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01x03 - Pestilence

Posted: 12/24/22 22:41
by bunniefuu
We are in serious trouble, Cosimo.

We have run the bank from Trebbio before.

- That's not the point.

- Stefano, hide it well.

We owe more than we have and there will be no trade now.

Help mother along.

All this fussing.

Since when did the rich become such cowards? - Just get on, mother.

- Yes, yes, yes.

The city guard will raise the cordon any moment.

- We must go.

- Get on board.

I'll be with you in a moment.



The dagger that k*lled Tancredi belongs to Lupo Corona.

He's a friend of the Albizzi.

He would have no love from my father.

The Coronas are staying in Florence.

The horses were still unbridled - in the stables when I came here.

- Once the cordon is raised you will not be able to leave the city, Marco.

The plague will be sick of me, not I of it.

People don't tend to get it twice.

- Be careful, my friend.

- I will! Messer Cosimo.

Ricciardo, what are you doing here? You need to leave the city.

We have nowhere to go.

Cosimo! Come on! We want to keep on working, my builders and I.

We want to finish your dome I only ask that you continue to pay for our work.

If God wills us to die at least let our families not die in hunger.

Please, Messer Cosimo.

God found a cause to send us this plague.

Perhaps with this you will give Him cause to end it.

My father gave me this.

It will protect you.

God go with you, Messer.

Thank you for coming at this inhuman hour.

We shall be quick.

Rations will be halved.

The people will have to manage as best they can.

We should have left the city.

And surrender this opportunity? Order! Signor Albizzi.

I know how uncertain you must feel.

This plague is God's anger at Florence's sins.

And as leaders of Florence we are responsible for those sins.

Where is Cosimo de' Medici? Cosimo is not alone in his absence, signor Albizzi.

But it is his sin that has wrought this anguish upon our city! We can't let you leave the city.

You have to stand back! Stand back! How does Cosimo afford his dome, hm? Usury! A sin! And to build this dome with a usurer's coin is just as great a sin! I'm telling you! Stand back, get back! Don't.

We must expel Cosimo de' Medici from the Signoria and seize all documents pertaining to his wealth so we may fully investigate these charges of usury and corruption.

Your charges.

No gold to be taken out of the city.

Signor Guadagni, what we witness now is the consequence of exempting the powerful from the law of God.

Well, I'd hate to go against the Signoria.

Perhaps you can look after this for me.

If we have a sinner in our midst he should be treated so accordingly.

Of course, Messer Medici.

You are a credit to your Masters, captain.

We are all sinners, signor Albizzi.

And I am yet to meet a banker who has not been accused of usury.

Drive on! Stand back! Open the gate! Stand back! Our Priori number too few to take a vote on this matter.

This house is in recess! Dismissed! Every man here has some stake in Medici's fiefdom.

We won't move against him, not without cause.

They do not see Cosimo for what he is.

Nor seen how low he can stoop.

We are all at the mercy of the mob.

At present they love Cosimo.

Change that and one by one his followers will fall away.

Like scales from a snake.

Cosimo, we have barely enough funds to pay off a cheap whore.

What are you going to tell the Pope? Or our creditors for that matter? Did you just expect them to wait while you toss more money into loans eh, artists, into the duomo.

We keep our business steady we raise enough coin to repay our debts.

w*r and plague have closed every border from here to Venice.

There is no business! We have promised loans to half the merchants in the Papal states.

If we sit and hoard our Florins we will loose their confidence.

The Pope and his creditors will pick the flesh from our bones.

Look, I just don't see how we're going to bring in any actual money.

Brother, we are owed repayment on loan from our sister bank in Siena.

The have not been hit by plague.

They will be able to make good.

And it will be enough to tide us over not enough to pay our debts in full, but keep everyone sated at least until this plague is over and the trade routes reopened.

- You should have told me about this.

- I'm telling you now.

Go to Siena.

Speak to the owner Niccolo.

Buy his silence if you have to, but remind him it is in everyone's interest to keep the Medici bank afloat.


Return with the coin.

I wish you'd told me.

What is our situation? - Twenty-thousand Florins.

- Twenty-thousand.

- What do you suggest? - Prioritize the loans.

Pay each man a sum from fifteen-thousand rather than twenty-thousand.

We need something to live on ourselves.

I'll write to the merchants and tell them the money will be coming.

Send word to the Pope and our peace creditors.

