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04x01 - The Sense of Touch

Posted: 12/24/22 21:01
by bunniefuu

What is it, Orlando?

Let's go

One, two, three...

four, five, six, seven...

eight, nine, ten


Orlando, behave

Let's go!

Stay here, you know
you can't go over there

Stay here


It's Paternò! You've shut
the dog outside

- Hello?
- Inspector?

- Sorry for calling so early
- Catarella, what's happened?

They've found a body,
you've got to go!

Let me get this straight:
a corpse has been found?

- Yes
- Where's Inspector Augello?

- On the spot!
- Where is the spot?

In the Sansovino district

Do we know the deceased's name?

Yes, sir

What is it?

It's about Enea,
Silvio and Piccolomini

Enea, Silvio and Piccolomini?
What was it, a m*ssacre?

It's what's written here

Call Augello and tell him
I'm on my way


What sort of name is
Enea Silvio Piccolomini?

It's the real name of Pio ll,
a Renaissance pope

- Unusual for Vigata
- Actually, they called him Nenè

- He was blind?
- Yes

And him?

His guide dog. He's not moved
since we came in

Salvo, come take a look

See, it's still on

He'd shut the windows and
was making tea

He put the water on to boil
and went to bed...

he forget about it, the water boiled
over, put out the flame...

- and goodbye
- He was gassed?

Looks like it. Let's wait for
Pasquano and see

Listen, Salvo.
Tell me what I can do here

You're asking me? Take your prints

Prints? But he was blind!

So what?

You know how a blind man
finds his way round?

Making fun of me? By touch!

- Exactly! With the fingers...
- Well?

There'll be millions of fingerprints!

I'll go mad sorting them all out

It's not worth it seeing as
they'll all be his

What do want me to do? Do your
job and get off my back!

- This gentlemen alerted us
- Ah, yes

Come to headquarters, I'd like
to ask you some questions

l won't come to headquarters!

- What do you mean?
- Sorry, I'd prefer not to

I'm and I've never been mixed
up with police or thieves

It scares me

It's just a formality

I'm already sweating!

I understand

You knew the victim?

Yes, but he didn't go in for
close friendships

I've been passing by his house
for five years...

and we only ever said
good morning

Why did you think something
was wrong today?

- Because of Orlando
- Who's Orlando?

The dog. He and Piccolomini
were inseparable

l saw the dog was shut

and I thought something was wrong

Why? The dog slept inside?

Piccolomini never went anywhere
without Orlando

That's why I never went near him

- Why?
- Because that dog's dangerous!

That dog there?

I don't trust him.
He was always dangerous

All right

Thanks, I'll call if I need you

Watch out

- Don't go near that dog
- Thanks!

- He's always been dangerous!
- I see. Thanks!

Okay, goodbye!

- Tortorella, where's Fazio?
- At headquarters

Tell him to make a make a detailed
report on Piccolomini. I'm off home

What about Orlando, Inspector?

- Orlando?
- What should we do?

How do I know?

We didn't know what else to do

l brought him home and let him
sniff Adelina's meatloaf...

He's eaten the lot!

- Really?
- He's a Newfoundland...huge head...

l thought all guide dogs were
German Shepherds

- What'll you do now?
- I don't know

- I can't keep him here
- The company would do you good

What, Livia?

There's room for at your place...

It's wonderful to own a dog

It's wonderful?

Bye, Salvo

Come in

- Inspector...
- Come in, Fazio

I've got news about Piccolomini...

- Know what I found out?
- What?

At the end of the th century,
someone at Vigata registry office...

- had a strong sense of humour
- Why?

He gave all the orphans names like:

Jacopo Ortis, Aleardo Aleardi
and so on

He gave the name Enea Silvio
Piccolomini to a child born in

That'd be the grandfather of
the deceased


Enea Silvio, or Nenè, son of
Mario and Assunta Calopresti...

Well, grandson of the one born in

He stayed in Vigata till he was ,
then went to find work in Turin

A blind man alone in Turin
looking for work?

No, he was blinded afterwards

He worked in a foundry
and had an accident

months after the accident...

he should have married a widow
of the same age...

but what had happened made
him change his mind

- And so?
- He came back home

He had no one left

His parents were dead,
his sister was married...

and living on the island of Levanza

Tell me something: what were things
like between him and his sister?

Quite good, apparently

- How did he get by?
- On his pension

That paid the rent. There wasn't
much in his bank account

There was no one in Vigata
who looked after him?

Not exactly. There's this
Lux In Umbra

- What's that?
- A charity from Montelusa

- A hospice?
- No

A charity that provides help
at home

It benefits about people
scattered around the area

People who need various
kinds of assistance...

Lux In Umbra helps them
be more independent

- The dog's part of this too?
- Officially, yes

l think they'll want him back

A guide dog for the blind
is something precious

Sorry for bursting in,
l couldn't help it!

Someone found a message in
a pitcher: "Help, they're k*lling me"

- k*lling whom?
- I don't know

Should I pass the call,

Who's on the line, the pitcher?

I'll handle it, Inspector

Let me get this straight:

How did a pitcher manage
to 'phone?

- Good morning
- Good morning

Do you have to come and
bother me at the barbers?

I just want to know if you've
done the autopsy

Yes, it was easy


- What do you want to know?
- How he d*ed?

- Poisoned
- By gas?

What gas?

From the cylinder!

Gas from the cylinder isn't poisonous!

- No?
- No!

Just expl*sive...Boom!

Piccolomini overdosed
on the barbiturates...

he took regularly every evening
before going to sleep

I'd say he had heart trouble too

He didn't realise...

because no form of heart
medication was found

Add it up yourself:
barbiturates and his heart

Can I take him outside?

