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04x06 - Imaginary Friends and Enemies

Posted: 11/19/08 05:33
by bunniefuu
Melinda: Previously on ghost whisperer...

Let's have a baby.

Oh, god, I love you.

You did conceive, but your body didn't support the pregnancy.

You have to understand--you move between the world of life and death.

Sometimes you come back from one with a touch of the other.

A touch?

Of death.

Be careful.

It might brush off.

On what?

On what you touch.

Well, what is this prescription?

It's for a hormone.

It helps the embryo attach itself.

Basically makes it feel more at home so it can-

And this is all we need?


So we're gonna be able to have a baby?


I can't believe you worked on wall street.

Neither can I.

Uh, I told you that.

No, you told me he hates suits.

I told you he hated being a suit.

A suit who is on his way to a corner office.

What can I say?

Well, I gotta tell you, I'm glad I'm finally getting a chanceto meet the legendary Jim Clancy.

He's heard a lot about you.

You can hear a lot about somebody when they've worked 80 hour weeks together.

So listen, Jim, you don't missthe anxiety and the tensionof tearing open that journal the moment you wake up, huh?

Uh, no.

What I'm looking forward tois seeing your wedding announcementin this sunday's times.

It makes me very happy.

Oh, me, too.

Me, three.

Times a thousand.

A million squared.

Mommy, how much longer?

Just a few more things and we're off to the lake house.

And guess what?

Jim and Melinda are gonna stay with us all through the wedding.

Wait until you guys see Natalie's dress.

Oh, she looks like a princess.

A ballerina.

A beautiful ballerina.

Are you sure you're ok with everything?

Place settings, furniture?

Because furnishing events is kind of new to us, and we just want to get it right.

Please, you guys.

I love everything.

I'm not even worried about it.

Well then, why don't you let us take care of the rest?

Yeah, go get some frozen yogurt with nat, and when you get back, we'll be all packed up and ready to go, right?

Did I tell you about this guy?

Thanks, honey.

I love you.

Love you, too.


Oh, where is it?

It's right here!

Ah, it's got new satin liningand restitched embroidery.

It looks perfect.What do you think?Think she's gonna love this necklace?

She's gonna love it.

I want it.

Can I have it?

See you guys in a couple?

All right.

Here, let me bring this out.

You got it?

See you, guys.

All righty.

Ok, we'll see you guys.

Thanks, guys.

All right, your bag's in the car.

The car's packed.

You got everything-- shoes, dresses... medicines?

Full course.

Talked to Dr. Chen, we're all set for Saturday.

Wow, ok.

Little person, we are going to make you in the most beautiful cabin in the whole woods.

You're gonna have to get used to this.

You see, when you're pregnant, people are gonna start talking to your stomach.

You know what, Mr. Clancy?


You make me very happy.

It's gonna work this time.

What is that?

Oh, my god.

Is it a scary ghost?

Again, mommy!

Later, baby.

We still have more rooms to open up.

Guests are coming.

Grandma will be here soon.

I brought your blanket.

And do you know what?


Mommy used to sleep in that bedevery summer when I was a little girl.

Everyone's here!

Let's go.

But mommy, I wanna play up here.

Please, please, please!

Ok, ok, ok, ok!

5 minutes.

But be careful, baby.


How did you do that?

Are you magic?


But don't talk so fast.

It's hard to understand.

You got it.

Yes, darling.

Let me help you with that.


Hunter: Hey, where's nat?

Oh, she's in my old room, playing.

Old room playing?

Yeah, don't worry.

She's ok.

Well, I mean, the house has been locked down and closedfor a few months now.

It might be rustic to you, but I think it's a little rickety.

I don't think we should be in here.

This is hunter's room.

Where'd you go?

Is this for me?

What do I do with it?

Wait, is this a game?

Hunter: Natalie!

Hey, sweetie, you said that nat was in your old room, right?


Isn't she?

No, no.

