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01x04 - I.Y.D.I.A.A.C.

Posted: 12/24/22 16:46
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previouslyon The Recruit:

There's a m*rder suspect in jail.

She poses a threat to national security.

I need you to throw the case out.

My father was m*rder*d.

That bitch k*lled my dad.

The cops claim he was doing

criminal shit with her, but they're wrong.

- You don't recognize me?

- No.

I met you. At Cora's.

Just before you beat her half to death.

What did he do to you?

She beat his skull in at a truck stop.

There are people at the agency

that I have dirt on.

One of them tried to k*ll you

and you won't tell me what they look like.

- [Owen] He's Asian-American, about 5'10".

- Just want to confirm his first name.

[woman] Xander Goi.

[Lester] Owen is losing it.

Paranoid AF.

- Would anyone at the agency k*ll me?

- Sure.

I need you to give me

Selby Shaw's real name.

Selby Shaw is a pseudonym

for Dawn Gilbane.

I think you're here to investigate us.

I came across a graymail connected

to a f*cking operation that you ran!

[Dawn] Working at the CIA is

a never-ending game of musical chairs.

If you don't start playing,

you'll be in trouble.

["Knockout" playing]

Set there like your deal done

And you're done, done ♪

Long coat is the dress code

Of the old times ♪

[engine revs]

[tires screeching]

So anxiously conscious

My compass imprecise ♪

[Owen] Badass.

That's how I'd describe

this man's performance in Beirut. Badass.

It really wasn't that big of a deal.

It's some pretty latent misogyny

to send the two first-year dudes

to bro-out in the Middle East,

while the most qualified lawyer

on the hall is stuck redacting memos.

- Trust me, you would've been miserable.

- That's not the point, okay?

I want the challenge.

Why do you think I'm here?

It's not to spend my day

watching Janus mainline Tums.

She all right? Seems a little jealous.

Jealous of what? We went on one

case together. It doesn't make us buds.

Hey. Hey.

- I heard you're a lawyer at the OGC.

- You heard right. What?

- What did you just give me?

- It's an incident report from OTS.

Office of Technical Services.

We built

an AI intelligence-gathering device.

- It went a little

- A little what?

It's all in there, okay? Just read it.

No, I don't want to!

[theme music playing]


Oh, you have company. I'll come back.

- No, come in. Close the door.

- Sure.

- You remember Dawn Gilbane?

- Owen.

[Owen screams]


Nice to see you again.

Yeah, hi. Yemen. Dawn.

You look different.

Is that your big-ass truck

in the parking lot?

It gets like half a mile to the gallon.

But I figure someone's gonna detonate

a nuke in Saudi Arabia

in the next 18 months

and we'll all be riding bicycles. So

Why not enjoy the ride till then?

Is that based on actual intelligence?

I was just telling Dawn

how you moved Max Meladze's case

from state to federal jurisdiction.

Yes, and I spoke to the Attorney General.

I'm getting him to drop federal charges.

- That's no good.

- [Nyland] She's right.

Why not?

Because that has CIA intervention

written all over it.

And Dawn has requested that

Meladze's release be clean.

[Owen] Why?

Operations wants to insert her back into

the Russian mob in Belarus as an asset.

So the woman that's holding us hostage

and threatening to expose our secrets

and the identities of CIA assets,

we want her to come back and work for us?

[Dawn] Yeah. After you left Yemen,

I started thinking about Meladze.

She was rumored to be a rock star,

so I did a little digging.

Turns out she was close

to General Kuznetsov,

who just got moved into

the number two slot inside the FSB.

Putting Meladze back into the field

as an asset

would give us direct access

into Russian intelligence.

The Deputy Director

is counting on me to get that done.

But Meladze would have to be

fully vetted and papered this time.

No more hip-pockets or soft files.

The old General Counsel might not

have cared about the rules, but I do.

[Dawn] Understood, sir.

I'll coordinate with Hendricks

every step of the way.

Make sure we're always five-by-five.

Uh, does Max even want

to be an asset again?

- Who gives a shit what Max wants?

- Get the AG to stand down.

Figure out a different way

to free Meladze,

one that doesn't look like

someone helped her.

- Yes, sir.

- [Dawn] I'll get my team set up.

Freeing Meladze from prison is only the

first step in returning her to Belarus.

Can I get a space here at OGC

so I can better coordinate with Hendricks?

- [Nyland] Sure. Whatever you need.

- Thank you, sir.

- Looking forward to working together.

- Me too.

[door opens, then closes]

[clears throat]

[Owen] Um


I received some documents

this morning unexpectedly.

- Unexpectedly?

- Yeah.


I'm general counsel to the CIA.

