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01x02 - The Voice of the Violin

Posted: 12/24/22 20:56
by bunniefuu

- May I help you?
- Oh, it's open!

For you it'll be open all night!

In that case, please fill it up!

It's . liras.

- How much is the tape?
- That's a gift to your beauty!

Is there anything else that
l can do for you?

No thanks... I already have
a man that sees to that!

Gallo, we're going to Catania,
not to lndianapolis!

Well, it's nearly am,
if we don't get a move on. ..

Fine, so we'll have three funerals
instead of one!

- Maybe I should switch on the siren.
- Switch it up your ass!

Sorry, but I couldn't come
to the funeral.

Please accept my condolences...

- So?
- Nothing broken...

- And that?
- Just for a couple of days...

- Let's go.
- And Inspector Tamburrano?

- He has already been buried.
- I'm sorry, it's my fault.

At least we're alive... go on!

Ring the bell.

- So?
- No answer.

Maybe they aren't home.

You know who the owners are?

Let's go...

- 'Morning.
- 'Morning.

Inspector, someone wanted to
speak to you in person!

- Who was it?
- it was the Peking Police...

- Did you speak with them in Chinese?
- No, in ltalian.

It's about the case of the
stolen truck.

Well it's "Pachino", not "Peking"!

- He said "Peking"...
- Forget it!

Were there other phone calls?

Yes, Mr "Latte" from Police

"Lattes"... with an "S".
What did he tell you?

I'm sorry, I didn't understand him,

but it was important: Mr Augello has
gone to the Headquarters!

Where are you going? You must
answer the phone, Catarella!

Yes, sir.

Fazio, please find the owner of this
villa, it's near "Tre Fontane".

Is it in the province of Fela
or Montelusa?

- I don't know, but hurry up.
- What happened?

- Just a little accident.
- All right.

Good morning Salvo, how was
the funeral?

How was Police Headquarters?
You are quick to step into my shoes.

I have to tell you something,

- My sister wants to talk with you.
- Why, François is ill?

No, he's fine.
But Franca wants to see you.

- What about Saturday?
- Okay.

- I haven't seen the child for a month.
- As to the meeting at Headquarters...

What was it about?

They want to buy a large set of
modern computers.

They asked me for a policeman
with a talent for computers.

But we don't have any expert
in data processing!

- Which name did you give them?
- Catarella.

- What?
- Catarella.

Mimi... you're a genius.
A genius!

But now get the hell out of here!

- When will François come, then?!
- There are complications.

It's simple... The documents
aren't ready!

Why? This is a special case,

François has lost his parents,
he needs us!

I know... the Chief of Police has
promised to help me.

Yes... but I wasn't talking about

- And what about?
- I was talking about our marriage.

We could get married anyway, we
don't have to wait for François.

Yes... you're right.

Listen, I'm tired of this.
l want and answer now.

And if fostering is impossible?
What shall we do?

Do you to marry me or not?

- Salvo, what happened?
- it's only thunder.

- Salvo... Salvo!
- Massive thunder.

- ls your mistress home?
- Yes, come in.

Excuse me...

- My dear lady, thank you.
- Goodbye Maestro, see you soon!

Come in, come in...

- Inspector, what a surprise!
- Sorry for not phoning first,

- You're always welcome, here.
- Thank you.

- Do you know Maestro Barbera?
- No... no.

Please; sit down. He arrived
in Vigata months ago.

He's a great violinist, he lives
in the first floor.

- I should've called you.
- Why?

To know if you were a music
lover, too, Inspector.

Yes... is there a new concert hall
in Vigata?

No, but Maestro Barbera

gives a concert for me every

And he gives his concerts here?

He never leaves his home.

I helped him find a new home,
the maid...

- He pays me back with his violin.
- I understand.

Listen, isn't it extraordinary? Do
you want to lunch with us, Inspector?

No, I'm sorry, I can't.
I'm in a hurry.

I'd like to ask you a favour,
it's really important.

My dear Inspector, ask me
anything you want, please!

- It's a delicate matter...
- I love delicate matters!

Would you call someone for me?

- Where's Fazio?
- Here, Inspector.

- And the villa near "Tre Fontane"?
- I checked. It belongs to Licalzi.

- Licalzi?
- A doctor.

- He lives and works in Bologna.
- And?

He's married. His wife is interested
in restoring their villa.

The secretary told me that she's a
beautiful woman.

She's the owner of the BMW,
the car Gallo crashed into.

I don't understand why she hasn't
called yet.

Maybe she left her car here, and
now she's in Bologna.

Maybe she's with friends...
She's got a lot of friends here...

- Hello?
- Hello, Inspector.

- There's a phone call for you...
- Who is it?

- It's Mr. Lattes from Headquarters.
- We've got a situation here.

minutes ago a woman called
our operator,

she wanted to talk with the Chief of
Police, but he's not here,

so I answered.

I think she's completely loopy!
A hysterical loon!

She shrieked so much
l got goose bumps.

She told me that someone has been
k*lled in a villa near Tre Fontane.

- The witness is anonymous?
- Obviously.

Anyway, if that's true, maybe we
don't have to investigate at all.

Tre Fontane is almost in the
district of Fela.

Maybe the victim died
in their district. I hope.

- You understand me, Montalbano?
- With some difficulty.

The less corpses we have the better,
don't you think?

Anyway, go there and check,

All right.

Who's in the public prosecutor's
office, today?

Judge Tommaseo I think,
he's from Venice.

Give me your cell phone, it'll take
him all day to go there.

He drives his car like a gondola.

- Hello?
- Hello Judge, it's Montalbano.

- Have you heard about that phone call?
- Have you checked it?

Yes... there's a corpse, female.

Hello? I can't hear...

- I'm coming, where's this villa?
- Right, Judge.

