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02x03 - Bon Anniversaire!

Posted: 12/25/22 12:57
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

[in French] Ah, Mademoiselle Cooper.


Oh! Merci!


[Mindy in English] Is it for me?

- No. Do people think you live here?
- Mmm-mmm.

Uh-oh, "Skokie, Illinois, USA."

Oh, is it from Ma and Pa Cooper?

Oh, my God. If it's your birthday,
I'm going to be so mad.

It's tomorrow. It's a nothing year
so I don't feel like celebrating.

I'm sorry, your friends decide
if there's gonna be a celebration.

That's how birthdays work.

Fine, but no surprises.
I've had enough of those.

Wait, how about we throw a dinner party?

- Can you cook?
- Not at all. Can you?

I can make a couple of things.

Oh, my God, we're having
our first Parisian dinner party!

I can see it.
We can put the table right here,

and then we can have little lights
floating in the fountain!

We can hang some
of the crap your parents sent.

Do we need a permit?

If we ask, we will.

- [chuckles]
- Uh-oh.

Chef on your left. Chef on your left!



- What is going on here?
- Oh, just hanging out.

Like we do.

Actually, it's my birthday tomorrow,
and we're planning a little dinner party.

You have to be there.

Perfect. I will bake you a cake.
That will be my gift.

That would be really nice.
Thank you so much.

Okay, so now that that's settled,
I'm going back to bed.

So you can... [chuckles] Toodles, poodles.

- So I have a question.
- Okay.

How did your romantic weekend
in St Tropez with Mathieu Cadault

turn into a holiday with Camille?

She was upset and wanted to get away.

And I'm glad she came. It was really fun.

You're avoiding the question.
Why wasn't Mathieu there?

Because he overheard our conversation

and didn't wanna go on vacation with me
anymore, which was the right move.

- Because you don't have feelings for him.
- Because Mathieu was a client.

I shouldn't have been going
to St Tropez with him.

And I'm all about
doing the right thing now.

With clients and with neighbors.

So bye.

[instrumental music playing]

[cell phone chimes]

Of course I will come
to your dinner party.

Oh, great. Oh, that makes me so happy.

I know exactly what
I'm gonna get you for your birthday.

I am going
to the hammam with friends today,

and I want you to join me.

Um, a ha-what?

You will see. You're gonna love it.
Okay, I will text you the address.

- Okay, bye.
- [Camille] Bye.

Bonjour, Sylvie!
When did you get back to Paris?

This morning.

Did you have
a good time with your husband?

I mean, Laurent G.

[sighs] We've been married
a very long time,

we don't live together,
we don't have any children.

Now you know everything.

Well, in America we wear wedding rings!


I have one more piece
of business before we wrap up.

First, Rimowa loves the Cadault collab.

So I'm hoping
that their enthusiasm will sway Pierre.

Second, it's my birthday tomorrow

and I wanted to invite you all
to a dinner party at my place.

Ah, excellent! I'll be there.

- Yes, I can come.
- Yay.

Well, merci beaucoup, Emily,
for the invitation,

but first, Pierre is not at all swayable
to the idea of working with Rimowa.

He was on the verge of not wanting
to work with Savoir anymore.

Luckily, Julien massaged his nerves,
and he saved us from losing a client.

But there was no actual massage involved,
I just want to be clear.

And now Julien
will be running point on the account.

- I think I hear my phone...
- Julien, can we talk?

You stole Pierre from me!

If anyone should be
accused of stealing, it's you.

You went over my head with Rimowa.
My account.

You were looking
for an opportunity to get back at me?

I'm sorry for what happened with Pierre,
but it happened because of your actions.

- I was trying to defend you!
- Next time, try not to defend me.

No problems.

Everything is okay. Whoa-oh!

No one stole anyone.

We all work together.
There is no need to be mad.

- I'm not mad! I'm disappointed.
- Me too!

I was looking forward to your party.
You're disinviting me.

- No, I'm not!
- Great, I'll be there!

Good! Let me know
if you have any food allergies!


This is really beautiful.

I know.

There are so many cool Moroccan places
to visit in this city.

I just love it.
The restaurants, the tea houses.

- [in French] Hello.
- Hello.

