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01x10 - Call It Sleep

Posted: 12/24/22 21:36
by bunniefuu

Today, the mayor will confirm
his resignation definitively.

As of tomorrow,
Rome gears up for new elections,

even though the parties haven't shared

information regarding
potential candidates.


We hope one candidate will emerge
from numerous parties in play

capable of bringing Rome
back to the greatness it deserves.

We're in for three months of promises
and solutions to Rome's problems.

What's certain is the left's had a hold
on the city for 15 years and now...

You okay, Mom?


How dare you set foot in this house?

To remind you what we need

and what you promised us.

Our project for Ostia
is worth two billion euros.

I want the land, time is up.

My respects, ma'am.

And thanks for the coffee.

This is why you can't sleep?

-Come back to bed, it's early.
-I'm going home.



Because I feel like it.

Look at yourself, Lele,

you're just a kid.

Sara, what the f*ck
are you talking about?

-A minute ago you were in bed in my arms.
-Yes, I know.

Are you dumping me again?

It's better like this.

No, it's better for you. Only for you.

You're so f*cking selfish,

staying with whoever serves you best.

that's why I'm going back to Sandro.

Only with him can I achieve what I want.

Do you know why you're here?
You haven't got anywhere to go.

You're not better than me,
you're just like me.

Tell me something,

did you believe in you and me
at least for a moment?

For a moment.

Get out.

What are you doing here?

I told you to solve the problem with
your brother, you haven't done it.

You think I don't know
you schemed with Quirino?

You sent the gypsies to Aureliano's gym.

Listen to me now,
'cause I won't say it twice:

your land has to be mine by tonight,

either you bring it to me
or I take it by force.

And this time, I'll get my hands dirty.

Wake up!

-Stay here, don't move.
-What's going on?

Do what I said.

-You come to finish the job?
-Easy, your sister wants to see you.

She just wants to talk,

she's got nothing to do with
what happened, it was all Quirino.

We'll see.


What are you doing here?

I need you to help me understand
what happened to your father.

I want to find his k*ller.

I've already told your colleagues
everything I know.

But you didn't say that you'd been
to see Franco that afternoon

or what you talked about.

I must have forgotten to mention it.

I don't know, I'm all confused.

-I need to be on my own for a bit.
-But it's important we talk.

Yes, just give me a couple of days.


How are you?

Where's the rat?

He's gone for good.

See? You did something right in the end.

What do you want?

Mom's kiosk.

Didn't you want to make it into
something nice, something yours?

Now we can do it, we'll do it together.

Me and you?

What about Samurai?

Samurai's already got the Vatican land.

-But he needs ours.
-The f*ck you sayin'?

I told you, he got them,

you really thought
you could f*ck him over?

Now he wants what Dad promised him,

but this is our home,
Samurai isn't in charge, we are.

We need to remind him.

You wanna get rid of him?

Come home,

me and you together,
not even the devil can stop us.

There's a price, though, isn't there?

There's only room
for you and me in this family.

You gotta get rid of the black bitch,
for good.

Me and you, Aureliano.
Just me and you.

Think about it.

Taccon's gotta sign off
on the project today,

because the mayor's going tomorrow
and then it's game over

and we'll have done all this for nothing.

-Did you do what I asked?
-First his signature, then the rest.

After he's signed,
you won't need me anymore.

-Why should I trust you?
-Because you have no choice.

What the f*ck's that?

Go! Outta my way!

Fuckin’ gypsies!

They stole my wallet! Thieves! Grab them!

Gotta a problem, huh?

It’s easy to take it out
on two little kids. Take it out on me!

What? Never seen
a pissed-off gypsy before?

Go home!

It's over,

I've left him.

I want to be with you.


It's all right, you can go.

Samurai got the Vatican land...

What the f*ck did you do, Monaschi?

I had to give it all to him.
I didn't have a choice.

You betrayed us with Samurai.

What the f*ck's in your head?

I was set up.

The f*ck do I care?

He blackmailed me.

You shoulda called me,
I would have fixed it.

-But now...
-Stop it, leave her alone!

Leave her alone!

-Who's he?
-Calm down. He's my husband.

This jerk? I see why you cheated on him.

-Call the police.
-Who the f*ck you wanna call?

Who are you calling?

Let go of him.

What are you gonna say?
You're bigger crooks than me...

Let go of him.

Watch out, Monaschi.

-I'm sorry.

I want a divorce.

Hi, Mom.

