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08x02 - The Gull's Dance

Posted: 12/25/22 08:51
by bunniefuu
- Oh, Catarella!
- Morning sir.

Morning. Has Fazio

He's not here sir.

Send him in as soon as
he gets here.

Straight away!

Good morning.

Morning Mimi.

- Anything new?
- All quiet.

Do you know why Fazio's
not in?

Can't help you there

but I've got some of those
papers you love to sign.

You know where you
can go Mimi.

I know. I can do
it by myself.

Come in!

Sorry about the door
sir, I slipped...

What is it?

There's a Mr Mizzica
here who

wants to talk to you
personally, in person.

Let him in then.

Come in Mr Mizzica.

Adolfo Rizzica,
Mr Inspector.

Please come in.

I've got five minutes.

You can talk to Mr Augello
if you need to.

I own five fishing boats.

- I'm very pleased for you.
And? - I'll get to the point.

I'm worried about one of
the boats.

In what way?

Twice a week,
it comes back late.

I still don't understand. It
gets back later than the others?


What's the problem?

I know where they fish and
how long it takesto get back.

I keep in touch over the radio,

even with the captain
ofthe boat, Maria Concetta.

- The captain's a woman?
- No, he's a man.

The boat has a
woman's name.

The captain is Salvatore


So Captain Aurelio
tells me he's coming back

and then arrives an
hour and a half late.

Does he have a
slower motor?

No, not at all.

So why's he late?

That's just it.

I think the whole
crew's in on it.

In on what?

These days there's a lot of
traffic at sea.

It's worse than the freeway.
Do you get me?


I think he's stopping
to load up.

Load up?

I think they're
trafficking dr*gs

and I don't want to have
anything to do with it.

But how does the captain
explain these delays?

It's a new excuse
every time.

One time it's the motor,

another time the net's
caught up.

I see...
Perhaps it's better

if you tell the whole story
to Mr Augello.

- Catarella?
- At your service sir!

- Come here.
- Yes sir.

Mr Rizzica, you're
a fisherman.

I want to ask
you a question.

Have you ever seen
a gull die?

What's that got
to do with it?

No, nothing.

It's a personal question.
I'm curious.

Yeah. Back when I only
had one boat

and would go
out by myself.

I saw a gull fall down dead.

What did it do before it died?

What should it do?
Make a will?

- Mr Mizzica
- No, no, Rizzica!

Sorry Rizzica It's a
serious question.

I'm sorry.

What did it do before it died?

Nothing Inspector.

It fell onto the water
like a stone and floated.

Ah, because it fell in the

Come in!

Catarella, take Mr Rizzica
to see Mr Augello.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Fazio's here sir.
- Finally! Get him in here.

But it's not Fazio Fazio.
Carmine Fazio, his father.

- Carmine? - Yes sir.
- Here at the station?

Yes here.

Then show him in.

Come in Mr Fazio.

- Carmine! - Hello.
- It's so good to see you.

What are you doing here?

Sorry to disturb you sir,

but I need to ask you

What is it?

Last night my son had

dinner with us and
he left when you called.

He told me he had
to meet you at the port...

This morning he was
supposed to take me to

the doctor for my check-up,

but he never arrived.
I tried to call him but

he wasn't home and his
mobile is switched off.

I completely forgot!

Please forgive me.

What for?

Your son asked me to call you
because he couldn't.

He reminded me
and like an idiot, I forgot.

Don't talk like that sir.

No, I'm sorry to have
worried you.

Anyway, your son's fine.

He's just busy with a
very delicate operation.

That's all I need to know.
Thank you.

Sorry to disturb you.

You never disturb me.

- I'll see you out.
- Thank you

- Thanks again.
- Goodbye.

Mimi. Get in
here now.

Rizzica can
bugger off.

Fazio's disappeared.

Any news?


I've spoken to all the hospitals.
No sign ofFazio.

I also spoke to the guard
who was on duty last night.

- Did he see anything?
- No, he heard something.

I'll go and talk to
the fishermen.

- Hello.
- Hello!

- I'm Inspector Montalbano
- Officer Sassu

My deputy, told me you
heard something last night?

Yes, I was on duty.

The fishermen get back in
after midnight and unload.

Some of the catch goes
to the warehouse

and some gets taken away
in the refrigerated trucks

So there's a lot of coming
and going

until in the morning.
- Yes...

After that there's an hour
of peace.

It was around that time,
just before am,

I heard the sh*ts.
- How many?

- Two
- Ah...

But I'm not sure they
were g*nshots.

It could have been
a muffler.

Not long after, a big motorbike
went past and I relaxed.

Did you hear any voices
or shouting?

No, nothing Inspector.


Let's go!


Look what we have here.

So now we know it
wasn't a motorbike.

It's a nine millimetre.
What shall we do?

What do you want to do?
Make soup?

This just proves there
was a sh**ting.

We still don't know
what happened.

Maybe there was still a
warehouse open where

he could go for help.

The fact is
there was a second shot.

And the fact that the guard
didn't hear any more sh*ts,

is a bad sign.

What doesthat mean?

That means they hit him.

They either wounded
or k*lled him.

Or there's a third possibility...

Fazio let them take him.

Let's get a warrant to search
every warehouse.

If they k*lled him,
they wouldn't

leave his body in
a warehouse.

And if he were wounded,

they wouldn't dry
him out

in a cold-room
like a fish.

So if they k*lled him,
where's the body?

Where is the body?


Nothing. Two chairs and
four tins of tomatoes.

Better that way.

Excuse me Inspector.

What is it?

I own one ofthe

The fishermen will be back
in a few hours

and with all the divers there,
they won't be able to unload.

Don't worry. We'll be
done in half an hour.

And what are you

My watch. It fell in
this morning. Goodbye.

- Who told you I was here?
- Augello.

- What's up?
- I have to talk to you.

- Talk to me.
- How long's Fazio been missing?

Who told you?

First I got a phone call...

and then you confirmed it.

- I did?
- Yes.

I wanted to call Fazio at home
and you told me not to.

That seemed strange. It made
me think something was up.

You know what he was
doing don't you?

No. That's just it.
He didn't say anything.

We know nothing.
But who called you?

I can't say who it is.

But he thinks he saw
Fazio in trouble.


His head was

Was he alone?