I mean, I checked all the bedrooms, but there's so many stairways, and these doors--



Hey, Trish, I'll check around the grounds?

The creek, please.

All right.




Nat, honey?


Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Nat, where are you?

Natalie: How come you want us to whisper?

Hey, listen.

Don't you want anybody to hear us?

That's Natalie.

Why don't you want anyone to know you're here?

Honey... didn't you hear me calling you?

We're supposed to whisper.

Natalie, who were you talking to?

Come on, honey.

There's no one in here, let's go.

You scared mommy.

Mommy, there was someone in there!

You scared him away.

He wanted me to find something.

Oh, there she is.

Hey, kiddo--

Um, Natalie...

How did you get that?

He wants mommy to have it.

Who, sweetheart?

Who you talking about?

This is from me.

This was--heh, this was supposed to be a surprise.

So, uh, surprise.

It's ok, you can open it.

Thanks, honey.

It's ok.


Natalie, what did you do?

It wasn't me!


Calm down, tricia.

He's been waiting for us!

Who's been waiting for us?

He says he never wants us to leave.

Ghost Whisperer

season 04 episode 06

Gthere's berry-picking in the morning, directions to the trails for riding, lunch, then at 4:00, cocktail-croquet--

Ah, sport of champions.

And tomorrow night, the rehearsal dinner.

It's really sweet of them to organize all this.

What was he like?

Natalie's dad?

Ah, he was a little bit like hunter.

You know, kinda low-key but friendly.

You know, they'd been together since college.

So they spent some time here.



Just must be hard for him to let go.

Before the ant thing, I heard Natalie talking to somebody--

Right, to her imaginary friend, huh?

Yeah, the friend was whispering back.

Oh, no.

You know, little kids can see spirits.

She's still young enough.

And you think it's tricia's first husband?

He d*ed, she's getting remarried.

How would you feel?

Probably about as mad as a mob of red ants.

Hey, Melinda.

Meet another guest.

This is Christopher Murray, an old friend of hunter's.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

And you know my mom, of course, margaret.

Yeah, well, you know, she rescued me on one of her morning walks.

It's not that easy to find this place.

Well, we're obviously glad you did.

So why don't we get you settled.


Oh, yeah, this, uh, a little something for the groom.

Isn't that thoughtful?

Christopher and hunter have known each other since they were 15.

Now they're opening a restaurant together.

It's a place I invested in in dallas I told you about.

Oh, yeah.

I'm sure it's hard to keep it all straight with this mogul.

One second we're slinging around rich guys' golf clubs and the nextecond, he is the rich guy.

Hold on a second.

I mean, you were the one who actually came up with the ideafor the restaurant in the first place, not me.

Opening one was my idea, but everything else was yours.

The concept, the name.

What is the name?

Axiom steakhouse.

Hmmyou'll have to ask the genius what that means.

Ah, come on, I can't brag about my old friend?

No, no, keep braggin'.

No problem.

Just save some for the toast.

Let's get you a room, shall we?

See you later, darling.

Bye, Melinda.

I'm so glad that one of his friends took initiative.

Hunter's not in touch with his family, and most of his friends are from work.

He won't admit it, but I think he kept his list shortso it wouldn't be too much about him.

Where is she going?

You know, I take my eyes off her for one minute...

It's so unlike her, wandering off like that.

You know what, I can go check if you want, 'cause I'm going out for a run, anyway.

You sure?




It's pretty down here, huh?

You know, they had a stream like this where I grew up, too.

Did your friend bring you out here?

It's ok if he did.

I know that most grown-ups don't believe in imaginary friends, but I do.

Is he here with you right now?

He doesn't like to be around people because he's really sick.

Ok, well, that's hard.

You know, your mom told me that your dad was really sick, do you think maybe that's why he's being so shy--

I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Ok, I'm sorry.

Do you mind if I talk to him?


I don't want you to and neither does he.

Why not?

Because he's mad.

He's really mad.

Mommy, mommy!

Well, hello, princess!

You have to come with me.

