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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 12/24/22 17:49
by bunniefuu
- Where are you going?
- To sleep on the sofa. Goodnight.

I don't like sleeping alone.

- No?
- No.

Is this what you did
when you thought about me?

What's up?

Well, isn't this what
you've always wanted?

- Good morning, everyone.
- Good morning.

JULY 7th


- What are we working on?
- A new weekly, "Noi".

- Mondadori's targeting families.
- The boss wants us to do the launch.

Families? Not my strong point.

- Why are you dressed like that?
- Company match.

I'm second,
if I score today, I'll be first.

“Behind every family,
there's a lone woman...

A survey says so,
it calls them "the lone women".

48% of Fininvest's TV viewers.

Widows, pensioners,
women from the South.

Reduced spending,
especially on culture.

Berlusconi changed their lives,
with Dallas and soap operas.

Let's target them.

Did you say "first"?
Isn't it a team game?

The players take turns,
the score is individual.

Draw: 1, win: 2, score: 3.

I'll score today.
Shit, I can feel it!

Who'll be on the cover:

Carlucci, Parietti
or Dalla Chiesa marrying Frizzi?

Van Basten, Walter Zenga.

A mirror.

A mirror, yes.

So everyone will feel like
the protagonist.

"Stop for a moment, fragile creature
and consider what you are".

"The Cloud of Unknowing"
by an unknown English mystic.

- I like the mirror idea.
- Sir?

Gianni Letta's here to see you.

- Did we have an appointment?
- No.

I have to go, excuse me.

How are you?

Everything okay?


- Have you had a screw?
- f*ck off!

If Magic Johnson's in the Olympics
then why can't you have a screw?

The Australians have said
they won't play against Magic.

- They're scared of getting AIDS.
- I know.

Did you hear
what Charles Barkley said?

You don't have work to do?


Please, come this way.

- Take a seat, I'll be right there.
- Shit, it's Ligresti.

When we found your villa empty,

we thought
you'd gone back to Sicily.

As you can see, I'm here now.
And I came of my own free will.

Yes, you've taken a few days off
to sort some things out.

The industrialists are talking,

- It's the end of an era.
- Di Pietro...

You're in the headlines now,
you feel loved by the people, powerful!

So you keep making
the investigation bigger.

But one of these days,
by casting the net further,

you'll catch the small fish too.

When the Italians realize
Clean Hands is homing in on them,

on that day,
you and your colleagues...

will end up alone,
from one moment to the next.

And things will go back
to the way they were in Italy.

Don't you believe me?

Do you want to bet?

Let's do this: you take this

and return it to me when you explain
your business with Craxi.

If that's the case,
kiss your precious watch goodbye.

We'll talk about it in San Vittore.

How come
you're going to the airport?

JULY 12th

Because I'm on the mafia's blacklist
along with other judges.

It seems they want to k*ll us.

Those idiot guards should escort me,
but I don't trust them.

- Are you up to it?
- Yes.

- Are you scared?
- No.

Hi, Di Pietro.

Schifani worked with Falcone,
and he's dead.

- The watch you gave to Ligresti...
- It's fake.

We seized a load of them
six months ago.

What if Ligresti's right?

Davigo already tried to nab them
six years ago.

They never end up paying,
they always find a way out,

and we work our asses off,
will it pay off?

- Yes.
- Will they win?

- No.
- No, yes, you're so damn eloquent!

First you resign,
then you volunteer...

I can't figure you out, dammit!


Is this where I sign up
for Actor's Studio?

- Giuliano.
- Veronica.

You're interested in the method?

I've been told that to be an actress
I need to learn to act.

- Have any experience?
- No, but my mother was an actress.

Your mother? What's her name?

You don't know her.

She did experimental theatre.

You make it sound
like it's something weird.

So, how much is it?

"At very high temperature, such
ionizing radiation from depleted uranium

can modify the structure
and emit neutrons".

- Ionizing radiation.
- Yes.

You can't just say
your usual bullshit!

It's all written here.


He's Massimo, an old friend.
She's Veronica.


Not too shabby, Pietro Bosco!

I get cancer and you get to screw
that hot babe?

Keep your g*dd*mn voice down!

- Give me that paper.
- Here.

