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01x18 - Five by Five

Posted: 04/27/00 21:53
by bunniefuu
Dennis' face bulges through the wall.

Wilson: "Who are you talking to?"

Cordy: "My ghost. I-I have a ghost."

Lindsey offering his business card to Angel in Russell's office.

Lindsey: "Should you continue to harass our client then we will be forced to bring you into the light of day. I place that I'm told is not all that healthy for you."

Russell bursting through the window, screaming. Angel turning away with a smile.

Lindsey on the phone: "Seems there is a new player in town."

Buffy and Faith pulling out their stakes as they enter the vampire lair in "Bad Girls"

Wesley (in the library): "Ah! This is perhaps Faith."

Faith: "New Watcher?"

Buffy and Giles in unison: "New Watcher."

Faith k*lling the book-demon. Buffy voice over: "Being the Slayer is not the same as being a k*ller."

Faith hitting a police officer as she runs away from Buffy in "This Years Girl"

Faith stabbing Finch.

Buffy: "You k*lled a man!"

Faith: "I don't care."

Faith admiring the knife the Mayor gifted her with in "Choices"

Angel: "You can't imagine the price for true evil. - If you can trust us Faith, this can all change."

Wesley storming in with a big wooden cross, his flunkies beating Angel up with crowbars.

Wesley to Faith: "I'm exercising my authority and removing you to England - where you will accept the judgement of the disciplinary committee."

Faith busting out of the truck. Giles voice over: "We have a rogue Slayer on our hands. I can't think of anything more dangerous."

Buffy: "I don't she's coming back."

Riley: "Guess she's had her fun."

Night. Marquez walks up to some guys huddled around a fire burning in a trashcan under a bridge.

Marquez: "Yo ese! What the hell you're burning there man? Smells like... Yo, you're hanging in the wrong place man! (Close up of a g*n held by one of the guys) My boys ain't gonna be too happy when they get here and see what kind of a mess you made, man."

The figure holding the g*n gets up. It's a demon holding the dismembered human arm that holding the g*n. It drops it into the fire.

Marquez stares at their d*sfigured faces than turns and runs. The three demons give chase. Marquez pulls out a g*n and fires at his pursuers, but they never even slow.

Angel's convertible, driven by Wesley squeals around a corner behind them. As they pass the three demons, Angel leans out and beheads one of the demons with a sword.

Wesley passes Marquez and turns to cut him off, bringing the car to a halt. Angel jumps out.

Angel: "Your name Marquez? (Marquez nods) Good. I hate saving the wrong guy."

Angel turns and beheads a demon coming up behind him, splattering Wesley and the car with gore in the process.

Angel: "Never know who you're gonna meet in this part of town. You want a ride?"

Cut to a Greyhound-like bus pulling up. The door opens and the passengers step out. We follow a pair of black platform shoes, pan up to show it’s a girl with a duffel.

Cut to a guy lighting a cigarette.

Back to the girl. As she steps into the cone of the streetlight, we see that it is Faith, not looking too good.

Guy as Faith is about to pass him: "New in town, right? (He falls in beside Faith as she keeps walking) You got that new in town look. This is a dangerous part of town this time of night for a young lady, you know? Lot of people down here try and take advantage of a situation like that. - Especially if you don't have any money - place to stay. - I might be able to help."

Faith stops and turns to him: "I'm cold."

Guy takes off his leather jacket: "Oh, yeah? Warm is my middle name."

Faith hits him in the stomach, the face, keeps hitting and kicking him into unconsciousness. Leans down and takes his keys and wallet out of his jacket.

Faith: "Now I got money - and a place to stay. (Pulls off his jacket and puts it on) I think I'm gonna like it here."


Borsa, Romania 1898

Darla follows a blindfolded Angelus into a house.

Angelus: "Can I take off this blindfold yet?"

Darla: "No."

Angelus grabs Darla around the waist: "Can I take off something else?"

Darla: "After I give you your present." (They kiss) You can never have enough of those. Come on."

She leads him into another room, then takes his blindfold off. We see a fire burning in a fireplace. The camera pans down to show a bound and gagged girl lying in front of it.

Darla: "Happy birthday, Angelus."

Angelus: "She is a gypsy."

Darla: "I looked everywhere."

Angelus: "What would I do without you?"

Darla: "Whither and die. (They kiss) She is not just for you - I get to watch."

Angelus goes and leans down over the girl. He pushes her skirt up while she squirms, then vamps out and bites her thigh while Darla watches.