For a walk? Be my guest!

- What's his name?
- Orlando

Any developments?

I'm not convinced about
Piccolomini's death

So your keeping the dog in the
hope he'll cr*ck the case!

You're an assh*le!

How did he die, in your opinion?

The water boiled over and
put out the gas flame

- Gas from the cylinder isn't deadly!
- No, gas from the cylinder...

...isn't poisonous! Just expl*sive!

- You're sure?
- Of course!

- I didn't know!
- Me neither. They just told me

Piccolomini d*ed from an
overdose of barbiturates

Something about the dog
doesn't convince me

- Why?
- Listen, I'll explain...

Paternò said Piccolomini and
the dog were inseparable...

the dog slept inside. That night,
Piccolomini gets ready for bed...

locks up, mistakes the dose
of barbiturates and dies

So, how did the dog get outside?

This dog is very good natured

- Let's keep him!
- I don't know, darling...

And if he put the dog out because
he wanted to commit su1c1de?


Of course, he wouldn't have
bothered making tea!

It was an accident then,
l can't think of anything else

That's because someone wants to
lead us to a dead end

It was planned by an expert,
coldly and intelligently

Why an expert for a poor soul
like Piccolomini?

Maybe Piccolomini wasn't the poor
soul he seemed to be

- I'll get the photos done "gratissè"
- What does "gratissè" mean?

- That you don't pay!
- So you mean "gratis"!

- How can we come to agreement?
- I'll talk to him

He's called Cicco de Cicco,
he's a pal of mine!

- Catarella!
- At your service, sir!

Take this dog for a walk,

Of course, maybe he wants
to do his business!

- He'll feel better!
- Don't go too far

I'll handle it! Hear that, Orlando?

Don't stray too far from me!

Orlando, this way!

Inspector, listen...

A Mr Di Stefano is waiting
in your office

- Who's he?
- The president of Lux in Umbra

- Good morning
- Good morning

- I'm Mario Di Stefano
- Inspector Montalbano

Poor Piccolomini, what bad luck!

- You knew him well?
- Certainly!

He was in such good health...

and then he d*ed in an accident

It was an accident, right?

Actually, he had heart trouble

But he didn't realise because
he took a dose of barbiturates...

that proved to be fatal

Poor soul! At least he d*ed in his
sleep, blissfully unaware

You know his relatives?

Yes, I informed his sister
on Levanza

We'll arrange the funeral

- Let me know when it'll be possible
- Certainly

Thank you

- Thanks for everything, Inspector
- Goodbye

And the dog?

Sorry, I forgot something

We'd like Piccolomini's dog,
we trained him...

and he could be useful
to someone else

Yes, the dog...

- Orlando? I'll go and check
- Where? The dog's at my house!

- I'll give him back soon, okay?
- All right

- Goodbye
- Goodbye

Who was that with Di Stefano?
His driver?

Driver, dog trainer,

Does your leg hurt? Let that be a
lesson to you and Galluzzo

You shouldn't drive so fast
in the patrol cars!

- It was an emergency!
- Cut it out!

What do you know about the
sister and other relatives?

Ignazia's years younger,
married to Silvestro Impallomeni...

- They run a hotel on Levanza
- Did she still see her brother?

Yes, often.
Actually, for the last years...

he went to Levanza by ferry
every Friday evening...

and came back Monday

What else?

Nenè was very fond of his nephew
and niece, Giacomo and Marietta

- That's all?
- That's all!

Piccolomini was a poor devil, l
can't invent a double life for him!

- But there is something interesting
- What?

- Ignazia's a great cook
- Really?

Know how she learned? Working at
Calogero's for a year

Want to go with them?

No! Come on!

Good morning, Inspector.
Sorry to bother you...

but it's about the dog

Of course, the dog...

Can we talk about it later?
I'll you call you

- Goodbye
- Goodbye

Excuse me, madam

I'm Inspector Montalbano.
Are you Ignazia Piccolomini?

- Now she's called Impallomeni
- it's a pleasure

What do you want with my wife?

First of all, my condolences
for the loss of your brother

He was an angel!

Always so thoughtful, he
never forgot anyone

We've got to go, the ferry
leaves in half an hour

l know it's not the right moment,
but I must ask some questions

Inspector, I'm really not up to it

And it's late, the ferry
won't wait

Come to Levanza, it's
lovely just now

You can stay at our hotel.
The rooms are small, but nice

And there's the fresh fish!
l cook it myself!

Go. We'll sort something out

- Goodbye
- Goodbye

- Hi!
- Hi, how are you?

- Fine, and you?
- Great

- We've got a guest
- A guest?

Here he is!

Hello! Let me look at you!

He's lovely, what's his name?

Hello, Orlando!

Didn't a friend of yours tell us
about a holiday she'd had here?

Carlotta! She and her husband
know this place very well

She told us about an island where
there's The Bay of Beavers

- The Bay of Rabbits! It's on Levanza
- Yes, The Bay of Rabbits on Levanza

Feel like going there?

- A holiday?
- Just a couple of days

I'm due some days off: if I don't
take them they're lost

Why not? Seems like a good idea

Come on, Orlando

- Why did we bring him?
- Who, Orlando?

- So we can make friends
- He'd be better off with Adelina

Are you joking? She's even scared
of dogs on TV!

Let's go, it's late!

Hi, Orlando!

- You know this dog?
- Of course, the blind man's dog

- Mr Piccolomini?
- Yes. Why's he with you?

Mr Piccolomini had some
bad luck

- I'm sorry. I remember him
- You knew him well?

He took the ferry every Friday
and Monday. He was a character!