I have a Wikipedia page

with a photograph of my face.

I keep my car windows up, my doors locked,

and my dinner reservations under Bieber.

Do you know why?


Subpoenas. Paperwork, Owen.

f*ckers like to slip us paperwork

because they know once we look at it,

we can't pretend we didn't.


- Where'd you get that folder?

- A guy from OTS handed it to me.

Sweet Jesus.

- At first look

- You looked at it?

- Would you rather me not say what's in it?

- Did I say that?

If I were to use the words

"t*rture robot"

- Get out.

- Right.

And give that shit-storm-in-a-teacup

to Kitchens.

Your priority is the graymail case.

Sir, if I may just suggest

Violet Ebner for this.

She's really smart, and with her military

background she'll just nail this.

She's hungry for a challenge.


Leave the folder on my desk.

I'll talk to her.

["Knockout" playing]

I knockout

I knock my enemy out ♪

I knockout

I knock my enemy out ♪

I knockout

I knock my enemy out ♪

I got authority to send you home ♪

And if I catch you down the line

It might be ceremony ♪

They call it murderous

I really think it's out of mercy ♪

So I done it once

The second time must be money ♪

So worth it, so worth it

I must have done it right ♪

So often, so often

But they just never tire ♪

What are you doing in here?

Looking for Owen.

- We're working on something.

- His graymail case?

I can't say.

Nyland asked us to set up shop in OGC.

Is there an empty office nearby?

No. Sorry. You're from Operations?

[chuckles] Is it that obvious?

Well, the adrenaline junkies

in the hall gave you away.

You really shouldn't go into

people's offices without permission.

Of course.

I was just leaving him a note,

but I will catch up to him later.

Nice to meet you.

Excuse me, Mr. Attorney General?

You need to learn

that when I say I'll do a thing, I do it.

But your thing's complicated.

There's an eyewitness.

- So back off and let me handle it.

- There's an eyewitness? Really?

- Did I stutter?

- No, sir.

It's just, we've decided

to go a different direction.

Circumstances have changed.

We don't need your assistance anymore.

- But thank you.

- Thank me?

Son, you just committed a cardinal sin.

You wasted my time, and I won't forget it.

Next time you need a favor

from the Justice Department,

punch yourself in the face instead.

- Yes, sir.

- f*ck.

Thank you, sir.

You don't happen to know

the name of the witness?

- Can I help you?

- This'll work. We'll set up in here.

I don't This is my office.

Not anymore. You got two minutes

to pack your stuff. Move.

Why the f*ck did you say

nice things about me to Nyland?

- I was

- You recommended me for an AI case.

No lawyer wants an AI case.

It's an entire horror film genre

for a reason,

but you knew that,

which is why you sabotaged me with it.

But you made a mistake.

You said you wanted a challenge.

- I'm just trying to help you. Wait

- Whoa, hey!

- Hi.

- What was that about?

Making new friends. Special skill of mine.

Like the friend you made with the AG.

- How do you already know that?

- I do Pilates with one of his aides.


I had to tell him

we don't need his help anymore.

- Right after he told me there's a witness.

- Mm.

Actually, I could totally use your advice

on how to handle that.


My Senate hearing got moved up to Monday.

- Uh

- Um

Smoot subpoenaed me.

He wants me to testify about

the classification protocols

at the Office of the General Counsel.

To give him dirt on Nyland.

Yes, how does everybody know

that's what subpoena means?

You're a little f*cked.

The senator could get access

to all your work product.

Thank you. I know.

- Have you told Nyland?

- No. He's got enough to worry abo

- Oh. Sorry. It's locked.

- Yeah, no shit.

You had a visitor earlier.

From Operations.

- Dawn Gilbane?

- I didn't get her name.

- I'm not your secretary.

- She was in here? Did she touch anything?

I doubt it. I came in right after her.

[door closes]

- Is she a problem?

- What? No.

I mean no.

Okay. You know, you owe me a date.

You are totally right. I do.

How's tonight, 8:00?

I promise, I won't make plans

with anyone else.

- Perfect.

- We talk about my thing.

Yeah. We'll do more than talk about it.

I'll open the door now or people

might think we're fooling around.

Really? That'd be immature.

Good. All right.

[door lock buzzes]

[Owen] I asked if we could meet outside

because I figured you'd appreciate

extra outdoor time.

- It's lovely.

- Mm-hm.

- So, I have some good news.

- You got me out.

Uh, no. Actually, that got a little bit

more complicated, but I will.

When I do, the CIA's putting you back

in to Belarus as an asset.

Officially, this time.

- Who decided this?

- Operations.