Cut to Angel slamming Marquez into a chair in his office.

Angel: "The only way you're gonna keep from getting k*lled is to do the right thing."

Marquez: "Right thing for who?"

Angel grabs his shirt front and leans into him: "Next time they come after you I'm not gonna be there. And your friends aren't gonna be there either. Not after being cut up and incinerated."

Cut to Cordy in the outer office: "This guy is never gonna do it. What a waste of a good vision."

She walks over to where Wesley is laying curled up under his jacket on the couch, trying to sleep.

Wesley: "It's going that badly?"

Cordy: "I knew it when you brought him in here yesterday. Someone with that much body art is gonna have a different definition of civic duty."

Wesley: "After we saved his life?"

Cordy: "When was the last time *you* wrote a thank-you card?"

Wesley sits up: "Well, I have faith in Angel. If anyone can convince him to testify..."

Cordy: "Wesley, you don't change a guy like that. In fact - generally speaking - you don't change a guy. What you see is what you get. Scratch the surface and what do you find? More surface."

Wesley puts on his glasses and gets up: "One could have said that about Angel."

Cordy: "Oh, please! He was cursed by gypsies. What's Angel gonna do? Drag a bunch of them in here to shove a soul down this guy's throat?"

Wesley: "He may be a ruffian, but he's already got a soul, and therefore - deep down inside - an urge to do what's right."

Marquez bursting into the outer office: "No way. I'm gone."

Angel grabs him by the collar and pulls him back slamming the door.

Angel: "Shut up and sit down."

Cordy: "I guess you're right, Wesley. He's just like the Dalai Lama."

Angel: "You don't even know what you're up against, do you? You're gonna have to face your demons sometime."

Marquez: "What if I don't want to face my demons?"

Angel: "Then you'll have to face mine."

Cut to the outside of a bar at night and a small crowd on the steps. Cut to people dancing inside. One of them is Faith, dancing, drifting from guy to guy. She dances up to a girl, then takes the arms of the guy the girl was dancing with and wraps them around her waist. The girl stops and stares while Faith rubs herself against the guy.

Girl: "Excuse me!"

Faith: "Okay, you're excused."

Girl: "That's my boyfriend!"

Faith: "Really? (Looks down inside the front of the guy's shirt) You have your name on him? Because I don't see it - anywhere."

Girl: "Billy! Do something!"

Faith: "Yeah, Billy, do something - like this!"

Faith elbows the girl in the face. Billy tries to hit Faith, but she deflects him and he stumbles into a guy behind her. A fight ensues and slowly spreads to others, during which Faith keeps dancing to the music, while throwing the occasional punch or kick.

Cut to a courtroom, day.

Lindsey: "While the arguments that the district attorney here has presented are somewhat entertaining, this case hinges on the testimony of witnesses that they have been unable to produce."

Attorney: "Your honor, we can produce them if Wolfram & Hart will stop tampering with the witness."

Lindsey: "Witness tampering is a serious allegation, councilor. And I will be filing a grievance for this remark with the A.B.A this afternoon. They have no witness. They have no case. I request a dismissal of all charges (the door in the back opens and Marquez walks in, followed by Angel) against my client, whose reputation has been irreparably damaged by these proceedings. He is a law abiding and upstanding (turns and see Angel and Marquez) - citizen."

Angel: "Your client really is - except for that pesky drug-dealing and m*rder stuff."

Attorney: "Your honor, the state calls Mr. Marquez."

Angel and Lindsey stare at each other while Marquez gets sworn in.

Cut to Lindsey talking into the headset of a wireless phone.

Lindsey: "No sir. I accept full responsibility. I thought - - I thought we had done everything possible. However, I'd not foreseen the intervention (Door opens and Lindsey McDonald waves to Lee Mercer to come in). Yes sir. Angel. I don't disagree. He's proven to be a costly liability. - I can, absolutely, I can do that. Yes, sir. Good-bye. (Takes off the phone and tosses it on his desk) I hate failure when there is no one else to blame it on."

Lee holds out some papers: "I think I've found the solution to our problem."

Lindsey takes the papers and looks at them.

Cut to Lilah Morgan walking through the lobby.

Lilah to Lee a ways in front of her: "Lee! I've been looking for you. (To the guy next to her) You call them back and tell them that's our drop-dead offer, and you make sure that they understand we mean literally not figuratively. (To Lee as the other guy leaves with a nod) How are you doing?"

