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01x07 - I.M.F.T.B.S.

Posted: 12/24/22 16:52
by bunniefuu
- [narrator] Previously on The Recruit:

- [Owen] Why am I here?

[Max] Because I can't show up in Belarus


[Janus] If I have to testify

about how I allowed rockets

in the hands of t*rrorists,

you're gonna have to testify about

how you ended up on a cartel drug train.

That would be bad.

At the moment, I need you,

and you need me.

Unless you've gone

and told the lawyer too much.

- I know you're sleeping with him.

- [Max] He's a useful tool.

Have you ever been in love?

Here I am, invested in the guy

that you could be

if you just got your shit together.

- You're breaking up with me?

- This thing you do

where you stumble through serious stuff

and hope it works out,

it's too 20-something for me.

The case officer that told an asset

your former nickname is Xander Goi.

I went to Vienna. Next thing I know,

someone tries to k*ll me

on the way to the airport.


- Do you know who I need to bribe?

- [Dawn] Lev Orlova.

Definitely don't have enough money.

Can you un-sanction a Swiss bank account?

The only way to unlock

is to get it excluded by the bank.


Who do I have to talk to about that?

I want a date with your roommate.

I will release the sanctions for one hour,

that's the only way they go unnoticed.

The asset had a child that died. I didn't

wanna give Dawn emotional leverage.

I just don't trust Dawn Gilbane.

I agree. Which is why I'm sending you.

I'm sending you to Geneva

to backstop Hendricks.

We'll drop you in Italy

where you'll continue on by car.

You excited? You're going home.

First, we need to survive the journey.

[Hannah] I promise to bring it back

first thing tomorrow morning.

[librarian] It's a reference book.

It can't leave the library

under any circumstances.

[Hannah] Okay, then is there any way

I can stay past closing?

The exam is tomorrow, and this is

the book the professor always quotes.

Which is really frustrating, because

it's 40 years old and out of print.

[librarian] No exceptions.

- You've got four minutes till we close.

- [Hannah] Please.

- Three minutes. You're wasting time.

- [Hannah groans]




I'm Owen.


I'm Owen. I'm in your contract law class.

I've never seen you before in my life.


Here, hold on.

How about now?



Yeah. Whatever.

You know, you could just take the book.

Yeah, that would be stealing.

We're studying to be lawyers.

Those two don't go together.

You're gonna return it tomorrow, right?

So technically it's just borrowing

a book from a library,

which is kind of

the whole point of a library.

[closing alert sounds]

[librarian] Hey.

We're closing. I'll need that book back.

Come on, really?

You should live a little.

What's the worst that could happen?

Uh, academic probation,

expulsion, charges of theft?

[chuckles] Come on.

No, that would not happen.

None of those things.

Okay, look, dude.


If this is an attempt to hit on me,

I'm not interested.

It's not. I'm just trying to help a fellow

student, and you seem super stressed.

I'm fine.

You sure?


- Please?

- No.

[phone rings]

Law library.

Hey, I hate to ruin your night,

but there's a dude in one of

the study carrels pleasuring himself.

- [librarian] What?

- Yeah, super grotesque.

He's got a shirt over his head

for some reason

and he's working that thing

like he's trying to start a fire.

You need to get back here now,

before there's a janitorial issue.

Have a blessed night.


Get the book.

Come on, get the book.

Get the book.

Lift it up.

- I can't believe I just did that.

- [chuckles]

Why did I do that?

Well, you had a need.

Okay, if we all just start running around,

breaking the rules because of our needs,

it'll be the end of civilization.

Clearly you're new

to this being a rebel thing,

but I live here and, trust me,

borrowing a reference book is not

gonna lead to the end of civilization

as we know it.

But if you're super wracked with guilt,

I'll take the book,

come back, return it tomorrow. No biggie.

So you wanted me to steal it

so you could use it?


No, absolutely

Yeah. I mean, a little bit.

But now that we've crimed together,

we might as well study together.

