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14x01 - Dearest Salvo ... Your Livia

Posted: 12/26/22 07:44
by bunniefuu


Come Out!
I know you're there!

- Pasquale, you make me look an idiot!
- That's nothing to do with me.

You're doing that well enough on your own.

- I'll call the police right away.
- Romi'!

Remember when we were kids?
We'd play 'Take-The-Flag' ?

- Yes, so what?
- Who always won, you or me?

- You did.
- And again!....To you!!


Come Here!

You're just making
things worse!

Come back.


I'm out of here!
All the best!

- Forgive me, I slipped!
- What's up?

- "Bufala e Ceci" (Buffalo and Chickpeas) are here to see you.
- "Bufala e Ceci" ?

-Is it a pizza?
- No, Sir.

It's a "Christian"
dressed as a swearing guard. (Giurante)

- Not a security guard? (Giurata)
- OK, send him in.

Please, go in.

- Good day, inspector.
- Hello.

It's an honour
to finally meet you

Thank you, have a seat.

- You are?
- Romildo Bufardeci.

Inspector, my whole life...

I've always put the law and
justice above all else.

Good to hear.

Frpm childhood my dream was
to become a policeman.

Then I badly injured my knee
Was it always your dream too?

I don't know....I don't think so.
I'd rather that you tell me why you're here.

Of course! Last night I spotted a burglar
going into a villa.

I tried to stop him

but the bastard
managed to get away.

- You've alerted the property owner?
- Yes

The thief could not
open the door

hence the owners decided not
to make a complaint

Then, why are you reporting
this to me?

I know the burglar very well.

- You also know him
- Me?

It's Pasquale Cirrinciò.

- Won't he ever alter his ways?
- Never!

I've known Pasquale since
elementary school

That's why I came
to see you.

To ask you, if you could pass
on some advice to him.

- What advice?
- He must really think it over before stealing again.

He ran away from me and took
the piss out of me.

I won't let him take the piss
a second time

I promise you,
I'll see him go to prison first.

OK, I get it..

I'll talk to him.
Thanks for stopping by.

Don't mention it

- Have a good day Inspector.
- You too.

The top button.

- A "female" d*ed from filing.
- You can't die from filing.

Fazio told me a woman d*ed
at the municipal archives.

- "At the municipal archives" ?
- Like I said.

- Inspector.
- The Victim?

A young woman, years old.
She worked here

- Her colleagues found her?
- No, the archive is closed for holidays

-So, who found her?
- The foreman of the renovation company.

This way.

She was the daughter
of a couple of hairdressers.

- Did we identify her?
- Yes, she still had her documents and her mobile.

- Her name's Agata Cosentino.
- Agata Cosentino ?

- You know her?
- Not me, she knew Livia.

- How was she k*lled?
- We think with a blunt instrument.

A m*ssacre,
indescribably violent.

The wounds are many and deep.
It leaves a lasting impression.

- There is no blood around the body.
- I noticed it too.

The k*ller cleaned up the floor
to cover their tracks.

There's still a smell of bleach.

In the bathroom I found a bucket
with a wet rag.

- Did you notice her clothes?
- What are you thinking?

Maybe an attempted r*pe.
The girl may have fought back.

He was seized with anger,
and k*lled her.

Wait until we hear from Dr. Barresi.

If the archives are closed for the holidays,
why was the girl here?

Maybe she'd forgotten something.
Any idea how she got in?

The building is open for
the renovation crew.

Mimì, do me a favour, go
talk to the parents.

Maybe they know why
she came here.

Also ask what she
did this morning.

- What's the name of the foreman who found her?
- Gaspare Raccuglia.

- Let's go talk to him.
Sure, right here.

Signor Raccuglia, this way.


- Signor Raccuglia.
- Inspector Montalbano.

- Inspector.
- Tell me everything that happened.

Me and my team,
we returned from our lunch break

... and we went to work.
I went up to the first floor.

In the middle of the corridor...

I found that poor young girl.

Did you go up to the first floor
during the morning at all?

Yes, just before going to eat.

There was nobody there.
The whole place was silent.

I told this to my workers.

I never saw the girl or anybody else.

- How long was your lunch break?
- From midday until two.

- Where did you go?
- To a nearby rotisserie place.

- There was nobody here between noon and two?
- Nobody.

Tell me one more thing.

During lunch break
were any of your tools taken?

Sure! I noticed that after
I called you.

I'd left my work tools in the corridor.

A carpenter's hammer was missing,
the kind with a pointed tip on one side.

You're thinking...

I'm simply noting that a hammer with
a pointed tip has gone missing.

- Antonio Cannizzaro, the director of the archives.

- Inspector Montalbano.
- I cannot believe it.

How can this happen?

There's nothing worth stealing here,
there are only documents.

-The k*ller was not here
to steal.

-Then why?
-Who knows!

Listen, can we see
where Agata worked?

Yes, sure.

Here it is.

Downstairs are all our records prior
to unification of the state.

Plus a room for rare manuscripts
and two lecture rooms.

These are the post-unification records
and our offices.

How many employees
are there here?

Including fixed term and interns,
it's about fifteen people.

This where Agata always sits.

- This one?
- Yes.

- How was Agata's work?
- She's highly trustworthy and conscientious.

She was a highly trained archivist.

Who did she share
the room with?

With Danilo Alessi
and Caterina Giunta.

- How did they get along with Agata ?
- Well

She had become very
close to Caterina.

- Perhaps just every once in a while...
- What was that about?

Nothing, I think ... Maybe there was a
slight clash with Danilo sometimes,

he could be a bit of a difficult character.
However, never anything too serious

Is Alessi in Vigata right now?

I don't know, he left quite quickly.
Maybe he was going on vacation.

How were the relationships with
the other colleagues?

Very formal, nothing that went
beyond greeting one another.

Agata was very introverted.

She was only friendly with Caterina.

I have to ask you an important question.
Think before you answer

Maybe Agata came here
this morning,

- because she had left something on her desk?
- No, I don't think so.

- Why?
- Before we closed down, I instructed our employees

to take all their personal belongings
from their desks

and they all did so.

- Why?
- Well, we were leaving the place open during the works.

I didn't want anything to be missing when
we returned from the holidays.

I get it.

Why do you think Agata came
back here this morning?

I've thought about it and
thought about it ...

but I just can't
imagine the reason.

Come in!

- Salvo?
- Come on in.

- I've been to see the Cosentinos.
- Eh.