Lee: "Good! You?"

Lilah: "Great. I heard you came up with a good idea. How to deal with our friendly neighborhood vampire?"

Lee: "No, I came up with a great idea. How do you find out these things so fast?"

Lilah: "Part of my job. How did you find out there was a rogue Slayer in town?"

Lee: "Part of *my* job. I've been reading, ah, the police reports. She's been a - busy little beaver."

Lilah: "But you don't know where she is."

Lee: "I will soon enough."

Lilah opens a folder: "I already do. - Uh, I'll make the contact."

Lee: "I don't think so. It’s my deal - I’ll make the contact."

Lilah: "Let me think about it... - No."

Lee: "Why not?"

Lilah: "It's your people skills - you don't have any."

Lee: "You bitch."

Lilah chuckles: "See? If you behave I'll let you ride in the Limo."

Cut to Cordy on the phone: "Unfortunately we - don't really do divorce cases. - No, it's not about the money. - Oh, - it’s about that much money! How soon can we meet? (Angel and Wesley come up out of the elevator) Yeah, I know where that is. - Okay, we'll see you there tomorrow. Thanks for calling. Bye! (Hangs up) How'd it go?"

Wesley: "We won."

Cordy: "g*ng-guy testified?"

Angel: "Stood up and told the truth."

Cordy to Wesley: "What did I tell you?"

Wesley: "That he never would."

Cordy: "Well, more good news. I may have landed a new client, and here is a twist: he can afford to pay!"

Wesley: "What's the case?"

Cordy: "I'm still in - information gathering phase. But - ah - we're meeting him for lunch tomorrow. (To Angel) So, are you happy with the way things turned out? (To Wesley as an aside) You can always tell when he's happy. His scowl - is slightly less scowly."

Wesley to Angel: "That young man is very lucky he ran into you."

Angel: "He just needed a little guidance - a push in the right direction."

Wesley: "I wonder how Wolfram & Hart are going to push back."

Cut to Lilah and Faith walking out of a bar at night.

Faith: "I guess we could go somewhere and talk, but I'm not much of a talker. I'm more of a doer."

Lilah: "I think you might have misunderstood my intentions."

Faith: "No, I think you misunderstood mine. I like that watch. Diamonds, right?'

Lilah: "Faith."

Faith: "How do you know my name? I don't think I told you."

Lilah: "We are well aware of who you are - and what you do. We know you have been experiencing some - difficulties. We think we can help bring some order back to your life."

Faith: "We do, do we? Who is we, and why do they know me when I don't know Jack about you?"

Lilah: "Green - is my favorite color. I look good in diamonds - and I love riding in limousines."

Faith turns around as Lee opens the back door of a black limousine from the inside.

Lee: "Faith - can we talk?"

Faith to Lilah: "I like black."

Faith gets into the limo, Lilah follows.

Cut to Darla entering the house she and Angelus are apparently living in.

Darla: "Angelus? - Are you here? - Angelus?"

She walks into the other room. Angel is huddled up against a wall.

Angel: "Not everyone screams."

Darla: "What?"

Angel: "When you k*ll them. Some - just stand there, - frozen... While others..."

Darla: "What are you doing? Are we playing a game?"

Angel: "The children - they usually scream."

Darla smiling: "Hmm, yes. They sound just like little pigs. Have you brought me some? - What you don't think I’ll share? I can't believe that you would think I'm that insensitive."

Angel turns away from the wall. He looks pretty ragged.

Angel: "We've drunk and k*lled for who long now? 140-odd years. We've drunk them all up and they're all dead."

Darla tries to take his face into her hands: "Where have you been?"

Angel pushes her away: "Don't."

Darla: "What is this? Have you met someone else?"

Angel takes a hold of her shoulders and leans against her.

Darla: "No. -Let go. (Pushes him away) Let go of me! What happened to you? Angelus, what happened?"

Angel: "That gypsy girl you brought me - her people found out. They did something to me."

Darla: "A spell?"

Angel: "Funny. You would think with all the - people I've maimed - and k*lled I wouldn't be able to remember every - single - one. (Darla walks up to him) Help me."

Darla lays a hand against the side of his face: "The spell - they gave you a soul. A filthy soul! No! (Scratches his cheek) You're disgusting!"

Angel: "Darla."

Darla picks up a wooden chair to ward him off: "No, get away from me."

Angel: "You brought her here."

