

who hired them to k*ll you.

It's funny. This guy. I'll pass.

- You don't trust us.

- No. Is that surprising?

If you could tell me

how I get back to my hotel,

I could take off this very wet suit.

You don't know anything

about counterintelligence.

If you did, you would know

you can't go back to that hotel

unless you wanna give Myka

and what's-his-name

another shot at k*lling you.


Hey, can I ask a really big favor?

- No.

- I totally understand that. It's just

I grew up on army bases.

Spent a year here at Ramstein.

And I was bullied every day.

It was hard, you know, being the new kid.

Year after year.

Anyway, I have to go change my clothes

in the airport bathroom,

and I'm having a panic attack about it.

Could I possibly just jump into

your back room and do it?

It's me.

Oh, good. You're not dead.

Wow. That almost sounded

like you meant it.

They would just send another lawyer.

- They still could, Max.

- Don't be like that.

Right now, I'm the only person

you can trust isn't trying to k*ll you.

Nice try.

You're just trying to supersize

my paranoia about the agency,

so that I'll depend on you more,

but not gonna work.

Who tried to k*ll me?

Who did you meet with?

Because it's probably them.

Not gonna happen.

You're already a dumpster fire.

I'm not giving you more fuel.

I definitely won't open myself up

to criminal liability

by telling you an officer's name.

They're only trying to k*ll you because

they're worried I'll share secrets,

which I won't if you get me the f*ck out.


If all goes well at the hearing,

you'll be transferred into

a federal facility before the afternoon.

No, out of prison is the demand,

not to a different one.

You have two days to do it.

Otherwise, I start naming names.


Yes, sir.

Come on.

What are you wearing?

Sorry, I came straight from the airport.

I got mugged, and my suit got ruined.

- Mugged?

- Yes, sir.

Are you okay?


Yeah. No, totally.

Have you eaten anything today?

I'm not sure.


My kids love them.

How many kids do you have?



No shit.

So, what happened in Vienna?

Any clarity on our exposure risk?

Yes, sir, if our asset follows through

on her threats,

she has the ability to expose

a significant number of our local assets

in Belarus and Russia.

We'll lose almost all intelligence

gathering capabilities in the region.


- And this woman's in jail for m*rder?

- Yes, sir.

Like, a bad one?

Yes, sir. She beat a man to death.

But, I'm having the Justice Department

take over her prosecution.

There is a transfer hearing this morning.

Go down there,

make sure nothing goes wrong.

Yes, sir.

Whoa, got a death wish?


- No, I'm jet lagged, man.

- Right. How was Vienna?

Not supposed to advertise your covert

travel destination on your clothes.

- Hey, can I ask you something?

- Depends on what it is.

What? Why are you?

Oh, man, wha? Hey, man

Can you?

- We can talk through the window.

- I've had a long day. Days.

Okay. Go ahead.

- It's cold.

- Don't touch my car.

Keep your hands where I can see them.

I don't want a bug in my car.

That's what I wanna ask you about.

I mean, I am feeling,

like, super paranoid,

which is an honest reaction

to what's going on

but am I taking it too far?

Look, man. Nothing's ever

what it seems at the agency.

All right? Everybody's out to get you.

Yeah. Like you and Violet.

Man. Don't take it personally.

If it hurts your feelings,

you're in the wrong line of work.

Would anyone at the agency try to k*ll me?


Not on U.S. soil. Too much paperwork,

but that doesn't mean you can relax.

The CIA can search your house

at any moment for any reason.

Now, get out of my car.

You smell like a swamp.

You look ridiculous.

Oh, you're home.

Why are you holding the chair?

- There's been a break-in, man.

- What? Where?

Here. It looks like

they searched the apartment.


No, it looks like a Thursday morning

after an unsanctioned Twister party.

You had fun.

If this is some passive-aggressive way

of you complaining about us being messy,

clean up your own shit.

I found a bowl of cereal

in your room from Easter.

Why were you in my room?

You borrowed my vitamin C serum

and never gave it back.

That stuff is pretty good.

- I know.

- How was Vienna?

How would I know?

We really need to do a better job

of keeping the place clean.

- We?

- Yeah.

You haven't done

anything on the chore chart

since you went to work at the agency.