They're crushed.
Agata was an only child.

The father told me they were to leave
for the beach this afternoon.

Agata had gone out to
buy a few last minute items,

sun cream, slippers and such like.

- Instead ...
- Then why did she go to the archive?

He doesn't know why.
The archive had been closed for a week.

- Come in.
- May I?

Come on in.

- Eh.
- I have some information

about the colleague with whom
Agata had some issues.

Danilo Alessi has not been in Vigata for a few days,
nobody knows where he is.

- Parents, friends, neighbours?
- He lives alone.

Neighbours say his windows have
been shuttered for days.

Find out if there are plane or
train tickets in his name.

OK, sure.

Giuse ', we were thinking about why
Agata had gone to the archive.

And why she went their
from noon til two.

The only two hours
when nobody is ever there.

There is also the hypothesis

that she had no intention
of getting inside.

- Maybe the maniac forced her.
- Anyway, maniac or not

surely the k*ller got blood
all over them.

How would you get out of the archive
without being noticed?

Fazio, find out
about Agata and her family.

Then collect up all the camera images
in the area.

Maybe they caught the
k*ller on camera.

Ask people in the area if
they noticed anything.

Any shady individuals.

Do you want to speak with Caterina Giunta,
Agata's colleague?

Good idea.

- Pasquale !
- Inspector, to what do I owe this honour?

- f*ck your honour.
- Bufardeci has ratted me out?

He told me that next time
it's the gaol for you.

- But I didn't take anything
- Then I will have to send you to gaol...

if you steal as much as a lollipop!
- Sir, what's happened?

Adelina !
Nothing, it's just a social visit.

Don't take me for granted.

How can you bother a thoughtful
man like the inspector?

I'm not bothering him, leave it alone!

- Shut it, you thug!
- We understand each other, don't we?

- See you later!
- Inside now, you rascal!

- I have to talk to you.
- Yes.

Coming up... coming!

I'll k*ll you.

- Oh, Livia.
- Salvo, hi.

- Unfortunately, I have to give you some bad news.
- What's happened?

You recall your hairdresser's
daughter from Vigata ?

- Sure, Agata.
- She's been k*lled.

- What do you mean?
- Today, around lunchtime.

- At the archives, where she works.
- My God!

I'll take the first flight
in the morning.

- Want me to meet you off the bus ?
- Yes, thanks.

We'll make arrangements
in the morning

- Bye.
- Bye.


- I'd like to see Agata's parents.
- I'll go with you.

Tell me how it happened?

She was hit in the head
with a blunt object.

Livia, thanks so much for coming

Don't mention it, Cristina.

- My sincere condolences.
- Thank you.

Please, come this way.

We were such a happy family.

Until my husband had his accident,

then everything went wrong.

We didn't want Agata to
come back to Vigata.

She'd found a decent
job in Genoa.

She earned good money and was
making a life for herself

Someone would have helped
us with Mario.

But she wouldn't allow it.
That's just how she was.

Generous, altruistic.

She always thought of others,
never of herself.

Ma'am, did your daughter have a boyfriend or
a relationship of any kind?

No. Agata always said she
didn't have time for love.

Her only love was for the children
of her association

- Inspector.
- Mmm?

When will I be able to give my
daughter's body a final hug?

- Hopefully tomorrow. I'll speak with the medical team.
- Thanks.

Forgive me, would it be possible
to see Agata's room?

Of course.

Follow me.

I couldn't find the strength
to come in here.

Can I keep it?
I'll return it to you in a few days.

- Sure, anything.
- Thanks.

This is her library and
school notebooks.

Agata kept everything,
even her drawings.

Sometimes all three of
us would sit here

and look through them.

Agata was our light and joy.

- May I?
- Good Morning!

- Busy?
- Not at all, have a seat.

I'm here to ask you a question.
Do you know the author of this book?

Sure, Giorgio Scalia.
He's a regular at the archives.

- Who is he?
- He's a very well known historian.

His speciality is the story of the whole
region around Montelusa

I see.

This book has been dedicated to Agata.
Did they speak to one another?

They were on friendly terms.
Scalia had a lot of time for Agata.

He came here for long periods
and always asked for Agata.


Agata was an archivist of
the highest competence.

In fact, she helped Scalia a lot
with his research.

- Even recently?
- Yes.

Before we shut down he was here
every day for months

I see.
Were the two ever seen outside the archive?

That I don't know.

In my heart, I'm sure not.

Agata was a very serious person,
not given to confide in anyone.

It seems to me that's all, thank you.
You've been most courteous.

- Don't mention it, any time.
- Thanks.

- Fazio, go ahead.
- I've located Danilo Alessi, Agata's colleague.

- Give me a clue.
- He's gone on holiday.

Five days in Croatia
and Poland.

I got confirmation from the hotel
that he's there enjoying his time off.

At least we can
rule him out.

- Well done, Fazio.
- Thanks.

Coming here now, personally
in person...Carolina GIUNGLA. (Jungle)

Oh yes, Miss Giunta.

- Bring her in here and tell Fazio.
- As you command, Sir.

- Come in, sit down. Inspector Fazio!
- Good day to you.

- Good day. Please make yourself comfortable.
- Thanks.

- What a terrible tragedy!
- You were very close friends.

Agata was like my sister.

I began working at the archives
six months ago and we bonded immediately.

I'm from Montereale,
so I knew nobody in Vigata.

Agata... how can I put it?
She welcomed me in.

- She introduced me to "We Are Vigata".
- What's that?

The association where Agata worked.

They do work with orphaned
immigrant children.

Before that there were certain things
I didn't give a damn about.

Since I started at "We Are Vigata",
my life has changed.

In your opinion
why was Agata k*lled?

I've no idea.

Agata was a fine person
who loved everyone.

Nobody could have a motive to k*ll her.

- Agata didn't have a boyfriend...
- A boyfriend, no

but I think she was
having a relationship.

- What kind of relationship?
- She never told me anything

but I think she was
seeing a married man

A stormy relationship.

- Do you have any idea who it could be?
- I don't know.

- Perhaps I could tell you something.
- Tell me.

Before the archives were closed down
Agata received a message

- and burst into tears.
- Did she talk to you about it?

I asked her what had happened,
but she became evasive.

Yesterday where were you
between twelve and two?

- Why?
- That's the time when Agata was k*lled.

Your asking me if I
have an alibi?

No, Miss,
it's just procedure.