- I promise I'm not gonna hit on you.

- Yeah, right.

Seriously, okay?

I will park my ass in the friend zone

for the rest of the semester.

I will be the best study partner

you've ever had in your entire life

and then I'll hit on you.



Always lookin' for attention ♪

Ninety-nine plus in my mentions ♪

Misinterpret my intentions

Guess I'm takin' a whole new direction ♪

[Owen] I don't wanna be your boy toy.

But that's just ego talking.

It's the perfect cover.

Young, hot, stupid.

Fine, but when we get to Geneva,

I'm gonna go shopping.

Hit a spa, gonna get my nails done.

Don't be annoying.

You know, this is a uniquely

dangerous moment for us, Owen.

Geneva's a Russian mafia playground.

You think the Russians

are gonna know you're in town?

I think we need to get in, get my money,

and get out before we find out.

I'd feel more confident if Xander Goi

wasn't running the operation.

Just forget Goi.

From now on,

we can only rely on each other.

[scoffs] As long as our interests align.

That's what you said way back when,

when I asked if I could trust you.

Are you saying that's changed?

I think we're way past interests aligning.

We are tied to each other.

Whether you like it or not.

[theme music playing]

Where's Owen?

Out of town.

Do you know where?

I don't know, probably somewhere cold.

He stole my winter jacket.

Who? A jealous ex?

No, Owen.

Hannah's trying to figure out

where he went.

Ah! Geneva.

Oops, I think that was

supposed to be a secret.

I was helping him

with the foreign sanctions issue.

He sounded pretty stressed about it.

Said it was a life-or-death thing.

[cell phone ringing]

- Don't answer.

- [sighs]

Hi, Mom.

I'm in your neighborhood

and I thought I could drive you to work.

Oh, that's nice.

But I'm actually just walking out

the door right now.

Great, I'm ten minutes away.

Maybe 20. See you downstairs.

[line disconnects]

[hip-hop music playing]

[music continues over car speakers]

- What are you doing?

- Hey, just relax, boy toy.

Your cover is literally arm candy,

so if I want to squeeze your arm

or I want to grab your ass

then you will love it.

When this is all over,

I'm gonna file a complaint with HR.

Good luck with that.

The eagle has landed.

[Violet] The eagle?

More like the idiot.

Yeah, sort of lacks

an operational panache.

Plus, we're here to support Hendricks.

If he's successful,

that's good for the agency.

Checking in.

[Violet] Yeah, but it's bad for us.

I mean, if he pulls this off,

he's gonna be untouchable,

and if he finds out we're spying on him,

he's gonna bury us.

Even though Nyland sent us?

Don't be naïve.

General Counsel has no allegiance to us.

Which is why

we have to look out for ourselves.

You hang the failures on Hendricks

and pin the victories on us.

I like that. Up top.

Welcome to Geneva. I'll be your

operational support while you're here.

[Owen] We heard.

Xander, you remember Max Meladze.

Hey, revealing a CO's real name

is a f*cking breach of protocol.

So is trying to k*ll an agency lawyer.

I didn't try to k*ll an agency lawyer.

[Max] Yes, you did, Xander,

because you thought I gave Owen

kompromat on you, which I didn't.

And I still haven't,

but I will if you give me a reason to.

There's no need for threats.

Well, threats is what got me here

so I think I'll stick with them.

But, hey, look, if you play nice,

then we all win, no?


Let's go over the plan.

Sure thing.

Tomorrow, we go to the Bank of Geneva

and access one

of Max's sanctioned accounts,

which will magically be unsanctioned

between 10 and 11 a.m.

Now, once the money is secure,

Max will reach out to Lev Orlova

and set a meeting

so she can buy her way out

of the Russian mafia doghouse.

And then I get to go home

and sleep for a week.

You make it sound easy.

No, I'd say it's uncomplicated,

though I am sure that that will change.

Does Kirill know I'm here?

The local mafia boss.