Apparently, your graymail reminded them

how good of an asset you used to be, so

- [clicks tongue] Good job.

- Who? Specifically.

Yeah. You know

I'm not going to tell you that.

Dumb suka.

I shouldn't have sent the eclairs.

- What Is that supposed to be code?

- It was him, right? Xander Goi?

No. How do you know Xander's name?

I told you I was gonna find out

who you met in Vienna

No! You told me all you needed

to know was his cover identity.

I'm trying to help you and you're making

it harder by going behind my back.

- You spoke to Xander Goi?

- I reached out.

Did you thr*aten him?

Mm. Maybe it would have come across

as a little hostile.

Now what? You think he's behind

Operations showing up this morning?

- Of course.

- Why?

How is giving you your old life back,

sending you home, a form of payback?

It's not. Unless that plan is a lie.

You think it's because it's easier to

k*ll you once you're outside of the U.S.

I know a lot of bad things

about many people, Owen,

including Xander Goi.


But according to Operations,

the CIA needs you back in country.

Apparently you were buddy-buddy with

a general who's a top dog at the FSB.

They say that you're more valuable

to us now than ever.

Both things can be true.

They need me, they want to k*ll me.

In which case, you'll have to prove to us

that you're worth more alive than dead.

Why did getting me out

become more complicated?

Because putting you back in as an asset

means I can't have the Attorney General

make your case disappear.


Also what?

The prosecution has an eyewitness

who saw you m*rder Kwitny.

- A witness?

- Yeah. You got sloppy.

It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.

I let my emotions get the better of me.

It won't happen again.

Who was this witness?

I don't know.

But I'm working on getting the name so

I can figure out how to keep them quiet.

- People are most quiet when they're dead.

- No. You're not k*lling the witness, Max.

I will fix this.

Don't go behind my back again.

Don't do anything.

I need you to promise me.

- I promise.

- No, I need you to mean it.

I need you to trust me. Can you do that?

- [man] It was an unfortunate incident.

- An unfortunate incident?

- An employee got his arm ripped off.

- Yes, it's clearly horrible.

But the OTS is on

the cutting edge of spycraft technology.

- That comes with certain risks.

- Yeah.

And how often do you reach out to the OGC

to ask whether these risks are legal?

These projects are very sensitive

and very compartmentalized.

Yeah, well,

I have eyes-only security clearance,

but I'm not here to open the door

to any other horror shows.

I'm just trying to prevent us

from ending up on trial at the Hague.

- What?

- Here we are.

This is TIM.

Our "Technological Interrogation Machine."

He speaks a hundred languages

and has over a thousand voice modulations

ranging from soothing to terrifying.

- Why doesn't he have a face?

- TIM is still in the beta phase.

We need to make sure he works

before we decide what he looks like.

That is a lot of blood on the walls.

Yes. Um

He was conducting a mock interrogation

when a catastrophic injury was inflicted.

How exactly did that happen?

TIM has been programmed with

a variety of CIA interrogation techniques.

But he's also been given autonomous

decision-making capabilities,

so he can choose which one he'll use

in a given moment.

Oh, and one of those choices

is dismemberment?

The agency is allowed a certain

degree of enhanced interrogation.

The use of stress positions on arm joints,

for example, are acceptable.

However, we overlooked

an important safeguard.

TIM was essentially operating

as if he were dealing

with another being of the same make

and model as himself.

You forgot to tell him we weren't robots?

It's more complicated than that.


So this is what you describe

in your report as a system failure.

That's kind of an understatement.

Don't you think?

- Draft.

- What?

That document that you received,

that you were snuck?

- That was the first draft of my report.

- So where's the final report?

I haven't filed it yet.

I held off once I knew you were coming.




Don't do anything until I figure out

how to navigate this shit show.



- What do I do with TIM?

- Nothing.

You keep his creepy ass in there.

[Max] Hey, Cora.

Do you know anyone

with a cop on the payroll?


There's a witness in my case

and I want to find out their name.

And you think we're friends now?

I owe you for what you did to Salvatore?

That's why I'm here.

So, yeah, I feel like a favor is owed.

If you get caught trying to k*ll

a witness, they'll lock you up forever.

I don't care.

I just want to get out of here.

[rock music playing over car stereo]

[phone ringing]

- Hello?

- [man] It's the vet.

Your bird is ready to be picked up.

- Sorry?

- The vet.

Bird is ready for pickup.

Yeah, man,

I think you got the wrong number.

[sighs] Are you new or something?

Call your office.

[phone rings]

- Lester Kitchens.

- [Owen] Yeah. Hey, man, it's Owen.

I got a call from someone

claiming to be the vet,

saying my bird is ready for pickup.