Unfortunately not.

But he wasn't sure and he
wanted more information.

So I called him back
and told him that you had

indirectly confirmed that
it was Fazio.

So he asked me to call back
in two hours.

- Why didn't he call the station?
- I'll explain later.

When I called him,
he told me his location

so he could tell
us in person.

- Shall we go?
- Of course. Where?

Near Rivera.
An hour and a halfby car.

Let's go. But why
didn't he call the station?

Because he's
on the run Salvo!


Come on. It's ok.

- So where is he?
- There

- Let's go.
- No Salvo, wait.

He'll tell us everything.
But he doesn't want to

show his face. That's why I
have to blindfold you.


I have to blindfold you.

Don't be stupid.

He won't talk ifl don't!

I'll make him talk.

Wait. I gave him
my word of honour.

A pact is a pact,
he won't talk otherwise!

Can you blindfold
me over there? Let's go.


Are we making a

- Ok, I'll go and get him.
- Niccolo, you're not going

to ask how many fingers
you're holding up?

Oh bugger off.

He's waiting for you.

- Hello Mr Montalbano.
- Hello.

I'm sorry to make you come

here and then blindfold you...

Cut the crap and tell me
what you have to tell me.

This morning I was up the
mountain at Scibetta,

near those dry wells.
Do you know it? - Yes, yes...

I was in the car and I saw
three people.

One of them was sitting
on the edge of the trough.

His forehead was messed up
and his shirt was bloody.

One of the others hit him
and he fell into the t*nk.

I recognised straight away
that it was Mr Fazio.

- Are you sure?
- Very sure.

- And then?
- I had to run because

the carabinieri were coming
after me. But before

I came here,
I talked to Zito.

How do you know Mr Zito?

Leave it Salvo, please.

And why did you want him
to tell me about your call?

Because once, Mr Fazio
was very good to my son.

Why do you think they
took Fazio up to the wells?

They wanted to throw
him in one of the wells.

To make him disappear.

Thank you Mr Nicotera

How did you recognise me,

When you told me Fazio was

kind to your son,
I knew who you were.

Are you sure about what
you've said?

Very sure sir.

Okay, Let's go.

- Thanks again.
- Goodbye.

Hurry Niccolo,
we've got to hurry!

Think about it Salvo,
it was hours ago.

I am thinking about it.
Have you got aphone?


Maybe I wasn't clear.
Maybe they've already done

what they wanted to do.

I'm not stupid,

but we could still find him
alive. Wounded, but alive.

- How long will it take us?
- A couple of hours.

Listen carefully.

You know Mount Scibetta?

The dry wells?

There are three wells.

One is completely filled in.

They've just sent a man
down this one.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Gaetano.

I'm captain of the Montelusa
fire brigade.

- Has your man reached
the bottom? - No.


I need a mask.

There's a terrible smell,
like rotting meat.

Could you see anything?

I didn't see anything,
I just smelt it.

It might not be
a human corpse.

It could
be a dog or a sheep.

- It can't be Fazio.
- Why not?

His body wouldn't have
had time... you know?



There's a body.

A body?

Mimi, call the

Doctor Pasquano and

Shall we start now or
wait for them?

Let's wait.

I can't do anything here.

Bring him to me at the

How did he die?

Montalbano, are
you blind?

Can't you see they shot
at least a full clip

into his face?

Captain, can we see
the third well?

- Sure
- Let's go.

There's a body
down there.

Sir, we still don't
know who the body is.

- Let's get Pasquano
and forensics back. - No.

If it's Fazio, I don't want
anyone else to see him.

Is that clear?

We get to grieve for him

before anyone else.

It's not him.

Let's go.

They found two cartridges

- Where?
- Near the well.

- Have you seen them?
- I compared them withthe

ones from the port.
They look identical.


- Who's the dead man?
- Don't know. He had no ID.

About years old.

- How did he die?
- Falling.

- Which means?
- What I said: Falling.

He was alive. He fell
down the well and died.

And what was the time
of death?

Pasquano thinks hours
at most.

What now?

Let's wait.

- We'll have a look around
before we call the chief. - Ok.

But do you have any idea
what could have happened?

I think when Fazio realised
they were going to throw

him down the well,
he was desperate.

He knocked one of his
captors in.

Then he ran off and they
shot at him.

But he got away.

Otherwise he'd
be in the well.


- Where do we start?
- The mountain.

It's full of caves.

He could be hidden up
there unable to move.


We'll stay in touch
by phone.

What are you doing?

I have an idea.
Talk to you soon. Let's go.

Where are we going?

To the tunnel through
the mountain.

- It's closed. You can't get in.
- We'll see.

Get down!

- Inspector, are you hurt?
- No. You?

- No, I'm ok.
- Good.

Has he stopped sh**ting?

Maybe he doesn't want us
to find him.

Could it be Fazio?

It could be.

Then why's
he sh**ting at us?

Because he doesn't
know it's us.

Who knows what state
he's in...

It's Inspector Montalbano.

Come out with your
hands up!

What do we do?

Give me the g*n.

Get in the car.

Turn it around and
put the lights on.

When you turn around,
stay down!

- Ok, ok Inspector.
- Go!

Fazio, it's us.

It's all right.
Get his g*n.

Cuff him.

- Fazio?! - He can't tell
his friends from his enemies.

Let's get him in.

Stay calm Fazio.
Stay calm.

I've got the g*n,
take it easy...

Easy now.

Shall we take him
to the hospital, Inspector?

Yes, but in Fiacca,
not Montelusa.

No one can know
we found him.

- Do you have a phone?
- Yes Inspector.

Call his dad.


- Hello Carmine?
- Yes.

It's Montalbano.
We found him.

Is he all right?
Is he wounded?

No. He's had a bump
on the head,

and he's a bit confused.
It doesn't look serious

but we're taking him to
the hospital. - In Vigata?

No, in Fiacca.
I'll explain later.

- I'll come straight away.
- We'll see you there.

Don't worry.

Thank you.

Let's go.


Watch the road and
go slowly.

Don't worry Inspector.


The wound itself isn't serious.

But there's been some
trauma to the skull.

Could this account for
his memory loss?

Most likely.

But we can't take him off
the danger list for hours.

We can be more precise

Thank you.

I've just spoken to his
father. He'll be here soon.