[Goi] If he doesn't, he will.

Half the staff is on his payroll.

So keep a low profile

until you hit the bank in the morning.

All goes well,

you're wheels up by lunchtime.

[Owen] Hm.


Uh, a flash cable came for you

at the consulate.


[door closes]

You think he bugged the place?

I know he bugged the place.

I gotta go to the consulate.

Can I trust you to stay out of trouble?

Absolutely not.

Max, seriously.

Take a bath, order room service,

go to the spa. I'll be right back, okay?

Yes, sir.

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?

- Max found all your cameras.

My 5-year-old niece

could've hid them better.

You don't have a niece.

How the f*ck do you know that?

Have you been in my file, Goi?

Like you haven't been in mine.

We're competing for the same promotion.

Oh, please. It's no competition.

You're a house pet. I'm a predator.

The job's gonna be mine,

so you should really just

try not to f*ck up my op.

I love your confidence,

but the job requires a smooth operator,

not a blunt instrument.

[man] Yo, yo!


- Looking good, DG.

- Thank you.

Head upstairs.

There's beer in the mini-fridge.

Don't touch my gluten-free bread.

Mission planning meeting in 30.

[man] Copy that.

- [Goi] Was that Standish?

- Yeah.

His team just landed.

We'll be ready for our part,

so don't f*ck up yours.

Big hug.

[Mrs. Copeland] So how's work?


Why did you pick me up

with a coffee and a pastry?

Did our cat die?

How are things with Jeff?

Well, he invited me

to his sister's wedding this weekend.

So I guess that's a thing.


I like him for you.

Okay, now I know you're up to something.

What's going on?

Jeff is special assistant

to the president

for economic policy, right?


There's something Jeff could help me with

since he works at the White House.

- It requires some delicacy.

- [sighs]

So I feel it's better coming through you.

I need to know who attended

an appropriations meeting

with the chief of staff last Thursday.

Are you asking me to spy for you?

I'm asking for a favor.

I have a new client. He needs to know

if his competition was in the same room.

No, I don't feel comfortable

using my boyfriend as an informant.

That's how things work in Washington.

Access and favors.

How do you think you got your job?

Pretty quiet around here.

I hadn't noticed.

Really? Kitchens, Ebner

and Hendricks all out of the office?

- That's gotta be related, right?

- I don't know and I don't care.

Wait. Why do you?

Because unlike the rest of you cowards,

I would rather be in the know

if there's a shitstorm coming.

Uh, pass.

I would much rather step out

into the street and get hit by a bus

than get a cancer diagnosis.

- Quick death, you know what I mean?

- Mm.

Except death is never quick around here.

- [exhales]

- [phone ringing]

No, no.

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck

[Janus] What?

It's Owen, I'm in a SCIF at the consulate,

you wanted to talk?

Yeah, hi, Owen.

I just wanted to have a little chitty-chat

about how monumentally f*cked we are.

Why? What's happening now?

Well, apparently our missing rockets

have been traced

from Lázaro Cárdenas

to the Port of Tangier.


Which means they are most likely

headed to South Sudan.

Let me put this into perspective for you.

It's basically where a f*ck ton

of t*rrorists call home, Owen.

Okay, that's bad.

But you said

the missiles were deactivated.

Wake up, Owen.

Their operational functionality

means jack squat.

If the press gets ahold of this,

it's game over for us.

"CIA gives missiles to t*rrorists."

Front page, above the fold!

Do you understand now?


Janus, shut up and let me think.

You need to make it more confusing.


The scandal, Janus.

Americans don't do complicated.

It's why Watergate's still talked about,

but Iran-Contra isn't, right?

People still aren't sure

what drug-dealing rebels in Nicaragua

have to do with hostages in Lebanon.

So if you think that this thing

is really gonna go sideways,

you need to figure out how to attach

as much nonsense to it as possible

so The New York Times

can't write an easy headline.

That is the stupidest

most potentially genius thing

you've ever thought of.