Tell him where the villa is,
then call Headquarters.

- We want Forensics and the doctor.
- Right, Inspector.

- Hello.
- Hello, Judge.

The address is "Via Contrada
Camerina, ".

- Did you wear your gloves?
- Yes.

You know: I recommend you to leave
as many fingerprints as you can...

That's okay, Fazio!

- What's her name?
- Michela, if she's Licalzi wife.


It's Forensics, but not our team.

- Are you sure?
- They're from Fela.

- From Fela?
- From the Fela Police Headquarters.

Wait a minute...

It's not our district?
A few meters out of it, at most!

If it's out of our district, we're
not interested in that corpse!

- So, what do we do?
- I talked with the Chief of Police.

You will co-operate with Panzacchi,
do you know him?

Yes, I know him...

He'll be back tomorrow. Montalbano,
please: co-operation!

- Yes, f*cking co-operation.
- Inspector Montalbano!

- Yes?
- Arquà wants to talk with you.

- Here I am, Arquà _.
- You found the corpse like that?

- Where did you get this bath robe?
- From the bathroom.

You polluted the evidence, you must
put everything as it was before!

- That's what I call an ass!
- Quiet!

Now do you understand, assh*le?

Good, Montalbano! I'll have to talk
with the Chief of Police, now!

- Good morning, Inspector.
- Good morning, Judge.

What a strange place... and the
road, is terrible: holes galore!

- The corpse is there, see you later.
- Okay.

Inspector, I've talked with the
Hotel Surveillance Department.

It seem that the victim had a room
in a hotel in Montelusa.

- We'll go there.
- Inspector.

- Yes?
- Something's odd.

- What?
- I searched all the rooms, here.

Me too...

You didn't find the victim's
clothes? The m*rder*r took them.

We've finished. Doctor!
Please, hurry up.

- When did she die?
- Between Wednesday and Thursday,

I'll be more precise, later...

- How did it happen?
- Don't you see?

He strangled her, pushing her head
against the pillow.

- He must be a strong man!
- Not necessarily.

Did the k*ller have sex with her
before or... after?

I can't say that.

Maybe. . ."unnatural" sex...

I'll let you know everything,
good morning.

Inspector, I think it could be
a maniac.

He k*lled the woman while she was
going to bed.

There's been no break in.

She was naked, she wouldn't let
anybody in the villa.

- Maybe she didn't realise...
- This is a crime of passion.

Why not?...

A woman called the police:
the betrayed wife!

- That's a possibility.
- Goodbye.


Ms Licalzi has been our customer
for a couple of years now.

- Has something happened to her?
- No.

Her husband called us,
he was a bit worried.

She went out Wednesday, we
haven't seen her since.

Today is Friday, and you weren't

Yes Inspector, but Ms Licalzi
has not a normal way of life.

Please explain.

She often likes to come back
late at night.

- Alone?
- Always.

- Drunk?
- Not according to the night porter.

Why did you talk to the porter
about the young lady?

You know... a beautiful woman, alone

it's normal to be curious.

- And what did you find out?
- Her irreproachable behaviour.


The hotel is frequented by men:
entrepreneurs, politicians...

She's always alone, sooner or later
everybody tried it with her.

Glances, explicit invitations...

And Ms Licalzi returned those

But nobody has succeeded with her,

You too?

Let's look at her room,
I've got a search warrant.

There's no need for it,
I'll show you the room.

No, I'll go there by myself.

Guido, Guido, Vassal, Guido,
Trepan, Guido...

Di Blasi, Di Blasi... Di Blasi.

- So?
- Nothing here, Inspector.

- Fazio!
- Yes?

- Well?
- Nothing.

Please, make a copy of this

Identify everyone who had an
appointment with her.

- Will it take long?
- At most tomorrow morning.

- Inspector, Ms Tropeano.
- Please, take a seat.

First of all, thank you for
coming here.

I have to ask you a lot of questions.

If they seem a bit odd, please don't
be offended.

- All right.
- Are you married?

- Who?
- You.

No. I'm not divorced, not engaged,

- And why?
- I didn't find the right man.

- Where do you live?
- At Marinella, on the seafront.

The house's too big for me, now
that my parents are gone.

I live in Marinella, too.
l know the seafront.

- Do you have a job?
- I teach Physics in Montelusa.

I always failed Physics.

- Do you know who k*lled her?
- No.

- Any suspects?
- No.

- Did your friend go out with men?
- No, Inspector.

She was an honest woman, but all the
men misunderstood her.

- They were always disappointed.
- Someone in particular?


- She was faithful to her husband?
- I didn't say that.

- What are you talking about?
- I've just told you the truth.

I don't like... this conversation.

Me neither.

- Shall we make peace?
- Peace.

Inspector, if it's possible, I'd
like to know how she was k*lled.

They didn't explain it on TV.

I shouldn't tell you... anyway,
she was strangled.

We found her naked.

Was she r*ped?

We don't know. We're waiting for
the medical report.

Vassallo told me that you saw her
that evening.

Yes, it's true. She often came
to see me.

She told me that she had to change
for dinner.

- How she was dressed?
- She had a black suit on.

- And her bag, as usual.
- What did she keep in that bag?

A lot of jewels, very expensive.

The m*rder*r

took her underpants, her shoes,
her clothes and the bag, of course.

He didn't steal anything at the villa
but the bathroom was in disorder.

In disorder?

Yes, maybe she took a shower, the
bathrobe was on the floor.

- This is not normal, Inspector.
- Why?

She was so impatient to make love
to drop her bathrobe on the floor?

- It's plausible, isn't it?
- Yes... but not for Michela.

You know that a certain Guido
called her each night, from Bologna?

- He was her only lover?
- Yes.

Can you tell me his surname?
l can always find out, you know?