We booked a steam and a scrub for two.

Merci beaucoup. [in English] Towel?

- Oui. Merci. Thank you.
- Merci.


Can I... Can I have a robe too?
S'il vous plaît.

Thank you.

Maybe they should find us. [chuckles]

It seems a little awkward
to be scanning the room, you know?

[clears throat] So am I supposed to
still kiss their cheeks when we meet?

What? That's all you're going to kiss?

[hesitates] I... Sorry,
I don't know the protocol.

I've never met someone
for the first time naked.

Except for maybe my mom.

- [both chuckle]
- You're funny.


- [Élise] Camille.
- Hey!

- How are you?
- Good, you?

- Good, you?
- Good to see you.

- Bonjour. Ça va?
- Hi.

[all speaking French]

[in French] You brought her
to your parents'?

- [in English] In English?
- Sorry.

I was just asking
if you are the brother fucker.


Yep, that's me. [chuckles]

Well, I don't blame you.

Emily's one of the good ones.

I see. Well, nice to meet you.

[all chuckling]


So, Emily, do you prefer American men
or French men?

Apparently, I prefer young men.


Well, I prefer American men.

I mean, they're so big and hairy.
And they seem very easy too.

[all chuckle]

Well, French men are not easy.

What's going on with Gabriel?

Wait, I bet that I know.

Camille is waiting for Gabriel
to do this grand gesture,

and Gabriel is waiting for Camille
to apologize for their fight.

Camille, are you being stubborn?

He is being stubborn.

You two have broken up before, right?

Yeah, I mean, a couple of times,
and we also fight, like every couple.

But I don't know,
like, this time it feels different.

- Do you think there's someone else?
- No.

No, I don't know. Definitely not. Mmm-mmm.

They weren't kidding, huh?
The heat in here.

[all chuckling]

I mean, the only "someone else"
is his restaurant.

- [all chuckle]
- His pots and pans mean the world to him.

Actually, more than people.
And I learned that a long time ago.

That's right. Doesn't he have
a special pan that no one can touch?

Yeah. His omelette pan.

And even has his initials on it. GTC.

Of course you know you can't get between
a man and his pan, Camille.

What do you mean?

He probably spoons his spoons.

Oh, definitely!

[all laughing]

Okay, Emily,
don't ever date a French chef.

Not on the plan.

[all laughing]

[Camille] So did you have fun?

- I think my friends really liked you.
- They were great.

And I wanted to let you know
that I invited Gabriel

to the dinner party tomorrow night.

Emily, why?

Now I'm not sure if I'm coming.

No, you have to. It'll be
a great chance for the two of you to talk.

No one has to be
the first one to reach out.

You both can just show up. No drama.

Don't be stubborn.

Oh, my God, is that Mathieu Cadault?

Ugh, yes. Ugh, he's like the last person
I want to see right now.

You know I was kicked off Pierre's account
after the St Tropez trip?

Are you kidding? That's awful.

I know, believe me. Lesson learned.

I am never mixing dating
and work ever again.

- Anyway, thank you so much for the hammam.
- You're so welcome.

And I'll see you tomorrow?

- [in French] Of course!
- [in English] Okay.

["Tout (sinon rien)" playing]

[in French] Did someone pull
a Mathieu-Cadault on Mathieu Cadault?

Excuse me?

Stand you up, like you stood up Emily?

That's not what happened.

You dumped her then fired her
from Pierre's account.

What are you talking about?

You didn't have Emily
taken off Pierre's account?

I didn't. She bungled that on her own.

And I also didn't stand her up.

We were about to leave, and I found out
Emily was having an affair.

I don't want to get involved.
It's none of my business.

- [scoffs]
- [cell phone vibrating]

If you'll excuse me.


["Tout (sinon rien)" continues playing]

[cell phone chimes]


[in English] Oh, great.

I still have to tell Rimowa
that the idea they love isn't happening.

They do look good.

No, I'm not dealing with this today.

That is my birthday present to myself.

Oh, this is also for you.

[amusing instrumental music playing]

[gasps] It's my Chicago deep-dish pizza
from Madeline!

Uh, yum.

[camera shutter clicks]

Did someone get sick?