I know. Now, muddy the waters enough,

and no one will be able to get traction.

While you're doing that,

try to get those rockets back.

Missiles, actually.

Missiles, whatever.

f*ck you.

[doorbell ringing]

Who is it?

The concierge, madame.

I have the gift you sent me to get.

- Is it the model with GPS in it?

- Yes.

Is there anything else

I can help you with?

No. Thank you.

[door closes]

[in German] Whatever you have on tap.

[speaks German]

[woman in English] Hi.

Tequila and lime, please.

On the rocks.


[both chuckle]

- Hi.

- Hi.

How's it going?


- Better now.

- Mm.

Yeah. I hear that.

I'm Owen.


Rough day?

Mm I mean,

rough enough that I'm drinking alone

at 5:00 on a Tuesday.

[Marta chuckles]

But you're not drinking alone.

Not anymore.

- Cheers.

- Skál.

Yeah, skál. You from Geneva?

No, just for now, while I finish school.

I see.


In town for a meeting.

And then back to America?

- Oh, wow, it's that obvious?

- No.

No, it's good.

I love an American accent.

Well, I mean I like

whatever you got going on.



Does that make you a Viking?

Because kissing a Viking

has always been on my bucket list.

Only kissing?

[laughs softly]

So, what do you do

that requires a meeting in Geneva?

I'm a boy toy.

Just a stupid inside joke.

I'm supporting a friend.

Oh [chuckles]

Actually, less of a friend,

more of a work

colleague-slash-evil nemesis.

It's all

a f*cking gray area.

I'm, like, hanging on by my fingertips.


That's, um

She sounds like a lot.

Well, she's, uh

I never said "she."

I just assumed.

Handsome guy like you.

Holy shit, I know what's going on here.

- I should hope so.

- No, no, no, you

The accent, the flirting,

the leading questions.

You're a foreign agent.


Yes, you're trying

to get kompromat on me, right?

We go upstairs, we fool around,

you get the sexy photos,

and boom, you blackmail me.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on. I'm not mad.

Why would I be mad? This is awesome.

I've got to go, sorry.

- What? No.

- Yeah, this just got weird.

No, no, no, don't leave, come on.

You were really convincing.

You had me for two sec

It's my first time being sexpionaged, I

My first time being sexpionaged.

This is fantasy ♪

Don't do it ♪

Don't do it ♪

Don't do it ♪

Everything okay at the consulate?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it's fine.

Just another case that I'm working.

- Mm.

- All quiet at the hotel?

Yeah, all quiet.

I can't believe you did this for 10 years.

Yeah. It's already starting

to trigger my PTSD.

The extreme boredom

combined with the fear that

at any moment things could go haywire,

destroy your career.

Yeah, but you're a lawyer now, remember?

You're not in charge of this op.

We're just here to make sure

that McWeeny doesn't screw up.

Oh, that steak looks so good.

[Violet] They clearly have

the hots for each other.

You think they're sleeping together?

Not necessarily.

But it's not a good sign

for Owen's neutrality.

Have you ever slept with an asset?

Sure. But I never got

emotionally involved with any of them.


How come you never made a pass at me?

Are we seriously gonna have

this conversation

in this moldy-ass camper van?


I've never had a relationship

that didn't end ugly.

I guess I like you too much

to screw us up.

What are you doing?

- I am documenting Owen's infractions.

- [shutter clicking]

In case we need

to make a case against him.

You mean destroy him.

Oh, tomato, tomahto.

I got you something.

Since you'll be rid of me soon,

I wanted you to have something

to remember me by.

[lounge music playing]

Wow, um

Thank you.

I mean, this is like the nicest thing

that anyone's ever gotten for me.

Try it on.

[both chuckle]

Yeah. It's great.

- [Max] It looks good.

- Yeah?

I'm sorry I didn't get you anything.

No, you got me here.

So, what's going home look like?

Best case scenario, this all goes to plan.

What's your life?