What do you mean?

He was difficult. He never
wanted to be near anyone...

and there are no facilities for
the disabled here

We'd put a chair down there for him,
so he didn't have to climb the stairs

I'd feed Orlando, that's why
he makes a fuss of me!

Right, Orlando?

- Thanks!
- Don't mention it! Bye

Bye Orlando!

- Inspector
- Madam

- This is the car
- Thanks

- How are things?
- Good

- Had a good trip?
- Yes

- Been here before?
- No, but I hear it's wonderful

- I'll show you round the island
- Great! It's my first time here too

This is the most beautiful
place in the world!

Nenè said so too, even if
he couldn't see it

- Nenè liked to come here?
- Of course!

He came every weekend

The weather's always nice here and
he loved to play with my kids

Who's Nenè?

My brother

He d*ed last week. Didn't the
Inspector tell you?

I didn't have chance!
I'll explain later

We're nearly there

- Be careful here, madam
- Thanks

- This is our hotel
- Beautiful!

When you've freshened up,
we'll go for a spin!


It's all got to be fixed up. Who
knows when it'll be finished!

- Good morning, how are you?
- Fine, thanks. And you?

Fine. We reserved the best
room for you

- My brother-in-law always slept there
- Thanks, you're very kind

- Unleash Orlando, he's at home here
- Yes?

Yes, unleash him

- Here's your key
- Thanks

You'll be very comfortable. it's
everyone's favourite room

The few who come. Lately,
no one's been here at all

- Ignazia, come here!
- Excuse me

Finished with our papers, Miss?

- The season's not started yet
- What does that mean?

What does it mean? Women should
keep their mouths shut!

Did you hear what that man
said? He's crazy!

Forget it. Come on

I don't understand some things!

Get away from there!

We're here on an investigation, right?


we're here on one of my

Something about her brother's
case doesn't add up

Anyway, what does it matter?

It doesn't detract from the beauty
of this place

We're here together, we've got a
couple of days holiday

Of course, but maybe it'd have been
better to tell the truth

Yes, it'd have been better to
tell the truth...

but I didn't really lie:
we are on holiday

if I'd told the truth, we wouldn't
have left in the right frame of mind

to do things properly

l may as well get engaged to you!

That's all we need!

- Beautiful!
- Catarella, what's going on?

Look at this lovely pitcher l
bought at the market

Yeah, it's really nice...

but if you want chilled water,
put it in the fridge!

You want to compare the fridge to the
natural coolness of this pitcher?

What's this?

- It wasn't there before
- The receipt?

Maybe it rose to the top
when I put the water in...

- "Help, they're k*lling me"?!
- "Help, they're k*lling me"!

- This is serious!
- it's just like that 'phone call!

I'll call the Inspector right away!

I've got the number here

What's going on? A party?
Get back to work, it's nothing

"Help, they're k*lling me"

Hello, Inspector? I bought
a pitcher at the market...

Catarella, you call me on Levanza
to tell me this?

No...l filled it with water...and...
"Help, they're k*lling me!"

Catarella, calm down. Let me get
this clear: you bought a pitcher...

- What's wrong with it?
- Inspector, it's Fazio

Catarella's agitated, but something
strange happened...

there was another message saying,
"Help, they're k*lling me"...

like the one found at Fiacca. I think
it could be serious

There's no time to waste, but what
can I do? I've just got here!

Let's do this: find out from

where he bought the pitcher
and find out if the vendor...

makes the pitchers himself. Try to
find out as much as you can!

- Then let me know
- Okay

- Fine
- Anything else?

- Wait a moment!
- What's happened?

Ls Augello there?

- Yes. Catarella, call Augello
- Right away

l sent Catarella to get him,
he'll be here immediately

You could put it through to my
extension, that's what it's for

- Who is it?
- The Inspector


Mimi, pin back your ears
and listen to me...

Yes, okay, but...

All right Salvo, of course.
Certainly! Bye!

- You're sure it's here?
- I was told on the far left...

there's a sign for Grotta Rossa
There's no sign...

- but it should be here. Let's try
- Let's try!

- Can you make it?
- Yes

It's beautiful here!

What are those?
This place is incredible!

I'll get Orlando and come right back!


Where've you come from, Hell?

You think poor Piccolomini's in hell?
What did he do to you?

And who are you?

Paternò, one of Nenè Piccolomini's

- You must be Totò Recca
- What do you want from me?

Some fish...

Piccolomini said you have the
best on the island!

- That's funny!
- Why?

Nenè didn't eat fish, he was
scared of the bones...

He risked choking to death
'cause he couldn't see them!

But he's dead anyway, because
of an accident, right?

Why do you ask if Piccolomini
d*ed by accident?

He has to be dead by accident?

- You're a cop!
- Come off it!

- So, what do you want from me?
- A glass of water, please


- Can I have some fish?
- No

- I haven't been out for nights
- Why?

Because the sea's rough

Doesn't look like it!

- And tomorrow?
- it'll be rough tomorrow too

l get it. You read that on internet
or they said so on CNN?

Come on Orlando, let's go

- Thanks, bye
- Goodbye

Where are you going?

I'm not tired, I'm going for
a walk. Get some sleep

- Why are you going? What happened?
- Nothing


- My compliments, lunch was excellent
- Thanks you, Inspector

- I'm a born cook
- Really?

My father got me a job in a
restaurant in Vigata

- Which one?
- Do you know "Calogero's"?

I eat there nearly every day!

Then I met my husband. He was
born here on Levanza

First we had a restaurant

Then, with all the tourists, the
restaurant became a guesthouse

And now a hotel

Silvestro wants to aim high. He says
tourism here will increase

Foreigners pay more, but
they expect more

- That's why we're doing this work
- Foreigners come here?

