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01x05 - Winnie

Posted: 12/24/22 20:32
by bunniefuu

Kevin, I'm so sorry. I...


Everything was happening
so fast. I didn't mean...

It was instinct. I'm sorry.

Where's Rufus?

I don't know.


You go that way,
I'll go this way.

Blow your whistle if
you find him first.



Where the
f*ck are you, kid?

Hold it right there, fella.

You think I don't know
a thief when I see one?

What? No. No. No, no.

I'm not a thief. I'm a friend.

I'm a friend of the Wey... of,
uh, of the Weylins, of Tom.

I'm Kevin.

What's your name?


Over here.

Rufus. Oh, my God.

I... I think you
should follow me.

Is this what made you sick?

- Dana?
- Kevin.

Hey, I think it's
alcohol poisoning.

sl*ve and I heard a
child in distress.

It was Rufus, so, uh, we
came running for help.


God damn.

You'd think your daddy's
son could hold his liquor.


What happened?

Rufus has had himself
a little party.

Jake, you can go on
and get back to work.

- He okay?
- Yeah, I think so.

Carrie came to me
running, crying.

Dragged me all the way out here.
Course she couldn't tell me why.

Must have been with
Young Marse Rufus

when he took ill.

I take that back, Rufus.

You're a lot more like
your daddy than I thought.

I said get back in the fields.

Have you lost your mind?

Drinking in here
with young marse.

Carrie didn't
do nothing wrong.

I'm the one who
stole the whiskey.

Let's, uh, get him to the
kitchen, sober him up.

I'll take you both
to the cookhouse.

Hey, hey, Kevin.

Before everything,

Denise told me that
Carrie's a family name.

You're related to Carrie?

I think that's why I'm here.

I think I'm supposed to...

secure the family
line or something.

If anything happens to
Carrie, I don't exist.

Holy sh*t, Dana.

Was Jake giving you
much trouble back there?

- The new overseer? Sorta.
- Overseer?

He calls himself that?

After Mr. Broadus sold his land,

the Marse Tom plantation
near doubled in size.

Marse thought I could
use a helping hand,

so he brought in Jake,

Margaret's little cousin.

Jake works for you?

I would not call what
Jake does "working."

Ms. Olivia said you'd
be back someday,

but I didn't think
it'd be this long.

I suppose you'll be
wanting to see her.

Carrie, we had a ham
from the smokehouse.

Make room for Marse Rufus.

Somebody get me some water.

Something wrong with him?

The boy's drunk.

He don't seem drunk.

Uh, coffee will help.

Oh, coffee?

I'm sorry, sir, I ain't
learned to make that just yet.

- Where's Sarah?
- She's in town.

Winnie here, she's been
handling supper of late.

And where have you
been all morning?

Don't act like
you don't hear me.

I can take you
both to Miss Olivia,

but it has to be now.

Before Miss Margaret
and Marse Tom

come back with Nigel.

You can't go.

What if Kevin stays
here with you?

You're not
leaving without me.

Someone has to
watch after Rufus.

What if you get scared?
I'm gonna be stranded.

No, you won't.

Every time he thinks he's
gonna die, I come back.

Okay? If anything happens to me,

- just make sure that happens.
- Sure, okay.

You're not gonna have
to do that. Okay?

But I'm not gonna let you
get stuck here. I promise.


Tylenol for Rufus.

Why isn't Sarah
cooking as much?

Fell from Tom's favor.

I'd say it started
a few months back

when Miss Margaret overheard
Sarah calling her a bitch.

Things between the two of them,
they're getting pretty vile.

Sarah always took it too far.

That's around when
Tom bought Winnie.

It sure wasn't for her
talents in the kitchen.

Why did he buy her?

Tom likes to have
himself a girl.

Right now, that's Winnie.

Olivia said you'd be back,

but she never said
nothing about Mr. Kevin.

What's he to you, anyway?

I know he not your master.

Uh, it's complicated.

What else did she say about me?

Just that she knew
you way back when.

Not much more than that.

- Where's Dana?
- She'll be back soon.

- My head hurts.
- Keep drinking the coffee.

You know, Rufus,

alcohol is not something
you want to be playing with.

Why'd you steal it?

I was bored.

Why don't you play with
your friends instead?

I don't got no friends.

Daddy either sold 'em
or they got to work now.

