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01x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 12/24/22 22:31
by bunniefuu
And that's your last lire.

Here's mine, How many cards? Three.


A million isn't enough to teach you how life works.

I'll raise it with this.

This is 30 million lire, count it.

Count it.

- I'll see you.

- With what? With this prick! You can take my word, Your word? A clown's word! I'll rip your nose off! Enough! Deal those cards.

I'll vouch for Bufalo.

Who's the clown now? Has the cat got your tongue? Why bother? These cards will talk for me.

- Go f*ck yourselves.

- Where are you going? Bufalo, I want the money tomorrow morning, okay? I always said that poker is a game for smart guys.

You're an assh*le.

Count it.

- Who can that be? - Bufalo, back to apologize.

I'll open it then.

- assh*le! - Bastard! I came out even.

- Shall we call it a night? - OK.

What was that? Let's go and see.

De Angelis, you're under arrest, Get down! Face down! Pietro Proietti? Fabio Marconi? - Who the f*ck are you? - We have a warrant for your arrest.

Okay, these are fine.

It's only a loan.

- These are the g*ng's g*ns.

- You'll have them back by tonight.

- The guys who asked me for them - Are you here with someone? Take it easy, it's me.

I'm off.

See you tonight.

Dandi, Lebanese and Fierolocchio were arrested at the gambling club.

- Carabineri or police? - Nobody knows.

They were seen being taken away.

Bufalo's not answering.

Tell the others to be at Franco's in an hour.

I said no phone calls.

Orders from above.

Above who? I can call my lawyer surely? I don't even know why I'm here.

I don't know what you've done, .


but you've pissed outside the bowl this time.

Are you certain No one's called me from the jail.

Lebanese is in the can, .


and the gambling club's been seized.

I'll make some calls and try to find out.

Find out who's behind the arrest.

- Franco, are the others here yet? - No, but you have somebody waiting.

At last, somebody not in jail.

- Are there problems with Zio Carlo? - No, no.

Not for the moment.

But we have a delivery to make, and with Lebanese inside.


I'll see to the exchange.

That's all I needed to know.

- Get the money ready.

- Who told you about Lebanese? Not even his lawyer knew.

Bad news travels fast.

Don't you know? - Where are the others? - Home in bed.

- No one wanted to know.

- I'll go and wake them.

Who did that? You have 10 minutes to find your brother .


and get to Franco's.

Can you do that? Yes.

I'm coming! Aren't you dressed yet? - Do you know where Lebanese is? - Can't you see the state I'm in? - He's not shut up since he was born.

- Where's Angelina? Asleep.

She was up all night.

And she's left you breast feeding? Come on Angelina.


You made him, you can bring him up.


- What have you found out? - Nothing.

But Prison Radio says you're f*cked this time.

And two inmates have toasted to your death.

That's all I know.

I had to drag you out of your homes, like little kids.

Do you want to end up inside too? I think you're exaggerating.

The raid at the club smacks of another of Scialoja's tricks.

24 hours in a cell, then released with an apology.

Pity that Scialoja's gone, and there've been no apologies as yet.

- WHat do you want us to do? - Your job.

If you're still up to it.

Go back to your patches.

Let everyone see you around.

I want everything to run smoothly.

Try to find out if there's a snitch behind the arrest.

You find me Bufalo.

There's a delivery from Zio Carlo on the way, and I need 200 million.

Where will I get it from? There's only 50 in the kitty.

How come so little? Have you seen them? You had to drag them out of bed, but I have to buy their lunch boxes.

They keep asking for more money.

Bufalo has just taken 30 million without even telling me why.

Where's he gone now? To fill his bath with coke, I imagine.

If you want cash, ask Secco.

He manages the other money.

Okay, arrange a meeting.

- When? - The sooner the better.

Freddo, your father is outside.

He says it's important.

What the f*ck do you want? Your brother's been missing since last week.

He's left home, and about time too.

- Nobody knows anything.

- Neither do I.

- Your mother hasn't slept for 3 days.

- Keep her out of this.

Then help me find him.

Go home.

I'll take care of Gigio.

I don't understand.

The accusations narrow down to fraud, and running a gambling den.

That's 18 months at most.