Where do you live? What do you do for fun

on a Saturday night?

Don't do that.

Do what?

There's no point in asking me

questions like that

when I know

they'll just end up in my file.

No, they wouldn't.

Owen, if push came to shove

and you knew you had something to gain

from telling the agency my secrets,

you would.

So I'm doing you a favor by not sharing.

Is that you saying you're never gonna

tell me what you have on Goi?

No, f*ck that guy.

When Xander was stationed in Belarus,

he was having an affair

with Kirill's wife.


I didn't think he had it in him.

I mean, clearly Kirill

doesn't know, right?

Kirill knew his wife was having an affair,

but he didn't know who with.

He tortured a few people hunting for it.

Offered a bounty

when that didn't work out.

Yeah, well,

no wonder Xander's scared of you.

You could have him k*lled and fired.

I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

- Will you get us dessert?

- Yeah, sure.



[Max] Who are you?

Kirill sent me.

- To k*ll me?

- No.

Liar. Say goodbye to your brain.

Wait. I swear.

He asked me to find out

what the f*ck you're doing in Europe.

You're coming for him?

Well, I wasn't.

But now I feel a little bit upset.

You can tell your boss

I came here in peace,

but I can just as easily go to w*r.

If Kirill wants to ask me

any more questions,

he can call me on your phone, okay?


Let's forget dessert.

Let's go.

I I'll take the couch, I guess.

Hey, do you mind if I get

into the bathroom really quick

before you commandeer the whole? What?


I need this.

You need this.

Stop letting me be the one instinct

that you don't follow.

Feelings taking over now ♪

Drawing down the blinds on my mind ♪

Can't even move somehow ♪

Body paralyzed ♪

Where did all the good ones go? ♪

Looking for a little bit more time ♪

Everything is lost

You know it ♪

Got me terrified ♪

Boy ♪

I got, I gotta get on ♪

Boy ♪

I got, I gotta get on ♪

Take me to another place ♪

So I won't feel this pain anymore ♪

Get me out of the darkness ♪

Get me out of the darkness ♪

Take me to another place ♪

So I won't feel this shame anymore ♪

Get me out of the darkness ♪

Get me out of the darkness ♪

Here, babe.

Gotta replenish those electrolytes.


Oh! That was awesome.




Never mind.

No. What's on your mind?

It's just a work thing.

Lay it on me. Maybe I can help.

Okay, well, we have a meeting

with a big potential client,

but the partners are keeping it

really hush-hush.

All I know is that this person attended

an appropriations meeting

with the chief of staff last week.

There were a few people

in that meeting with Kevin.

- Do you know anything else?

- No.

And I normally wouldn't ask

but I just feel like

I'm falling behind at work,

and I need to get the partners' attention.


It was Bill Connelly

and Tracy Jimenez from JPMorgan,

and Lucinda Jackson from Vanguard.

Okay, I'll research all of them and wait

to see who walks through the door.

- Thank you.

- I'm sure you'll do great.

Just so you know,

I never reported

that you lost your daughter.

Some things are none of their business.

Thank you.

Get some sleep.

We have a big day tomorrow.

Here we go.

[upbeat electronic music playing]

Okay, we have 59 minutes to get this done,

then I'm on a plane to D.C.,

and you are back in the game.

Do I detect a little sadness

in your voice?

Going to miss me?

No. Are you gonna miss me?


Hi, we're here to see Markus Fischer.

- Please?

- [Marcus] Morning.

- Morning.

- How may I be of service?

[Max] I need to withdraw some money

from my account.

Certainly. I'll need the account number

and your access code to begin.


I'm afraid I'm unable to access

the account. It's been frozen.

Uh, no, that account has been

unfrozen actually, trust me.

You can check again.

Sir, the account has been

sanctioned by the United States.

Not only can I not access it,

but protocol demands

that I notify the OFAC that an attempt

was made to access the account.

[Owen] No. Don't do that.

Please, give me two minutes.