Would it not be wiser to wait until the Siena's money is in our coffers? Lorenzo will not let us down.

Corona! I'm not here to loot.

Where is your master? Where is he? He's upstairs.

Go! Corona! Is this yours? Did you k*ll Tancredi with this? - Who poisoned Giovanni de' Medici? - I didn't.

- Don't let your last words be lies.

- I didn't.

Who commanded you? Albizzi? Speak, damn you! Speak! The vineyards are looking lovely, Contessina.

I was admiring them on our way here.

Thank you.

We used to walk through them together.

Giovanni and I.

He would say a vine was like a great family.

Its worth determined by the quality of its fruit.

It was not he or the vine that mattered, but the grape.

What the vine leaves behind.

Good thing he was a banker and not a philosopher.

You must miss him very much.

One has to stop missing people when you get to my age, dear.

Nothing would ever get done.

Is it a boy? - It is hard to tell, grandmother.

- Ah, nonsense.

I knew I was carrying two boys the moment I first conceived.

Two boys? Cosimo, I didn't know you were a twin.

Forgive me.

I was prying.

- Don't you worry.

- Excuse me.

Emilia, more wine.

The Signoria does nothing! Or why should they? Far easier for you to suffer than for them to bring the tyrant who wrought this plague upon you to justice! But every day as Medici's impunity persists, so too does God's rage! Medici says the dome is for God! The dome is for Cosimo.

He tries to buy God like he buys men! But God is not blind! Usury has funded this atrocity.

And now Cosimo hides behind his gold and abandons you to suffer the consequences! I beg you.

Tear down the walls of this sinful dome denounce Cosimo de' Medici before God and God will save you from this plague.

I will feed and pay any man who does so.

Lucrezia was not to know.

Mother knew what she was saying.

You must let go of this animosity.

Your mother is old.

Don't let things end with her the way they ended with your father.

You can tell her if she's concerned about dying without my affections, she can beg my forgiveness whenever she chooses.


You are not the only one she's hurt, Cosimo.

You're leaving? Father is sending me to Rome.

- We're only just married.

- I'm sorry.

Will you see her? See who? Your woman from Rome.

Who told you about her? Your mother.

Do you love her? You understood the circumstances of our I do not ask to judge.

I ask only to know you better.

Why did you tell her? - Excuse me - Mother, why did you tell her? Piccarda, what is this about? She told my wife that I am still in love with another woman.

Why would you tell her? I told her it was possible that your affections had not cooled.

You've not conceived.

You work late to avoid her chamber.

I was concerned, and I felt that Contessina deserved an explanation.

The explanation is I was not given leave to marry a woman of my own choosing.

- Mind how you speak.

- And I have accepted that and I will grow used to that, but mother, this was not concerned.

- This was sabotage.

- Oh! Cosimo, this family needs your marriage to succeed.

It depends on it.

No one's here to sabotage you.

You conjure up these stories of injustice so you never have to feel guilty about your own failings.

How could I feel no guilt? You may find new causes to justify your dislike of me.

But the truth is you've resented me since I was a boy.

Because I should have been the one to drown, not Damiano.

Your twin brother was your responsibility as you were his.

And you never said sorry.

Not once.

That was not your fault.

It's all you ever said.

I was just a boy.

Even now.

It's not my fault.

I did not sabotage you.

Your father requested that I intervene.

You have not just inherited a bank, Cosimo.

You have inherited a family.

Without them everything your father and I have built will disappear.

So grow up.

Take responsibility.

You may be difficult to love but Contessina is prepared to do her duty.

So you do yours.

Legacies make great families, Cosimo.

Not men.

Never question your mother like that again.


Cosimo! Marco! How did you escape the city? Thank God you're alive.

- They are tearing down the dome.

- On whose authority? Albizzi's.

He tells the people that it was paid for by usury.

That if they renounce you and tear it down.

God will end this plague.

I should have never left Florence.

What are you doing? - Your place is here with your family.

- Father.

If he can turn the people against me he can turn the Signoria and if he does that, we are finished.

Cosimo I implore you.

I can't stay here and let him destroy everything - this family has fought to build.

- Cosimo.

Lucrezia! We should all leave.

Lucrezia and the baby are not safe here.

You should keep as far from this room as possible.

- Mother, it's not enough.

- It will be enough.

We cannot run.

Not from a thing like this.

Not from God.