No one comes here

Excuse my indiscretion, but how
do you pay for the work?

My husband takes care of it,
you've seen what he's like...

He never lets me get involved
in these matters

He's all that's left to remind
me of brother

He really loved him

Nenè never managed to get over
what happened to him

He was depressed,
he didn't want to go out...

he even said he wanted to die

But when Mr Di Stefano started
to take care of him...

he almost started to live again

He came to terms with the tragedy
and I could see him more often

This morning you said your brother
had a friend here

Yes, Totò Recca, the fisherman

He'd come on Saturday afternoons
or Sunday mornings,

put Nenè in his van and take
him for a spin

Did he have other friends
or acquaintances?

No, just Recca

He told me they met in Vigata
when they were young

I don't know how they made
friends, Recca's so moody

But you keep me here chatting,
and I've got lots to do!

Yes, one last favour...

- Can someone take me to the harbour?
- You're leaving already?

Yes, but I'll be back tomorrow.
The lady's staying

- I'll take care of it right away
- Thanks

- Thanks a lot
- You're welcome!

- What are you doing here? And Salvo?
- Everything's fine. Salvo's okay

- Yes, but where is he?
- I think he's in Vigata

- Vigata?
- Yes, something came up...

- But he said he'd be back soon
- And when, exactly?

- Tomorrow morning at the latest
- Ah, really?

Something comes up and he decides
to leave without telling me?

- When did he know about this?
- Fazio called him this morning...

and Catarella too

Great! He found out this morning
and didn't say anything!

- No...maybe because he...
- And you?

What are you doing here?

Salvo called me because...
the hotel is very nice...

he knew I wanted to bring Beba
for a weekend...

Mimi...he's a big son of a bitch!

No, Livia...he's a VERY big
son of a bitch!

We went to the market, but
we were too late

The stall was already gone

Anyway, we verified that the stall
was in position

- What does that mean?
- To avoid rows, the town council...

divided the market into
numbered positions

They told me that number is
allocated to Angelo Poidomani

God, what a name!

He lives in Vigata, so
l went to his house

l found out he sells flowers,
not pitchers

- He'd changed places...
- Yes, with the pitcher vendor

But Poidomani can only
remember his name:

Pepè! So, I go back to the council...

and I find out that Pepè is actually
called Giuseppe Tarantino...

here's his 'phone number. He lives
in Calascibetta: Via Togliatti.

- What is it, Fazio?
- Tarantino has a clean record

He always pays his license,
he's well liked...

I'll just go to look, there've been
kidnappings in that area

- Remember the one at Vigata?
- Yes, but it was years ago

- There's been nothing since
- That might not be so...

maybe the ransom was paid
and no one reported it

Anyway, I'll go and check just
to make sure

We've been driving round for half an
hour, where's Via Togliatti?

I always tell you to look at the map
before we set off

Give me your mobile!

Check the map!


Hello Livia. It's Salvo

Salvo, shame your not here!

- It's a beautiful day
- I can imagine. Listen...

Sorry for yesterday, I had
to leave suddenly...

Anyway, I'll be back today!

Don't worry, I understand.
I'm fine here...

Come back when you want.
Orlando's fine too

- ls Mimi with you?
- Of course!

He's really nice! He doesn't
let me pay for a thing...

- He's invited me to dinner tonight
- Really?

How kind! Pass him to me!

- He wants to talk to you
- Who is it, Salvo?

Your back's getting red, I'll
rub some cream on it!

Mimi, come back today!

But l...

Come back right now!

Come here!

I'll give you cream on the
back, arsehole!

- He hung up!
- Maybe he was cut off!

Let's go back in the water

- Excuse me...
- Talking to me?

Yes. Do you know if this
is Via Togliatti?


- On what?
- if you go downhill...

it's Via De Gasperi

But if you go uphill, it's
Via Togliatti. Get it?

Listen, do you know a Mr Tarantino?

- Depends
- On what?

On who's asking. if you're asking,
l don't know him

Why not if I'm asking?

Because you've got "cop"
written all over your face


Good morning

- Who are you?
- Inspector Montalbano

- Are you Mr Tarantino?
- What do you want?

I wanted to ask a few questions

I'm leaving for a craft fair
in Fiacca

I've not got a criminal record,
my license is in order...

I've not had an accident...

Calm down, I just said l
want to ask a few questions

Pepè, let the Inspector in

We're better off outside


- Where's your factory?
- What factory?

Where all these pitchers are made...

No, I don't make them

l bulk buy them for a good price and
sell them at craft fairs for a living

Listen, I've got to work!

Where is the factory

Marcuzzo and Sons

- It's in Catello: the Vaccarella area
- Write it down

- Are they on the 'phone?
- I don't know

l never 'phone them


Bye. Where's Catello?

kilometres from here, but the
road's bad and today they're closed

- Thanks. Did you write it down?
- Yes, Inspector

Fazio, what were we thinking of?

This is dated May th

- What's today's date?
- May th

So this is at least a year old.
if they were going to k*ll someone...

they'll have done it. I must go...

to catch the ferry for Levanza

When I get back I want to talk
to the pitcher makers...

Marcuzzo and Sons at Catello

- Bye
- Okay, Inspector

The Inspector's waiting for me.
Okay, darling, I'll call you back

Tortorella, you make me miss
the ferry!

Go to your basket!


I'm dead tired

- Mimi left?
- Yes

- Was he well behaved?
- The usual

What does that mean?
Did he flirt with you?

Of course, that's why you sent him

We did as you wished, sir!

Livia, don't make me mad!