He wants you to see something.

Who, your friend?

You know what, baby, I can't play right now.

The rehearsal dinner's about to begin.

Mommy, he says it's important.

He says you have to come now.

Please, please, please?

Ok, but listen, it has to be quick.

Quick, quick.

Come on, let's go.

All right!

He wants us to follow him!


Ok, what you want to show me?

Did you do that?

That means he wants you to look inside.

That's the game.

Right, the game.



Who put an ice pick in the linen drawer?

Did you put that in there?


I don't know why he did that to you.

Natalie, you know what?


Stop with the imaginary friend.

No more games, not like these.


I love you.

I love you so much, and nothing is going to change that.

But I'm getting married tomorrow.

No matter what.

Do you understand?


Can I come in?

I heard about what happened to your mom.

It must have been really scary.

I don't know why he's being so mean to her.

What are you drawing?

That's me and mommy catching butterflies.

It's lovely.

What are the other ones?

That's owen.


Is that your friend?

He's a little boy.

Are those leg braces?

Is that what you meant when you said he was sick?

Why does he look so sad?

Because he says something very bad is going to happen.

I-I don't mean to be dense, but I don't understand why you're asking me.

Why would I know this boy?

He's not even real.

Sometimes kids will model imaginary friendsafter real people that they've met.

So did nat ever see anyone maybe with leg braces?

You know, it could have been from a while ago.

Maybe in the hospital when jeremy was sick?

I have never seen nat with this boyat the hospital or anywhere.

But I gotta say, I'm really proud of you, honey.

I mean, my gosh...

Look at how creative you are--

Owen's real.

Of course.

In your mind, of course.

Mommy, I didn't make him up.

Well, let's take a look at these pictures.

Someone decided to give him a red shirt and blue pants--

But I didn't draw those.

I just drew this one.

Wait, that one's in marker.

Those are in crayon.

We don't have any crayons here.

I know those drawings.

Don't you?

Why would I, mom?

You drew them.

There was a game you played that summer.

A strange little game.

With these drawings?

With your made up friend.

My made up friend?

What was the game?

It was sort of a word game, with a treasure hunt mixed in.

You'd hide objects around, and they spelled out words somehow.

Wait, wait, I-- I seem to remember this, but it's a game that you showed me, mom.

You showed me how to play.

You took the first letterof each hidden thingand put it together, right?

No, sweetheart, I remember distinctly.

I used to think, goodness, my tricia's working awfully hardfor me to believe--

Owen did it!

He hid the clues.

He still does.

Ok, Nat.

Honey, look--

You know what, tricia, why don't you and I go and take a walk?

Am I supposed to believe I just conveniently forgot all this?

That I used to see ghosts, including a boy ghost I used to play with?

All children believe in thingsthey stop believing in as adults.

Memories fade, and people have no room for it next to their logic and reason.

But you do.

Well, I don't have a choice.


So let's say this owen is real.

What now?

We have to find out what he wants from you.

Other than wrecking my wedding?

Well, we're ok in one way--at least he wants to talk to you.

Now we just have to get him to cut to the chase, which is why I brought you here.


Is his voice in the babbling brook?

Does he use a tree phone?

I remember my wedding day, too.

I was also a little on edge.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful.

It's just, I'm so stressed out--

He's here.


He's a little shy, so he doesn't liketo stay in one place at a time--



I'm Melinda.

Look, I came here to tell youthat tricia, she is not having fun playing your game--

She's not supposed to.

Are you talking to him right now?

Whatever it is you want her to know, just tell her.


Ok, you don't understand.

She doesn't have time to play your gamebecause she's getting married today.

Look, since the two of you can talk to each other, why doesn't he just play the game with you?


What was that?

She has to play.

Tell her if she doesn't, she'll be sorry.

Tell her!

He says that you have to play.

You're the only one.

You know what?

I know you're trying to help, but I walk down the aisle in 6 hours, and, uh, this is, uh, this is just too much for me.