I signed up for an acting course.

A serious one.

It's American,
run by the Actor's Studio.


Fine, bye.


f*cking hell!

It's good. If that's what
you want to do, that's good.

It's expensive, I'm warning you.

How much?


Two million liras?

Pass me a pen.

I have bad news for us.

Fininvest found out about
your forays in Rome

and your meeting with Segni.

They want to close
the Study Campus.


"Politics is not within
Publitalia's jurisdiction".


Advertisers have increased in numbers
since the Study Campus opened.

What's this about?

For the agency, backing this project
is a waste of money,

so as of tomorrow,
your office is closed.

Those who've come from Publitalia
will remain within the group,

the others, many thanks,
will receive adequate compensation.

- What's Berlusconi saying?
- What do you think?

It's his decision.

Get me an appointment with him.

Even just for 5 minutes,
I'll get him to change his mind...

He's on holiday,
he's enjoying Milan's victory

and he wants to be left in peace.

I'm sorry, that's the way it is.

What a shame.

- Hello?
- Viola, you want to go on holiday?

I think you've forgotten where it is.

When I came here 10 years ago,
there was nothing.

You sound like an old man,
I'm telling you.

There it is!


Hi! Welcome!

- How are you?
- You look beautiful.

- Thanks.
- Sorry for calling out of the blue.

Don't be, it's a pleasure!

- Sit down.
- Thank you.

Shall I get your annexe ready?

- You're sure it's no trouble?
- Sure! Stay as long as you like.

It's a real pleasure for me.

You've not changed, that's for sure.

- Mum, I'm going out. I need money.
- Good evening!

My daughter, Angelica.
That's right, I have a daughter.

She looks just like you.

Here. Only horribly younger.

- How old are you?
- 15.

It's a challenge
having a daughter that age.

- I'm going, bye.
- Bye!

I can imagine.

Viola, my daughter.

- Can you add an extra bed?
- Of course.

- Hello, my dear.
- This is Amanda.

Sit down.

You called me for this? I hoped
you'd tell me Di Pietro's fate.

I've got Beatrice Mainaghi,
ready to ruin her father.

Isn't that enough?

This blood story is a real scoop.

How did you find out?

A friend of mine contracted AIDS
via a blood transfusion.

He tried suing them, it was tough,
so I gave him a hand.

I found an informer at Zenit
who confirmed the story.

The blood comes from America.

The donors are prisoners
from Arkansas.

Zenit bought their blood cheaply
and didn't test it.

They used it to make blood products
to sell to the State

who distributed them to hospitals.

Is Beatrice Mainaghi your informer?

No, it's someone
from the buyers' sector.

I spoke to him, then he disappeared.

Do you trust her?

She said she'll give you free access
to Zenit's archives, she seems honest.

How did you persuade her?

Do you want to do
this interview or not?

- Will you get the boxes?
- Yes.

Isn't it creepy coming to live
where your father died?


- You're brave.
- Very brave!

I spoke to my journalist friend,

she's willing to interview you.

What should I say?

That you want the truth
about that blood too

and that you weren't involved.

You're sure you want to do it?

Are you sure it's his fault?


All right.

Everyone will hate you.

My brother already hates me
because he thinks I stole his job.

What documents do you need?

Today the committee is gathered
with the Defense Minister, Salvo Andi).

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Today's agenda deals with
the presentation by the minister

of military expenditure items
included in the financial bill.

And about how these
have been articulated

following the recent
parliamentary debate.

Honorable... Bosco.

Instead of talking about money,
let's discuss our soldiers' health.

The Defense Committee should worry
about its soldiers, every so often.

Pass these round.

Many survivors from the Gulf w*r
have fallen ill.

What are these papers?

A list of the illnesses that NATO soldiers
back from Iraq suffer from.

Take one.

It shows how many American soldiers
fell ill in the past year.

But no one's talking about it here.

We fought alongside them,
our men got ill too.

- Honorable Bosco...
- Our men are ill!

Honorable Bosco, what are you doing?

The minister is here today,
we have to discuss the financial bill.

It's the Presidency's decision.

If you have a question
for the Committee,

we'll include it on the agenda
of the next meeting.

What a drag!

And now, please
gather your paperwork.