[in Sinti] [Your brother is under arrest
in a hospital bed.]

[Aldo is dead and you're here,
like nothing happened.]

[That's enough.]

[Now leave us alone.]

[We'll talk later.]

How's my brother?

We don't know yet.

-And why did you come back?
-This is my house and you're my wife.

What does that mean?

You wanna be
the princess of this family...

Let's do what we gotta do.

Let me do it, Alberto.

Close your eyes.

Close them.

You gotta go.

What are you talking about?

Get your stuff together,
Romolo will drive you home.


I'm going home
and there's no room for you.

Your sister?
Did she tell you to do this?

No one tells me what to do.

Livia was right,
I'm just a hooker to you,

someone you can buy and sell.

Now you've sold me out to her!


With this resolution, no.201,

the Commission approves
the unification of lot 405

with lot 411.

The contract is awarded
to the company Specchio Azzurro.

Mr. Taccon, we just need you
to sign the document.

Mr. Taccon?

Excuse me.

What's the problem?

Who's behind this company?

Taccon, please!

No one will ever investigate this,
I guarantee it.

Think of yourself, of your future,
far from here, sign that document.

Who will the land go to?

To some developers,
neither better nor worse than any other.

But look at the result,
Ostia will have a port.

Work, development, the city's energized.

Save your lies for your re-election
campaign, you'll need them.

You're in it now.

Do you think you're smart enough
to back out?

You don't seem smart to me,

at all.

Finucci was smart.

Look what happened to him.

Sign that document, trust me.

How do you sleep at night?

Like a baby.

We better go.



Took care of it.

How are you?

When are you seeing Samurai?

Tonight, I'll tell Romolo to set it up.

No, I'll do it.

-You shouldn't go.
-I'll do what the f*ck I want.

All right.

I'm glad you're here.

It's the second time
you've come to my house.

What do you want?

No, I quit.

Stefano and I have decided,

we're kicking you out of the Party.

You won't be on the party ticket
for the upcoming election.

I imagined as much.

-You're not interested?
-No, I've got other plans.

Like what?

You said what you had to say,

so why are you still here?

I know why you're still here,

because I've changed

and now you want me.

You should quit too, they're bad for you.

-Are we ready, Romolo?
-All set.

I'm coming too.

No, I need you to go home.

Call that piece of shit and tell him
you're coming with the signed papers.

Let's go.

Moreno, go with Livia.


That was Livia.

All set.

What's wrong?

I did what you said.

And are you happy?

I think so.


I am too.

I thought you were coming alone.

I like company.

What do you want?

I'm in charge of Ostia now.

If you want to make deals,
make 'em with me, or stay out.

The kid's become a man.

And you've grown old, look at you.

Maybe it's time for you to f*ck off.

You think so?

Did you think I was so f*cking dumb
that I wouldn't know what you'd do?

I'm not afraid of dying, are you?

You want to take Livia's place
and get in on the deal?

Okay I'll keep you in.

You'll be in on my share,
I didn't even give your father that much.

But times have changed,
you need to make room for young people.

Say hi to your sister.


Gianluca, all good?

Oh, it's you.

-Where's Gianluca?

Go out too, I gotta talk to Livia.

Come on.

Your brother wants to see you.

Go away.

Take this money and go.

What are you saying, Aureliano?

Don't touch me.

I don't want you to touch me.

Ever since you were born,
I remember Dad saying,

"Mom's gone."

And he put you in your room

and you cried.

You cried...

I can still remember that crying.

So I got a pillow,

because I didn't want to hear
that crying anymore.

And then I saw you,

you were this tiny little thing.

So, I picked you up

and you stopped crying.

Mom was gone, but you were there,

my brother.

You can't do this to me, Aureliano.

-Look at me.
-Take this money and go.

All because of that black bitch?

Go away.

Everything my brother did, he did for us,

for this family,

so everyone in Rome would respect us

and no one would treat us
like gypsy scum anymore.

Only now he's under arrest
at the hospital and Aldo is dead.

[Now I'm the head of this family.]

[No one's gonna disrespect us anymore.]

[What do we do about the Adamis?]

[I've got something in mind.]

You like seeing it from up high?

I like seeing it from here.

Never forget where you come from,

especially when you still don't know
where you're going.

-I know exactly where I'm going.
-Where's that?

I'll never be the mayor of this city,

I'll never be an important politician,

one of those who go on TV.

My destiny is to stay behind the scenes,

just like you.

I rule Rome.

Rome can't be ruled,
at most it can be administrated.