Shit. I gotta take care

of this subpoena today.

Yeah. No shit.

- I know Sarah, BTW.

- BT-who?

Sarah Okonjo, Senator Smoot's staffer.

She's the contact name on your subpoena.

We escape room together.

Girl drinks like a fish,

which is an expression I've never

understood because fish don't drink water.

They breathe it.

What is water?

- It's time to hit the dry cleaners.

- No, it's

I put four suits on my credit card

two weeks ago.

The first two were KIA by day eight.

Third one is looking a little rough.

But! I think I'll be able to fix it

with a needle and thread.

- And a time machine.

- Hannah!

Hannah, do you have a sewing kit?

Why do you think I have a sewing kit?

Because I'm a girl?


- Fine. But I want it back.

- Thank you! You're my favorite. You.

How do you feel about texting Sarah

and seeing if she wants to go out tonight?


Well, I may tag along,

charm her into helping me nix my subpoena.

You're not that charming.

Is that why you spent nakey time

with me at Georgetown?

That was before I saw

through all your bullshit.

Ooh. Have you though?

Owen is losing it.

Good. Why?

Saw him this morning.

Looked like shit. Paranoid AF.

Did something happen in Vienna?

What'd your sources say?

Rumor is he met with Xander Goi.

Senior case officer,

thinks he's too good for fieldwork.

Has this weird pastry fetish.

You mean, he has sex with them?

No, he just eats a lot of pastries.


Tracy. Hey.

No, I haven't had a chance to talk to him.

Yeah, well, he's in Beirut.

Oh, I will.

That would be a mistake.

Okay? Just give me a little more time.

Nope. Tracy.

I promise I'm gonna take care of this.

Tracy. Tr Shit.


Do I wanna know?

Special activities nutjob I use

is going through a messy divorce.

His wife called me,

threatened to air out his dirty laundry

if I didn't get him to pay child support.

- You haven't done it?

- I'm working on it.

Okay, the guy's in Lebanon.

You're scared of him.

No, I'm sensitive to

his biblical capacity for v*olence.

You better cowboy up before you see

how much v*olence Nyland is capable of.

- American Embassy.

- Morning.

I work for Owen Hendricks

at the State Department.

He was just there with you, in Vienna.

He left paperwork at the embassy.

Could you direct me to whom he met with?

I'm sorry.

I can't give out that information.

You'll have to go through

the proper channels.

Yeah, okay. Thanks.

Meladze, time for court.

- What's the CIA's interest in Meladze?

- National security considerations.

That's what Amelia said.

I need more specifics.

I am not authorized

to give you any of them.

You guys always look so smug

when you say that.

Hey, hey.

Kelly. Owen, from the motel.

We sacrificed chicken nuggets together.

- Oh, yeah. Hi.

- What are you doing here?

- I told you, family drama.

- Family courts are across the street.

- You have to

- No. My father was m*rder*d.

I just got notified

about some emergency hearing.

Do you know what courtroom

the hearing's in?

This one.

That bitch k*lled my dad.

I'm so sorry.

- That's not your case, is it?

- No. I'm just filing a motion upstairs.

- Okay, I have to go in.

- Yeah, of course.

All right, let's get started.

State of Arizona v. Maxine Meladze.

A'Nyah Bell for the government.

We filed a transfer memo,

which the state has signed off on.

- What is going on?

- Ma'am. Don't interrupt.

She m*rder*d my dad.

Why isn't she on trial?

Young lady!

I'm sorry for your loss. But I will not

tolerate your interruption or language.

The Attorney General's office asked

to take Miss Meladze's prosecution

as part of a larger federal case.

I'm granting that request.

I assume the government

is arguing against bail.

Yes, we agree with the state

that Miss Meladze is a flight risk

based on her history

and the severity of her crime.

Motion granted.

Marshals will remand Miss Meladze

to FCI while she awaits trial.

Sorry for your loss, malyshka,

but your father was a piece of shit.

f*cking bitch!

- Hey!

- Get off of me!


- Calm down.

- Enough.

You need to stay calm.

Ma'am, please. Please.

Hi. I need a minute with your prisoner.

- You kept your word.

- Mm-hm.

What did you say

to the girl in the courtroom?

- Why do you care?