I didn't have a lot of friends
when I was your age either.

Well, how
did you find Dana?


You made it back.


come on in then.

I brought some supplies

in case there's
anything you need.

Wait. Is this...

Oh, my God.


I could die.

I haven't tasted chocolate
or coconut in... how long?


I can't stay long.
Kevin's back at the house.

You brought that white boy back?

Yeah, well, every
time I come here,

I get b*at up or poisoned, so...

Girl, I ain't poison you.

I scared you.

And it worked, didn't it?

I got you out of here.

Yeah, for a couple hours.

A couple of hours has
been three years for me.

Three years really stuck here.


No, you're not stuck.

It made the trip.

So you can too.

That's just
a piece of metal.

What do you...

Things have changed, Dana.

There is no more going
back for me, not anymore.

There is no easy way
to say this, but...

Alice and I are
leaving Maryland.

We're heading north.

You're what?

Maybe as far as
Canada if we can.

- So you're just gonna leave me?
- She's my responsibility. I...

You said you were gonna find
someone to take care of her.

- I tried.
- She's not even your kid!


Look at what is happening here.

All around you.

There are people
who are suffering.

Real people.

People who need to
be taken care of.

That's what I've chosen
to do with my situation.

Our situation.

There's actually more
you could be doing.

You could be
helping other folks.

Instead of worrying about me,

why don't you ask yourself...

what should you be doing?

It's time I head back.

Dana, you need a ride, or are
you good to find your way back

- on your own?
- Nope. Coming with you.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

Mr. Franklin. What a
wonderful surprise!

Have you been waiting long?

Rufus, you're fidgeting.
What is the matter?

Oh, he's just got
a little chill.

Nothing to worry about.

Still a man of, uh,
fashion, I see.

where's his coat?

Let's get him dressed.

To what do we owe
this unforeseen visit?

Well, you see, I was just, uh,

traveling north back home.

Passing through.

Thought I'd say hello
while I was in Maryland

And your sl*ve?
Have you sold her?

Sol... Oh, no, no! Oh, no, no.
Uh, just sent her on an errand.

You know, Kevin, last time you
were here, around Christmas,

I recall the festivities
got a little out of hand.

- Yes, and I'm so sorry for that.
- Nonsense.

I assume you fled into the
night out of embarrassment,

but no matter.

What you told me then about
Broadus', uh, deviance,

I let him know that my
silence came at a price.

He signed his land over
to me the very next day.

Virgin soil.

We doubled our crop
output every year since.

Well, Mr. Franklin, you
must stay for supper.


This way.

There is no time
to make another one.

But there
is a slice missing.

Carrie, get over here.

Did you see who took this cake?

Carrie, I swear, if
you don't tell me...

Rufus had a slice
earlier in the barn.

- And who are you?
- It's Dana.


Rufus must have stole
a slice this morning.

I saw him with it.

Is this true?

Now go on.

My cake's still ruined.

If you don't calm down
and use your head...

Just cut it up into slices.

sh**t, Massa Tom don't
care how your food tastes.

He know you gonna make
it up to him tonight.

I'll be setting a table.

And you.

What brings you back
into my cookhouse?

I go where Mr. Kevin goes.

And wasn't you with
child last you left here?

I, um...

lost the baby.

Don't matter if they're gone
with God or to Virginia.

Hurts the same.

Carrie all I got left.

I didn't notice a horse
in our carriage house.

How did you get
here, Mr. Franklin?

I walked.

You must be staying
in Easton then.

I had wondered where
your things were,

your instruments.

I don't suppose you
were robbed again.

No, that would be crazy.

We're trying to...

I mean, I'm... I'm... I'm
trying to live simply.


No. Thanks.

Not a smoking man.

You're no fun.


- Do come here.
- Yes, Marse.


Why are you not
wearing your new dress?

I didn't want it getting
dirty in the cookhouse, sir.


Well, do put it on
before dinner, mmm?

Yes, sir.



I have her set up
in her own lodging.

It's quite a
privilege for a sl*ve.

Oh, yeah.

Yes, I much prefer it

to ruttin' in the dirt
like a pair of hogs,

and it...

provides us a
modicum of privacy.

The other slaves refer to
it as the Jezebel Cabin.

Which, I must confess,
it delights me.

She provides a comfort
I have not felt

since my Hannah departed.

