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02x01 - Find Her

Posted: 12/24/22 21:39
by bunniefuu
Slow down.

- Shall I stop?
- No.

Romolo? It's Livia.

I'm back.

I need you to set up a meeting
with my brother.

Where the f*ck were you? Are you okay?


- When do you want to meet?
- Tonight.

Okay, where are you?

I'm in Ostia.

We've been looking for you
for three months.

Speak to Aureliano.

Okay, but don't disappear again.

I'm not leaving again.

Even if he wants to k*ll me.

You really f*cked up.

Let me know.


Your sister's back in Rome.

All right.

I told him.
Samurai's coming too.

We'll put an end to this f*cking business
once and for all.

Good evening. Do you want a room?

No. Tell me in which room is the woman
who is waiting for me.

This woman.

- I can't give you that information.
- No?

I'll k*ll you like a dog.
Tell me where she is.

She just arrived.

Come on.

Come on!

- 125.
- There you go.

- Well?
- Nothing. She didn't show up.

I'll keep looking.
I'll put someone out here.

I've been waiting
for three months, Aureliano.


I need your sister's signature
for that f*cking land.

I'm blocking everything now,
even what you've got.

- Yeah, sure...
- No, you don't get it.

Not an ounce of coke gets through.
You don't sell a f*cking thing!

You're out of business. You're done!

That wasn't the deal.

The deal was
that you'd give me that f*cking land!

Ostia doesn't belong to the Adamis!

I made your father.

And I'm the one deciding
to put another puppet in your place.

[in Sinti] [Glory to the Father,

the Son,

[and the Holy Spirit.]

[Come and save me. Amen.]

[Glory to the Father, the Son

[and the Holy Spirit.]

[Come and save me.]


- [If it's all good, let's go.]
- [We're ready.]

- [Move, open the door.]
- [Okay.]

[Wait in the car.]

- You must pray for your brother.
- We've been praying three months.

He's still hooked to tubes
in the hospital.

- I've got something more urgent to do.
- What can be so important?

I'm the head of this family, Ma.

Only you haven't realized that yet.

It's time for you to step aside.

That way,
you'll have more time for praying.

Good evening. How are you?

- How are you?
- Good evening.

Wow, so many of you! What's going on?

You got something to say to me?

- When can we start pushing sh*t again?
- The situation's getting complicated.

We've lost a ton of money
in the three months since you took over.

And it can't be a problem just for us.

Yes, it's a problem for everyone.
We're working on it.

But you need to have some patience.

All right?

Have you ever had problems with my family?

Have you had problems? Yes or no?

- No.
- Right.

I think we're done. Right?

Word is Samurai's
blocking shipments to you.

- Yeah, explain that whole business to us.
- Shut your mouth!

And who told you? Huh?

Aureliano, we just want to work.
How can we without coke?

Remember, I decide when you work.

All right?

Now go f*ck yourself.

- You brushing us off like this?
- Next time I'll ask your permission.

Gentlemen, we're done for today.
Thank you.

Two goals conceded in ten minutes!

I mean, it was only a friendly,
but losing a match that way is scandalous.

Seriously! But let's get away from soccer.

Let's try to think about something else.

Tomorrow in Rome there's a vote
to elect a new mayor, a new city council

and all new representatives
for the capital's 19 municipal districts.

All people that we hope
will work diligently for our city,

because in recent years
we've been through a lot.

Among other things, all we needed
was the landing by boat this afternoon

of more than 500 migrants.

Utter madness.

Rome is not equipped to take them in.

I want to know
why didn't we stop them earlier?

This is on the verge
of becoming unmanageable,

for politicians, the Church, citizens.

Who knows
if this news will also influence voters.

I really hope so.

Here at Radio Roma Sport we know very well
who we will be voting for.

And we hope you do too.

Go Roma! Go Roman people!

We only have three hours to do the checks
before they open the polling station.

Move it, guys. You already look tired!

Magnani, did you bring your crosswords?

- Even the monthly edition, Inspector.
- Good man. Go on.

Massoli, stay by the stairs
so you can help the elderly.

All right. Thank you, I can't wait.

Something wrong?

No, it's fine.
You're my boss and I do what you say.

May I?


[in Sinti] [Got what I need?]

[Do they know what you're doing at home?]

[I've got something for you.]

[To thank you.]

[Show him in.]


- Sir...
- My pleasure.