- Oh, I don't.

But you're threatening an a*t*matic

release of secrets if you get k*lled.

So, maybe don't go provoking

the grieving daughter.

I need $500 in my commissary account.

- Mm.

- Burner phones aren't cheap,

and you need to be able

to get ahold of me.

Forget it.

I only have $300 left

in my travel per diem.

Three hundred is perfect.

After all, I'm not gonna be here

for very long, right?

No. No, you're not.

This is no way to live.

Well, you're a survivor.

You'll get through it.

She's all yours.


- So, how's it going with Owen?

- We haven't gone out yet.

- It's all good, right?

- Yeah, he's just out of town.

Don't worry.

I know I owe you for the hookup.

Oh, I'm happy to do it.

Okay. I'm just looking for a little dirt.

The kid makes me nervous.

- 'Cause you can't bully him?

- No, it's because I don't trust him.

He comes across all charming

and innocent, but I don't buy it.

Well, I pay my debts.

If he tells me something you can

use against him, I'll pass it along.

Thank you.

Amelia Salazar.

Hey, it's Owen Hendricks.

Oh, hi. Hold on one second.

Sorry, I've gotta take this.

It's a guy from Communications

I've been trying to pin down.

Of course.

Where are you?

Uh, I'm heading back to D.C.

I wanted to call and say thank you.

The feds, they transferred

my case this morning.

- Oh, I'm glad it worked out.

- Me too.

Can I pick your brain about next steps?

How I get the feds to now drop the case?

- I thought we were going for dinner.

- We are.

Great, when?

Tonight? I can do, like, 9.

I'd rather do earlier.

I get up at 5 to run,

so I'm lights out by 10:30.

There's kind of an airplane

involved in me getting to you.

Okay. Nine.

I'll make a reservation at Esprit.

Great. So, about getting

my graymail case thrown out, I

Just before you catch me

Callin' after you ♪

Stay out of my way, don't hit me off

Get on my case, won't live it off ♪

Now you alone, sit by the phone

Stop wastin' your time ♪

Just move it along

Could it be long, wait ♪

- Hey.

- Hey.

I brought fresh sacrifices.

I just wanted to make sure

you were all right.

Very sweet.

So, uh

Did your dad know that woman?

The one that you said k*lled him.

The cops claim he was doing criminal shit

with her, but they're wrong.

Drove an 18-wheeler,

barely made enough to pay the mortgage.

She beat his skull in at a truck stop.

Jesus. That's awful.

- But you don't know why she did it?

- Who gives a shit why?

Did you care why your dad was k*lled?

No, I just wanted him back.

I don't wanna hear a word

about what bunk you want.

I don't give a shit about the bed.

I need a phone.

Who do I talk to?

I'll give you my dessert for a month.

Talk to Cora over there.

The blond one.

So, it's only a safe house

if you follow the rules.

Your bedroom.

You don't go outside.

You don't tell anyone you're here.

You don't open the curtains.

You don't order takeout.

You don't get comfortable.

Treat it like a prison cell.

And whoever's after you won't find you.

It's the FBI.

I don't need to know that, or your name.

It's Cora.

So, if I can't order food or go outside,

how do I eat?

Your fee covers two weeks of food

and your accommodation.

After that, you're back on the street,

and I wipe all trace of you being here.

Nyet. We are not going

to hang out or be friends.

That's what you think.

Treat it like a prison cell.

I need a phone. It needs to have an

international plan and a ton of minutes.

Excuse us.

Really? That's how you come to me

after what you did?

I did what I had to do.

You're the reason I'm in here.

I'm the reason you're alive.

You gonna give me that phone or what?

- Three fifty.

- Three hundred.

Pay at the store.

Okay. I'll take your money,

but we're not friends.

We never were.

- Wow. You look amazing.

- Thanks.

- You look like you're dressed for work.

- I didn't have time to change.

Well, I need sexier

for our first date, so come in.

I've got something you can wear.

All right.

Nice digs.

- Yeah. You got a story, huh?

- Go change in the bathroom.

You know, some guys would

be turned off by your directness.

- Are you?

- No.

No, I like a woman

who knows what she wants.

- Good answer.

- Thank you.


Oh, no, it's not that room.

It's not that one.