I gotta make a call. I'll be right back.

- [Marcus] Sir, I'm afraid that the

- Two minutes. Relax.

I promise.

[Max] What did you do?

I may have messed up the times.

- You got the time wrong?

- Yeah.

- I gave you a f*cking watch last night.

- Hey, whoa.

I assumed when Linus

gave me the time window

that he converted it to Geneva.

Now I'm thinking he meant 10 a.m. in D.C.,

so we're about six hours early.

- You need to fix this.

- I'm going to. Sit tight.

Something's wrong.

[Violet] Where's Max?

Shit! I knew this was

going to go sideways.

[line ringing]

[cell phone buzzing]

[automated voice] Your call has been

[line ringing]

[cell phone buzzing]

[cell phone ringing]

- What's wrong?

- [Dawn] Nothing.

But you sound stressed.

- Is there a problem at the bank?

- [Goi] No. I'll call you when it's done.

I gotta keep this line clear.

[cell phone ringing]

- It's him.

- He's calling.

- Pick up, pick up. Just pick it up.

- Pick it up? What am I?


Hey, man, sorry to call you so early.

I need you to get me out of a jam.

What's up?

I mixed up the times

on my sanction window,

and I can't get in touch with my OFAC guy.

Think you could go over to my place

and see if he's there?

He's dating my roommate.

- Uh, yeah, man, no can do.

- [Swiss music playing]

Yeah, I got some kind of stomach bug.

Gotta stay within five feet of the john.

Okay, thanks. Feel better.

[phone ringing]


Hey, it's me.

Oh, this isn't a sad attempt

at a booty call, is it?

No. No, I'm in Geneva.

Okay, well, if you're not calling

to get back together, what do you need?

I need you to go over to my place,

see if my roommate Terence is there,

and if his OFAC boyfriend

is sleeping over.

- Yeah, I'm not doing that.

- Please? I

I f*cked up.

I need help.

What's your address?

[knocking on door]

[knocking continues]

Good morning.

Owen isn't here.

Oh, I know. Owen sent me.

What's going on?

Which one of you is Linus?

Owen needs to speak with you.

There's been an issue in Geneva.

Okay. Shit, just give me a minute.

Is Owen okay?

I'm not allowed to disclose that.

You are at my house

at 4:00 in the morning.

I need to know he's okay.

He is, for now.

But knowing him, it won't last.

He'll find another shark t*nk

to dive into.

[Linus] No, there's nothing I can do.

Once an account has been flagged,

it can't be unfrozen.

- You'll have to figure something else out.

- [Owen] Okay, thanks.

- We could rob the bank.

- No, we're not f*cking robbing a bank.

You're right, Swiss banks are fortresses.

Croatian banks are doable.

What? I don't see you

coming up with any ideas.

[Swiss music playing]

Owen, where are you going?


What the hell?

Hey. What's up?

Wow, I guess Nyland

really doesn't think I can finish the job.

- We were sent as a backstop.

- To help you.

Bullshit. Nobody sends lawyers to help.

You're here to blame Owen

if this thing goes sideways, which it has.

That's it.

I'm gonna silver-lining this shit

by taking full advantage

of your clandestine experience

in overcoming

the f*ck out of this obstacle.

Move over, we're getting in.

- Where are you going?

- Owen needs us.

No, if he's in real trouble, the CIA

will do what's called an exfiltration.

Terence, he's not a spy, he's a lawyer.

Even if he was one,

you know he's allergic to asking for help.

So you want to fly to Geneva

to rescue him?

Hannah, it's been two years

since you guys broke up.

I'm not It is not about that.

You and I are the only people

who give a shit about him.

If we don't look out for him, no one will.

So get packed.

I booked us two first-class tickets

on the 6 a.m.

- Car is picking us up in 20 minutes.

- I have work.

Yeah, in a windowless office

that smells like sadness.

Whereas first-class seats turn into beds,

you get warm cookies during takeoff,

and I think you get free drinks

during the whole flight.