I've told him not to
tell anyone.

Well done...

You're tired. There's
nothing we can do here.

Let me take you home.

- Hello?
- It's Carmine Fazio.

Sorry to disturb you.

Mr Fazio. Any news?

They're operating. He has
a cerebral hematoma.

The doctor says he must
have fallen and hit his head.

- When are they operating?
- He's going into theatre now.

I'll come now.

There's no point.

They won't even let me
see him.

But don't worry.

The head physician tells
me his life's not in danger.

Thank goodness.

Could you do me a favour

and let me know as soon
as he gets out?

I'd be very grateful.
At home or at the station.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

Oh! Giuseppe?

He's crashed out.

Galluzzo told me he
didn't recognise you.

He didn't recognise us?
He shot at us!

But he'll get better...

What did Pasquano say
about the second body?

He hasn't ruled out
firearms or sidearms.

He thinks he was thrown
into the well alive.

If that's true,
Fazio could have done it.

Has he been identified?

I don't think they can.

- You think he's got a
clean record? - No...

I saw his hands.

He must have tried to
grab on as he fell.

All his fingertips are gone,
so no fingerprints.

And the other body?
The one we found first?

I'm waiting for a call
from forensics.

Salvo, I don't want
to piss you off,

but shouldn't we tell
the chief about Fazio?

I wouldn't want him to
find out from someone else.

You're right.

Let's not waste time!

You do it.
From your office.

Ah! Fine.


Everyone come here!

I've just spoken to
Fazio's dad.

The operation went perfectly.

But it's too soon
for visitors.

The doctors will let us know
when we can see him. Ok?

Back to work.

He's going to make it.
I hoped, I even prayed.


Oh... Montalbano...

I want to know about the
bodies we found in the wells.

I worked that out for myself.

Not for one moment did
I think you came to ask

about my health.

Let's fix that now.
How are you?

- Right at this moment,
I can't complain. - Good

Thank you for your
kind concern.

- Where shall we start?
- With the younger one.

The fresh one?

They threw him in the
well alive.

Any signs of a struggle?

He fell for metres,

bouncing from one side
of the well to the other

and you still ask me that?
Have you seen the body?

So what else can you
tell me?

He was about ,
in good condition.

He could have lived
another years.

- And the other one?
- In his s.

He must have been in
the well for at least a week.

They must've thrown him in
straight after they k*lled him.

One more thing,

but this is just
my opinion...

They must have taken a
while to finish him off.

At least half a day.

Did they t*rture him?

First they shot him in
the foot. The left one.

Then they left him for
a few hours

and later they went to
work on him with a knife.

He had wounds

They k*lled him with five
blows. Three to the chest

and two in the face.

Do you know if he was
naked when...

Yes, he was naked.

What's going on in your
sick brain?

If you want someone to talk,

you butt a cigarette out on
their hand or take out an eye,

- but to sh**t them in the foot?
- They were well looked after.

- What?
- His feet.

I think he had regular

Did you notice anything else?

He'd had an operation
on his right leg.

- A torn ligament.
- So he had a limp?

- That's not certain.
- Is there more?


Please get off
my balls!

With your permission.

Are you looking
for someone?

Yes. Fazio.
Giuseppe Fazio.

- Certainly. I'll take you
to him. - Thank you.

- This way...
- Thanks.

He's in here.

- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

Five minutes!

Five minutes... from now!



I can hardly remember
a thing.

Don't worry.
There's no rush.

Tell me everything when
you get your memory back.

It started with a call
from a man I know.

His name was Manzella.

Filippo Manzella.

What did he want from you?

Interview over!

- Are you sure your watch is
working? - Perfectly.


What time can I come back?

Visiting hours are from
o'clock till .

How long will you
give me at o'clock?

- Another minutes.
- Make it . - .

See you later.

Are you lost?

You're still here?

I can't find the exit.

- Come, I'll show you.
- Thank you!

So are you my
guardian angel?

Definitely not, but I'll show
you the way out anyway.

- What's your name?
- Angela. - Angela!

See. Salvo Montalbano.

- I'm a police inspector.
- Brilliant! An inspector

- who gets lost in a hospital!
- All these corridors

look the same!

- Thanks a lot.
- What for?

Listen, I'll be back
this afternoon.

Will you be here?

- Will you do me a favour?
- Let's hear it.

- Can you be right here?
- What is it, a date?

No, please.
I just need some help.

- Ok.
- Thank you! Goodbye.

Federico, Ferdinando,

ah, Francesco Manzella

He's the only one it could be.

Who is it?

Hello madam,
it's the police.

- Oh god, what's happened?
- Nothing...

Don't worry, it's just
about an infringement.

Is Mr Filippo Manzella

No. He doesn't
live here anymore.

My husband and I have
been separated for years.

I'm sorry. But do you
know where I can find him?

No. I know he
was living at

Via della Forcella
up until two weeks ago.

When he last called,
he told me he was moving.

He didn't give you the
new address?

No, I'm sorry.

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

Could I come and talk
to you?

You want to come now?

In about half an hour.

I'm just going out. You can
come after am tomorrow.

Thank you.
Tomorrow morning at .


Thank you.

- I didn't think you'd come!
- I shouldn't be here,

but after all the drama,
I didn't think you'd find

your friend without me.

What drama?

Just after visiting hours,

a man was seen wandering
around the fourth floor.

He was short and stocky,
with a scar on his face.

He was opening doors as if he
was looking for someone.

When a nurse stopped him,
he pulled a g*n and ran off.

- Did he sh**t?
- No.

But he got away. He was
seen running across

the car park and disappearing
into the countryside.

What are these agents
doing here?

They're here for the Honourable
Fricarato and Judge Filippone.

Both anti-mafia
One has a broken leg

and the other,
a fractured pelvis.

Their car went into a
truck and they've both

received death threats.

Here's the door.

I found out that Mr Fazio will
be discharged in afew days

and tomorrow they'll get
him on his feet.

But tomorrow you'll have
to find your own way,

because I'll be in surgery.

- Bye.
- Thank you.

Ah, wait! Can I invite
you out for dinner?


To repay you.

I have something on,

but can I get back to you?

I'll make a call and see
if I can get out of it.

- Of course.
- Let's say, if I'm not

here when you come out...

call me on this number.