Guido Serravalle, he's an
antique dealer.

She told me about him,
but I've never met him.

- Did you ever meet her husband?
- No.

They first came to Vigata
during their honeymoon.

But I met Michela afterwards.

Thank you very much.

- You've been very kind. You can go.
- Thank you.

- What for?
- You let me talk about Michela.

Next time I'll sh**t you!

Montelusa Police Headquarter,
chose me for the computer course.

They chose you? Very good,
Catarella, now go out, please!

Fazio, do you know where
my assistant is?

- He's gone to the cement plant.
- Why?

workers have been made

They began to protest and the
manager called the Police.

I've told you before, we don't have
anything to do with these things!

- And what should Augello have done?
- Called the Carabinieri.

The workers lost their jobs, we
cannot interfere with that!

No offence, Inspector,
but are you a Communist?

I've told you before, Fazio,
I'm not a communist, is that clear?

- Yes, but...
- it's my own business!

Tell me what you've found.

Di Blasi Aurelio, son of Giacomo and
Carlentini Maria Antonietta, born in...

Damn you! You sound like Catarella,
when you talk like this!

- Don't you like it?
- No.

- Should I sing it or should l...
- Don't be such an assh*le, Fazio!

- Come on, and talk.
- Yes sir.

- Who are these Di Blasi?
- They have sons, male and female.

Manuela, years, married. And
Maurizio, years, he is a student.

- years old?
- Yes, he lives with his parents.

He's a bit dumb...
That's all.

- Please don't stop, go on.
- it's only gossip...

I don't care, go on...

Di Blasi is a second cousin of

Michela used to go to see them.

It seems that Maurizio fell
in love with her.

He wanted to be her boyfriend...
Anyway, he's a good boy.

- ls that all?
- Just one thing, Inspector.

Our Maurizio disappeared. ..
On Wednesday night. ..

She was very healthy.

No alcohol, no dr*gs, death caused
by asphyxia...

- ls that all?
- She had sexual intercourse.

- r*ped?
- No.

A series of sexual acts, but without
male ejaculation.

How can you say that she'd not
been r*ped?

Believe me. She was not

- Goodbye, and thanks again.
- I'll call you.

Telephone call for you, sir.
From Sicily.

- Hello?
- it's Inspector Montalbano.

I'm calling from Vigata. ls that
Mr Guido Serravalle?

Good morning, Inspector. I was
just going to call you.

I called the hotel and they told
me of Michela's death.

- Are you a relative?
- No, not really.

- A friend?
- Yes, let's say a friend.

What kind of friend?

- intimate?
- Yes, we were intimate.

- Then talk to me.
- I'm at your disposal.

I have an art gallery in Bologna,
but I can close when I like.

I can fly there, if you need me.

Yes, I see. if I need you I'll let
you know. Goodbye.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Emanuele Licalzi. How do you do?

- My condolences.
- Thank you.

- Have you been to the hotel?
- No. My bags are in the car.

I want to go to the villa, if you
don't mind.

Not at all.

- Listen, will do me a favour...?
- Look out.

Michela loved this place, she
adored it.

She had started restoring the villa.

Who knows what she wanted to do
with it, a hotel, maybe.

She was playing, having fun,
and I let her do it.

- Did a lover k*ll her?
- We don't know yet.

She had intercourse. But what makes
you think she had a lover here?

She had one in Bologna. Serravalle,
l think, an antique dealer.

- Michela told me everything.
- Did you tell her everything?

- Of course.
- An exemplary marriage.

No. Just a marriage of convenience,
like so many others.

Convenient for whom?

Convenient for her because she got
a rich husband, if an old one;

convenient for me to put an end to
gossip, rumours, conjectures...

l haven't been seen with a woman
for a long, long time.

- Were you really off women?
- I had no choice.

An operation made me totally
impotent when I was .

These are the photos of Michela
that you wanted.

Thank you. We found her over there.

May l...?

Be brave.

I'm sorry, Inspector.

I really loved Michela a lot.

She was like a daughter to me.

She was found naked on the table?

Yes. We couldn't find her clothes,
you know.

- Where have they got to?
- We don't know.

We think the m*rder*r took them,
maybe to eliminate evidence, every

trace of his identity, particularly
as related to DNA testing.

I'm sorry, but I can't stand it
anymore. Can we go, now?

- Yes.
- Thank you.

I forgot! A last question.

The other day I noticed this violin.
Did your wife play the violin?

No, she inherited it from her
grandfather who was a lutenist.

- No, she didn't play.
- That's odd. The case was open.

- After you.
- Thanks.

- Who is it?
- Inspector Montalbano.

- May I come up?
- Yes, come in.

Do you know? I was sure I would
see you again today.

- Come, sit down.
- Thank you.

- May I offer you something?
- No, no, thank you.

Why didn't you tell me about
Maurizio Di Blasi?

I knew you'd easily find out.
Everybody laughed at him in town.

Do you know he disappeared the
night of the m*rder?

Yes, but Maurizio has nothing to do
with it, he's incapable of k*lling.

- When did you see him last?
- He called me Wednesday, at pm.

- He was asking about Michela.
- What did you tell him?

That she went to the hotel, and then
she was having dinner at Vassalloes'.

He hung up without saying goodbye,
but I tell you he's innocent.

How did Michela react to being
haunted by Di Blasi.

- May I be perfectly frank?
- I thought we were nothing else.

At first she hated it. He was always
underfoot, everywhere she went.

Once we saw him looking at us
from a window.

Well, looking at Michela, really,
She was often half naked at home.

Poor boy. At times she pitied him so
much that...

That she could have slept with him,
she pitied him so much.

No, believe me, that could never

Think about it, have you ever seen
Michela alone with a man?

