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02x13 - The Neverfriending Story

Posted: 12/27/22 10:53
by bunniefuu
- ALL: [laughing]

[laughter stops]

- What are you doing here?

- We're gonna watch
a movie.

- Not on that couch.

Oyster, launch mode!
- What's launch mo--


You coulda just
called dibs.

- Looks like you girls are gonna
have to watch TV somewhere else.

- You boys may have the couch,
but we have the remote.

- Keep the remote.
We're out of here.

My friends do not want to hang
out with your friends.


makers of "Werewolf Hurricane"

and "Vampire Twister,"

comes a supernatural storm that
no one could forecast--

"Zombie Rain -D."


- I so wanna see that.
- Me, too.

Some girl we go to
school with saw it

and she's had
nightmares ever since.

- Uh, that was me.

- Hey, we should
all go tonight.

- Oh, sweetches!

- Not sweetches.

Phoebe, I've seen the movie.
I've seen your friends.

I'm not a fan of either.

- Trust me--none of
you guys should go.

Some girl got pink eye
from the -D glasses.

Yes, that was also me.

- Hey, there's
a o'clock showing.

- That's perfect.

I have an early cricket
match tomorrow.

You heard me.

- Did you see that?

We can't have our friends
hanging out together.

We share everything else--

a couch, a house,
a family, a birthday.

You're everywhere.

- It's just a movie.

- No, today it's movie,
but then we become a group.

The next thing you know,
we're finding out

who has the longest arm,
so we can take a group selfie.

- It's always me.

- Is that what
you want, Phoebe?

For you and I to be part of
the same group forever?

- B- .
- Bingo!


- Hey, "Long Arms," get over
here and take a group selfie.

- This has to stop!

Now we're even
sharing nightmares.

- ♪

♪ What you see ♪

♪ Is not what you get ♪

♪ Livin' our lives
with a secret ♪

♪ We fit right in ♪

♪ Bet you never guessed ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
livin' our lives ♪

♪ Just like all the rest ♪

♪ A picture
perfect family ♪

♪ Is what we try to be ♪

♪ Look closer,
you might see ♪

♪ The crazy things we do ♪

♪ This isn't
make believe ♪

♪ It's our reality ♪

♪ Just your average family ♪

♪ Trying to be normal
and stay out of trouble ♪

♪ Livin' a double life ♪

- And, now, riding
a bike with no brakes

and loose handlebars,
Billy Thunderman!

Woo! Yeah!

- Thank you.

Watch as I attempt to--

- BARB: Not go to
the emergency room.

- Step away from
the bike, Billy.

- That would have been
so much cooler,

if you were on it.

- I know!

We never get to do anything.

- And you're alive.

You're welcome.

- Come on, maybe there's
can we can kick outside.

- Be careful.

- Ready to go the movies

and make sure our friends
don't become friends?

- Hey, don't call them
"our" friends.

I have my friends

and you have your
giggle buddies.

- Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad.

- Hey, haven't you
forgotten something?

- Uh, wallet, keys,
phone, my boy's charm.

No, let's go.
- [snapping fingers]

- Guys, you're not
going anywhere.

- It's our date
night, remember?

You two are babysitting
Billy and Nora.

- What? Why?

Well, I know why.
But why?

- See ya later.

- Wait, do you realize
that if we babysit tonight,

our social lives
could be over?

- [chuckles] Better
yours than ours.

Run, Barb!
- Be careful!

- Hey, Max, can we go play
tag with your rocket

on the old wooden bridge?

- Sure, why don't
you hitchhike there

and get a tattoo
on the way back?

- BILLY & NORA: Yes!

- No!

Stop fooling around.

- Someone's starting to
sound a lot like Mom.

- Am I, Nora?

Am I?

- Max, how can
we stop our friends

from becoming a group,
if we're stuck here?

- Look, I texted Cherry
"Ditch the boys,"

but it got autocorrected.