So go pick it up.


Somebody sent you a flash cable

to the regional office in Phoenix.

Something deemed too sensitive

to send over e-mail.

Cool. I didn't know that we had

a satellite office in Phoenix.

Every major U.S. city has

a satellite office. Don't expect too much.

These regional offices

are filled with C-list players

that hate dealing with D.C. guys.

Real inferiority complex.

Okay, thank you.

[doorbell buzzes]

Hi. Owen Hendricks.

I'm expecting an urgent

flash cable from Langley.

Well, aren't you fancy.

Can I have it?

- There you go.

- Thank you.

Thank you, Violet. Definitely worth

the 30-minute drive to get this.

- You talking shit about our office?

- No, looks charming.

I like the posters. You guys seem

so happy.

- [man] Did you see what it said?

- [woman] No.

- [man] "Infinite amount of dicks."

- [woman] No!

Hi, guys, hi. Me again.

Uh, sorry, I was being

a little cranky back then.

Look, I could really use your help.

- Yeah, right.

- [Owen] No, I'm serious, man.

I need to ID a witness

from a federal m*rder case.

One that has deep

national security implications.

I could get fired.

I could get subpoenaed

for even mentioning this to you.

A'Nyah Bell.

She's prosecuting, so I can't ask her

to get the witness's name.

I got to keep

the agency's fingerprints off of it.

She wouldn't help even if you could ask.

She's too by-the-book.

Phoenix PD?

Okay. Look, I get your reluctance.

You've been abandoned here.

Rejected on every single level.

They call you losers at Langley.

Did you know that?

But I don't see that. Not one bit.

No, I see patriots that

have been wronged by the system.

Tell me, what did you do to end up here?

- Mm?

- [Owen] Yeah.

I confused Myanmar with Malaysia

during a covert op.

There were, uh


That could happen to anyone.

Look, I can't promise you that helping me

is gonna get you back into the show.

I can't even promise that it'll get you

name brand soda for the fridge.

But what I can promise you is that

helping me is helping your country.

And I can tell that you guys are ready

No, more than ready,

to do something that matters again.

I know a guy on the Phoenix PD

I can talk to on the DL.

Thank you.

[upbeat music playing]

- I don't wanna be single again.

- You won't be. It'll be fine.

It better be. Dating scene in D.C.'s grim.

What's gonna be fine?

Terence and Tad are having the talk.

The "Where is this going

'cause I'm ready to get serious" talk?

- Hate those.

- We know.

Hey, how long have

these hot dogs been in here for?

Stop. There are burritos hidden in

an empty spinach box in the freezer.

[Owen] Get the f*ck out.


Thank you.

Hey, are you going to this?

Yeah. I have to.

My parents are on the board

of the Sea Life Society.

- Do you have a date?

- I do not. No.

- Jeff is working.

- [both] At the White House?

- He doesn't say it that much.

- [Terence] Please.

It's literally the end of every sentence.

- "I was thinking about going to lunch"

- At the White House?

"I was thinking about w*nk*ng off"

- At the White House? [laughs]

- Oh, my God.

Okay, you are just jealous

because Jeff got me a necklace

and Tad hasn't given you a single present.

- Mean.

- [Hannah] Mm-hm.

So you two You guys are getting serious?

Well, yeah.

If Captain White House can't go tonight,

can you take me instead?

I gotta catch Senator Smoot

outside of his home turf,

maybe even talk to him

about pulling the subpoena.

Turns out testifying could expose

one of my more delicate cases.

I don't think so.

I don't With my parents

They love me.

They don't?

Wow, you never told me that.

I gotta get ready.

By the time they told me,

you were already sleeping

with Kathy Lindquist.

I wasn't.

I didn't.

Is that why you broke up with me?

You thought I was sleeping with Kathy?

Okay. We're not gonna revisit

that awesome time in our lives.

I just don't think it's a good idea

for me to take you tonight.

- [Owen] All right, fine, whatever.

- [microwave beeping]

I'll figure out some other way

to solve my problem.

Do you promise to behave?

See, you and I both know

that's a trick question,

because behaving is not my strong suit.

If I say yes so you say yes, I'd be lying.

So, no, I don't promise to behave.

But I promise to try.

Fine. I'll take you.

- Yes!

- But it's black tie.

- Yeah.

- Do you have a tux?

Of course.

[knocking on door]

- Hey, Bubba.

- What do you want?

To borrow your tux.

You shouldn't have asked Hannah

to take you to that party.

- [Owen] Why not?

- You know why not.

She's a good person.

And don't mess with her

because she deserves to be happy.

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

And for the record,

you deserve to be happy too.