I'll see you back at the lodge.

Trish, honey, everyone's getting together outsidefor some candids before the ceremony.

Are you still obsessing over that seating chart?

If I could think, I'd be done already.

Just tell them I'll be down in about 10 minutes.

I'd better tell them 20.

Mom, seriously, if you don't stop...

Ok, fine.

Let's play.

What am I scared of?

Any luck?

Sure would help if I had more than a first name.

You tried cross referencing the lodge name or the street name...

Yeah, sorry.

Of course you have.

It's just Trish is an old friend.

I'm a little worried about her.

You and me both.

If we don't get a handle on this ghost soon...

I know, don't say it.

You guys seen Trish?

She was supposed to be down here to take some pictures.

Oh, she's upstairs obsessing over the seating chart.

Um, I'm gonna go, uh, track Trish down.


Who's Bob?

What is this, apples?

You want me to bob for apples?

Good for you.

Well, she's not in her room.

I'm sure she'll be here any second, it's just--

Well, we can both help you look.


Paah, just get it off! Just get it off!

It's off, it's off.

Sweetie, it's off.

Listen to me, hey.

I got it off, ok?

It's the last one.

It's the last one, I swear.

Why is he doing this?

I just want this to end!

Well, it's gotta be a message.

We just have to figure out--

No, we don't, ok?

Please save it.

Can't you see she's been through enough?

Look, I know you guys are trying to help, and you're old friends and we appreciate it.

But the last thing Trisha needs to hear about right now is ghosts.


So please.

It's ok.

Let's face it, we all have the same thing on our minds, even nat.

And I'm sure I'd miss jeremy too, if I knew him, but I don't, so--

We get it, ok?

Just take care of your fiancee.

The game is leading to something, some answer.

There's something he wants her to know.

Natalie said you take the first letterfrom every word, right?

Right, so far we have ants, ice pick, and leeches.



What does that mean?


I mean, Natalie said owen was sick, right?

So maybe the subject of the message is ailment.

Yeah, but what disease would he havewhere he'd have to wear leg braces?

Polio, but only if he d*ed a long time ago.

Well, the lodge has been in tricia's family for generations.

Um, there's hemiplegia.

Muscular dystrophy--

Ooh, wait.

That might be what I need to get his name.

There you go.

The owen grace muscular dystrophy foundation.

Hit the mission statement.

"founded in 1981 by the grace family in honor of their son, owen, who d*ed...

But he didn't die of the disease.

He drowned in morton creek.

Which is here, right on the property.

And where Natalie was playing.

And probably tricia, too.

Wait, you don't think maybe she had something to do with his death?


We need to talk.

Look, I know what happened.

I know that you drowned here.

I can help you, ok, but you need to talk to me.

Trish is done playing your game.

She can't be.

It's not over yet.

People don't want to play games that hurt them.

Hurt tricia?

I'm trying to help her.

With ants and ice picks and leeches?

She hates that stuff!


But that's a clue, too!

What does that mean?

What is a clue?

No, I'm not telling you.

It's our game, she has to figure it out.

Not you.


Owen, what if I get her to keep playing?

Then will you tell me what happened?

That is my best deal, ok.

You have to tell me what happened here.

This is where I first met her.

Wait up!

Wait up!

But they wouldn't.

I'll be right back.

Wait there.

Tricia came back with a pie of rope.


Now you can cross.


We went back to her house and played till dark.

The next day I came back to see her again.

Only she wasn't there...

But they were.



Tricia didn't come.

I thought maybe she was already on the other side.

And I really wanted to play.

So that's why you're still here?

Because you blame her for what happened?


I just told you, she wasn't even here.

I wanted to see her, so I waited.

That's all.

And you've been waiting here ever since?

I knew she'd come back...

I just didn't know she'd be in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

It's a grown-up secret.

She wouldn't want anyone else to know.

I gave her the clues.

Well, whatever it is that you gave her, it's not enough.

Yes, it is.

