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01x06 - This Just Can't Be Right

Posted: 12/28/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
This is the end! Homura-chan? You What the hell do you think you're doing?! I see.

You're that irregular everyone's been talking about.

Using strange att*cks like that Don't interfere! Sayaka-chan! Don't worry.

She's only unconscious.

Who the hell are you? Whose side are you on? I am the ally of rationality and the enemy of needless conflict.

Which might you be? Sakura Kyoko Huh Have we met? Who knows? I have no idea what you're trying to pull.

I'll take my leave for now.

A wise choice.

Did you come here to save us? How many times must I tell you before you understand? How foolish can you be? I've already warned you countless times to stop coming here.

I If you intend to continue acting foolish I won't show any mercy.

Homura-chan, why? Don't mind her.

She's surely planning something.

You must exercise caution.

Akemi Homura.

Are you We should be okay for a little longer.

Whoa, it's completely black.

That's bad.

If it continues to collect taint the Witch may revive.

Don't worry.

Let me see it.

It should be fine, now.

Did you eat it? This is my job as well.

However, in order to purify your Soul Gem any further, you'll need to find another Grief Seed.

Is it really that important to keep this thing purified? Sakura Kyoko is powerful.

By keeping your Soul Gem pure, you can use as much magic as you please.

That's how Kyoko remains so powerful.

Still, I can't just sacrifice a human being for the sake of a Grief Seed.

The more magic you use, the more your Grief Seed will become tainted.

Sayaka, if you don't collect any more Grief Seeds, then there's no way you'll defeat Kyoko.

Sheesh Is that really the only way? Mami-san didn't have that many Grief Seeds, did she? But she was still able to fight.

That's the big difference between myself and her.

Well, that's true.

That sucks! It's so unfair! There's nothing we can do about it.

Kyoko is not only talented, but also a veteran.

You, on the other hand, have no experience.

However, if we were to compare talent, then there is someone who's more talented than Kyoko.

Oh? And who's that? Kaname Madoka-san.

Madoka? Are you serious? Yes.

So if you truly wish to defeat Kyoko, you would need to bring Madoka into the picture.

All she needs to do is form a contract with me.


I can't do that.

This is my fight.

I couldn't possibly drag her into this.


What is it this time? I want you to take this city.

The heck are you talking about? Only you are worthy of the title "Magical Girl.

" Miki Sayaka won't be able to.

Well, that was according to plan.

But how should we deal with Sayaka? If we leave her alone, she'll just start another fight with me.

I'm trying to think of a peaceful method.

Just stay put and leave the rest to me.

I have one last question for you.

Who are you? What's your motive? In two weeks "Walpurgis Night" will come to this city.

How do you know that? That's a secret.

In any case, we just need to defeat her; then, I can leave this city.

After that, it's all on you.

"Walpurgis Night", eh? That's going to be difficult to handle on your own.

If we team up, we may have a chance.

Want one? It's no use.

We've spent too much time here.

There's no way we can catch that familiar.

I see.

Hey, Sayaka-chan.

If you continue to search for Witches, we'll meet that girl again, won't we? Yeah, we will.

So, if we do meet with her again, could you two talk things over? If not, you two will end up arguing again.

Arguing? Is that really what you thought last night? That was a fight to the death.

It wasn't that serious at the start.

But by the end, we just wanted to k*ll each other.

Don't do that again So you expect me to "talk things over"? Don't be so dense.

She's someone who thinks of human beings as nothing more than a nest for Grief Seeds.

How do you expect us to calmly talk things over? Sayaka-chan, you became a Magical Girl to hunt Witches, right? She's not a Witch, but a Magical Girl like you.

If you two try, I know we can all be friends.

You may have different methods than she does, but you both want to hunt Witches.

The same goes for Homura-chan.

And Mami-san, too.

If she hadn't argued with Homura-chan That's wrong! You saw what happened, Madoka.

She waited until Mami-san died before coming to defeat the Witch.

She wanted that Grief Seed so badly that she didn't care if Mami-san died.

You're wrong That transfer student and Kyoko they're both the same! They only think about themselves.

I finally understand.

Mami-san was an exception.

Every other Magical Girl is the same.

No Even though that familiar wasn't powerful, it could still k*ll someone! You never know who its target may be.

It could even be your mom and dad.

It may even be Ta-kun! Can you just let that happen, Madoka? You'll forgive them for doing that? You know I'm not just fighting Witches.

I'm using my powers to protect those who are dear to me.

That's why if something far more vicious than a Witch were to appear, I will fight them.

Even if it is a Magical Girl.

Sayaka-chan Say something, Kyubei! All I can say is that it's very foolish.

Sayaka-chan has no chance of defeating Akemi Homura nor Sakura Kyoko.

But no matter how many times I tell her, she just won't listen.

Can't sleep? No.

Can we talk? My friend is in trouble She doesn't seem to have any ill intentions.

But the more she tries to do the right thing, the worse it gets.

That happens a lot.