If Tad doesn't jump at the opportunity

to move to the next level, I

He's an idiot.

Look, I just want a ring, and

a family.

- Is that wrong?

- Well, for me it would be.

But for you?

Well, let's just say I'm old-fashioned.

Can I borrow the tux?

- Go ahead.

- Thank you.

[upbeat piano music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

We should've gotten stoned first.

That's the spirit.

- Hannah, you came.

- Yeah, you told me I had to.

Owen, I didn't know you'd be here.

I was a last-minute replacement.

Biff couldn't make it.

- Jeff.

- Jeff.

- He was working.

- At the White House.

How's your new job?

Some kind of government work, right?

Yes, I'm slaughtering it

at the Marine Mammal Commission.

Owen is a lawyer at the CIA.

How fitting.

Ooh. Really curious to know

what you meant by that.

- No.

- No.

- Let's go get a drink.

- Sure.

- Bye.

- Take care.

[bartender] What can I get you?

How about the Deep Sea Daiquiri?

- What do you want?

- You got White Claw?

- Don't get that.

- Seriously?

It's a full bar, and it's all free.

- How about a martini?

- How about a White Claw?

Thank you.

Okay. So, what's the plan?

Find the senator, win him over.

That's a bad plan.

- Got a better one?

- One Deep Sea Daiquiri.

One White Claw.

- You want a glass?

- No.

- Yes.

- Thank you.

You were saying?

What should I do about the senator?

Okay. So, you clearly don't belong here.

- Ouch.

- No, it's a good thing. Trust me.

I grew up with these people,

and they're constantly measuring worth.

Their own and everyone else's.

How does that help me?

My worth starts with a minus sign.

Yeah, exactly.

Which is why Smoot thinks you're a nobody

he can just bat around like a cat toy.


So, what is he gonna think

when he sees you at an exclusive

VIP fundraiser dressed like James Bond?

Well, he's gonna be confused.

But he'll have to re-evaluate

how much he can f*ck with me,

which might just be enough

to get him to pull the subpoena.

Or delay the hearing until he realizes

how powerful your friends are.

There he is.

Okay. [clears throat]

- So, for the next hour

- Mm-hm.

we are going to talk to every VIP

I even vaguely know

right in front of his face.

- Oh, I love that.

- Mm-hm.

That's evil.

Let's do it.

Hey. I didn't know you were back.

I'm not.

I'm a ghost.

Violet died in South Carolina.

Poisoned by a t*rture memo.

That bad?

That bad.

You know, rather than starting small

and figuring out whether an A.I.

interrogation robot was even a good idea,

they went ahead

and built a $100 million Terminator.

That's typical CIA, but that's not on you.

Oh, no.

It is.

Because my name

is going to be on that legal memo.

So when this becomes a giant scandal

I'm gonna be the first scapegoat.

So, what can I do to help?

So I asked the little fella,

"Can you make the dish

a little less spicy?

For my oyinbo sensibilities, eh?"

I'm from Connecticut, for God's sake.

I think it's working.

- Mm. And there was

- Senator

So nice to see you again.

You're Nyland's new kid.

Owen Hendricks. Yes, sir.

I believe you know the ambassador.

Oh, yes. I voted against his confirmation.

Excuse me.

And this is my friend, Hannah.

Copeland. I believe you know

my parents Neil and Mei.

Uh, yes. They have been very generous

to my campaign over the years.

- How do you know Owen?

- Oh, he, uh

helped me out with a classification issue.

And I was happy to do it.

Oh, look. Justice Collins.

He loves you.

We should probably go say hi.

- Absolutely.

- It was so nice to meet you.

You too.

Have a great night.

Who the hell is this Owen Hendricks kid?


he's clearly not a nobody.

So find out how much of a somebody he is.

[Lester] I guess I was wrong.

It's not the end of the world.

I suppose we could hot potato this thing

over to Owen.

Hold on.

You find something?

Uh, according to the Charter at the OTS,

an incident report

isn't required to be filed

until after a test is concluded.

Guy got his arm ripped off.

The test is concluded, isn't it?

Technically, the test began

the moment TIM was turned on,

and isn't officially over

until after TIM is turned off.

[phone ringing]


- [Violet] It's Violet Ebner from the OGC.

- Oh, hi.

Is it true the test is still underway?

Uh, I mean, technically, I guess.

No. No, no, no.

There is no "I guess."

Based on the scientific parameters

at the OTS,

TIM's test is still underway?

Yes. Until we shut him off.

- And what if you don't?

- Don't what?

Shut him off.

If you never shut him off,

then the test won't end.

I mean, I guess.


- What about when the battery dies?

- Uh, right.

When does he run out of juice?

