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02x06 - The Baboons

Posted: 12/30/22 12:28
by bunniefuu
I need you to do something that will benefit us both.

Become a sentinel.

You're kidding, right? No, I'm not kidding.

Now that Tere's in solitary there's a free spot.

That idiot Valbuena has summoned all the prisoners who want to apply.

I need you to be the next sentinel.

If you're so keen, why don't you do it? Because they'd never pick me Not for that.

Not even to pick up balls and put them back.

But they might pick you.

Go on.

Why do you want me to be a sentinel? It doesn't matter how hard you train, Maca.

We're just waiting to die here.

Damned, just like your family.

Don't you feel like those tragic cases on the TV, on their knees, just waiting to have their throats cut? Why don't they grab some dirt and throw it in the K*llers' eyes? And run like the wind? f*ck.

Maca, one in a million is better than nothing.

- And what are our chances?

- Make a deal with Karim.

Sell our souls.

Oh my God, girl.

But why? Sentences shorten for good conduct.

And what's so bad about being a sentinel and helping enforce the rules? That's not so bad.

Enforcing the rules? You're going to be a snitch.

You'll be Valbuena's pawn, don't you see? Look, Macarena.

I want you to hear something.

I don't want anyone in my cell being a sentinel.

You're going to get us in trouble.

You're keeping quiet.

What do you think? Me? If she feels being a sentinel is her calling, then let her.

Lights out.

But if she turns against us, then We'll k*ll her.

- k*ll her? I'll k*ll you!

- Hey, chill.

You asked, I answered.

Curly, please.

Oh, girl You can't buy me with gifts.

What gifts? All I'm saying is, I don't think you being a sentinel is cool.

Curly, I need you to trust me.

It's life or death.

A question of life or death? And you didn't say? Curly, I can't tell you.

Please, I need you to trust me.


- Don't get up.

- You want me to get up? Fine.

- I didn't say that.

- What? You told me to come up.

You've got such a cheek.


Do you remember your dreams? I only do if Blondie forgets to rub me up the right way

- Oh, is that so?

- Yes.

No dreams tonight then.

- You don't want me to rub you up?

- Stop, no, stop.

Stop, OK?

- Sole, what do you dream about?

- This is the odd bit.

It's always the same.

I see the most beautiful green meadow, beautiful.

There's a gentle rain, ever so gentle, slow.

I don't know.

Maybe it's a childhood memory.

When it rains in my country, the raindrops are more like buckets of water.

I've never seen rain like that.

Maybe it's from your donated heart?

- Obviously, possessing me.

- Shit, of course.

No, you've just seen too many ghost movies Apart from the rain, is there ham in your dreams, Sole?

- Ham?

- Aha.


Why should there be ham? Because I heard they sometimes do pig transplants, they're the closest animal to humans.

If I saw ham in my dreams, I'd have seen you eating it.

- One

-nil to Sole.

- Enough chitchat.

Soledad, I want you ready first thing, OK? The cardiologist is doing your checkup.

- That's fine.

- Palacios.

Why don't you sleep over? Poor Sole is having nightmares, and she needs a big bear hug.

- Or a pig hug.

- Old MacDonald had a farm

- You've got a cheek.

- Eey





- Shut up.

- Hey! Get to sleep.

What happened last night? You got up at 4 or 5am to look under the bed.

I saw you.

A noise woke me up.

Like eletrical interference.

- I think they've bugged us.

- Who? Castillo, Karim What do I know? I'm going nuts.


f*ck, Zulema.

That's disgusting.

- Your teeth have gone to shit.

- No, my gums.

And my arms.

- Sandoval says it's pyschosomatic.

- OK, OK.

Why were you talking to Macarena in the gym yesterday? You're a pain.

I was building bridges.

I need her.

- For now.

- I don't need to tell you this.

But be careful.

You can't trust her, and you know it.

She played us.

She could do it again.

- Shit.

- f*ck.

- What's up?

- What's your problem? Why did you give me moisturiser? What moisturiser? I'm just saying, don't go talking shit out there,

- trying to split up me and Maca.

- Leave it.

- Like I sent her on the run.

- Leave it Curly, I believe you.

No, we're going to sort this once and for all.

Because this crazy bitch is going to try anything to separate us.

To f*ck up what we've got.

And I can't be arsed.

- To f*ck it up?