It's only fitting that
she wear her dress.


Dana, come help grind this.

When young Master
Rufus stole that cake,

anything happen to him?

What do you mean?

He didn't get sick or nothing?

You mean from the whiskey?

What whiskey?

I put a little
something in the icing.

What do you mean?

Two bites and won't nobody ask
Winnie to cook supper ever again.

Mmm. Thank you, Winnie.

Corn pudding was inedible.

No one touched it. Look around.

Apologies, Ms. Margaret.


I said stop, boy.

What did I say?

- It's my fault.
- What?

I, uh, I gave him a
cup of coffee earlier

to help his headache.

Tom, sit down, please.

You know, he's always
like this, hmm?

Insolent and distracted.
He evades education.

I mean, if you
heard the boy read,

you'd think he came from
the same pig farm as Jake.

Yeah, I noticed that you don't
drink much, Mr. Franklin.

I've always found temperance
in a man rather admirable.

Oh, thank you.

You know, Preacher
Wilson tells us

that alcohol...

diverts us from
a righteous path.

Shut up, Margaret.

Why don't you ask your
son about his detour

from the righteous
path this morning?

Jake, please don't.

What are you talking about?

I caught him in
the tobacco barn.

Negress with him too.


Two of them was canoodling,
I'm pretty reckon sure.

- Margaret.
- How dare you?

I'm just
telling the truth.

Well, it is not true.

Ask him then.

He was there too.

Mr. Franklin, is this true?

Tom, I want that mute
little slut gone.

- We were just playing.
- Sit down.

I will not let her
corrupt my son!

- Not under my own roof.
- She's my friend!

She is a temptress.

Sell her along with
her bitch mother

when you get rid of
her at month's end.

Now, Rufus!

Rufus! Rufus!

You're a g*dd*mn fool for saying
that in front of Margaret.

I'm just telling the truth.

- Unlike some people.
- Quiet!

- I told her.
- Hmm?

I cannot sell Sarah until
Winnie is properly trained.

My house will fall
into disarray.

You know, I had
hoped to keep Carrie.

There's no point in losing
a female in her prime.

But perhaps Margaret is correct.

And Carrie serves no
purpose without Sarah.

Uh, please excuse me.

Hey. Hey. There you are.

Hey. Sorry, I got
caught up with Sarah.

They want to sell
Carrie and Sarah.

- What?
- What'd you say?


My God, I knew they was preparing
Winnie to take my place,

I knew it, but I
never thought...

I've been here longer than
that entire no-good family.

What did Tom say?

I don't think Tom
wants to sell Carrie.

Margaret, she found out
about Rufus and Carrie

being together in the
tobacco barn earlier,

and she lost it.

Carrie's safe. Okay?

We can convince Tom to keep you.


How you gonna convince him?

I will not be separated
from my daughter.

I'd rather run.


Help! Help!

There's something wrong! Please!


Maybe Carrie and I
ought to run right now

while the white folk indisposed.

No. No, you can't run.

This is your home.

I will not let us get
sold. You hear me?

I will not.

Even if that means I got
to crawl through the dirt

and make it to Philadelphia.

- Where would you even go?
- I don't know.

Sarah. Sarah.

Look at me.

Look at me.

You're not gonna run, and
you're not gonna get sold.

- I'm gonna take care of this.
- How?

What you gonna do?

I can't tell you. I...
You just have to trust me.

Sarah spiraling
is gonna f*ck us.

Sarah told me she laced
the cake with some root.

I don't know, but that's
what made Rufus ill earlier,

not the alcohol.

She wanted to make everyone
sick and blame it on Winnie.

And now she's threatening
to run away with Carrie,

which is just as bad.

How is that just as bad?

Because she'll get caught.

She doesn't know
what she's doing.

She'll get sold
down south or worse,

and that will cosmically f*ck me

because we need Carrie
and Rufus here together.

I have a plan, but I can't
tell if it's brilliant

or the dumbest thing
I've ever done.

I convince Winnie to run away.

Dana, no, that's...
that's crazy.

You said it yourself,
Tom needs a cook.

There are too many
slaves to go without one.

That way, they'll have
to keep Sarah and Carrie.

I'm gonna take her to Olivia's.


Why are you here?


Mr. Franklin sent you?

Mmm-mmm, no. Uh...

I came to warn you.

Warn me?