- "Stitch the bosses."

That makes no sense.

- Know what makes
even less sense?

Cherry texted back

- Well, while you've been
texting gibberish,

I've been working on this.

First, I'll take over
two satellites,

then disrupt
their communication

so they'll lose each
other's phone numbers, hey?

- But can't they just ask

for each other's phone
numbers again?

- She's right, dummy.

- One more word, Colosso,
I'll freeze you.

- Shutting up, sir.

- Max, that's it.

If we freeze the kids,

we can leave them here while
we go separate our friends.

- Oh, that's what a not-stupid
idea sounds like.

- Ah.

- Shutting up again.

- Hey, Billy, Nora.

Frozen kids say what?
- BILLY & NORA: What?

- Aw, I know it was my idea,

but I feel kinda bad
leaving them on ice.

- Now you're starting
to sound like Mom.

- Am I, Max?

Am I?

- Hey, everyone.
- Yay, you changed your mind.

- Actually, girls,
I was thinking

it would be so much more fun,

if we went to Wong's
to get a pizza.

- That sounds awesome.
- Great.

- With the boys.
After the movie.

- What?

- Wouldn't you guys
rather go check out

that new go-cart park?

- Yeah, let's do that.
- Cool.

- With the girls.
Tomorrow night.

- What?

- I'm free. Let's all go.

- A full weekend?

We're turning into
a fun group.

Hands in.

- I'm not doing that.

- Go, group!

- Okay, that was fun.
Put me down for the next one.

- Hey, our movie's
gonna start.

See you at Wong's.

- Stitch it up, bosses!

- What have I done?

- Given the group we're trying
to break up a catch phrase.

- We've gotta go unstitch
those bosses.

- Let's get in that movie,

and make them never
wanna hang out again.

Hands in.

Go buy some tickets!

- NORA: [powers zapping]
- [ice cracking]

- Nobody puts Nora
in the freezer.

[powers zapping]
- [ice cracking]

- Whoa. What happened?

Why is my butt so cold?
- [powers zapping]

Ow! Why is my butt
so hot?

- I wonder how long
we were frozen?

- For years!

When rabbits were once
your mere pets,

here, in the future,
we rule the planet!

- Come on, Colosso,

we know that's one
of your silly costumes.

Right, Billy?

- I am your humble servant.

- Yes.

- Tell me where
Phoebe and Max went.

Or your costumes get it!

- Well played, girl Billy.

- It's Nora.
- Don't care.

Phoebe and Max froze you

so they could go
to the movies.

- Do you realize
what this means, Billy?

- You know I don't, Nora.

- We're home alone
for the first time!

We can do whatever
we want.

- Light her up!

- [powers zapping]
- [rocket roaring]

- BILLY: Wahoo!

Take that, old wooden bridge!

What's that, Mom and Dad?

Oh, that's right.
You're not here.

Couch party!

- [dance music playing]

- AUDIENCE: [gasping]

- Oh, there they are
in the middle.

- Look at them all--
bein' friends.

It makes me sick
to my stomach.

- [dramatic movie music]

- Okay, let the ruining
of the night begin.

- [Oyster's food squirts]

- Oyster.
- Sorry, guys.

My fingers are just so ripped
from wailing on my guitar.

- Look at us--it's like we're
covered in zombie guts.

- ALL: [imitating zombies]

- Uh-oh, they're bonding.

And now they're taking
a zombie selfie.

- Aw, I couldn't
get us all.

My arms are too short.

I wish Phoebe was here.

- All right, Max,
we need a new plan.

If we don't get home soon,

Mom and Dad are gonna find out
what we did to Billy and Nora.

- Relax, Phoebe.

Mom and Dad are the least
of our problems right now.

- See, Hank, we missed
the beginning.

- You know how I feel about
paying for parking, Barb.

- Any chance there's
another cheap Hank

and complaining Barb
in Hiddenville?

- Oh!

