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01x02 - Sewing Tinkerbell

Posted: 12/29/22 19:18
by bunniefuu
Ricardo Guzmán.

- How do you do.

- Yes.

I'm Anabel's lawyer.

Well I skimmed through your case, and I see you're charged with four crimes.

You were imposed pre
-trial detention.

Is that right? Yes, but I'm innocent.

You have to get me out, please.

I need you to tell me how you got into this situation.

I don't know what we're going to do with Lupe.

With your wife? What do you mean? In the divorce, she'll do anything to clean me out.

Mistreatment, abandonment of the family home But I don't care.

I'll start from scratch.


As long as I'm with you.


It's not fair.

What? You've spent your whole life working.

You can't lose it all.

- That's just not fair.

- What do you want me to do? Change asset ownership? I don't know.


Well, some people do it.


You'll get me out of here, right? Maybe a bail reduction
- A pardon.

- Pardon? You're charged with fraud, concealment of assets, money laundering and theft.

Two million euros.

I'm surprised your bail is not twice as much.

But I'm telling you I'm innocent.

Listen, I'm innocent! That's irrelevant now, Macarena.

Do you have one million euros or not? No.


I don't have one million euros.

I have nothing.

My house, my account Even my canary's cage was seized.

If you don't have the money I'm afraid you'll have to stay in prison.

I'm not feeling very well.

I'll see you another day.


All right.

No problem at all.

Darling, you know I love barbecues.


Saturday at lunchtime.


Listen, if you see Carmen, tell her I'll prepare the kid's gymkhana this time.

All right.

I love you too, OK.

I must hang up.

I'm busy.


I'm sorry.

I'm Carlos Sandoval.

- I'm your doctor.

- Macarena Ferreiro.

Nice to meet you.

Well, what happened? I felt dizzy and I couldn't breathe.

- Did you feel pressure on your chest?
- Yes, I still do.

- Those could be anxiety symptoms.

- Sure.

Please, take your shirt off and sit on the table.

I'll be there right away.

Let me see Macarena Ferreiro.

Cell 225.

-trial detention for fraud, concealment of assets, and theft.

It seems the public prosecutor thinks you should be here.


I'll have a listen to check your lungs.

Inhale through your mouth.


Your lungs are all right.

I'll get you a tranquilliser anyway, because your pulse is quite fast.

Are you allergic to any medication?
- No.

- And to injections? Well All right.

Close your fist.

There we go.

That's it.


All right.

Lie down.

That's it.

You can count on me for whatever you need.

If you're going to change your lawyer, a medical report to avoid a new trial Maybe ask for release privileges or a reduction.

- Thanks.

- You're welcome.

Or dr*gs to feel better.

Anxiolytics, sleeping pills a healthy diet, a cell with a sea view.

I can be your Father Christmas.

You, one of my reindeer.

Yolanda Montero.

With reductions, only three weeks left because of release privileges.

I'll be straightforward: who the f*ck was on duty last night? Fabio and I were in the control room until 12am.

Then we did the usual rounds until we found the corpse.

That's it.

That girl was k*lled while you were watching the monitors and "that's it"? No, no.

I was watching the monitors.

I was extracting milk, but I didn't see anything weird.

Governor, the question is how that girl could take a stroll at 1am.

Don't stray from the subject, please.

I'm not straying from the subject.

Why are the cells open at night? Is this a student dorm? A pyjama party? European guidelines advise a controlled free movement policy.

We have the lowest su1c1de rate.

We can't lock them up for 20 hours.

Do you think you're Gandhi for prisons? No! But I think things can be done differently.

If you think making a documentary and listening to the violin will make them happier, you've no f*cking idea what's going on.

Dignity! That's what I'm trying to give them! Right to privacy without having to defecate in groups in a tiny cell! You'd be better trying to protect them from themselves, they're not Erasmus students! They're murderers.

You've already seen it! Don't ever tell me what to do.

Colleagues, please We won't get anywhere by sh*t slinging all day.