- Okay, I'll call in sick.

- Uh-huh.

So you screwed up the time zones?

Yes. It's hilarious, but it's not relevant

to the problem that we're facing now.

Okay? We need to get Max's money

out of that account.

What the actual f*ck is going on?


What the hell are you doing in my op?

- Did Dawn send you to backstop me?

- No, I'm with OGC.

We were sent to backstop Hendricks.

By inserting yourself in my operation

without notifying me?

Hi, Violet Ebner. You wanna climb in,

so the world doesn't see

into our covert clown car?

Owen screwed up.

The accounts are still frozen.

- I need to call Dawn and fill her in.

- On what?

The fact you lost control of your

operation, or you never f*cking had it?

What if we go in there

and say that we're the IRS

and working a tax evasion case,

and we need access to the account?

For what?

To withdraw money owed

as back taxes to the government.

No, that's a shit idea.

And impersonating an employee

of the United States is a federal crime.

Technically, we are federal employees.

This isn't some regional bank

in the sticks.

It's the vaults where the Nazis

hid stolen Vermeers.

Security is tight. They check credentials.

Oh, my God. How did we lose

the Cold w*r to you people?

No, we're making this too complicated.

We work at the f*cking CIA.

What is the entire mandate of the agency?

- f*ck over China.

- f*ck over China.

To gather intelligence.

Exactly, and to use that intelligence

to get leverage.

There's gotta be something

on this banker or that bank

that we can use as leverage

to get Max's money.

I have something,

but it can only be used as a threat.

I'm a rock star at threatening.

What is it?

- Hi, we back.

- Sir, as I explained earlier

Yes, I remember quite clearly,

but now is a bit different.

I need you to give us

access to her account.

Otherwise, we are gonna have

to do something about this one.

We know that you're using

that account to launder money

for a criminal conglomerate

that has ties to a, shall we say,

t*rror1st organization.

Unless you want the rest of the world

to know about that,

which you don't,

you'll do the typie-typie thing

and print out a banker's check

for the entirety of her account.


If you know about this account,

it means that you are from

an intelligence agency monitoring it.

I'm going to assume CIA,

since you're American.

But here's what I also know.

The CIA wouldn't burn that account

by exposing it, because then

they wouldn't be able to follow

the money going through it.

Which means that you are an empty threat.

So kindly get lost.

[Max] Enough of this bullshit.

His people might not be

able to burn that account,

but my people will literally

burn you alive when they find out

that you have become an asset for the CIA,

helping monitor all that

criminal and t*rror1st activity

that runs through your bank.

That's a lie.

Who cares? All we have to do is let it

be known that you're friends of ours,

and you'll end up dead

in a Swiss alleyway,

which is actually

the nicest of all alleyways.

Hey, would you mind

holding that for a second?

- [Max] Sure.

- Thank you so much.

But dead is dead, right?

So why don't you just do

what we're asking you to do,

and live a much longer,

healthier, happier life?

Even if I wanted to,

I can't give you access to her account.

It was locked the second

I tried to access it earlier.

Oh, I have a safety deposit box.

He could open it, give us access to it.

Yes. That I can do.


["Let Me Do My Thing"

by Jordan Max playing]

Wake up ♪

Wake up ♪

[cell phone ringing]

Get up ♪

Hi, Jeff.

I can't really talk right now. I

- [Jeff] I got fired.

- What?

They think I've been leaking

sensitive information.

I can't help it that I'm excited

to tell people about my job.

I got walked out by a Marine.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

What's wrong?

I got Jeff fired.

What? How?

You didn't tell anyone

about our conversation, did you?

No, of course not.

I gotta go. I'll see you tonight.

- Actually, Jeff

- [line disconnects]

[line ringing]

- [Mrs. Copeland] Good morning.

- You got Jeff fired?

Kevin Mills asked me

to help him find the leak.

I know I wasn't entirely

forthcoming with you.