Tom wants to sell you.

Yeah, I heard him
talking to Mr. Kevin.

- What happened wasn't my fault.
- But that's not what Tom thinks.

Then I'll tell him myself.

He won't believe you.

Then I'll beg. I'll
beg for forgiveness.

It's too late.

Last month, he sent a
girl down to Carolina

for talking back.

I heard it's real
bad down there.

I can make sure that
doesn't happen to you.


I'm not really a sl*ve.

Then why are you here?

To help people,

people like you...

to be free.

Do you want to be free?

- I... I don't understand.
- Do you want to be free?

I always knew Winnie
was a sh*t cook,

but I never thought
it would be this bad.

Maybe I ought to
see Winnie tonight.

No. No.


You don't want her
to see you weakened.


Take a seat.


tell me, Kevin,
what are your goals?


Your intentions.

What has brought you here?

What is it you plan
to do with yourself?

To own land?

Mr. Franklin...

let us tell each
other the truth.

The truth?

I do not believe your
belongings are in Easton.

Or that you have even
procured lodging there.

You are penniless, are you not?

And you've come through here

hoping that I might provide
some kind of patronage.

You're right. I...

I was hoping, uh,

that if... If you
would allow it, Tom...

that I could stay here awhile.

You know, find a
way to earn my keep.


Your honesty is appreciated.

Well, I suppose
Rufus might benefit

from your music tutelage.

I do not have high hopes
for the boy's musicality,

but you will do your best, hmm?

I, uh...

Thank you.

We'll discuss terms
in the morning.

Are you okay? Winnie.

Are you okay?

- Let's go.
- Are you sure?


Come on, Dana.

Where are you?

We close?

Should be somewhere around here.


where were you before
you came to Easton?


Few months back,
the old master d*ed

and every last one
of us got sold.

Is that where Tom bought you?


took a liking to me.

All the others hated him for
it, you could tell that bit.

But at least he took
me out of them fields.

We're here.


You brought a
runaway into my home?

She didn't know we was coming?

Winnie, it's gonna be fine.

Do you have any idea
how dangerous that is?

I shouldn't have come here.

- I should not be...
- Shh!

I thought you wanted me to
do more for the people here.

So I am.

I... I... I'm trying to help.

You must know how
Tom treats her.

Come in.

Get in.

Here. Take this.

I'll bring you something to eat.

Come on.

- Where you going?
- I have to get back to Kevin.

I thought you not a sl*ve.

I'm not.

You think he loves
you, don't you?

He don't.

He can't.

It ain't in their nature.

I'm ready.

Okay. Now, sit tight
and I'll be right back.

You of all people
know it's dangerous

to walk these woods at night.

Don't come back until I figure
out how to get the girl out.

I'll send word.

Christ, Dana. I thought
something had happened to you.

I thought you'd been
taken, or got lost.

It's done.

Winnie's at Olivia's.

Did anybody see you?

No. Just Luke.

Is that something we
need to worry about?


I don't think so.

Olivia doesn't wanna
come back home with me.

- Really?
- Yeah.

She wants to stay with Alice.

- Sorry.
- No. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have
brought you back here.

Why did you?

I want to say it
was instinct, but...

I think a part of
me just realized

how much harder all this
would be without you.

I just got so scared.

I don't wanna have
to do this alone.

I took a job tutoring Rufus.

It'll put us close to
him for the time being,

and if we go back
tomorrow, great,

but if not, then at
least we have a cover.

- Kevin.
- And Rufus,

he's gonna be in charge
of this place someday,

and maybe he'll be like
Tom, but maybe not.

Maybe I'm naïve,

but I think us being here
could be good for him,

and he's young, he's malleable,

and he loves you.

He doesn't love me.

Oh, oh, yeah, he does.

Big time. I've got
major competition.

Something's happening.

It's Winnie.

They realized.

You stay. You stay. I'll go.


You are to dress me from now on.

Celeste has become too unsightly
with her vulgar pregnancy,

and this way, I can
keep my eye on you.

You ought to learn from your
father's mistakes, Rufus.

But you are becoming
a young man.

Perhaps it's time for
you to find a wife.

Massa let me know you're going
to be staying a good long while

since Mr. Kevin
gonna tutor the boy.

I suppose that means I'll
be putting you to work.


- It's for me?
- Mmm-hmm.

There you go.