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01x08 - Pretty Woman

Posted: 12/29/22 19:24
by bunniefuu
Good morning.

Please sit down.

Firstly, some good news.

This month's wages will include what is owed from Christmas.

Good, about time.

On to other matters.

As you know, today we have a wedding.

Inmate Saray Vargas is getting married.

The ceremony will be held in the chapel.

Five family members, two witnesses, a priest and myself will be attending.

This is a fantastic opportunity to go public with it.

Imagine the headline: "Cruz del Sur supports groups at risk of social exclusion.

" Sandoval's right.

A bit of good publicity couldn't hurt.

- We've had a bad run recently.

- That's just great.

Can we cover up the woodland sh**ting, the dead Chinaman, Yolanda's m*rder, or that of our colleague Paloma, with a gypsy wedding? To finish up, another tricky subject.

- How are you, Tere?
- Fine.

Tere, how old are you? Have you had breakfast? Sandoval, for how long was Tere being treated with methadone? Two months.

Well that's two months wasted.

Someone has sold her heroin.

We all know who.

- Inmate Anabel Vilaroch.

- It's no use saying it was Anabel.

She doesn't do dr*gs, it was someone else.

I want her watched more closely.

Her friends and cellmates too.

I want to know how she gets the dr*gs.

Valbuena, be meticulous during frisking, raids and at entrance control points.

We're going to redo tests on all suspected drug users.

Palacios, I want you to read each letter inmates receive
- with Fabio.

- What? Excuse me? You're joking, right? Do I look like I'm joking? This is a priority.

This prison will not become another drug supermarket.

Exactly, Miranda.


I should be out there with my colleagues, using my faculties, instead of sitting here sifting through letters.

Remember, you're not on Homicide any more.

If you can't accept my decisions, find work elsewhere.

Let's get to work.

Palacios, a word.

I need a witness.

We're going to do another drug search.

Of course.

In the employee lockers.


Macarena wants the three of us to go to the next visit.

She has something important to say.

- Did she say what?
- No.

What if it's bad? Don't assume the worst, Encarna.

It could be anything.

What should I think? Do you know what it is? The prosecutor says she's guilty.

They'll have proof.

What do we know? Macarena is still awaiting trial.

Nobody has convicted her of anything.

- Macarena is innocent, Encarna.

- And how do you know? I went to see Simón.

I had him at gunpoint.

He told me everything.

He tricked Macarena and ripped her off.

It was him.

- Calm down.

- You had a man at gunpoint? Leopoldo, are you insane? You'll be the end of us all.

I had to know the truth.

You'll end up in jail, and my life will be even worse.

I went to the doctor because I couldn't even get out of bed.

I'm sorry, but my head hurts.

Excuse me.

I'm going to try and sleep.

- Do you want me to stay with you?
- No, go and see the lawyer.

That's more important.

You need to look relaxed in the interview.

Don't sit on the edge of the seat.

Don't slouch.

It will come across as disrespectful.

- OK.

- Understand?
- What does "slouch" mean?
- Sitting like this, with your legs apart.

That's how I always sit when I'm fingering myself anyway.

My uncle is going to love your honesty.

What if he asks why I'm in prison? Well, best to It doesn't matter.

- No, let's think.

- No, it doesn't matter.

Your uncle will never trust me.

Who would trust a thief with money? Nobody.

No one.

That's not fair.

People can change.

Or not.

What if I can't stop myself?
- And I steal the money?
- What do you mean? What if I think it seems great to have a job, but then I lose it and steal everything from the till? You're not a thief.

- I'm in jail.

- Curly, you're not a thief.

You're a lovely girl.

I would trust you with my money.


I'd also trust you with my child.

Curly, they att*cked you the first day I got here.

They beat you up because you helped me.

You barely knew me.

Whenever I've been down you've been there to help me, to tell me it's just like being on holiday.

And you know what? Ultimately, at times, there have been moments, where I've forgotten I'm in prison.

And it's down to you.

That's who you are.

Anyone who spends more than five minutes with you is going to see that too.

It's a real shame you're not a d*ke, Blondie.

They tell me you've got two belly

What's the question? I look good on camera.

Sure, there's dr*gs.

How could there not be dr*gs here, girl? If there weren't, it'd be bedlam in here.

There's loads, all kinds.

Do you want some? I can put you in touch with dealers.

I don't get involved.

It's like a supermarket here.

You can get it all.

How do the dr*gs get in? Up vaginas, up arseholes, in stomachs.

They throw it over the walls in shoes or nappies.

There's heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD.

It costs double.

Double the street price.

When there's a drought, there's glue, detergent, cheap stuff.

dr*gs are the non
-gypsy's bullshit.

We gypsies are smarter.

We sell them to people but we don't take any.

- Fabio Martínez.

- Go ahead.

Miranda, this is crazy.

Stop wasting time checking their things, come on.

They'll resent you for it.

I know.

Go on.

I'm paid to run this prison.

Keep going.

Not to make friends.

- That's mine, here you go.

- Thanks.

- Keep going.

- Empty, empty.

- Ismael Valbuena.

- Go ahead.

