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02x06 - Alliance

Posted: 12/25/22 08:02
by bunniefuu
I have less reason to help you influence the Doge than I did before.

When your wife played matchmaker to my daughter and Francesco Pazzi, I was told he was an ally to the Medici.

Instead, I find her returned to me by that same husband, and he, your sworn enemy.

The actions of Francesco Pazzi were misguided, and no reflection upon your daughter.

Duke, your men must wait here and speak to no one.

What is so urgent that I must come to Florence in person? Please, follow me.

As a father you are angry, and I understand.

But as a servant of your city, I implore you, lay aside personal feelings.


My thanks for coming.

Why am I here? And who is this? This is Andrea Foscari, representative of the Doge.

You know what would happen if the people of Milan knew I was meeting secretly with Venetians? I assure you the people of Venice would feel the same about my meeting you, Duke.

Gentlemen, please.


Can you deny the benefit to Milan.

if it had unfettered access.

to the sea lanes that Venice controls? Right now, the Pope can shut the gates of Imola at any time.

But would he dare, if he knew that Milan's military might could cometo our aid? It is true.

I see the arguments in favor, but I cannot countenance such a treaty.

It does not matter if an alliance between our cities is conceived as defensive.

Sixtus would see it as a threat.

And Milan cannot risk making an enemy of the Pope.

Without Sforza, there can be no alliance.

And the security it would bring, I cannot risk political change here.

What's going on? The Pazzi are stirring up political unrest in Cltta Di Gastello getting people to turn against the Gonfaloniere.

To what end? Well, technically, the city is part of the Papal states, but it's been under Florentine protection for years.

The Gonfaloniere there is corrupt Your father should have got rid of him years ago, and he never did.

Let me go Find out what's happening.

You sure? You're not the only Medici.

Well, for a time it felt like it.

Why the sudden desire to serve? You question my motive? Sandro tells me that you're in love with Simonetta Vespucci.

There are so many.

Forget their names.

Who will judge these people of Yours? Your understanding heart must talk to the people.

See for yourself.

There's no trouble in Cittá Di Castello.

These are nasty rumors meant to undermine your support.

We are to know good from evil.

Giuliano de' Medici narrowly escaped a riot there.

Cittá Di Castello is on the brink of a m*ssacre.

I will send an envoy to mediate.

Holiness, the time for mediation has come and gone on Florence's watch.

The wolves have already set about your flock.

There is only one option left.

Raise an army to enter the city? I purchased Imola with Pazzi money.

The building works I've started must be paid for.

And I'm besieged by family members begging for riches and advancement.

Some I did not even know I had.

k*ll two birds with one stone.

Give command of the army to your nephew, Cardinal Della Rovere, and when Cittá Di Castello falls, let it pay him and your army's wages.

My brother my brother has just returned from Cittá Di Castello.

And it's true.

There is unrest.

Vitelli and his corrupt colleagues have been overtaxing its citizens.

And there can be little doubt that others have exploited this to ferment trouble! And turn the Pope against us.

You have proof? Where's your proff? Gentlemen! Let him finish.

Giuliano advised Vitelli to lower his taxes and donated money to provide for the poor.

Too little, too late.

Once more Lorenzo and the Medici family have failed us.

Furthermore, I have been advised that the Pope's army already advances on the city.

He sent his brother there to investigate, and ended the corruption.

What more could Lorenzo have done? Gonfaloniera Petrucci, are you not supposed to remain neutral? Signor Pazzi, withdraw that remark.

I will not.

Instead, I announce, I will run against you in the forthcoming elections.

Yes! Let us have a Gonfaloniere who serves the city! Not the Medici.

Surely Jacopo will never get the majority he needs to win the election.

You have underestimated him before, Lorenzo.

If there's one thing Jacopo Pazzi can do, it's fight dirty.

He knows everyone's price.

Nobody can be counted on.

This is just what Jacopo wants.

And some are not happy that we haven't taken a stronger stance on Cittá Di Castello, decrying the Pope's actions.

Are you among them? Lorenzo, I I know Sixtus.

Confrontation will only make matters worse.

We must play Jacopo at his own game and fight dirty.

I'll fight Jacopo with everything that I have.

But only if it is legitimate.

Then how will you stop him? Jacopo believes the Medici bank is wounded after the loss of the Papal accounts.