Darla smashes the chair and picks up one of the legs and tries to stake Angel.

Angel avoids the swing: "I am like you."

Darla still holding the stake ready: "You're not like anything. Get away from me. Get out! (Angel stumbles out of the house) I'll k*ll you!"

Cut to Angel walking away from the house. He looks back once to see Darla in the door, stake raised.

Darla watches him go, slowly lowering her stake.

Cut to an office of Wolfram & Hart's, where Faith is pacing the floor.

Lindsey: "A felony arrest warrant from Sunnydale was issued in your name - - physical description is quite accurate. The photograph, however, is - not flattering. - There is a lot of personal stuff that is of no interest to me, but what they do fail to mention is that you are a Slayer."

Lilah: "Which is why we found you so appealing."

Lindsey: "You have a problem. We have a problem. I just had a perfectly good m*rder case go up in smoke and you seem to - have a certain expertise in that area. So to make a long story - less long - I think if a service is rendered - we can get you off."

Faith: "You don't know how many man have promised me that."

Lilah: "I'm certain you won't be disappointed in our performance."

Faith: "Who am I supposed to k*ll?"

Lindsey: "Please understand that we would never advocate the k*lling of another human being. - His name is Angel. - He's somewhat of a private..."

Faith: "No problem."

Lee: "Don't you want to know anything more?"

Faith: "Yeah. Besides getting me off, how much are you going to pay?"

Lee: "It might behoove you to know more about your intended. So, before we discuss remuneration..."

Faith: "Huh?"

Lee: "Payment. I want to make sure you understand that this firm is in no way connected to - anything you do. - It's my ass on the line here. I don't want you to make me look bad."

Faith grabs him by the neck and slams his face on the table.

Faith: "How do you look now?"

Faith keeps pounding his face on the table.

Lilah to Lindsey with a smile: "She shows initiative."

Lindsey to the intercom: "Jesse, I think you better make it 3 for dinner instead of 4."

Cut to Angel, Cordy and Wesley stepping out of an elevator.

Cordy: "And he is kind of a busy man, so lunch was the only time he had. It's not the kind of case I'd normally go after, but we've got to consider the bottom line."

Angel: "What kind of demons are we dealing with."

Cordy: "Well, it's not exactly a demon thing."

Wesley: "What kind of - thing is it?"

Cordy: "It's a kind of - husband and wife break-up thing."

Wesley: "A divorce case?"

Angel: "You're kidding."

Cordy: "What's wrong with a divorce case?"

Angel: "That's not what we do."

Cordy: "According to the husband the wife is a real witch.'

Wesley: "Seems a bit on the seedy side."

Cordy: "This is not seedy! He's in government. - Just talk to him. Oh, and we should pick up the tab for lunch. Nothing says success less than splitting the bill."

Angel: "I didn't bring any money with me."

Cordy: "Okay, Elvis. When you are a big star you can get away with not carrying any cash. And while we're on the subject - I think one of us should apply for a small business loan. (We see Faith standing a ways behind Angel) Just to get us through the rough spots. (The camera pulls to an overhead shot, showing Faith aiming her crossbow at Angel's back and pulling the trigger) I meant what's a thirty year loan to you?"

Angel turns as Faith sh**t and catches the quarrel just in front of his chest.

Faith: "That was so cool! This is gonna be fun!"

The turns and runs out through a door and into the sunshine.

Wesley: "Oh my God. Faith."

Angel: "I thought she was in a coma."

Cordy: "Pretty lively coma."

Cut to Angel hanging up the phone in his office.

Angel: "Giles said she left Sunnydale about a week ago. He described her mental state as borderline psychotic."

Cordy: "That explains her outfit."

Wesley: "This isn't right."

Cordy: "When a whacked-out Slayer tries to k*ll your boss - it's very wrong."

Wesley: "I meant Giles. Why didn't he give me the heads-up? I was Faith's Watcher. When she came out of the coma, Giles should have contacted me immediately."

Cordy: "Maybe he was busy trying to keep her form - I don't know - k*ll everybody?"

Angel: "He didn't know she was coming after me. He was worried about Buffy."

Cordy: "Is she okay?"

Angel: "Yeah."

Cordy: "What can we do?"

Angel: "Help me track her down. I want you two to check police reports - beatings, killings - anything within the last week, possibly near bus stations and bars. And then you make yourselves scarce. I don't want to give her any free targets."

Wesley: "You've been targeted by a psychotic! I'm certainly not going to run and hide."