- I was on holiday in Noto, sunbathing.
- How did you hear about Agata?

Her mother called me.
Suddenly my legs gave way.

I went to see them immediately,
so as not to leave them alone.

That's alright.
We're done for the time being.

- I appreciate it.
- Goodbye

Get me Agata's
mobile phone records.

And any information
about Professor Scalia.


- When did you meet?
- Two years ago.

I had gone to her mom to
get my hair done and I saw her come in.

She was leaving for Genoa

because she'd won a competition
to go to the State Archives

Was she in Genoa often?

Yes, she didn't know anyone there
and so, we became friends.

We'd go to the cinema,
out for dinner.

We'd also see
each other in Vigata.

When did you last
see each other?

I saw her a week ago.

She was overjoyed.

She had received funding
for her association.

She worked with child immigrants.

She told me that after the summer
she would start working there.

- Was she seeing anyone?
- What I know is,

she'd ended an affair
with someone from university

I don't know if she had
any other affairs.

In my opinion,
she didn't want to be tied down.

She'd told me

that someone put love
notes in her bag.

- Who was it?
- She knew, but she didn't want to tell me.

Pasquale Cirrinciò, you are
under arrest for a crime.

- What crime?
- Burglary! You came out of the gate of the villa.

I'm leaving this garden, because I had an
urgent need. It's not a crime.

You'll tell the truth when we
get you to the station.

-This won't go down so well with the cops.
- Come on, walk!

- You're going to look a fool.
- Walk!

- Tell me what's going on.
- Pasqualino came out of the villa gates.

So he definitely stole something,
not like last time.

- What do you think?
- What can I say? I am innocent.

- Don't take me for granted, eh!
- Where's the stolen goods?

Where's the break-in?

If you don't believe me,
go check the doors and windows.

- You've searched him?
- Yes.

In his pocket there's only only his wallet,
house keys and mobile phone.

This is the key to an armored
door made with a mould.

You got in with this,
that's why there are no signs of burglary.

Right, that's it!

Not true!
I've never seen that key before.

Maybe one of my little kids
found it and put it in my pocket.

- You villain!
- Bufardeci!

Keep calm.

Now go.
Thanks for everything, we'll think about it.

- I'm at your disposal
- Thanks.

- Go ahead
- Please.

- Goodbye
- Goodbye

Tell me how
things really went.

-You got inside that house.
-Why should I tell you?

I've done nothing.
If you don't believe me, call the owners.

- Catarella !
- Yes Sir!

- Take him to the secure cell.
- Right away! - On what Grounds?

On the grounds that you broke your word!
- It's always me!

- Move!
- Inspector!

Whose house is it?

A lawyer, Francesco Caruana,
he lives with his wife in Montelusa.

- Vigata is his holiday home.
- Call him.

Make an appointment at the property,
and check if anything is missing.

- OK
- Anything to tell me about Agata?

- Agata was beyond reproach.
- The parents?

Never had a problem with anyone.

- Anything on security cameras?
- It'll take time to get the cameras.

As for the witnesses, nobody
has seen any dodgy characters.

Livia told me that someone was
writing love notes to Agata.

- Go to the Cosentino place and look around.
- Yes.

What do you have
on Giorgio Scalia?

He's a noted historian,
teaches at the University of Montelusa.

His wife's a Canadian
very wealthy with three daughters.

Clean police record.

He is a handsome man.
The female students are crazy about him.

- Where can I find him?
- Usually at the university.

- Some of you enjoyed the lesson today, I hope.
- Thanks.

Everyone should like the next topic,
it's very dear to me.

We'll confront that next week.

The Nouvelle Histoire.
See you here next Monday, everyone.

Rest, have a good weekend.
Have fun ... but not too much.

See you here on Monday.
Thank you all.

Hello, I'm Inspector Montalbano

I know you're here about Agata.
Can we talk about it on the way?

- I'm about to collect my daighters from summer-camp.
- Sure.

Poor Agata. Dead at years old,
and in such a horrible way.

I just can't imagine
how her parents are feeling.

- What was your connection to her??
- She'd helped me a lot with my research.

She was highly organised.

We worked together
for several months.

-Did you ever see each other outside of work?
-No, it was only a work relationship

- Sometimes we talked about personal things.
- Guys?

Agata was arranging a holiday,
with her parents.

Her father has depression

and she hoped that a vacation would
distract him from his thoughts.

One last thing. Have you noticed anything
odd lately about Agata ?

No. Agata was
always polite and professional.

Where were you between noon
and two yesterday?

- Working at home.
- Alone ?

My wife was at work and
my daughters are at summer-camp.

- Sorry, I must go.
- Please

Come in!

- Looking for me?
- What time is our appointment with Caruana ?

At PM. His wife's coming,
the lawyer is in Milan.

When I told the lady about the break-in,
she didn't turn a hair.

- Let's go an hour earlier.

For a look around while
things are quiet.

But hat's against the rules Inspector.

Don't start!.
Come in!

- May I?

- Aren't you going to offer me a coffee?
- Depends on what you're about to tell me.

I've spoken with Dr. Barrese
and I can tell you about the autopsy.

- Speak then
- Agata d*ed from loss of blood.

from copious hemorrhaging
due to the number of injuries

The w*apon, as my analysis confirms,

is definitely a carpenters hammer

using the tip part,
they call the "pen".

What's your thoughts
about the r*pe hypothesis?

There was no r*pe.

- I'll give you some important information.
- Keep it brief.

The girl's clothes were torn
after the hammering

that is, post-mortem. Do you understand me?
- What does that mean?

It's adding a little theatre,
or to simulate a r*pe.

- Anything else?
- There's no fingerprints.

The k*ller cleaned up everything,

but me and my team are working hard

on our findings.

You've earned your coffee...with cream!
Let's go.

-Pasquale had the key made.
-Did you ever doubt that? -No.

Take a good look around.
You go upstairs.

Never mind a thief, a team of waiters seems
to have passed through.

- Notice that?
- What? -It stinks of cigars.

This was washed recently.

Someone's been here in the
past twenty-four hours.

Let's go wait for Mrs Caruana.

- Greetings, Giulia Caruana.
- Inspector Montalbano.

- Inspector Fazio.
- Alberto Caruana.

- My sister-in-law wanted me to come.
- I was worried about coming here alone.

- You did the right thing. Please!
- Yes.

- Has the door not been broken in?
- No.

Everything is fine here.