We stay together.

Emilia will make up a chamber in the east wing.

You should not be in here.

What will you do? I'm so sorry.

I came back as soon as I heard.

Where is the money? It will come.

I told you to bring it with you.

Well, it would have taken another five days to return.

You must be exhausted.

Come and eat.

Perhaps you were right about me, mother.

I am losing our city our bank our family perhaps even God himself.

I am failing your "grand Medici vine".

I know you've always wanted me to say it.

So if I can please you just once then let it be with this.

I am I am sorry.


I'm always right, Cosimo.

I have spent too long dreaming of the man Damiano might have become.

And not enough time admiring the man that you have become.

You have become someone great Cosimo.

Neither of us have made things easy.

But I am pleased with you.

And I am proud of you.

Go back, back to Florence.

Don't wait around here for me to die.

You can't save this family from the Albizzi by being stuck in these wretched hills.

Go home Cosimo.

Curse on you, Medici.

You caused this, you! You're not doing this! Leave it! It's my work! You get away, go on! Get away from me! Go on! Get off me! Sinner! You k*lled my son! You k*lled my son! You k*lled my son! Masters! Where is Brunelleschi? Ricciardo? Albizzi! - Florence's prodigal God returns.

- Wait, Cosimo! You are desecrating a holy church! Command these men to leave now! They wish to spare their families.

I won't order them not to.

The dome is a monument to faithful men like them.

You twist its meaning! You hide your motives behind the people! I do? Your family disguises itself as the vox populi to sin without consequence, but the people have seen the truth.


And now you will have consequences.

Destroying the dome will not end this plague! We are God's voice, God's hands! - He wills us to create in his name! - Pig! - Thinks he speaks for God! - He thinks he speaks for you! - Usurer! - Please, listen to me! Listen to me! Listen to me! Listen! Step back! Stand back! Go, go, go! Stand back! He's taunting me.

Even now.

After everything he's done to my family.

"And as of today, we can see no end to this present crisis".

"Yours, Bernardo Guadagni".

- How could you let this happen? - Ah, Cosimo.

The Signoria cannot condone what Albizzi is doing! Technically, the demolition of the dome is the people's doing.

Don't be a fool.

He plays them, like a pipe.

What do you want me to do? Arrest every man for civil disorder? The jails are as filled with the sick as the hospitals and even if they weren't, I would lack support.

Why? Surely the Signoria can see his true intentions.

They're tired of this infighting, Cosimo! They see this latest problem is yours, not theirs.

They have no love for your bloody dome.

- This isn't about the dome! - I know that.

But if I force the Signoria to move against Albizzi the people could rise up against us.

And we're in no state to quash a mob.

I'm sorry, Cosimo.

But my hands are tied I cannot risk causing further instability to Florence when it is already so close to open revolt.

Until this plague is ended the Signoria will not be able to help, and I advise you to keep the peace.

Don't give Albizzi cause to do you more harm in the Signoria.

A courier from Siena.

Plague in Siena.

All the money was withdrawn and the bank has collapsed.

It's like we've been cursed.

You have to close the bank.


We must cease trading and save what we have if you want any hope of reopening, once the plague has passed.

You would advise Cosimo the same? I would, yes.

But he would not agree.

He would have other ideas.

If we continue spending, we'll become insolvent within the week.

If we close now, at least we're in control.

What about the Pope's funds? We've already pilfered thousands building the dome.

We can't rob from Peter to pay Peter! Your only alternative is to find an asset to sell.

Valuable enough to attract a buyer, but not so valuable as to ruin us.

I need a day to think.

Lorenzo, we don't have a day! Out here is no place for the sick.

The hospitals are full.

The only place left is the street.

It's here.

Ricciardo? - Messer Cosimo.

- You weren't at the church.

I was worried that I'm so sorry, my friend.

He said this would happen.

Albizzi said it was a grave sin to take your money.

Do you believe him? Do you believe him? I don't know.

If God does what he does it is not for me to explain.




How much could we get for the wool mills? I think this is something you should take up with Contessina.

The Pazzi have made offers in the past.

And Cosimo refused every time.

Neither he, nor Contessina want those mills sold.

Especially to the Pazzi of all people.

Cosimo has never been in this position.

Mother! You said it yourself! This is my only option, and we need the money.

Sell off the mills for the amount that we need.

Send a rider tonight.

The Pazzi villa isn't far.