- Great, start the match.

f*ck it up for you? And I'm the crazy one? Estefanía, I'm crazy for you.

Because I love you.

I might escape from this sh*thole but the only thing I'd do outside is not stop thinking about you.

How could I return to take you with me to the end of the world.

And this white bitch? What's she thinking about? Not you.

She's thinking about screwing us over, that she's being charged with m*rder.

That will happen.

What the hell do you know about my thoughts? You don't have a clue about loving someone.

I don't know about love and this white bitch does? She's not even a lesbian.

She doesn't love you.

She doesn't love you.

She's with you out of circumstance.

- Because it suits her.

- What circumstance? Shut up! I truly love you.

And what would she do with you? Steal cars? Steal cars, get wasted all night, sell knickers in the market all day? That's a low blow for ethnic minorities.


Why don't you do one? Why don't you? And don't tell me to shut up.

Hey! What's going on? Nothing, just old friends reminiscing about a trip to Morocco.

Eat your breakfast.

And do it silently.

Those who fight last the night.

You don't need to worry.

The haematocrit level and tacrolimus content are correct.

I see.

Doctor, one question.

I never used to remember my dreams, and now I do.

It seems so strange Well, before your levels were minimal.

You were at 30%.

That's why you didn't remember your dreams.

That results in extreme exhaustion.

But now, your level is at 85%.

Very good.

One moment, I'll just get your prescription.

Excuse me.

Yes? I'm just finishing appointments at the prison.

No, I can be there in around an hour.

Palacio, isn't the doctor pretty?

- And she's well educated.

- Soledad, please.

That's enough.

I've been telling you, I don't need a girlfriend.

I'm fine on my own.

No one likes being alone.

Whoever says they do says so because they're still looking.

Or worse, they haven't even looked.

Sintrom, digoxin and naproxen.

Right, the green ones are for the morning and the white ones, twice a day, morning and night.

And these, three times a day.

- These?

- Yes.

If you have any doubts, at the next checkup, ask I'll call you? Yes, my number's on the report.

- OK.

- Call me, and

- What's your name?

- Lucía.

- Antonio.

- OK.

- A pleasure.

We hadn't met.

- No.

Here I am, my heart beating.

You see life differently, you know? Back home, in my bed, tucked up, with my friends I missed them so much.

The treatment's a bitch, what can I say.

I have to take so many pills If you were to shake me, I'd rattle.

Six pills in the morning, six at night.

Four at midday.

It's not easy.

I have to lose weight, there's too much How am I going to lose that with no effort.

They say I have to reduce my waistline.

I've not had a waistline forever! I have to walk slowly on the treadmill.

If I walk slowly, I'm not going to lose 30 kilos! If I rush, my heart speeds up.

So And this one, preparing me meals, honestly All fresh fruits And I just want to eat some toast, heaped with butter Forget that, you can't.

Give me a kiss, you're the best! She's got such a nerve, what's she after! She's asking for it.

The sentinel post that was Tere's is vacant.

When she leaves solitary, we're not going to trust someone who shits on herself.

So you're the candidates.

I've been looking at your CVs Very detailed.

Whore, junkie, thief.

Honestly, I wouldn't let any of you walk my dog.

Contacting Karim is impossible.

He's got no phone number, no address.

An international t*rror1st does that, so they don't get caught.

But I still have an address from when he was in Oman.

It was how he got in touch with his sister.

- That's it.

- There's no other way? Since I'm telling you, I'm not going to be a sentinel.

I want to be a sentinel because I want prison benefits.

But above all, because I feel I'm ready.

I can do it properly.

- I have a degree in Economics.

- Economics? You're too highly qualified for the post.


The job's yours.

- No! Valbuena, please.

- Get lost.

It's over.

Valbuena, please, I would do it well.

You have to sign this.

Maybe I'm sticking my nose in, but the sentinel you just chose What? The prisoners in Block C say she snorts everything, even the washing powder.

She'll screw it up.

In that group, none of them are squeaky clean.

Well, maybe Macarena.

Because she licks you out at night? Does it bother you that we've got a thing? I might as well tell you that what I've got with her won't last.

You smell nice.

You're wearing my gift.

The moisturiser.

Do you like it? Yes.

Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll have a conjugal visit Can you imagine? Ferreiro, change of plan.

You start now.