Only this could be missing.
I left it until last.

Nothing's been taken.

The place is just as
my husband and I last left it.

When were you last here?

More than a month.

- Are you sure burglars have been here?
- We had a call.

I'm sorry to have called you
out for nothing.

No, I'm relieved
that it was a false alarm.

- Find out about Caruana and her brother-in-law.
- Yes Sir.

Pasquale, if your
mother wasn't Adelina

I'd say you were a son-of-a...

Open the security cell, please?

- Right away, Sir.
- Thanks.

- Sir! Finally!.
- Right.

- Mrs Caruana tells me nothing was stolen.
- You've looked?

- So, tell me what really happened.
- I didn't do anything!

- You did nothing?
- Nothing!

Then you can rest here
a little bit longer,

so if you want to tell me anything,
I'm nearby. Agreed? Bye.

Open up!
And close.


Agata would have made
a very sweet mother.

Good... good

Why do you say that?

Once she invited me to go on a trip with the
boys from the association.

I watched her play with them.

Agata loved those kids.

I have the mobile phone records.

There's no love messages on Agata's phone.

- Any calls?
- Only a few and from numbers you'd expect.

Some from Dad, some from Mum, from Caterina
and someone called Messineo

- Who's he?
- The director of the "We Are Vigata" association.

- Maybe she was having an affair with him.
- I would exclude him, he is a priest.

You found nothing at her home?

No, I searched everywhere but
not one love note.

- You're sure?
- The only thing I didn't do is knock down the walls.

"Ice cream ..."
Group "GE", three syllables.


Which is the group "GN",
a little trickier.

Simple, nice word, "ragno".

For the group "GA"...

- There's Inspector Montalbano.
- A pleasure.

-I'm Paolo Messineo, what can I do?
-Let me talk to Catherine Giunta.

Of course
I'll accompany you inspector.

- Are you going on?
- Yes.

- This way.
- Thanks.



Agata's death was a terribile
shock for us.

She was greatly loved
around here.

She's left a huge void.

There's Caterina.
I'll return to my lesson.

- Hi, Caterina.
- Can we talk? - Sure.

- Play without me
- Come on.

Let's sit here.
Can I help?

Agata's mobile phone...

there are no phone calls or messages

from anyone with whom
she may have had an affair.

- Ah! Have you tried Robin?
- Who is Robin?

- An app for chatting privately.
- Explain better.

Once while we were
sitting in the car

I heard a beep from her mobile.

Agata read the message

and her face lit up, she
was so happy.

I figured she was texting with a man.
Instinctively I peeked.

It seemed to be this chat app, Robin.

I haven't found it on Agata's mobile.

This app has a secret pin code.

You can only open it once
you've entered it.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, I've used it too.

- And you have control of it?
- Yes.

Inspector, they told me
you were here.

- I'm sorry to burden you.
- Is it heavy?

- Sufficiently so. - Then sit.
- It's about the theft in the cottage

I got the information on Caruana and her
brother-in-law Alberto.

- Apparently the two were having an affair.
- Ah.

Even before the lady married
Francesco Caruana.

- So what?
- Between the two

the relationship continued even
after the wedding.

- And then?
- Remember, in the cottage we smelled cigars. - Sure.

Alberto Caruana is the founder of
Montelusa's Cigar Club.

I'll mention this to Pasquale.

What about the app Caterina told us about?

A friend of mine from the Postal Police
was able to verify

that this app really is
on Agata's mobile phone.

- Could he access it?
- No, you need the password.

- Agata's profile was deleted the day she d*ed.
- By who?

I don't know,
maybe someone who was messaging her.

Can't we find out who she
was messaging with?

The DA could make a request to
the chat moderators.

to be able to access the profile.

It's a long rigmarole.

- It will take months.
- Sorry.

- Livia?
- I'm calling from Cristina's, Agata's mother.

Her husband went to the Trinacria
bank and felt ill.

- I'll be there right away.
- Thanks.

Come with me.

* Signor Cosentino, che è successo ?

I am Pappagallo,
branch manager

- Pleased to meet you.
- Same here.

Mr Cosentino was keen to carry out

the formalities that are necessary after
the death of a relative.

When he saw that Agata's account was empty, he felt ill.

It couldn't have been my Agata.
Here are the withdrawals from the last few months.

Almost , euros!
He practically took over the account.

Agata had no big expenses,
she was at home with my wife and me.

- We never bought anything.
- I understand

that the withdrawals were made by Agata.
- What does that mean?

Certainly someone conned
or threatened her.

My poor daughter.

I wanted to tell you something,
I don't know if it might be useful.

One day I left the bank straight after
one of Agata's withdrawals.

I saw her approach a man and
give him something.

I don't know if it was the money
she had just withdrawn.

- Do you think you'd recognise the man?
- Sadly no.

I saw him from behind.

I can say that he was
not very young.

They got into a red vintage car
with a black roof.

One of the low, sporty,
fashionable ones from many years ago.

- Like a "Spider"?
- That's right.

Come in!

- Excuse the interruption.
- Adelina! Come, sit.

I came for my son Pasqualino.

Don't worry,
I'm keeping him until it tells me the truth.

That's not why I'm here.

He should stay there two or three
months so he learns.

- I have an ulterior motive to be here.
- Tell me.

I've brought something for Pasquelino.
He says that Catarella does the cooking here.

- Eh.
- So...

No offence,
but he's a terrible cook !

Pasqualino, my little angel,
has a very delicate stomach.

because he's used to my cooking. \ N- You spoil him!

- Give it to me.
- I'll take it.

- I'll take care of it.
- Will you take it to him?

Personally in person.
Well, I salute you, okay?

Alright then.

- Bye.
- Bye.

No !
But that's not fair !

- Who's there?
- Fazio!

One moment!

- Come in.
- Inspector, may I?

Sorry to butt-in.

- The manager got his skates on. - Meaning.
- We've reviewed Scalia's accounts.

- So?
- Agata made three withdrawals of , euros.

The day after each withdrawal there's
a payment to Scalia's account.

- Come with me.
- Yes, Sir.

Excuse me a moment.

- Good day, inspector.
- Good day, professor.

You said that she had only had a
work relationship with Agata.

Come on, Inspector.

- I lied to you. Agata and I had an affair.
- Since when?

I met her a year and a half
ago at the archive.

I was impressed by her,
and I ignored our age difference.

It wasn't a problem
for her either.