Cordy: "I like the plan where I'm scarce."

Wesley: "We've got to band together. Strength in numbers."

Cordy: "Two is a number."

Angel stands up: "She coming for me. I've got a fight coming up. I don't want you to get in the way."

Wesley: "I thought we were a team."

Angel: "We're not a team. I'm your boss. You go where I tell you and I tell you to lay low,"

Wesley: "Seems you're taking this personally."

Angel: "Well, you know, she tried to sh**t my own personal back, so yeah."

Wesley: "Did she do something to Buffy?"

Angel: "Giles just said it was rough."

Wesley: "I'm sorry. But if you let emotion control you right now, one of you will certainly end up dead."

Angel: "Yeah, that's what the lady wants."

Wesley: "That's not good enough! She's not a demon, Angel. She is a sick, sick girl. If there is even a chance she can be reasoned with..."

Angel: "There was. Last year I had a shot at saving her. I was pulling her back from the brink when some British guy kidnapped her and made damn sure she'd never trust a living soul."

Cordy: "Angel, it's not Wesley's fault that *some* British guy ruined your... - oh. Wait (to Wesley) that was you. (To Angel) Go on."

Wesley: "You don't need to."

Angel: "Let's just get to work."
Cut to Angel looking through his weapons cabinet when he hears some noise upstairs. Angel walks slowly up into the office. Someone opens the blinds in the outer office as Angel walks towards it, flooding it with sunlight

Faith: "Hey, baby! Come give us a hug."

Angel in the door leading from his office: "I was hoping you'd stop by. Always good to see old friends. (Faith pulls out a revolver and cocks it) What's this? Wooden b*ll*ts?"

Faith: "Ooh, good idea! But no, this is for you. You know - I'm going to k*ll you slowly and inventively, so I'm gonna give you one chance to..."

Faith tossed him the g*n. Angel catches it and sh**t at her right leg. Faith laughs.

Angel: "Blanks. (Tosses the g*n back to her) Nice."

Faith: "You didn't sh**t to k*ll. We're gonna have to up the stakes, get you in the game a little."

Angel: "What's the game exactly, Faith? Boredom? Revenge?"

Faith: "Dude, I'm getting paid. They hate you almost as much as I do."

Angel: "Ever occurred to you this might be more fun for me?"

Faith: "You think? Because what if you k*ll me - and you experience that one true moment of pleasure? Oops! I'd get off on that. Go ahead. Do me. Let's take that hell ride together. Come on, Angel, I'm all yours! I'm giving you an open invitation. - Jeez, you're pathetic! You and your little tortured soul, got to think everything through. Well, think fast, lover. You don’t' do me, you know I'm gonna do you!"

Aims her g*n at Angel and pulls the trigger. Angel staggers back under the impact as the b*llet hits his chest, gasping with pain.

Faith: "Gosh. That one wasn't a blank. - Let the games begin."

Faith jumps out through the window, shattering the glass.

Cut to the offices of Wolfram & Hart, night. Lindsey and another lawyer step out of an elevator.

Lindsey: "I'm telling you, it's a - situation we are handling "

Lawyer: "I read the file. It needs to be handled! I've got to jump."

They part. The camera pans to show Angel strolling in through the front door, in dark suit and tie, carrying a brief case.

Lawyer points at him: "You!"

Angel turns to look at him. The are right in front of the security desk.

Lawyer: "We're in the Gruber meeting."

Angel: "Right."

Lawyer: "What the hell is going on with those people?"

Angel: "I know, it's..."

Lawyer: "I mean is this a negotiation or a cotillion?"

Angel: "That's exactly what I was trying to tell Frank."

Lawyer: "Who's Frank?"

Angel: "Works with Louise in contracts."

Lawyer: "Contracts - the problem is not contracts!"

Angel: "That's what I was trying to tell..."

Lawyer's cell phone rings and he waves Angel quiet while he answers it.

Lawyer to phone: "Go. Yes. - Yes. - No, no. Thursday! (Hangs up) We have to close Gruber now, before the soft offer becomes hard and the stock goes..."

Angel: "Through the ceiling!"

Lawyer: "In the toilet!"

Angel: "Right."

Lawyer: "Keep me in the loop, will you? I want to know the instant that they fold. - They are folding? (Angel makes a face and the lawyer checks his watch) Look, I've got to jump. E-mail me. Good to see you."

Angel: "You too."

They part.