- I'll leave this with you.
- Thank you.

- Thank you. Bye.
- Goodbye.

- Thanks. Have a nice day!
- Bye.

Mr. Cinaglia!

- Good day, everyone.
- Who'll be the new mayor of Rome?

No comment.
Campaign silence is in effect. Good day.

What took you so long?
Were you having second thoughts?

It takes time
to find the least villainous one.

Mr. Cinaglia?

Adriano Latelli, Radio Roma Sport.

- I know you.
- Hi.

I followed your campaign very closely.
I'd like to ask you for an interview.

Don't you cover sports?

In truth, I cover everything
that happens in this city,

from our beloved local team to politics,

two topics that unite all our fans,
but you probably know that.

- The polls are open. I can't talk.
- Sure.

Not today.
Come on the show after the results are in.

You'd do better to invite the winners.

Mr. Cinaglia, you're going to be
the surprise of this election.

Forget surprises.

What a terrible answer!

He discusses soccer.
He doesn't get a thing about politics.

But a lot of people listen to him.

Once again the sun shines on my city

And gives me energy
To do even things I find shitty

I got just enough time
To grab a coffee and run

Just enough time to make sense of reality

We used to dream of America here

Now we just want to go to a place
Where people win who deserve it

Look around
And you see people looking hysterical

Talking sh*t
About conspiracies and mysteries

Think about it
Those aren't the real troubles at all

It's warmth we lack
We need love one and all

- How many are there?
- Hundreds.

We're ready.

We need to know
what the authorities want to do.

Yes, but this is a state of emergency.
They can't refuse to give them to us.

- We must be patient, Sara.
- We've waited long enough.

Your Eminence,

the facilities you've provided my charity
are ready to start running.

If we squeeze them in,
we can shelter hundreds.

At 35 euros a day for each one of them.

A tidy sum, wouldn't you say?

Sir, excuse me. May I?

Can you tell me the exact number of people
we need to provide shelter for?

514, Your Eminence.

We can provide shelter for all of them.
We can try to not to split up families.

Mrs. Monaschi's organization is quite new.

This task requires people with experience
to keep things going.

You could send your staff to give
Mrs. Monaschi's organization a hand.

- And who gets the money?
- Sister!

You're worrying about money
in a situation like this?

All right, you take the families, ma'am.
Come with me.

Where were you?

- I have to talk to you.
- I have to talk to you, too.

- I've got Livia Adami.
- What?


I put guys everywhere.
Bus and train stations, airports.

We finally got her.

She fled Rome.

Without her,
Samurai's Ostia deal falls through.

- Now I've got her.
- Play that card right, Spadino.

Yes, I know.

I already know how.

I want to show them all in there
they've got a real boss.

I'm ready.

- I'm ready, too.
- Good.

For what?

There are two lines, right?

Yes, what does it mean?

- What do you say in these situations?
- You say, "Get outta here."

She's not here, let's keep looking.

I can't come.
There's a new problem in Ostia.

- What problem?
- At the bar.

They took everything we had left.

Go on ahead, I'll join you later.


Listen, in a while I have to go.
You take charge of the polling station.

- As you wish, Sir.
- So formal again. Quit it.

Inspector, there's no point
in you being sweet with me.

Cristiana, I only want to work
in a peaceful environment.

Especially with you, you're...

my best officer.

- Is that clear?
- All right, and thank you.

Sorry, I gotta go.

- What do you want?
- I came to pay my compliments in person.

Deputy Inspector
of the Ostia Police Force.

Well, what a coincidence!

- Right where I need someone I can trust.
- I don't work for you anymore.

- You think so?
- Yes, I do.

Julius Caesar forgave traitors,
do you know why?

Because he thought
even an enemy could come in handy,

if he can be blackmailed.

You tried to f*ck me over
and I forgave you.

I know an awful lot about you, Lele.

You've got no proof.
You ain't got a damn thing.

If you talk, I'll denounce you,
even if I risk jail myself.

Think you're an inspector
because you're so smart?

Who do you think got you the job?
Your dearly departed father?

That's right, don't answer me.

Livia Adami is back in Rome.
Find her and bring her to me now.

Get to it.

Now you've got police resources
at your disposal, use them well.

She was last seen in this motel.

I'll call you.

Just think
if your father could see you now.

How proud he'd be.

- They took everything, the pieces of sh*t.
- Who could it have been?