- You would go over my head.

- This is not your decision.

My husband, your brother, entrusted those mills to me.

This is my decision.


- Is it mother? - No, Messer.

Madonna Lucrezia.

She may lose her child.

Is Albizzi right? Other people being punished for my sins? No.

You are not a usurer.

But I am other things.

We have done other things.

This is the work of a jealous noble.

Not an angry God.

Whatever Albizzi's intentions they do not make me blameless.


They chose him, because they found me wanting.

Bastards! They want me to oversee the deconstruction of the dome.

My dome! Stupid, bloody ignorants.

I refuse.

Oh, but now, of course, because of this I am in hiding.

These shits survive and claim they have been saved by God.

But no one who says that, deserves to be.

If God should save anyone, it should be the sick and poor.

And me.

Gather all the carts and servants you can find.

Meet me at the church.

What? Just do it.

I'm sorry.

What will happen to me if I can't bear children? You will bear children.

This happens to many women.

But what if the only thing you expect me to do is Parents expect everything from their children.

And then they die and what they expect ceases to matter.

One day this family will fall to Piero.

And he will need you to keep him on course.

Make yourself indispensible and no one will find cause to exclude you.

Believe me.

And there are more ways for a woman to be indispensible than in just bearing children.


Lorenzo I'm here.

Cosimo? He's gone to Florence.



Name the child.

Giovanni after your grandfather.

I will, grandmother.

Thank you, Father Daniele.

There's room over there, by the nave.

This is a kind thing you do, Messer Cosimo.

First they tear it down, now you fill it with plague.

What are you trying to tell me, Cosimo? Trust me, my friend.

Medici brought the sick inside.

He's turned the church into a pesthouse.

And the workers fear they will catch the plague, if they go inside.

Medici! Medici, come out here! Where is your master? With the sick! You are welcome to speak to him inside.

He makes a mockery of the dying now.

Get back in there.

You heard me! Get back in there and destroy that dome! You should choose your enemies more carefully, Messer Albizzi.

Cosimo's minion has been loitering around the city even when the Medici had left.

Find out what he was up to.

I don't think anyone is showing up for the demolition today.

You cunning bastard.

You brought in the sick to save the dome.

Messer Cosimo.

His fever has broken.

Others too are showing signs of recovery.

God is merciful.

Bless you, sister.

Take the Corona guard back there.

Don't panic.

I just want to ask a question.

Do you know who owned this? Wait, wait.

It belonged to my master.

- But he lost it.

- Lost it how? Cards.

To whom? To Lorenzo de' Medici.

It is so good to see you.

It is good to see you too.

I'm so sorry about your mother.

It was peaceful.

How are the others? Vieri? Vieri is recovered.

Annoying his father.

Everyone else is well.

What is it? The baby.

There will be others.

You should speak to Piero.

Brother, a word later, about the money.

Those mills were the making of this family and you sold them.

I'm not apologizing for myself this time, Cosimo.

I took a risk and it saved this family.

And you made our problems public.

Do you have any idea how much that might cost us? I advised him.

Cosimo, the fault lies with me as much as your brother.

You just better pray this does not come back to bite us.

I can't believe Lorenzo would be so reckless.

He is not you.

And he's no fool either.

We've all been through a great deal.

Mistakes will be made.

I will not let him or Ugo bypass you again.

I promise.

I value you.

And you know that.

Without you, I A message, Messer.

They've recalled the Signoria.



I would.

But I must put Albizzi in his place.

Now the plague is over the Signoria will be less cowed by the threat of revolt.

What is it? Nothing.

I will see you later.

Do you want me to go with you? No, my friend.

I shouldn't take long.

Are you alright? I am.

That's not why we're here.

- You have no right! - Oh, I have every right.

On what grounds? You had your man break into and loot the home of Lupo Corona.

Corona's loyal guard confirmed it with his dying breath.

Perhaps it was a mission of m*rder.

Not even you can believe that.

I believe you are a usurer and a thug.

If this is the only way to bring you to justice before the Signoria, then my conscience is clear.

You cannot barricade yourself behind the sick now.

See? I can meet you at your level.

The Signoria will not swallow your petty slander.

It certainly won't look kindly on Marco Bello's crimes.

People are wondering who k*lled the surgeon and the apothecary.

If you are indeed innocent as always then perhaps I should arrest him instead.

Hm? Take him.