It's unfortunate, but when you do that, it doesn't always feel like you're doing the right thing.

If everyone were to do what they feel is right, then there'll be no more happiness.

She's not doing anything wrong, and yet she can't find any happiness.

It's horrible.

What should I do? Something like this is delicate, so I'd suggest not interfering.

But even if it's not a perfect solution, you want to try, right? Yeah Then you'll need to do something wrong.

She's too thoughtful, and she needs someone to do something wrong for her.

Something wrong? Something like telling a lie or running away from something scary But you know, after you did that, you'll realize it was the right thing to do.

If you reach a point where you don't know what else you can do, then you might as well do something wrong.

How will she know it's for her? She'll understand, even if it's not immediately.

Like I said, it's not the perfect solution.

Would you rather give up on her or be misunderstood every now and then? Madoka.

You're a good kid.

You don't tell lies and you don't do anything wrong.

You've been trying to do the right thing.

You've already succeeded as a child.

So, before you become an adult, you need to learn when to do something wrong.

Learn when to do something wrong? As a kid, you heal quickly.

Take advantage of that and use your time to make mistakes.

You'll find it useful someday.

When you're older, it'll be harder to make those mistakes.

As our responsibilities increase, so does the need for caution.

Isn't that hard? Adults lead difficult lives.

That's why they drink their sorrows away.

I'd like to drink sake with you, too, someday.

Is that so? Then hurry and grow up already.

It has its rough times, but it's still fun.

If you're looking for Kamijou-san, he was discharged yesterday.

The rehabilitation was successful, so the treatment was completed early.

I-Is that so? You're going to head home already? You've chased him around all day, though.

You I know all about this guy.

He's the reason why you formed a contract with Kyubei.

Man Using your only chance to wish for something on this.

What would someone like you know? You're the only one who doesn't understand, idiot.

The reason magic exists is so that our deepest desires may become a reality.

It's worthless if you use it on someone else.

Didn't Tomoe Mami tell you that? Aren't there easier methods of getting a guy? Just use the magic that you worked so hard to obtain.

What? Go inside and break his arms and legs so that he can't play the violin anymore.

Make it so that he'll need your help to do anything.

That way, he'll be all yours.

Be it his heart or his body, it's all yours.

If you're too much of a wimp, then I'll do it for you.

Consider it a favor from another Magical Girl.

It's no big deal.

There's no way There's no way I'll let that slide This time Let's change our location, then.

Otherwise, people will see us.

She's too thoughtful, and she needs someone to do something wrong for her.

What can I possibly do? Madoka.

Madoka! Quickly, Sayaka's in trouble! Follow me.

There's no need to hold back.

Let's have some fun.

Wait, Sayaka-chan! M-Madoka?! Get out of here, this doesn't involve you.

I can't do that! This isn't right! Well, I guess annoying people have annoying friends.

What are you trying to say? Didn't we discuss this? I told you not to do anything to Miki Sayaka.

Your way of doing things is too slow for me.

Besides, she's as ready as I am.

Then I'll take care of her.

Do not interfere.

I'm jumping in when I finish this.

That's long enough.

Who the hell do you think you are?! I'm sorry, Sayaka-chan! Madoka, what are you doing!? But if I don't Sayaka-chan? That was really bad, Madoka.

You just threw away your friend.

Aren't you going to do something? What? What happened? Stop! What the hell is this? Is she dead?! Sayaka-chan Hey, Sayaka-chan.

Hey, wake up! Hey come on.

Hey, what's happening?! I didn't want this to happen! Sayaka-chan! What the f*ck is going on? Hey! A Magical Girl can only control their bodies within a 100 meter radius.

100 meters? What the hell is that supposed to mean?! You would normally keep your body nearby.

So this sort of thing rarely happens.

What are you saying, Kyubei?! Please, save her! I don't want Sayaka-chan to die! Madoka, that person is not Sayaka, it's merely a hollow shell.

You just threw the real Sayaka away.

W-What are you saying? If you were to use a human being's body, then there'd be no way for you to fight Witches.

For Magical Girls like yourselves, your original body is merely hardware.

It serves as a container for your soul, allowing you to channel magic efficiently.

Therefore, your soul is stored somewhere more compact and safe.

As the one responsible for forming contracts with Magical Girls, my job is to remove your souls and exchange them for Soul Gems.

You little bastard What the hell?! Stop f*cking around.

We're basically just zombies then, aren't we?! Don't you think that's better? If you get stabbed in the heart, or if you lose all the blood in your body You can just use magic to fix your body.

So long as your Soul Gem is there, you will never die.

This is much more effective than using an actual human body in a fight, no? That's terrible How could you possibly? Why are you girls always like this? Whenever I tell the truth, you react the same way.

I just don't get it.

Why do humans care so much about where their soul resides? What? What happened? You had a wish you wanted to grant so badly that you'd even accept your fate as a Magical Girl, right? Well, have I not granted you that wish? Can I face my true feelings?