And they're keeping us in isolation for that? Who ordered the arrest? Borgia's deputy.

We haven't been able to talk to him to find out who made the arrest.

I'll ask Freddo to talk to Santini, he may know something.

Well? They know nothing at HQ.

But it wasn't us.

Scialoja wasted two years trying to nail them, Then he leaves with no explanation, and somebody throws Lebanese in jail.

Strange coincidence, isn't it - Who signed the warrant? - Mannoni.

I've not been able to speak with him.

Try to find out who arrested them.

Find out if they were carabinieri.

Where is your guy? He's not at Franco's.

The gambling club is shut.

What planet do you live on? - Dandi's in jail, didn't you know.

- That will tech him to cheat.

- SO you're all on your own now? - And in retirement.

In retirement? So young, Dandi's in jail .


and you have a real man.


Why manage with one when you can have two? Have you ever done it with two sisters? f*ck off! Just find him! Santini has vanished, that f*cking cop! What have you found out? Only that there's something nasty in the air.

I don't know why they didn't take you but I'd lay low for a while.

I can't.

If I vanish, so will the g*ng.

I need you to do me a couple of favours.

Go and get those g*ns back, I don't want them going around with our g*ns.

What's the other? My brother's run away.

Try to find out where he's gone.

I'm still looking for Bufalo.

Don't bother! We've been dancing the tuca-tuca for half an hour.

He's stoned.

Not even a crane could get it up.

I reckon he prefers to dance with something else.

What the f*ck did you say? Don't be a bitch.

Get dressed and get out.

Now! Cone on, Proietti.

Get some exercise with the others.

Things are smooth.

The runners deliver, pushers are selling.

No news of anyone tipping off the police.

They say the snake must be an outsider.

But news of Lebanese's arrest is all over the city.

They're all uptight.

They think the g*ng's falling apart.

What about Bufalo? That bastard has just put one of my girls in hospital.

Where is he now? In hell, I hope.

He's got more cocaine than air in his lungs.

- He doesn't know about the others.

- I'll talk to him.

Tell him if he ever comes near my girls again, I'll sh**t him.

Well? Found anything out? The gambling club is just an excuse.

Or they would have arrested the others, not just us three.

It must be something we did without Freddo.

Look at the way they're staring at us.

I bet they know something.

The ones who toasted to our end Let's find out, and we'll know who's behind all this.


- What's thus crap? - You've finished the good stuff.

Get out of the way.

Get out, let me play.

Move! - Let him finish his game.

- What the f*ck do you want? Look who's here! Satana! Or should I call you Judas? - Or tell everyone you're a rabbit.

- I don't want to pick a fight.

- But I do.

- Cut it out.

Or will the rabbit bit me? I was right to want out! I'd rather bet on horses than walk over dead bodies like you do! If Lebanese hears you Lebanese is in jail.

And your days are numbered.

Get out! - Get out! - You're a dead man! Go f*ck yourself! That's enough Sorcio, They've seen him here, they've seen him there.

I want to know where he is now! When you've found out, call me.

Where are the g*ns? The guys have disappeared.

But I've found Gigio, in a community of weirdoes.

Where is he now? He nearly put handcuffs on me.

Mum's not slept for three days,, Tell he not to worry.

You tell her! You can't disappear like that and act the assh*le, it's ten years too late.

You sound like Dad.

Even worse.

He didn't walk out and slam the door, the way you did.

You were 20, my age.

Christ! Alright.

Perhaps you're right.

Perhaps it's time you left home.

But not today.

Today I need you to go back to Mum.

She needs you.

Ah, Inspector.

Here's a copy of the arrest warrant for Lebanese.

Take a look.

It looks like an excuse.

- Aren't you going to read it? - I can't help you any more.

They've moved me to another part of the office.

In archives.

I see.

First Scialoja, now you.

- When will they get to me.

- Not, not you.

You're a magistrate.

I'm more vulnerable than you.

Canton, can you do me a favour? Bring me Scialoja's papers.

I might find an answer to this mystery among them.

Keep on their backs, sir.

I'm not paying you.

I'm sorry? We can play Russian roulette for it.

Do you know how it works? You load one b*llet.

and as you can't cheat - I win every time.

- No, don't sh**t! Beginner's luck.

Now it's my turn.