And it certainly won't help us find a solution.

Can we focus on this?
- What happened to the security cams?
- They put magnets on the hard drives.

The police are investigating it.

They were deleted deliberately.

Only officers can access the control room.

I hope not, otherwise one of us would be an accessory to this crime.


- What do we know from the autopsy?
- They seem to have a vague idea.

The girl was cooked at 90 degrees Celsius with a clothes steamer.

- Why would anyone do that?
- To t*rture her.

The question is did she tell them about the 9 million euros? Stop it! Stop it! I'll smash your face! Take her away before I get into trouble! Whore! Are you OK? You look pale.

I need to rest.

Do you want a joint? Anabel can get you anything you need.

If you want a job when you get out, with that face I can get you 10,000 a month.

- And with this one?
- A turd.


- What's wrong with that lady?
- Well Somebody stole somebody's girlfriend No way.

- Curly.

- No way! In the showers.

You pulled it off on the first attempt! No way! I didn't steal anybody's girlfriend! I don't care about them! They can get back together! I want them to leave me alone! She can't be my girlfriend because I'm heterosexual, OK? In prison, you'd rather be somebody's girlfriend than everybody's.

How did things go with the lawyer? Bad.

He won't be able to help me.

I'm sorry, baby.

- But I did you that favour.

- Yes, and I appreciate it.

Do you know what you could do for me? At 9:10pm you must go to the courtyard.

Someone will give you something.

You just bring it to me.

But it's closed at 9.

- I can't be there.

- There won't be a problem.

And what is it?
- Something.

- It's not just "something".

What is it? Who'll give it to me? Don't ask so many questions.

Take this.

Use this card to open the courtyard door and come back to the cell with my package.


I won't do that.



Yes, you will.

Do you know why? Because I can tell Zulema you said she came for Yolanda last night.

Before she was found dead.

Do you know what Zulema does to snitches? She kills them.

You'll do great.

Get ready! In the dining room in five minutes! The prisoners already know about Yolanda.

That's the only thing they're talking about.

Check number 10.

I think they passed a spike or something like that.

- Look.

- sh*t! I'm going to stop this right now! Thanks.

Don't even think of trying the peas! They're big as hell and fluorescent.

I think they import them from Fukushima.

Attention! Inspection! Everybody stand up! Do not move.

Put your hands on your head.

Everyone in single file.

If you have a spike, you'll go to solitary confinement.

- You're f*cking brave, Paloma!
- Even though she's small.

Chief, I have nothing, you know it full well.

- I've been behaving very well lately.

- Shut up and turn around.

What are you doing? Do you have a spike? No, worse.

I have a card for opening the doors.

And it looked like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth! On the count of three, you'll get rid of it.

- What?
- One Two What are you doing? What are you touching?
- f*cking bitch!
- Attention.

Fight in the dining room.

You hurt me! Abuse! Abuse! This is abuse! f*ck! Let go of me! Abuse! Silence! Everyone get in line!
- Chief!
- What? What the f*ck's this doing here? A key card.

Let me see
- Shall I cut the courgette?
- Cut it in slices.

- Like this?
- Yes, that's perfect.

Your daughter is lovely.

- How old are you?
- Seven.


Take this.


Although Macarena isn't here, Lidia and I wanted to tell you that we're getting married.

That's great, son! Let's toast then! Here's to the happy couple! My dear
- Did you tell your sister?
- When could I? We were meeting for lunch, but she didn't think it important.

Yes, yes.

He'd be so excited if it was Macarena's wedding.

- Listen
- It's OK,
- this way we can practise weddings.

- Well, this is my second practice.

Why don't you answer? Hello.

- Mum.

- Macarena, my dear.

- How are you?
- Do you have a minute? Go on.

Do you remember when they put a dead bird in my school backpack? And when they used to stick the pages of my books with chewed gum?
- Of course I remember, love.

- Do you remember you always got angry because I didn't tell you about it? Yes, of course.

But, what's wrong? Mum, I did that because
- I couldn't see you suffer.