- We know about your affairs with your students.
- This time it was different.

I don't even know how ...
but one evening, while I was taking her home

we found ourselves
embracing and kissed.

Neither of us could no longer do
without the other.

Did you write her love notes?

I never wrote her notes.
We were communicating via Robin.

Why should I have
written her notes?

Why did Agata give you
, euros?

Years ago I opened a
publishing house.

It's accumulated debts and
foreclosure notices have arrived.

They would have taken everything,
I didn't know what to do.

Agata offered to
help me.

She gave me her savings,
with which I covered all my debts.

- I promised to return everything.
- You could have turned to your wife for help.

My wife didn't want me to open
the publishing house.

Unlike Agata, she didn't
believe in me.

I didn't want her to blame
me for the failure.

Had you ever thought about leaving
your wife for Agata?

Yes, several times.
I have tried several times, but then ...

- Then?
- My wife is a fragile woman.

Such a blow would have destroyed her
and I would have lost my kids.

She would go back to Canada
with our three children.

Agata and I fought over this

until she couldn't take it anymore
and decided to end it.

When Agata was k*lled,
we were no longer together.

You've told me a
very romantic story

You fear for your
wife and children.

Now I'll tell you how it went,
in a much more prosaic way.

You have a rich wife and are in love with
a young beautiful woman.

Maybe to recover the money ...
or tired of the push and pull

Agata threatened to tell
your wife everything.

- Then you arranged to meet and k*lled her.
- What are you saying?

I loved her.

I am a coward,
not a m*rder*r.

I'm sorry, you can
discuss it with the judge.

Now come with us.

We arrested him,
but he has nothing to do with it.

Apparently the DA is convinced that
it was Scalia who k*lled her

- and put him in prison.
- I think he was in too much hurry.

Sorry, Salvo.
What doubts do you have?

It is necessary to understand if it was an
impetuous or premeditated crime.

In both cases
the Scalia hypothesis does not work.

- Why ?
- He k*lled her impetuously

how did he get out of the archive
soaked in blood?

If it was premeditated,
he could bring a change of clothes.

Yes, but then he would have taken
her to a safer place.

Everyone knew him there.
It was very dangerous place to pick.

And then there
are the notes.

Maybe Scalia didn't tell
you about them

because there were compromising
things in them.

- Threats ... things like that.
- Meanwhile, we've not found the notes.

- Where are they?
- Maybe Agata threw them away.

Oh, come on,
I don't think so.

Agata kept everything, even the notebooks
from when she was a little girl.

- She can't have thrown them away.
- They're not in the house.

- We searched everywhere.
- Maybe she didn't keep them at home

for fear that her parents would find out
about her relationship.

- Maybe she dumped them somewhere else.
- But where?


- Doctor Cannizzaro !
- Inspector!

- Can I help?
- Yes.

Agata may have hidden something,
but we can't find it at her house.

- You think she may have left it in the office.
- Quite.

Maybe she hid it some other place as
she was always here in the archive.

Is there a place
where nobody goes?

A place where you
could hide something?

- The room of useless memories.
- Sorry?

Follow me.

I hope some of you are
not allergic to dust.

Between AD and AD

many nobles of Vigata
wrote their memoirs.

There was a flood of diaries,
of memorials.

Since there was
no television

they had to somehow
spend family evenings!

Often they read
these memoirs

that recall past ages.

At some point
it went out of fashion.

Later, families encountered
these memorials

and brought them to the
Municipal Archives.

- There are so many volumes.
- Hundreds.

Hundreds of memories of dozens and dozens
of yarns about Vigata.

Not only nobles,
also professors,scholars, lawyers

doctors, notaries, accountants,
employees of the post office.

Over the years it has all been collected
and crammed in here.

Tales of past lives
of which nobody cares

and that nobody has ever read
nor will read.

Except that now, it'll be in the custody
of Fazio and Augello

- "Augello" ?
- Fazio cannot do it all on his own.

Don't you want to browse hundreds
of useless memories?

-Can I whisper something in your ear?
-Another time.

Doctor Cannizzaro, many thanks.

- Come in!
- Is it OK?

Come along! May I offer you
a delicacy from Adelina ?


- What's up ?
- It's!

- Gorgeous.
- What did you want?

After hours of filthy work in the
room of useless memories

- we managed to find something.
- What was it?

What we were looking for.

- The love notes?
- Yes.

They were hidden in the diary of a
nineteenth-century nobleman.

- We have to find out the author.
- Already done.

We identified him,
he is not Professor Scalia.

Who then?

May I?

- Is it OK?
- Good day.

- Good day, Caterina.
- You have some news? - Yes.

- It concerns you.
- Me ?

We've found the
love notes.

What should I say?

The notes...

The notes were just kisses
in word form.

It was the only way I could
show her my love.

They weren't just kisses.
The notes also included anger and despair.

- You don't understand.
- Then tell me.

In the early days I only told her
about my feelings, nothing more.

I didn't want to put pressure on her.
It was she who changed things.

One day, while we were here,
she burst into tears.

I tried to figure out what was wrong,
but she wouldn't tell me.

She was crying like a child,
so I hugged her to console her.

Suddenly Agata looked
me in the eyes.

Before I knew what was happening
I kissed her.

She didn't pull away. In fact, she kissed me with
a passion I'd not known before.

I told her I needed her

and that I loved her more than
I'd loved anyone.

I thought that was the beginning
of something, instead ...

- Instead?
- The next day she told me it had been a mistake

- and she just wanted to be friends.
- What did you do? -

What could I do, Inspector?

In one night I went from happiness
to despair.

I realized that she had gone back
to her man.

To ease my suffering,
I walked away ...

however as time passed we returned to
being inseparable friends.

Now I just feel ...
a great sense of guilt.

- Why a sense of guilt?
-Because I could have done something.

Found out who
made her suffer.

- Are you talking about Scalia?
- Sure.

After what we found out,
you also have a motive.

Catarella, I'm not hungry.

- Have you started a hunger strike?
- Inspector!

- Let's go.
- Where? - Shut up and walk.

Why have you brought
me here?

The k*ller always returns to
the crime scene.

- What d'ya mean k*ller? I've done nothing!
- Pasqua'.

You do breaking and

You knew the Caruana's hadn't been here for a while
and you came to burgle them.

A few days earlier you had
the key made

Once inside, you were careful not to
make any noise.

At some point you must have
heard a noise.

So you like it!

- Yes!
- Harder!