Cut to Angel entering Lindsey McDonalds office. He sits down at the desk and look through the papers. The door opens and Lindsey walks in. He smiles and shakes his head when he sees Angel.

Lindsey: "Don't you have any respect for the law?"

Angel: "Nice office. Good view. (Gets up) Where is Faith?"

Lindsey: "Should I know what you're talking about?"

Angel: "Your new employee."

Lindsey: "It's a big firm. Tell you what I can do. I can give you the number for Personnel, though. I'm sure they'd be glad to handle your problem."

Angel: "You'd remember this one. Pretty, dark hair, kills things?"

Lindsey: "I assure you that we have strict hiring practices."

Angel: "So how does it work for a guy like you? - Successful lawyer in a big law firm, - company car, - nice office, bonus: - can hire a k*lling when ever you want. Kind of got it made, right?"

Lindsey: "Well, we'll just add slander to breaking and entering. While we're on the subject, I remember you throwing one of my clients through a window. k*lled him if I'm not mistaken."

Angel: "Yes. I seem to remember. (Turns to point at the window) The window was just about that size. Hmm. Too bad the body burned up before it hit the ground. I might have needed a good lawyer."

Lindsey: "I'm sorry, we only handle a certain class of clientele."

Angel: "Oh, I'm sure that I've k*lled enough people to qualify. Where is she?"

Lindsey: "You know a vampire can't walk in here without us knowing it. We have a highly sophisticated security system, spent a fortune on mystical barriers and such. Nice to know our investment paid off."

Angel grabs the security guard coming at him with his g*n drawn and slams him down on the table, knocking him out.

Angel: "I think it was a waste of money myself."

Lindsey: "Well, one down. More on the way. And the police have been called. And this whole encounter has been visually recorded on hi-def. So, - despite the fact that I'm sure it would make an entertaining evening watching you fight for your life, - not to mention the fortune I could make off the video - I do have a dinner."

Angel picks up his briefcase: "Good to see you again, Lindsey. - We'll do this real soon."

Lindsey as Angel walks out: "You know, just when I think I got you figured out, you show up in a suit."

Wesley is reading from a report as he and Cordy walk up to her apartment, night.

Wesley: "There is another as*ault just two blocks away. A fight in a bar, several arrests made, and a woman fitting Faith's description was involved, - however not arrested."

Cordy: "She charm her way out?"

Wesley: "Apparently she managed to break a policeman's jaw with his own handcuffs before she disappeared into the night."

Cordy: "Hmm. For Faith, that is charm."

She unlocks the door and opens it, but it slams back shut. Looks at Wesley. Tries again - same thing.

Cordy: "Phantom Dennis, let us in. It's all right. It's only Wesley."

She tries again, this time the door stays open. They enter and Cordy turns on the light.

Wesley: "Dennis, your ghost, I presume?"

Cordy: "Yes. He's jealous. (To the air) Don't worry. Hell will freeze over before I have sex with him."

Wesley: "Thank goodness for small favors. - I'm going to try calling Angel again."

Cordy: "Okay. I'm going to pack a bag."

Wesley dialing: "Cordelia, please, just a few things. We're not going on safari."

Faith: "I've got a little problem. - I don't feel Angel's in the game. But, somehow, I feel you guys are the key. (Wesley hangs up the phone) Now what can I do to *really* make him hate me?"

Wesley: "Faith."

Faith: "Shut up, Wesley."

Wesley: "It's not too late."

Faith: "For cappuccino? 'cause it just keeps me up."

Wesley: "It's not too late to let me help you."

Cordy: "Yes. We want to help you."

Wesley: "I realize there have been failures, on both sides. - But I also believe in my heart that you are not a bad person."

Faith elbows Cordy in the face dropping her.

Faith: "What do you believe in your heart now?"

Wesley hits her with a right cross.

Faith comes back up holding her lip: "Alright, Wes! - My turn."

She kicks him across the room.

Cut to Angel walking along a street in Borsa at night. A woman and three men come out of an inn.

Angel: "Mia foame. (I am hungry)"

Man: "Get away!"

Woman: "Leave him alone. He is just a beggar."

Man throws a coin at Angel: "Here have a pint on us."

Angel picks the money off the ground and throws it back at the man: "I don't want your money!"

Man: "How dare you!"

Angel in vamp face: "I want her."

Woman: "He is a monster! He is a monster!"

Angel as the three guys drag him into the alley: "I am a monster! I am a monster!"