Oh. What's this?

My future. In three years, I'm gonna

be a talking head on cable news.

I joined the CIA

because National Security credentials

get you paid much more

than being a legal analyst.

Cool. You'd be great at it.

I practice every night.

- Good for you. I'm gonna go change.

- Mm.

I'm just here to collect

for the second week.

Got your money over here.

You wanna stay for dinner?

I'm making some fancy white-trash food.

You haven't lived until you've tasted

my hot dog mac and cheese.

No. Thank you.

Come on.

You're the first person I've talked to

since you were

the last person I talked to,

and something tells me

you don't have other plans.

I thought I'd only be here for six months.

How bad can it be?

America sells itself as a wonderland.

Truth is everyone here is struggling.

And all the food tastes like sugar.

If you hate it so much,

why don't you go home?


'Cause you can't.

It's complicated.

When's the last time you sat at a table

and had dinner with someone?

I can't remember.

Honestly, I thought I would enjoy it more.

I've been accused of a lot of things,

but being bad company

has never one of them.

So, to going home.

How drunk do I need to get you

before you'll help me dye my hair?

You know, my daughter

used to ask me to dye her hair.

All the time, she would beg me.

One week pink, next week blue.

And then, I would finally say yes,

and she would complain about everything.

My hands were too rough.

The water was too hot.

Well, she was lucky.

My mom barely bathed us.

I'd have k*lled to have you for a mother.

I don't know if you would say that

if you knew what happened to her.

Is there any chance

I can get an extra week here?

No. The rules are the rules.

It's how we don't get caught.

I could really use the break.

One more week.

So, what's the deal

with Lester and Violet?

- I don't wanna talk about work.

- No, I know.

At a place where every relationship

seems transactional,

they're attached at the hip.

I think they knew each other

before they joined OGC.


Will you get the filet,

so I can have a bite?

Yes, if you answer one last work question.

How do I get the feds

to drop a m*rder case?

Honestly? You'll just have to go

to the top of the Justice Department.

- Even then, it won't be easy lift.

- The Attorney General?


- Of the United States? Of America?

- Yes. Yes.


Are you familiar with the method

of exchanging messages known as e-mail?

- Am I saying that right? E-mail?

- I just can't put anything in writing.

God, no.

Tell the AG's office it's priority one.

Someone will reach out.

Thank you. Seriously.


Hannah, hi.

What are you wearing? Is that Gucci?

Yeah, looks nice though, right?

This is Amelia Salazar. We work together.

Hannah's my roommate.

- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.

This is Jeff Gilbert.

Hi, Jeff Gilbert.

I work at the White House.

Good for you.

Okay, well, enjoy your dinner.

- You too.

- Mm.

- She's pretty. How long did you two date?

- Mm-hm.

- Six months. How did you know?

- It's obvious.

- Now you're roommates.

- Yeah. I know it's weird.

Most exes couldn't handle it. We're good.

Owen, I don't care

what you do on your own time,

but when you're with me,

I expect you to focus.


I'm all yours.

Thanks, man.

That was great. It's been a while

since I've had a vegetable.

- You can kiss me if you like.

- Thank you.

Not bad.

Back at you.

You can come in when we get home,

but we're not having sex.

Actually, I have to meet someone at a bar.

You wanna come?

- You double-booked?

- Wh?

You said that you'd be in bed by 10:30.

But I can still drive you home.

Never mind, I'll get a car.

Thanks for dinner!


- She seems nice.

- Yeah.

- Older.

- Mm-hm.

I gotta meet Terence at a bar right now.

You wanna come with?

No. I have to wake up early,

but Jeff will just drive me home.

All right. Have a good night.

- You too.

- Thanks.

Thank you for waiting.

Drive safe, buddy.

Owen! Hey.

- What are you wearing? Is that Gucci?

- Yes.

- Man, you look great.

- Thank you! I was on a date.

No shit. Hannah texted me

12 times from the restaurant.

Did she? Who's that guy that she's seeing?

Is it serious? No.

Ah, no, we are not getting

in the middle of that.

- Okay.

- I told her the exact same thing.

Can I have four sh*ts of tequila, please?


- Mm-hm?

- We are doing tequila sh*ts.

I would love to introduce you

to my roommate, Owen.