What the f*ck are you doing? Freddo, well? Everything OK? Look what you did! You let him get away! Now you'll have to take his place.

That's enough of these games I'm not angry with you.

Dandi and Lebanese were always wheeling and dealing together.

- Give me that g*n.

- I want to play first.

- Listen carefully! - I'll smash your head in! - I'll smash your face in! - Okay.

But I want to know what you did at Patrizia's.

- I wanted a bit of fun.

- Beating women up? She deserved it, she was taking the piss.

Like Satana! What's he got to do with this? He insulted me.

In front of everyone.

But he's a dead man now.

Bufalo, don't go pissing everyone off.

We've enough trouble as it is.

Satana's a friend.

Don't touch him.

A friend? Guess what he said.

The g*ng is through and it's time to celebrate.

I'm a friend.

I don't forget certain things.

I've told you, any time you want.

I've found them.

It was the Bordinis the guys from Centocelle, They've worked with Puma too.

Tell Dandi to bring them to the yard.


Look who's here! - Need a tip? - Bufalo already gave me one.

- Is it true? - Are you listening to that assh*le? You should get him locked up.

He doesn't usually talk bullshit.

He was drunk.

He took it out on a young kid.

Why are you going around telling everyone that the g*ng is falling apart? Freddo, drop the subject.

No hard feelings.

You always run away.

If you have something to say, say it to my face.

I told you what I had to, two years ago.

Rome has already had seven kings.

And they all came to a sticky end.

You're wrong, we've brought peace to Rome and created jobs for everyone.

How? You give your slaves the crumbs and the others a b*llet in the head.

Don't go any further.

You're not the nation's heroes.

Rome cannot wait to see you dead.

Speak up, you bastard! We're not working for anyone.

But you know who got us thrown in here.

We only celebrated because there's no work for us in Rome with you in here.

You don't understand.

I don't know! I don't know who's got it in for you! We're just small fry.

Next time you want to toast to our death, remember that Lebanese spared your lives.

Get out of here! They're not our problem.

What do we do? - We wait.

- What for? The guys who nailed us don't want shut of us.

They have a request.

It's their turn to make a move.


Even Satana now! One of the original g*ng members.

He even helped us kidnap Baron Rosellini.

He disgraced you in front of everyone.

Forget who he used to be, concentrate on what he did.

I can take care of him, if you wish.

No, it's our problem.

Have you got the g*ns back? Not yet.

I found the guys, but.


Christ! How long will it take? Give me a hand today.

You go and fetch them and I'll talk to them.

- Outside! You're being moved.

- Where to? To a gas chamber, if I had my way.

200 million lire? Impossible.

It's invested.

You'd lose the interest.

We'll survive.

The bank will need time to sort things out.

Sidestep them.

That's what we pay you for.


Freddo, without an OK from Lebanese, I can't This OK will have to suffice.

Bring me the money before tonight, or I'll come looking for you.

Freddo, here we go.

Nero's found those buddies of his.

- We don't have the g*ns any more.

- We had to get rid of them.

That's not what we agreed.

The police were on our backs.

We threw them in a ditch.


Four Berettas, right? Tell us how much you want.

- f*ck! - I have a better idea.

You come with us, and he can go and find the g*ns.

How? We were doing 100mph! So I k*ll him first, then come for you.

- I want them by 6 - Nero, tell him!.

You didn't stick to the pact! What the f*ck Look, Chip and Dale! I should have realized you were behind all this.

You didn't do all this to get the room at the brothel back? That was the idea.

But then we said:- "Why make do with just one room?" What do you want? You're going to work for us.

And we will cover your backs.

No more problem with the police, starting with the gambling club.

Case closed.

Immediate release.

You're bluffing.

You've nothing to use against us.

We'll be out in a week, we're only charged with gambling.

I told you we wouldn't convince him.

Now we know who the traitor was.

That f*cking cop.

Stealing dr*gs from a police store-room.


10 years at least Perhaps more, with your record.

Well? Have you changed your mind? I can't make a decision like that on my own.

You'll have to ask Freddo.

We're asking you.

You're the boss, aren't you? There are no bosses in our g*ng.

We make the decisions together.

So, if someone doesn't agree, you'll serve 10 years in jail? I'd get k*lled for the g*ng.