We hear the sounds of fighting. One of the men comes flying through the air past the woman.

Woman into the alley: "Rudolph? Are you all right? Rudolph?"

Angel comes out of the alley, grabs the woman and drags her into the alley. He pushes her up against a wall and sinks his teeth into her neck.

Cut to Angel entering Cordy's apartment. He hear moaning and runs over to where Cordy is just coming to (he is no longer wearing the suit but his normal clothes and long leather coat).

Angel: "Cordelia."

Cordy: "She was already here. I didn't know. I made - Wesley come with me, - just to get a couple of things. She was like an animal. - She said that you weren't in the game. There was nothing - we could do."

Angel: "Take it easy."

Cordy: "I'm sorry. (Takes a deep breath) What about Wesley, is he okay?"

Angel: "He's not here."

Cut to Wesley sitting gagged and bound to chair in the middle of a fairly nice apartment. He looks beaten up. Faith is slowly pacing in front of him, then suddenly jumps onto his lap. Wesley lets out a muffled scream. Faith licks two fingers and rubs the swelling under Wesley's right eye.

Faith: "All these little cuts and bruises - just bring out the mother in me. (She takes his face between her hands and slaps his cheek) Come on. Now, now, don't poop out on me, damn it! Otherwise this all just going to be over too fast, and you'll be dead and I'll be - bored. - Come on, Wesley! Where is that stiff upper lip? (Get off him) Now, we've only done one of the five basic t*rture groups. We've done blunt - but that still leaves sharp, cold, hot and loud. Have a preference? (Wesley looks at her and nods. Faith pulls the gag out of his mouth) Well, that great! It's always better with audience participation. - May I take your order please?"

Wesley spits on the floor to one side of her.

Wesley: "I was your Watcher, Faith. - I know the real you - and eve if you k*ll me, there is just one thing I want you to remember."

Faith: "What's that, love?"

Wesley: "You - are a piece of sh.."

Faith interrupts him, stuffing the gag back into his mouth: "You should talk, huh? I guess I'll just have to try a little harder."

She walks over to a picture frame, smashes it on the table and picks up one of the glass shards.

Faith: "We'll switch to sharp for a while."

Cut to Cordy and Angel sitting in her apartment looking at a map of LA.

Cordy: "On Monday, - a guy was beaten up here, his wallet and car were stolen. He's still in the hospital. Four blocks over - is a restaurant where they had a major knock down drag out on Tuesday. Then here another guy ran into something he referred to as 'the bitch from hell,' who sent him home with paramedics. - That was on Wednesday."

Angel: "This was the first. Took his wallet and keys. Is he still in the hospital?"

Cordy: "Yeah. We were just gonna go down and talk to him."

Angel: "Where does he live?"

Cut to Faith sitting in the open window of the apartment looking at the bloodstained piece of glass in her hands. She lets it drop and listens to it shatter. Sighs.

Cut to Wesley still tied to the chair. Faith gets off the windowsill and comes over rubbing her hands together.

Faith: "That's refreshing. But I'm feeling a little cold. (Pats Wesley on the cheek) What do you say we warm the place up?"

We see that there are several bloodstains now on Wesley's shirt. Faith goes into the kitchen and picks up a lighter.

Faith: "Did you ever wonder if things would have been different - if we'd never met. What if you'd had Buffy - and Giles would have been my Watcher? You think you'd still be here right now? Or would Giles be sitting in that chair? - Or is it just like fate. You know, there is no choice. You were gonna be here no matter what. - (Picks up a spray can) You think about that stuff? - Fate - and destiny. (Walks over to Wesley) I don't. (Depresses the top of the spray can and holds the lighter flame into the spray igniting it where Wesley can get a good look at the resulting flame sh**ting forth) Not that any of this is your own fault. (Flames again) Since this may be - the last chance we will have to unload on each other, I feel that it is kind of my duty to tell you that if you'd been a better Watcher, I might have been a more positive role model! (Flames again) - Face it, Wesley, you really were a jerk. Always walking around as if you had some great big stake rammed up your - English Channel. (Frowns and takes the gag out) - I think I want to hear you scream."

Wesley: "You never will."

Faith: "Admit it, Wesley, didn't you always kind of have the hots for me?"

Faith flames again as the door burst form its hinges and Angel slowly walks in. Faith drops the can and lighter, pulls a knife and holds it against Wesley's throat.

Faith: "About time, soul-boy. Ready to play now?"