No, keep it,
so you can read them for next time.

Go ahead, sir.

Good morning, dear colleagues.

- Mr Bosco?
- Colonel Maggioni...

- May I ask you a question?
- You just did.

- Are you a patriot?
- I'm a Northern League member.

Answer me.

You're a soldier, right?

Only a military man is interested
in soldiers' health.

- So? ls that a problem?
- Regarding these illnesses...

are you sure your sources
of information are reliable?

Shit, I get it. The minister
handed you the note.

You've come to lecture me!

You know why I asked you that?
Because you're no patriot,

you're slinging mud
at the Italian Navy!

Have you been to Iraq?

Swear on your children's lives that
we never used depleted uranium there.

We never used it.

f*ck you!
I bet you don't have children.

If you want answers, ask us.

Don't bring politicians into it.

They don't want to know
what really happens in a w*r,

and if you tell them,
they'll hate you for it.

You know what w*r is, they don't.

Dirty laundry shouldn't be aired
in public, right?

You were one of us, Bosco.

Do you really want to disgrace
your family in front of everyone?

I'd only gone to ask
if she wanted some tea.

They were having sex in broad daylight,
with the door wide open.

My mum...

said it was natural.

That there was nothing
to be ashamed of.

His ass... his skinny ass,

moved up and down.

My mother's face...

It looked like she was shouting
even though she was quiet.

At a certain point,
he opened his eyes...

and saw me.

My mother didn't even notice me.

He smiled at me,

he kept screwing her
and smiling at me.

I ran away.

I was always competing with her.

So I wanted to see if he...

if that look of desire
had been real.

So I started messing around with him,

one day when my mum was out.

I hadn't imagined it.

He really did desire me.

I was 13, shit.

You were brilliant, Veronica.

A friend of mine has written
a very courageous, real piece

and wants to bring it to theatre.

Would you like to audition for it?

Are you going out?

Angelica's taking me to a party.


No lipstick.

You look like a mini Jessica Rabbit.


Where did you meet Amanda?

She's an old client of mine.

She owns Lombardy's
biggest textile conglomerate.

She's had some work done.

Getting old is horrible.

I saw a guy wearing
a vest and flip-flops.

- You'll be seeing more of them...
- What can we do?

Shopkeepers have yachts now!

Leo Notte!

- Cool, how are you?
- Looking good.

As always! Hi, how are you?

I'm having a party on Friday.

Loads of babes, will you come?

- If I'm in the area.
- Come!

Don't forget! Bye.

Zeno Mainaghi, talking of
the decadence of the Costa Smeralda.


You don't need to feel obliged.

You can be my guest all the same.

I remember you being a smart woman.

Turn it on...

Do you also remember...

how beautiful I was?

You're still beautiful.

You're smart, witty, good in bed,
that's what makes you beautiful.

- You're right!
- Turn it on.

I will.

Are you still friends with Berlusconi?

I've not been in touch
with him for a while.

I'd like to meet him.

Your friend, Zeno Mainaghi,
is his neighbor. Did you know?

If I were you, I'd go to that party.

Give me the cigarette.

Want a smoke?

That stuff stinks of shit.



What's up, are you a f*gg*t?

Did you come with Veronica?

- What do you do in Rome, Mr Rugby?
- I'm a politician.

No way! Wait!

Northern League.

I don't believe it,
did I guess right?

No! You're the first Northern League
member I've met, can I touch you?

Doesn't Veronica mind
being with an ignorant r*cist?

You promised her a house up north?

I was interested in her,
but I didn't realize

she screws politicians
to further her career.

That's right, I remember!

Say again?

Stop! Shit, are you nuts?

- What's the matter?
- Pietro, stop!

Enough, Pietro!

- Lock that fascist up.
- What did you say?

Get lost, enough!

- Pieces of shit.
- Pietro, get lost.

What are you staring at?

Pieces of shit!

Where the hell are you going?

- I hate people like that.
- So you beat them up?

- Is this how you help me?
- That f*gg*t called you a slut!

f*ck it! Damn it.

- Shit head.
- You did that for me?

Are you coming or not?

Tell me you did it for me.

I did it for you.

I didn't want to hit him, shit.

I didn't find anything
about the blood.