- Why do you talk about that now? Little by little, I got used to telling you half of my life.

The small beautiful part of it.

But there's nothing beautiful left to be told, Mum.

I'm sorry, Mum.

I'm so sorry.

Mum I'm in prison.

Mum, say something, please.

I fell in love with a married man
- and he tricked me.

- We'll get you a good lawyer! He'll be your lawyer.

You must keep calm and trust me.

In the preliminary hearing, I'll take responsibility for embezzling the money.

- You were tricked.

We'll appeal.

- Go on.

No, Mum.


I got seven years.

Four crimes.

You'll be able to explain it all, my darling.

The transfer has already been made.

This 200,000, raise it to 1,800,000.

But, Simón We're bankrupting the component branch.

I know, Maca.

But we must do all we can to save this company.

You were tricked, you'll explain it to them.

No, Mum.

I won't be able to explain it.

I'll never be able to do it.

- Hello?
- Hi, Maca.

- Where are you?
- In the car park.

- Bring me the money from the safe.

- Now? I made illicit transactions by proxy.

- It'll be easier taking it to Panama.

- What do you mean? I embezzled the company, finished it.

Put it in a bag, bring it.

I took the money out myself over several days.


I love you.

Almost two million euros disappeared.

They proved I stole them.

But how could you steal two million euros? Just by looking in your eyes, anyone can tell how sweet you are.

No, Mum.

I'm not.

If you ask for a favour, make sure you can repay it as soon as possible.

How could the prisoners get this?
- I don't have a clue.

- You don't have a clue? If prisoners can get cards and delete tapes how can I guarantee safety? It's your job.

And this means you're not doing it right.


Paloma, what's wrong? Do you need two more weeks off? No.

No, I'm fine.

It's hard, but I'm fine.

I need you to organise an inspection of all the cells.


Straight away.


All Cell Block 2 inmates must line up in front of their cells.

An inspection will take place.

- Where's Macarena?
- Attention.

All Cell Block 2 inmates must line up in front of their cells.

An inspection will take place.

Everyone still in front of the doors.

Attention: inspection!
- Where are you going?
- Let me through.

There's nothing here!
- Ferreiro, come out!
- What if I search your underpants? Ferreiro! Where's Ferreiro?
- Ferreiro, the newbie, is missing.

- Don't f*ck with me, Fabio.

I'm going to the laundry.

Go find her immediately.

Two, two.

Palacios, go to the courtyard! Help! Help! Help!
- It's over, it's over.

- Someone locked me up.

- Calm down.

- They locked me up.

I couldn't get out.

Can you walk? Let's go, then.

Where's the man who tricked you? Who is he? Were you in a relationship with the accused? That's absolutely false.

- Where was she?
- They had locked her up.

- Where?
- In the courtyard.

In the ball crate.

Search her.

She fell in love.

Then she got obsessed.

Do you mean the theft and the embezzlement were motivated by your refusal? Yes, My Lord.

Out of sheer spite.

That's what I think.

Solitary confinement.

No! No Please! No! I can't stay here for two weeks.

9 million euros.

Do you have one million euros, or not? If you don't have the money, I'm afraid you'll have to stay in prison.

For the attention of all inmates, today is the last day to enrol on the IT course.

The rooms are better than I expected, Mum.

They change the sheets every week and everything is quite clean.

It's like a boarding school.

The food is OK.

It's similar to what they gave me at the Jesuit school.

I usually work out in the morning: jogging, gymnastics We have lots of free time, so I'm reading a lot.

They have a huge library.

With classical authors, mainly.

There's three of us now, because there's a vacancy.

One of the girls has left.

But we'll be four again.

Mum, I'm keeping away from those who committed violent crimes.

These are nice people.

- Hey!
- I've also made some new friends.

- Anybody there?
- We spend our free time chatting.

Hello? You are new in the hole, right? Yes.

Last night was my second night here.

I've been here for a week.

Do you know what time it is? No, I guess it's morning.