- Someone you don't know, maybe.
- Yes, once, a few months ago.

I saw her in a car and not alone.

She was with a very elegant old man.
But I never asked her who he was.

- Please, come in.
- Mrs Di Blasi?

Yes. Come in.

- Any news of my son?
- No, sorry.

This way.

Please, follow me.

Thank you.

They're looking everywhere: my
husband, my daughter, my son-in-law.

- Can I get you a glass of water?
- No, thank you, I'll go myself.

Pardon me for asking, but...
what are you doing here?

- I'm helping you find your son.
- I haven't hidden him here.

All right, all right, I'm going.

When was the last time that Ms
Licalzi came here?

Don't name that whore in my house.

- Augello is in his office?
- No, sir.

- Where is he?
- In hospital.

In hospital? Why?
What happened?

Someone threw a stone and got
him on the head. Mild concussion.

He had to go to that f*cking cement
plant, didn't he?! He deserves it.

- Sir! Sir!
- What is it, Catarella?

The computer school begins tomorrow

I have to go there. Who will answer
your phone if I'm not here?

Don't worry, we'll survive. Are
there any messages for me?

Mr Lattes... with an S at the end.

He called times and sounded really
pissed off, no offence meant.

He says you must go to Headquarters.

- At once.
- All right.

Then there's a Mr Cacono who
wants to speak with you.

- Who?
- Cacono.

All right, let him in, but tell him
to hurry, I haven't much time.

Please, go in, Mr Cacono.

Good morning, Inspector. I'm
Gillo Jacono.

Good morning, Mr Jacono.
Sorry about that.

Catarella is always mispronouncing
names. Sit down.

- I'm listening.
- I'm here about the m*rder*d woman.

- Did you know her?
- No, you see...

l was driving on that country road
Wednesday night, around midnight.

I was driving slowly because the
engine was misbehaving.

Anyway, near Tre Fontane a silver
BMW convertible passed me.

The car stopped before the villa. A
man and a woman got out.

They went in and I saw them walking
along the drive.

Did you see the man?

No, it was dark, and they had their
backs to me.

Did you notice anything? Did the man
look aggressive?

No, on the contrary! They looked...
intimate, so to speak.

Now I remember: the man had
a bag.

But it didn't look heavy,
almost empty.

Chief, I've been waiting for
an hour and a half!

I'm in the middle of a case!
Do you mind telling me why I'm here?

- You know that. Sit down.
- Thanks.

You know that I'm co-ordinating our
teams here, at the moment.

- Yes, I know.
- Mr Lattes, if you don't mind.

I'll be extremely frank with you. l
do not respect you at all.

- Neither do I respect you.
- All right. We know where we stand.

I've pulled you off the Licalzi

I gave it to Panzacchi, the head
of the Flying Squad.

- May I know why?
- it's out of your jurisdiction.

- Bullshit.
- Yes. I have another reason.

Chief of Forensics told me about
your disgraceful behaviour...

- I see! Goodbye!
- When you...

Inspector Montalbano! Stay!
l am not done!

You'll pay for this, Inspector!

Mimi.. Mimi!

- Mimi!
- Salvo.

- How are you?
- How am l?

How am l? My head is splitting,
that's how I am!

It hurts because you were turned the
wrong way around when it hit you.

Did you came here to
spout bullshit?

- Here.
- What is it?

- Chocolates.
- Thanks.

- Tomorrow I'll go see your sister.
- Are you going to Calapiano?

Don't say a word about the hospital,
be a friend.

Don't worry. She wants to speak to
me and I want to see François.

Can't you wait for me to come out
of here?

- There's a lot to do...
- No. The Chief pulled me off.

He pulled you off the case?

- Why?
- Because, that's all there is to it!


- Franca!
- Salvo! Hi!

- Mimi?
- He couldn't come.

- Here.
- Did you rob a confectioners?

- How are you?
- We're all fine, thank God.

- All?
- François more than the rest of us.

- He's grown up a lot, you know.
- it's all this open air...

It's wonderful here. Where are the

I don't know. They were all here,
but... I don't know.


Hi, François.

You like this, don't you? And you?
Do you like it?

- I'll go make coffee, right?
- Thank you.

- We must have a serious talk.
- Yes?

Pina, will you come with me, please?

- How's things, then?
- Farming is not bad.

But it's hard: look after the olive
trees build new hothouses, then...

Hey, boys, don't drink so much!
We have to work in a while!

- All right, come on, move.
- Yes, bye.

Come on, come on, we'll have our
coffee later!

I'd better go wash the dishes.

- Well, François?
- Don't take me away from my brothers.

Did he tell you?

He's learned ltalian very well.

Look, Aldo and I have always
been talking of you.

I realised it one night.

I was sleeping and I felt someone
touch my arm. It was him.

"What is it, François?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid."
"Afraid of what, honey?"

"I'm afraid that Salvo will take me

- Good evening, Inspector.
- Good evening.

- Come in.
- Thank you.

How are things?

Have a seat.

- Would you like a whisky?
- Yes, thank you. May l?

- Of course. I heard.
- What?

- I heard on the TV news at pm.
- The TV?

They took the investigation
away from you, didn't they?

Who gives a damn!

- What is it then?
- Nothing.

- Are you married, Inspector?
- No.

- Got a girlfriend?
- Who's being a Inspector, now?

- I didn't mean... Excuse me.
- Feel free.

Hello? Hi Giulia, what's up?

What? Yes, I'll call you back, I'm
busy now. Yes, all right. Bye.

It was a friend of mine.

She told me the Police went
to Di Blast's house

and took him to Headquarters.
What do they want with him?

- They want to find his son Maurizio.
- ls he already a suspect?

It's the simplest solution.
Panzacchi, Chief of the Flying Squad,

is an extremely simple man.

