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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 12/24/22 17:52
by bunniefuu
Directors, area managers,
account managers.

All the important men from Publitalia.

You're sure it's a good idea?
They're just good at selling.

- They haven't a clue about politics.
- It doesn't matter.

They're well-established here,
like a party.

They have a network of loyal clients,
like a party,

but unlike a party these men
have other values.

Efficiency, team work...

We don't need politicians...

we have to sell a dream.

Okay, you've persuaded me.

What's the plan?

Let's have some meetings,
or rather, some auditions!

- Auditions?
- We need telegenic faces.


Mr. Dell'Utri has sent you this.

- Thanks, Clara.
- He's sending you gifts...


- Hello?
- I received the book.

They finally published it,
it's taken years!

I wanted to thank you.

And I've something to ask you:

I want to do some interviews
with Publitalia's top men,

a sort of motivational video.

I don't believe in that bullshit,
but you're the marketing guru.

There'll be a cost involved.

You have access to
a billion lira account, Notte.

- So you approve?
- Do you need to ask me twice?

You have to tell him.

- He'd say no.
- Maybe he'll like your idea.

- You're not going to tell him?
- I will, but not now.

We'll make it look like an electoral
video, we'll persuade him!

- Where are you going?
- We need a video camera.

Put it back on.

What the hell's wrong? What's up?

- Give me the wine!
- What the hell's up with you?

I'm pregnant!
That's what's wrong, you jerk.


Excuse me, can I help you?

I'm here to see Ms Grandi.

She's not here.

- Really?
- She's on leave.

Out of the blue?
She gave me an appointment yesterday.

I don't know,
it was a surprise for us too.

I called her at home,
but they told me she's gone away.

- Can you help me contact her?
- No, I'm sorry.

Come on.

Get out of there.

Are you nuts?

Shit, you're freezing cold.

You don't need to worry, okay?

I'll take care of everything.

I can't have a baby.

I'll find you another job on TV.

It'll only be a few months.

You won't miss out on anything.

Do you want it?

I'll be right back.


No, I can't right now.

I see... all right.

Listen, I need to get changed
and go to Parliament.

Will you do me a favor?

Think about it.


Put some clothes on, it's cold.

- Did you want to see me?
- Come in.

Borto, how are you?

Sit down.

What is it?

What did you do
at the Defense Committee meeting?

I know the Northern League
don't give a shit about the Gulf w*r.

I also know that
Bossi supported S*ddam.

But I've been there...

- I know what happened...
- What are you ranting on about?

You voted with the CDs against
cutting military expenditure, idiot!

You mean this?

Yes! You've really
put your foot in it!

I'm a soldier, why would I vote
for cutting military expenditure?

It's nothing to do
with being a soldier,

you voted against it because
your friend Nobile asked you to.

He didn't want his friend Locetra
to lose his arms contract!

What the hell are you saying?

That you're chums with
your Christian Democrat neighbor

who's from Naples too!

So you've never had
a Christian Democrat neighbor?

Italy is full of Christian Democrats.

Nobile lives above me, so?

You did him a favor
by helping his friend Locetra.

You don't give a damn
who the State buys arms from.

Of course I do!

Locetra is a member of the Camorra,
didn't you know?

What a jerk!
He didn't know, innocent soul.

You screwed up.

And thanks to you, the Northern League
helped a criminal.

I didn't know he was a Camorra member.



- Excuse me.
- How rude!

You didn't take my advice,
I won't protect you anymore.

Are you mad because
I didn't kiss you?

f*ck off! My wife's over there!

- I didn't tell anyone, jerk!
- You can tell who you like.

No one'll believe you, not anymore!

You're really pushing your luck,

No, you are, damn Batman.

- The old parties will fall.
- So?

Di Pietro is kicking their ass.

This government will end
before its term ends.

And MPs won't get a pension,
do you understand?

I don't give a shit about pensions!

You should, because when
the Chambers are dissolved,

Northern League won't nominate you
again after what you did.

It'll be over for you!

- You're a piece of shit.
- Move, my wife's waiting for me.

Of course.


- Excuse me... leave!
- We need to talk.