So! Do you like it?

b*at me! b*at me!

You were afraid that Alberto Caruana would
b*at you up or report you.

But he couldn't because he shouldn't have been
there with his sister-in-law.

So you stuck to
the task.

The two adulterers paid handsomely
for your silence.

- Inspector, close but no cigar.
- Eh.

I told Alberto Caruana

that the guard was outside
doing his rounds.

So I told him to give me the pay-off
the next day

so if Bufardeci caught me,
he'd have found nothing in my pocket.

- Why are you laughing ?
- Inspector, it was a fiasco.

That was the night I got away from Bufardeci.
Afterwards I got him to raise the price.

- Alberto Caruana offered me euros.
- Did he offer you?

- Or you pushed up the price?
- Sure.

No, no, I've got it wrong,
it's what he offered me.

But as soon as I got to the villa,
my luck ended.

Romildo Bufardeci really
was there.

He caught me,
but found nothing on me.

If I hadn't kept you in jail
for two days

would you have come back here and
collected the euros?

Yes, Inspector.
I've lost it now.

We've said everything we have to
say to each other.

- Good luck, I'm leaving.
- Good day.

- But!... How?
- You were looking for this?

Do you really think I'm a fool
and believe your bullshit?

- I told you the truth.
- No, you told me a half-truth.

You didn't tell me the whole truth.
Will you tell me now?

Yes Inspector.

Alberto Caruana gave me euros straight away,
but once outside the villa

Romildo really was there.

- Fortunately I found the money.
- Thank you !

It's the proceeds of crime,
I have to give it to the Caruanas.

- I might have found it in the tree.
- No!

- You've confessed.
- Inspector!

For once I've made
an honest profit!

You don't even know the meaning
of the word honest. Walk!


Salvo, I've gone to see
Agata's parents

I'll sleep over at theirs. They're both feeling ill,
they shouldn't be left alone.

I'm sorry I;m not there for dinner with you.
See you tomorrow morning, Kisses

- I ask for forgiveness, it slipped.
- What is it?

has come to speak with you.

Giunta, Catare'.
Caterina Giunta. Giunta !

She just arrived (giunta),
like I told you.

- She's out here.
- Okay, get her in here.

Please miss, come in.

- Hello.
- Good day. Sit down.

- Something came to mind.
- Tell me.

Agata had a particular phobia.

- Which phobia was that?
- It was a fixation

She couldn't use the bathroom
in unfamiliar places.

She couldn't use public

Precisely. She couldn't use the bathrooms
in bars, the shops

or the cinema,
not in any public place.

Maybe she went into the archive
because she had to go to the bathroom.

- Had this happened before?
- Yes, Inspector.

The idea of going to the bathroom
in a bar made her anxious.

Thanks very much.

You've given me some very
important information.

I'm pleased about that.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Hello?
- Doctor Barresi, Montalbano here.

- Good day, hope you're well.
- Good day.

Before being k*lled, had Agata
gone to the bathroom ?

- As it happens.. - She had?
- Yes, the bladder was empty.

She could have gone to the bathroom
before she was k*lled.

- Thanks, goodbye
- Goodbye.

- This hypothesis doesn't convince me.
- Agata was out shopping.

She had to use the toilet,
but she can't use just any one.

So she decides to go
to the archive.

She does what she has to do, goes out
and sees something she shouldn't see.

- At which point she's k*lled.
- So what did she see?

- That's the crux of the matter
- Salvo !

- Jacomuzzi ! - I took a risk on finding you here.
- What Luck!

The information I'm going to give you will
help your investigation.

- Really!
- So...

Thanks to the hard work of
my entire team

despite the m*rder*r
cleaning everything with bleach

we found a faint trace
on the archive floor.

- Nice one.
- Too small to make any identification

but this was clearly left
by a bare foot.

- A bare foot?
- This is definitely a bare foot

this is the m*rder*r's foot. \ N The victim was wearing shoes.

- What the f*ck does that mean?
- I don't have a clue.

I'm sure you'll want thank me for this
very valuable information

Purebred cops like you will now solve the case
in just a few hours.

Now I am expected in court.

As someone once said
"I love you and leave you".

The day the body was found
in the archive

when I gathered all
the workers

one of them was without a shoe.
- Really?

- I'll summon the worker.
- No, summon the foreman.

- I'll get on it.
- Not now. We're going to get coffee.

Yes, Inspector.

The Egyptian is called Ismael.

The day before he had a sprain and he
put on a bandage.

With swollen ankle and bandage

the shoe bothered him and so he
worked with his foot bare.

I get it. Ismael stayed with you,
with all the other bricklayers

during the lunch break,
from noon to two?

- Shall I tell you the truth, Commissioner?
- Sure.

Ismael never came with us.

At noon he said
that he was going to eat at his house

and that he would be back at two.

So you never saw him
from noon to two?

No. We saw him at two.

when we returned to the construction site

he was already there with
his gear on.

-Mr Raccuglia, this has been useful.
-Can I tell you something?

Go ahead.

Ismael has been working on my team
for a year.

He's always been a hard worker and
always behaves perfectly.

In my eyes,
he's a really good kid.

We'll take that into account,
thank you very much. Fazio!


I know Ismael. He was reported for
theft from a tobacconist's

but nothing was found against him.

That's why Raccuglia fears that
we will accuse him again.

It gives us a clue as
to the bare foot.

Furthermore, it's not known where
he was from noon to two.

He may have put overalls
on top of his blood-soaked clothes

to leave unnoticed
from the archive.

What other offices are there
in the archive building?

The office of a notary
and two offices of accountants.

- Are they open or closed for holidays?
- They are closed for holidays.

Try to find out as much as possible
about Ismael Bozan.

I'll do it right away.

- Mimi, are you busy?
- No.

Then come along
with me.

Sir, you were right, the glass is broken.
It's Carluccio's office, the notary.

Galluzzo, try to get in
and take a look around.

- Then come down, we'll wait for you outside.
- As you wish, sir.

Certainly, there's been a theft,
the study's been turned upside down.

They've forced open cupboards, drawers
and emptied a safe.

Nobody heard anything?

The notary is on vacation
and the alarm didn't work.

It may have been Ismael,
he worked here every day.

I don't know, come on.

Can we link Agata's
death to a break-in?

I've no idea, Mimì... seriously.

Mrs Caruana,
I'm grateful you came!

- I have to speak with you urgently. Please, sit.
- Thanks.