Thanks for the whisky and good

- Are you going like this?
- Sorry, I'm tired. See you tomorrow.

- Hello?
- Livia.

I tried to reach you, why didn't you
call me?

I went to see the child. Franca
wanted to talk to me.

- Something's happened to him?
- No, he's fine, he's grown.

- He's so beautiful, isn't he?
- Too beautiful.

What did Franca want? ls there
a problem?

Tell me the truth. He's a pest,
isn't he?

No, the fact is maybe it was a mistake
to leave him with Franca's family.

He has become attached to them.
He doesn't want to leave them.

- François told you that?
- Yes, spontaneously.

- Spontaneously? Are you crazy?
- Why?

They want to keep the child,
they need some help...

- They found a perfect ally!
- Livia, what are you talking about?

You want to leave him with Franca,
because you don't want to be a father!

- Livia please, listen to me!
- No, I know what I'm saying...

You know what? I'm gonna punish
that "child thief"...

"The agents of Vigata Police
Station, condemn the fact

that the Fela police are running the
investigation on Licalzi's m*rder"

Did you send it?

- They respect you a lot.
- This is a load of manure.

Mr. Montalbano, look here!

They raided the hide-out of Maurizio
Di Blasi,

alleged m*rder*r of Michela

Here's the video, recorded in
Cavadaliga hours ago.

The video, please.

- Let me take a picture!
- People want the truth!

The chief of the Flying Squad
has allowed us to

solve the case in only

- Please, over here!
- Can you tell us what happened?

We told Di Blasi: "Come out,
surrender, keep your hands up!",

He came out, but with a w*apon in his
hand, and he screamed: "Punish me!".

At this point, one of the policemen
shot him and k*lled him.

Are you sure that he screamed:
"Punish me"?

Yes, everybody heard that.

What kind of w*apon did he use
against you?

- A hand grenade?
- And where did he get it?

- We don't know, we have to check.
- it's not easy to find a hand grenade!

The Licalzi m*rder
has been solved.

If you'd still been in charge,
that poor kid would still be alive.

- Inspector, Mr Di Blasi...
- Yes I know.

- I've just talked with Fela Police.
- And you insulted them?

- No, it was just a friend of mine.
- What did he want?

Do you know which kind of w*apon
Di Blasi used against them?

- A hand grenade, they say...
- A shoe.

- A shoe?
- His right shoe, Inspector.

He threw it at Mr. Panzacchi
before he died.

- Hello?
- Please Salvo, come in!

- I saw you on TV with Panzacchi...
- it's a mess, isn't it?

- Do you believe the story of the grenade?
- And you?

You're the only journalist to have
a picture of her alive!

- Can I broadcast it?
- Sure...

What do you want?

- When you close the door I get worried.
- Don't worry, please.

- What do you want me to do?
- Say two eye-witnesses called.

- Do they exist?
- Yes, one of them won't make a statement.

- Right, let's start with him.
- Right.

After the press conference a witness
calls you he claims to know the truth.

He claims that Panzacchi hasn't
told the truth.

He didn't leave his name,
he hung up.

You will say: "You shouldn't accept
anonymous calls".

Yes, but it's the same...

Every journalist uses them...

- And the second witness?
- His name is Gillo Jacono.

But you will call him "G. J.",

That night he saw Michela coming
home with a stranger.

The stranger had a suitcase.

Why did Di Blasi go to r*pe
Michela Licalzi with a suitcase?

And: where is that suitcase?
Did the police find it?

- ls that all?
- Yes.

Anyway... after the press

somebody really did call me,
a hunter!

He said that it didn't happened
like they said...

- But I didn't broadcast that.
- Are you joking?

- Please, listen to the tape...
- it's not necessary.

It's very odd...

Close the door.

This is not an official speech, it's
a chat between friends.

Yesterday, Mr. Augello said
something that hurt.

He said "if you were running this

that boy could still be alive..."

He was right.

It's my fault too.

I didn't protest against the decision
to take me off this investigation.

I just told him to f*ck off,

but we've lost a human life.

I'm sure: none of you would have
shot that poor boy.

I thought about it last night,
and I've decided:

I'm taking over the case again...

I've already told you you're
idiots, don't make me repeat it...

But I'm warning you: the
investigation is closed.

If we want to investigate on
our own, we must be very careful.

And that's not all:

We'll get in a lot of trouble if
Montelusa gets wind of it.

Let's go to work, now.

- My dear Inspector Montalbano!
- Good morning, Mr. Guttadauro.

We haven't see each other since
the Geraldo Smecca case.

- No... it was Totuccio Sinagra.
- He's not a client of mine any more.

Did he change lawyer?

Sinagra talks only with the police

l understand.

This is the man who called
me, yesterday. . . the hunter.

The term you
used about me on TV

made me feel like a worm.

- What are you talking about?
- You said:

"There's an anonymous

- That's not offensive!
- Yes, he's right...

Orazio Guttadauro is accused
of cowardice!

So here I am.

How's your version different from

- Just a little detail.
- Which one?

Di Blasi was unarmed.

- So they shot him without a reason?
- No...

They thought he was armed, because
he had something in his hand.

- What?
- His right shoe.

- Can you tell me something?
- Sure, Inspector.

Are you always out hunting?
Are you never in court?

Anyway, this is no longer
my investigation.

- But you can't...
- Please.

If you want, you can tell everything
to Judge Tommaseo. Goodbye.

You knew about the shoe!

Yes, it's true, but don't try
to broadcast it!

But this is the truth!

Nicole, I'm sure that he's not
the real witness!

He's only a puppet, the Mafia
controls him!

The Mafia wants to get the Judge
and the Chief of police.

According to Guttadauro I will do
it out of revenge...

Now Judge Tommaseo wants to see
me, what do I do?