- Till then.
- Till then.


We said

The time starts when
you leave.

Where's your father?

He went home.

He was exhausted.

Did you hear what
happened in the hospital?

Someone tried to get to
those two from anti-mafia.

- Do you know who those
two are? - No.

Fricarata and Filippone

But they're rejects.

I'm not convinced.

Did he come into your room?

- No.

Does a short, large man

with a scar on his face
ring any bells?


Do you know him?

- Excuse me inspector...
- Yes.

He's one of the two
who wanted to k*ll me.

I suspected that.

He came to the hospital
to finish what he started.

- I have to get out ofhere!
- Don't worry.

I don't think he'll be back.

Tell me what happened.
Let's start with Manzella, ok?

I know Manzella...

because we went to
primary school together.

Here in Vigata.

Then we lost touch.

He went to dance school.

He wanted to be a
classical dancer.

One day...

- Do you need to rest?
- No...

Our time's nearly up.

One day,

we met by chance...

in Montelusa.

He wanted me to look
into something.

He thought it was to do
with contraband.

Why did you go to the port?

He called me one night...

...and said,
"If you come to the port,

you'll catch them in
the act."

He said he'd wait for me
by the warehouses at am.

So I told my father...

that you'd called me...

and I left.

Were you armed?

No Inspector.
I wasn't.

I just wanted to check
it out.

Before I went in...

I would have called for

To tell the truth,

I didn't think there was
anything in it.

- Time's up!
- Sure.

Listen carefully.

The night you went to the
port, are you sure it was

Manzella who called you?

I think so.

He sounded upset and
far away,

but I think it was him.

You rest...
I'll see you tomorrow.

- Hello.
- Hello.

It's Inspector Montalbano.

I'm sorry, I couldn't get
out ofit.

Can we put it off until
tomorrow night?

Of course. Do you know
a good restaurant?

There are plenty, but...


I don't want to be seen
out with aman around here.

It could cause problems,
do you understand?

Sure. Do you want to
come to Vigata?

Why not?

I'll be here
again tomorrow

afternoon and I can give
you alift.

Perfect. I finish at .
See you tomorrow then.

- Ok. Bye.
- Bye.

Who's in charge here?

I'm Inspector Montalbano.

- At your service Inspector.
- Your colleague, officer Fazio

is in Room .

He was wounded in a

Could you watch his door
as well?

Because we don't know that
man was looking for Filippone

and Frincata earlier.
Do I make myself clear?

Perfectly. Don't worry
Inspector, we're here.

- No-one will get through.
- Thank you.

Hello! I'm
Inspector Montalbano.

- Is there a porter?
- Will I do?

Of course.

- Do you want coffee?
- No, thanks.

- Some wine?
- No.

Is that fish soup?

I like fish soup.

This smells like a

Oh, go on!

Ask me whatever you want.

- Sit down.
- No thanks.

So I hear a certain Filippo
Manzella lived here.

He lives here!

He's been renting for
three years

but he's not here right
now. He told me he was

going away for a while.

Did he say where
he was going? - No.

What's he doing about mail?

He told me to put them
aside until he got back.

There's a letter and an
electricity bill.

Does he have visitors?

Not during the day.

At night then?

How would I know?

- Can I see his apartment?
- Of course.


You go by yourself because
I have to watch the soup.

- That door there.
- Thanks.

- Madam!
- Watch your feet!

I'm not moving. I wanted
to give you the keys.

- Who cleans the apartment?
- Me!

Then I have to ask you a
strange question.

While you were cleaning,
making the bed,

did you get the feeling that
he had women there?

A feeling?

Sometimes it seemed like...

there'd been an earthquake!

Pillows onthe floor,
sheets tangled.

Once I found the mattress
half off the bed!

- Did it happen often?
- Often enough lately.

Always the same woman?

How would I know that?

Maybe different coloured
hair on the pillows?

Believe me... I've never
found a hair. Never!

- A hairpin? A lipstick?
- No, no... Nothing. Ever.

- How's that possible?
- Means they were careful.

Well thank you.
One last thing:

Can I have the letter that
arrived after Manzella left?

What do I tell him when
he comes?

I'll leave you a receipt. If
Mr Manzella wants the letter,

he can come to the station.

Wait here and I'll get it.

"Lppo, can you tell me
why you won't see me?

Why won't you answer
your phone?

Someone's told you
terrible lies about me

and like an idiot,
you've believed them.

If they told you about Fiacca,
it was nothing.

I miss you and we need to
meet and clear this up.

There could be
consequences foryou.

So call me. G."

Thank you ma'am.
You shouldn't have.

- It's just coffee. Sugar?
- Thanks, one.


Tell me the truth

This story about the fine is
completely made up isn't it?

As if an inspector would
come to my house for a fine.

What's happened to Filippo?

We don't know.

So why are you interested
in him?

- Because he's disappeared.
- He's disappeared?

He always disappears!

For a week, a fortnight,
a month.

He even disappeared
just after we were married.

Not even a phone call,
the whole time he was gone.

You didn't ask him about
these disappearances?

A million times.

He told me it was business,
but I never believed him.

Want some advice?
Stop looking for him.

He'll show up sooner
or later.

But the situation is
a bit complicated.

I can't explain now...
Can I ask you afew questions?

We're here...

When did you get married?

years ago.

And was it a marriage of love?

I thought it was love.

What was he doing when
you got married?

He was working for
the council.

He stayed there
for years.

He was on a good wage and
he seemed to be doing well.

And then?

Then his Uncle
Carlo died.

He left him his entire estate,
houses, shops and a

successful farming business.

So these trips could have been
about his business interests?

You make me laugh Inspector!
Filippo, business interests?

He didn't want the hassle.
He sold everything and put

the money in the bank.

I see. So why did
you separate?

Let's say he lost interest in

In every way.
Do you understand?

I was nothing to him.

No, actually I was the
mother ofhis son,

but no longer a woman. I
think he had lots of lovers.

Then, I lost my patience and
kicked him out. That's it.

We found a huge telescope in the
apartment you told us about.

Yes. That was one of
his passions.

Do you remember that film where
the man in the wheelchair

looks out the window to
see what's happening?

Of course!
Rear Window.

My husband did the same.
He'd sit here and look at the

houses over there. In that
window there, a young bride

would see her lover, as soon
as her husband went out.