These m*therf*ckers turn the lamps on every two hours for their rounds.

You don't know if it's day or night.

I usually guess by the meals but they keep changing them, too.

Why are you here? They caught me with 300 grams of dr*gs.

On my first day
- A strong start.

- But the dr*gs weren't mine.


That old chestnut! Same one as always, right? She does her business and we pay for it.

If you don't want to, you don't need to tell me.

But above all else, don't say a word to the officers.

It was my cellmate, Anabel.

I owed her a favour.

Would you like some advice?
- Don't sit on the floor all day.

- But that's all I feel like doing.

If you don't move, you'll end up needing to be carried, like those astronauts coming back to Earth because your muscles have wasted! I know.

Try to exhaust yourself: jump, walk, do push
-ups Whatever! You need to be tired or you won't sleep.

All right.

I'll try.

I think they're coming to take me out.

Take care! Hey! Thanks.

See you soon.

Good luck! It's a sprained wrist.

A small ligament rupture.

- Does it hurt here?
- Yes.

I'm going to prescribe you an anti

We don't have any here.

I'll be right back.

I don't feel like it.

- You know it's a compulsory checkup.

- Why a checkup? I'm clean, Doctor.

Governor's orders.

If it's not coming, drink more water.

Arsehole! Hey! Do you use, newbie?
- Do you use?
- No, of course not.

Then piss in here.

Or I'll be caught and put in isolation.

Thanks for the confidence but I'm not pissing anywhere, all right? They caught you with the dr*gs, but they'll screw me.

- You owe me this.

- No, I owe you nothing.

Losing the dr*gs wasn't my fault.

Come on.

If we don't help each other, they'll lock me in a hole without codeine or methadone.

Blondie Please, why won't you help me? Thanks.

Hurry up, Sandoval is about to come back.

If you rush me, it won't come out.



Estefanía, let's take the X

You're the best, Blondie.

They may ask me for another one tonight.

How did you get out of isolation?
- No one caught with heroin does.

- Yes I'm injured.

A sprained wrist.

- That's a good excuse.

Right, Tere?
- What? Should we give the spoilt brat a bandage so nobody knows she's a rat? What do you mean, a rat? A rat is a snitch.

You're wrong.

I didn't snitch on anyone.

You and I were the last two people who saw Yolanda alive.

I was asleep.

Show me.

I'm quite a bitch.

You won't trick me with bandages.

Nobody sleeps the first night.

Listen, newbie.

I'm not saying I'm not guilty.

But they have it in for me here.

And if you tell them that, they might even accuse me of m*rder.

Understand what I'm saying?
- I guess you're threatening me.

- Let me think Yes.

- Are you OK?
- It's my period.

I need a painkiller.

You'd better go to the courtyard, squat and press your kidneys with your fingers.


You won't go back to solitary, you'll stay here under my watch.

Here you are.

That's it.

Doctor, I just pissed.

I can see that.

Leave it there.

- You'll see I'm healthy as an ox.

- As an ox, yes.

Finished? I'll take this.

Four, two.

Take your time.

Thank you.

I don't know what to tell them.

Your parents are supposed to be there no matter what, without explanations.

Yes, but I told them I was sailing in the Mediterranean.

I've never done anything to worry them.

This is the first time in my life that I've done something unpredictable.

- And look how I ended up!
- Come here.

Take the sling off and hide the bandage.

Here, take some chocolate.

If you go in eating chocolate, they won't think this place is that bad.

Thank you.

Four, three.

- Hugging is not allowed.

- What? For more than five seconds.

No exchanging of goods, clothes or food.

Those are the rules.

Move away, please.

How are you, darling?
- Do they give you chocolates in jail?
- Yes.

They are thoughtful sometimes.

Do you want some? I'm all right, Mum.

I had so much to tell you and I've just gone blank.

Tell us about it.

How many women in your cell? There's three of us now, but A girl just left so there's a vacancy, but we'll be four again.