Your call
took me by surprise.

I thought this
was over and done with.

We caught someone during another
burglary, Pasquale Cirrinciò...

he's the thief who broke into
your home that evening

and saw...

We understand each other.


My brother-in-law's
a lovely guy.

And understanding...

Unlike my husband Francesco.
He's never at home.

When he is there, he treats me
like a rag doll.

I don't judge the
goings on in people's bedrooms.

I called you here to give you this back.

What is it?

It's euros.
It's yours. It's only right that you have it back

But you must sign this complaint
against Pasquale Cirrinciò

which accuses him of the burglary.

It is likely that we will hear your husband
as a witness

seeing as he's
the property owner.

Do we have to do this?

it's a formality, part of the procedure.

Can't I return the money
to Cirrinciò?

After all,
we made a deal.

Your asking me
to do something a little unusual.

I can't stop you
from making a donation.

If I make this donation,
my husband will no longer involved?

If you make this donation

I won't involve him,
there'll be no complaint.

Then this
belongs to Pasquale Cirrinciò.

- As you wish.
- Goodbye.

What the hell ?

- Calm down! - I am calm!
- You must calm down!

What's all the commotion?

Are you letting Pasqualino f*ck you
over too?

- Keep calm and get off my men!
- But they are holding me.

Then you guys,
let him go!

- He wanted to smash the place up.
- He scared me!

- Keep calm and get back to work.
- Mr Bozan.

Welcome back!
Wait for me in my office. I'll be a moment.

Bufardeci, what is it your after?

I just saw Pasqualino
going freely about his business.

We didn't find any stolen goods
and nobody's reported it.

You did a fine job.
But what could I do?

Alright... alright.

Good day Mr Bozan.
Please, sit down.

I called you in
to ask some questions

about the day on which
Agata Cosentino was k*lled.

- Did you know her?
- No, I've never seen her.

Is it true that, on that day, you didn't have lunch
with your colleagues, but went home?

(in siciliano) Yes,
I had some things to do of my own.

How come you speak our
dialect so well?

I taught myself,
by ear.

Years ago in Belgium
I learned Flemish.

You have a fine ear,

A few days ago
in notary Carluccio's office

- at the archive building, there was a break-in.
- I know nothing about it.

Some time ago, I had problems with a
complaint against me. But I'm no thief.

- Do you often work without shoes?
- Yes.

The other day I had a swollen ankle
and the shoe was pinching me.

In the area where
Agata Cosentino was k*lled

There was a foot print.
Fazio, how do we think it got there?

We think that Bozan didn't go to
his house for lunch that day

but he went back to the site.
Since the construction site was empty

he went up on the scaffolding to
break-in to the notary's office.

Agata saw what was taking place
from the bathroom window.

So, he then slipped in the
bathroom window and k*lled her.

- That's it.
- What are you saying? I've not stolen anything or k*lled anyone!

I'm not stupid. Why would I k*ll a woman
just to cover-up a theft?

Would I risk life imprisonment to spare myself
a few months sentence?

Look here, Inspector.

My wife Aisha
and my daughter Amina.

That day I had lunch at home
because I wanted to be with them.

They arrived in Italy
that same morning.

I couldn't go to meet them
because I was working.

Why didn't you tell this
to your colleagues?

I wanted to tell them,
but I still don't have a regular contract.

What does that
have to do with it?

The boss prefers workers
who have no family

so nobody's there to claim damages
if something bad happens.

According to you lot I was stealing

or k*lling someone, just at the time I was
being reunited with my family

You can go, but I need you to be available.
Fazio, accompany him.


If you came
about the Bufardeci thing ...

Now you have to be quiet
and let me talk.

Here are the spoils
of your agreement with the Caruanas.

I'll give it back to you
provided you give it to charity.

Five thousand Euros to charity?
Have I sinned before God?

Forget about God. I'll give it to you
if you promise me in front of your mother.

Mamma your hurting me!

I'm hurting you? Do as the commissioner tells you
or I'll break your head.

I'm ashamed!
What did I do to have such a delinquent child?


Here it is.
Another thing.

Tell me.
Is Ismael an associate of yours or not.

I don't know this
Egyptian guy.

So he's not a regular thief.

In town is there anyone who can tell
if a robbery was done by a real thief

- rather than by someone else?
- We thieves are like artists.

- Everyone has their own style.
- Who can recognize this style?

Romildo Bufardeci...

but he's still pissed about
what happened at the holiday villa.

- I don't know if he'll help you.
- I will find a way.

- Come to the police station at nine tomorrow morning.
- All right.

Thanks, Adelina.

Thanks Ma...

Who's there?

Mr Bufardeci,
it's Inspector Montalbano.

- Can we have a brief word?
- I'll be down right away.

- I'm here.
- Good day.

I want to show you something,
come with me.

Step out, you thug.


What the f*ck's
this about?

We owe you
an apology.

We found the stolen goods.
This deadbeat had dumped them.

Before taking him to jail,
I wanted you to see him in handcuffs.

Thanks, Inspector.

Forgive me
for yesterday's outburst.

I apologize
for not believing hyou.

- "All's well that ends well". - Indeed.

Can we have
a moment?

Of course!
God forbid.


I'm sorry,
but the law is law.

Do you need anything
for your wife and children?

No, it's all right,
don't worry.

My mother is there,
everything is fine.

- I'm done, Inspector.
- Bufardeci, can I ask you something?


You! Back in the car!

Perhaps you could help me
with another matter?

- Anything at all!
- Really?

So, listen to this...

- So what do you think?
- Inspector, inside the notary's office

the locks of the drawers
and the safe

they were opened
with a Bulgarian key.

Around here, only one crook
has such a key, Calogero Spallina.

I'm sure he's the one
who broke in.

I'll interrogate him then.

Many thanks.
Need a lift home?

- No, I fancy a walk.
- OK.

"Whoever is born round
cannot die square". (A leopard never changes its spots)

- Until the next time, Romi'.
- All the best. - And you.

Don't show up in town
for a month.

- He must think you're in prison.
- No problem.

I'm onto something in Fela
-In Fela?

- There is a beach full of nudists.
- "Nudists"?

Don't tell me you don't
go to nudist beaches!

They leave tablets, mobile phones, bags,
necklaces, rings in their cars.

Their cars are overflowing

Don't say that to me.
I'm still a police officer!

But, Fela isn't in
your jurisdiction.

Move it, go.