This movie just
got way scarier.

- Max, what are
we gonna do?

How can we ruin
our friends' night

if our parents are sitting
right behind us?

- If they see us,
we won't need friends

because we'll be grounded for
life for leaving Billy and Nora.

- How can this night
get any worse?

- Ah, date night.

- That's it. I'm out.

- MAX: [crawling]
Sorry, excuse us.

- PHOEBE: [crawling]
Pardon me.

- MAX [crawling]:
Sorry about that.

- Sorry.

Oh, people are so gross--
throwing their trash everywhere.

- Tell me about it.


- Well, we tried.

- Maybe we're overreacting.

I mean, how close can our
friends really get

during one movie?
- [cell phone music]

- Uh-oh, Gideon just asked
the girls to join your band.

- What? Please. Oyster would
never let that happen.

- [cell phone music]

- [reading] "Dude, the girls
are in the band."

This is horrible.

- I know.
They didn't ask me.

- [cell phone music]
- Oh, yay, I'm in, too.

Ha. Ha.
- Phoebe, nobody's in.

Don't you realize
what that would mean?

Our group would
be in a band.



- Sweetches band
practice, dudes.

- Now it's time to
stitch it up, bosses.

- So we're still breaking up
that group, right?

- Oh, yeah.

I'd rather get grounded
by Mom and Dad

than spend the rest of my life
rocking to the oldies with you.

- But we won't get grounded

if we don't go back
into the theater, huh?

- This would go a lost faster,
if you just told me your plan.

- Just follow me.

- Dad's gonna love
this new layout.

It just makes sense.

- [bowl shatters]

- Billy!

- Sorry. I can't
score against this guy.


- I was gonna say nice shot.

You broke some stuff and found
Mom's magic money card.

- We can buy anything
we want.

- Let's turn Max's lair
into a ball pit.

- But how do we trick some adult

into letting us use
Mom's credit card?

- Sign here,
Mrs. Thunderman.

- Please, call me Barb.

Because that's my name.


You're probably wondering
about my third arm.

- Not if you tip me.

- Oh.

- He doesn't suspect
a thing.

- Stand back, Phoebe.

I'm gonna break down
this projection room door.

[loud thud]

- Oh, look, the door
was unlocked.

[locking door]
- Okay.

We're gonna switch out
"Zombie Rain -D"

for a movie that's
even lamer--

so lame,
they'll wanna leave.

- Got it.

Oh, here, how about this?

"Train Plane."

- Oyster would love it.

His dad's a conductor
and his mom's a pilot.

I'm talking about...
this movie.

- [reading] "Yawnimals:
A delightful documentary

about the yawning habits
of the animal kingdom."

[yawning] Yeah.
This'll work.

- [dramatic music]
- [mellow music]

- Wait, why did they
switch the movie?

- I did not buy tickets
to see yawning animals.

- Oh, "Yawnimals."

Now I get it.

- This movie is making
me sleepy.

- [mellow music]

- This is ridiculous.

You need to do
something, Hank.

- [snoring]

- Great, I married
a yawnimal.

- [cell phone music]

- It's working.
Cherry just texted a yawny face.

- Mission accomplished.

Let's go home,
unfreeze the kids,

and never talk
to each other again.

- Done-zo.

- BARB: [pounding on door]

Is there a manager
in there?

- Oh, it's Mom.
Now we're really done-zo.

- [powers zapping]
- BARB: Hey!

I know someone's in there.

I want to see the rest
of "Zombie Rain."

- Uh, the scientists
create a drought

and the zombies dry up.
The end.

- BARB: Great.
You ruined the ending.

I may as well go home.

- No, you can't go home!

I mean, give
"Yawnimals" a chance.

It's from the makers
of "Catnaps."

We've gotta get
out of here.

- That window's
the only way out.

You jump first so I have
someone to break my fall.

- BARB: [pounding on door]
You spoiled the movie for me.