We know each other from The Hill.

f*ck, no. I am here to party,

not talk about your subpoena.

Me too. I need to know

what I can do to make it go away.

Give Smoot dirt on your boss,

enough to destroy him.

- I don't have any.

- Then, get some.

Otherwise, you show up at a Senate hearing

where my boss will vivisect you on C-SPAN.

Even worse, you'll have to hand over

work product on everything you're doing

that requires classification.

- Everything?

- Everything.

If there's any case you're working

that is even remotely shady,

we'll turn it into a five-alarm fire

and shove it up your ass on live TV.

Wow, grandiose.


This is my jam!

- Hello?

- Where are you?

Um, sorry. I'm out, sir.

Get in here. I need you to go to Beirut.

Did you say Beirut as in Lebanon, sir?


Brought vodka.

The good stuff this time.

Hey, it's not a good time.

- What happened to your eye?

- She likes it rough.

Oh. Thanks for the booze.

- Who the f*ck are you?

- Relax, honey.

I'm a friend of Cora's.

- You should party with us.

- I said no visitors.

I know. I screwed up. I'm sorry.

Don't apologize

to the f*cking landlady.

None of her business.

Pack your shit, both of you, and get out.

I'll be back in an hour

with a shotgun and a shovel.

Don't be here.



Cora, what did he do to you?

I'm sorry.

No police.

No, I have to.

You'll die if I don't.


The agency's sending me to Beirut.

Because of you?

I can't imagine. I've been to Beirut

but never operationally.

It'd be really easy to k*ll you there.

That's what I'm afraid of.

If you give me Vienna guy's name,

I can give you the key

to surviving Beirut.

You're not funny.

You're not Russian.

They think I'm hysterical.

Forget it. Telling you an officer's name

violates nine national security rules.

Owen, I am trying to keep you alive,

and you are concerned

about national security.

You need to get your shit together.

There are people at the agency

I have dirt on.

One tried to k*ll you, and you won't

even tell me what they look like.

He's Asian American,

about 5'10", kind of fussy.

- You know who I'm talking about?

- I do.

- I called him Pastry King.

- Is he a guy that you have dirt on?

So much dirt.

Okay, we'll talk about that

next time I see you.

Now tell me how to navigate Lebanon.

Okay, simple.

The Lebanese people are lovely.

Steer clear of the Americans.

Told you I was funny.

You tried to protect your buddy,

and it backfired.

Sir, that's not true. All right?

I simply misread the situation.

- What's going on?

- Lester dropped an easy pop-up.

Ex-wife of a snake-eater

threatening to expose classified ops

her husband ran for us.

We need to get him to pay child support

in the next 24 hours

or she's going to CNN.

Where are you with the graymail case?

I need help from the AG.

I plan to reach out.

That'll take a few days. He's in Aspen.

So, you're going with Lester to Lebanon.

- Make sure this gets done.

- Yes, sir.

To be clear, we're being sent to Lebanon

to make sure a deadbeat dad

pays child support

so his ex-wife

doesn't graymail the agency?

- That's what I said.

- Right.

This is the first uncomplicated thing

since I started working here,

and it, well, feels good.

There is nothing uncomplicated

about trying to get a man

who murders people for a living

to do something he doesn't wanna do.

Don't take his word for it.

Get a signature on a form

garnishing his wages.

Sir, I can do this. I don't need Owen.

Clearly you do.

Otherwise, this would already be handled.

- You're mad.

- No shit.

I got nine years as a case officer

and six more months as a lawyer than you.

But Nyland sends you to supervise me

because he thinks

humiliation teaches me a lesson?

I'm going to back you up.

It's still your case.

Can I get away with packing just one suit?

Honestly, it's all I got.

You don't need a suit.

Who wears one in the field?


I wish you would've told me a week ago.

We need to stop at my apartment

so I can change.

No time. Where's your go bag?

- What?

- Gotta have a go bag.

You can steal one from Janus' office.

He doesn't go to the field anymore.

You're dress like an Armenian vampire.

This should be straightforward, right?

We have the leverage.

Yeah, but he got all the weaponry

and a team who would follow him to hell.

You asked if anybody

at the agency would try to k*ll you.

Dave's the hitter

they'd call to get it done.