Tell the Judge what the
lawyer says happened,

if he's smart he'll know what to do.

- This is serious...
- Don't worry, Nicole.

- Bye.
- Bye!

- I'll be back soon.
- Okay.

- Good morning, Arquà.
- Good morning, Montalbano.

I was just passing. . . you know
I'm not busy these days...

- But I have.
- Please, just a minute.

I'd like to have some information
about that hand grenade...

You know that I can't tell you that.

Oh, please... I just want to know the
colour, the size and the trade mark.

- What are you talking about?
- May I help you?...

- Brown? Black? Moccasin?
- Okay, wait a minute, Montalbano!

- Caruana?
- Yes sir?

- Please, let him see the b*mb...
- Yes sir.

We've taken it to pieces, but it was
working before.

- Are there any fingerprints on it?
- Yes, Di Blast's fingerprints.

Thumb and forefinger of the
right hand.

It's an old OTO, it was
used by the ltalian army.

- Did you do your military service?
- Yes sir.

Would you hold a hand grenade
with only two fingers?

No, you have to hold a grenade in
your the hand, like that...

That's what I think.

- Did you talk with Panzacchi?
- Yes, he told me in confidence

that Maurizio Di Blasi was almost
cut in two a submachine g*n.

- And his right foot is wounded?
- No, it isn't.

But he has a swollen foot,
he couldn't wear his shoe.

Listen Mimi, here's what I think:

The police surrounded the cave,
Maurizio came out,

an agent believed he was armed,
and shot him.

But he was just holding a shoe in
his hand, his foot was hurt.

- Fazio's friend was right, then.
- That's not all...

Panzacchi and his Dirty Dozen knew
they were in trouble,

so they decided: Maurizio was

- but here Panzacchi outdoes
himself: "with a hand grenade"!

- He should have chosen a g*n!
- You haven't his imagination.

Nobody has a g*n license
in Di Blast's family.

So they couldn't have a g*n...

But they could have a w*r souvenir!

- Yes, it's possible.
- Where is the 'souvenir' now?

- In the deposit at Police Headquarters!
- Good.

How can you prove that?

You'll find out who's in charge of
it at Fela Police Headquarters.

- Okay.
- Good.

- Please Panzacchi, open!
- Who is?

- I'm Montalbano!
- Salvo, what are you doing here?

- I must to talk with you.
- it's late, and I'm tired...

- Only minutes...
- Let's go.

- What do you want?
- I owe you an apology.

What for?

I've always considered you a honest
policeman, but not very smart...

But I've already changed my mind:
you're an artist,

- you're a wizard, a magician.
- What are you talking about?

When Maurizio Di Blasi came out
he was holding a shoe!

- It was a b*mb, Salvo.
- it was his right shoe!

You've transformed a shoe in
a b*mb!

Stop it! There are his fingerprints
on it!

That's right... very clever of you!

- Does it work?
- Yes.

- How did you get it?
- I got it from some witnesses.

Friends of Guttadauro, the lawyer,
you must know him.

- This is an unexpected event.
- Yes, that's right.

I know their reasons, but not

- is this revenge?
- No... no.

I can't allow the Head of the Flying
Squad to be blackmailed by the Mafia.

I wanted to protect my agents.

Yes, but you have involved his
father too, the engineer, Di Blasi.

If they broadcast this tape, the Chief
the Judge and you will be at risk!

- What should I do?
- You must keep it quiet.

- How?
- You know, there's only a way.

Are you looking for someone?

- It's late, what are you doing?
- I went to see Mrs. Di Blasi.

Is she all right?

She collapsed,
we had to call a doctor.


They want to set him free, but he was
accused of complicity with the son.

- Do you want to come in?
- No thanks, I can't.

- I wanted to call you this morning.
- Why?

Remember, I told you that I saw
Michela with an older man?

- Yes?
- I don't remember his name,

but she said he was a musician,
very famous.

Do you know what kind of
relationship they had?

She didn't tell me,
she only smiled...

Just a way to avoid an answer.

- I'm going. Sleep well, Salvo.
- You too.

- Hello?
- it's Montalbano, were you sleeping?

No, I'm awake, I don't sleep
very much...

But... what happened?

Nothing... but I must ask you
another favour.

Another call? I was good, wasn't l?

Yes, No, I just want ask
about your neighbour, the violinist!

Maestro Barbera?

You told me that he never goes out...

- Never?
- He goes out rarely...

The last time was some months ago...

He went out with his driver and
his black car.

He was very elegant that night...

I don't know where he went, but he
looked nervous.

Madame, I'd like to talk with the

In that case, please come tomorrow,
it's concert day.

- Inspector!
- Yes?

A petrol pump attendant called
yesterday after the news on TV.

He saw Ms Licalzi that night,
she filled up there.

- He left his name and his address.
- Right, we'll see him later.

Inspector, this has just come from
Fela, Mr. Panzacchi's resigned.

And now the
investigation is yours.

Inspector, we have to
buy a bottle, now!

He's in a very bad mood...

Grasso, go to work...
and you too!

Inspector, Maurizio Di Blasi
confessed to the m*rder.

- Goodbye...
- Wait, where are you going?

- Did you talk to the Chief, Judge?
- Yes, I did.

Then you must know a lot of
important details, now.

The investigation has been run
very badly,

Maurizio Di Blasi was k*lled
because of a misunderstanding,

- Panzacchi tried to cover it up!
- I'm weighing up the situation...

Well, choose the right scales!

Ls that him?

- Good morning.
- Good morning...

- I'm Montalbano, he's Galluzzo.
- How do you do?

You saw Ms Licalzi
Wednesday, at : .

She came here for petrol,
didn't she?

Yes, she come here at : ,
l was about to close.