You're from the world in between,

a place where different interests meet,
legal and illegal.

In reality, you're the administrator
of Rome, not its ruler.

And who would you be?

Your partner.

Don't relax too much then,

we only have three months
to get the mayor we want elected.


Let's sit down.

-Your Eminence.

-How is Sandro?

-He sends his regards.
-Come in.

Help the poor?

But your work on the Commission
isn't done.

Yes, I know, but after the tragedy
with Monsignor Theodosiou

I realized I wanted to do more,

that I need to do more

and I'd like to offer myself

to those really in need, the destitute.

The destitute?


Our cities are filling up
with people in search of hope,

migrants who have left everything
to come here.

And I think I can help them.

Sandro asked you for a divorce.

Did you think I didn't know?

Like you thought I didn't know anything

about your dirty dealings
with Monsignor Theodosiou?

Migrants are the business of the future,

they say they're more profitable
than dr*gs

and you know this.

But the Church can't be complicit in,

the Church must help the poor.

You made a mistake, Sara,
this time it's gone badly for you.

But I have to admit
that you have a certain talent

and perhaps you've found
the right person to collaborate with.

It had to seem real,
I couldn't tell you the truth.

I had to lie to you
to protect you from Livia.

So, what do you want now?

I want you with me, that's what I want.

-Good morning.
-I came by to thank you.

-Thank me?
-Yes, I learned a lot from you.

Not to give in to emotion
and to watch my back,

but especially how to hold a grudge
against those who've crossed me.

Lessons I won't forget.

Take care.

Another thing I learned from you,
to love the poor.

Councilmen, a moment's silence, please.

The mayor is arriving.


-Is the rumor true?
-Which of the many?

That you won't be on the ticket,
that the party doesn't want you anymore.

The mayor resigned
and we're heading to an election

and you'll no longer be a city councilman,
what will you do?

I'll be here, in my office, as always.


-I'll run on my own.
-For mayor?

Cinaglia, you've got no chance.

Mayor? No.

I'm running for something much better.

There's something I gotta do.

See you later, okay?

You're going?

I gotta see someone.

Stop, Alberto.

[Wait outside.]

You're acting like a boss,

but bosses can't be traitors.

[What do you mean?]

I know about you and the Adami kid.

Know this,

as of today
I'm not protecting you anymore.

You're just like anyone else,

if you make a wrong move, you'll pay.

Remember that.

Want to get something to eat?

Not now, I've got to do something
I can't put off.


I need to talk to you, it's important.

Okay, but not now, I'm going on duty.

Maybe tonight.

Let me know.

Yes, see you later.

See you.

To make them happy, I should k*ll you,

to show them who I am.

But I don't need to k*ll you
to know who I am.

I don't need to prove anything
to anyone, not even you.

And who are you, Spadino?

A scumbag gypsy.

A gypsy and a f*gg*t.

But now I'm in charge at home.

Things have changed.

In the end, we're both in charge, see?

I'm doing the deal with Samurai,
on my own though.

There's no room for you.

Neither you nor Samurai decide that.

Keep it in mind,

maybe one day
you'll see things differently

and remember who your real friends are.

If not, next time I'll have to k*ll you.

Next time, Spadino.

I went to Dad and I told him everything,

where the hook-up was,
what the guys looked like.

And you don't know anything else?


I imagine it wasn't easy
to come and tell me this.

There's something else.

I'm listening.

Dad was right.

What do you mean?

I want to join the force.

Gabriele, your father's gone.

I'm not doing it for him,

I'm doing it for me.

But I need you to help me.


Thank you.

You can't stay here, you know that.

I'll just get my stuff,
then I'm leaving for good.

Romolo, come on.

Where the f*ck's that black bitch?

-Don't do anything dumb, Livia.
-Over there, move!

I'll find her myself, don't worry.


Not this dickhead again.

Get in.

Get in.


Nude as Rome
Great as beauty

A caring mother who hits you
And caresses you

A tired worker
A big shot or a bandit

Tonight you'd like to be
Her favorite son

But you're like all the others
Tired face at the bus stop

Eyes down, hands in pockets
Thinking of your day

Everything you have
You had to sweat for it

Zero privileges, Mafia Rome style

Those around you
Have put a price on life

The daily reward
For eating yourself up bit by bit

Then you raise your eyes and see Rome

And those who really live this city
Find meaning for it all

And don't want to leave anymore...

Don't want to leave anymore...

Don't want to leave anymore.