Never. This is new technology.

[Violet] Here's what you're gonna do:

Lock TIM in a closet.

For how long?

Until I retire.

[clears throat]

["Get Down On It" playing over speakers]

Get down on it ♪

Get down on it ♪

Get down on it ♪

You feel quite pleased with yourself,

don't you?

Oh, I'm pleased with us, okay?

But we're not out of the woods

until he pulls the subpoena.

Remember when we were cramming

for the Constitutional Law exam?

- Yeah.

- Half-crazed, no sleep.

And you made us go out.

- Snuck us into that kid's bar mitzvah.

- Oh, my God.

How could I forget?

I danced with half the girls

at his Hebrew school.

- That was so much fun.

- Mm-hm.

Are we ever gonna

have fun like that again?

We're having fun right now.

Sometimes, I worry

all the good times are behind me.

I'm trying so hard

to become a responsible adult,

I feel like once I get there,

I'll realize I didn't enjoy being young.

Well, that's why you have me. Hey.

Make sure you never grow up.

Yeah, that's why I have you.

A Peter Pan with a license to k*ll.

I told you. I'm a lawyer.

Not a spy.

How you gonna do it

If you really don't wanna dance ♪

By standing on the wall? ♪

Get your back up off the wall ♪

Tell me ♪

I got a name.

Your witness is Danny Woodrow.

He lives alone in a shitty little trailer

outside Flagstaff.

That's perfect.


All right.

Oh. After you.

I cannot believe you got

the Secretary of Defense to Dougie.

He had it in him.

He's got some serious skill.

I just hope that groin pull

wasn't serious.

What do you say we pre-order some pizza

and fire up some OG iCarly

when we get home?

Oh, I mean, we could, maybe

That's sounds amazing.

I just I actually

made plans for after.

For later. Yeah It was a co-worker

promised to help me with a work problem.

You actually know her.

Amelia. The woman that I went

to dinner with a few days ago.

But you brought me to your thing,

so if that's not cool

Oh, my God, no.

Don't be crazy. More pizza for me.

And Jeff might come over. You're good.

- From the White House.

- [clears throat]

[cell phone buzzing]

Holy shit.

Um, it worked.

Smoot pushed the hearing back two weeks.

Wow, that's great.

It would've been better

if he canceled the thing entirely, right?

Owen, take the win.

You're right.

- I can give you a ride home.

- No, I'm gonna Uber. But

- I'll see you tomorrow.

- Hannah, I

I hope you had a splashing good time.

Here you are, folks.

Thank you.

[engine revving]

[tires screech]

[Dawn] Climb in.

It's cute that you're scared,

but I just want to talk.

[clears throat]

- [Owen] Were you following me? Why?

- Yeah.

I'm a control freak, especially when

it comes to operational security.

You're a wild card.

And you didn't

inspire confidence in Yemen.

So I'm doing my due diligence.

Gotta say, I never saw you as a guy

to attend a black tie thing like this.

Which makes me nervous.

What else don't I know about you?

You can relax, it wasn't my thing.

I came with a roommate.

- The one you used to sleep with?

- Stay out of my file.

- And my office.

- [tires screeching]

Tell me something.

Why the f*ck are you a lawyer?

You got the background for Operations.

Dead Army dad,

overdeveloped sense of bravado,

flexible moral compass. So

Why do you wanna be the guy

everybody hates at work,

when you could be with the cool kids?

Because I despise the cool kids.

They were the ones

that beat the shit out of me

at every new school I went to.

I get your play. I really do.

Having a lawyer looking over your shoulder

makes your job exponentially harder.

And to that

I say, tough shit.

Fair enough.

- How's it going with the witness?

- Still trying to find a name.

- And then what?

- And then I'll figure it out.

Good talk. Get out.

[knocking on door]

- ["On 10" playing over speakers]

- You're late.

- But you look good.

- Wow, well, thank you.

- It's not mine.

- Obviously.

- It cost a couple thousand.

- What? f*ck. Really?

- I would've been more careful.

- [clears throat]

You're right. You should take it off.

- What, now?

- Yeah.

I'll help you.

[phone ringing]


- Hello.

- [man] I got the info you wanted.

The witness's name is

Daniel "Danny" Woodrow Jr., 32.

Lives in a trailer park.

I'll send you the address.

He's unemployed

and three months late on the rent.

Apparently, he's been offered witness

protection in exchange for his testimony.

- Shit.

- It gets worse.

He's giving videotaped testimony

tomorrow afternoon,

then WITSEC's relocating him.

You telling me that I only have Wait.

- -12 hours to figure this out?


You're gonna put in

a good word for us, right?