Angel: "I'm ready."

Cut to Angel stumbling out of the alley in Borsa.

Angel: "I can't. Oh god, I can't."

The woman steps up to the corner of the alley breathing hard and leaning against the wall. As she watches him go she fingers the bite mark on her neck.

Angel stumbles against a wall gasping, looking desperate, then moves on.

Cut to Faith: "Okay, you showed. But how do I know you are really in this? I mean if I k*ll him, would that help, or just be really funny?"

Angel: "You don't think I know what you're after? I do."

Faith: "You I have to k*ll. Wesley is just for the hell of it."

Angel is slowly walking so Faith has to turn to keep facing him, which puts her beside Wesley instead of behind him.

Angel: "This isn't about Wesley. This is about you and me."

Faith: "No, baby, he's payback."

Angel: "For what? I thought you were happy with the way you are. By the way you never told me how much I'm worth dusted, just out of curiosity."

Faith: "15 000 plus expenses."

Angel: "You're kidding."

Faith: "Hey, I'm young, willing to work my way up."

Angel: "You feel young, - do you, Faith? - You're looking pretty worn out to me."

Wesley throws himself back, toppling his chair and Angel instantly kicks Faith away from him. Wesley sees that Faith's knife is sticking point down in the wooden floor beside him.

Faith picks up a piece of wood and att*cks Angel. The slam each other around and Angel manages to get the impromptu stake away from Faith, tossing her onto the sofa, and breaks it over his knee.

Faith: "Is that all you got, vampire? Get in the game."

She kicks the glass topped sofa table at his face and broken glass flies everywhere. She jumps him, wrapping her legs around his waist and slamming him against the wall. She keeps hitting him, and they both fall to the floor with Faith sitting on top.

Faith: "Come on, Angel! I thought you were bad!"

He takes a hold of one of her wrists and tosses her off him. Faith tries to hit him with a floor lamp, but he avoids the hit, so she instead sweeps the feet out from under him as he gets up then catapults him over the sofa and across the room. She jumps over the sofa after him. Smashes a vase over his back then slams him into the ceiling.

Wesley has shimmied around and is trying to cut his bonds using the knife stuck in the floor.

Faith swings at Angel but he keeps ducking them, so instead she kicks him in the gut. Angel come back and hits her, she hits back then tosses him back over the sofa.

Faith: "You can't take me! No one can take me!"

Faith jumps to kick him again as he gets up, but Angel intercepts her kick with a piece of furniture. Faith sends him flying across the room again, then smashes up a glass-shelving unit when Angel ducks her next kick. Angel slams Faith down on the floor then slides her headfirst across the room into a wall. Faith comes up with another piece of wood in her hand.

Faith: "Come on!"

Angel tackles her and they both burst through the window, falling two stories to land on a trash-container lid. They roll off of it and Faith again throws Angel around.

Faith: "You're gonna die!"

Wesley is almost done sawing through his ropes.

Faith keeps hitting and kicking Angel. Halfway through this it starts to first rain then pour.

Faith: "You hear me? - You don't know what evil is! - I'm bad! - Fight back!"

Wesley has freed his hands and is untying the other ropes.

Faith keeps whaling on Angel, sometimes he ducks, sometimes the hits connect.

Angel grabs a hold of her: "Nice try, Faith."

He tosses her away from him. Then walks after her.

Angel: "I know what you want."

She hits him and he hits back dropping her. She comes back up hitting and screaming, but not making much of a dent.

Wesley leans out of the window and sees Faith beating up on Angel. He goes into the kitchen and grabs a butcher knife, then heads for the door.

Angel as he dodges another hit: "I'm not gonna make it easy for you."

Faith throws herself against Angel screaming: "I'm evil! I'm bad! I'm evil! Do you hear me? I'm bad! Angel, I'm bad! (She begins to sob, grabbing a hold of Angel's shirt and shaking him) I'm ba-ad. Do you hear me? I'm bad! I'm bad! I'm bad. Please. Angel, please, just do it."

Wesley comes running out of the house.

Faith sobbing: "Angel please, just do it. Just do it. Just k*ll me. Just k*ll me."

Angel wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulls her against him. She over balances them and they sink to their knees, Angel still holding her as she cries.

Angel: "Shh. It's all right. It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here. Shh."

The camera shows the knife dropping from Wesley's hand as he stands in the pouring rain, staring at them, while Faith cries and thunder rumbles overhead.