She asked me: "Are you open?",

she was really beautiful,

- really beautiful...
- Do you remember where she went?

Yes, she drove off towards the
motorway for Palermo.

- She didn't go back to Montelusa?
- Yes.

She was in a hurry, but I remember
very well.

- She was driving really fast!
- Well, thank you very much, goodbye.



Hello, I heard your message on the
answering machine.

- May I come in?
- Yes, please.

This place is a mess.

- It's beautiful.
- Do you like it?

- Are you working?
- I'm running that case again.

- Did you call me for that?
- How about a drink?

No thanks, what do you want to know?

That night Michela took the
Palermo-Montelusa motorway,

did she has any friends outside

No friends, only acquaintances...

- What kind of acquaintances?
- Suppliers mainly...

At midnight she was seen outside
the villa with a man,

and he didn't act like a

Salvo, Michela was not an easy lay.

She told me she was physically
incapable of it.

So why didn't she go to the
Vassalloes' dinner?

- Why did she change her mind?
- I don't know.

Listen if it is not for love or sex,
it must be for money...

Now I'll check those papers...

- I'm going home.
- I'll see you out.

- You can join me at home, later...
- Well... I don't...

Any time...

Ms Licalzi inflated up her expenses.

- Hello?
- Hello, Mr Licalzi?

- Speaking.
- it's Montalbano.

- What can I do for you?
- Am I disturbing you?

- No, but if it's about the funeral.
- No, it's not that.

I wanted some information about your
financial agreement with your wife.

- Ask away.
- Did you have a common account?

No, I gave her a monthly allowance
that she could use freely.

Didn't you see the invoices for the
restoration of the villa?

No, no, I didn't need to.

Michela showed me the daily
expenses written in her diary.

I see. All right, goodbye,
Mr Licalzi.

All right, good bye.




- I went to see François.
- I guessed.

I didn't tell anyone I was coming.

I flew here, then took a cab
to Franca's.

When he saw me, he ran to me
and hugged me tight.

He was so happy to see me,
and I was very happy too.

So I thought it was all a conspiracy
to take him away from me.


While I was telling Franca that l
would keep him with me forever,

François ran away.

Everyone ran out to look for him,
but I stayed in the house.

Then I heard his voice.
"Livia! Livia, I'm here!"

Leave it alone, Livia, we'll talk
about it later.

- My flight leaves at pm.
- I'll take you to the airport.

- No, no, I have to meet Mimi.
- Mimi?

He's like a brother to me.

It was he who persuaded me to
talk to you.

You didn't want to, did you?

I wanted to be alone to think it
through. It was so painful for me...

- What happened with the child?
- François looked at me and said:

"l love you, but if you take me away,
I'll really run away forever."

Then he ran out yelling "Here I am!
Here I am!"

- What did you do?
- Nothing.

I told him I wouldn't take him away

and he would stay forever with
Franca's family.

Inspector. Please, sit down.

Yesterday evening I spoke with
Maestro Barbera.

I told him we'd have a guest and
who you were.

When I told him of Ms Licalzi's
death, he was very ill, poor dear.

- He had to take some heart medicine.
- How could he not know it?

The Maestro doesn't watch TV and
doesn't read the papers.

But how could he know Ms Licalzi?

He told me he gave her professional
advice, I don't know anything else.

I must speak with the M...

He'll see you at the end of
this concert.

Please, come in.

Today I played with this. It has
an incomparable tone.

Maestro, why did you retire?

Panic. I used to get on the stage
with terror eating me up...

Were you afraid of the public?

I was afraid of myself.

I am an epileptic.

And I had fits nearer and nearer
the dates of my concerts.

I knew it would happen on the stage,
sooner or later.

I didn't want to end my career
like that, in front of my public.

So now you play only for yourself
and Mrs Vasile.

Yes. Too bad I have to give it back.

- To whom?
- To you, I suppose.

- To me?
- it's... It was Ms Licalzi's.

- This violin?
- Yes.

- ls it valuable?
- it's a Guarnieri, Inspector.

I'm not an expert, but how much
would it fetch on the market?

Sell? Market? This violin
is priceless.

Just to give me an idea!

I don't know... , billion.

How did you get it?

One morning, a few months ago, I was
practising with the window open.

Ms Licalzi, who was passing by,
heard me.

She was a connoisseur of music. She
rang the bell and asked to meet me.

She had heard my last concert
in Milan.

I suppose a connoisseur could loose
his head for a violin like this.

When she showed it to me, I saw at
once it was unique.

Yes, it wasn't in very good condition
but it could restored very easily.

You told Ms Licalzi to give it to you and
didn't tell her how much it was worth?

Inspector, I wouldn't do a thing
like that, not even for a Guarnieri.

She asked me to keep it and to
have it authenticated.

She wanted expert authentication.

I had it a few days ago. Do you
want to see it?

It doesn't matter. What about the
violin I saw at the villa?

It's one of mine. I gave it to her.

Of course it's worth a
great deal less.

May my assistant come in?


I took the violin that was in the
villa, but something's not right.

Ls this the violin you lent to
Ms Licalzi?

Absolutely not! It's factory made.
l wouldn't touch it to save my life.

Thank you, Maestro. You have
helped me immensely.

- Did you check Serravalle's flight?
- Yes, he left at : pm from Bologna.

He changed at Rome and
arrived to Palermo at pm.


- May I go?
- Go, go!

Inspector Montalbano,
Mr Serravalle.

- How do you do?
- We talked on the phone.

Yes. I put myself at your disposal,

I remember perfectly. Are you
leaving today?

My flight leaves at : pm
from Palermo.

Mr Serravalle invited me to lunch.
Why don't you come with us?

I'd be very pleased.

I would like to, but I have a prior
engagement, thank you.

I'll call you later, Anna.