- But what's wrong with me?

- Get the hell out of here.

You didn't even pass the test for one minute.

Go on, piss off out of here.

Are you serious? What's wrong with you? What do you make of that? My girlfriend cheating, right in front of my nose.

I'm going to speak to Carolina, see if we can fix things.

Are you listening to yourself? Sometimes, I don't know what the hell you're thinking.

I'm going to tell you something.

When the prisoners escaped and left me in that hole, for 11 hours, tied up like a dog, bleeding to death, sometimes losing my mind, I knew I was going to die.

So When I got out alive, I swore I'd be at peace with myself.

And when I saw you, my friend, the biggest problem wasn't that I was about to die, but that I'd left my wife.

It's just that Fabio, shit, you keep throwing me.

I I don't know want to do with you.

I don't know who you are.

One day you beat up a colleague, the next you're involved with a prisoner and you don't say a word.

- I'm sorry.

- No, I don't know who you are.

For me, there are two types of friends, you know? Some throw their hands up in despair if you call to say you k*lled some bastard.

Others turn up with a spade.

I'm one of the ones with a spade.

Which are you? Anabel, I need to talk to you.

- What, Zulema?

- f*ck.

Such manners.

We're talking.

Save it for another time.

Come on, out.

- I need you to get me two things.

- Toothpaste? Those gums are gross.

A mobile.

And a mic detector.

My fanny's pretty big, but the spy shop won't fit in there, love.

So refined.

The mic detector is the size of a small bulb.

That won't be cheap.

I escaped all the way to Morocco, I can treat myself.

Ten for the commissary Seven for the providers Tax 22.

Some expenses 10,000 euros.

As soon as you pay, you'll get it all.


Expenses on my account.

Make sure you get it all.

Zulema, we're big girls now.

Don't make me explain the rules.

You come here, interrupting business, asking for stupid stuff that you can't afford, forcing me to look at your face with that mouth that stinks like a drain.

Let's be honest.

We all know you've got no one, you're alone, and out there, they're just waiting to k*ll you.

You're the worst possible choice for a loan shark.

I've got the money, what the hell do you want in return? I don't want anything that's yours.

Although many girls would.

And their satisfaction is my satisfaction too.

It's so very weird.

I feel like there's something inside me that's foreign.

I want to know all about that person, what was their last feeling Their fears, were they happy? Hold their hands, give them a hug.

I wish I had the opportunity to thank them.

I don't know, if a relative discovered that their heart is giving life to a criminal, a person who has k*lled two human beings,

- maybe they'd spit in my face.

- Look.

- Jesus, what a shock.

- They might not like your accent.

Unless they tell you to give it back, they can say what they want.

You deserve that heart.

- No one more deserving than you.

- Look at my girls! So wonderful.

I didn't know they loved me so much.

Hello? Good afternoon.

Who am I speaking to? Hello, Fernando.

Look, this call might seem a bit strange, but Did you lose a family member recently? Your wife.

I wanted to tell you I have your wife's heart.

I mean, I'm wearing it.

They're only giving back what you gave to them.

It's very kind and generous of you.

So you'll be at peace with everyone.

The cuckoo sings gaily, He took away the fear, The cuckoo sings gaily, He took away the fear.


Come on! Hello.

Well, what a spectacle.

The woman with your wife's heart calls you up.

And asks you here, to a prison.

Complicated, isn't it? Well, yes.

You're right.

I know that everything I did was illegal.

Looking at the medical report, calling you In the hospital, they told us the donor's identity was kept secret.

Of course, yes.

I know.

This is not easy, honestly.

This is not easy.

Look, I can't stop thinking about your wife.

A little bit of her is inside me.

That little piece is so important that it's given me a chance to live again.

And I had to thank you.


You have given me new life.

Well, never mind.

That was all.

You can go now, if you like, and I promise I won't call again.

What would you like to know about my wife? Everything.

I want to know everything, everything.

But first, I want to tell you a little about me, you know? Because, well I'm not here for stealing some sweeties.

I burnt my husband alive.

Do you understand? But I think I can be a better person, with your wife's heart.

- There's one other

- My wife She was a bitch.

Sorry? The phone.

Karim's going to call it.

What happened? I smoothed over some issues from the past.

Who did that to you? There'll be time to hit back.

You're on duty.

Don't mess up.