- We need to talk.
- Shall I call security?

No, it's fine, you can go.

You were right.

Your father wasn't involved,
I just needed someone to hate.

You've realized now that he's dead?

For six months...
I touched no one.

I kept my distance from everyone.

Then I met you.

And you touched me,
you weren't afraid.

What else do you want from me?

Tell me you feel nothing for me.

I feel nothing for you.

Get out!

Get out.

Go away, please. Get out!

- Hello?
- Don't put any more calls through.

Do you have any special anecdotes
about the company

that you can tell us about?

Berlusconi is the greatest salesman
in the world.

The greatest part
is looking after the client's interest

while optimizing ours.

- Come on, I'll take you to Hollywood.
- Shall I look there or at you?

We're used to winning
and winning makes you high.

So he says:
"The winner will get a Ferrari."

He'd say:
"Let's all recite the TV listings

and learn it off by heart."

When he came to work on Mondays,
at the meetings,

he'd teach us about the company's
fundamental philosophical values.

We're an army of victors.

Thank you.

- Shares, ratings...
- He makes you dream.


Weren't they supposed to talk
about politics?

They ran an experiment at Harvard.

100 freshmen watched a silent film
showing their future teachers.

- A silent film?
- They voted for the best teacher.

Then they showed the same film
to 100 second year students

who'd had those same teachers.

They chose the same teachers.

- It's not what you say that counts.
- It's how you say it.

What do you think of this lot?

I'd do it with all of them.

- All of them?
- Yes, they're all my type.

- What is your type?
' MY type...

looks like an honest guy...

but has an enormous dark side.

When you said "enormous"
I thought you meant something else.

Create a clip with Pellegrini
using the best bits.

When you're done, call me.

I dreamt that a man's arm
came out from there.

Muscly, hairy...

- With talons.
- A comforting thought.

There. You can sit up now.

The t*rture is over.

You're sure you don't want it?

You've terminated two pregnancies,
a third can be risky.

You may not be able to have children.

I can't go back to my job,
I screwed up.

How do you expect me to help?

- Give me 800 million.
- 800 million?

Where will I get it?

Come on, Leo...

"You have access to
a billion lira account...

N ORG ."

- Dammit, are you spying on me?
- Nonsense!

These new cell phones
are so easy to intercept!

I couldn't resist.

I can't, any withdrawals over
10 million need Dell'Utri's signature.

The bank manager is a friend of his,

he'd inform him immediately,
I'm sorry.

I realize
this will get you in deep shit...

but I have to get away
and I need money.

I won't do it.

Leo, Leo...

you know I have the proof
of Bianca's m*rder.

f*ck you.

f*ck you!

Have you finished?

Let's do this: you give me the money
and I'll give you the proof.

So I can start a new life
and you can destroy the past.

That's fair, right?

You've got one week.

You haven't even asked me why
I only want 800 million.

I know there's a billion
in that account...

I'll leave you the rest,
so you can start over.

I've already done it once,
I can't do it again.

People like you always can.

Bibi, I've been trying to cal! you
for two days.

You've found me now.

You can't just disappear like that.

- Is that clear?
- What's happened?

We had an emergency, we had to
release some pharmaceuticals.

- Is "release" a euphemism?
- Don't act smart.

This is how it works, oil the machine
to keep it running smoothly.

If it works so well,
why the long face?

One of our components is faulty.

- A Budget Committee CD member.
- The Budget Committee?

Bibi, wake up!
They're the ones who approve

any variations in health expenditure.

Did you offer him a kickback
but he refused?

All right, what can we do?

Nothing, but I have someone who'll
ruin this ungrateful guy.

- Who's this ungrateful guy?
- Gaetano Nobile.

Is this our usual method?

Don't disappear again!


What happened to Raffaella Grandi?

She took leave out of the blue
without telling me.

Maybe she needed a holiday.


That thing about the pharmaceuticals,
what does it entail?


The Northern League is furious.

They found out that I helped Locetra.

You didn't tell me he was
a Camorra member.

A Camorra member? Hold on,
he's not been convicted.

"In dubio pro reo".