Are you grouped according to your crimes? Mum, I'm not living with women imprisoned for violent crimes or anything They are nice people.

Darling, your brother is getting married.

To the judge, you know.

They haven't set a proper date yet, of course.

She's a good girl.

- You look a bit skinny.

- Mum! I've only been here two days.

I look the same as when I got in.

Have you done something bad? The only bad thing I did was getting involved with a married man who was also my boss and who deceived me.

But I can't get out of here because they set a one million
-euro bail.

- One million euros?
- Yes.

- But we don't have one million euros!
- Darling Even if we sold our house or three houses! Darling.

I'm going to the hall for a second.

I need some fresh air.

Mum, please! I've had enough of this bullshit, Maca.

I don't believe a word you said.

I've been in the Civil Guard long enough to know nobody is charged with four crimes for nothing.

So start talking.

We changed the ownership and I falsified the accounting.

I liquidated the company withdrawing the cashflow and the money disappeared.

But he stole everything.

I didn't do it.

That's the truth.

The truth? Same as when you told us you were sailing on a boat? Or when you told us you'd met a wonderful man we couldn't meet because he was in Barcelona? Or the same truth as telling your mother jail is like a summer camp?
- I just don't want to hurt her.

- You've already hurt us both.

Look, young lady.

I've tried to teach you what is right and what is wrong.

And when you know something's wrong, you can't stand idly by, like a wimp.

You make a decision and act! Maybe that's why you're here.

You haven't made a decision in your whole life! Listen to this, Dad.

And then leave.

I'm innocent.

Whatever you think now, is up to you.

By tomorrow, I'll know if that's true.

- Can you make a ponytail?
- A ponytail?
- Can you?
- Yes.

Then make it.


You can solve any problem in here with money.

You'll find 500 euros under the table.

Take it discreetly.

Wait, hold on.

Go on.

Put it inside your ponytail.

Eh? Do you want liver or fish?
- Fish.

- I don't have any here.

They'll bring you some from the kitchen.

Next! We need the mackerel right now! When you know something's wrong, you make a decision and act.

You can't stand idly by.

You haven't made a decision in your whole life! Maybe that's why you're here.

Yo, newbie! Here's your fish.

Give it to her.

Your food, rat.

Eat it.


Eat it.


- No.

- Eat it! Who's the first one to go to solitary confinement? Stop it now! What's going on here? I can't eat the fish.

I promise I can't.

f*ck's sake.

Eat it.

Then you can throw it up in the toilet.

Those are the rules.

- I won't make it to the toilet.

- Come on, eat.

They've spat in her food.

Were you really going to eat it? Yes, I guess so.

Why? Because I'm a wimp.

Tell me to take two million euros of dirty money to a car park, and I do it.

Want to register properties in my name? Give me the papers.

I'll sign them.

And if I fall in love, it has to be a married man with children.

The same happens with the fish.

Have you ever let down someone who cares about you? Well, this is more than enough for my father.

He's had a bypass and I don't think he'll survive any more shocks.

Keep calm.

If you knew.

If you knew that something was happening here.

What would you do? Rat them out or keep it to yourself?
- This is not high school.

- Of course it's not.

Instead of sending you to the thinking corner, they k*ll you.

And I only have two options.

Telling the truth and ending up sliced open.

or shutting my mouth and ending up the same way.

What do you know about what's happening here? The night Yolanda d*ed was my first night here.

I know.

Nobody sleeps the first night.

Yolanda was holding my hand when Zulema showed up.

She called her out and they went to have a cigarette.

A couple of hours later, I started hearing noises.

Doors, lights Rushing footsteps.

I guess that was when they found her.

And did you see or hear anybody else in that period of time? I didn't see anyone, but I did hear something.

Footsteps and things like that.

Then, the cells were sealed.

You've been very brave telling me this, Macarena.

I promise I'll inform Inspector Castillo and ask him for maximum discretion.

I don't care if you are not discreet.

I witnessed something and I hope justice will prevail.

For that girl.

For Yolanda.