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


That's a legal question

that has profound

National Security repercussions.

[knocking on door]

What are you doing?

I told you, I practice

being a talking head every night.


Hey, can I pick your brain

about my latest graymail drama? Please?

If you do it as Anderson Cooper.


[clears throat]

- Introduce the segment first.

- The segment, right.

The graymail case of Max Meladze

took a turn

when it was revealed that

there's an eyewitness to the m*rder.

Joining us today

to discuss potential next legal steps

is Amelia Salazar.

A former attorney

at the Justice Department,

and more recently,

a lawyer at the General Counsel's Office

of the CIA.

Ms. Salazar, what is your take?


That's a tricky one, Anderson.

While eyewitness testimony is unreliable,

it's often very effective with a jury.

And in a m*rder case like this,

the existence of an eyewitness

makes it almost impossible

to have the case thrown out

- on procedural grounds.

- f*ck. Really?

I mean, that makes

the pathway forward quite difficult,

to say the least.

Um, as does the fact that the witness

is about to be put into WITSEC.

Fun fact, Anderson:

The CIA has their own version

of a protection program.

- Wait, we do?

- You're breaking character.

- We relocate witnesses?

- No.

Retired assets.

But it's basically the same thing.

New identity, new life, the works.

What if I told the witness

I was putting him in WITSEC,

but actually put him in the CIA

relocation program? Can I do that?

Well [clears throat]

Technically, the General Counsel's Office

has to clear each asset

before they go into the program.

Meaning, if I tell them he's

a former asset, they won't question it?

- Exactly.

- That's f*cking awesome.

You're welcome, Anderson.

Always a pleasure to be on the show.

Now let's go have sex again.

[GPS] The destination is on your right.

[pop music playing over stereo]

[Owen] Hello?

Mr. Woodrow!

Your door's open.

Hello? Mr. Woodrow, are you home?

[toilet flushing]

- Mr. Woodrow

- Whoa. What the?

Mr., Woodrow, I'm from the AUSA's office

I'm here to take your video testimony.

- My name is Jeffrey McLaren.

- I don't know nothing about that.

- My office was supposed to call you.

- They didn't.

- I only talked to A'Nyah

- A'Nyah Bell. Yes.

She's actually the one that asked me

to come and take your testimony.

I'm seeing her this afternoon

at the courthouse for my deposition.

That was what your summons said, but

Mr. Woodrow, the threats against you

have escalated immensely,

and we believe that

your life is in imminent danger.

Shit. Really?

Yes. So AUSA Bell asked me to come here,

take your video testimony now

and get you right into WITSEC.

You don't believe me?

Call my office.

Confirm what I'm saying, please.

[keypad beeping]

[line ringing]

- What'd you say your name was again?

- Call me Jeff.

[man] Good morning.

U.S. Attorney's Office.

How can I help you?

So you said I was in danger.



That's why we decided to do this here,

not at the courthouse.

You'll give testimony, pack your bags,

then the Marshals will come and

[whistles]take you to your new home.

Do you know where it'll be?

Or what name I'll get?

Hope it's something macho

like Rutger or Hank.

They don't give us that info.

Part of the safety protocol.

But they have to set me up with a job

and a place to live, right?

I haven't had a steady gig in a while.

I'd like something

I can make a career out of.

Fast food work really takes it out of you.

If you could just state your name

for the court.

Daniel Woodrow Jr.

And can you tell us what you saw

the night the victim was k*lled.

[clears throat]

There's a truck stop a few miles from here

that I eat at on the regular.

I walked through the truck line,

you know, where all the truckers sleep.

And that's where I saw that guy

getting his ass beat.

Was this the victim that you saw?

Yep, that's him.

Let the record show the witness

has identified Salvatore Kwitny.

[dogs barking]

- I think someone might be outside

- And can you describe the m*rder?

They talked for a second, and

then she hit him with a pipe or something.

Was this the woman that you saw?

Yeah, that's her.

She's pretty hot, huh?

Let the record show the witness

has identified Maxine Meladze.

[dogs continue barking]

Do you mind if I go outside and check?

If you could just sit down,

we're almost done.

What happened after she hit him?

They fought. I thought he was gonna

kick her ass, but she was brutal.

Started beating his head in

and hitting him over and over

and over again.

Till she hit his brains.


Okay. Well, thank you very

Okay. Get down! Get down!

Get behind something.

[rock music playing]

He's reloading! Get to the door! Come on.

- Okay! Okay!

- [Owen] We gotta block the door!


No, not lock, block!

It's Tip the fridge over!

Okay, okay.

- [banging on door]

- f*ck off!


Okay. Okay. Do you have a g*n?

- No, I don't believe in them.