Come with me.

Guys, everyone come here please.

Switch everything off.
Chiara, wrap it up. Stop.

This electoral campaign
has been a long adventure.

We've met a lot of people in recent weeks.

We've heard their problems and complaints.

We've presented
our projects and our ideas to them.

I sincerely want to thank all of you,
one by one.

I consider your faith in me
to be part of the commitment I've made.

Really. Great job.
Great job everyone, thank you.

Running as an independent candidate
in Rome was a crazy thing to do.

I will never be the Mayor of Rome.
We always knew that.

We want 3%, which may not seem like much,
but it's a lot for us.

3% gets us onto the city council,
and then we can start to change things.

So, really, thanks again, people.
Thank you all. Thank you.

Well done.


- Did I sound like I was at a rally?
- Stop! You like it.

- Did you see the polls?
- Yeah.

- I'm at 2.5%.
- Polls can be wrong.

- You know that.
- Let's hope.

- I gambled everything.
- Amedeo.

Look at me.

It'll be fine. I'm certain of it.


It's Moroccan, you'll love it.

No, I can't smoke today.

I've got to keep a clear head.

What's going on
for you to say no to a joint?

Angelica's pregnant.

Unbelievable, right?

Everything's about to change.

Can you see yourself changing diapers?

f*ck that! Angelica will do it.

Sorry, I forgot your family still lives
in the Middle Ages.

Nice track.

Is it yours?

Yeah, it is nice.

You're talking about Rome's best DJs.

We're playing tonight.

Can you come?

No, I can't tonight, Teo.

I'm about to make it big.

I'm about to make it big.

[in Sinti] [I'd like you to meet...

[Livia Adami.]

I knew you were trash,
but not to this degree...

Show some respect.

[in Sinti] [All Rome's looking for her.]

[And I got her.]

[This changes everything.]

[We can get into business in Rome,
the big stuff.]

[Nice, Spadino!]

[She's our bargaining chip.]

[I'll give her
to the King of Rome, Samurai.]

[We'll make a deal with him.]

[It'll be the deal of the century.
The Port of Ostia.]

[The Anacletis are moving up.]

[Trust me.]

Your mother wants to talk to you.

Here two months
and you think you can give orders?

Adelaide wanted me here.

She's clearly uneasy without Manfredi.

Look, ten years of dealing in Abruzzo
doesn't count for sh*t.

Here you're just hired help.

That goes over here.
Set it up here please.

Sister, make these two as soon as you can.

Very well.

- Michela?
- Yes.

- Pardon me, can I see the arrivals list?
- Here.

512 immigrants. Good.

Except for a last few preparations,
we're ready.

I've had them prepare extra beds,
as we discussed.

Good, Sara. Great job.

- By the way...
- Cardinal Pascagni?

Vatican Gendarmerie.

Sorry to disturb you.
You have to come with us.


Have you seen her?

She was here, right?

Yes, but she left and didn't come back.

I know nothing about her.

- Let me see the camera footage, please.
- I can't. There are privacy laws.


Is this enough?

Here I am.

Well done, Alberto.

I didn't expect a move like that from you.

I've already told your cousin Alex
to take care of it.

Of what?

Livia Adami.

I'll take her to Samurai myself tomorrow.

You don't get it, Ma.

I'll take her and I'll negotiate.

No, Alberto.

The head of this family negotiates,
and that's not you.

And you never will be.

I'm in charge until your brother wakes up.

Then, God willing,
he'll take charge again.

What the f*ck are you saying, Ma?

Manfredi's in that state because of you.

And in this family we pay for our sins.

You have no future as long as I'm alive.


- Where's your father?
- I don't know.

I haven't got time to waste. Where is he?

- Hey! What's going on?
- You tell me what's going on. Come here.

- Nothing to tell me?
- I really don't think so.

Take her away. Turn the rides on.

- Give me my sh*t.
- Why not go worry about your sister again?

That way the dr*gs will move again...

Give me my sh*t.

If I tell you where it is, what do I get?

I have to say my father was right.
He said you were a moron.

You can't negotiate with me.

If you want your sh*t, make a deal.

- Where's my stuff?
- We don't know, I swear.

We really don't know.

Now you're going to find it
and you're going to bring it to me, today.

Or this damn play-park
will become a graveyard.

The moment of truth has come, Cinaglia.

We've worked hard the past few months.