Open this door
or I'll open it myself.

- All right, here
goes nothing.

It's working. It's working.

Oh, I'm stuck. I'm stuck.

- BILLY: Billy in the pit!


- Best night ever!

- How great would it be,

if the whole house
was filled with balls?

- Why ask when
we can just do it.

- [Jaws-type music]

- What was that?


- Ball shark!

- [laughing]
I gotcha good, boy Nora.

- That was great.

You even pretended
to bite my ankles.

- Yeah. [laughing]

You might want to pretend
to go get a rabies shot.

- Woo!

- BARB: I will blast
this door open

with the power of a thousand
lightning storms--

using my portable
electric shocker

that I keep in my purse.

Zi-i-ip. Oh, here it is.

- Mom's gonna use
her powers.

She'll do anything
to not go home.

- Here's an idea.
Do something!

- I found some butter.

- Do something else!

- Don't worry.
It'll work.


I've just gotta
make you slippery.

Okay, try now.

- Here I go.

[loud thud]

- Huh, Dad was right.

Butter fixes everything.

- [mellow movie music]
- [loud thud]

- The theater is not
a trash can, people.

- Shhhh!

- Check it out.
Our friends left.

Dad's asleep.

Let's quietly sneak
past him.

- Aw, baby llama sleepy.

- I'm up!
I love date night!

Where's my shoe?
Where's my wife?


- They're still here?
- [cell phone camera clicks]

- [whining]
Why are they still here?

- We gave them
the worst night ever,

and they still won't
stop hanging out together.

- Maybe it's time
we do the right thing.

Ditch these losers
and get new friends.

- PHOEBE: That girl
with the accordion

looks like she could
use some friends.

I'll go talk to her.

- BARB: You're not listening.

I was just changing
the movie back

and the doorknob was already
melted when I got there.

- You're going to have
to leave the theater.

Wait here until I get
your husband, ma'am.

- Oh, no, you did not
just call me ma'am.

I am a young lady.

[silently] Young.

- Guys, this is
the weirdest night ever.

But it was great fun.

- You know what would have made
this night even better?

- If you would have let
me hold your hand?

- Are you talking
to me or Cherry?

- I've got two hands.

- No, I'm talking
about Phoebe and Max.

I wish they were
here with us.

- Yeah, me too.
- That would be fun.

- Yeah, it's funny
when they fight.

- Aw, they miss us.

Maybe it wouldn't
be the end of the world

to be in the same
group of friends.

- If you join the group, then
I've gotta join the group.

Someone's gotta keep
you out of my band.

- Weren't we gonna meet Max
and Phoebe at Wong's?

- I'm texting Phoebe right now.

- [Phoebe's cell phone music]

- Hey, guys.

- What are you two
doing back there?

- Um, Cherry just sent me a text
about going to Wong's,

so we came right over.

- We were really close by.

- This is so much fun.

Hands in, everybody.

- Hey, I'm not doin'
that again.

- Don't fight it, bro.

Come get some of this.

- ALL: Go, group!

- HANK: I'm telling you

there is no way
that was my wife.

You've got the--
Yeah, that's her.

- Actually, we're gonna have
to meet you guys at Wong's.

There's a couple of things at
home we've gotta defrost first.

- Well, not the best
date night ever.

- Still, it's nice to
get out on our own

and away from
the kids for a while--

especially Max.
- Yeah.

It's funny when they fight.

- Come on, Max. Mom and Dad are
gonna be here any second.

- I'm trying.
It's stuck for some reason.

- HANK: Hey, hey, hey.

What are you kids up to?

- Uh, hi, Mom, Dad.

We were just playing hide and
seek with Billy and Nora.

- Come on out,
you little rascals.

- Well, your mother and I had
yet another flawless date night.

I even sprung for
a double feature.

Nothin's too good
for my little lady.

- Just open the door, Hank.

- What the heck?

♪ Hello ♪