She just missed a few.

Tell Trish to keep playing.

I'm not suggesting that we look for more clues, but if you could at least look at what we have--


Tricia, I understand.

No, I don't think you do, Melinda.

This is my wedding day.

Look what I found a few minutes agoin what would have been my wedding bed.

It's a rope.

The same onethat you helped owen cross the creek with.

Rope, that's an "r, " right?

Ok, and we've got an a-i-l.

What is that, rail?

Or liar.

That would describe the ghostfor ever letting me think this would be over.

He said that you have all the clues that you need, you just haven't figured them out yet.

What does that mean?

That we're almost there.

Let's just finish this, ok?

Once and for all.

Yeah, I saw those in there before.

Who do they belong to?

It said "bob" in the mirror.


Bob could mean--

Short for robert.


Natalie said that owen led her here.

Maybe there's something we missed.

Not unless it's hunter's boxers.

Or this.

A gift for the groom from your old friend chris.

What is this?

It's hunter and Christopher from 12 years ago.

Trish, can I...

Robert langowski.

Oh, wait.



The liar...

It's hunter.

What's keeping her?

There must be a dozen checksmade out to Christopher for way morethan we agreed on.

Goes, what does all of this mean?

Whatever it is, I think owen was protecting you.

From hunter?

From robert langowski.

The restaurant in dallas, axiom steakhouse?

It doesn't even exist.

Christopher was blackmailing him.

Threatening to out him...

The way he hid the present, the lies--

Yeah, I think there's more.

I just got off the phone with one of my police friends.

No one under the name hunter claytonor robert langowski ever went to the harvard business school.

I'm sorry, Trish.

Ireland, of course.

Trica's always wanted to go there, so for our honeymoon--

Robert langowski!

Honey, come on.

I found it, the picture of you and Christopher.

Excuse us.

Honey, what are you doing?

Don't touch me!

You're not supposed to be down here yet.


None of it was real.


Tricia - sweetheart.

Tricia, darling, what's wrong?


You did it.

Tricia knows the truth.

The game is over.

You saved her from marrying hunter.

Isn't that-- isn't that what you wanted?


Jim: Maybe he crossed over.

Melinda: I don't think so.

Did everybody leave?

Oh, people cleared out of there like the place was on fire.

Trish and her mom are packing tonightto drive down to the city.

Maybe we can check in on them this weekend, go down.

So, help me out here.

Are your ghosts all-knowing now?

I mean, how did owen know the truth?

Well, hunter was at the lodge for a few days, you know, setting things up before the wedding.

Owen probably overheard something.

And they're not "my ghosts." sorry.

Did detective neely say what was going to happen to hunter or Bob or whoever the heck he is?

Well, there's no law lying about your background.

But finance is all about trust, so his career is over.

Marriage is about trust, too.

All right, one more trip, we should be done.

You want me to go with you?

Uh, no.

Um, why don't you stay here, you know, get everything done.

And then that'll give us time to come home early, right?

Oh, right.

Yeah, ok.

So I'll see you there.

All right.



Where have you been?What's wrong?

I tried to fix everything for her.

And you did.

She's safe now.

Hunter's gone.

He's still at the lodge.

He is? 'cause-- I mean, I'm sure he's gonna leave soon.

There's no reason for him to stay there now.

Same goes for you.

I think you're wrong.

He's really mad.

And he's acting weird.

Acting weird how?

I don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Especially not you.

Melinda calling you've reached Jim.

If this is an emergency, chances are, I'm already on my--

Forget it.

Detective neely.

Hey, detective neely, yeah, it's Melinda.

Hey, Melinda.

What's up?

Um, listen, hunter is still at the lodge.

And Jim, he's up there...

Is everything ok?

He's not answering his cell.

I'm kind of freaking out.

I can't really explain it.

Can you just meet me there?

Yeah, I'm on my way.



Is somebody here?

Is somebody here?

What are you doing?

I'm waiting.

Well, she's not coming back.