I don't know why I put up with you!

- Enjoy your meal!
- Thanks!


Here I am

Come on...



Here we are!

- Enjoy yourselves
- Bye

Come on

Good boy, Orlando

Well done!

Come on...

Go on!

Salvo, you're freezing!

- Going to give me that money?
- You know I always pay!

- So, what do you want?
- You know the state I'm in

- You've never had trouble with me
- That's all we'd need!

- There's no one. Do what you want...
- I'll break your neck...

Take this for now

Look, you're making me nervous

- You've just got to be patient
- That's what you said last month

l gave you my word

- You never had trouble with me
- Orlando, shut up!

I'll give you one more week

Yes, I understood. Okay...

- Hello
- Good morning

I'm walking the dog

We'll settle up later!

Come here!

I've told you a thousand
times not to bark!

Look what a mess you've
got me into!

Let's go!

Did you look over here?

- I'm Inspector Montalbano
- it's a pleasure

- What happened?
- We found a drowned man

- It's Totò Recca
- The fisherman?

Yes, exactly. We found his boat
out at sea...

- The boat out at sea, the body here?
- Exactly!

- How did it happen?
- Who knows?

Anyway Inspector, last night
the sea was calm

What is it?

- Goodbye. Keep up the good work!
- Thanks, Inspector

l told the Inspector too,
if you want to come back here...

- there's always room for you
- Thanks

It was a short visit, but next time
we'll stay longer

Don't worry, there's always room
for the two of you

When you go back to Genoa, tell
everyone how nice it is here!

If this year goes badly too,
we're ruined!

Again? I told you we'll sort
everything out this year!

If the bank loses faith in us,
we're ruined!

They'll take everything here:
restaurant, hotel, pots, dishes!

I'm sorry. We've got to go now,
the ferry's leaving

Thanks and my compliments
for your cooking!


Thanks again. Goodbye

Sorry if we got you mixed
up in family affairs...

Don't worry, we were fine!

- Got the tickets?
- No

- Didn't I give them to you?
- No. You had them

Orlando, behave! Cut it out!

Sorry. I'm Inspector Montalbano.
He's never done this before

- What's got into him?
- I don't know

- Sorry. Keep up the good work
- Thanks

I've got the tickets, I'll find
them and bring them

Good morning

- Have a good holiday?
- Yes, thanks

Inspector, about that blind man,
the dog's owner...

- you asked about him on Friday
- Piccolomini!

Salvo, I'll wait for you upstairs.
Give me your bag

l remembered something that
happened last year

- Maybe it's stupid
- No, tell me

It was a trip Vigata - Levanza, and
l saw him at the top of the stairs...

He called out to me so l
helped him

Halfway down, he tripped and
his stick fell in the water

He started to yell like crazy:
"My stick!"

- He got all upset because of that?
- it's not like it was a kid...

l went down and saw the stick
floating on the water...

l managed to pull him back.
Seemed like he'd gone mad

The other passengers didn't get it:
they were alarmed

l fished out his stick with a hook.
As soon as he got it back...

he almost kissed it, like a
long-lost son.

He even gave me some money
That's all, I hope it's some use

- Could be. Thanks a lot
- Don't mention it. Have a good trip

- So, did he tell you something

I think so, even if I don't know why

l think so

I'd like to visit Ignazia again,
it was a nice holiday

Yes, of course

See? We were fine, even if l
had to work a little

You always get away with it: you know
what I need to be happy

Good morning, Inspector

Inspector, how's Orlando?
ls he eating and sleeping?

Maybe he's pining for his dead
master, poor thing!

Don't worry: he eats, sleeps,
goes on holiday...

- ls Augello in the office?
- No, he asked for an hour off...

to look at some houses for
a collaboration

- Collaboration with whom?
- With his girlfriend, Beba

- She came to pick him up
- You mean "cohabitation"!

- What did I say?
- "Collaboration"!

- Collaboration...collab...cohab...

Go to Judge Lobianco to pick
up a couple of warrants...

one to investigate the bank account a
of Silvestro Impallomeni...

and one for an autopsy on Totò Recca,
who d*ed the other night on Levanza...

in an accident that doesn't
convince me at all!

- Remember all that?
- Yes

investigation of Silvestro
Impallomeni's bank account...

Above all for a loan that's

And an autopsy on Totò Recca...
Was he m*rder*d?

I think so

What have we got to do with a
fake accident on Levanza?

Because it resembles the fake accident
that happened to Piccolomini at Vigata

- Clear?
- Of course, Inspector!

I'll get right onto it!

Keep me up to date


Know where Fazio keeps the
filed cases?

- Yes, but he's away on business!
- I know, I sent him

Do me a favour: find out about
the driver of Di Stefano,

the president of Lux in Umbra.
He's called Carmelo something...

l want to know everything
about him!

- Can't you wait for Fazio?
- No

- Okay, Inspector
- Thanks

- Good morning, Mimi. Come in
- May l?

- I told you to come in

- Well?
- Salvo, I don't know if I feel sure

What are you talking about?

Last night I saw a woman:
she was really beautiful

l said to myself, "I've got Beba.
This woman has no effect on me!"

But she did have an effect
on me, and how!

Afterwards, I felt guilty!

So you...

l didn't even go near
that woman, Salvo!

What do you want from me?

Grow up! No one's forcing you
to marry that girl...

no one's forcing to marry at all!

Decide if this is what you want...

but do it quickly because you're
getting on everyone's nerves. Get it?

Let's talk about something serious

They took away Orlando!

- What?
- They broke in and took him

That dog is the key to the
mystery of Piccolomini's death...

so they took him away
for just two reasons:

he either represents something
important we don't know about...

or they're afraid he'll lead
to the k*ller!