Then I think there, when
his wife went to sleep,

the old man would go into his
granddaughter's room...

I never liked it and I never gave
him the satisfaction...

Excuse the question,
but did your

husband remain just
an observer?

What else could he have done?

In these cases, there's a
strong temptation

to enter other
people's lives.

Do you mean blackmail?

Not just that. For fun.
For example, I see the young

bride with her lover. I send an
anonymous letter to her

husband and I enjoy the show.
- No, Filippo

would never have
blackmailed anyone.

At most, it was a
nasty hobby.

Not because he's
bad though!

He's just unpredictable.

Earlier you said your husband
had two passions.

One was the telescope.
What was the other?

His feet. He's always having
them treated.

- His feet? - Yes,
his feet.


- Why "ah"?
- No, nothing.

One last question.
Why did he stop dancing?

He had an accident.
He tore a ligament.

Thank you.
You've been very kind.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

So if Manzella had been
in the well for five

days, the call to
Fazio was a trap.

You're so sharp Mimi!

You've busted my balls.
I'll stop talking!

I'll ask another question.
Why do you think they shot

Manzella in the foot?
- To make him talk.

That's not the question Mimi.
If you want someone to talk,

you stub out a cigarette on
their hand or sh**t them in

the knee. I want to know why
they shot him in the foot.

They were interrogating him,
and a shot went off? - Cold.

Because he cared about his foot
- Warmer...

Because he was a dancer.

They shot him where

it mattered most. To
humiliate him.

- You're not convinced?
- No, I'm convinced but I'm

remembering a western I
saw a long time ago.

The bandits were sh**ting at
a guy's feet to make him dance.

Not just to humiliate him,
but for fun.

This lot were having fun and
maybe they promised him that

if he talked, they'd spare his life.
Manzella told them he'd talked

to Fazio and they k*lled him

Then they thought they should
k*ll Fazio too.

What now?

Has the Chief been in
touch about Fazio's transfer?

No. He said he'd arrange it
as soon as possible.

Call him and speed it up.
I want Fazio out of that hospital

as soon as possible. Then call
Rizzica, the owner ofthe fishing

boats. Get him to meet me at
the station at midday tomorrow.

We made a mistake. We should
have listened to him sooner.

- May I?!
- At your service sir!

You remember Inspector Fazio,
the patient in Room ?

- Certainly. - Did they move him?
- About an hour ago.

- Where did they take him?
- I'm sorry Inspector. I don't know.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Hello? - Sir?
- Fazio, are you ok?

Fine sir, don't worry.

I've just changed
rooms. - Why?

The chief phoned his friend
Prof. Bartolomeo and asked

him to move me to a
safe place.

He wanted me
transferred to

one of our infirmaries.

The professor moved
me himself because

the chief told him it had
to be kept secret.

Right. Where are you?
- In the attic.

I'm coming.

So how do you get to the attic?

What is it? Same old story?

- You can't find your friend?
- Er... No. Errr

I think I heard that Professor
Bartolomeo moved him.

They moved him to the attic,
but I don't know how to get there!

It depends which one.
There are attics.

I'll find out from admissions.

It's Angela. Which attic is
Mr Fazio in? Thanks.

You're lucky. It's the one
above us.

- Room .
- Perfect. Thanks.

One last thing Inspector.
What about later?

I'd just prefer not to leave
the hospital with you.

Look, I'll give you my car keys.
My car's in the carpark.

The number plate is BCHD.

I'll meet you there when I've
finished and

we'll leave. Is that ok?
- Ok. See you later.

- Thanks.
- Sure...

Peppino? Oh!

Sorry to worry you.
- Don't worry! How are you?

Well enough.

Listen, did you hear that we
found two bodies in the well.


I only know about the
one that I threw in.

We knew it was you. No,
we found another body.

This morning I worked out
that it was your friend, Manzella.

He'd been there for days.

Do you think they'll try to
k*ll me too?

Do you think that guy
came here to

wish you a merry

Anyway, tomorrow
they'll transfer

you to one of our
secure infirmaries.

In the mean time,
take this.

Now I feel better.

I have an important question for
you, so think carefully. Did

Manzella tell you where
he was living?

Yes. Once he wanted me to
come to his house. He gave

me the address. Then he
changed his mind. But I

can't remember the

Could it've been
Via della Forcella?

That's not it.

Don't worry. It'll come back
to you.

Now tell me exactly
what happened that

night at the port. From
the moment you left home.

I went out early

I stopped to eat in a bar.

By around am,
Manzella hadn't arrived,

so I decided
to go home.

When I came to, I was in one
of the warehouses.

k*ll the bastard!

Tell me what Manzella said!

I'll k*ll you, you son
of a bitch!

Let's throw this piece of
shit away!

Come with us! Bastard!

The man with the scar ran off
after I shot at him. Then

I heard a car leaving.
I started walking.

I saw the tunnel and
went inside.

I don't know how
long I was there.

Then I heard a car
coming in fast and as soon

as I saw it I started sh**ting.

No-one followed you into the
tunnel in the car.

But I'm sure of it.
There were two people.

Galluzzo and me.
It was our car.

Then I shot at you?

Lucky you were a bad shot.
You missed us!

I could have k*lled you!
You were lucky too.

Galluzzo was at the wheel.

You know what he's like
with a g*n in his hand.

I'll go now.

If you think of Manzella's
address, call me anytime.

- Sure.
- See you.

Lucky you came. I was scared
someone would see me.

Please be less formal.

- I'm sorry Inspector, I can't do it.
- Why?

Because there's too much
of a difference. - In what way?

- I mean a difference in status.
- Does that matter?

Yes. It matters.

Angela, imagine if I were a
sick patient. Would you

- still be so formal?
- Maybe not.

Ok, you've convinced me.
But don't go thinking I want

to play doctors with you.

- Are you a fussy eater?
- No, I eat everything. - Great.

So I gather you don't have
a boyfriend.

I did not long ago.

Did he leave you or did
you leave him? - He left.

- He's brave!
- How?

- To leave a girl like you.
- Ah!

- Were you in love?
- Yes.

- And he wasn't in love anymore.
- No, he was.

So why did you break up?

Because. Sometimes it's
not up to us.

So you were forced to
break up? - Let's say yes.