You lied to my face.

I knew you wouldn't help me

if I told you the truth.

That is such bad parenting.

Sweetheart, sometimes we all

have to put on our big girl pants

and do unpleasant things

for the greater good.

Now, the chief of staff to the president

owes me a huge favor, and I owe you one.

Everybody wins.

Except Jeff.

Omelets and eggs, darling.

Eggs and omelets.

[line disconnects]

I'm a weak and horrible person,

and I'm going to hell.

- Can I ask you something?

- I know what you're gonna say.

And, no, this trip

is not about Owen, okay?

It's really about me.

I'm running away from all the things

I need to confront in my own life.

My awful family, my dehumanizing job,

my really f*cked-up moral compass.

I'm feeling lost and afraid,

and going to save Owen

is giving me a sense of purpose

at a time that I need to feel like

a living, breathing human being again.

I was just going to ask if I could give

your airplane pajamas to Linus.

But, yeah, all that stuff is pretty true.

Yes, I

I'm glad to be free ♪

Return it to the spot when you're done,

and please, never come back.

- [Owen] Uh, where's the money?

- There isn't any.

- Diamonds?

- No.

So how is this gonna help you

buy your way back in?

Because this is equally as valuable.

What is it, bearer bonds?

Stock certificates?


- Here, take this.

- No, I'm good. Thanks, you can have it.

No, I already have one.

Took it off Kirill's guy

when I beat him up last night

- in the bathroom in the restaurant.

- You did?

- Is that why we skipped dessert?

- Yeah. Take the g*n.


What was her name?


You wanna take it?


Put it back.

I'm gonna call Kirill, arrange a meet.

- [in Russian] It's Max.

- [Kirill speaking Russian]

We need to meet.

[in English] We're on for tonight.

- What are we gonna tell the others?

- Nothing. Find the back door, sneak out.

No, no, no. Hold on.

The whole point of having a support team

is so that they can be there to help us,

so we don't get k*lled.

Okay, trust me.

Owen, I was an asset for ten years,

and I learned the hard way

you don't tell anyone anything

- unless you absolutely have to.

- Sounds like a convenient way to do

whatever you want

without asking permission.

You can't honestly tell me that you think

your co-workers wouldn't sell you out

if they thought it'd help their career.

Never give anyone

the opportunity to betray you.

Rather apologize after you survive

than die because you trusted

the wrong person.

- Let me see your phone.

- Why?


There. You can put it back in

once we've done the deal with Kirill.

They're gone.

According to the banker,

they accessed her safe deposit box

- 30 minutes ago and split out the back.

- [Violet] Oh, my

[Kirill] A lot of people

want you dead, Max.

And yet, I'm still here.

Who is this?

[in Russian] A k*ller.

[Kirill laughs]

[in English] He looks like a child.

What better disguise?

[Kirill] It won't matter.

He can't save you

if I decide to end your life.

Well, then you will never

find out who slept with Stasia.

Max, you can't.

You knew who was with my wife

and you never told me?

It wasn't to my advantage then.

The bounty.

Is it still 2 million euros?

It is.

How do I know

that what you'll tell me is true?


I have pictures.

Of the two of them.


For hours.

Do we have a deal?

[in Russian] Pay her.

[in English] No.

Send it to Lev.

Consider it a down payment

for a future conversation.

I intend to make amends,

so I can come home.

You know there are people

who will never welcome you back,

no matter how much money you offer.

I know.

That's what I have him for.

What did you just do?

What I had to, to survive.

[Kirill yells]

I'm so close to going home.

Max, you better be f*cking in here.

- I am so dead.

- [yells]


- [car alarm wails]

- [woman screams]

[siren chirps]

- [indistinct chatter]

- [sirens wailing]

We gotta go.

What the hell is this?

[officer shouting in French]

- Is that Owen?

- What? Where?

Hannah? Hannah, wait. Hold up.


[officer speaking French]

I think I just saw Hannah.

[theme music playing]