We're all innocent
until proven guilty.

They've told me I won't be reinstated.

- Thanks for your help.
- I'm sorry, really.

It's too late now.

Why don't you join us?

- The Christian Democrats?
- Yes.

- Come off it!
- It's a good idea.

I've still got power, I can make sure
you get elected.

That way you won't abandon politics
because of me

and the CDs will benefit
from a new, fresh face.

We desperately need that.

You'll see, your Northern League
friends will change their minds,

politicians are flexible,
unlike magistrates.

Didn't you hear? I'm going to Milan,
to be questioned by Di Pietro.

I'm being investigated.

I'm worried about you.

Are you?

That means you still care.

I don't have children.

- So?
- What I mean is...

I've never been able to teach anyone

But with you... I enjoyed it.

That hadn't happened to me for years.

I hope I didn't ruin everything.

Have a safe trip.

Let's hope it's not a one-way trip!

No, you have parliamentary immunity!

The last bastion of civilization!

- Where are you?
- Cold.

Getting warmer...

Warmer still.


Why are you up there?
Get down, you're worrying me.

You know what they'll build here?

A plastic surgery clinic.

Good to know.

That wasn't the original plan.

I wanted to build a research centre
to find a cure for AIDS.

Whenever I try to do a good thing,
something happens.

Meaning? That they stop you?

Plastic surgery is the future.

Who am I to stop the future
from happening?

This will be the car park.

A nice slab of concrete...

And this will all disappear.

I might have to leave.

- To go where?
- Buenos Aires, Rio...

- You decide.
- Me?

Come with me.

I wish I could.

Are you joking?

Of course I am.



Good morning.

- A ticket to Havana.
- Return?

Just one-way.

We're right near Vatican City,
priests have great taste.

This is the first bedroom.

There are two bathrooms here.

And this is another bedroom.

It could be used as a guest room

or a child's bedroom.

- How much is it?
- Don't worry.

Two and half million bills excluded.

There's a huge living room.
It's bright, with a great view!

Now you'll see why I kept
the terrace till last.

Personally, I think it's
the best part of the house.

Look at this!
Shit, it's great!

What an amazing view.

- Do you like it?
- Yes, I do.

- But it's too expensive.
- Nonsense! We'll take it.

I'll leave you alone.

- What's the matter?
- What's the matter with you?


You've thrown yourself headfirst
into this.

The house, the baby,
"I'll take care of everything"...

You've decided to be a family man?

Have you discovered
your paternal instinct?

Good for you, I don't feel the same.

I don't want this g*dd*mn baby.

Hi, Luca! You disappeared.

Did Di Pietro really fire you?


I'm sorry,
you and I made a good team.

Are you waiting for Nobile?

His colleague accused of corruption

gave his name to Di Pietro
for a reduced sentence.

What do you care? He fired you.

I know who implicated you,
we need to talk.

Mr. Nobile, did they find anything?

You think I didn't know
the Mainaghis were behind this?

They paid Onofri to say your name.

You don't drink at all?

I'm always a bit wary of teetotalers.

What was the kickback
you turned down for?

You're a police officer,
but you're off duty.

Your HQ is steps away
but you're questioning me here.

Your name means "Pastor" but...

you don't look like a priest.

Why should I confide in you?

Because we both want revenge
on Beatrice Mainaghi.

I imagine your resentment
is due to sentimental reasons, right?

Personal ones.

You're sure this is off the record?

- No one will know anything.
- Okay.

They wanted me to vote in favor
of a variation in health expenditure.

Are you sure?

So by paying the Budget Committee

the State will approve
the purchase of pharmaceuticals?

To do a job properly,
support from elsewhere is needed.

The Ministry of Health?

The National Health Service.

Why do you keep asking me questions?
You already know the answers.

Right now Italy is full of people
like you,

paladins fighting for a just cause.

It's a country that's temporarily
suffering from...

dysmorphophobia: it has
a distorted view of itself.

You're paying for the wine.

Why did you turn it down?

A sudden wave of honesty.

I read an article some time ago
about Zenit's blood products.


there's a limit to everything...

even for a cynical old man like me.