- Bologna Police Headquarters.
- Mr Guggino, please, it's urgent.

- Hello?
- Filiberto! Montalbano here.

- How are you?
- Hi, Salvo, how are you?

Fine, thanks. I'm calling about
a very urgent matter.

I need an answer in an hour. I'm
looking for a m*rder motive.

- m*rder?
- Yes.

You never change, do you? You
only call when you need something.

- Don't be an assh*le, Filiberto!
- What do you want me do?

I need the name of someone
involved in moneylending.

- A moneylender?
- No, a victim.

- A person blackmailed by a moneylender?
- Spot on.

I'll tell you the full name of the

- ls he inside?
- Yes, Inspector.

Yesterday he rented a car at the
Punta Raisi airport.

Did he do the same thing the
night of the m*rder?

I have the list of Wednesday's
renters and he's not on it.

- Inspector!
- Mr Serravalle.

- I'll tell him you're here.
- Don't touch the phone.

- ls he in his room?
- In the suite.

Did he receive any telephone calls?

calls from a certain Eolo.

See if Eolo is on the renters' list.

- Yes, here he is. Portinari.
- Let's go.

- As you wish, Inspector.
- Galluzzo, stay here.

Wait here.

Come in! It's open!

May I come in? Don't get up!

- To what do I owe the honour?
- You put yourself at my disposal.

- Of course. What can I do for you?
- Nothing.

Just listen. I want to tell
you a story.

Our hero is a man who
quite lives well,

a man of taste, owns an
antique shop...

- Where does this story take place?
- In Bologna.

Some time last year, this man
meets a rich young woman,

They become lovers. Her husband,
for reasons I won't explain,

closes both eyes very tightly indeed.
May I smoke?

- Of course.
- Thank you.

Unfortunately our man has a vice.
He gambles. Big time.

He has been caught times in
gambling dens lately.

Once he even ended up in hospital,
badly beaten up.

We think it was a warning. He
had gambling debts to pay.

Anyway, things are getting very
sticky for our hero.

He asks his lover for help, and
she decides to help him.

So she blows up the expenses for
the restoration of her villa

and gives her boyfriend ,

How can million help one who
lost several billions?

Anyway, one day the woman, whom
I'll call Michela...

Why don't you call him Guido, then?

Why not?

One day Michela tells Guido

But is was the wrong
moment and the wrong confidant.

She tells him she just learned
from an expert

that her old violin is actually a
rare and valuable Guarnieri.

Guido know very well the price of a

He could pay all his debts with
that kind of money.

So he tells a gambling friend of his.
Let's call him Eolo Portinari.

They talk and reject the idea of
getting Michela

to sell the violin and give them
the money.

It'd take too long, and maybe Michela
won't do this for her lover.

There's only one thing to do: k*ll
the woman,

take the violin and replace it with
a factory made one.

Eolo decides to help his friend. So
on the agreed day,

they take the last flight to Palermo
via Rome.

Guido calls his lover from Rome and
tells her he's coming,

that he needs her and asks her to
pick him up at the airport.

Once in Palermo, Guido goes at
once with Michela to Vigata,

while Eolo follows them discreetly
in a rented car.

Once at the villa they make love...

No, sorry, I said "love"...
but in this case...

There's someone who saw

But lucky for Guido, he is
just a poor demented boy,

and the Police will soon take him
out of the picture.

Everything else went according to
plan, but for a minor detail.

Guido gets dressed again, takes the

puts a worthless violin in its place,

Later Eolo picks him up and they
both leave from Punta Raisi.

What minor detail?

That violin is worth only a few
hundred thousand.

And Guido finds out when Eolo
calls him at his hotel. ..

. . .where he has gone after the funeral
of the woman he k*lled.

Well, it's an interesting story, but
hard to prove.

First: our man certainly didn't
fly under his real name,

and secondly, as far as I know,

there are no witnesses, except this
poor boy k*lled by the police.

You're absolutely right.

It would be difficult
to prove our man's guilt.

But not impossible. From now on
he'll be hunted by predators:

the loan sharks and the police.
l wouldn't like to be in his shoes.

Besides, there's something else
he doesn't know yet.

The violin is actually worth
several billion.

- But you just said...!
- I did.

I don't know, maybe she didn't
have the time,

maybe because she unconsciously
didn't trust her lover,

Michela didn't tell him she had
replaced her violin with another.

The Guarnieri is safe now.

- Maybe I'd better come with you.
- I think so too.

Those waiting for you in Bologna
are much worse than us.

Let me pack a bag.


- Come in!
- Inspector.

Come in.

I picked Ms Licalzi's car at the
body shop.

Inside there were the logbook and
a map.

I found this under the front seat.

The ticket for the flight from Rome
of Wednesday last.

- It's Guido Serravalle's?
- "G. Spina".

They always keep the initials when
they change their names, why?

- Catarella!
- it flew out of my hands!

You're back! Come in. ls the
informer Technology school over?

"information Technology", Inspector.
This is my degree.

Catarella. You got the highest marks!

I can't believe it!

Look here! Congratulations,
Catarella, jolly well done!

- It's true!
- Thank you, Inspector!

We at Vigata's Headquarters
are the best!

- Congratulations, Catarella.
- Well done!

Well done, Catarella, you are great!

Now that it was over, I saw that it
had all been a series of mistakes.

Maurizio Di Blasi was mistaken for
a m*rder*r,

his shoe mistaken for a hand grenade,

a violin mistaken for a very
different violin,

little François had even switched

Any time.

It was better not add another
mistake to the list.

- Hello?
- it's me, Livia.

- Salvo!
- I love you.

- What's got into you?
- Nothing.

I'll be busy tomorrow, I think.

If nothing happens I'll take the
first flight and come there.

I'll be waiting for you.