Couldn't he have just run away?

No, I'd rule that out.
He'd grown so fond of me...

It was as if he'd understood I could
arrest his master's k*ller

Salvo, you talk as if he's
a human being!

He's more intelligent than
a human being

Than most human beings
I've met!

- Good morning!
- Good morning!

- I'm Inspector Montalbano
- I know. How can I help you?

- Did you know Nenè Piccolomini?
- Yes, I took him gas cylinders

- You know he's dead?
- Yes, they told me

They said he left the gas on, but
this gas isn't deadly

Anyway, the cylinder was
practically empty

- How do you know?
- Piccolomini was very methodical

- What's today's date?
- The th

l should've taken him the new
cylinder tomorrow, the th

When he came by, he'd remind me:
"New gas cylinder on the th!"

One last question: do all your
cylinders have this sticker?

- Yes, it's our trademark
- I understand

- Thanks, bye
- Bye

- What have we come here for?
- Hold this and I'll show you

This isn't one of the cylinders
Piccolomoni usually bought

- It hasn't got a yellow sticker
- So?

Maybe the k*ller substituted it

- Why?
- To be sure it was full

You said this gas isn't deadly!

Maybe the k*ller didn't know!

He's ignorant, like us two!

- They cut off the electricity
- There aren't any light bulbs!

- They're no use to a blind man!
- Right, I didn't think!

Maybe the k*ller didn't
think either!

Call Jacomuzzi on his mobile!


- Hello?
- Jacomuzzi, it's Montalbano

- What can I do for you, Salvo?
- Remember the fingerprints...

- you took at Piccolomini's place?
- All his

l know, but I'd like to check the
ones I'm sure you took...

from the light switch
and the gas cylinder

- The kitchen switch?
- Yes

l want your findings tomorrow
morning: early

- Not enough time
- Work's work

- You're a bastard!
- Don't use these words...

it's unbecoming from a nice
boy like you!

- Bye, Jacomò
- Bye

Let's go and see

See? It sinks!

Why? Should it have floated?

Full ones sink, empty ones float

- What does that mean?
- I'll explain later

- Niccolò, what are you doing here?
- You called me. Here's the tape!

Ah, the tape! Thanks, come with me

- Come in and shut the door
- it's the video of the inauguration

- You owe me breakfast!
- Okay

l can't stand that engineer,
Di Stefano!

He won't even go to the toilet
without being photographed!

There will be much more of
this in the future. Thank you

- When was this video sh*t?
- Four years ago

I don't do this rubbish now, I let
Televigata do it

- What's in the background?
- Cages for the guide dogs

- These are the Lux in Umbra premises?
- Yes: Via Nazionale, Montelusa

- What's your name?
- Gerlando Cascio

- What did he say his name was?
- Gerlando Cascio

...l feel reborn thanks to Mr Di
Stefano's kindness...

Very melodramatic!
"The ordeal of Gerlando Cascio"...

It's just a bit of colour...

Thanks for everything, Niccolò!

- Remind me...
- That you owe me breakfast!


Mrs Tarantino's on the 'phone

Hello, it's Montalbano.
Good evening, Mrs Tarantino

Good evening, Inspector
l must talk to you

- I'll come round immediately
- No, not immediately

- No?
- I'll explain later

- When should I come then?
- Tonight. After midnight

Tonight, after midnight?

Please, don't park your car
near the house

- Why should I park far away
- I'll explain later, Inspector

- You'll explain?
- I can't talk now

- All right. Goodbye
- Goodbye. See you tonight

Di Stefano's driver,
Carmelo Aloisio...

son of Alfonso and Lucia...

I'll throw that ashtray at you

l was reading Fazio's notes

Anyway, Carmelo Aloisio,
nicknamed "The redeemed"...

is and has worked for Di
Stefano for years

- Why "The redeemed"?
- He k*lled someone when he was ...

a tobacconist he was robbing

After ten years in prison he was
let out on good behaviour

Then, more trouble till
Di Stefano employed him

From then on, his record's clean

This other "trouble"?

He was suspected of organizing
illegal dog fights

illegal dog fights?

- What happened?
- He was released on lack of evidence

- That's all?
- That's all, Inspector

- Well done. You can go now
- Thanks. Bye


- I'm Inspector Montalbano
- Mr Di Stefano isn't here

I'm not here to see him. Where's
Orlando, Piccolomini's dog?

- You had him!
- Ah, really?

- Where do you keep the animals?
- Come on, I'll show you

What all this about?
Where are the dogs?

- We've given them all away
- To whom?

To other charities for the needy.
Lux in Umbra's closing down.

- What do you mean?
- Di Stefano made a mistake...

He helped everyone with the
money of his deceased father...

- The money's all gone
- And the state aid?

Di Stefano did everything. Money
doesn't grow on trees!

Come in, it's open

Close the door


Some light?

Don't be scared, I'll go if you want

No, no. Come here

Sit down


Well, madam, what did you
want to tell me?

Leave my husband alone,
he's a good man

- I don't doubt it, madam...Your name?
- My name's Sara

What are you afraid of?

Why take all these precautions
to see me?

No one here knows who I am,
what my job is...

You're a man...

My husband's jealous...

if he knows I let another man in here,
he could k*ll me!

You wrote this note and put it
in the pitcher, right?


- Why?
- He b*at me up...

then tied me to the bed with
a rope.

He kept me tied like an animal
for days and nights

- What had you done?
- Nothing

A travelling salesman came by
and I opened the door...

l was saying I didn't want anything
when Pepè came back, saw us...

and went crazy!