By taking over leadership of the Priori, he intends to destroy this family once and for all.

So we act quickly We make sure of the support we have and we win over any others that we can.

Let me speak with Marco Vespucci.

Very well But tread carefully.

I will call on Ardinghelli myself.

Thank you very much for the visit, Giuliano But it wasn't necessary.

There is no question of my loyalty to your family.

Thank you, Messer Vespucci.

Lorenzo, it has been a long time since you called on us.

I can guess what brings you here.

Then may I ask your answer? Petrucci interfered with my relations with the court of Constantinople.

My business dealings have been hurt as a result.

The answer is no.

I see.

You understand that this would not be a vote for Petrucci or for me, but for Florence.

I will not support the Pazzi.

But neither can I support Petrucci.

I will abstain.

I am sorry, Lorenzo.

Then I'll take my leave.

Give your brother my respects.

And mine, to your wife.

Unfortunately, today she is indisposed.

Nothing serious, I hope.

I've summoned a physician from Padua, just to be safe.

Giuliano Don't get up.

-You shouldn't be here.

Leave us.

Giuliano, please.

What are you doing here anyway? I am here on business.

I've just returned from Cittá dl Castello.

I'm glad you've taken your place as a Medici alongside your brother.

I can be both a Medici and in love with you, Simonetta.

Is that what you're doing? Trying to prove it to me? Why else? We can never be, Giuliano.

Why can you not see it? Did what we have mean so little that you can just throw it aside? It was a way of passing time.

But you and I were nothing.

Less than nothing.

You must leave.

Very well, Madonna.

I'm sorry to trouble you.

Well? Is that not enough? Throw all the gold you like at me.

I'll not betray the Medici.

Is that so, Luca? How times change, hm? It seems only yesterday you helped plan the attempt on Piero's life.

Did it slip your mind? Do you know, I don't think Lorenzo ever knew.

If you want it to stay that way, you vote for me, Soderini.

You can have my vote.

But keep your gold.

How was Ardinghelli? Well, his wife saw that I got what I deserved.

Losing you must have hurt her very much.

Well, we still face so many problems.

For now you can do nothing about Milan.

The matter of Cittá Di Castello is more pressing.

Did you not talk to Sixtus face to face? You have much in common.

He's agreed to a private meeting? Not in so many words, no.

Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.

I have committed many many sins.

But my greatest regret was not preventing the death of hundreds of innocents at Volterra.

Your Holiness, I had to speak with you alone.

But I was told you would not allow it.

I know you mourn the lives lost at Volterra.

As I know that your actions in regard to Cittá Di Castello were made in good faith.

We both have a duty of care to those who look to us for leadership.

The Curia is grateful to Florence for its help and guidance to Cittá Di Castello over the years.

But now, it is time for its citizens to return to the Papal fold.

I'm advised that the Gonfaloniere Vitelli is using his position to exploit citizens.

As have the enemy of the Medici.

But you have to understand that Vitelli will not open his gates to you.

Your army will have to sack that city and I cannot allow it.

Not after Volterra.

-Lorenzo, when you split the Papal accounts, I did not insist on revoking the alum contract.

Because I believe you are trying to do good.

That is why I have always sought to be your friend.

Can that still not be? I hope so.

But I see no reason to change my mind in this matter.

Your Holiness, I know you've given command of your army to your nephew.

Is it not possible that on this one occasion your deep sense of love and duty towards your family has lead you to make the wrong decision? Who are you to judge me? I'm not judging you, Your Holiness.

God gave you a great intellect But you use it to challenge: I, the Holy Father! You got power too young, because you stole it from a weak father.

And now you abuse it.

Money buys many things.

But not humility.

Go back to Florence and do not come here again.

Thank you for receiving me.

There is no point in our feigning friendship.

I'm not.

As I believe you were not when you showed me great kindness on the day of my wedding feast.

You can tell Lorenzo, my husband will not change his mind.

Lorenzo didn't send me.

So it is to please him that you are here? Humiliating yourself before the woman he deceived? He did not deceive you.

He loved you.

If he told you that, he lied.

He didn't tell me.

I found these amongst his books in the study.

Poems Written for you.

Why are you giving them to me? If you ever loved him back, do not stand in his way.

What he does now he does not for himself, but for all of us.

You may go now, Botticelli.