- Do you think you did a good job?
- We ran a campaign with a clear agenda.

However, in politics you can never
take anything for granted.

Tonight we'll find out
if I backed the right horse.

Speaking of which...

Nice leaflet.

You look tired.

What happens if I'm not elected?

I'll give it to you straight.

A lifetime won't be enough
to pay me back for the damage caused.

And I'm not talking about the money
I spent for your f*cking flyers.

I'm talking about the damage
of having invested in the wrong person.

In this game you can't afford
to lose a single hand, Cinaglia.

It's not easy to find someone like me.

We're in the same boat, don't forget that.

This way, please.

You have five minutes.

Thank you.

Your Eminence, what's going on?

They're investigating my past.

Soon I'll be brought to trial.

And our deal?


But I need you.

The refugee center
is in one of your facilities.

Hundreds of thousands of euros
are about to come in.

I can't help you anymore.

What am I supposed to do?

You'll have to find someone else.

There's a kid outside who says there's
a cop you know who wants to talk to you.

[in Sinti] [Well?]

[Where is he?]

[He's waiting for you there.]

Just let me talk, Spadino.

What the f*ck do you want?

I want to explain.

I set you guys up. I'm sorry.

- Samurai would've k*lled me if I hadn't.
- You're a piece of sh*t.

What I did was stupid.

But I paid dearly.
I lost my father, for f*ck's sake.

That's your fault, not ours.

I know.

I joined the police to change my life,

but that piece of sh*t Samuari
is back on my ass.

He's blackmailing me.

Now that you're a cop, I care even less.

- He's looking for Livia.
- All Rome is looking for her.

I know you've got her.

And what are you going to do?
Rat me out as usual? Huh?


I wanted to warn you.

Now you have to do something for me.

Something big must have happened
for you to come all the way here.

- Care to step inside?
- No.

I've got Livia Adami.

You're interested, right?

You can have her.

You just have to hand over
all the dealing in Ostia to me.

Just the Anacletis, is that clear?

- Is she in the car?
- No.

First we make the deal,
then we pay the price.

Bring her here in an hour
and we'll make a deal.

So are you in charge now?

- You not all right with that?
- Sure, it suits me fine.

Women are more reasonable.

We should spread them out.
What do you think, Amedeo?

- All right.
- I think we need more beverages.

- Chiara?
- Yes?

- Could you get drinks from the bar?
- Sure. I'll run over.

- I'll grab my bag.
- Wait, I'll go.

Where are you going?
You'll miss the results.

I need some air.


Whoa! Stop! Stop! Where are you going?

- [in Sinti] [What's going on?]
- [Damn dogs.]

- [Move! Open the door!]
- [Spadino, what the f*ck are you doing?]

- What the f*ck are you doing?
- Shut up and come with me. Come on!

Move! Come on!

[What the f*ck are you doing, Spadino?]

[Come with me.]

Go back inside and don't let them see you.

Go on!

Come on, let's go.

At last the municipal election exit polls
in the capital have come in.

Excuse me? Can you turn up the volume?

Centre-Left candidate Danilo Scorsetto
is in first place.

- Thank you.
- However, he is far from exceeding 50%.

The heavily favored Left,

who were confident their mayoral candidate
would be elected in the first round,

have attained 45.2% of the vote.

In second place in the polls,
and thus in the run-off, Da Campi,

supported by the Center-Right coalition,
he received 40.6%.

But, in third place,
the true surprise of these elections,

Amedeo Cinaglia
and his independent party United for Rome,

which has won over 9%.

Cinaglia has not only assured
his return to city hall,

he has also asserted himself

as a new independent political force
in Rome.

There will have to be a second round
of voting to elect the new mayor of Rome

in which those who voted for Cinaglia
will hold the decisive votes.

For all intents and purposes,
Cinaglia will be the one to tip the scales

in the election
of the capital's new mayor.

That's it for us for today,
but we'll be back again tomorrow.

Goodnight. And, as always, go Roma!

Let's go.

- What is it?
- You've got visitors.

Let me talk.

I come in peace.

I've brought you a present.

To show you can still trust me.

All Rome wants her, Aureliano.

And we brought her to you.

You can have her,
and all the land in Ostia.

k*ll her, do whatever you want with her.

But afterwards,
we have to get back together again.

The three of us against everybody.

Against Samurai...

To finally run this city.


Now get the f*ck out of here!