So change his mind.

At this point he can't
change his mind.

- Insist, insist!
- You don't understand.

He can't anymore.

- Did he marry someone else?
- I wish.

Can we please change
the subject?


- Sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.

I didn't think it would be
so hard to talk about it.

I'm sorry about your friend.
How is he?

He's looking better.

They told me he'd lost his
memory. Is that true?

That's the problem.
He's confused.

He remembers some details,
but no names or faces.

What does Professor
Bartolomeo say?

It'll take some time.

Why did they move him
to the attic?

The Chief asked them to.
For his protection. He's worried

someone could make an attempt
on his life.

But if he doesn't remember
anything, why?

The men who want to k*ll him
don't know that.

Oh, thanks Enzo!

Everything ok Inspector?

- It is for now.
- Thankyou!

- Buon appetito!
- Buon appetito.

No, I didn't want to be a nurse.
I wanted to study medicine.

But then my father died and
there was only just enough

money for my mother and me.
I told you. Sometimes we have

to do things we don't want to.

- Have you done that often?
- What?

- Things you didn't want to do.
- Sometimes.

Have you ever done anything
against yourwill that you

- ended up enjoying?
- Afew times.

And this evening?

What do you mean?

Do you think this evening
will be enjoyable?

I can't tell you that till it's over!

At the moment, it's very

But then no-one forced
me to come out with you.

Shall I take you back
to Fiacca?

- Is your place nearby?
- Yes.

Is it beautiful?

Mainly for the position.

Why don't you show it to me?

Get in.

Here we are.


I could stay out here all night.

Why don't we go inside?

Can I have another whisky?

No. With all that wine you had
you'll get drunk.

Why do you care?

I don't want to make love
with a drunk woman.

Let's go inside.

- Hello?
- Sir, it's Fazio.

Fazio, what are you doing
awake at this hour?

I can't sleep.

But I've remembered
Manzella's address.

- Tell me.
- Via Bixio.

Via Bixio. Thank you.
Try to get some sleep.

Don't worry. Goodnight.

You won't be angry ifl say

Say it.

I don't want it anymore.

...Ok. Shall I call you a taxi?

Can't I stay a bit longer?

Explain something. Earlier, you
wanted to. You wanted to

- come here but now...
- I toldyou. I don't want

to anymore.

Then I'll take you back to Fiacca

- Right now?
- Now.

Can't we stay for an
hour or so?

An hour or so?

Long enough to make
them believe we've screwed.

What do you mean?

Make who believe that?

Who indeed?

If you want to
stay here for an hour,

get undressed and
get into bed.


Get dressed.

I knew something was up
the first time I met you.

You made a big mistake.


When we met, you asked who
I was looking for. You took me

straight to Fazio's door without
asking anyone.

Where should I have taken you?

You want me to believe that you
know the bed numbers of all

patients in the hospital?
- I work there.

You know all ? The ones that
come in and out,

the ones that die?
All ofthem?

Then you made a second mistake.

The girl at the desk couldn't have
known where Fazio'd been moved,

because the professor hadn't
told anyone.

You put on a show to make
me think she'd told you. Then you

took me to the lift to the roof.

Finally, you made your third, and
perhaps worst, mistake.

When I gave you my keys, I
told you my number plate. But I

made it up on the spot. And
when I came out ofthe

hospital, you were in my car.
That means you knew my

car very well and you
didn't need the number plate.

How did you get mixed up in

I can tell you're a good person.

Do you want me to tell you?

You couldn't know.

Let's see.

Your boyfriend died when he
was thrown down a well?

- Who told you?
- Let's move on.

Where is he?

A friend of his
came to tell you. A man with a

scar on his face who worked
with your boyfriend. He also told

you that it was Fazio who threw
him in and that he wanted to

get revenge. All you had to
do was to tell him

Fazio's room number.
Is that it?

No. I had to...

I know. You only told him the
floor, not the room number.

- Did you change your mind?
- Yes.

At first I was angry

Then I realised, that man
had only done what he had to.

- What was your boyfriend's name?
- Angelo, like me.

Angelo Sorrentino.

Didyou know what he did?

He never talked about it.
I've suspected something

for a few months.

What's the scarred man's name?

Vittorio Carmona.

He's outside?


At some point you told
Carmona you wanted out

and he blackmailed you.

He told me he'd write a letter
saying that I'd let him into the

And if that wasn't enough,

he was going to k*ll me.

Tonight you were supposed to
go to bed with me to get

information on the
investigation, right?

I was supposed to be a whore.

Now what can I tell him?
Carmona will k*ll me.

You'll tell him what I tell you to.

Sir, sir! I've been calling you for ever!

Did you have the phone off the hook?

- Why, what's happened?
- A dead woman Sir!

Mr Augello went in person,
personally and told me

that you have to join him
urgently when you arrive!

- Do you have the address?
- Yes. Let me find it. I'm sorry.

You can't read it very well.
Via della Forchetta.

Very good, and thanks.

Let me see... - who is it?
- Do you know?

Out ofthe way. There's nothing to
see here! Please!

Hello Inspector.

Sir, the porter is dead.

years old.

- Her name was Matilde Verruso.
- How did they k*ll her?

Early this morning, as soon as
she opened the door. They shot

- from a motorbike and sped off.
- Any witnesses?

Yes, one who lives on the third floor.

I rang the station
- Shhh.

- What is it? Who's snoring?
- Her husband. He's drunk.

- Does he know about his wife?
- Not yet.

How can you wake
him with that?

Have you been into Manzella's
apartment? - Yes, The telescope you

told me about isn't there anymore.
They've taken it.


What do you mean when?

Mimi, lf the sh**t sped off
straight away, he can't

- have taken it, right?
- Right.

I want to talk to the witness.
Where is he?

There. His name's Catalfamo.

- Catalfamo?
- Catalfamo.

He never changes.

- Mr Catalfamo?
- That's me.

- I'm Inspector Montalbano.
- Come in Inspector.

No that's not necessary.

- Good morning.
- You witnessed the sh**ting?

I certainly did! The motorbike
arrived a minute after poor

Matilde re-opened the door.
They shot and then sped off.

Excuse me, but you said
"re-opened" the door.

Why was it already open?
- Inspector, I sleep hours

a night!
- So?