You said "nudists"?

You want to be a
nudist then?

- Come in.
- Inspector.

Come in, come.

- Case closed. - What?
- Calogero Spallina has confessed.

He burgled the notary the night before
Agata's m*rder.

- We're back to square one.
- No, we still have the naked footprint.

- If it wasn't Ismael...
- Listen to me.

One of my friends frequents
a nudist beach in Fela.

Nudists don't go to the beach
already naked.

They leave their clothes
in the car.

So I came up with
an idea.

could Agata's k*ller have m*rder*d her when
he was already naked?

Then he took a shower
and put his clothes back on.

Why did he have to
be naked?

Because I think he was having sex
in the archive with someone.

Agata was k*lled

because she caught him in an act
that should have remained secret.

- Quite.
- Which raises another question.

Who would pick the archive for
a quick shag

Someone with a good knowledge
of the archive.

Someone who knew that
between noon and two

- the bricklayers had gone on a break.
- Someone who works there.

- That's it. - Eight people work there,
then there's five or more volunteers

housekeeping staff
and researchers.

- Quite a number of people.
- Fazio, I need you to get me more information

- Come in.
- Inspector.

- Bingo!
- What?

This morning I received a video

from a surveillance camera
of a bank close to the archives.

I watched it just now.
Guess who came out.

- What?
- This is a still image.

It's Cannizzaro driving a car
with a boy next to him.

The time is superimposed,
twenty past twelve.

So he wasn't home from twelve
to two, he lied to us.

Yes. During the two hours that Agata
may have been k*lled

his mobile was linked to a mast that
covered the archives.

It's all on the printouts.

Cannizzaro is of good character.

For many years
there's been no mention of him.

So you mean, prior to this
something happened.

Yes, there's a precedent.
It's long ago, but there is.

Tell me.
Do I have to guess?

As a young man, Cannizzaro
was accused by a boy.

This young boy said
that Cannizzaro molested him.


Hold on.

Mimi, can you come
to my office

This prior act is not on
record anywhere.

I checked it out.

After a few days
the complaint was withdrawn

because Cannizzaro's family paid-off
the boy's parents.

I found out
from a retired carabiniere.

Perhaps he still gets
those urges

even if recently
he's been getting away with it.

Why didn't he take him
to a safer place?

Maybe he didn't have
a safer place.

His wife and children are at
home in Favara

His mother's in Vigata,
she didn't go to Favara.

Cannizzaro k*lled Agata

because she surprised him
having sex with a boy.

These are just suppositions,
we have no evidence.

I know.
We have to make him confess.

- Good day.
- Hello.

- Any news?
- Yes and no.

- Can I help?
- I'm sure.

- Please!
- Thanks.

- So, how may I help you?
- We've been asking ourselves the question,

why did Agata go to the archive,
when it was closed for the holidays

a few hours before she was to leave herself?

Maybe she had a secret date.

Or, is the answer more trivial?

Caterina told us
that Agata had a phobia.

She didn't use public toilets,
unless it was one she already knew.

- Ah... I didn't know.
- Eh.

So that day,
being not far from the archive

she thought she could use the bathroom there.
So I began to think...

that she was k*lled because she was in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

What do you mean?

Then there is another question.

Surely the m*rder*r got
covered in blood.

How did he get out of the
archive without being noticed?

How did he do it?

I don't know, I don't know.

He had to have washed, covered himself up
and left without being noticed.

Maybe he had
spare clothes.

Maybe. Or ...
Guess what? He was naked.

- "Naked"? - Yes.
- A r*pe?

Not necessarily. Maybe Agata
saw someone having forbidden sex.

What did you say?
Sex in the archive? And who was it?

Good question.

- Who? - Someone who knew
the archive times

and who knew, that at that time
the builders were on lunch break.

Do you know of any employee of yours
who is in a forbidden relationship?

No... I'm not aware.

Perhaps Agata met
with Professor Scalia.

No, We've ruled
him out.

What did you do that day
between twelve and two?

I was here at home.

I've already told
Inspector Fazio.

How strange though!

The surveillance camera
of a bank near the archive

recorded this image.
You are in a car with a young boy.

There is a time stamp,
twelve twenty.

I had gone out to buy
some medicine

and I met this kid
who asked me for a ride.

- You know him?
- Who?

- The kid.
- No, never seen him before.

- Maybe you're lying?
- What did you say?

The mobile phone logs show

that your mobile phone
was connected

to a mast near the archives for
about an hour.

That's possible.

Before returning home

I went to a nearby bar
to cool down.

As there is air conditioning
in the bar

I stopped to read
the newspaper.

We checked the bar.
Right, Fazio?

It doesn't appear that you've
been there.

You weren't there because you were in the archives
k*lling Agata Cosentino.

What are you saying Inspector?
Have you gone mad?

I'll call my lawyer
right away.

You can call him from
police headquarters.

You k*lled her because Agata saw
something she wasn't supposed to see.

- You having sex with a young boy.
- How dare you?

On what evidence do you
accuse me?

You tried
to erase all your tracks

but we found the imprint of your foot at
the crime scene.

I'm going to ask you a question.

Do you want to see
all the evidence we have

or do you want to collaborate
and not make your situation worse?

What was she
doing there?

There was meant to be
nobody about.

Everyone was on leave.

The workmen were on
their break.

Instead I was suddenly
confronted with Agata.

Where the f*ck are
you going?

Help me!

I hit her,
I don't even know how many times.

Poor Agata!

She had always been so
good to me.

- Luckily he didn't ask us for the arrest warrant.
- Right.

With that half footprint
we couldn't identify him.

Let's find out who's behind
these kids he was picking up

there must be a
criminal organization.

My beloved Salvo...

you're sleeping so well
I didn't want to wake you up.

You told me last night

that Cannizzaro's confession
made possible the arrest of

of the
child prostitution g*ng.

It makes me think that Agata
didn't die in vain.

These days I understand
that what really matters

is that Agata definitely
did not live in vain.

I went to her house once

and I saw how tender she was
with her parents.

I was very moved.

I told her about myself

the fact that I had no children

and that having a daughter like her
would be a joy for me.

Then Agata embraced me

and told me
not to be sad

because having children is certainly wonderful,
but it's not everything.

She told me
that what matters most

is to leave something beautiful
and important to those we love.

If I think about myself,
I don't know if Agata was right

but I'm sure she left
something unique in me

and in all those
who have been close to her.

Your Livia.