And what about me? My things aren't in here.

They're in my office, in the infirmary.

We can go there when we finish this.

Check everything there, or just frisk me now.

I'm not going through your things, Carlos.

30 officers work in this prison.

Can you vouch for every single one of them? That's not the point.

There are better ways of doing things.

Why do you second guess every decision I make? How's the gut? Sore? No.

It sometimes stings a bit, but there's almost no pain.

- Are you still?
- Yes.

I'm still pregnant.

It's a boy.

God knows what I'm going to do with a boy.

You men are strange.


Apparently you and Curly spend a lot of time together.


She's my friend, and a good one at that.

You shouldn't trust her.

I don't understand.

Let's see, this prison holds murderers and drug dealers.

Around here, stealing a car is no big deal.

Curly helped the police.

She bugged your cell with microphones.

That's why Castillo took you to the woods.


- That can't be true.

- Curly is a troubled girl.

How else could she earn third grade? I'm sorry to have to tell you this.

But the truth is, I owe you.

That's the real reason I came here.

To thank you for everything you did for me.

If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead.

I probably would be too.

Tell me something.

Why did you sh**t? I've already said.

I was scared, I ran, and it went off by accident.

I know that's what you told the police, but I don't buy it.

That's what happened.

Don't move.

You're Macarena, aren't you? Where's the money? It's two kilometres that way.

Turn around and start walking.

You're coming with me.


Don't move.

- I know you're out of b*ll*ts.

- Are you sure? You're coming with me.

Tell me where the money is, and then I'll take you back to prison.

I want you to give a message to Zulema.

Don't move.

I swear I'll sh**t.

"Tahiri Nafsek.

" Repeat! "Tahiri Navsuki.

" "Tahiri Nafsek.

" "Tahiri Nafsek.

" Good.

Now give me the g*n.



No! Zulema, I've got a message for you.

From who? Hanbal, the Egyptian.

What's the message? "Tahiri Nafsek.

- Where did you see him, bitch?
- I have nothing else to tell you.

- Where?
- In the woods.

Why the wait? I don't know.

Did you sh**t him? Have you shot him? No.

Look at me.

If you're lying to me if you hurt him, I'll cut you open, take your baby, and flush it away.

Give me the g*n.

I swear I'll sh**t.

Stop! Sandoval, I need to be moved to the maternity block.


Yes, the Governor told me.

What? I thought you wanted to avoid me.

Yes, but now I'm here talking to you.

I'm scared for this child.

I won't let anything bad happen to it.

I understand, of course.

How could I not sympathise with your situation? The problem is, Maca, that you're not the only one pregnant here.

There are girls further along than you.

And have done more to deserve it.

You know what I like most about you? You're much stronger than you look.

I don't think you'll be needing that.

I swear, I'm trying to be obedient.

I need to get into that block.

But there's something, deep inside of me.

Making me want to clench my teeth.

To bite down hard.

I'm not sure I can stop myself.

Welcome back to Block 2.

I think your transfer to the maternity block will have to wait for a more suitable moment.

They've cancelled the interview, they're not coming.

I'm sorry.

Dad, your food's ready.

The Egyptian burgled us.

- Are you sure?
- He's taken the money.

The money your mother got from her family.

And the map, the photos.

That bastard knows everything.


f*ck it.

We can't pay bail.

No bail money, no money in the woods, we've got absolutely nothing.

We can't leave Maca in there, Dad.

They're harassing her.

There's a prison officer asking her to suck him off.

How the f*ck do we get her out of there? What are you doing? Dad.

Where are you going?
- To get the money.

- And if he's there? He k*lled a policeman.


You whore.

Turn around.

I thought you were my friend, but you're a f*cking whore.

Why did you tell your uncle not to employ me? I thought you were my friend, but I don't want a friend any more.

Not one who records me and sells me out to the police.

They almost k*lled me because of you! You did it because of that? What would you have done? If they said they'd get you out of jail, wouldn't you? Of course you'd do it.

We aren't as different as you think.

"No, I shouldn't be here.

It's all a big mistake".

But where's the mistake? You committed fraud.

You stole.

For a man or for whatever's about to drop out your p*ssy.

You did it, Maca.

So you're no better than any bitch in here.

- It's empty.

- There are b*ll*ts in the glovebox.

You look like shit.

What's wrong with you? I've been thinking.

About you and me.

About our chat in the laundry room.

I wasn't honest.

There's something I didn't tell you.

I guess I was lying to myself.

I shot at your boyfriend in the woods.

I shot to k*ll.

And I missed.

I'm not a m*rder*r, but I could be.

Now you want to be bad, don't you? Don't you want to know why I did it? It wasn't because of you, or the money.

It was for my child.

So the next time you thr*aten to harm him, think about something.

I can be like you.

Like me? No.

I've never had anything to lose.

If anything happens to this child, I swear, I swear to God, you'll never leave prison.

Over there.

To the right.

Love has brought us here today.

Love that is free.

For that is the essence of marriage: freedom and commitment.

And the vows that Saray and Armando will make today, in front of their parents and witnesses, I LOVE YOU, GYPSY will unite them eternally.