On a good day, I'm already
up at . am. This morning,

before , I was at the window.
And a truck stopped outside.

A man got out, rang the bell and

Matilde came out carrying a
huge telescope!

The man took it,
put it in the truck and left.

At am?

But did Matilde tell you
who the telescope belongedto?

She told me that it was Mr
Manzella's. He'd called herthe

previous day to tell her a truck
was coming to pick it up.

- However...
- However?

Maybe I'm wrong.
But isn't am a strange time to be

- making a pick-up?
- You're not wrong at all Mr

- Catalfamo. Thank you.
- You're welcome. - Goodbye

- Can you lend me your phone?

- Here.
- Thanks...

- Catare', it's Montalbano.
- At your service sir!

You need to check the records for
two previous offenders.

Let me get pen and paper.

What are their names?

The first is Angelo Sorrentino.
Have you got that?

What is it?

First, you have to put off the
meeting with Ricca till tomorrow.

- Why? - At , you have to be at the
hospital in Fiacca.

Take Galluzzo, Spata and Caruso.

What do we have to do?

The ambulance is coming at o'clock
to take Fazio to Palermo. You need

to follow discreetly, so take your
car. Stay alert. If they want to k*ll

Fazio, this is their last chance.
- Why? Do you seriously think?

Yes. They tried a second time in
the hospital. Look! Vittorio Carmona:

homicides, from the Sinagra

Look at that honest face!

Salvo I've been thinking about
Manzella's porter. It could have

- gone like this...
- Tell me!

Manzella leaves the apartment.
She's curious, so she goes into

use the telescope. She sees some-
thing she can use as blackmail.

So to buy time, they pay up. Then
when she slips up, they k*ll her.

It could be. How much money was
in her bank account?

euros. - I'm sure we'll find
more around the house.

I think the whole thing starts
with Manzella telling his friend

Fazio about some contraband.
Did I tell you that the same day

Fazio disappeared, that fisherman,
Rizzica, came to the station? He

told me he suspects one of his fishing
boats is trafficking dr*gs.

- Do you think there's a connection?
- No! I'm just pointing out a

coincidence. So Manzella calls Fazio
and tells him to come to the port.

Fazio doesn't know that Manzella is
dead and it's atrap, so he goes.

They sh**t and wound him and
decide to finish him off at the wells.

Then there's a snag. Fazio escapes
and throws one of his captors down

- the well.
- Who we still haven't identified.

No. But we know the the other one
was Carmona because Fazio

- recognised my description ofhim.
- Then they k*lled the porter.

Exactly. Two murders and an
attempted homicide. Doesn't that seem

a bit much for drug trafficking?
Are we in Columbia? - It does.

If only we knew what Manzella
wanted to tell Fazio.

- Read this.
- What is it?

Forensics have just sent it back to me.

Is it a man or a woman?

Gargiulo says it's a man that
wants to seem like a woman.

A tr*nsv*stite? A transsexual?

I think our friend Manzella, a
married father, discovers another

world. He feels like he belongs.
But that's none of our business.

This letter is about jealousy.
G. Knew Manzella was angry.

Maybe cheating was involved?
Who knows?

But look at the last lines.
"There could be consequences

for you, do you understand?
So call me." Etc, etc.

That doesn't seem like a
matter ofjealousy, it's more

- like a warning.
- What does that mean?

I think that at some point, Manzella
discovers that G is involved in

something fishy. Maybe he saw
something through his telescope.

I don't know. But he loves him.
He decides not to say or do anything.

Then he finds out that G is cheating
on him and he decides to tell Fazio

- That seems plausible.

You realise we don't even know
where to start looking for G.

We don't even know his name.
Now I have to go home.

While you're following the
ambulance, call me every mins.

Don't make me worry. Remember
that Carmona sh**t, and he

doesn't do it just to make noise.

If there's g*nf*re, I'll let you listen
over the phone. Just to pass the

time, ok?
- Don't be a jerk!

Promise me you'll come back
tomorrow night?

I promise.

Come in.


He's upstairs sleeping. What are
you going to do to him?

- You're not going to k*ll him?
- f*ck off!

Walk with me, you poof!
Sit down!

- Did you go to the cops?
- No!

- Did you tell them everything?
- I said nothing!

I don't believe you!
What the f*ck did you tell

- them? Our names?
- I swear I didn't say anything.

To anyone! - I don't believe you.
- He's takingthe piss!

He is!

Hitting's not enough!

So you can dance? Then dance!

Dance! Dance!

I'll sh**t you in the balls!

"Inspector Montalbano, if they
k*ll me, which is very likely, you'll

lead the investigation. I hope you
find this letter. I met Giovanna

Lonero, a transsexual, at a gathering
in Montelusa There was an

instant attraction. She confided in
me that she was being kept in an

apartment in Vigata at the whim
ofher lover. He was a jealous man

and she was scared of him, but
refused to tell me his name. In

short, a few days later, I convinced
her to come to my house. She stayed

with me until the early hours of
the morning.

- Hello?
- Salvo, it's Mimi.

- Why didn't you call sooner?
- There was drama, just a false alarm.

- What happened?
- Two men in a car overtook the

ambulance and cut it off. We
thought it was an ambush and

surrounded them. Poor things
had to get out at gunpoint with

their hands up. The old man
almost had a heart attack.

Who were they? - The Bishop of
Patti and his secretary.

The road was wet and they lost

- The rest ofthe trip went smoothly.
- Where are you now?

In Palermo. We're about to
go into the infirmary.

Mimi, come here on your way
back. Even if it's late.

- Ok.
- Ciao.

"...Many more meetings followed.
As you may already know, I have

a telescope which I use to spy
on people's private lives. One night,

I pointed it at the north wharf.
While the fishermen were unloading,

I saw something very strange.
Outside the warehouse, at the far

end ofthe wharf, four huge cases
were being taken from one ofthe

refrigerated trucks. A bearded
man in his 's directed them

onto a fishing boat, which took
them straight to the other side

of the port.
- Giovanna...

- What's up?
- Giovanna, come here!

Giovanna, come!

Giovanna wanted to see too,
but suddenly she was terrified.

The man with the beard was her
lover, Franco Sinagra, a boss of

that particular family. Whatever
they were trafficking, it had to

be important for a Mafia boss to
be directing operations in person.