You know there's
a no-food policy in the office.

It says this can stay good
for up to six month in the freezer.

[in French] How horrible.

[Julien in English] Okay, I'll take this.

Put it in the kitchen. Save it for later.

[in French] I hope
you're throwing that away.

Of course I am.

[Luc in English] Emily?

May I take you somewhere special
for lunch for your birthday?

That would be so nice, Luc. Thank you.

This is where we're having lunch?

[Luc] Oui. Père Lachaise.
My favorite cemetery.


It's Balzac.

I like to sit by Balzac
because no one sits by Balzac.

They're too busy at Chopin,
or Gertrude Stein, or Oscar Wilde.

Plus, I like his big head.

Ah, so you come here often?

Always on my birthday.

For me, to think about life
is to contemplate death.

- Huh.
- We think our real life is up here.

But, really, we will spend
most of eternity down there.

Oh, so you believe in an afterlife?

Ah, an afterlife!

No, Emily. Afterlife is nothing.

Oblivion. A darkness we cannot imagine.


So! Every birthday I like to enjoy
every minute of life while I am here.

Don't waste time with guilt,

or thinking about Marianne number one,
or Marianne number two.

Who are all the Mariannes?

Doesn't matter.
I don't think about them. [chuckles]

Just never date a woman named Marianne.



- Bonjour.
- Oh! Bonjour.

- Is that for tonight?
- Yep.

May I?

Oh, you are going to serve this?

To people?

I thought I was.

Okay, we have to get to the market.

- Excuse me, what? Now?
- Yes, we still have time.

[French pop song playing]

Now you have excellent ingredients.
All you have to do is not get in the way.

Okay. I'm going to try
not to think about that too much.

[thunder rumbling]

Ah, it's probably
just a little bit of rain.


That came out of nowhere!

[chuckles] I know.

- [sighs]
- [thunder rumbling]


Coup de foudre.

That literally means "lightning strike."
Or thunder clap.

- [chuckles]
- Coup de foudre.

It's like a... summer storm!

We get those in the Midwest all the time.

- [Gabriel] It also means...
- [chuckles] at first sight.

["Red Carpet Sand" playing]


I... I'm gonna... go home.

And, um, not get in the way of the food.


["Red Carpet Sand" continues playing]

[thunder rumbling]

Bonjour, Pierre.

Bonjour, Sylvie.

[sighs] Why are those here?

I feel att*cked!

I'm here to keep you from making
the worst mistake of your career.

[in French] This luggage is the natural
next step of the Ringarde line.

And I happen to think it's exquisite.

I don't want to be Mickey Mouse
and have my face all over everything.

I hate that image.

Why? When I see that image
I see a happy, successful man.

- The head of a cutting-edge brand.
- [scoffs]

I see the head of an old hag.

[in English] A hag on a bag!

[in French] That's what people will say.

Would you approve an image
of yourself when you were younger?

Well, I did look pretty good

back when my body
was making its own hair and collagen.


So you don't like this image
because you think you look old.

But what are you saying to me?
To the women who buy Pierre Cadault?

That we're not beautiful if we age?

Women look to you
to make them feel good about themselves.

Don't underestimate
the power you have to do that.

[upbeat music playing]

[cell phone chimes]


[in English] Oh, my God!
This looks so good!

I know! We have
to send Bill and Jean a photo.

What? You're on a first-name basis
with my parents now?

We discussed it in the text thread.
You just never respond.

- [Camille in French] Good evening, girls!
- Bonsoir!

[in English] Hi.

So I brought you the good stuff.

The Grand Cru of
Domaine de Lalisse champagne.

Bonne anniversaire, ma chérie.

[in English] You are too much!

Um, I climbed a tree
and hung over 20 feet of fairy lights?

Okay, you both have done too much then.

But I feel very, very lucky.

You are. Okay, I'm gonna
take this upstairs and let it chill.


So who's coming to this dinner?

It's you, me, Mindy,
Gabriel, which you know,

and some people from the office.

No mystery man that you may be dating...

Mystery man? No!

- [chuckles]
- [Gabriel] Bonsoir.


- I brought you these.
- Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hello.

You look beautiful, Camille.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Happy birthday party!