- And after he untied you?
- He b*at me again

Then he had to go to market, and
he told me to load the van

l ripped a page out of
the newspaper...

tore it into strips and
wrote the messages...

and put them in different pitchers

Before he left, Pepè tied me up again

It was days before I got free

l went into the kitchen, got a Kn*fe
and slashed my wrists

But when you freed yourself...

why didn't you get away?

Because I love my husband

Then Pepè came back...

l was bleeding to death and
he took me to hospital

He told them I tried to k*ll

because my mother had just d*ed.
He didn't want to tell the truth

When I came home, I understood
Pepè had changed

And that night we conceived
my son

- He's never beaten you again?
- Never

Sometimes he gets jealous...

so he breaks things,
but he never touches me

But I've been so scared I can't
sleep at nights

Scared of what?

That someone would find the notes
now that it's all over

That Pepè would find out I'd ask
for help to get away from him

- He'd have started b*ating you again?
- No, on the contrary...

he'd have left me forever

- Fazio, you're back
- Yes, Inspector

l went the length and breadth
of the island

- But I did find something
- Tell me

No bank loans have been given
to the Impallomenis

At the bank on Levanza, they told me
that a foreign company...

wanted to open a holiday village

With competition like that, no bank
would give credit to the Impallomenis

l was just leaving...

when I saw and old man depositing
money in his account

So I thought about checking if
Piccolomini had an account there

- And?
- I was right

And what an account!

- Meaning?
- , euros

- , euros?
- Yes. All in his name

That's not all! Recca too...

- The fisherman?
- Yes. He was loaded...

but he'd invested in state bonds

l get it. And the autopsy
on Totò Recca?

They didn't find any water
in his lungs

You were right, it wasn't an
accident. He was m*rder*d

The k*lled him and threw him
in the water

Tomorrow call all the
solicitors in Vigata...

and find out who's handling
Piccolomini's will

if, as I suspect, Nenè had left
everything to his sister...

go to Levanza, get Impallomeni
and bring him here

We could save a bit of time...

- What do you mean?
- Levanza's far away...

and I thought you'd want to question
Impallomeni right away

- And?
- I already summonsed him...

he's in your office

- Thanks
- Just doing my job, sir

- Good evening, Mr Impallomeni
- Good evening

- You wanted to talk to me?
- Yes

There's something I've been wanting
to know since I was on the island

How was your relationship with Nenè?

Neither good nor bad

Actually, I was irritated by the fact
that he came every weekend

We have few guests, and a blind man
who seems like a beggar...

isn't a very good advert

ls it true you're up to ears in
debt because of your hotel?

Us small entrepreneurs are victims
of the banking system

Or the moneylenders?

Like the one you were talking to
on Levanza, near the anchors

Don't worry, your problems
are over

Your wife'll inherit your brother's
estate and you can pay your debts

- What estate?
- , euros in the Levanza bank

, in the Levanza bank?
l swear I didn't know about it!

He said he'd help me once...

but he wasn't doing it for me
because I didn't deserve it...

but for Ignazia and the kids

Often I didn't believe him though,
because he talked bullshit

- I never believed him up to now
- You were wrong

l can't believe it!
How could I have known?

He drew a pension of little more
than euros a month...

how did he manage to save
, euros?

May l?

Anyone home?

- Who are you looking for?
- Ah, good morning

- I'm looking for Gerlando Cascio
- Cascio?


You'd better hold a séance,
he d*ed just recently

He'd dead? How did it happen?

Why do you want to know?

I'm an estate agent. Someone's
looking for a house in this area...

You're barking up the wrong tree,
these are council houses

Cascio has one because he
was blind and disabled

He was helped by an engineer
who visited him every month

- Was his name Di Stefano?
- How should I know?

I only know that Cascio was very poor

But then, when he d*ed, his kids
came into a lot of money

He was a strange person...
and he d*ed in a strange way

- How did he die?
- He was on the railway tracks...

in his wheelchair just as the train
for Palermo was coming in

l know he had a dog. Did it die
with him? What happened to it?

It survived, but they had to
put it down

It att*cked every dog it saw,
even mine for all I know

You know if anyone reclaimed it?

A man passed by two days
after Cascio's death

He came for the dog, but he had
to leave empty-handed

- Thanks a lot. Bye
- You're welcome

- Did Jacomuzzi call?
- No

ls he asleep on those fingerprints?

Galluzzo, I told you not to read
at headquarters

We've been waiting an hour!

Don't give me that look. You asked
if Jacomuzzi called...

- and I replied that...
- Drop it

- And the dog?
- Don't worry

When he's back, you'll be the
first to know

l wanted to volunteer to look
for him

Once my nephew lost his cat
and I found it

- It was dead, but I found it
- All right, now go back to work

Salvo, you were right

The prints on the light switch
weren't Piccolomini's

- Maybe those on the gas cylinder too
- Why didn't you find out immediately?

Because I thought this urge to find
out why the invalid d*ed...

was just your usual bullshit!

And because I'd have had the
lab blocked for a week...

l waited for you to think about it

Have you all decide to show me
how professional you are?

Fazio brings in a suspect
without a warrant,

you don't analyse fingerprints
because it's a waste of time...

l won't even mention you! Work must
be done according to the rules!

Got that? So, who's fingerprints
are they?

Of a previous offender:
Carmelo Aloisio

Jackpot? See?

I think I understand
what was going on

Piccolomini got rich smuggling
dr*gs to Levanza

- He did on Di Stefano's behalf
- How did he smuggle them?

Inside his walking stick:
it was hollow

Every trip, he'd transport

- kilos of cocaine
- Who gave him the coke on Levanza?