I will ask Lorenzo to see you receive the balance of your payment.

No, you have me wrong.

I beg you, you must believe me: my intentions with your wife were entirely pure.

Let me paint her again.

I beg you to consent.

I do not.

And I will not.

It is finished then -My darling You should be resting.

May I see it? That is why I had it delivered To raise your spirits.

Go on.

Maestro It is so I do not have words.

Thank you.

I must be allowed to supervise the placement of the painting.

Marco, please Very well.

Softly! You're not well, Madonna.

It is nothing, maestro Nothing that this cannot cure.

I'm sorry that my husband punishes you for our sins.

This is serious.

Promise me you will say nothing to Giuliano.


You need never return.

You dropped me without pity.

So listless and so pale.

An omen true of life's brief vale, left lank and limp, bereft my beauty.

Now I can dwell only when you plunged me into barren grief.

Me, sweet martyr of malice.

And were I not to re-member again an anxious lovers' pet relief, o death, would hugely fail us.

Luca! Luca Soderini! How goes the vote for Gonfaloniere? Lorenzo What's wrong? Nothing.

Luca, Luca.

Do we have the votes to stop Jacopo Pazzi? Speak to me.

You're a friend, as you were my father's.

Father? I must support Jacopo Pazzi.

You would betray me? You cannot do this.

My mind is made up.

How did he get to you? How did he get to you? Come on! Father Why? Francesco! Come.

You should have rode Soderini down in the street! Without his support we will lose.

We might as well leave Florence, before we're thrown out.

No There are still those who will desert Jacopo and support Petrucci, if we can deliver the treaty with Venice and Milan, guaranteeing the city's future safety.

I will have to persuade Sforza myself.

You're needed elsewhere.

The Papal army are within hours of Cittá Di Castello.

I know, I know.

Sixtus would not listen.

So, leave Vitelll to his fate.

And the people? Florence has long been that city's protector.

There cannot be another Volterra.

I will ride to Cittá Di Castello.

You ride to Milan.

Get the Duke to sign that treaty.

Lorenzo! -Giuliano! Your family needs you.

You'll do as your brother asks.

How do I persuade Sforza? What has changed? I will write a letter.

Neither of us can afford to fail in this, brother.

After the election of the Gonfaloniera, I must go to Genoa, on business.

You might come along.

The sea air would do you good.

It would be good to get out of the city.

Messer, Madonna A visitor.

Francesco Pazzi.

Let him enter.

I'm sorry to bother you.

What is it you want? I'm tired.

If you are here to convince me to vote for your uncle, you are wasting your time.

Once you know what I know, you will need no convincing.

It stares you in the face.

Do you think me a ridiculous man? What do you mean? Giuliano de1 Medici It is finished.

Do you love him? Do you love him? I can forgive you.

But only if you tell me you do not love him.

No! You are hurting me! Please, let me go! -Move! Stop, please! Move! -Please! There.

You will remain here until I have decided what to do with you.

This letter from Lorenzo asks meto defy Sixtus.

He is only a man.

-He is Pope.

And if my husband makes an enemy of him, he will alienate his own citizens.

I don't have time for this.

I'm not a politician, I don't have my brother's silver tongue, so I'll speak plainly, in case you miss the point: If you do not agree to this treaty, Milan may find itself in a precarious position.

How so? Venice will remain a rival and enemy on one side.

On the other side, you'll no longer have Florence as an ally.

You thr*aten me? Not at all, Duke! Without this treaty, my family will lose control of Florence in the upcoming election, will be replaced by the Pazzi, who despise you for supporting my father, my brother and are allied to the Pope, who is about to take Cittá Di Castello, and will only continue to expand the Papal states.

That's the choice that faces you, Duke.

I have changed my mind.

I cannot betray Lorenzo.

-Why? You betrayed his father.

-Piero was weak, and I feared for the city.

But Lorenzo is strong.

You think hell forgive you? for trying to have his father k*lled? He may.

For that is the kind of man he is.

But even if he does not, I will know I've done the right thing by opposing you.

And you cannot be persuaded otherwise? No.

-At any cost? No, Jacopo.

I'm sorry, but it's— It's alright.

He's an honest man.

I respect that, Luca, I do.

Well Well, there is nothing more to be said.

You may leave us.