Were the pharmaceuticals in question
blood products?

Farewell, Pastore.

- Excuse me. Some wine, please.
- Certainly.

Have I ever told you about Milo?

- Who's Milo?
- My brother.

Five years younger than me.

I used to get drunk,
get into fights...

I played rugby.

And so did Milo.

We used to have fun stealing
our dad's car.

We did it on purpose.

He was always going on about
that g*dd*mn car!

11 years ago we went to a party
in Brescia.

We'd had a bit to drink,

no more than usual.

I was driving.

While we were driving home...

the car skidded on a patch of ice.

He was 17 years old.

I'm sorry.


Having a baby won't change anything.
You know that, right?

We can't bring him back to life.

I met you shortly
after your mother died,

you've never talked about
your father.

My father is a piece of shit.

My mother's no longer here.

Neither is Milo.

Me and you...

we don't have anyone.

Is it so wrong to want
a family of our own?

I'm no longer hungry.

Marina? It's me. ls Viola there?

No, I'm leaving,
I wanted to say goodbye.

Yes, I'll be gone a while.
Maybe I'll call back later.

Marina! If I miss her, tell her...

No, nothing...
tell her I said goodbye.

- Hello?
- Leo, where are you?

- I'm busy, what's up?
- You were right, they're perfect.

They're authentic,
really captivating!

The promo clip's finished?
ls it good?

Yes, but it's not complete,
we need you.

- Me?
- There must be a mistake.

You're cool, a great speaker
and the only expert on politics.

I'll call the director.

You're the ideal face.

Can you hear me?

Hello? Leo?

- You're a lucky bastard!
- Why?

You've been offered a chance
to redeem yourself.

- It doesn't happen to everyone.
- What do you mean?

The Public Prosecutor in Milan
has requested permission to proceed

against Gaetano Nobile, read this.

The relevant committee
will give the go ahead,

then it will be our turn to vote.
A recorded vote, Bosco.

And I can assure you we'll pay
special attention to your vote.

All right.

And if it's true that you weren't
taken in by that CD mafioso

you'll be able to prove it.

Here he is!

Here we are.

I was thinking: if I have to run away,
what's the point in paying you?

I'm joking-

It's in the bonnet.

- Hurry up, I've got a plane to catch.
- Are you forgetting something?


I don't think so.


Cold, isn't it?

How the hell do you open it?


- Viola?
- Dad, you called me yesterday.


Can you help me with some Latin?
I need one more phrase:

"Etiam periere ruinae",
what does it mean?

I don't know, Viola. I'm sorry.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

- Mom told me you're going away.
- No, not anymore.

Good! I have to go, bye.

You have a new message.

Pastore, it's Raffaella Grandi.

After we spoke I got a call
from a man I didn't know.

He told me to be careful,
I was scared and so I left work.

Try to understand, I have 2 kids,
I didn't want to risk...

I'm sorry, I didn't call you
to justify myself.

I checked again
and found something strange.

Zenit issued a new purchase invoice
for some plasma

it had bought 5 years ago.

An accounting scam, to make it look
like that blood was new.

It's being kept
in a refrigerator room.

Officially, it belongs to Lemures,

to prove Zenit will use it
we need to wait for it to be collected.

You'll need to enter
the company storeroom.

You realize what they're doing,

They're going to put more
contaminated blood on the market.


- What should I say?
- Improvise.

We just need to see
if you look okay on video.

Say anything.

"There are people who don't believe
in anything from the day they're born.

This doesn't stop these people
from acting,

from making something of their lives,

from doing and achieving something.

Other people, instead,
have the habit of believing.

Duties materialize before their eyes
as ideals to realize.

If one fine day,
these people stop believing...

maybe gradually over time...

due to a logical or illogical
succession of disappointments,

they then rediscover that void,

which for others has always been
so natural.

But their discovery of this void
brings with it new implications:

not only the continuing
of their actions and their diligence,

no longer considered as duties
but as gratuitous acts...

But also the exhilarating sensation

that all of this
is nothing more than...

a game."


- You can't just do as you please.
- Will you take me back?