Totò Recca, who maybe got it from
Tunisian traffickers out at sea

Recca would give it to Piccolomini,
who'd then deliver it to Di Stefano,

and Aloisio, his accomplice. He'd
refine it and take it to Fiacca

There was another invalid there,
Gerlando Cascio...

who'd take it to Palermo to distribute

So, why did they k*ll Piccolomini
if he was making them money?

Who knows? Maybe he wanted
to stop doing it...

and they were afraid he'd talk

Piccolomini had earned enough
for his goal:

to help his sister

Or Di Stefano couldn't hide the
trafficking behind charity any more

Anyway, three people are dead.
We have to nail the k*ller

I don't get one thing: how
did Piccolomini die...

seeing as the gas isn't lethal

The k*ller wanted to put him to sleep
then k*ll him with gas...

but like many of us, he didn't release
gas from cylinders isn't deadly

In the glass that Piccolomini
used for his sleeping drops...

he put a huge dose of barbiturates

But Nenè had heart trouble,
and no one knew

And in fact, he d*ed

Then the k*ller replaced the gas
cylinder with a new one

There was one in the house,
why didn't he use that?

He wanted to be sure that there
was enough gas to be fatal

It was a mistake, because l
realised the sticker was missing

Before leaving, he exchanged
walking sticks:

in place of the hollow one, he
left a normal one

Why did he want Orlando back?
He's a dog!

Orlando's a special dog:
he att*cks other dogs!


If a sniffer dog came near, Orlando
would att*ck it

Piccolomini, for his part,
would do some play-acting,

police officers would pity
him and let him pass

He's a precious dog,
and they took him back

And now we'll go and get them

It's closed. There'll be no one here

Are there any go-go dancers?

Want to look too, Galluzzo?

Let's go! You're always
the same!

Take cover!

- What do we do?
- Give me the g*n

- Where are they sh**ting from?
- The first floor balcony

I'm going in. Cover me

- Ready?
- Ready!

Carmelo Aloisio, it's Montalbano!

Don't do anything stupid!

We've got to go up there

All right

There's nothing here

Here neither

No one's here

See? They're hollow

The dogs sensed this is where
the dr*gs were hidden

if Di Stefano says Aloisio did
everything without him knowing?

That's what we'll make say

- Inspector!
- What is it?

Aloisio must have escaped this way

Chase after him then

Okay, Inspector

- Who is it?
- Montalbano. Can I come up?

- Can you come back tomorrow?
- Tomorrow could be too late

- All right, come up

My wife...
Inspector Montalbano

Could I have minutes alone
with your husband?

Certainly. if you need me, I'll
be through there

I'll put the children to bed

To what do we owe a visit at
this unusual hour?

I'm sorry, Mr Di Stefano. The
police don't have set hours

Especially when we're trying
to protect honest citizens

l must inform you that we raided
the Lux in Umbra premises

But don't be alarmed, we were
looking for your assistant, Aloisio

He eluded capture and is wanted
for drug trafficking...

and triple homicide

How can that be? I don't understand

We believe Carmelo Aloisio
hid his trafficking activities...

behind the good works of
your charity

We have proof that he
pushed cocaine

l understand this news
must be upsetting...

but I'm here to help you.
Don't worry about a thing

Now, police, m*llitary and customs
officers from all over Sicily...

are tracking him down. We'll get
him sooner or later!

There's a car outside to make
sure nothing happens to you...

and we'll tap your 'phone in case
you receive any threats

Please, answer the 'phone...


You should see him! He's having
a heart att*ck!

Compliments for your timing.
He was sh1tting himself!

I just finished talking...
and the 'phone rang!

Stay another half an hour, I'll
send someone to relieve you

l told him we'd place a car
outside the house, okay?

- All right. Goodnight
- Good night

- Bye darling. Don't worry
- Bye

- Bye, behave, eh?
- Bye daddy

- Bye daddy
- Bye sweetheart

Here I am

Here you are

What the f*ck have you come for?

To give you this

It's not enough

Not enough. I deserve better
redundancy pay after years work!

Thanks to me you got out of prison

l paid all your legal fees,

Of course I do

But I thanked you enough...

years of doing your dirty work
don't count for nothing

l haven't got time to waste. Count
the money. You'll see it's enough...

to keep your mouth shut

It's obvious you were never
on the run

Life's expensive...

With the police on your back...
it's really f*cking expensive!


- Drop the g*n!
- Don't make things worse

Come on...

Leave him here, we've got
to have a chat

- Leave us alone
- But Inspector...

Tortorella, do what I say.
b*at it!

So Aloisio, now we're alone and
no one can hear us...

will you reveal a secret?

I haven't got a secret!

I only know that Di Stefano got
me out of prison...

- to traffic cocaine
- I know that

l know you launder dirty money
through charity work...

and that you k*lled invalids...

and a fisherman on Levanza
because you wanted to stop

Di Stefano forced me to!

He was sh1tting himself because
he thought the old men would talk

Tell that to the judge! I want to
know what happened to Orlando

- Who the f*ck's Orlando?
- What do you mean?

Piccolomini's dog. The one you
didn't k*ll with his master

I don't know!

You disappoint me, you know?

It's not good enough

Now you decide:

either Di Stefano k*lled you...

to avenge himself for your
blackmailing him,

or I k*ll you...

to defend myself during
your escape attempt

But I'd advise a third

tell me where Orlando is,
piece of sh*t!

Move, you bastard!

- There's Orlando!
- I see him. Go and get him

You're animals, not human beings.
Shame on you!

What's up, boy? Want to play?

I can't I'm on duty

Let's go! Quick!

Come on, take him in! Move it!