An intruder! Get him down! I'm looking for the cardinal! I'm looking for the cardinal! I'm Lorenzo de' Medici! Release him! Your Eminence.

You're too late, Lorenzo.

Vitelli refuses to surrender.

Let me speak with him Persuade him to open the gates.

He had his chance.

I have promised my men we will sack the city.

If Vitelli agrees to pay a bounty, your men will be well, well paid, gentlemen And they won't even have to fight! He will never agree.

He knows Sixtus must replace him in order to bring peace to the city.

Let me try.

You have one hour.

Father! Father! Father! Father! Open the gates! It's Lorenzo de' Medici! Is this the army Florence sends to our aid? A single Medici? No, it offers you more than an army.

It offers you the chance of peace.

We're done talking.

If they wish to take our city, let them try.

Well, if that's what Vitelli wants Your corrupt Gonfaloniere! Because he knows he's got nothing to lose! Is that what you want? You know that that gate is strong! But that it won't hold! You cannot stand against an army that its soldiers Will come into your homes! They'll k*ll your children! And they will r*pe your wives and your daughters! Is that what you want? And if you open that gate now those soldiers will do the same! Then pay a bounty! Ruin our city by paying for the privilege to be the Pope's vassals? There is another way.

How did you convince Vitelli to pay the ransom? I did not.

Our bank will.

It is already weakened by the loss of the Papal account.

But the people of the city will live.

The Priori will only see that Florence has effectively yielded its influence to the Pope.

Well? Sforza agreed.

Then we have a chance to stop Jacopo.

Well done, brother.

It won't be enough to turn the Priori our way.

Why not? Soderini is m*rder*d.

What? The people believe it was on your orders.

My God They knew that he'd promised his support to the Pazzi.

Vespucci has also declared for Jacopo.

Why? Because of your affair with his wife.

Where is she? -Get out of my house.

Where is she? That is none of your business! I am her husband! Where is she? If you've hurt her, I will k*ll you.

Simonetta What have you done? -What have I done? All I asked was that she say she did not love you.

This is your doing.

-Fetch a physician.


Now! Come here.

Come with me.

It's too late.

Why didn't you just tell him what he wanted to hear? I could not.

Why did you push me away? You're a Medici.

First and last.

-No No.

I am yours.


Lorenzo? What are you doing here? I have something to return.

Where did you get these? Clarice.

She wanted me to know that you loved me once.

Asked I persuade my husband to support Petrucci.

He will.

I'm sorry if I ever hurt you.

Thank you.

I did this for your wife.

Bastiano Bastiano! Signori Priori, thank you all for being here.

Let us proceed with the vote for gonfaloniere.

So we won't be discussing the m*rder of Luca Soderini? By hands unknown? Or the debacle at Cittá Di Castello? No? Gentlemen, it no longer matters if Sixtus holds Cittá Di Castello.

Because Florence has never been more secure than it is today.

How so? Everyone said that there could never be a treaty between the three great cities of Venice, Milan and Florence.

And yet it is agreed.

A guarantee, a guarantee, gentlemen, that each will come to the others defense if att*cked.

Order! Order.

Right, yes, that's right, applaud, applaud! Very good, Lorenzo, very good! Another magic trick.

An illusion.

Those of us who have been attending this chamber since before you were born, know an alliance only stands as long as those who agreed to if, uphold it, or live.

It secures nothing.

Now, let us proceed to the election.


Signor Pazzi, was right We have not adequately considered the death of our friend, Luca Soderini.

I propose we postpone the vote out of respect! Yes! Because he knows he'll lose! No.

We must not postpone the vote.


Luca Soderini was a dear dear friend of mine.

And I can think of no better tribute than to offer his seat to his son.


I know what it means to lose a father too soon.

And to have to assume greater responsibility, but I will ask you to do so.

I would be honored.

You you know who k*lled your father, boy? I do not know.

But I do not believe it was Lorenzo.

I support Petrucci.

Let the voting begin! You've done it Have you seen Giuliano? Where is Jacopo? -Come.

This alliance with Milan and Venice will not hold.

How can you be sure of it? We've already set in motion.

Precautionary measures.

We underestimated him.

If Lorenzo can bring Milan and Venice together, what other miracles is he capable of? And Lorenzo? He's too wily to be outwitted.

You must go to Rome.

The time for politics is over.

Traitor! Papa! Medid blood must be spilt.