I've been searching documents
for days.

They'll have destroyed them.

What are these?

Documents about
administrative stuff.

Bank payments, statements, invoices...

- Can you leave them with me?
- Yes.

Maybe you'll find proof that
what you said about my dad is true.

So I'll have something to say
at that interview.

Do you trust me?

I told you I'm brave.

A white hair on your chest.

Getting old is horrible, right?

What's so funny?

I made a bet with Martina,
she said I don't have the guts.

To do what?

It happens to me too.

I order a dish, then when I see it,
I'm no longer sure.

- Luca?
- I think I found what we're after.

- Luca Pastore?
- Bibi?

Hold on, I'll call you back.

How did you know?

Partners shouldn't keep secrets
from each other.

How rude,
I haven't introduced myself.

Luigi Brancato.

Don't worry,
I didn't expect you to know my name.

We... like keeping a low profile.

What do you mean by "we"?

I think we need to break the myth
of certain cliches.

I don't have much in common
with my father either.

That's why when they mentioned you
I was sure we'd get along.

But based on who you hang around with,
I'm not so sure.

May I?

I asked myself...

Why is she sleeping with someone
who works for the prosecutor?

She's either very smart...

or very stupid.

Now that we're doing business,
don't let me down, Bibi.

Don't make me resort to old methods
that I frankly don't approve of.

Did you order meat?

- Carpaccio.
- Good.

Who the hell is Luigi Brancato?

He's a businessman, he helped us out
during a difficult period.

So you and my father
messed around with the mafia?

- Did they k*ll him?
- No.

I don't know, Bibi.

What could we do? Close shop
and fire hundreds of people?

I don't want any part of this,
keep me out of it, okay?

Then what? Will you testify?

Will you change identity or move away?
That's what you'll have to do.

Who'll be the first to pay?
Your mother, your brother...

- Are you threatening me?
- Are you stupid?

I'm not the one threatening you.

Do you realize who the hell
we're dealing with?

I don't give a shit, I'll talk!

I'm not scared.


- My friend, welcome.
- Thanks.

This is Assia...

- And Teresa.
- Hi, I'm Leonardo.


Keep Leo company,
you come with me. Have fun!

- Isn't your neighbor coming?
- Berlusconi?

Who knows!

- Shall we have a drink?
- Yes, I'd like that.

Excuse me.


Is Viola here?

Relax, I drove her home
a while ago.

You shouldn't smoke like this.

- Are you my mother?
- No. Inhale!

That's the point of it.

Do you want to make another bet?

Try me.

I'll guess what star sign you are.

If you win?

I'll kiss you.

What if I win?

You'll kiss me.

A so-called "win-win agreement".



January? I guessed!

The age difference between us.

Shame you're such a moralist.

Shame... you're so under-age.

By the way, I'm not 15, I'm 19.

My mom lies about my age
not to feel so old.

Why deny yourself
something you desire?

Are you a good girl?

I'm good at everything.

I want to screw like a man.

I want to do the thrusting
instead of being thrust into.

I want to be the one seizing
instead of being seized.

All right, thanks. Next.


- Name?
- Veronica Castello.

When you're ready, Veronica.

When you're ready.

Don't be upset, come on!
You'll get another chance, right?

Is that your mother?

- She looks like you.
- No, that's not true.

Look, that's me.


I slept over at the villa
where the party was.

Get our swimsuits and come join me.

Come on, she goes to your school,
it's her birthday party.

Of course, you met her by chance...

She lives near here.
Come on, you'll have fun.

Dad, she's 8 years old.

And you're nearly 14,
you'll be able to drive a moped soon.

Is this why we came to Sardinia?

A brand new, shiny, dark blue one.

Red, and 300,000 liras
pocket money a month.

A chip off the old block.

You realize I'll be surrounded
by little girls...

I'd rather you hang out
with a girl who's 8, not 19.

- Who do you mean?
- Angelica.

But she's 15!

- She's 19, she told me.
- No, I'm sure.

She'll be in the second year
of high school.

- Hello?
- What happened to you?

My friend said
you postponed the interview.

Yes, sorry,

I needed to think about what to say.

You've changed your mind.

No, but it's not easy.

- Is something wrong?
- N0 .