- What?

- I found the one pacifist in Arizona?

- Sorry!

[glass breaks]

- He's going in the bedroom.

- Give me that.

Come here. Okay. Okay.

- Danny! Get the g*n!

- Jeff!


Mr. Woodrow?

f*ck. Come on. We gotta go.

Come on, Mr. Woodrow, wake up.

Wake up, Mr. Woodrow.

[tense music playing]

Shit. Come on!

Oh, shit.

[keypad beeping]

[banging on door]


- You hired a hitman to k*ll the witness?

- No.

Maybe I did.

I'm gonna die

because you did not trust me!

I don't think now is the best time

to be having this conversation.

- Tell him to stop!

- I can't.

What? You hired him!

He was sent through an intermediary.

He has no idea who I am.

You'll have to fight your way out of this.

He's a giant!

With a knife!

And I'm in a double wide bathroom

with nothing but toiletries!

You can make a b*mb

out of a lot of household products.

No, I don't have b*mb-making time, Max!

Show me the bathroom.

Okay. So your best bet is to blind him

and take that knife

and shove it up his ass.

[suspenseful music playing]


What the f*ck is happening?

Oh, shit.


[rock music playing]

Come on. Get in the car. It's over here.

f*ck, I'm trying to unlock it!

Gotta go. Come on!

Go, go, go!

- Go, go, go!

- Okay. Oh, no, no.

We're good, we're good, we're good.

We're good. We're good.


We're good, we're good! Wait. Shit.

He got the g*n! Get down!

- Get down! Down!

- Oh, f*ck.

Do you think he forgot about us?

[siren wailing in distance]

[Owen] The case is being dismissed.

Lack of evidence.

Our squeaky wheel

should be released by tonight, sir.

I'm impressed.

Good job.

Thank you, sir.

So, what's next?

- Um

- Are you there?


Yes, sir. I'm still here.

What was the question?

What's the next step?

There he is. My hero.

[Owen] You're dead to me.

- Don't be like that.

- I said I'd fix it.

I begged you not to do anything.

And you hired a f*cking hitman.

When people say they'll do things,

they usually don't.

- I did.

- I know.

You did, and I'm sorry I didn't trust you.

No, it's too late. I'm done.

- We are done.

- Don't be so dramatic.

Come, there were bumps along the way,

sure, but we both benefited.


Max, I hurt someone by helping you.

Someone who doesn't deserve

the betrayal that she's feeling right now.

And what, you think that's my fault?

That I turned you into a bad person?

Owen, trust me,

I have manipulated many good people

into doing truly terrible things.

And it has always taken time.

I've known you a week.

You do the math.

You are Operation's problem now.

They'll pick you up from prison

when you're released.

- Have a nice life.

- Oh, stop.

- You still need me.

- No. I don't.

You think the minefield has gone away?

No one else will help you navigate it.

No one else knows

what you're going through

No one else

is gonna destroy my life.

Are you sure about that?

["Until We Both Get Bored" playing]

Good luck.

Brittle heart, cold as ice ♪

[line ringing]

[Hannah] What's up?

Nothing much.

I just finished work. Driving around.

Wanted to hear your voice.

What's wrong?



I just I don't know.

I guess traveling around

has got me feeling kind of lost.

Well, we're right here.

So come home

and you won't feel lost anymore.

Yeah, you make it sound so simple.

Yeah, because it is.

I'm gonna put you on speaker

so Terence can say hi.

Not seeming needy ♪

[Owen] Hey.

Hi. Uh

I broke up with Tad.

Oh, I'm sorry, man.

He doesn't deserve you.

I know. I

But I really liked him.

Don't worry.

You're gonna find someone so much better.

Someone you'll fall head over heels for.

Right, Owen?


Am I a bad person?

Jumping cracks in the pavement ♪

So that's why you're calling.

Not to check on Terence or me,

but because you did something

and you know I'll make you

feel better about yourself.

Yeah. So the answer is yes.

The answer is

you're selfish.

Do I think you have a good heart? Yeah.

But you get lost a lot.


Oh, God.

Must be bad

if you're apologizing so easily.

No. You're just right.

I gotta go.

Give Terence a big hug for me.

I'll see you at home.

[line disconnects]

[dramatic music playing]

[phone rings]

- Hello?

- [Dawn] Hey.

It's me.

The asset is being released tonight.

Are you sure this is how

we should be playing it?

[Dawn] Yes. It's high-reward, low-risk.

We're mission planning two options.

One to put her back in country,

the other to put her in the ground.

[Goi] What about the lawyer?

What if she told him about us?

- Then we'll deal with it.

- [door lock buzzes]

[theme music playing]