I wonder if Freddo would do the same for you.

You can bet your balls he would.

If you have any, that is.

What about you two.

Will you let Freddo decide too? They agree with me.

There's no deal without Freddo.


You convince him then.

It will be easy for us to bring you back here.

How much time left? An hour.

I have to buy some nappies.

What if the g*n went off by mistake? His buddy won't find the g*ns.

Better not.

Freddo will be angry.

He's already in a foul mood.

And he isn't even married.

My kid's created loads of problems.

I can't sleep at night.

Money just vanishes.

I can barely make ends meet, like a post office worker.

Let's take him out, or the pharmacy will be closed.

What about Trentadenari? Ask him for some money.

Yes, he's tight-fisted.

He says the kitty's empty, but he's a thief! You'll have to wake up a bit.

In what way? I'll explain another time.

- How much longer? - 55 minutes.

Can I help? May I come in? That depends.

- Who told you about this place? - Inspector Scialoja.

Now, may I come in? Thank you.

My girls are very expensive.

- Did Scialoja tell you that? - He didn't have time.

As you well know, he's gone, So, what do you want from me? Why do you think he did it? Incompetent colleagues? - You've not spoken since? - Why should we? - Because of your relationship.

- We had none.

Are you sure? If you think I'll tell you what I didn't tell him, you're mistaken.

Yes, I never doubted it.

Have a nice day, miss Vallesu.

An explanation.

Scialoja didn't only give up his investigation, he gave you up too.

That must had been very hard for him.

I'll find out why he did it, Patrizia.

With our without your help.

Count it.

30 million.

The cops have nothing to go on.

The g*ng is falling apart.

Inside you do things your own way, and nobody respects you outside.

We have to get a message through to everyone.

Buy why Satana? He's just a maggot.

Perhaps, but even the maggots are acting like lions now.

Satana raised his voice this morning, and everyone overheard him.

Satana is our message, Lebanese.

Is it true you ended up in the can? And you're growing horns.

Ah, horns.

Pity you weren't there today.

I went to see your girlfriend.

Dandi, come with us.

- Why? - A ride out to the woods.

We're taking out Satana.

Why me? Send Bufalo or one of the Buffonis.

No, the three of us will go to set an example, like old times.


I've some unfinished business with you, don't forget that.

One minute, Scrocchiazeppi.

What did I tell you? I could have k*lled him an hour ago - and not had to face Angelina.

- No, no! Wait - This isn't ours.

- What are you talking about? It's a Walther.

We lent them four Berettas.

The bastards! This is where we k*ll guys who make problems.

The cemetery of the martyrs of the Magliana.

The whole of Rome is against you.

They'll close the cemetery soon.

You can dig your own grave.

What do you want? sh**t him.

- He's dead.

- sh**t him anyway.

But he's already dead.

We have to make it clear that all three of us did it.

Make it clear to who? We're not the Mafia.

I told you to sh**t him.

Satisfied? f*ck off, Freddo.

Was this farce really necessary? - You don't get it.

- That's enough! There's something else we have to do, and we can't make any mistakes.

Here's you money.

- Count it.

- No, you know I trust you.

But tell me something.

How did you get the club back so soon? The cops had nothing to go on, As usual.

Alright, see you next time.

That's another thing done.

And we did it on our own.

I'm not worried about Satan's curses, you know.

But we have to stick together.

Without making any compromises.

What's wrong? Nothing.

I had something to tell you but I've forgotten.

Can't have been important.



- What? - If you don't think it's important I'm going to Patrizia.

Did you get the g*ns back? Yes, there in the store room.


- Well? - I told you he wouldn't check.

One more, one less.

What difference does it make? Tough! What did the old man say? There's an interfering magistrate.

Borgia? For f*ck's sake, you could at least look at me.

Why? I know what you look like.

Why? Perhaps because I've just got out of jail, and come to celebrate.

Good because I've got a lot of things to celebrate too, The 20 stitches in a girl's face, the spies you put in here and the return of Dandi who claims he loves me then sells me off to his friends.

You're pathetic.

We call have to bow down to someone.

And you, a whore, want to go it alone? Know what:? Dandi's leaving, he's not in the mood any more.