Did you find anything
in those documents?


Your father was using
a Swiss bank account to pay bribes.

- What about the blood?
- Maybe he used the same account

to buy the blood
without leaving any trace.

Problem is, it's a blind account.

I need time.

I need the documents back,
someone might notice they're gone.


- I need the documents back, okay?
- Luca?

- What's up?
- Luca, did you hear me?

I'll call you back.

Four victims confirmed.

This news came in just before
the special bulletin.

The news has yet to be confirmed
but out of duty we must report it,

obviously for now
we are only presuming

JULY 19th

that the judge involved
in this b*mb attack is Borsellino

and the attack
was in actual fact a car b*mb

which exploded, it seems,
near the judge's mother's house.

Most likely,
but this needs to be confirmed,

Borsellino was going
to visit his mother,

as the location of the attack
is where the judge's mother lives.

- A judge who was very close...
- Shit! Judge Falcone,
that's why we're re-experiencing

this terrible, difficult,
anguished atmosphere

which began when
the first reports arrived

regarding the news of the attack
on Judge Falcone.

Yes, we are receiving more details

from colleagues
who are updating me...

JULY 28th

Do you realize that
they even made me pay?

Unbelievable! Those jerks!


Who knew you were a beach-goer.
Why are you here?

- Why? Isn't it allowed?
- No, of course it is.

Listen, I don't think
I've ever thanked you.

- For what?
- For everything.

I've become an MP.

If it hadn't been for you,
who knows where the hell I'd be.

You're in good shape!

Maybe you're a bit burnt...

- I didn't put cream on, I'm all burnt.
- I can see.


I'll go back to my girl,
look how hot she is!

I bring her here,
so no one will bother her.

They're all queers.


See you in Parliament.

Shit. I got you!

- Bye.
- Bye, Bortolotti!

Bye. bye.

Well, shall we go for a dip?

Well? Sorry...

Listen, I was thinking...

why don't we get married?

Not now.

When you're ready.

I thought we had a deal?

I've kept my part of the deal.

Now it's your turn.

Find me a job on TV.

I'm going for a swim.

Leave a message after the beep.

Bibi, it's me.

Where the heck are you?

I've been looking for you for days,
I've been to your house

but you're not answering the door.

I've been to your parents' house,
but they don't know anything,

where the hell are you?

I'm worried. Call me.

- Hey!
- Hey!

You could've told me
it wasn't an exclusive story.

- What do you mean?
- Mainaghi's daughter.

After postponing thirty times,
today she cancelled her interview.

Did you speak to her today?
What did she say?

- She's doing a press conference.
- When?

- Don't you know about it?
- When is the conference?

Do you think your father's death
weighs on the judges' conscience?

How does it feel to be in charge
of such an important company?

How will the company change
under your management?

Please, just a moment,

Miss Mainaghi is about to make
a detailed announcement

in relation to all your questions,
thank you.

When I took my father's place...

I decided I would change
the name of the Mainaghi group.

I wanted to start afresh,

give a clear message of change.

But then I realized I'd only be doing it
to win over the public.

My father paid too high a price
for his mistakes.

And it's for this reason
that the group...

will keep his name.

Because Michele Mainaghi
was a great man,

targeted by politicized judges

who use unscrupulous
and violent methods.

My father was a martyr.

- What do you mean by "martyr"?
- Which "politicized judges"?

Thank you.

Please. Please!

- Did you sleep with her?
- What?

Did you sleep with Amanda?

I thought you liked them young.

I care about her,
I'm making her happy.

It's nice giving people
what they want.

Fresh meat?

After your twenties life is just
a preparation for death.

Nice thought!

So try to give and receive
as much pleasure as possible.

My friends' fathers don't say
these kind of things.

I think your friends' fathers
don't have a g*dd*mn clue.

Here, a present for Barbara.

Have fun.

Right, it'll be a ball.


Come to daddy.

So, I have a joke to tell you.

Sit down.

Berlusconi suddenly walks into a room,
his wife jumps up and shouts:

"Oh God!", and he says:
"Relax, just call me Silvio".

Was I good?

Shall I tell you another one?

Good evening, sir.

- I'm Viola's father.
- Ah, good evening.


I've missed you.