It's La Cousine Bette.
One of my favorite Balzac novels.

It's about an unmarried middle-aged woman

who plots the destruction
of her extended family.

Why'd you look at me when you said that?

[scoffs] Anyway,
um, Pierre is doing the luggage.

[gasps] Oh, my God,
did Julien convince him?

- No, I did.
- [gasps] Yay!

No hugs necessary.
I did it for the company.

But, um, I did bring you
a little present for your birthday.


Open it!


Wow, a cigarette case.

Um, but you know that I don't smoke.

Well, it's never too late to start.

[in French] You know, this is the longest
we've been apart since we met.

Except for the first Christmas
when you went skiing in Chamonix.

That's right. There was no cell reception
so you couldn't reach me.

It made me crazy.
After two days I drove all night.

- I had to see you.
- [both chuckle]

I'm sorry for losing my temper.
And I'm sorry if I pushed you away.


I'm sorry too. You're not to blame.
We both have things to work on.

I know. But what matters
most to me is the two of us.

I don't want to throw away what we have.

- [in English] You okay?
- Yes.

It's exactly
what I wanted for my birthday.

The two of them together.
It's... it's how it should be.



[in French] Pierre! I'm so sorry!
How did those get here?

Why are you sorry? I love them!

You do? Me too! Love!

But I think
the hardware looks a little cheap,

and so do the wheels.

I totally agree.
I'm on my way to a dinner party,

but I will discuss the hardware
and the wheels with Rimowa tomorrow.

Ah, no.

This is an important matter.

I think we should figure it out now.

Okay. [chuckles]

And the image. You like it?


I need to see the luggage on the move.

Pretend you're at the airport.

[amusing music playing]




A little bit faster.

Hurry! Your plane is leaving!

[upbeat music playing]

[all cheering]

- Santé!
- Santé!

[in English] I think our first
Parisian dinner party was a success.

Oh, I do too.

Either my taste buds
are impaired from heavy drinking

or the food was actually good!

- It was really good.
- Thanks.

[Luc] I think it was delicious.

And I appreciate how generous
you were with the butter.

Well, I think butter
is where Chicago and Paris meet.

- [mouthing]
- Oh, no, I'll get it. I'll get it.

Are you having a good time?

Oh, yeah, it's a perfect night. Thank you.

It's nice to see you two together.

Well, I would be happy
if you were seeing someone, too.

I know.

If you want to keep your little affair
secret, that's fine too.

[singing "Happy Birthday" in French]

[all cheering]

The cake looks spectacular, Gabriel!

Oh, sh*t! The champagne.

Make a wish! Make a wish!

[suspenseful music playing]

Yo, Gab. Gabs, tell me what I'm eating,

so that I can properly
post about it on my social.

It's chocolate cake filled with
three layers of Belgian chocolate mousse

and sprinkled with some sea salt
from Île de Ré.

It's absolutely sublime.

Yeah, I pretty much think this is the best
chocolate cake I've ever had. Seriously.

[chuckles] Good, I made it for you.

Oh, sorry.

Ah, the champagne has arrived!

Ah! Okay, meuf, make a toast!

- Yeah!
- Come on!

- Come on!
- Up!

Okay, okay.


All right.

[screams] Okay, where do I begin? Uh...

Well, you all have made
my time here so special.

I know that I'm still getting my footing

and making a bunch of mistakes
along the way,

so pardon! Um...

[all chuckling]

[in English] Um, but truly,
thank you, guys, for putting up with me.

[all] Aw!

- Cheers.
- [Luc] Cheers.

- Santé.
- [all] Santé.

Um, I would like to make a toast too.

[Emily] Oh! Aw!

To Emily, our hostess,

who certainly has made
her share of mistakes in Paris.

She pretended to be my friend
while she had an affair with my boyfriend.

And, to my boyfriend,
who f*cked my fake friend!

À votre santé!

[in French] Camille!
It's not what you think.

[in English] Bullshit!

Are you sure you don't want one?

Camille, wait! Can we talk?

- How long has this been going on?
- It's not going on. It...

It was nothing.

For once, Emily, be honest.
Did you sleep with Gabriel?

[intense music playing]




[theme music playing]