You know, let me ask you something, Jim.

You think that ghostwaited his whole life to be with someone like her?

You need to leave.

His whole life?

That's right, I forgot, he's a ghost.

His whole life.

He's dead.

Look, come on.

Listen to me--

Come to think of it...

So am I.


You know, I grew up by a lake just like this one, Jim.

When I was a kid, I used to sit on the beachand I had to watch the summer families just come and go.

I remember I wanted to...

Go with 'em.

I worked really hard in my life.

But know what?

It's never been enough.

So I told a lie.

Just a small, little, itty-bitty one.

Just so I could open the door, you know?

And it just got bigger and bigger.

Well, now's the time to shut it down.


Give me the g*n, hunter.

What, this?

Dispatch 10 to 180, confirm your location, over.

280 to dispatch, I'm off highway 5 near morton creek.

Intruder possible.

Stand by.

Where's Jim?

He's still inside.

Stay here.

Hunter, you rebuilt your life from nothing.

You've done that, you did it before.

Do it again.

You know, you're right.


'cause that's what I am.

And that ghost is more real than you'll ever be.



Jim, it's Bobby.

Try to open your eyes if you can.

I'm here with Melinda.

Can you hear me?

Jim, wake up.

Jim, please wake up.


I'm right here.

Oh, my god, I'm so sorry.

I tried to get here as fast as I could.

Don't be sorry.

There's no pain.

You don't have to be brave.

I'm not, honey, I'm in shock.

I don't feel any pain.

Oh, god!

Guys, it doesn't mean I didn't feel that.

Dude, wait.

Sorry about our date.

Shh, it's ok.

Rain check--

Yes, yes.

We gotta go.

I'll hold you to that.


I didn't know what you wanted, so I got you hot chocolate, tea and coffee.

You're sweet.

Hey, I'll put it down here.

So any news?

He was supposed to be out of surgery 40 minutes agoms.



Jim's surgery was successful, and he's in stable condition.

Oh, thank god.

If you like, I can walk you down to the recovery area.

We'll wait here.

The damage was much less than we first thought.

The b*llet went straight through his armand just barely grazed his ribs.

So he's going to be ok?

We'll be keeping an eye on him tonight.

There's always the risk of infection, and especially with g*nsh*t woundswe need to keep an eye out for embolisms.

We'll have our best cardiologist watching him through the night.

Thank you.

A nurse will call you in soon.

How is he?

He's resting.

I feel horrible, for so many reasons.

It's ok, it's not your fault.

He'd be happy that you're here.


Owen's here too.

He is?

You can talk to him if you'd like.


Think he wants you to.


Owen, I wish I could still see you, like I used to.

But somehow I've gotten blindas I've gotten older.

I brought a stranger into our lives.

How could I not see who he was?

You see enough.

He says you see enough.

But I was completely--

Mommy, mommy!


Let him talk.

Tell her to look hard.

Ask what she sees.

He wants you to look hard...

See what you see.


Sorry, I just...

I only see my girl.


You tell her.

He says you still see it.

What?What do I see?



That matters.

Come here.

Thank you, owen.


Thank you.

You were my friend.

Was that him?

What's that light?

You see it because you did a really good job.

I bet your grandma's there.

She's been waiting.

I see her.

Bye, nat.

Bye, Trish.

Bye, owen.

He's gone.

I love you so much, sweet girl.

Has he woken up yet?

Just the once, after anesthesia.

Do you mind if I stay till he wakes again?

Thank you.

You're more beautiful every time I see you.

You're awake.

I love you.

Mel, there's a thing that happened, um...

Uh, that's called an embolism.

It's a technical term, and you don't need to know about it.

Let me go get you a doctor.

No, please, just look at me, right here.

Please, look at me right now.

Look, look at me right here.

I want you to remember me this way, please.

Code blue.

Code blue, room 335.

Code blue.

I will always love you, Melinda.



Not you!

Please, not you!

Please, not you!

Please, not you!