You ever work

with a case officer named Xander Goi?

No, but I met him. Why?

Scale from one to ten,

how duplicitous is this guy?

First off, at the CIA,

the scale starts at six.

I'd say this guy's a eight

based on how ambitious he is.

Word is he's got his eye

on Moscow station,

which is like the holy grail

of intelligence assignments,

but one blemish on your record,

and kiss that post goodbye.

He connect to your graymail case?

Maybe. He has history with the asset.

That's just the kind of thing

that could torpedo him.

What's the plan when we land?

We rent a car and go to the base?

We ain't renting a car.

We get a local driver.

The only way we getting up there

in one piece.

Got it.

I can feel the history here.

You spend a lot of time in Beirut?

- Two years.

- What?

- What's your take on the place?

- I f*cking love Beirut.

Every reporter and spy in the Middle East

wants to be posted here.

Ski after breakfast.

Swim in the Mediterranean for lunch,

and do not skip lunch.

Four courses honed over 5,000 years

of grandma's cooking. It is delicious.

Wash that down with mountain moonshine.

Siesta under grapevines? Come on, baby.

And there's the nightlife.

Man, every rich kid from London

to Dubai comes to party in Beirut,

even when shit's hitting the fan.

Nobody does live and let live

like the Lebanese. No, man.

They are coping connoisseurs.

They have to be with the rampant

corruption and dysfunction in this place.

The average Lebanese

will give you his shirt off his back,

while the leaders, no,

they just steal all the shirts.

No, Beirut is a beautiful,

infuriating contradiction.

And no, there are no camels.

Got Farid's number,

so we can call in the morning.

What do you wanna do now?

Get some food, walk?

No, we get rest.

We'll need all the energy we can get

to confront Dave tomorrow.

- Deadbeat Dave doesn't know we're coming?

- I told Beirut station to keep this quiet.

Last thing we wanna do is give

this animal time to get on top of us.

And that's why you always

check the toilet before you sit.



Buddy, it's been too long.

Yeah. Yeah, it has.

- How the f*ck are you?

- Good.

- Really good.

- Look, sorry if we spooked you.

When we were heard

our pal Kitchens was in town,

we wanted to surprise you.

And FYI, the amenities

in this hotel are choice,

but anything beats

sh1tting out of a helicopter.

Actually, that sounds fun to me.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm kidding. Owen, right?

- Owen Hendricks, the new kid?

- New-ish. Not a kid.

Listen, Lester,

buddy, I hate that you flew all this way

out of Tracy's misunderstanding.

She called my boss, Dave.

You know how T-Pain gets,

always with the drama.

- You told me you would handle this.

- I swear I mailed those checks.

She's threatening to release

state secrets you shared with her.


Okay, that's on me.

Here, you can put this on the record.

I fully acknowledge the errors of my ways.

- I do. I really, really do.

- That's great. Great.

Then you can just

sign this form that states you,

the debtor,

agree to have your wages garnished

to pay the child support

that's owed to the creditor, your ex-wife.

Then we can all go back to our lives.

No problem.


Yeah, I'll just take it back to the base,

read it, have it signed, sealed,

and delivered in the morning.

- And we appreciate that.

- Yeah, absolutely.

Hey, boys, let's bug out,

let the lawyers settle in.

Nice pillow.

It was good to see you again, boss.

Keep your head on a swivel.

This place has gotten beaucoup dangerous

since the last time you were here.

Militias are feisty. Wouldn't want

anything bad to happen to you.

I feel like that was too easy.

Too easy, right?

I need a drink.

I thought getting out of the field

would make my life less stressful.


That's why you made the jump to

the Office of the General Counsel?

That was Violet's fault.

I met her at this Army base in Germany.

She was there as a JAG,

and she was tired of the Army.

Convinced me that being a lawyer was

the only transferable skill in the CIA,

so she helped me with law school online.

I taught her how the agency works.

Here I am, back at the bottom,

being babysat by some golden boy.

That's not fair.

First week on the job,

Nyland's already got you at the Senate.

Then you hit pay dirt with this graymail.

What would you call it?

I'd like to think I'm good at what I do.

Man, you don't even know what you do.

Okay? What you are is lucky.