Therefore, today is a joyous day for you, and for all those who love you.


Do you take Saray as your lawfully wedded wife? I do.

Saray, do you take Armando as your lawfully wedded husband? Yes, of course.

I do.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

To the happy couple! Sorry for startling you.

Zulema sent me, as a show of friendship, to serve you for the week.

For anything you need.

You must be joking.

I don't follow.

She sent me to make peace with you.

I can brush your hair, give you cream, have sex.

- I can also give massages.

- Stop.

I don't need anyone for any of that.

I'm fine by myself.

It's not you, honestly.

I just like to have my own space.

That's all I need.

Tell Zulema thank you, that I appreciate the gesture.

But I don't need a companion, a servant, or whatever you're meant to be.

OK? If I tell Zulema you don't accept me, she'll tear me to pieces, please.

It's just one week.

You won't even know I'm there.

I promise.

I won't make any noise or talk.


- Is something wrong?
- What?
- No, nothing.

- Just tell me, for f*ck's sake.

Miranda searched our lockers for dr*gs.

Cheeky bitch.

But the dickhead searching each and every one of them was me.

She was only there as a witness.

And you don't know how to say no? And I found this in Valbuena's locker.

I've kept it quiet.

- Coke.

- Shit.

Should I tell Miranda? See what happens.

I've thought about it, and it's my duty to tell her.

Now? You had your chance.

But I froze up.

Valbuena is a colleague.

A colleague that had dr*gs in his locker.


Now it looks like it's yours and not Valbuena's, idiot.


What should I do? I'll sort it out.

I want to know who sent me to the woods, with the money, the jihadist and his whore of a mother on a bike? Enough's enough.

From now on, just like me, you'll have the life of a pensioner.

Holidays in Benidorm, DIY at weekends.

They've put me in with a spic.

You've got to laugh.

Who would've thought I'd miss that Chinaman.

And Muñoz, and Fonseca.

That's what happens after so many years' service.

Castillo, we know each other.

Why did you come? To tell you that a t*rror1st wanted by half of Europe is not a good dance partner.

If you're talking about the 9 million, I don't have it, nor do I want it.

I'm glad, because that bastard is capable of turning up here and breaking skulls.

- You know that, right?
- I know.

But I have faith in this state's security forces.

Surely you'll catch him soon.

It's hard.

He never sleeps in the same place twice.

You know that.

He's one slippery bastard.

So any information, any clue, would really help.

All I can tell you is that the beer's getting warm.

All right, one more and I'll leave you be.

The Egyptian's g*n, it was a Glock.

He's capable of turning up here and breaking skulls.

Hot stuff.

You worthless b*tches.

I'm married.

Haven't you got anything to say? That's what I thought.

Let's sing or dance or something.

Everyone, free bar.

Who wants the bouquet? Who's the next bitch here to get married? Sing it! Keep singing! This is addressed to Zulema.

No dr*gs in it.

No return address.

Could it be from the Egyptian? Wow.

That's a beauty of a 500 note, a real one too.

If I take it, that's my rent paid.

- Don't you live with your mum?
- Does it matter? I guess we can't use Google Translate.

We'd best speak to Miranda and Castillo.

It looks like the Egyptian is trying to get in touch with Zulema.



You like the gift? Yes, a lovely gesture.

- What do you want?
- Absolutely nothing.

It's a goodwill gesture.

Since you got here, all I've done is thr*aten you.

I had my reasons.

9 million reasons.

- You don't need to give me your maid.

- No, don't call her maid.

Call her helper.

It upsets her.

Has she offended you? No, she's done nothing wrong.

I want to be left in peace.

I don't need anyone following me.

It suits the new you.

Everyone should know.

Hey, I give gifts with good intentions.

Do you despise me? Or are you still scared of me? I want to know who she speaks to, who she's close to.



The graphologists confirm that the handwriting found on the note corresponds to that of the Egyptian, the one we want.

What's the meaning of his poem? It's not poetry.

It's from the Qur'an.

Chapter 30, Aleya 12.

"On the day the hour arrives, the sinners will be in despair.

" Doesn't sound good.

When is Zulema supposed to get the letter? An inmate hands out the post mid

When all the jobs are done and they're back in their block.

It's vital that Zulema gets the letter with that note, and that she doesn't suspect that we've seen it.


Today she sees her lawyer.

- Do we act as normal?
- Yes.

We're watching her lawyer.

We don't want to tip him off.

I still don't get why is he writing verses from the Qur'an on 500 euro notes? He's letting her know he's got the money from Yolanda.

The notes' serial number is the same as those stolen from the truck.

I guess the quote from the Qur'an is to tell her to keep calm,
- that he'll get her out.

- And the phone number? Let's hope Zulema dials that number, and the Egyptian answers.

Then we'll trace the call.

With your approval, Miranda, I'll ask for a court order to tap all the phone booths this morning.

I'll inform the penal authorities.

We have a golden opportunity, to get the Chinaman's k*ller.

What are you doing? Write this down.

Six as*ault r*fles, handguns, amm*nit*on, and five grenades.

Tell me how much and I'll do the rest.