It's hard to think that there are people like that.

She made life difficult for years, for me, for my daughters.

She destroyed the family on a whim, she mortified us, she It's awful to say, but We almost breathed a sigh of relief when we heard about the accident.

Is that terrible? I'm glad That finally, her heart is going to do something good.


At least you did something good with her.

The only thing I could've done with my husband was donate him to a grill house.

Time's up.

At least we had time for some good psychotherapy.

Thank you so much.

- Yes.

- Really.

I'm sorry if what I told you about her has affected you.

No, no.

It's fine.

Look at us.

We've got a knack for choosing a partner, haven't we? Thank you, once again.

And goodbye.

Excuse me, one second.

Would you mind if we met again? Are you asking for a date? If that's OK? That's OK.



Let's see the crime reports.

Julia, the one in 220, deals in phone cards.

- I think she steals them.

- Julia.



And in the chapel, under a bench, there were six joints.

They were stuck on with tape.

I don't know who left them, but I'll keep a look out.

Very good.

Ana Maria sells herself in her cell.

She keeps the money in her toilet bag.

Ana Maria Ana Maria.

Some prisoners aren't returning books to the library on time.

Do you have a list of offenders? Do you think I'm stupid? That's why you want to be a sentinel? Tell me about something real, or I'll punch you as far as the infirmary, right this second.

And try to prove it.


Who? Come here.

What? Anabel hides dr*gs in bottles of conditioner.

- Calm down.

- Let me go.

Look at me.


Maybe we'll even come to an understanding.

I'm going to check.

It had better be true, for your sake.

Watch her.

She doesn't leave until I'm back.

We need you to be a sentinel and get into Valbuena's office.

His computer.

How's it going, Anabel?

- All good?

- All good.

May I help you? Well, to be honest, yes.

I've noticed there's been a lot of static electricity here lately, and my hair's gone frizzy.

You don't have some conditioner around here or a mask for my hair? You just have to get online, open a new email account and hurry.

Because the officers' PCs lock every 5 minutes.

Who snitched? My little birds.

You're going to the hole, for a long time.

- Let's go.

- No, wait.

One second.

- A question, I don't mean to offend.

- Go on.

What does an officer like you earn? 1,800 euros? 2,000 a month, with overtime?

- Certainly more than a prisoner.

- Well That depends on the prisoner.

What Karim doesn't know is that I still have three million euros hidden in Morocco.

That's our bargaining chip.

I can make your wage triple that by the end of the month.

Don't be a smart arse with me, Anabel.

Come on, Valbuena.

I've got my own little birds.

I know you were getting some extra payments and they f*cked you over.

That won't happen to you if we do business.

Once you've made the account, you need to say: "Hi Karim.

It's Zulema.

I have something that may interest you.

"More than our lives, perhaps.

Call this number.

" Shit.

Today's your lucky day.

We're going to get on very well.

Now, get out.

- Hey, gorgeous.

- Hi.

Watch it, I'll end up starkers.

Have you heard about Anabel? Valbuena found her stuff.

She's going straight down.

- How?

- Someone will have squealed.

I wonder who? Hey, get off.

Hey, what's wrong with you? You've been like this for ages.

- Nothing's wrong with me.

- Yes, it is.

You tell me "hands off", and then you discuss a conjugal visit with Valbuena.

What's going on? Jealousy is an ugly thing, isn't it? A conjugal visit with Valbuena? Still on about that, girl? Sole, it was a joke.

So shut up.

- I won't.

- Yes.

No, I won't shut up.

Do you think I'm an arsehole? You're seducing him to get revenge.

Shut up now! Mind your own f*cking business!

- Shut up.

- I won't shut up.

- Listen!

- Shut up now.

Mind your own business.

- I won't!

- Yes! Do you want another 20 years for k*lling a r*pist? Is that true? Curly.


Valbuena r*ped you? Yes, he r*ped her.

He did.

And he put her in solitary so she couldn't talk.

And he shoved a hose up her so there wasn't any proof.

This needs to be reported.

I'm going to speak to the Governor.

And to the prison board.

This can't continue.

I won't stop until that bastard's in jail.

He'll get 10, 12, 14 years for r*pe and abuse of power.

We can't make decisions when we're angry.

Take her away! I need help in the canteen, send backup! Valbuena is down.

I repeat, Valbuena is down.