I gradually got Giovanna to
tell me. They were sending chemical

weapons supplied by the Russian
Mafia, to Arab nations. Two fishing

boats owned by a certain Rizzica
were at the heart ofit.

Some time ago I had to go
to Milan for work and when I

returned, a friend told me that
Giovanna had been playing

around in Fiacca Stung by
jealousy, I decided to call Fazio

and denounce them all,
including Giovanna. But I didn't

go through with it because she
suddenly came back into my life.

I don't know if it's for real or
whether she's hiding something

from me. Perhaps you can
answer this question, Inspector,

when I am no longer able to.
Signed: Filippo Manzella.

Now tell me how you got hold
of this letter?

Fazio remembered the address
Manzella had given him and I

- went there.
- How did you get in?

- I happened to have a key!
- Sure.

So what do you want to do?

I can only think of one thing.

Give me the address and I'll
put the letter back where you

- found it.
- And then?

You send me there officially
to see what happened. I find

out that they k*lled Manzella,
then I call forensics and make

sure they find the letter.
They take it to the Chief

and the game begins.

What do you think the chief
will do? - I couldn't give a shit.

- I don't like your reasoning Mimi!
- Youtaught me to look at the

facts! And we can't prove anything
if there's no evidence!

No, but there's enough to open
an investigation! Tomorrow

Rizzica's coming, we'll grill him and
then move on to Sinagra!

Forget Rizzica! When he found
out one of us was shot, he crapped

himself and came here to give
himself an alibi. Now he can say,

I told you something was up!
Would I come to the police if I

were involved?"

Tomorrow at o'clock. Go to
Via Bixio.

- Take Spata and Caruso.
- OK, We can't do it any otherway.

If we want to catch Sinagra, we
need evidence. Real evidence.

That's what we have to
keep in mind.

- Hello? - It's Angela.
I need to see you.

- What's up?
- He's been in touch. He wants to

know ifl'm seeing you tonight.
I told him we were meeting

tomorrow and he told me what
he wants me to do.

- What?
- I can't tell you overthe phone.

I have to see you right now.

Let's meet halfway. Do you
know Contrada Cavatalica?

- The abandoned houses?
- I'll see youthere in minutes.

- Ok?
- OK. Bye...

- Hi. - Hi. I don't know whether
I was followed.

Then let's make it look good.


Carmona told me I have to get you
drunk and tire you out tomorrow.

And when you're sound asleep, I
have to let him in. - Why?

Because they want to take photos
of you naked with me.

They want to blackmail you.

Why did you have to tell me so

Because I'm not sure they just
want to take your photo.

I thought if you knew, you could
catch them in the act.

You've done well.

I have to go now.
Bye. - Bye.

I've had an idea Do you have a
friend who could help you out?

- What do you mean?
- A friend you can trust absolutely.

There's Elena We've been friends
since we were kids.

- Why? What do we have to do?
- I'll tell you.

All right.

- I'll call you tomorrow.
- Bye...

Montalbano, it's Judge
Tommaseo. - Ah!

What's this I hear about
you not responding to a young woman's

- What letter?

The woman is Elena Vullo. She
says she wrote to you about a

transsexual named Giovanna Lonero,
being kept prisoner in the home of

Franco Sinagra, Via Roma,
Vigata Lonero is being systematically

tortured. You took no notice of
the letter. Why?

Judge, that story seems
a bit unlikely.

Elena Vullo exists.
She's in the phone directory!

Have you called her?


- I did.
- What did she say?

A relative answered. She'd just
left on a business trip.

Montalbano, I've already sent
you a search warrant.

It's not that simple. Franco Sinagra
is a Mafia boss with powerful friends.

You think I don't know that? Do
you know what the girl told me?

That if we don't intervene,
she'll go to the media!

If it turns out to be true,
we'll be up to our necks in shit!

Well, if you put it like that. I
can only obey your orders.

I should think so!

- Hello?
- Niccolo? It's Montalbano.

- What's up Salvo?
- I want to return the favour

you did for Fazio. Get yourself
and a cameraman to Via Roma.

Don't let anyone see you before I
get there.

Franco Sinagra's house is at
Via Roma

- Exactly.
- Shit!

Open up. Police!

- Mrs Sinagra!
- My husband's not here.

Doesn't matter. We have a search
warrant. May I?

Caruso, Spata, stay here.
Galluzzo, come with me.

Here's your proof Mimi!

Can you tell me what you're
looking for?

No problem ma'am. We can tell
her can't we? It's legal?

It's legal sir.

We're looking for a woman.

A woman?
I'm the only woman in this house.

She's not exactly a woman. She's
a transsexual.

- A transsexual?
- Yes, named Giovanna Lonero.

With whom your husband has
been having an affair for some time.

They told me! I didn't believe them!
I'll k*ll that son of a bitch! With

someone who doesn't know if
they're man or woman! How

disgusting! I'll k*ll him! I'll k*ll him!

Calm down... calm down...

Come out with your hands
up or I'll throw in a grenade.

Do you hear me?

Galluzzo give me the grenade.
I'll blow your balls off!

Ok, One, two, three. It's
coming in.

Don't sh**t, don't sh**t!

- Don't sh**t, we surrender.
- Against the wall, move!

I'm arresting you for the murders
of Filippo Manzella and Matilde

Verruso and for the attempted
homicide of lnsp. Giuseppe Fazio.

Take them away.

With this stellar police operation,
Inspector Montalbano and officer

Galluzzo have ensured justice
and, we hope, prison time for

Franco Sinagra and his
accomplice Vittorio Sinagra, for

the kidnapping and attempted
m*rder, twice, oflnsp. Fazio.

- Hello! - It's Angela.

Angela! You were fantastic!

You played Judge Tommaseo
brilliantly! Have you heard?

How could I not? It's all over
the television.

- Why haven't you called me?
- You're right. I'm sorry.

With everything that's been
going on. - I understand.

There's nothing left to fear.
No-one can make you do

- anything you don't want to.
- What are you doing.

I just got in. The sea looks
rough and I thought I might

- have a swim.
- Salvo, I wanted to say...

Tell me.

I wanted to thank you for

Thanks? No need to thank me.

So I'll see you later?

See you later... Angela?

I know you're a good girl.

- Good luck to you.
- And to you.