If you knew anything about my life,

you wouldn't call me lucky.

But by all means, keep underestimating me.

See how far that gets you.

- Uh-uh. That one's mine.

- What is the difference?

The difference is

mine's furthest from the door.

Uh, Lester?

Don't worry about it.

Happens sometimes. Generator will kick on.


There's someone at the door.


What do we do?

- See who it is.

- Why me? What do I have to go do it?

- You're closer to the door.

- Are you f?


What is it?

It's Dave's form.

He sign it?




Fresh from the factory,

twice the stopping power,

half the kickback.



Hey, we really appreciate you

dropping this off last night, but, uh

we can't leave Lebanon until you sign it.

And if I don't?

Come on. You're a smart guy, Dave.

I'm not just blowing smoke up your woo-ha.

Lester, he's got mad respect for you.

It's why he couldn't give the tough love

that you need, but that's why I'm here.

I'll tell you the truth,

no matter how painful it is.

It's funny. I actually think

that we have a lot in common.

- Mm.

- Not in obvious ways, obviously.

But you and I

both need to know where we stand.

No time for rose-tinted glasses

or best-case scenarios.

So, here's the real.

You don't sign this form,

your life is over.

The CIA will pull you from the field

and prosecute you

for all the illegal shit that you've done.

If you somehow manage to avoid prison,

they are gonna blacklist you

from every potential employer.

Then they'll put you on the no-fly list.

So you can't get a job anywhere else.

But that's not gonna happen, right?

You wouldn't be so stupid

as to abandon your kid,

both emotionally and financially, right?

Give me the damn pen.

We couldn't make another copy.

Security reasons. You understand.

All right. Thank you.

Take care.


- As-salamu alaykum.

- As-salamu alaykum.

Guten Morgen.

I'm calling from the American Embassy

about one of our employees.

- He comes there to buy pastries.

- Please hold. We are very busy.

Yeah? No, we're good. I got your money.

- Hey.

- Yeah.

Give me a minute. I'll call you back.

- Can you help me?

- Sure. What's the problem?

My car, it won't start.

Yeah. You're a pretty thing.

Oh, yeah?

- You don't recognize me?

- No.

Oh, wait. You dance at Diamond's, right?

I met you at Cora's,

just before you beat her half to death.

Ain't my fault

that girl can't take a punch.

Yes. I'm calling from the American embassy

about one of our employees.

Ja, Mr. Goi.

He comes in every day, our best customer.

Exactly. I just want to confirm

his first name so there are no mix-ups.

Ja. Ja. Xander Goi.


Oh, hey. I have been

looking all over for you.

- Hey, Purple.

- So, how did the date go?

- Fine.

- And do you got anything for me?

No. He didn't wanna talk about work,

but I'll keep trying.

Hey, yo!

The conquering heroes have returned.

- Come on, as-salamu alaykum.

- As-salamu alaykum to you.

- Oh. Looks like somebody bonded.

- Oh, no big deal. You know.

I got a refill for that mini fridge.

Listen, I wanted to apologize

about the other night.

What I did was not cool.

Let me make it up to you.

You better.

- Hendricks.

- Yes, sir.

Why the f*ck is

the Attorney General of the United States

waiting in your f*cking office?

It's a priority one e-mail.

Yes, sir. Sorry.

Mr. Attorney General.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

When I sent that e-mail,

I never expected you to

You said priority one.

That means priority-f*cking-one.

Yes, sir. I'll keep it brief.

There's a m*rder suspect

in jail in Arizona.

She's a former foreign asset,

and poses a threat to national security.

I need you to throw the case out.

Did Nyland put you up to this because

I punked him in front of the president?

No. No, sir, this is very real.

I can get you classified materials.

You want me to set free a foreigner

who m*rder*d a U.S. citizen

in a swing state in an election year?

I hadn't thought about it like that, sir,

but the answer is yes.

You actually think?

I'm more than happy

to have you yell at me all day,

but the reality of the situation

is that this needs to happen.

If she follows through on her threats,

the agency's ability to collect

information will be crippled.

So, you need to get this done,

sir, before she does something

that we can't fix.

- Guten morgen.

- Guten morgen, Mr. Goi.

A special order was placed for you,

but I don't understand

the note they asked me to write.